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Postby Alkzine » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:09 pm

in ga thread:

Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:purely because you're a right-wing homophobe, be that.
you're homophobic and I've deleted all the original stuff you wrote

Personal attack and is troll-adjacent.
Last edited by Alkzine on Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Of The Revived Soviet Union
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Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:11 pm

Alkzine wrote:in ga thread:

Of The Revived Soviet Union wrote:If you're opposed on principle purely because you're a right-wing homophobe, be that.

I am not defining it more clearly as it is up to member-states to interpret. Simply put, it's pretty clear what preaching is, and you can go look it up on Google.

By the way, even though you originally made the thread that started my idea of an anti-religious discrim resolution, I'm not co-authing you because you're homophobic and I've deleted all the original stuff you wrote so it's not plagarized.

Now, if you have nothing better to contribute, then this can be the end of our conversation.

Anyone else have opinions that aren't pointed at me being auth or on-principle opposition?

Personal attack and is troll-adjacent.

Yes, sure.

It is true though, and not a personal attack. You've repeatedly demonstrated homophobic and transphobic behaviours, and this accusation isn't a personal attack and also not troll-adjacent.

I did remove your sections that you wrote as well as co-author due to your repeated homophobia (calling Ultra Earth a 'king' for calling your original, arguably discriminatory proposal based and better) and I'm far from the only person who's accused you of homophobia. Looking at your Safe and Inclusive Spaces Act, as well as the original drafts for Clarifying Religious Attitudes to Gender & Sexual Minorities, you gained a reputation as a homophobe.

I'd rather not have to dig up all the people who call you, your proposal, or the like, homophobic.

As for the other thing that it's a 'personal attack' I was not personally attacking you, I was stating a publicly accepted fact. You're homophobic.

I'm hoping there's nothing else to discuss here.

Thank you. And please, if you're going to report something/someone, you're supposed to put [R] before it or mods will not review it as quickly.


Might I also request that you don't remove the context next time as well? By using two excerpts from what I said, you made what I said look much more like a personal attack and less of a rebuttal of your response. That is very misleading.

And you are arguably right-wing, because you've shown alignment with the positions a right-winger and social conservative typically would have, therefore putting you in that field.

Mind you, calling you a 'right-wing homophobe' is not a personal attack, as stated before, it's my view on what your views represent. I did not phrase it as a personal attack, and I didn't label you as a fascist nor a nazi or anything extreme without evidence, as I can provide further evidence of your homophobia/homophobic proposals.

Again, thanks for reading all of this.
Last edited by Of The Revived Soviet Union on Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Fahran » Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:16 am

My inclination is that this is not actionable since the term homophobe isn't being employed purely as an insult in this context. It's being employed descriptively to explain prior political disagreements related to positions you held. You're more than welcome to argue that those positions weren't/aren't homophobic, and the subject can be debated within the rules, though it might be best to avoid threadjacking in a GA thread.
Last edited by Fahran on Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Of The Revived Soviet Union
Posts: 647
Founded: Jun 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Of The Revived Soviet Union » Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:32 pm

Fahran wrote:My inclination is that this is not actionable since the term homophobe isn't being employed purely as an insult in this context. It's being employed descriptively to explain prior political disagreements related to positions you held. You're more than welcome to argue that those positions weren't/aren't homophobic, and the subject can be debated within the rules, though it might be best to avoid threadjacking in a GA thread.

Thank you, Fahran.
Political Views>
Those are my political positions within the left - I consider myself to be a market socialist, which isn't a surprise. ... &k=31&l=88
This is my 12axes test, which said I'm Revolutionary Socialist.
I stand with Palestine!
LGBTQIA+ Rights are human rights!
Pronouns: He/him. Am a cisgender half-Lebanese guy, but I'm more progressive than most people you'll meet.
'Capitalism and social conservatism are just the political manifestations of narcissism.' - Me.
Fixed my signature for being too long. You're welcome :)

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