WorldVision Song Contest 119 | OOC | SIGNUPS CLOSED

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WorldVision Committee
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WorldVision Song Contest 119 | OOC | SIGNUPS CLOSED

Postby WorldVision Committee » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:00 am

WorldVision & WHF Discord Chat
(currently active, tbh we live on here)


Host Voting Open - 27th January 2025, 23:59 GMT
Sign Ups Close; Host Voting Close; IC Thread Up - 3rd February 2025, 23:59 GMT
Deadline for Entries; Voting Begins - 17th February 2025, 23:59 GMT
Voting Closes - 24th February 2025, 23:59 GMT


Welcome to the WorldVision Song Contest, based on the Eurovision Song Contest, aiming to provide and unite nations from different parts of the World through music. The WorldVision Song contest is an outlet to showcase the popular or native music of your nation. As with every contest, there are a few simple rules and regulations that you'll need to follow. If you're new, continue on to the FAQ/Guide To WorldVision! If you are simply looking for the rules, look no further than the box below:

How It Works

  • Each nation will rank the other nations out of 10. Each number below 4 adds a scaled negative score whereas each number above 4 adds a scaled positive score (4 provides a neutral value). The complete score of each nation will be the total sum of the positive and negative scores. At this point, any nation with a negative score or 0 will be considered to have 0 televote points (only the bottom few nations might receive this). The rest of the nations with a positive score will have this score then multiplied until the total scores are equal to the amount of points distributed through the points on the IC thread (this from now is the IC "Juries").
  • This multiplied number will then be the televote score for each nation.
  • Unlike in the test run, the committee will assume responsibility for the televote, that is its recording and maintenance. This info will be given to the host when all nations have voted on the IC thread or when the deadline passes. This will allow the vote to not be influenced by the host, and to make sure the formula used is accurate.
  • The committee will also be responsible for publishing the complete voting result overview at the end of the voting, including the individual votes of nations, as well as the overall voting breakdown.
  • If the percentage of nations receiving 0 points in the televote exceeds 10% of the total competing nations that edition, the committee will reserve the right to change these percentages so that the percentage of nations receiving 0 points falls under 10% once again, as long as the nation's raw televote score is above -10. In this case, weightings changes will be done so that it does not affect any position in the top 3.
  • The host will be free to announce these results how they see fit, with the committee's strong recommendation to reveal them in the style of either of lowest to highest in the televote, or according to current standings after the jury vote.
  • In the event of a tie, the jury vote takes precedence.

Televote Instructions

  • In addition to the standard 12-1 points that we all post on the IC thread (which remains the same) there will also be an additional requirement. Each contestant must also submit a response to a google form in which they will rate each song from 1-10 (out of a maximum of 10) - with 1 to a song which they hated and 10 to a song they loved (and everything in between).
  • There are no restrictions on televoting - You can allocate scores in the televote however you wish, and you do not need this to be the same metric by which you measure your "jury" scores. Some suggestions may be to split your scores according to the Music/Lyrics/RP etc., but this is optional. We will still check for invalid votes, for example every nation being ranked the same, or in a specific "pattern", but this won't be an issue if one votes fairly.
  • You can give your puppet a maximum of 6 out of 10 in the televote and vice-versa to the main nation. If you have a puppet you will have to submit a second set of televoting points - however, you can submit a single set of points and include the ranking for both your main nation and puppet nation in the same form. You must inform the committee if you wish to do this in advance.
  • If you do not submit a televote, you will receive a 25% penalty on your original televote score (which will then be redistributed among the rest of the nations according to their televoting score). It is strongly recommended that you submit a televote score, but if you don't submit one, you don't have to worry about being disqualified.

As it was introduced prior to the start of '79, the same strike system for punishments will be in effect, where players breaking certain contest rules will receive strikes depending on the severity.

    • One Strike: No immediate consequences;
    • Two Strikes: One-contest ban;
    • Three Strikes: Two-contest ban.
  • Strikes expire after five editions; however, a strike expiring during a ban does not edit or shorten it.
  • Bans stack; that is, a nation reaching three strikes within one edition is immediately banned for the following three editions.
  • Bans erase strikes once they are completed.

    Here are the following issues that can net you a strike:

    One strike:
    • Not voting in the contest (will also disqualify a contestant from competing)
    • Changing votes without Worldvision Committee supervision.
    • Posting halftime results when not the host or WVC & refusing to remove results (which also results in disqualification)
    • Posting an incomplete entry.
    • Not declaring a new puppet, or when transferring ownership of a puppet.
    • Using AI to write lyrics or RP (which also comes with a 25% televote reduction). AI images, using AI to translate or using AI as inspiration are all completely fine.

    Two strikes:
    • Engaging in tactical voting.
    • Intentionally refusing to vote.
    • Attempts to evade a ban.
    • Entering more than one puppet in the contest.

FAQ / Guide To WorldVision

I'm new here, how does this all work?

Welcome! Here at WorldVision, we write our own lyrics to existing songs, and then vote on them! Many of us write performances and background information on the performer as well. This contest is based heavily on the Eurovision Song Contest, so it helps a lot if you're familiar with it! One major difference from it is that the winner doesn't host the next contest- here we have people bid each edition to host the next contest.

That sounds fun! How do I sign up?

Signing up is simple! You can fill out and post the application below, or simply state your interest in joining. If you do use the application, you don't need to fill everything in.

Code: Select all
[b]Nation Name:[/b] Your nation's name goes here.
[b]Official Broadcaster:[/b] Your official broadcaster for WV goes here.
[b]Song Title:[/b] The IC Song title goes here.
[b]Artist(s) Name(s):[/b] The name of your act goes here.

[b]Tune:[/b] The real-life tune you're basing your song on goes here.

This is all so exciting! I want to host!

In order to host, you need to have fully participated once, especially to get the feel of how the contest runs. While you wait, you can look at current bids to learn what good bids look like. If you've signed up before host voting has begun, then you can vote for the host! Once you've finished a contest, you can bid for host. You can not vote in a host election if you have submitted a bid.

How do I write an entry?

Writing an entry is just a bit more work than Alexander Rybak makes it seem. Most of us use an existing song as a tune, which we usually link through YouTube, and rewrite the lyrics so that they are original- which means that we wrote them ourselves and did not copy the real lyrics (at least 80% should be your own, which is generally easy if you write your own). Translating real lyrics does not count!

To do well, it's best to write a performance and choose a tune that hasn't been used before - don't be afraid to ask us if you're unsure! In addition, it's always good to look at past contests and learn from the winners and highest placed entries.

If you do post a reservation/placeholder post for your entry, please make sure that you finish it with a completed set of lyrics. If you don't finish, or if you don't withdraw on the OOC thread, you will receive a strike, which is explained in the spoiler below this section.

The entry deadline passed, and there's a mistake in my entry! Can't I just fix it?

Please let the Committee know first! If it's a big edit, you'll need to ask for permission. If you're just fixing spelling, formatting, or a link, then it's fine! But if you make a big edit without permission, like finishing lyrics or adding more RP, you might get disqualified.

So what comes next? Voting?

Yes, that's right! After the entry deadline, you cannot edit your entry without permission from the Committee. After the host posts the interval act and opens voting, you may post your votes. Just like in Eurovision, you give 12 points to your favourite entry, then 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and finally 1 point to your next favourite. Please vote on time!! The host may choose to close voting after the deadline, but if you do not vote on time you will be disqualified.

Next, you do the televote. Here, it means that you open the form that is linked by the host, and rank each entry from 1 to 10, with 1 being worst and 10 being best. Ever since the official implementation of the televote in WV83, everyone's televotes will be revealed by the Committee, so you can see the full breakdown after the contest ends. We use a weighting system to calculate the televotes - this will be changed at the discretion of the committee if the number of 0's exceeds 10% of participating nations (this will be done only for those nations with a score of above -10).

This sounds awesome! I want to enter a puppet nation and write more entries!

You can do that! You may enter a second nation, but make sure you confirm that it is yours in the signups! However, with great power comes great responsibility: you can only give a maximum of 5 points to yourself in the jury vote, and only a maximum score of 6 in the televote, and together with your main nation you can only give a maximum of 14 jury points to another nation.

I do not feel safe or welcome here. What do I do?

If you are bullied, harassed, intimidated/etc by someone within the contest, please contact the Committee or one of its members, and we will ensure confidentiality and analyze the situation. We will deal with punishment as deemed appropriate depending on the severity of the offence.

I have more questions! Who do I ask?

If you have more questions you can ask in the thread, join the Discord server linked at the top of this post, or TG the WorldVision Committee. The Discord server is probably where you are going to get the fastest reply.

So basically, be original, try to be fair, don't be a jerk, and have fun. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to TG the Committee - it helps if you add the Committee's individual member names (Kalosia, Malta Comino Gozo, Polkopia, Saint Monkey, Todlichebujoku) in the "To:" box along with "WorldVision Committee" for a faster response. DM on Discord also works!

Even if you've missed the deadline or aren't participating, feel free to discuss the contest in this thread or post commentary in the IC. You'll find that we all greatly appreciate some good commentary.

With all that said, welcome to WorldVision!

Confirmed Nations (36)

  • Achaean Republic
  • Alezian Union
  • Antahbrantahstan
  • Axuva
  • Banou
  • Beepee
  • Britonisea
  • Darkmania
  • Epic Bannana
  • Furballland
  • Hafamarimët
  • Hakushiya
  • Ignosia
  • Illdonya
    Robloxian Robloxia
  • Kinqueven
  • Lagoa
  • Malta Comino Gozo
  • Marissolia
  • Nation M
  • Placely Placington
  • Plangainer
  • Polkopia
  • Quirhoshe
  • Rugenia
  • Saint Monkey
  • San Javiera Y Jordan
  • South Batoko
  • StrayaRoos
  • Suurna
  • Uskad
  • Unclear
  • Waisnor

National Finals (2)

Host Bids (2)

Disqualified Nations (0)
Last edited by WorldVision Committee on Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:52 am, edited 14 times in total.
WorldVision Song Contest Committee
"Uniting the Multiverse through Music"

Run by Kalosia, Malta Comino Gozo, Polkopia, Saint Monkey, and Todlichebujoku

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Postby Polkopia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:03 am

In. NF to come soon.
Anthem (Instrumental) Factbook Embassy
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1st place: 8 Times (WV25, WV30, WV35 WV39, WV44, WV48, WV50, WV75)
2nd place: 2 Times (WV26, WV34)
3rd place (8 Times: WV27, WV31, WV32, WV37, WV54, WV59, WV70, WV72)

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Saint Monkey
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Postby Saint Monkey » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:08 am

Nation Name: Saint Monkey
Official Broadcaster: SMBS
Song Title: Thirteen
Artist(s) Name(s): Benata (Ben Onata)

Tune: Hozier - Too Sweet

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Placely Placington
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Postby Placely Placington » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:08 am

It's a working title that I'll probably change closer to the IC thread going up but here's an entry anyway.

Nation Name: Placely Placington
Official Broadcaster: Wait, We Have A Broadcaster?
Song Title: Placely Dancehall Song
Artist(s) Name(s): Dave McDaverson and Television Director

Tune: Steven Seagal and Lady Saw - Strut
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Postby Marissolia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:11 am

MBC TV has renewed its participation for Worldvision for at least three more editions
18 Irish

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Postby Banou » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:36 am

Banou confirms participation in the 119th WorldVision Song Contest.

(Plangainer is 50% confirmed)
Last edited by Banou on Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Rugenia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:15 am

PALINA GAL | Straight from the University Hospital of Maregrad to the Worldvision stage

Palina Gal will represent Rugenia at the 119th Worldvision Song Contest with her song “Our Story”. She is 28 years old and lives in Maregrad, the capital city. Almost no one in Rugenia knew her before, because she usually works as a children’s doctor at the university hospital in Maregrad. In her free time, she loves to sing. She wrote the song “Our Story” as a love message to her childhood sweetheart and husband Ivan. He secretly sent the song to RTV1 and signed her up for the Worldvision Song Contest internal selection. It worked, RTV1 decided to chose this special song! Now Palina has the honor of representing Rugenia at the contest.


Nation Name: Rugenia
Official Broadcaster: RTV1
Song Title: Our Story
Artist(s) Name(s): Palina Gal

Tune: Dotter - It‘s Not Easy to Write a Love Song
Last edited by Rugenia on Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Čänlëdïl WorldVisionvun 100vjë Atedö Special

Postby Hafamarimyht » Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:01 pm


WorldVision 119 marks 100 editions since Hafamarimët’s debut in the contest. 100 proved to be a lucky number for Rugenia, winning WV118 exactly 100 editions after their last win in WV18, so TVH is hoping similar luck plays out for Hafamarimët, perhaps bringing a first victory to the country. To help with that, TVH has put together the Čänlëdïl WorldVisionvun 100vjë Atedö Special as the national final to select the Hafamari entry to WV119. Here are the six grand finalists:

1. Sit & Wiggle
Crustyland Choir
Tune: True Vibenation & Haiku Hands - Squat
Summary: Toeing the line between seriously danceable and sarcastically over-the-top, Crustyland Choir bring a bop with a dolphin sample and some chair choreography.

2. Don’t Lose the Fire
Tune: Sleep Thieves Oceans
Summary: A brand new dark electro-pop band from Bundič making a name for themselves with an aesthetic inspired by 18th century European royalty …if they had survived an apocalypse.

3. Hudïl
Tune: Kylie Minogue - Lights Camera Action
Summary: Samëči has represented Hafamarimët at WorldVision 4 times, including at Hafamarimët’s debut 100 editions ago in WV19. She returns with more of her signature catchy dance-pop.

4. Vekrajek
Dehana Vemjëlačuk
Tune: HUGEL ft. Amber Van Day - WTF
Summary: 19 year old Dehana’s debut single, proving she is ready to fight.

5. The Takeover
Asankalo Vmunatëlaju
Tune: Dirty Vegas - Underwater
Summary: Singer Rïnjo Kundanetka and producer/DJ Pnejhan Čedër, a duo whose name translates to “Emergency on the Dancefloor,” had a massive hit in 2002 with “Hud Öjved” that has recently enjoyed a resurgence in popularity on TikTok and other social media. This is the first song they have released since 2008.

6. Dnäs
Tune: Shkodra Elektronike - Zjerm
Summary: LUCKS brings some ethno-electro to the party, with an impressive staging involving the singer being rotated upside down at one point.

To vote, please rank each song out of 10, with 10 being the highest score. You may give multiple songs the same score. You can TG me here on nationstates (Hafamarimyht) OR message me on discord (@HafaGoodTime). The deadline is 31 January 2025, 23:59 US Eastern Time.

Thank you!
Last edited by Hafamarimyht on Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
IBA Council Member (Arts & Culture)

WV19: 23rd (27pts)
WV24: 34th (9pts)
WV26: 34th (28 pts)
WV27: 31st (27 pts)
WV28: 28th (21 pts)
WV30: 18th (39 pts)
WV34: DQ
WV82: 24th (18 pts)
WV86: 21st (99pts)
WV87: 9th (160pts)
WV88: 19th (121pts)
WV90: 26th (81pts)
WV91: 15th (117pts)
WV96: 17th (134pts)
WV99: 11th (158pts)
WV100: 16th in SF/DNQ
WV109: 18th (71pts)
WV110: 8th (156pts)
WV111: 7th (196pts)
WV112: 8th (146pts)
WV115: 10th (125pts)
WV116: 7th (162pts)
WV118: 10th (133pts)

WHF5: 8th (16pts)
WHF11: 22nd (3pts)
WHF13: 24th (5pts)
WHF56: 20th (6pts)
WHF57: 8th (18pts)
WHF59: 10th (13pts)
WHF73: 2nd (22pts)
WHF74 (HOST): 5th (11pts)
WHF75: 5th (19pts)
WHF77: 5th (12pts)

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Postby Kinqueven » Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:41 pm

You tell me whether or not I participate
This is my signature. You better like it.

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Malta Comino Gozo
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Postby Malta Comino Gozo » Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:58 pm

Kinqueven wrote:You tell me whether or not I participate

Pigs will fly
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Achaean Republic
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Postby Achaean Republic » Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:40 pm

Nation Name: Achaean Republic
Official Broadcaster: AS1
Song Title: A Lucy ("For Lucy")
Artist(s) Name(s): Orquesta La Corolana

Tune: El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico - Ámame

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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Polkopia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:26 pm


In a much-anticipated announcement, the Polkopian National Broadcaster (PNB) has officially confirmed Polkopia’s participation in the upcoming 119th edition of the Worldvision Song Contest.

Last edition, Polkopia was represented by Galina Vyusić, who delivered a heartfelt ballad intended to resonate with audiences around the multiverse. Despite her moving performance, Polkopia finished in 13th place—a result that fell short of the high expectations set by the nation’s previous track record in the contest. Determined to reclaim its status as a top contender, Polkopia is ready to approach the upcoming contest with renewed vigor.

Moments ago, the highly anticipated lineup for Symfonik was officially announced, sparking excitement among fans and industry insiders alike. As in previous years, the PNB is extending an invitation to international juries to participate in the voting process. Their scores, combined with results from a nationwide televote in a balanced 50/50 format, will decide the overall winner of the competition.

For those eager to dive into the excitement, the list of competing entries and further details about Symfonik can be found below:

Semi #1

#1.Lidiya Live - Red Velvet
Language: English
Tune: Skye Riley - Blood On White Satin

#2.Nataša Berezinskaya - Asfalt
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: Asphalt
Tune: Юля Паршута – Камикадзе

#3.Alina Tar'yeta - Čito Budet Dal'še
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: What Happens Next
Tune: То-ма - Выживут только любовники

#4.Nikolai Alyon'tsev – Gerovin
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: Heroin
Tune: CHEEV - Більш немає крил

#5.AROV – Nothing
Language: English
Tune: Damiano David - Born With a Broken Heart

Semi #2

#1.Anna Viktoreevna - Love the Way You Lie
Language: English
Tune: Rita Ora - Don't Think Twice

#2. DAVIDOV – Ya Ne Boyus'
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: I Am Not Afraid
Tune: Инь-Ян - Я не вернусь

#3.Klappka - Krasiva
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: Beautiful
Tune: To-ma - Мальчик

#4. Denis Mal'čuk - Miraž
Language: English, Polkopian
Translation: Mirage
Tune: ToMa - Kriva procjena

#5. ROMA – Prosti Menya
Language: Polkopian
Title Translation: Forgive Me
Tune: SuperSonya - Уходи

To vote: Send a TG (Or DM on Discord) to Polkopia with all 10 of the songs in order from your favorite to least favorite.
Anthem (Instrumental) Factbook Embassy
Check out the Polkopian Premier League

1st place: 8 Times (WV25, WV30, WV35 WV39, WV44, WV48, WV50, WV75)
2nd place: 2 Times (WV26, WV34)
3rd place (8 Times: WV27, WV31, WV32, WV37, WV54, WV59, WV70, WV72)

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Nation M
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Postby Nation M » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:04 pm

In! shooting for top 15, fingers crossed!
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WorldVision Committee
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Postby WorldVision Committee » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:12 pm

WorldVision Charts and Updates

New year, new WV edition! The WV Committee has been working behind the scenes to plan and design improvements to the contest we've all come to know and love. Not sure about the latter. Anyway, here comes WorldVision Charts and Updates:

The Charts

The WV Directory has been updated to reflect the previous contest.

And now for the updates:

The Updates

RotW is here to stay

Thank you for everyone who participated in the test run for the Rest of the World vote last edition. Of course, we would love to see you return (or debut?) this edition, but for those of you who are eligible to take part in the RotW vote this edition, we will continue to have it. Learning from our experience last edition, RotW will be integrated into the televote rather than the jury vote, but just like last edition the cumulative RotW results will count towards one single set of votes.

On your end, nothing will change in how you vote as RotW. Remember, you have to either be an IBA member (full or associate) OR have signed up for WV119 (but not participate) in order to be eligible to vote as RotW for WV119.

Towards a more predictable WorldVision cycle

Ever hesitated from signing up because you were afraid you'd have to write your entry during finals week? Or have you on occasion asked the WVC when the dates of the next contest will take place, just so you can plan your own sports RP around it? Fret no more!

Starting this edition, WorldVision will run over a 2-month cycle, meaning you can always accurately predict when the dates of an edition will take place. This also guarantees that exactly 6 editions will take place in a year, and there will be some buffer time between editions, which means forum downtime or semifinals won't throw things off track. Some adjustments to WV119 have been made, but the following editions will follow this schedule:

Signups open: The first day of an odd-numbered month
Host voting opens: The Monday between the 15th and the 21st of the month
Host voting closes, IC thread open: The following Monday
Voting opens: 2 weeks afterwards
Voting closes: 1 week afterwards

This is what the schedule for the rest of the year will look like:

WorldVision 120
Signups open: 1 March
Host voting opens: 17 March
IC thread opens: 24 March
Voting opens: 7 April
Voting closes: 14 April

WorldVision 121
Signups open: 1 May
Host voting opens: 19 May
IC thread opens: 26 May
Voting opens: 9 June
Voting closes: 16 June

WorldVision 122
Signups open: 1 July
Host voting opens: 21 July
IC thread opens: 28 July
Voting opens: 4 August
Voting closes: 11 August

WorldVision 123
Signups open: 1 September
Host voting opens: 15 September
IC thread opens: 22 September
Voting opens: 6 October
Voting closes: 13 October

WorldVision 124
Signups open: 1 November
Host voting opens: 17 November
IC thread opens: 24 November
Voting opens: 1 December
Voting closes: 8 December

We made this decision following the overwhelming support from those of you who voted in WorldVision last edition—half of participating voters and all RotW voters supported having 2-month long WV cycles. We listened, and will continue to be all ears!

ICYMI: Weightings

We debuted a new set of weightings for the televote last edition, at -10, -6, -4, -2, 0, 4, 8, 10, 15, 25.

Anything else?

If you have any ideas or concerns, feel free to raise them here in the OOC thread, on our Discord, or in our suggestions box. The WVC currently meets once a week to discuss matters concerning all things WorldVision.

Thanks and we look forward to your participation at the 119th WorldVision Song Contest!

Last edited by WorldVision Committee on Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
WorldVision Song Contest Committee
"Uniting the Multiverse through Music"

Run by Kalosia, Malta Comino Gozo, Polkopia, Saint Monkey, and Todlichebujoku

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Alezian Union
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Postby Alezian Union » Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:53 am

Okay this is turning into a bad habit for me but...
Let's hope I can compete this time, I got a real good tune going on

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Postby StrayaRoos » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:19 am

in. tune is TBC.
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Epic bannana
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Postby Epic bannana » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:53 pm

in, tune TBC

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Postby Axuva » Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:15 am

MWN 2, D²LEGACY & IDH ENTERTAINMENT Presents: "daniilDAMIANI - Kingdom"

Axuva announces daniilDAMIANI will represent Axuva in the 119th Worldvision Song Contest, known for his powerful vocals, incredible stage presence, dynamic musicality & artistry!

"We are absolutely thrilled to have daniilDAMIANI representing Axuva at the 119th Worldvision Song Contest. His artistry, passion, and sheer talent will certainly capture the attention of the audience from around the world and we couldn’t be prouder of the power he’s bringing to Worldvision with ‘Kingdom.’
-Sooyoung Park, Head of Delegation


Nation Name: Axuva
Official Broadcaster: MWN 2
Song Title: Kingdom
Artist(s) Name(s): daniilDAMIANI

Last edited by Axuva on Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Axuva Today Network [ATN] Today we announce that the Axuvian Government now recognizes The Russian Language as an Official Language, Korean and English were spoken in the beginning, but there were Russians too, russians were forgotten and their language were not recognized due to the things they did in the past, but now their language is a official language of Axuva, and there will now be 3 official languages instead of two.

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WV 119 - Ignosia confrims its participation

Postby Ignosia » Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:53 pm

After last edition's success with Viliam Tuns, who ended on wonderful 12th place (9th in televoting) with his song Bye Gustenburg Shadows, INRT has decided that Ignosia will take a part in WV 119. It will be the fourth time Ignosia will participate. It wasn't decided yet if The Star of Ignosia will be held for the second time, but all of the information about the selection will be released soon.
Last edited by Ignosia on Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Malta Comino Gozo
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Postby Malta Comino Gozo » Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:59 pm

MCGBC has announced that "KARSA" will represent Malta Comino Gozo at the upcoming WorldVision Song Contest with her song "Chains". The song will be revealed next week.

Last edited by Malta Comino Gozo on Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Malta Comino Gozo WV Committee member. International Broadcast Alliance founding member. Member of the WMCAverse, Waisnor/Malta Comino Gozo/Carrelie/Alezian Union Achaean_Republic

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Postby Polkopia » Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:50 pm


The Polkopian National Broadcaster (PNB) has officially submitted its bid to host the upcoming edition of the Worldvision Song Contest, proposing Peeto, the capital city of Polkopia, as the official host city for the event. This decision comes as Polkopia seeks to reintroduce itself within the contest, having last hosted during the 87th edition. Over thirty editions later, the PNB has decided that it is time for the multiverse to return to Peeto once more with its bid for the 119th edition.

The bid was formally presented by PNB’s Executive Director, Dmitriy Pavlenko, during a press briefing held earlier today. Pavlenko emphasized Polkopia’s longstanding passion for the Worldvision Song Contest and its readiness to deliver an unforgettable experience for both participants and viewers.

“Peeto is a city that is no stranger to Worldvision. We believe that the city embodies the spirit of unity and creativity, values which are held near and dear to fans of the Worldvision Song Contest,” Pavlenko stated. “With state-of-the-art facilities, a thriving cultural scene, and a welcoming atmosphere, Peeto is ready to host the multiverse.”


Peeto, the capital city of Polkopia, is a city that blends historical charm with modern innovation. As the nation’s cultural and economic hub, it boasts a wide array of historical landmarks, world-class museums, and vibrant artistic districts. Visitors can explore the iconic Old Town, with its cobblestone streets and centuries-old architecture, or marvel at the grandeur of the National Opera House, a testament to Polkopian artistry. Among some of the more popular attractions are as follows:

Czarovkiy Palace

Originally built as the royal residence for the Polkopian monarchy, Czarovkiy Palace is now a public museum and historical site. The palace features grand Baroque-style architecture, opulent chandeliers, and lush gardens. Visitors can explore the royal chambers, stroll through the extensive palace grounds, and view an impressive collection of artwork and artifacts dating back centuries, showcasing the rich history of the Polkopian nation.

St. Voitekh's Cathedral

A towering symbol of Polkopian Orthodoxy, St. Voitekh’s Cathedral is an architectural marvel located in the heart of Peeto. The cathedral was constructed with intricately designed blue and gold domes and gilded icons, and is famed for its breathtaking interior mosaics and frescoes, designed by some of the most famous Polkopian artists in the 17th century. The cathedral is not only a place of worship but also a cultural landmark, hosting religious ceremonies, concerts, and historical tours that delve into its significance in Polkopian culture

Liberty Square

Situated in downtown Peeto, Liberty Square is a bustling hub of civic life and political discourse. Surrounded by government buildings, cafes, and boutiques, the square features a monumental statue of Artyom Kalinovsky, the revolutionary leader who is credited with bringing about the country's modern democratic reforms. It’s a popular gathering spot for protests, festivals, and public events, offering visitors a chance to experience the spirit of Polkopian democracy.


Of course, Peeto’s appeal extends beyond its cultural offerings. Its strategic location and advanced infrastructure make it an ideal host city for international events. The city is served by Peeto International Airport, Polkopia's largest airport that offers direct connections to major destinations across the globe, making it an easy gateway for international travelers. Within the city, a highly efficient and modern public transit system, including an extensive metro network, eco-friendly buses, and bike-sharing services, ensures seamless mobility for residents and visitors alike. Peeto’s streets are known for their pedestrian-friendly design, with wide boulevards, well-maintained sidewalks, and a variety of public spaces that encourage exploration. As the second-largest city in Polkopia, Peeto shines for its accessibility for pedestrians, as all non-emergency vehicles are barred from accessing the city's historic districts. The city also prides itself on being environmentally conscious, with numerous green spaces to allow each and every person the opportunity to escape the atmosphere of a city, which can sometimes be overwhelming, and surround themselves in the natural beauty in Polkopia's largest urban parks.



At the heart of Polkopia's bid lies Turon Arena, the proposed venue for the 119th Worldvision Song Contest. Located in the outskirts of Peeto, Turon Arena is a state-of-the-art facility renowned for hosting large-scale international events, including concerts, sports tournaments, and cultural exhibitions.

Should Turon Arena be selected to host the competition, the arena will be renovated to allow for a capacity of 17,000 spectators, offering ample space for the contest’s live audience while accommodating the intricate stage and production setup required for this prestigious event. The arena is equipped with cutting-edge lighting, sound systems, and broadcast technology, ensuring a seamless experience for both in-person attendees and millions of viewers who will be tuning in from the comfort of their homes.

Surrounding the arena is a thriving district filled with restaurants, cafes, and entertainment options, providing a lively atmosphere for fans and visitors. Adjacent to the venue, Victory Square is slated to host the official fan zone, complete with large screens for live broadcasts for those unable to secure a spot in the arena. In the days before the competition is set to begin, this area will be transformed into an official "Worldvision Village" with live performances by local and international artists, souvenir shops, and plenty of food and drink options to ensure that everybody has an unforgettable experience.

The stage itself promises to incorporate all of the wonderful effects we have all come to know and love at Worldvision. Designed to accommodate each delegation's needs, the official Worldvision stage will feature advanced pyrotechnics, water effects, and dynamic LED screens capable of creating incredible visual displays. Furthermore, the incorporation of holographic technology and movable stage elements will ensure each performance is unique and unforgettable to every single person watching this competition. In addition to the effects mentioned previously, performers will also have access to a wide array of special effects, including fog machines, laser lights, and interactive projections.

For a more in-depth presentation of the stage, please refer to this video.



The visual identity of the 119th Worldvision Song Contest will showcase a cohesive and immersive design language that celebrates both the spirit of the competition and the cultural essence of Polkopia. The rose was first cultivated in Polkopia during the early days of the Polkopian Kingdom, around the 11th century. It was initially introduced by foreign traders, but the flower quickly gained favor among Polkopian nobility. Its red color and delicate form became associated with the virtues of beauty, passion, and resilience. In modern Polkopia, the rose continues to be a powerful national symbol. For example, the annual Festival of Roses, held in Peeto, attracts thousands of visitors and features parades, music, and floral displays. The rose has long been a symbol of cultural significance within Polkopia, and the graphic design team seeks to incorporate this with a modern twist.

Of course, the scoreboard will be a centerpiece of the show and has been carefully designed to blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. During the reveal of the votes, the scoreboard will appear on the LED screen behind the main stage. Each country's name will be displayed alongside their flag, with live animations highlighting their points as they are announced. The transitions will be smooth and accompanied by synchronized lighting and sound effects.

A standout feature of Polkopia’s bid is its concept for the contest’s postcards. These postcards will serve as a window into the diverse landscapes and culture of Polkopia, introducing viewers to the nation’s natural beauty, historic landmarks, and vibrant urban scenes. Each postcard will feature the participating artist or group taking part in an activity unique to the location, such as learning a traditional Polkopian dance, creating handcrafted pottery, or exploring the scenic hills of rural Polkopia. At the end of these videos, the nation's colors will be integrated in the logo for the contest. Examples can be found below:

Image Image

The on-screen graphics will maintain the contest’s modern and sleek design language. After each nation's postcard is shown, the lighting for the stage will be briefly altered to highlight the respective nation's colors, and the entry will be introduced before the performance begins. An example of last year's winner can be found below:



This concludes Polkopia's official bid for the 119th Worldvision Song Contest. Thank you for your time, and please feel free to reach out via TG or discord if you have any questions! We hope to see you in Peeto!
Last edited by Polkopia on Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
Anthem (Instrumental) Factbook Embassy
Check out the Polkopian Premier League

1st place: 8 Times (WV25, WV30, WV35 WV39, WV44, WV48, WV50, WV75)
2nd place: 2 Times (WV26, WV34)
3rd place (8 Times: WV27, WV31, WV32, WV37, WV54, WV59, WV70, WV72)

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Postby Beepee » Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:07 am

In... deets to follow




On behalf of the Municipality of Sion, the Government of Beepee, and the Beepeean Occasional News Corporation, we have the honour of submitting Beepee's Bid to Host the 119th Edition of the WorldVision Song Contest.



Beepee is the little nation that can. Small in size but mighty in ambition.

Located in the South Pacific, Beepee is an interconnected and modern nation which prides itself on inclusivity and care.



Nestled in a quiet corner of the countryside, the town of Sion may at first glance appear like a sleepy quiet place. The old-fashioned houses that line the street are a testament to the town's long history with their whitewashed walls, dark wooden timbers, grey slate roofs, and charming painted timber shutters that frame every window.

The town square, located at the heart of Sion, is a lively gathering place for locals and visitors alike. Its centerpiece is a grand fountain, surrounded by benches where residents sit and chat. The square is also home to a few shops and cafes, which spill out onto the cobblestone streets.

But the home of the Schalgerfest 2024 has grown recently, following an injection of government money to rejuvenate the town. The building of the large Sion Municipal Airport has lead to an expansion in the town. Sion's growth has lead it to become a local and regional hub.

Things to See and Do

Visit Sion's beautiful preserved history on a half hour walking tour, which takes you past the historic Court House, the Old Post Office, the St George's Catherdral and the Civic Hall. Or spend some time at the local railway museum.

The cool Winters and warm summers lead to ideal growing conditions for local fruit wines. Visit one of the cellar doors to sample wares.

For cafés and restaurants, the town square is the ideal location for a quick coffee, a light lunch or to sample local delicacies.

Surrounded by lush countryside, Sion has an abundance of fresh, tasty farm produce for you to try.

Sion's small but intriguing contemporary art gallery features work by local artists and makers.

Each weekend the local farmers market brings not only fresh food and drink but also homewards, antiques and crafts from unique linens and needlecraft to paperwork

Follow nearby Bush trails to explore nearby wildlife or take a trip to the local llama and alpaca center.

If you're feeling adventurous, explore the local drip stone caves.

Venue / Staging
Die Tanzfläche

Die Tanzfläche is the premier stadium in Sion.  Capable of holding 5,000 fans as well as having ample backstage areas for performers and visiting delegations.


The main feature however is the large jewel shaped centre stage.  Delegations will be encouraged to enter the stage up the short ramp to the centre stage and to perform in the center of Die Tanzfläche. 

The floor surrounding will be for standing ticket holders. PixMob LED bracelets, will be given to all audience members which can add additional colour, movement or visual imagery to your performance.

You can see how the stage operates and several of the available camera angles in the following :

Ein Lied Kann Eine Brücke Sein

This open air arena features a opn stage with, a full range of pyrotechnics and usual accoutrements.

In addition, as this is an open air arena the use of drones is permissible for either light displays of camera work.

How the drones can be used can be seen in this short Instagrëm link - Drone Reel

Fireworks can also been fired from the roof of the stadium

In case you are worried about weather at this open air arena, dont be February is the height of summer with evening temperatures in the mid 20 degrees Celsius.

Proposed Host


Resume: Hugo Wyld

Contact Information
Hugo Wyld
C/o Fresh Management
Norfolk Pinewoods, Beepee
e - hugo.wyld@bonc.bp
t - +410 574 9707

Professional Summary

Dynamic and engaging television presenter with over five years of experience hosting live and pre-recorded programs. Known for a charismatic on-screen presence, exceptional communication skills, and an in-depth knowledge of the music industry. Currently the face of the Topplist Music Chart Show on Beepeean Occasional News Corporation (BONC), connecting audiences nationwide with the latest hits and artist interviews.

Professional Experience

Television Presenter
Topplist Music Chart Show, Beepeean Occasional News Corporation (BONC)
April 2020 – Present

• Host Beepee's most popular weekly music chart program, engaging a diverse audience of music enthusiasts.

• Interview leading artists, emerging talents, and music industry insiders, ensuring compelling and insightful content.

• Collaborate with producers, editors, and crew to create polished, high-energy broadcasts.

• Maintain an up-to-date understanding of music trends to deliver informed commentary.

Radio Host (Weekend DJ)
Mundart FM 97.3
January 2017 – March 2020

• Curated and presented weekly radio shows featuring music hits, listener dedications, and live call-ins.

• Built a loyal following through engaging content and a personable style.

• Coordinated with station management to organise and host live events.


Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communications
University of Catenham
2016– 2019


• Live and pre-recorded television hosting

• Public speaking and audience engagement

• Interviewing and research

• Music industry expertise and trend analysis

• Team collaboration and creative development

• Social media content creation and promotion


• Hosted the Schlagerfest live broadcast in 2024.



To go with the Ruby jewel theme, the following colour schedule is proposed.


Simple clean graphics with the Ruby background will be predominant.

Last edited by Beepee on Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:20 am, edited 17 times in total.

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Postby Waisnor » Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:02 am

Waisnor confirms)
81 = 18th/34
82 = 22nd/31
83 = 27th/41
84 = 15th/27
85 = 20th/28
86 = 14th/32
87 = 14th/36
88 = 24th/32
89 = 16th/37
90 = 8th/35
91 = 9th/30
92 = 8th/29
93 = 4th/25
94 = 14th/28
95 = 15th/27
96 = 8th/34
97 = 6th/25
98 = 23rd/31
99 = 6th/38
100 = 12th/51
101 = 24th/32
102 = 10th/30
103 = 2nd/26
104 = 11th/26
105 = 6th/31
106 = 5th/25
107 = 21st/37
108 = 9th/32
109 = 11th/21
110 = 14th/27
111 = 5th/29
112 = 7th/25
113 = 7th/24
114 = 12th/20
115 = 6th/25
116 = 6th/21
117 = 13th/26
118 = 11th/25

51 = 10th/20
52 = 19th/24
53 = 11th in the semifinal/33

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Revived Unclear
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Postby Revived Unclear » Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:04 am

I confirm Unclear will participate
The Rooster Cogburn Of Unclear
A democratic republic in northwestern Europe
Embassy Program Of Unclear
Through The Fire And The Threadjackers we carry on!
Don't Stop For Nothing
Just because i went into practice, now i know the horrors of TTFAF on Expert.
"Yoink."- Halo Reach Announcer
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You're not you when you flame moderators

(WIP signature)

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South Batoko
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Postby South Batoko » Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:35 pm

we might participate again :hug:

Nation Name: South Batoko
Official Broadcaster: RTBO
Song Title: TBD
Artist(s) Name(s): TBD

Tune: TBD

South Batoko is a country in Novapax, that competes in WV.
A 19.2 civilization, according to this index.

Weather station in Baxtaqaś (Dürlüśćüm) collapses, outages at weather services reported



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