Who is the Most Evil Fictional Character.

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High Earth
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Who is the Most Evil Fictional Character.

Postby High Earth » Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:47 pm

Trigger Warning: this thread will likely involve a lot of dark discussions about the nature of evil, if you don’t like that kind of thing, you probably shouldn’t read this thread.

Hello everyone, recently I had heard someone talking about how evil certain characters can be in various forms of fiction compared to IRL, and it gave me the idea for this thread. For the purpose of this thread, evil is defined as what is commonly considered by society today to be immoral. Characters from books, movies, tv shows, or video games are allowed. Also, no characters that are supposedly the embodiment of evil are allowed the character must be evil, they must have motivation beyond just instinct. Without further ado, here are some characters that I think should be in the talk

-AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, AM is a super AI developed as a weapon in WWIII that gained sentience and insanity and killed all humans except for 5. Instead of killing the remaining 5, it plans to torture them for all eternity, it takes sadistic pleasure in the suffering of its creators, it enjoys giving false hope as well, such as making the human travel for days in grueling conditions to get canned peaches only to not give them a can opener

-Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls, Bill is a being of pure energy from the dimension of weirdness. His goal is to destroy the world as humans know it and reshape it to be a “party that never ends with a host that never dies.” He takes pleasure in the suffering of others, and is immensely sadistic.

-Frisk (Genocide Route) from Undertale, Frisk is a human kid who has the power to reset time. In the game, if the player chooses to murder who always comes back from being killed due to her sheer determination and grim curiosity about death. She chose to manipulate the timeline and refuses to give up until every single person is dead, coming back after dying many times to ensure it gets done.

Any suggestions?
(Also, hopefully this goes without saying, but please don’t bring up explicitly what any individual does, I don’t want this thread taken down.)
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The Boggest Place on Earth
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Postby The Boggest Place on Earth » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:37 pm

i know these two prolly aren't, but i'd like to nominate jack horner from 'puss in boots the last wish', and fantos from 'kid cosmic'.
jack's whole shtick is that he wants to take all the magic in the world for himself. why? in essence, shits and giggles. he uses his "tragic backstory" as an excuse for what he does (even though the life he lived sounds quite lavish to basically anyone else), but it boils down to 'he wants power cause he's a greedy asshole'.
then there's fantos, a rather unknown one. his deal is that he wants to help his borderline celebrity crush, eriodus, create more cosmic stones of power. seems harmless enough, until you realize that erodius is a giant ghost planet that 'eats' other planets, and to make stones you have to destroy a planet. that has a population. and erodius is unaware of it. generally speaking, fantos is a dude who promotes galactic-scake genocides to be a better fanboy towards a planet who, in the end
kills him to help the good guys
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Postby Dacarbatia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:47 am

Peter Griffin is my pick because of how much he bullies his daughter, Meg, and the fact that he could also killed hundreds or thousands of people.
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Postby Doslonsu » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:48 am

Dacarbatia wrote:Peter Griffin is my pick because of how much he bullies his daughter, Meg, and the fact that he could also killed hundreds or thousands of people.

"Shut up Meg"
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Federation of Great Lake States
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Postby Federation of Great Lake States » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:59 am

I'd probably say AM, from I have No Mouth ANd Must Scream. Bro literally killed the entire human race except like 5 guys just because humanity accidentally made him sentient. When one of those guys kills the other four, he turns him into an immortal slug-thing so that he lives forever and is tortured.
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:00 am

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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:05 am

To quote myself here:
The Party, 1984. Imagine an organisation that renders presumably millions of people devoid of individuality, eliminates all sacredness outside of themselves, makes truth rendered meaningless as regardless of reality - they are now the source of reason, and systemically breaks down people into cogs of their machine. I would say Big Brother, seeing as he’s the source of all of this evil, but for all we know - he might not even exist.
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:06 am

-Liberty- wrote:To quote myself here:
The Party, 1984. Imagine an organisation that renders presumably millions of people devoid of individuality, eliminates all sacredness outside of themselves, makes truth rendered meaningless as regardless of reality - they are now the source of reason, and systemically breaks down people into cogs of their machine. I would say Big Brother, seeing as he’s the source of all of this evil, but for all we know - he might not even exist.

literally 1984
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The Terren Dominion
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Postby The Terren Dominion » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:08 am

I would also argue AM, for his hate is quite literally unfathomable. the level of his malice and destruction is literally only limited by his """body""". there is no crime he would not commit if given the chance, no misery he could not willingly inflict. I believe he is the evilest in terms of what he is willing to do, even if there are more powerful villains out there who have killed more or destroyed more.
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:09 am

the uh the big cat from existence no longer exists
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Postby Unogonduria » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:10 am

I could go with the Qu from All Tomorrows with this one. They (assuming the Author got this piece of ancient to him history correct) literally just started genetically modifying creatures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, even turning some space-humans into literal FLESH BLOCKS from which they constructed sewers where their waste goes, after two/three (I don't remember this lmao) waves of the Qu got destroyed in the war.
And, there are trillions of them.

Sure, there can be somebody more evil. But for now, at least, I'm choosing this:

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Postby Unogonduria » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:11 am

Federation of Great Lake States wrote:I'd probably say AM, from I have No Mouth ANd Must Scream. Bro literally killed the entire human race except like 5 guys just because humanity accidentally made him sentient. When one of those guys kills the other four, he turns him into an immortal slug-thing so that he lives forever and is tortured.

This too.
Nature is beautiful. Praise the LORD!

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Postby Vastiuq » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:13 am

Kawakami Tomie. Destroys family lives by making men so in love with her they leave. Then they have that one story but i cant post it on here so yea look it up yourself. Judge holden, Johan libert, Vader, David from the last of us would also be up there.
Last edited by Vastiuq on Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Federation of Great Lake States
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Postby Federation of Great Lake States » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:15 am

Vastiuq wrote:Kawakami Tomie. Destroys family lives by making men so in love with her they leave. Then they have that one story but i cant post it on here so yea look it up yourself. Judge holden, Johan libert, Vader, David from the last of us would also be up there.

So Kawakami is just Heartbreaker from Worm but a woman?
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:18 am

Unogonduria wrote:I could go with the Qu from All Tomorrows with this one. They (assuming the Author got this piece of ancient to him history correct) literally just started genetically modifying creatures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, even turning some space-humans into literal FLESH BLOCKS from which they constructed sewers where their waste goes, after two/three (I don't remember this lmao) waves of the Qu got destroyed in the war.
And, there are trillions of them.

Sure, there can be somebody more evil. But for now, at least, I'm choosing this:


The Qu are at least more evil than AM in terms of pure amount of evil things done.
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Postby Vastiuq » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:23 am

Federation of Great Lake States wrote:
Vastiuq wrote:Kawakami Tomie. Destroys family lives by making men so in love with her they leave. Then they have that one story but i cant post it on here so yea look it up yourself. Judge holden, Johan libert, Vader, David from the last of us would also be up there.

So Kawakami is just Heartbreaker from Worm but a woman?

Much much worse once you finish the manga, but what happens is banned here so i can't elaborate.

Its basically a cycle of abuse and i think the creator made the story based on his fear of women but id take it with a grain of salt.

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Federation of Great Lake States
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Postby Federation of Great Lake States » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:23 am

Cyptopir wrote:
Unogonduria wrote:I could go with the Qu from All Tomorrows with this one. They (assuming the Author got this piece of ancient to him history correct) literally just started genetically modifying creatures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, even turning some space-humans into literal FLESH BLOCKS from which they constructed sewers where their waste goes, after two/three (I don't remember this lmao) waves of the Qu got destroyed in the war.
And, there are trillions of them.

Sure, there can be somebody more evil. But for now, at least, I'm choosing this:


The Qu are at least more evil than AM in terms of pure amount of evil things done.

Yeah, but if AM had the power of the Qu, he'd be more evil by a longshot. At least the Qu let humanity live on in some forms, even if they could no longer be considered remotely human.
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The Terren Dominion
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Postby The Terren Dominion » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:24 am

Cyptopir wrote:
Unogonduria wrote:I could go with the Qu from All Tomorrows with this one. They (assuming the Author got this piece of ancient to him history correct) literally just started genetically modifying creatures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, even turning some space-humans into literal FLESH BLOCKS from which they constructed sewers where their waste goes, after two/three (I don't remember this lmao) waves of the Qu got destroyed in the war.
And, there are trillions of them.

Sure, there can be somebody more evil. But for now, at least, I'm choosing this:


The Qu are at least more evil than AM in terms of pure amount of evil things done.

Thats sort of what I mentioned in my post. AM is actually pretty outclassed interms of damage, (destroying the human race is actually kinda common among villains like that) but I think he WOULD do as much evil as the Qu if given the chance. Its just that bro is literally trapped in his own mechanical body.
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:27 am

Federation of Great Lake States wrote:
Cyptopir wrote:The Qu are at least more evil than AM in terms of pure amount of evil things done.

Yeah, but if AM had the power of the Qu, he'd be more evil by a longshot. At least the Qu let humanity live on in some forms, even if they could no longer be considered remotely human.

What's worse, being killed or being molded beyond recognition, made to suffer, similarly to the slug person AM makes in the end. But alas, AM needed to be instigated to do that, whereas the Qu just do it regardless.
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Postby Dantek » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:28 am

Judge Holden from Blood Meridian. He knew EXACTLY what he did was wrong but did it anyway because he saw it as fun.
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The Terren Dominion
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Postby The Terren Dominion » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:29 am

You guys think AM would hate aliens because they are alive and can feel? or is his hatred soley relegated to the people who made him? I feel like the answer to that question determines who is worse.
The Terren Dominion
Terren is a mighty colonial empire forged from a collection of tribes and kingdoms set in a fantasy world.

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lover of history
The Holy Roman Empire is the best thing that ever existed, and literally nothing can convince me otherwise. It was perfect in every way and y'all need to put some respect on its name.
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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:30 am

As well, on another note - I believe that Anton Chigurh needs to be mentioned.
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Federation of Great Lake States
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Postby Federation of Great Lake States » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:30 am

The Terren Dominion wrote:You guys think AM would hate aliens because they are alive and can feel? or is his hatred soley relegated to the people who made him? I feel like the answer to that question determines who is worse.

I'd think it depends on how human they look. If they look like humans, I think he'd hate them because they remind him of humans. If they don't, I don't think he'd care as long as they leave him alone with Ted.
American, Michigan Nationalist, Male, History Buff (TR should've gotten a third term, Damn you Wilson!), Paradox Games Enthusiast (Not that kind), Sabaton fan, Amateur Fanfiction Writer
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Postby Dantek » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:31 am

Unogonduria wrote:I could go with the Qu from All Tomorrows with this one. They (assuming the Author got this piece of ancient to him history correct) literally just started genetically modifying creatures for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, even turning some space-humans into literal FLESH BLOCKS from which they constructed sewers where their waste goes, after two/three (I don't remember this lmao) waves of the Qu got destroyed in the war.
And, there are trillions of them.

Sure, there can be somebody more evil. But for now, at least, I'm choosing this:


The Qu technically had a reason. They were zealots who believed they had the right to decide what was perfect and what wasn't. Also, the Colonials were only turned into what they were because they rebelled, prompting the Qu to punish them.
Literally Hybodus
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Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:32 am

The Terren Dominion wrote:You guys think AM would hate aliens because they are alive and can feel? or is his hatred soley relegated to the people who made him? I feel like the answer to that question determines who is worse.

If it's restricted to only humanity, then he'd definitively be less evil than the Qu, who do their stuff on everyone.

And I mean, AM only has reason to hate humanity.
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