Description: The parent activist group known as Mothers for Free Thinking has recently petitioned for a total nationwide ban on the horror genre in public schools—even encompassing secondary education. Thus, a large crowd of squabbling middle-aged women, @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ language teachers, and religious fanatics have clumped together outside of your office.
1: “Shield your eyes and ears!” shouts @@RANDOMNAMEFEMALE@@, splaying her palms before you. “Sorry, it's second nature… The horror genre has no place in the classrooms of our teenag… I mean, kids! These gruesome works are filled with the supernatural, fear, violence, death, gore, and other disturbing elements that are unsuitable to be taught in school! Can you imagine how many children have gone back home in tears after being force-fed the works of Poe Allen? Or how many nightmares they’ve suffered? Or wet the bed? Ban this morbid genre from our schools once and for all! Think of the children!”
Effect: Primary school teachers shoo trick-or-treating children away on Halloween
2: “Don’t listen to this cowardice,” condescendingly remarks @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ language teacher, @@RANDOMNAMEMALE@@. “Do you think our youth will grow up if you keep them locked in a false bubble of comfort? The plethora of cliche happily-ever-after stories gets redundant, no? The truth is, horror engages students with the thrill, the suspense, and, of course, the danger! The genre provokes excitement and sends shivers down the spines of pupils! In fact, we should be teaching more horror—why not introduce some more… macabre, more… gothic, topics into the primary curriculum? Eh?” The man glares at you with a wide grin, fixated on your delicate eyeball. He hasn’t blinked once this entire time.
Effect: Petrified schoolchildren as young as six are told by their teachers to “grow a pair”
3: “Banish this blasphemy from our nation!” shrieks prominent Violetist pastor, @@RANDOMNAME@@. “Horror promotes all that is evil and wicked and it must be outlawed in its entirety! It is heresy to the holy scriptures and teachings of Violet—prove your belief to the Order and bring forth yourself paradise—burn all horror literature, movies, posters; anything horror, hell, the heretics who authored and distributed these works! . . . Let us start with your bookshelf, open your window!” @@HE@@ begins to pull out a match before being dragged away by security.
Effect: The @@CAPITAL@@ Horror Trials have begun
Choice validity: Must allow religious worship
Must have an existing education system
Must have a large book publishing industry
Must not have “No Dissent” policy