Most Recent Winner: Rugenia| Ira feat. Tanja - Human | 279 points | Valletta, Malta Comino Gozo
118 OOC Thread
IIWiki article
WorldVision Directory
(currently active, tbh we live on here)
Host Voting Open - 27th January 2025, 23:59 GMT
Sign Ups Close; Host Voting Close; IC Thread Up - 3rd February 2025, 23:59 GMT
Deadline for Entries; Voting Begins - 17th February 2025, 23:59 GMT
Voting Closes - 24th February 2025, 23:59 GMT
Welcome to the WorldVision Song Contest, based on the Eurovision Song Contest, aiming to provide and unite nations from different parts of the World through music. The WorldVision Song contest is an outlet to showcase the popular or native music of your nation. As with every contest, there are a few simple rules and regulations that you'll need to follow. If you're new, continue on to the FAQ/Guide To WorldVision! If you are simply looking for the rules, look no further than the box below:
FAQ / Guide To WorldVision
I'm new here, how does this all work?
Welcome! Here at WorldVision, we write our own lyrics to existing songs, and then vote on them! Many of us write performances and background information on the performer as well. This contest is based heavily on the Eurovision Song Contest, so it helps a lot if you're familiar with it! One major difference from it is that the winner doesn't host the next contest- here we have people bid each edition to host the next contest.
That sounds fun! How do I sign up?
Signing up is simple! You can fill out and post the application below, or simply state your interest in joining. If you do use the application, you don't need to fill everything in.
- Code: Select all
[b]Nation Name:[/b] Your nation's name goes here.
[b]Official Broadcaster:[/b] Your official broadcaster for WV goes here.
[b]Song Title:[/b] The IC Song title goes here.
[b]Artist(s) Name(s):[/b] The name of your act goes here.
[b]Tune:[/b] The real-life tune you're basing your song on goes here.
This is all so exciting! I want to host!
In order to host, you need to have fully participated once, especially to get the feel of how the contest runs. While you wait, you can look at current bids to learn what good bids look like. If you've signed up before host voting has begun, then you can vote for the host! Once you've finished a contest, you can bid for host. You can not vote in a host election if you have submitted a bid.
How do I write an entry?
Writing an entry is just a bit more work than Alexander Rybak makes it seem. Most of us use an existing song as a tune, which we usually link through YouTube, and rewrite the lyrics so that they are original- which means that we wrote them ourselves and did not copy the real lyrics (at least 80% should be your own, which is generally easy if you write your own). Translating real lyrics does not count!
To do well, it's best to write a performance and choose a tune that hasn't been used before - don't be afraid to ask us if you're unsure! In addition, it's always good to look at past contests and learn from the winners and highest placed entries.
If you do post a reservation/placeholder post for your entry, please make sure that you finish it with a completed set of lyrics. If you don't finish, or if you don't withdraw on the OOC thread, you will receive a strike, which is explained in the spoiler below this section.
The entry deadline passed, and there's a mistake in my entry! Can't I just fix it?
Please let the Committee know first! If it's a big edit, you'll need to ask for permission. If you're just fixing spelling, formatting, or a link, then it's fine! But if you make a big edit without permission, like finishing lyrics or adding more RP, you might get disqualified.
So what comes next? Voting?
Yes, that's right! After the entry deadline, you cannot edit your entry without permission from the Committee. After the host posts the interval act and opens voting, you may post your votes. Just like in Eurovision, you give 12 points to your favourite entry, then 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and finally 1 point to your next favourite. Please vote on time!! The host may choose to close voting after the deadline, but if you do not vote on time you will be disqualified.
Next, you do the televote. Here, it means that you open the form that is linked by the host, and rank each entry from 1 to 10, with 1 being worst and 10 being best. Ever since the official implementation of the televote in WV83, everyone's televotes will be revealed by the Committee, so you can see the full breakdown after the contest ends. We use a weighting system to calculate the televotes - this will be changed at the discretion of the committee if the number of 0's exceeds 10% of participating nations (this will be done only for those nations with a score of above -10).
This sounds awesome! I want to enter a puppet nation and write more entries!
You can do that! You may enter a second nation, but make sure you confirm that it is yours in the signups! However, with great power comes great responsibility: you can only give a maximum of 5 points to yourself in the jury vote, and only a maximum score of 6 in the televote, and together with your main nation you can only give a maximum of 14 jury points to another nation.
I do not feel safe or welcome here. What do I do?
If you are bullied, harassed, intimidated/etc by someone within the contest, please contact the Committee or one of its members, and we will ensure confidentiality and analyze the situation. We will deal with punishment as deemed appropriate depending on the severity of the offence.
I have more questions! Who do I ask?
If you have more questions you can ask in the thread, join the Discord server linked at the top of this post, or TG the WorldVision Committee. The Discord server is probably where you are going to get the fastest reply.
So basically, be original, try to be fair, don't be a jerk, and have fun. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to TG the Committee - it helps if you add the Committee's individual member names (Kalosia, Malta Comino Gozo, Polkopia, Saint Monkey, Todlichebujoku) in the "To:" box along with "WorldVision Committee" for a faster response. DM on Discord also works!
Even if you've missed the deadline or aren't participating, feel free to discuss the contest in this thread or post commentary in the IC. You'll find that we all greatly appreciate some good commentary.
With all that said, welcome to WorldVision!
Confirmed Nations (36)
- Achaean Republic
- Alezian Union
- Antahbrantahstan
- Axuva
- Banou
- Beepee
- Britonisea
Estogium - Darkmania
- Epic Bannana
- Furballland
- Hafamarimët
- Hakushiya
- Ignosia
- Illdonya
Robloxian Robloxia - Kinqueven
- Lagoa
Kasanova-Koratica - Malta Comino Gozo
Crustyland - Marissolia
- Nation M
- Placely Placington
- Plangainer
- Polkopia
- Quirhoshe
- Rugenia
- Saint Monkey
- San Javiera Y Jordan
- South Batoko
- StrayaRoos
- Suurna
- Uskad
- Unclear
- Waisnor
National Finals (2)
Host Bids (2)
Disqualified Nations (0)