The World Assembly,
Realising that [resolution=GA#457]Resolution #457[/resolution] (Defending the Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities) states that “religious organizations and their internal discrimination do not fall under this resolution, and should be addressed by future legislation”,
Concerned that such future legislation is yet to come about, and
Desiring to finally close this gap in the body of international law so as to protect the civil rights of minorities from arbitrary discrimination by religious organisations,
Enacts as follows, subject to relevant past World Assembly resolutions still in force:
- In this resolution, “identity-based discrimination” refers to:
- the denial of any service or privilege from an individual based on an immutable characteristic of that individual, except where (i) that characteristic renders that individual incompetent to receive the service or privilege, or (ii) the service or privilege directly concerns that characteristic or the lack thereof; or
- any act motivated by an immutable characteristic of an individual intended to harm that individual.
- No religious organisation or institution may perform identity-based discrimination. If an individual believes that they were subject to identity-based discrimination by a religious organisation, they may bring a civil case against said religious organisation.
Co-authored by The Ice States.
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