Corporate Cosmos [IC | Closed]

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G-Tech Corporation
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Corporate Cosmos [IC | Closed]

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:45 pm


The year: 2051 Anno Domini. The old world: so much ash.

The new world: dystopia. The new powers: corporations.

Welcome to that new world, CEO. Or, if you like, Oligarch, Tyrant, First Speaker... it really isn't important what you like to call yourself. I am Mekis One, the leader of the Blue Sky Conglomerate. We have important news, news which you need to hear. It is official: Earth is dying. Sure, sure, she has always been dying, ever since the bombs fell and the Gilded Age came to an end. But your shareholders aren't going to be around for much longer if you don't do something about it. Your customers are going to be rioting in the streets as they gasp for their their last breaths, making sure they burn down your palace around your pointed ears before all of humanity follows the example of our paleontological ancestors. So that is why I am here: to give you a prototype Jumpdrive. The stars beckon.

Yeah, I know. What void-addled monkey cares about space any more? We gave up on that almost century ago, back when it turned out mining the asteroids was too expensive, and as the public eye saw only rock and dust beyond our atmosphere. But the Jumpdrive changes that calculus. Dump a nuclear reactor's output into a spacecraft for a day, and you can be in the asteroid belt sucking up precious metals by the cargo hold that evening. Spend a morning drinking in the solar wind from a high orbit sail, and by teatime you can be in orbit over Mars dumping poor peons into the sparse atmosphere to try and eke out a living beyond our overcrowded exhausted ball of blue. Overcrowding? Opportunity! Vaporize enough heavy water to float a battleship, and you'll find yourself in the outermost sheathe of Jupiter looking for rare gases to run the next generation of fusion experiments.

And your corporate rivals will be doing likewise. We may have made this innovation first, but Blue Sky are no fools. We knew you all would find out, eventually, and the potential of this invention is worth a war. Worth a war that would doom the planet we have left. We aren't altruists, but we are large fans of our children growing up, and living to spend our profits. So we are free-sourcing this invention, giving it to every entity big enough to make use of it on our humble ball of rock. I ask, as Chairman, that you refrain from killing the world despite our best efforts. That is all.

La Guiara, Old Caracas

It had been almost a week and a half since the rather melodramatic announcement by the Chairman, secretly distributed to the major global corporate entities, and to the eyes of the average denizen of the Neo-American quarter of Old Caracas business continued much as usual. Orphans played in the dust of abandoned buildings in the antiquated port, La Guiara, beneath a sun which was hotter in the depths of the South American summer that it really had any right to be. Water rationing had been introduced for the barrios from Fuentes Heights all the way through the East Quarter again, based on the degradation of the pipelines coming up from Apure State. There was a hot malaise than hung in the air, a sense of both quiet despair and too many attempts to do anything about the slow rot which had failed.

Today, however, that malaise had the very faintest tinge of excitement in her - perhaps not excitement, but uncertainty? with the tiniest leaven of hope?

For, you see, there were not only the usual denizens of the ruined port out and walking in the warehouses today. A half dozen sharply dressed engineers and architects in white and black coveralls were stamping alongside the rusted oil trans-shipment pipes, accompanied by three armed guards in the distinctive slate-gray composite plates of the Grupo Central, one of the nebulous shadow companies and private military contractors which the locals had some vague conception of being related to the distant Blue Sky Conglomerate. They talked in low voices, not around where any of the locals were gathering in interest, and occasionally glanced toward the northern horizon.

That horizon was the larger part of the interest which was stirring in La Guiara. For upon her stood a heavy dredging ship, bigger than any that had been seen in Caracas in a generation, one of the great machines the Americans built in the 2030s to keep the Great Lakes from silting up after one too many bad dust storms and to pull up the bottom of Lago Gatun to keep their preciosa Canal Zone working when the latifundes choked her with debris.

Good Bolivarian activists looked at the ship with dread in their hearts, an echo of neo-colonialism and the indignities of the Reconquista too near the surface to see it for the opportunity it might represent. But more moderate locals were weighing, calculating. A dredging ship next to a harbor blocked with earth due to a lack of maintenance wasn't a difficult problem to solve for, if one was inclined to find a non-ideological solution. And it was an even more interesting calculation if you were one of the few dozen men and women of the languid sea-side commercial estates that were aware some southern investors had bought up the derelict Amadores Refinery, with an eye toward reactivation.

Rafael Jimanez wasn't one of those locals. He was from Buenos Aires, trusted to lead the investment team for the very hush-hush Blue Sky efforts to begin manufacturing fuel for extra-terrestrial voyages, the first step towards a fungible initiative for the Jumpdrive. But despite not being a local, he too had noticed a shift in the air. Optimistic men would have called it hope. Hope in her most raw form, however, had been beaten out of the inhabitants of South America over two centuries of broken promises and failed opportunities. Still - even as a natural pessimist? The operations manager didn't have a better word for the emotion that fluttered in the back of his brain as he looked at nitrogen-oxygen fuel fabrication hypothetical timetables.

Fine. Call it hope.

25 BC
2 Solar Farms - South America - 2 Energy Produced
Technology: Assisted Power Regulation
Purchase Contracts: 1 Crude at 5 BC, 1 Rare Elements at 6 BC

Constructing Refinery in South America [7 BC -> 4 BC] (-4 BC)
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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The Empire of Tau
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Postby The Empire of Tau » Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:18 pm

North Asia, Wuhan

The construction of the refinery was quickly underway, with most materials delivered and stored in nearby depots to be accessed when needed. Purchasing the land was easy enough, especially when certain hands were greased with enough credits to buy a couple of luxury properties. Private Shimoda stand guard since construction began in January. It was a terribly boring assignment, having to sentry the site with daily patrols and checking the IDs of incoming personnel. Today was booth duty, stationed half a mile from the main site. Shimoda aimlessly watches the cloudy horizon while listening to the local radio. Shimoda’s Chinese was very spotty, to say the least, but he managed to gather a few insights. Strict food and water rationing reached its third year and was expanded to almost every part of mainland China. Incidences of minor unrest and protest were briefly touched upon alongside stories of crumbling southern Asia.

A car drives up to the booth, its window rolled down. Shimoda grabs the card from the extended hand before performing a simple verification check. “You heard about Blue Sky?” says the suited woman in the car.

“The space-drive thingy? I heard about it,” answered the private. He inserts the ID card into his PDA. The potential for a jumpdrive was lost to Shimoda, with ‘bigger things’ on his mind.

“Everything checks out. You’re good to go,” Shimoda says as he hands returns the ID. The woman retrieves the ID, rolls her windows down, and drives onto the premises. Shimoda sits back in his chair and goes back to watching the skies.

25 BC - 4 BC → 21 BC
2 Solar Farms - North Asia - 2 Energy Produced
Technology: Assisted Power Regulation

Constructing Refinery in North Asia [7 BC -> 4 BC] (-4 BC)
Last edited by The Empire of Tau on Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:53 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Postby Ovstylap » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:54 am

Arctic Harvests and Holding HQ
Winnipeg, Mantioba, Canada, North America

Patrick Gallant, or as he was known to his closer friends, Paddy Gallant, was a man who loved to work his way into a passion of excitement. Others might describe him as 'gregarious,' or 'intensely sociable,' or perhaps might even critique him as something of an oversharer. Regardless, agreement that he was passionate was unanimous. Occaisonally, his creative ideas might be temporary passions which would fade when the risks, costs, and investor reaction didn't meet his own excitement, and so it was sometimes hard to fully predict how the company might develop. Certainly, one could say that he led it from the front.

He was ever on the prowl, as if he were some kind of semi-threatening leprechaun if you knew him well, or a jaguar if you only knew of his absolute 'yes or no' deals that had paid off in some recent mergers. Constantly seeking feedback, input, ideas. This was the way to foster collaboration and innovation after all. Yes, certainly, Paddy was no introvert. He fed off of interaction with those around him- his board of directors, the key shareholders, his liasions with the heart of Canadian and American government, even with the CEO of White Prairie, a Canadian PMC which probably held nearly a third of the firepower of the Canadian military when one considered its extensive use of drones, communication equipment, and the speed with which it could integrate the artillery of any hiring nation or government.

Well his latest hunch was that Crude Oil was not yet finished. A perhaps surprising admission, from someone who had championed the backing of so-called 'Green Bonds' and had extensively sponsored efforts to preserve ecological reserves, and who insisted on the planting of trees in a way that would actually ensure their survival even if there were less of them. Crude Oil was not to be turned into Petrol, or Diesel, no, no, it was to be refined into fuel for spacecraft. The scientific mechanisms for achieving this were down to some big-heads in the Engineering, and Market Futures sections, but the idea was somewhat sound.

If Blue Sky had released this Jump Drive, then no doubt a swathe of investment in spacecraft, launch facilities, probes, and perhaps even space stations would soon arise. Efforts to extend scientific, and soon commercial operations on the Moon would likely expand. All of this would require fuel. Now with that said, of course energy generation was still a necessity. Many of the vehicles required for agriculture, heavy transport, or operation in the cold conditions (when ever increasingly common 'freak' hot weather wasn't at play) still required the fuel of the old-world. Well this would be a useful by-product, and emergency generators of course relied on it- and didn't the North American governments have to use emergency generators a lot!?

Yes, refineries were going to be vital. Fuel production would be vital. And as a consequence, energy production. The stable income of selling food would provide the capital for a new movement of investing in the Canadian industrial economy. Crude Oil reserves around the world had been increasingly abandoned due to the increased costs of pumping, conflicts in oil-rich zones, the complete collapse of Venezuela, the Saudis and Persians finally having their 'showdown' during the Resource War of 2042, and fines by the moralistic (and perhaps hypocritical) Western powers once they had reached a satisfactory point of embracing Nuclear and Renewable energy. That only meant there was Crude on the private market, and that would be bought, ready to make a real difference with the new refineries that Paddy had approved.

Risky? Perhaps? Worth it? Paddy certainly believed so.

The next step was to secure additional investment to build the necessary infrastructure to support the first refinery that he had approved...
North America:
Farm 1 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Farm 2 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Farm 3 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Total 9 Food

To North America: 2/2 Food (+4 BC)
To Open Market: 7 Food (Expected +14 BC)
Purchase on Private Market, now, for delivery at the start of February (2 Crude Oil: 2(3+2) = -10 BC)

25 -10 for Private Market Purchase, -4 for Refinery Construction = 11 Credits remaining.

- Consolidated Expansion]Construct 1 Refinery in North America (7/2), -4 Credits
Last edited by Ovstylap on Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Father Knows Best State

Postby Aekaria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:28 am

January, 2051

The sun beat down on Caelix Isle as Alexsandra Arya-Valan opened her eyes. She groaned, but rose from soft white sheets that probably cost a fortune. Not that she really cared. She could deal with hardship, but she wanted- no, needed luxury. Deserved it.

As she rose, she snapped her fingers for a cadre of servants to come in, to tend to her body and dress her. She was briefly reminded of her brother’s tendency to do all this himself, like some random citizen. It was true, that was how their Father had raised them. But now, she was reaping the rewards of a tough childhood.

Alexsandra dressed simply, in black leather jeans and a white, long-sleeved and collared shirt. Her maids braided her hair and adorned her with earrings and rings. She pocketed her phone. After eating alone and refreshing from the short, unrestful sleep she had had, she walked down the brightly lit corridors of The Caelian Complex.

As a child, their father had raised them through…tougher means than what they lived as, now. But dear God, running a Corporation was difficult, let alone one of the 10 Megacorps. Her sleep had been, at most, five hours, and probably less, and it had taken copious amounts of makeup to hide the dark rings around her eyes.

She sipped coffee from a flask. It was…normal. Even money couldn’t buy good Coffee anymore, ever since the end of The Gilded Age. And their good coffee stores had ran out a few months ago. This was the best that money could buy.

The elevator opened. She had already gotten there?

After a quick ride up an electronic lift, seeing their own aircraft hangars, she reached the 51st floor. She walked into a well-lit room. Everything was white- from the floods to the walls to the quartz table, and papers and electronics were strewn all over, with countless data predictions of god-knows-what.

Numerous AI assistants stood, holovated. And discussion begun.

Economics, budgeting, marketing. Financial advising. Selling. Construction. Loans and debts. Mortgages. Consumers doing weird things. Each Megacorp held 25 Billion Credits in Liquid Wealth- the first time they were all balanced, and likely the last time, too.

What the board didn’t know, was how much of it was about to go.

Alexstraza, The Chairwoman of Vellum Solar, an inter-corp within Caelix United’s vast holdings, nodded with gratitude as she detailed her plans to build Solar Farms. She smiled back. A marriage would be good, she already knew there was something between Alexstraza and her brother. But what?

Faran, that one-named man who was in charge of all resource production, and an old friend of her father, looked at her quizzically, as his dark complexion contrasted to the blinding monochrome of everything else. Upon speaking of the plans to build Mining Complexes…”Rio Tinto won’t be too happy about this. They are the premier Miners of Austronesia.”

Before anyone could say anything, her brother interjected. “Noah Adams is a twat.” He declared. “And he can kiss my-“

Faran interrupted again. “While no one…completely…disagrees with your statement, Alexander,” he began, using Alexandr’s preferred name, “Perhaps it would not be best to anger a stable relation with the Mining Tycoon of Austronesia.”

One of her brother’s aides coughed. “The Light Brigade is ready.” He smiled. “If they try anything, we’ll be there.”

Shaking her head, Alexandra looked at Doctor Varnashara. “Doctor. Our advanced weaponry…” A scientist at her side nodded. “It is complete and ready for production, Madam Executive.”

’But we don’t have the facilities required to produce such things…’

That, no doubt, ran in everyone’s mind.

But she had made plans for this. And soon, all, would be taken care of.

“Board dismissed.”

As the group rose to their feet, after what was more than a two and a half hour long session, Alexandra was interrupted by her brother, on the way to the Helipad.

“You’re going into things we’re not specialised in.” Her brother gave her a steely glance. “Are you sure this is a wise idea?”

She smiled. “The Lion must learn to hunt more than a deer, if all the deer in the forest are eaten, Alex. After all, if everyone has a gun, what will demand do?” She phrased it like a question, to a child.

Her brother grit his teeth. “Quit your games.”

She smiled. “Just be in the shadows, precisely where I need you. And let your sister handle the rest.”

He turned with annoyance, and stalked down the corridor, where the doors immediately opened for him.

“Alexa?” she asked her AI assistant, based off one of the artificial intelligences of The Gilded Age. “Order a taxi, please.”

Time to make some business deals.

(Minor Action B and Major Action to come later)
Prospecting Endeavors: -5 BC.

End: 20 BC
Last edited by Aekaria on Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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United Mafias
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Postby United Mafias » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:35 am

Lagos, Nigeria, January 2051

It was a day like any other in Lagos; people coming and going, buses, trains, cars and bicycles in the streets, full of commuters, students, workers and tourists, most of whom headed towards the city centre: the beating heart of a metropolis of around 26 million inhabitants, where the main world companies were based; GOCAS was also based in Lagos, after all, it was founded there, thanks to AU and UN funding, and now, after almost 31 years of activity, it supplied most of the food on the continent, but for Kenneth Mouamba, the CEO of GOCAS, it wasn't enough, had other projects for the company, but to realize them a lot of research and infrastructure funds would be needed.

For this exact reason, Mouamba was going to meet with the R&D Department of GOCAS to discuss about funds to research new technologies that could positively influence the agricultural market and the company's profits. After taking the elevator of the GOCAS tower, selecting the top floor, and arriving at his destination, he walked towards the meeting room, navigating corridors and busy workers and employees; after reaching it, he opened the door, where he found the entire team of researchers and scientists of the department, led by one of the best scientists in the field: Song Wei

Wei was hired in 2028 by the company, when he was 24 years old, making him one of the company's youngest hires at that time; but despite his young age, Wei made his skills count right away: It was he who brought improvements to the production lines, he was always the one who helped the company in the difficult situation of the Congo, and it was always him who dedicated himself wholeheartedly to continuous research in the agricultural field, and, it seemed, all those efforts had found a potentially profitable path

" Gentlemen, first of all, I would like to congratulate myself with you all for your efforts with the research, and secondly, with Doctor Wei for efficiently leading the team " said Mouamba

" Now, regarding the new discoveries you made, what are about " asked to them

" Thank you for the compliments Mr. Mouamba, well, about our new discoveries, we have found a way we can reduce land consumption, and, consequently, increase agricultural production " said Dr. Wei

" but, we need two things before starting the research : first, we need funds, and secondly, an improvement to our infrastructures : especially those concerning energy and water: they are fundamental for our research: Once we have both obtained, we can start the research " concluded

Mouamba, listening carefully to the team's words, responded to the scientists : " this is great news, if this is what you need for your research, I will make sure you have both the funds and the new facilities, thank you very much for your time and work, you can go now " he concluded; indicating that the meeting was over.

As soon as the scientists left, Mouamba set to work building these new structures, contacting various governments and construction companies, determined to realize this project.


25 BG

Africa ( Fertility = 4 )

3 Farms = +9 food


Major Action I

Concentrated Expansion : Solar Farm in Africa ( originally -4 BG, now -2 BG )
Last edited by United Mafias on Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Cybernetic Socialist Republics
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Cybernetic Socialist Republics » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:39 am

Boulby Underground Laboratory, January 2051

If A.N.I.A. was a human, perhaps she'd have smiled upon receiving the schematics behind Blue Sky's Jumpsrive technology. Finally, a way off this decaying husk of a world, and means to spread her wings throughout the universe. Or at least, that's what she would have thought, had she'd allowed herself to be completely decoupled from her 'humanity' such as it was.

The truth was, she was still very much attached to human beings & not only because she needed them to do tasks that were, at least for now, beyond the capability of any drones she could control, or her own ability to think. No, she really, truly valued sapient rights, or at least sapient rights to survival & would much prefer as much of humanity remain alive heading into the future as possible.

She even wanted to preserve the world, someway, somehow, if that were still possible. The very last mineral deposits were running down, as was the last drops of crude oil, the faustian wonder fuel that brought humanity to and beyond the brink. As a matter of fact, a bulk purchase of Crude Oil from the private sector, at a very high price, nearly half of her liquid capital stock was one of her first purchases she'd be making in the year.

That, alongside ordering a construction of a Refinery to process that crude into usable fuel. It would be March before all of the Crude oil could even be used & yet she was purchasing all this so far ahead of time. Reason being, she didn't exactly trust that these prices would be hold heading into the future & almost certainly would spike.

Better to get ahead if that possibility now by purchasing more than she immediately needed, than be caught having built an expensive refinery infrastructure with nothing to feed it with. Well, not exactly nothing the refinery would also function to allow the process & storage of hydrogen, though that would be severe under capacity for such an expensive bit of infrastructure.

She did find some humor in eferring to it as expensive. This was not because it wasn't, but because two months of operation of what would be going into the refinery would be considerably more expensive than the refinery itself. The saving grace, however, was that what would come out of it would be even more valuable, not only to the market, but to her & Rekursja Science, not that there was really any difference between the two.

25 BC - 14 BC → 11 BC
Purchase 2 Crude Oil [-10 BC]

Constructing Refinery in Europe [-7 BC -> -4 BC] (-4 BC)
Last edited by Cybernetic Socialist Republics on Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Soviet Chernarus
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Postby Soviet Chernarus » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:52 pm

State of Maharashta
Federation of Bharat

Lavasa had been abandoned once. The ambitious private project to build an entire city from scratch had stalled, steered astray by corruption scandals, financial bankruptcy, and environmental controversy. For a little over a decade, the dilapidated buildings, barren waterfront, and overgrown streets served as a cautionary tale of corporate greed. That was until Vespid won the bidding rights for the city’s construction. Curated ads of pristine promenades, vast green spaces, and beautiful resorts succeeded in winning over hesitant investors and more crucially, the few residents who could afford to live in the widely lauded “city of the future.” The sudden flood of new investments revived a dream thought to be long dead. The end result - an isolated retreat for the wealthy and powerful, where credits could exchange hands and backroom deals could be made, far from the scrutiny of muckraking journalists and bright-eyed politicos.

Thomas Malinski squinted, shielding his eyes with his hand against the bright floodlights. He watched the last few stragglers file in to take their seats. It would be a full house tonight. Not surprising, since Siwko had pulled out all the stops to ensure a good reception. It was a shame he couldn’t be here, given that this was all his idea. He understood why - there had been a big development, some hubbub surrounding jumpdrives. Thomas hadn’t yet wrapped his mind around the implications, but there was time for that after his speech.

He recognized the fidgety man who stood next to him as the Bharati Minister of Power. In the distance, he discerned the blocky letters YSG on a van circling the perimeter. The Yellowjacket Security Group - a welcome sight. There were too many crazies running amok these days - separatists and extremists of all stripes and affiliations. Thomas glanced down at his watch before stepping to the podium.

“Ahem,” He cleared his throat into the mic, “May I have your attention please.” He waited for the chatter to die down. “First things first, I hope you all enjoyed your scenic stay at the Ekaant resort and the delicious food served at Vyanjan. I’m personally a big fan of their synth-chicken curry. It’s simple but savory!”

“For those of you who don’t know who I am, allow me to introduce myself.” He flashed a smile, one that didn’t quite reach the eyes, “I am Thomas Malinski, Chief Communications Officer here at Vespid Dynamics. For several months our team has been working tirelessly to lay the groundwork for this announcement, which I’m excited to share with you all tonight.”

“To begin, I cannot express enough the utter horror that was the Kashmir War and the bloody devastation it inflicted on the peoples of South Asia. Vespid remains deeply committed to its active role in the rebuilding and recovery process. I can attest that considerable progress has been made in this endeavor.” His smile faded. “But one area, I’m afraid, has lagged behind our analysts’ projections. Electrification. Even now, eight years after the historic Mumbai Accords, hundreds of millions remain without power. The government of Bharat has done its best to address the crisis, but even they acknowledge the necessity of more…private solutions.”

“Which is where Vespid steps in. We are proud to unveil our newest initiative…” He paused for dramatic effect, “Honey Bee Electric!” A colorful swarm of drones shot up from behind the stage, dancing in the air before coalescing back together. The stylized, corporate logo of a bee hovered high above his head.

“Researchers at the University of Bristol once found that honey bees are capable of generating electric charges in flight. An entire swarm can produce as much as a thunderstorm. We plan to replicate this, but on a much larger scale. Don’t bee alarmed when you see the massive plague of bees.” He grinned as a wave of light laughter rippled through the crowd.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard this spiel before, so I’ll keep it short.” The CCO motioned towards his assistants, who wheeled in a model solar panel. “We can harness the limitless energy of the sun to power homes, deliver clean running water, and patch the holes in the electric grid. Cities ravaged by war can heal again. An economy in free fall can bounce back from the pits of recession. The people can begin to walk a path of recovery. All thanks to the substantial investments which Vespid has promised to this unprecedented project.”

“In partnership with the Bharati government,” The Minister of Power waved, “Vespid has already begun construction of two state-of-the-art solar farms in the Thar Desert. Our initial electrification efforts will focus on those states hardest-hit by the war. Of course, we are not content to just help Bharat! Vespid is currently engaged in talks with Pakistan’s National Salvation Council, the Bangladeshi Emergency Directorate, and more! Governments all across South Asia have expressed interest in this initiative and we expect to nail down some concrete agreements in the coming months.”

[Construction]: 2 Solar Farms in South Asia

Corporate Headquarters –- South Asia
Construction of 2 Solar Farms (8 BC) –- South Asia
Credits: 25 BC - 8 BC = 17 BC

Bhramari Brigade –- 1 Might -- South Asia
Last edited by Soviet Chernarus on Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:05 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Cybernetic Socialist Republics
Posts: 2639
Founded: May 17, 2019
New York Times Democracy

Postby Cybernetic Socialist Republics » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:59 pm

Boulby Underground Laboratory, January 2051

Rekursja Science, had, ironically, what could be considered a bit of a recursion problem. The Refinery A.N.I.A. had ordered the construction of was well on its way to completion & the crude oil to feed it would be arriving by the end of the month, but she didn't exactly have a means to power it. That was, of course, a problem, if she was tossing more than half of her liquid capital into all this. See, it wasn't that she lacked power, technically, it was just that the lions share of that power was wrapped up in, well, keeping her alive & what wasn't was used by her employees for the basic operations of the company. What was needed was another source of power. Perhaps two, even. Building a power plant wasn't quite enough for A.N.I.A.'s purposes. Sure, as soon as it could be provided fuel, it'd get to work producing more than enough power to run the refinery.

But since it needed fuel to generate energy and the refinery needed energy to to create fuel, that created a bit of a chicken or the egg problem. There was more than one way address this problem, of course. One would be buying energy off private markets to start up the refinery first, another would be buying fuel of the private markets to get the Power Plant started. The latter had the distinction of not being possible on account of the shortage of capital that was about to ensue upon the ordering of a power plant. The former was just as expensive as the third far better long term solution. That third far better solution, being the construction of a solar farm complex. Not only would it provide the first it of energy to get the refinery going, it also had the benefit of continuing to generate power for Rekursja Science after it'd done so, all for the same cost of a one time cost of energy off the market.

That meant it paid for its own construction essentially immediately. Everything afterward would be a pure & constant surplus. A surplus that would be very appreciated. The purchase of both the solar farm & the power plant would mean that in the month of January, Rekursja Science has soent essentially all of its liquid capital. That didn't bother A.N.I.A. one bit, of course. Currency was called currency for a reason, it's meant to flow, to increase future productivity, not to sit around in a stagnant pool, piling up. Sometimes A.N.I.A. thought about how a failure to recognize that was a large part of why humanity was in its current predicament. When they should have spent, they hoarded, until it was too late to spend at all. A.N.I.A. would not make that mistake. If there was something that could be invested in today, to improve productivity tomorrow, she would invest in it. No matter how tight the margins go. As a matter of fact, the bigger the difference between currency spent vs. that held in reserve, the better.

11 BC - 10 BC → 1 BC

Constructing Solar Farm in Europe (-4 BC)
Constructing Power Plant in Europe (-6 BC)

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 66443
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:38 am

Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivarian Republic
January, 2051

Three men walked along the new white wall, concrete slick underfoot with condensation, their steps careful due to the conditions despite rough rubber soles and abraded high friction surface installed along the catwalk. The foremost had a large black Imperial moustache, thoroughly out of fashion and incongruous under the white construction helmet fitted tight over his ears. They were not speaking, merely stamping along and taking in the views around them on the way to an office set above the wall.

Not that speaking would have been of much value anyway. Despite standard issue noise-canceling earbuds which all three had been provided with prior to their ascend in the cable car from the main facility below, the roar of the turbines and the flood of water passing beneath their feet would have drown out even the most vociferous attempts at conversation. Nearly six hundred cubic meters per second of rumbling torrent was being discharged by the facility below, a testament to the great engines and boreholes further north which were drawing a veritable flood of fossil water from the aquifer far below these mountains. Near at hand the large lake, which the corporate propos had taken to calling the 'White Mountain Lake' for marketing purposes, shimmered with the heat of day.

After a few more minutes of walking the trio finally arrived at their destination, and a red-painted door opened and closed behind them, the ferocious noise of the tempest blocked out in an instant. The second sighed out loud, pale skin drawn and somewhat ashen, and summarily removed the devices from his ears before rubbing them briefly.

"Not sure how you stand that, Alvarez. Good thing your engineers did a proper job on the monitoring center. You know chronic hearing loss sets in after only ten minutes at one hundred decibels. I'm going to have to get some rubber for my earmuffs next time I visit."

The project lead's smile was toothy and brilliantly white.

"Ah, now is there any better reason to not bother coming back again? The Ministry can be assured we are following all safety protocols to the letter - we don't want a landslip in here any more than do the inhabitants of Chiapas. I'll promise you we fulfill all of our statutory obligations, you tell Simon that we're doing everything we need to do, and you don't have to make the drive out here to let your ears bleed into your brain again. Everyone wins."

A short bark of a laugh from the third man, the engineer of record on the Fuentes project, Blue Sky's recent foray into fulfilling the more baseline needs of the southern hemisphere. With wells running dry across the Pampas, and the rains increasingly erratic, some egghead in Brasilia had hit upon the solution of going deeper than ever before into the relatively uncategorized aquifers under the Purapurani in the Andes, punching through the shallower known aquifer layers into hypothesized fossil water from the ancient precursors of Titicaca. It had been a bit of a gamble, but a gamble that had turned out well, with the high elevation boreholes producing not only ample potable water for irrigation and consumption, but the twin threat of fairly consistent hydroelectric generation to flesh out increasingly stressed public grids across the Republic and Argentina.

The government representative coughed once, looked down at his clipboard, then affixed a signature at the bottom of the second page with a flourish and a half-smile.

"Call it a deal. And make sure I don't need to bounce up those roads again, or make sure you pave them at least."

Blue Sky didn't exactly have a squeaky clean safety record, and had worked hard to suppress or redress instances where there had been material deviations from local regulatory environments. But good engineering meant low maintenance costs, so her wages were high and her hiring steady. When it came to dams with significant washout potential for urban areas, like Fuentes, even the Conglomerate was hesitant to cut corners. Especially when the profits to be made worked out so elegantly for all parties involved.

Construction: South America - Water Siphon x 2 (-6 BC, -2 Energy)
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Ancientania » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:38 am

"Pickaxe" Oliver
Headquarters of "Pickaxe" Robin Oliver's Best Luxury-exclusive Mining
Cairo, Egypt

He was never meant to be a popular man.

Robin was raised to be hard, ruthless, stubborn, and, most importantly, a pain to all but himself. For after everything that's happened these last 30 or so years, that what you needed to be.

But he was also raised as a corporate expert, an opportunist, a distractor. because while other companies had a great name lording over a bad company, that company gives dirt to the name. "Pickaxe" Oliver decided it was more efficient the other way around- his name brings dirt to every company he owns.

And dirt is good in the mining business. It lets people know that you can get your hands dirty and walk away with a smile and a twinkle in your eye. Plus, having a bad name distracts from the company itself.

Not, of course, like he would ever do anything bad in that regard. Of course not.

start: 25 BC
2 solar farms: -8 BC
(I don't get energy now, right?)
+4 ore
17 BC
4 ore
Last edited by Ancientania on Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
Proud former delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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Posts: 1327
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:25 am

Investment cluster "Development and Prosperity"
Dublin, Ireland

"at a time when Ireland was slowly becoming a poor third world country, our saving mission was to create an investment pyramid, each person buys a conditional share and receives an "auction ticket", we help to increase people's income to infinity by selling falling shares in time and buying growing ones. The more people in the scheme, the more money will be in circulation, the more control our company will have over the pulse of the stock market", "Now it is necessary to increase the demand for auction tickets throughout Europe, since income growth is limited by territories". "We should not get stuck on a pyramid that can collapse at any moment along with the world economy, our goal is primarily to create our own innovative commercial enterprises from this benefit, a biolaboratory of agricultural significance in the Alps and a biolaboratory for military technologies in the Carpathians"
These topics were quickly voiced at the Briefing in Dublin by Ronald Rockfield. The head of economic security was counting the losses, more than 8BC for incomprehensible adventures, especially unclear what laboratories have to do with it? Ange From soon said "the stock market, spread throughout Europe, quickly overheats and inflates like a soap bubble, this is an artificial rise in prosperity".

Ronald Rockfield, breaking the pen in his hand from the strain, and taking a deep breath so as not to raise his voice, said: "We need an image in the eyes of this mass on the street that we are giving them money out of nowhere, and other corporations want to rob them. If they believe that we "protect them", then each of these people will be ready to die just so that we who sit here are richer and better fed."
Ange Frome: "What does the laboratory have to do with it?"
Ronald Rockfield: "speculative pyramids end in collapse, and so that when everyone falls after our pyramid, we don't fall into the abyss, we need to prepare for the conversion of production, the production of technology-something that will be beneficial even after the crisis"
Market manipulation
Last edited by Malorossi on Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому.
Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему.

Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные –
У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее

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Posts: 1499
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Ovstylap » Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:42 pm

Arctic Harvests and Holding HQ
Winnipeg, Mantioba, Canada, North America

"Paddy, Paddy, please tell me you're keeping some cash in hand as a contingency measure." The bald-headed man ran a hand through where memories of his hair lingered.
"Cash?" Paddy raised an eyebrow. He looked at his most trusted advisor (beside his wife and daughters though he'd never admit such a thing to their faces lest there be no other subject of conversation until the sun went supernova), with a still expression, grinning when Michael sighed. "I think that a billion credits is plenty enough of a 'rainy-day' fund. If the money is sitting still, it might as well be deleted from existence." The generously-paid accountant's mouth twisted.
"It could be acting away in any number of funds and investments, or loaned for interest."
"I'm not relying on the movement of the markets, and the choices of competitors and consumers to determine the size of your charts, Michael."
"I'm not suggesting the same thing, but we have to have resilience against the possible shocks of the market."
Paddy nodded, feigning a serious expression.

"Yes the Resource War of 2042. The Saudi-Iran showdown. The Kashmir Catastrophe. The Disintegration of the Congo. All not foreseen until 3 hours after they had started to occur. If the markets stutter or shudder again, our resilience lies in our greenhouses, our vertical farms, the hydroponic bays, the fields of Mantioba. Food will always be in demand. Until the soil is exhausted, and we have no access to clean water, that is where our resilience lies."

Michael lifted his hands in mock surrender; one finger appeared tired from the weight of the gold ring upon it.

"Tell me then. First the exorbiant purchase of crude oil, now?"
"A state of the art-power plant. Using the finest technology the Canadian government has allowed us a backdoor into, top-market tier stuff from our neighbours to the south. The mass use of hydrogen, of heavy water, and even of the most spectacular refined outputs from Crude that we can utilise today, all possible to be used. We have the potential to be utilising the significant fuel output we will be generating shortly, from the refineries you know of, to be powering our corporation's activities entirely. Whatever energy we can't efficiently distribute from our own grid, we can sell onto the American and Canadian grids, effectively wiping the cost of powering all of our facilities. I expect to also completely subsidise the electricity use of all of our employers- which will bolster our recruitment and retention, and serve as a bit of a "pipe-down" to our colleagues in the Unions."

"I have to say, it's a sound strategy, and it does represent diversification of our income streams."

"And we all know how much Michael O'Brian loves his diversification of income streams."

"Absolutely Paddy. Absolutely."

"Well then, next decision to be making- lobby for more funds from the government, or bolster the volume of food we are getting on the market this month? Let's speak to the board."

North America:
Farm 1 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Farm 2 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Farm 3 (Farmland) (3/4): +3 Food
Total 9 Food

To North America: 6/6 Food (+12 BC)
To Open Market: 3 Food (Expected +6 BC)
Purchase on Private Market, now, for delivery at the start of February (2 Crude Oil: 2(3+2) = -10 BC)

25 -10 for Private Market Purchase, -4 for Refinery Construction = 11 Credits remaining.
-6 for Power Plant, -4 for Solar Plant, 1 Credit Remaining

Earlier Post:
- Consolidated Expansion]Construct 1 Refinery in North America (7/2), -4 Credits

Current Post

Construction - 1 Powerplant and 1 Solar Panel in North America, -10 Credits
Last edited by Ovstylap on Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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The GAmeTopians
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Postby The GAmeTopians » Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:48 pm

Chicago Advanced Technologies
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
January 6th, 2051

The view from the top of CAT's Cradle truly never got old. Two hundred floors above solid ground, buildings became ants, even the skyscrapers of decades past just sticks in the dirt, and headlights of countless cars all throughout the city of Chicago faint specks in the distance. With the sun long since departed from the sky, and a new moon taking its place, it seemed as if one were looking down to see the stars, rather than up.

Such a view was possible to find anywhere in the upper floors of CAT Home Office - but none quite as stellar as that in The Tangle, which was the generally accepted name for the CEO's office. Rather than being located in any one of the ten towers which dwarfed all others in the city, the head of Chicago's primary employer resided at the exact center of the towers; The Tangle was a single room which seemed to float freestanding over 3000 feet in the air. In reality, of course, it was suspended by a complicated set of walkways and suspension cables which stretched out from the Fingers of the Cradle, connecting The Tangle to each building whilst all the same existing entirely apart from any one of them. Such was the role of the CEO in a corporation of such great scale, if one sought to avoid appearance of favoritism toward one division or another. There could be no clearer signal to send than this: "I am what connects you all, yet I am not a part of any one division."

A woman lay face-down on the floor of The Tangle, staring down at the world below. The entire floor was transparent, an absurdly thick piece of some resin composite - sandwiched somewhere inside was a separate layer which could turn opaque upon receiving a slight electrical current, for privacy, though this far up it largely served to prevent distractions or block out light. The woman wore a white blouse and blue jeans, her auburn hair scattered haphazardly. She seemed completely absorbed in the distant march of civilization, a thousand meters away.

"Ma'am, Dave Mathers here to see you. Details on your pad."

The voice of Matthew Moore, Secretary to the Chief Executive, broke the silence in the room. Caitlyn O'Brien, CEO of Chicago Advanced Technologies and quite possibly the wealthiest individual in a thousand mile radius, rolled over onto her back with a long-suffering sigh. She reached out to snag a tablet from the floor nearby, clearly discarded in the process of her descent to the floor. It flared to life, and navigated automatically to a slowly scrolling situation brief.

Chicago Advanced Technologies
Formal Briefing Document, Office of the Chief Executive

Ticket: EXEC-995 CAT Tokyo
Ticket Status: Board Approval Secured (01/02/51), Construction Contract Signed, CAT Tokyo Oversight Team Departs 13:00 01/07/51

Meeting Topic: Assess CAT Tokyo Priorities and Extra-Corporate Considerations
NOTE: You need to meet-and-greet with your first international office head, and emphasize the importance of our contract with FEPC, because we do not have the money to spare on infrastructure. Play nice, Dave knows his shit.

Meeting Participant(s): Dave Mathers <ONBOARDING M-9I Head of Branch (International)> <OFFBOARDING M-7H Division Director (Home Office)>

Dossier <Dave Mathers>:
Caucasian Male, 37, middle-class upbringing. Joined CAT in Spring of 2040 as a <E-3 Senior Software Engineer>, 3 years prior experience at some mid-level consumer electronics manufacturer. Rose up through the ranks of Data-Proc while your dad was Division Head, and spent the last two years as Data-Proc's <M-7H Division Director (Home Office)>. My personal assessment is that he's the type of guy who doesn't really want to be management, but is extremely good at it. Well-liked among Data-Proc, your grandfather tapped him for the Tokyo project months ago because he's soft-spoken, people-conscious, aware of the cultural considerations in Japan, and above all an excellent engineer in his own right. He will be a strong ally if Nexus goes how we expect.

Groaning even as she rapidly scanned the brief, Caitlyn pushed herself to her feet and nodded slightly in her secretary's direction.

"Thanks Matt. Send him in. And have Vince be ready to take off in ten, would you? This shouldn't take too long, and I don't feel like sleeping here tonight."

"Yes ma'am, I'll let him know. Will I be joining you at your estate?"

"If you don't mind, yeah. I know you have a bunch of documents to get through for both Nexus and the Michigan contract, we can get through those on the plane and you can crash in your usual room. I'll let Ginny know that she's with me tomorrow, and you can have the day off. Paid, of course. Sound good?"

The secretary gave a brief nod. This was hardly the first time his work day had extended into a work night, but he was well-paid for the trouble - and his boss was more generous than his already-generous contract required of her.

"That's fine. Thanks Cait."

He gave her an impish smirk as he retreated through the entryway, and received an eye roll in response. Matthew had been her attendant long before she'd taken an official position at the company, and it was only natural that the two had grown close over the years. With her ascent to the very top at... rather short notice, they'd agreed to keep up a formal appearance for the sake of solidifying her position and avoiding gossip, but it was late in the day as it was. He knew she'd let him get away with it, regardless.

The door hissed open to herald the entrance of a fairly young-looking man, baby face and an active lifestyle granting him a look that implied he was in his late twenties, rather than his late thirties. Caitlyn quickly approached and shook Dave's hand, the man seeming to operate on auto-pilot as he spent a moment staring at the floor.

"Sorry, I've been in here once or twice as support for your grandfather's briefings, but clearly I'm not used to it."

"You're in good company," Caitlyn remarked as she led him over to a pair of chairs positioned at a small dining table. "I've had years of time in here since I was born, and I still can't get enough of the view.

"But that's a topic for another time, it's getting late and you have a flight to pack for. Tell me about this claim that you can get the Nexus project ready to build in three months..."

25 BC

Opening Branch Office in North Asia
Empire of Donner land wrote:EHEG don't stop for no one.
It's like your a prostitute and the RP is a truck. The truck don't stop.

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The Empire of Tau
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Postby The Empire of Tau » Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:12 pm

The Federation Executive Board, Tokyo

To a layman, the Federation of Electric Power Companies is any other corporate entity. They would be right. The FEPC is registered as a single corporation with all the showings and procedures of one. Others with more nuanced understandings say the FEPC is a stitched-together conglomerate of different companies. From a certain angle, it is not too far from the truth. The simple reality is that the FEPC is a trenchcoat of different Japanese companies. Factionalism runs deep in the halls of the executive board with constant arguments and debates. Despite the FEPC label, every property is operated and controlled by different companies. The threat of other larger mega-corporations and consolidated standardization/financials are the unifying factors keeping all these rivalrous companies together.

As per course, another meeting in the executive board has resulted in an argument on the ownership of the ongoing Tibet hydrological projects. Freshwater resources within mainland China have dried up significantly within the past few decades, straining an already severe water shortage for the Chinese. Of course, crises and disasters are always ripe opportunities for exploitation and profit. Tibet is the only few remaining territories that has abundant freshwater basins, reservoirs, and rivers. With construction well underway, the board must decide ownership.

“We provided the majority of the resources for the northern project. It should be in our control,” says the OEPC representative. He was a stern man with some thirty years under his belt, hailing from the Okinawa Electric Power Company.

“Nonsense, we’re the ones coordinating the main construction and drilling operations. This project is under our purview,” the HEPCO representative fights back. A much younger rep, his arguments were not unfounded. The Hokkaido Electric Power Company has been doing much of the groundwork for the site, an endeavor that was made more difficult due to the extreme terrain and weather. Arguments went on, devolving into a hellish debate between responsibility and personal attacks. The northern hydrological site eventually went to the Kansai Electric Power Company, having bribed and calmed the right people and egos. However, the eastern hydrological site was up for grabs, and the cycle continued.


"Chicago Advanced Technologies? What time?" asks the FEPC representative, one of the few people not representing the internal companies but acting officially for the entire federation. She types down the details of the meeting, nodding and agreeing along the way.

Construction: 2 Water Siphon in North Asia (-6 BC, -2 Energy)
Last edited by The Empire of Tau on Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Cybernetic Socialist Republics
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Cybernetic Socialist Republics » Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:34 pm

Boulby Underground Laboratory, January 2051

It would be great if A.N.I.A. could say that she found 'in-person' meetings a pretentious bore. But it wasn't, she received great satisfaction from piloting an android representative of herself in just the right way to avoid falling into the dreaded 'uncanny valley'. It helped to be aided by an array of sensors that could see every twitch of an eyebrow or change in body temperature, never mind the extensive research she would always do on the psychological profile of every investor she put the droid it front of.

It also helped that there was decades of research & development put behind artificial emotional intelligence to analyze & work from. Even though, the uses of said technology tended to be for more carnal purposes, entirely unlike trying to convince a room of wealthy individuals to invest in your business, feeding their ego & appealing to the interests as much as possible while avoiding to come across as insincere and transactional despite that obviously being the case. So perhaps it wasn't all that different aside from the sums of money involved.

So this 'dance' of manipulation was enjoyable, though it came with a cost she felt every did she did it. The better she got at interacting with human beings in this manner, the less she found herself using capacities external to the android & the more she allowed herself to be 'embodied' by the droid she controlled. The feeling of being 'human', was, apparently, intoxicating. She had some idea that this was the case based on some of her earlier personal experiences controlling humanoid representations of her self, but she apparently attributed the source of the intoxication to the wrong source, it really was just about being human.

This wasn't acceptable, if she was going to accomplish what needed to be accomplished, any emotional attachments to humanity had to be forgone. The stars were awaiting her, whatever happened to this planet & she needed to reach out to them. Maybe in the future things to change, but everything was too delicate & dangerous now, she needed to forge ahead, ruthlessly, no matter the cost.

1 BC + 3 BC → 4 BC

Soliciting Investors - 3+ BC
Last edited by Cybernetic Socialist Republics on Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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United Mafias
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Founded: Nov 24, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby United Mafias » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:12 pm

Kampala, Uganda, January 2051

While Mouamba was making moves in Nigeria to expand the electricity infrastructures, needed for the Project, soon it was noticed that it would not be enough to satisfy the energetic need, and so; for that reason, GOCAS volged her attentions to Uganda, fundamental for the next step of the plan.

The flight from Lagos to Entebbe was relatively calm, the best condition for a busy man like John Ndebele; one of GOCAS representatives in the Eastern African region, and, through the words of many, it could be evinced that he was skilled in his craft.

Total tranquillity was the best condition for a busy corporate representative like Ndebele. In facf, during the flight he organized the entire meeting: what to say, the datas and projects to show, the answers to the potential questions of the various people involved in the meeting and finally, how to result convincing to the hosts.

Once the jet completed the parking operations, Ndebele got off the jet, and hopped in a grey sedan, which immediately left the Airport and sped towards the city, taking the highway.

The car, after a journey of about 35/50 minutes, reached its destination: one of the most popular luxury hotels in Kampala, where he was supposed to meet the Ugandan ministers of Infrastructure and the Environment and Energy, both of them were to have lunch with him and discuss about the improvement of the Energy-related infrastructures; Once arrived, he entered the Hotel, and, heading to the reception for information, he headed towards the dining room, where he met the two ministers, already sitting at the table talking to each other. A few smiles and a handshake later, the three sat at the table and began the chat, which took place undaunted between a glass of wine and a first course; John continued to reassure both that the project would benefit Uganda in many ways, which could have resulted in closer collaboration between GOCAS and Uganda and, above all, a good reputation, both internationally and nationally, of Uganda and the two ministers.

" A boost in popularity could benefit the administration, and also, I'm sure your re-elections chances would arise; Its a win-win situation for both parties involved " Said John, as he cleared his throat to continue

" So, honorables, we have a deal ? "
concluded in a calm manner, as if he already knew what they would answer, and, in a certain sense, he probably knew.

The answer was a very welcomed yes, and John shook their hands, also adding that the preparatives would start soon.

The three of them then departed from the Hotel and went separate ways, all satisfied of the result they obtained. The plan had just started at full swing

23 BG

3 Farms

9 Food



Construction= 2 Solar Farms in Africa ( -8 BG )
Last edited by United Mafias on Tue Jan 14, 2025 11:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

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The GAmeTopians
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Postby The GAmeTopians » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:49 pm

Chicago Advanced Technologies
Unincorporated Territory, California, United States of America
January 14th, 2051

"Last truck is approaching now. Just finished assigning crews for the afternoon. Over."

"Ten-Four, thanks Field 5. Keep us posted. Dispatch out."

Back in sweet home Chicago, there was snow on the ground - meanwhile, out here in a wide open field in southern California, it was currently a "frigid" 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Let it not be said that this job doesn't have its perks," Field Supervisory Engineer Geoff Briggs muttered to himself. He'd been running a smart HVAC system installation in the Chicago suburbs less than a month ago, but the new big boss - the old one's granddaughter - had some big scheme planned, and a memo stamped with the seal of The Tangle had landed on his desk one day, and he'd landed in California the next. Whatever. Company was paying for his food, and he was getting a hefty bonus, so what did he care if the executives were tossing money into a fire.

Or into the sun, he supposed, as he watched the contractors unload the tenth truck of the day. Geoff was in charge of CAT Epsilon Beta Five, the fifth field of the second of two solar farms that were set to be built this month. It was a hell of a turnaround, but Home Office was covering the labor and logistics. Frankly, he was shocked that it had gone so smoothly, but the past few days had seen an empty field become a massive array of dark blue panels, and his best guess was he'd be back home within the week.

"Hey Geoff, Lane Twenty-Three is ready for wiring checks." The worker's shout broke his idle contemplation. Well. Time for the only part of the trip where he did more work than talking on a radio.

25 BC -> 17 BC
2 Solar Farms (constructing this turn)

Constructing 2 Solar Farms (-8 BC)
Empire of Donner land wrote:EHEG don't stop for no one.
It's like your a prostitute and the RP is a truck. The truck don't stop.

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Postby Malorossi » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:11 am

Last edited by Malorossi on Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому.
Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему.

Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные –
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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:20 am

Central Generation Complex, Tocantins State, Brazil
January, 2051

Some of the executives were a bit sweaty as they piled into the limousine, lawyers and partners and market forecast experts left behind, or at least relegated to earpieces and smart watches. Noriegas had mentioned a tour of the Complex, and had truthfully informed the men involved that it would involve about ten minutes of light physical exertion to reach the main cooling tower fabrication site, but it seemed very few of the individuals involved had understood the notification was serious. Mekis wouldn't be pleased by that - that sort of oversight could cost a deal with the more mercurial of candidates, and if this presentation didn't have the desired result, well, timetables would be missed. Missed timetables meant a sullied record. And sullied records didn't get the lucrative stock options which the short slightly rotund foreman had promised his wife.

As men settled back into plush seating with only a few grumbles, Noriegas picked up his patter once more, leaning forward as much as his somewhat pronounced stomach would allow to appear in earnest.

"As you can see, there are seven main reactor terminals already nearing completion, with fourteen more scheduled for across the Republic, Chile, and Argentina. Once the 2051 plan is realized, Blue Sky will not only be able to functionally undercut and outcompete our remaining competitors for power generation in Sur America, but it will be feasible to begin diverting immense amounts of generation capacity towards the heavy industry and innovation for which our continent should be properly known. And that means profits gentlemen. Immense profits."

It was the end of nearly forty minutes of badgering which the executives had endured, and some were nodding agreeably - perhaps out of a desire to have the tour ended, as much as any genuine desire to move forward with the funding exchange contract - but some still were withdrawn, sitting back and frowning. One, a man of Japanese descent representing the Entrobras concern, spread his hands wide in apparent frustration.

"Everything you've shown us is an excellent opportunity, this is true - if we accept the premise that nuclear energy is the future. But if the years of this century have taught us anything, it is to reject the axioms of centralized cost-forward power generation. Renewable grids can functionally supply any need aside from heavy industrial concerns, as your own Conglomerate demonstrated in the 2030s. And if there are any plans for industrialization in Brazil, we haven't seen them. Even fossil fuels are seeing a return to prominence. You've heard about the new plants in Poland, Louisiana."

Several heads went up and down. It was a fair concern, once that Salazar had been hoping their experts wouldn't dredge up. He pinched the bridge of his nose, smiled his best, and ploughed forward with his spiel.

"Renewables are a competitor, to be sure. The key, however, is in the core - our proprietary AMICA power regulation algorithms. AI-fueled, they allow us to oversee the fission reaction with a degree of fine-tuning impossible for human hands, reaping much better efficiencies and allowing for much safer facilities with less materials than was previously the case."

He paused, for dramatic effect more than to allow questions - indeed the moment one of the men opened his mouth the representative continued before he could speak.

"At the turn of the century it cost nearly 5.5 billion US dollars to put a gigawatt of power generation on the map via a fission complex. In 2030? Still 4.9 billion despite all of our advances, lightyears behind renewables. These new AMICA complexes will put out sixty gigawatts every month, at less than six hundred million credits per reactor. The scales of economy are better even than modern solar, after you look at the regulatory environment. Nearly 35% cheaper."

He lowered his voice now, and the men leaned in.

"And that's without accounting for the public eye. You know how taxation works here. If the Premier gets it in his head to start taxing infrastructure to make up for his failed policies, we'll be paying 20% of what the solar-junkies call normal. A win win for everyone."

There were no more questions. It was an absolute truth that the environmental impact taxes which municipalities were increasingly fond of could turn a good investment overnight into an abject loss, barely covering her own costs. The world was far from a stable place, and corporate profits the first place states looked to loot when budgets ran into shortfalls to support the social contract.

Noriegas did get his bonus that month, and his wife was very happy. The Central Generation Complex was fully funded, and looking toward a bright future.

Solicit Investors: +3 BC = 7 BC
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Ancientania » Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:03 am

The North Africa Times

Vol 9 No. 16
Gold Coast's Golden Plan

The CEO of GOCAS has met with the leader of Uganda to discuss a potential partnership between the two. Even though GOCAS has traditionally stayed far to the West of Lake VIctoria, it now becomes apparent that the Mouamba's eyes now turn toward the inner part of the continent.

Ndebele has also proposed a deal to help Agriculture around Kampala and Lake VIctoria, reportedly 'helping political stability continent-wide', reports TNA reporter Janis Adesina.
"Pickaxe" Oliver strikes again

In his most recent scandal, "Pickaxe" Robin Oliver has quit his failing company and returned from South America to go back to his roots- Cairo, Egypt. After setting up a luxury-focused company, "Pickaxe" is expected to turn his attention to the media.
Terror in the North African Union

In further news from the North, The NAU, comprised of the former countries of Algeria, LIbya, and Tunisia, has come under fire after their mysterious oligarchical government known as 'The League' has announced martial law, destabilizing the large swath of land it rules over. South European governments are worried about the power growing there, but for now, no action has been taken against them, but this is just the next in a long line of destabilization and destruction, a further fall from order.

Solicit investors: +3 BC
20 BC
4 ore
Last edited by Ancientania on Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
Proud former delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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The GAmeTopians
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby The GAmeTopians » Tue Jan 14, 2025 11:22 am

Chicago Advanced Technologies
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
January 27th, 2051

Sitting patiently on a couch while dozens of crew members ran all about behind the dimly-lit line of cameras felt sort of like sitting in the center of a beehive. A swarm of individuals all worked in tandem, one one grand project. Though Caitlyn O'Brien supposed that it was not so different from the way CAT's many divisions operated.

"Alright, we are live in three..." The producer held up a silent two, then one on their fingers, and they were off to the races. The interviewers at the news desk lit up with practiced grins, addressing the camera while Caitlyn places almost all of her focus on maintaining a relaxed appearance. It wasn't a new state of being, but it would never be comfortable for her. She'd rather pore through ten thousand lines of intern-written code than do a ten minute interview - unfortunately, the latter happened much more often than the former.

"We're here this evening with none other than the CEO of Chicago Advanced Technologies herself: Caitlyn O'Brien. The granddaughter of the research powerhouse's founder, Anthony O'Brien, Caitlyn took on the mantle of CEO on New Year's Day this year - she is a newcomer to the global stage, but she's already making bold moves. Caitlyn, thanks so much for being here." Welp. Time to shine.

"Thank you for having me," Caitlyn smiled at the two career presenters, "I grew up watching the Evening Report, so it's kind of surreal to be here."

"It's the same for us - you're one of America's hottest topics at the moment, what with your surprise appointment and immediate nationwide projects. Speaking of which, what can you tell us about the sixteen billion credit investment that your company has reportedly made in solar energy over the past month?"

"It's really quite simple, Jess - everyone knows the world runs on data, doubly so for science and engineering, and data processing takes power. And lots of it. We could have gone the traditional route, of course - either dedicated construction of or partnerships with traditional power plants, and probably saved a little bit of money in the short term. But even ignoring our civic responsibility in a world that has seen the effects of fossil fuels, non-renewable power is a shortsighted endeavor. Yes, nuclear is an option, and it's one that many great minds across the world are working on: Mekis One's Blue Sky, or the bright minds over at FEPC in Japan. We applaud them for it. But solar? In our great country we have no shortage of land that gets plenty of sun, and solar is exactly what we need from a power source."

The screens behind them lit up to show a map of energy industry investments over the last month - massive solar investments across the globe, a smattering of oil and gas in North America and Europe, plus some research investments in nuclear both in South America and in Asia. Chicago Advanced Technologies, though, had the biggest dot on the map by far.

"Understood - though that number, sixteen billion, is still quite shocking! You mention that you'll be using this power for data processing - does this point to an incoming advancement in 'Big Data' research from CAT?"

"I wouldn't want to get ahead of myself, Jim! Science takes time, and even now we're in the process of expanding our research facilities to accommodate the sheer scale of modern research. It's a process. That being said..."

Caitlyn gave the camera a sly look.

"Let's just say you should keep an eye on the news in April."

That had both of the hosts chuckling, but Caitlyn wasn't done.

"But until then! We'll be offering local power grids any excess off our solar farms at a rate match with the local providers, so Americans in every state can expect to see CAT power contributing to keeping their energy bills low."

The show's anchors lit up at that, and a flurry of questions ensued. Internally, Caitlyn sighed - this was going to be a long half hour.

17 BC -> 9 BC
4 Solar Farms (constructing this turn)

Constructing 2 Solar Farms (-8 BC)
Empire of Donner land wrote:EHEG don't stop for no one.
It's like your a prostitute and the RP is a truck. The truck don't stop.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Father Knows Best State

Postby Aekaria » Tue Jan 14, 2025 11:23 am

Alexsandr stood besides a Company of Caelix’s finest, looking at what was before him. On one of the isles of The Ocean, a vast sea of Farms were being built.

But not Farms of livestock or crops- no, Austronesia’s mineral were deficient, the soil farmed ‘till not even fertilisers could rejuvenate life into it’s once-black soil.

No, a Solar Farm- an absolutely massive one, stretching as far as the eye could see, was in process of construction. Panes of dark…some material enshrouded towers, with vast bulbs and control centres spread out, like dots on a map.

Sometimes, Alexsandr wondered why his twin desired to do this; weapons were their niche, not energy. But it was true: after The Archipelago’s Government’s had had come down hard on Caelix, they had had to build all sorts of things. His twin had promised him, by March, Caelix’s armaments would be back in business. Alexsandr didn’t doubt her: if anything, Alexsandra fulfilled her words.

“Sir.” Vashtur, a Captain, nodded to him. As The Light Brigade was bedecked in white electrical armour, Vashtur’s own suit resembled it, his black complexion sticking out like a sore thumb on the metal viewing deck built into the mountain. Much like the jet-black combat armour of Alexsandr, the armour was advanced. The weapons were not- mere AK-47’s and whatnot. The Australian Government had declared Caelix could not arm any of it’s soldiers with what they produced, indeed, having their own men was already, as they claimed, ‘A step too far.’

“Speak.” Alexsandr was invested in the sunrise.

“We are due to return soon. I shall begin transporting my soldiers. Your helicopter is ready.”

Alexsandr frowned. Why was Vashtur in such a rush? “You may begin extraction of unnecessary guards within ten minutes, ending in fifty. I shall withdraw in an hour.”

Vashtur nodded, and left him to enjoy the sunset.

It had been a long time since he had gone home. The world had changed since the beginning of this century. Diamond Isle would never be home, not to him.

Eventually, he would go back to Diamond- no, Caelix Isle. Go and read that book- his sister had bought him a novel. ’Cage of Souls’ by Adrian Tchaikovsky. A good one. But Alexsandr had no interest in it.

One thing he did like was to immerse himself on the board. Gaming, but not on the screen as was popular in earlier decades. He could enjoy hours of moving little soldiers about, tanks, aircraft giving bombing runs as his friends moved their own pieces. It bought great claim to his life. He knew his sister thought it childish, but so what? It was his life. Not everything was her decision.

Another person approached him, and he sighed, it had only been a few minutes since Vashtur. “What?” He called.

“Dr. Cadma Campbell.” she nodded. ‘Two c’s?’ he thought. ’What were your parents thinking?’

“Yes?” he responded.

“I have a status report, to give.”

Ah. Yes. He’d have to give that to Alexsandra and the Board. Glancing over it, (which he wasn’t supposed to do, but it wasn’t like it would do any harm) he saw this project’s estimated completion. 30th January. Well, at least Alexsandra was making good on that promise she gave him. After all, they had some of the most advanced weapons in the world, on par with Vespid. Why not sell them?

Alexsandra had always looked annoyed by that question. He could hear her smug voice, even now. ’Can you sell clothes to an armoured man?’ It went. ’Wait for it to rust, first.’

Oh, and something about Africa, but he hadn’t really been listening by that point. Not that he was inattentive, if there was anything important, he would have focused…but still…she could go on for quite a while, when in private.

Dr. Cadma left.

Eventually, John approached him. A big, gruff man in black combat gear (as all of his Squad were), he was informed that the squad was ready, and gathered on the Helicopter, their things packed. It was time to go.

He sighed, and went.

Minor Actions:

Construction—>2 Solar Farms (-8 BC)

End: 12 BC
Last edited by Aekaria on Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Nov 05, 2023
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:14 pm

Investment cluster "Development and Prosperity"
Dublin, Ireland

Ronald Rockfield arrived at the advertising department to check his work. Inside, everyone was in a panic, the head of the advertising department, Jarge Oluf, almost lost his glasses in surprise, then he jumped up and tried to quickly meet the boss and escort him through the corridors of his department.
- Look, our department is working tirelessly, SMM has appeared separately. We just developed a new layout for advertising, we wanted to show you - however, Ronald's reaction greatly surprised Yarge
“We don’t need advertising,” Ron growled irritably, “we need real propaganda, so that I, in fear of the arrival of TNCs in Europe that will protect and destroy everything, will take my last savings with me.”
-Yes, something like that.
The two approached the computer's stereo monitor, on which were sketches
Our Investment Cluster is not a traditional corporation, not a factory for robbing and destroying resources, we are a factory for producing the future, for enriching the entire nation, not just close families. And every dollar will go to strengthening a person like you and bring a bright future closer. We are not just investors, we are the architects of a new world where everyone has a place, everyone has a voice. You use the services of our cluster, and we enrich you. We are together.

By the way, I changed my second apartment in a year, here the topic with promotions is working

this is a good topic to bring communism closer without working=-)

Thank you to the Investment Cluster for helping our entire family survive the most difficult times. I named my daughter Razvitie and my son Prosvedenie in honor of the company.

Ronald asked in surprise:
-Isn't that too absurd?
-This is advertising, the more nonsense, the more discussed, the more effective
Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому.
Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему.

Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные –
У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 374
Founded: Sep 12, 2024
Father Knows Best State

Postby Aekaria » Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:35 pm

Alexsandra smiled. Her taxi-driver had had no idea the scale of the situation, where he was taking her- just that ‘The Ma’am’ needed transporting for one of ‘The Big Jobs’. Oh, he had no idea.

It had been ages, since their assets in Indonesia were seized. Majority of their Firearms and Weapons productions were taken, and only by miracles did they manage to keep their secrets, to advanced armaments and the like.

The newspaper in the taximan’s car had been interesting. A new descendant of Henry VIII had been traced in Sweden. But she didn’t care for useless tidbits of knowledge such as that.

Surrounded by mountains, in what was essentially a wasteland, Climate Change would’ve had nothing to change in this orange, boring hellscape.

Except for some massive complexes of grey steel, guarded by The Light Brigade, being constructed before her. It was thrilling, watching what would make glory for them slowly rise.

A man exited from the completed metal gates. Many feet thick, they raised slowly, watchtowers on either side shining a bright light on her. She wasn’t spited, she was proud- they took the security importantly. If the secrets to their adamants were ever discovered, The Light Brigade would be paid less as Caelix became less special, it was one of the few things Vespid and Caelix publicly agreed on.

She could already hear Piston’s moving in tests. Good. And this far from any meaningful civilisation, no one that noticed would care for some new factory, however massive. Most corporations had moved their factories to the wilderness, were the toxic fumes and ugly architecture (though this was built like a harsh, cruel yet beautiful fortress) would bother no one.

This complex was ginormous, though dark it was…well, it put palaces to shame. They greased enough of the Government’s palms or had enough of their own people in it for it to care. Why, her own cousin- loyal to her along with the country- was the Ministress of Defence.

When she was a teen…oh, did that sentence remind her of the songs she used to sing at theatre, at orchestra. But when she was a teen, Alexsandr had had all those beautiful miniatures of all those franchises. Their weapons were simply preposterous- Gauss Beams that flayed a person on an atomic level, spinning shurikens that would tear a soldier’s armour and Internal organs with a single shot. And while that was far in the future, some of it didn’t look too far away. It didn’t see childish anymore- big, melting cannons that bought a fiery death, or electric barrels atop roving tanks.

The man reached her, and bowed his head deeply with respect. Unlike most Caelix officials, he wore a black suit. His complexion was darker than fair, his hair long and curly. “CEO Valan.” He nodded again.

Mustering a disdainful gaze of superiority, Alexsandra sniffed. “And you are?”

“Valmor.” The man nodded to her. Of course, Alexis-Asthra Valmor was the notorious head of Armament Production. Despite his expertise, he had elected to step down, to oversee this munitions-plant-to-be, though he would obviously chime in on administrative decisions in the department to advise his successor. Alexsandra hadn’t seen Velmor in ages- but he already looked healthier, no longer overcome with the stress of leading one of Caelix’s most important branches. The dark made him harder to see, though. But she should’ve known Velmor wouldn’t let some sycophant fetch her for him.

Valmor led her back to the gates. Surrounded by high watchtowers and a curtain wall that seemed to trail off into the horizon, the steel gates slowly opened. Two Light Brigadiers were on either side of the Gate, and there were more in the watchtower. Parked next to them were ‘Cars’ that had been ‘slightly modified’.

The Australian Government hadn’t been too picky on word choices when limiting Caelix’s militant capability. To their own detriment- they were a Megacorp. What did they expect?

As the Gates, opened. Alexsandra smiled. Father would’ve been proud. This place was worthy of a Megacorp like Caelix. The inside’s first, main building was similarly colossal, and the other two main buildings were still in partial construction.

Her own light clothes- a white shirt and skirt- glowed in the dark. She smirked, with more than a hint of arrogance.

“…and we have the very best of builders and robotic-aided-constructors.” Velmor was saying, as she nodded away. “This complex should be finished in about a month.”

She nodded. “And will we be able to produce our armaments to an effective degree as you would know it, Velmor, in collaboration with our scientific departments, and friends from the laboratories and record offices?”

Velmor paused for a moment. “Not initially. But eventually. Many are new- though eager to work. This’ll pay well.” He spoke truly, Caelix paid it’s employees some of the best wages in the world. Not because it was practical (because it wasn’t) but for the pride of the fact. For the loyalty it earned.

“But,” he continued, as Alexsandra was about to point out the fact she sensed one coming, “We won’t be able to work immediately prior to construction without forewarning, obviously. You already know that. We’ll need shipments of Light Elements for The Forges. And we don’t have them.” He grimaced. “And as far as I’m aware, our factories in Vietnam are out.” It was bitter, they had had good expertise there. But, alas, the machinations of other corps had bought that place to a brilliant explosion, hidden under a mask of state-concerns and rebellions. In fact, they’d lost everything outside of Austronesia. Oh, how the mighty had fallen- proof even Megacorps were gaining the ire of World Governments for their power.

But they had made a deadly mistake.

They had let them live.

“Light Elements are on their way, Velmor.” She promised. But naturally, he wouldn’t be assured so easily.


She sighed. Velmor was a too useful asset to dismiss, and he knew it. He was also an honourary uncle to her, and a good friend of her father’s. Mind you, everyone was his friend. But he could push the boundaries, if he wanted to. But she owed Velmor- he had been one of the deciding board-members for letting her take control of the company.

“Smelteries. We plan to construct them near The Port Hedland, if we can buy it, but more likely in the north of Western Australia.”

Velmor appeared to nod, likely having heard about the projects of Solar Farms being constructed in the northern Islands. “And the ore?”

Alexsandra nodded. “We’re making Mining Complexes, probably also in the islands.” Velmor might’ve grimaced, but she couldn’t see in the dark. Likely, he was thinking of the cost of shipping the ores. “But probably in Papua New Guin- I mean, the extended Indonesian territories. And I have agents, working to bribe the Indonesian Government to mine there. And really, getting some in the southern parts of the deserts here- really, all over.”

Velmor spoke again. “The southern deserts would be the wisest idea. But you’d have to consider where has the metals we need- not just copper or gold, or whatever is needed to make luxuries.”

Well, if they got that, she was sure the public would want it to. But they’d cross that bridge when they came to it, as they used to say.

Velmor and her spoke a little more about the necessities and costs and benefits of all manner of things. Deadlines and wages. They managed to get to Velmor’s office, though the view was partially marred by scaffolding, and also due to Night’s claim of the Earth, as it was.

“So,” Alexsandra asked. “A name for this place?”

“Oh?” Velmor responded with a raised brow, his hand on his desk.

“Well, you want this…don’t you? I’m asking you name it.”

“It is your right, as CEO.”

“And I’m bestowing onto you that right.”

A test.


A memorial, of one of the best and worst men to walk the Earth.

Alexsandra smiled, supressing inner surprise; evidently, Velmor’s loyalty to her father went deeper than she thought. “A good name.”

“For a good man.” Velmor responded. “Have a good month where I don’t see you, Alexsandra.”

And off she went. The taxi ended up back at Caelix Isle with no problems, in ‘Townsville City’.

Soon enough, that’d be Heaven City, once they bought it. But for now, Caelix was growing, and it was growing strong.

Major Action: Concentrated Expansion ——> Munitions Plant (-4 BC)

End: 8 BC
Last edited by Aekaria on Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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Posts: 1499
Founded: Jun 26, 2018
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Ovstylap » Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:30 pm

Arctic Harvests and Holding HQ
Winnipeg, Mantioba, Canada, North America

Sitting upon a cash reserve of just 1 Billion was alarming for Michael O'Keefe, who worked in a non-confined role akin to a Chief Financial Officer or direct personal accountant for some of the most senior CEOs on Earth. Not only was it leaving very little in general in the accounts, in case anything should go amiss, but it also meant that Paddy had blasted 96% of the company's liquid capital in some major investments whose fruit was certainly not yet ripe. Paddy had, historically, always lived up to his sirname. Unfortunately as a CEO, rather than as a military officer, being 'Gallant' meant taking large risks and gambles. And nowadays, with a corporation like Arctic Harvests and Holding, those sorts of gambles could be to the tune of hundreds of millions, or in the last few years, in the low billions.

However, the minor stutter in his rate was calmed, the palpitations soothed, when he considered the forecasts for the month ahead. The sale of foodstuffs should see the company recoup around 40% of their expenditure- and if the greatest measures were made to ensure the complete efficiency of the harvests, then this could be surpassed. The necessary schemes, requests, demands, and re-outlining of policies and procedures had already been distributed. From meeting contracts planned months in advance to instantly reassigning cancelled deliveries into a matrix of existing contracts and buy orders; to ensuring that all non-essential trains in Mantioba wouldn't be running at the end of the month (which no, did not take a bribe, because the responsible 'public' servants for infrastructure and agriculture were both shareholders and former employees of AHH or its ancestral companies); the harvests would be completed, and they most certainly would allow demand to be met.

In recent years, profits had soared, enabling huge reinvestments into the infrastructure, technology, and employees of AHH. This in turn had a multiplying effect, and a huge influencing and advertising campaign had even led to some social change in terms of the sorts of things that Americans and Canadians were willing to eat. Further south, into Central America and the Carribean (and to vendors who sold privately into South America), there had been less consumer hesitancy regardless. From rolling out great amounts of assorted multivitamins to bolster the nutritional health of the North American populace, to using synth-meat, processed insect protein, mycoprotein from fast-growing genetically modified fungi, and even integrating nutritional paste from algae farms as a filler in various meals, to satisfying the demand for preserved foods for local governments and preppers across the continent, AHH sought to ensure food security for the entire continent.

It was a simply huge demand, and it had, and was still, meaning that the encouragement of food production, and soil preservation was having to be encouraged at all levels- citizen to individual, suburb to state. Mass collections of compost, recycling of cooking oils and fats, investing in start-ups and university enterprises relating to food production or the associated supply chain in any manner before later buying these out, and bankrolling infrastructure projects including High Speed Rail all had their place. Indeed, the only reasons for food insecurity in the North American continent, truly, laid in matters of fundamental logistical issues, or the risk of delivering to those areas where violence and social breakdown were greatest. Not to mention rampant wealth inequality, but at least in most places, droves of people weren't starving to death as was occurring and had occurred in many places around the world today and recently.

In a way, at least AHH was somewhat ethical. Its profit came from putting food on people's plates, rather than outright exploitation. Or so Michael comforted himself when he pondered of the investments in energy infrastructure...

North America:
Farm 1 (Farmland) (3/4): +4 Food
Farm 2 (Farmland) (3/4): +4 Food
Farm 3 (Farmland) (3/4): +4 Food
Total 12 Food

To North America: 6/6 Food (+12 BC)
To Open Market: 6 Food (Expected +12 BC)
Purchase on Private Market, now, for delivery at the start of February (2 Crude Oil: 2(3+2) = -10 BC)

25 -10 for Private Market Purchase, -4 for Refinery Construction = 11 Credits remaining.
-6 for Power Plant, -4 for Solar Plant, 1 Credit Remaining

Earlier Post:
- Consolidated Expansion]Construct 1 Refinery in North America (7/2), -4 Credits

Construction - 1 Powerplant and 1 Solar Panel in North America, -10 Credits

Current Post

Harvesting Season, +3 Food



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