Empires: 1936 [IC | CLOSED]

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Empires: 1936 [IC | CLOSED]

Postby Yuugria » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:41 pm



The Year is 1936 and the world is on the brink

France: Led by President Albert François Lebrun and Prime Minister Leon Blum the French Republic is taking a more aggressive measure to combat German expansionism and the rice of fascism. The Military has been slowly funded more and more over the years secretly to combat seemingly worrying German Expansionism. A massive change has been made to the French military- a redesigned doctrine change. The French military- doctrine and style has been changed. Units have been rearranged and troops and generals are prearranging there strategy to go on the offensive and punish the enemy. Troops are being trained to push back and punish the enemy and the French military has increased to 105%

Soviet Union: Ever since Stalin took power the Soviet Union has been becoming more radical and dictatorial since the start of his rule- even for communist standards. Stalin has been starting sweeping and extremely radical measures in an attempt to transform the Soviet economy and increase their status as a world power and fulfill Lenin's dream. However Stalin has made a bold take in the Economic Revitalization Measure of 1936 changing the budget in the Soviet Congress and Party to include more investments in mining,railway infrastructure and agriculture attempting to strengthen those Soviet sectors which suits the Russian people more. It will take a long time but Soviet transportation and teh Communist farmers dream is becoming more viable as more Soviet incentives and support are helping poor farmers in the country and everywhere make an easier living and transportation on trains and railways is being built all across the USSR

Japan: The Empire of Japan is at its peak power it seems from its old long gone distant isolationist past. The Japanese military has undergone insane reforms and is becoming the most dominant power in Asia. They defeated a heavy challenger in the Russian Empire in 1904 and since then no one has been able to or dare to challenge the mighty new empire of Asia which is growing rapidly stronger in all aspects day by day. Now it seems that Japan is gearing up for something big. Troops are being called and prepared for war, The IJN is showcasing aggressive exercises in the sea and the Air force is starting to prep and refurbish the plans for war. Movements have been made all across Japan and it seems the only target is either the USSR or China. Only Time will tell.

Netherlands: The Kingdom of the Netherlands have just deposed their leader the infamous Hendrikus "Hendrik" Colijn in favor of a more balanced and social leader in Prim Minister Lennerd Dutten. Dutten has also noted the drastic changes and threats happening outside of the Dutch border so he has taken a change in the budget plans. Water reclamation projects suffered a blow as a decent amount of funds were diverted to military and the upkeep and improvement of the inadequate Royal Netherlands Army to hopefully be prepared if a German Invasion although Dutch Politicians and people believe that they could stay neutral as they had in World War 1.

Persia: Led by Reza Shah Pahlavi the Iranians are mostly isolated from the European troubles except for the USSR on their northern border and British Colonies that border them they can focus on domestic policy and their people. Iranian transportation has always been inadequate and poorly developed since the start of the Pahlavi dynasty. The roads and architecture have always failed to meet modern standards in Present Day Iran but the Shah has decided to make an improvement for the better. With Tehran at the center connection all regional capitals and major cities of Iran are being connected in a huge network of 3 lane motorways for cars and motorbikes. It will also require the expansion of the Tabriz-Orumieh-Kermanshah-Ahvaz-Shiraz-Bandar Abbas highway to 3-lanes as well to extend transportation efficiently over Iran. The project will cost a penny so the economy takes a hit to 95% but in 6 months all the roads should be furnished and ready for full use

United States: With America just barely creeping out of the terrible era of the Great Depression which decimate the American jobs and economy and those of the world the US is still recovering. President Franklin D. Roosevelt the man who practically almost pulled them out of the depression is still there in house. He continues the emergency plans and the New Deal with multiple new bills and policies to fully push the United States back on the powerhouse track economic wise. The Americans are almost out of the huge hole of the depression but they need one last push

Brazil: Led into a new uncertain area for Brazil by 6-year old revolutionary appointed President Getúlio Vargas with seemingly dictatorial powers growing stronger. Vargas had managed to single handedly tip the value of Brazilian Coffee with his Coffee policy which increased the Coffee Value by barring imports of machinery to prevent overproduction and destroying foreign excess coffee. This time he has opened up the Tribunal Nacional Brasileiro to investigate the communist uprisings that occured in 1935. It reeked of possible bribery,corruption and attempted inside jobs or spies inside the Brazilian army to overthrow the Vargas Administration. The national court will help protect the Vargas administration and work to prevent possible corruption,revolts and state threats more efficiently but right now the court is investigating the 1935 incident in more depth

Italy: With Mussolini finally doing the inevitable and seizing total control over the government and nation of Italy and rendering King Emanuel powerless. With the Kingdom in his hands Mussolini has taken to preparing his Royal and imperial army for his own Roman Like ambitions. In order to provide more efficiency and order he has taken to using the secret police and the military courts to investigate and root out officer corruption due to resentment and dissent among the troops to how the officers were living like kings. So far it has been successful but bribes have been taken it appears slowing the process around. Rooting out corruption is going to be time consuming and hard but it is showing success as many high ranking generals and officers have been removed and replaced with new promotees or competent people who they found

Mexico: Led by the extremely successful and revolutionary socially moral President Lazaro Cardenas who has changed stances on the Catholic Church by repealing the Calles Law earning respect from the Pope and redistributing Land to peasants and making more serious and better land and peasantry reforms to solve the large land crisis for the Mexican people by implementing sweeping,innovative reforms by redistributing 180,000 kilometers of large commercial haciendas to the people. Now the agricultural industry is being flipped with redistribution mostly complete Cardenas has begin implementing more advanced reforms and ways to farm import and grow crops for Mexico.

Greece: With Greece Turing into an Iron,grim dictatorship cloud that is hovering over them the Greeks worst fears for democracy and kingdom-ship has unfortunately come true as Ioannis Metaxas with King George II support he has suspended the Greek Parliament and implemented a ultra conservative and anti communist fascist regime of the Kingdom of Greece. All democracy has been seemingly suspended and it seems a new king has been crowned of a new Greek Empire has other powers like Italy loom over them


1. No godmodding. I can't stress how important this is. You can't just roll through Europe as Liechtenstein without any strength or suddenly discover a vaporizer and kill everybody in the game. Make it realistic and I will enforce this

2. No Toxicity. We all hate it when players just start arguing and ripping each other apart when your just trying to role
play mate. So don't be that guy and keep it civil please or I will have to get the moderators Involved

3. 1 week Inactivity= GONE. If you are Inactive and don't post for a week your nation is up for grabs and another player can take your place. TG me or let me know if circumstances prevent you from posting

4. Each IRL day is 1 month. We start in January of whatever year we vote on.

5. We will vote on a new year at 50 pages. (Unless you wanna go longer or shorter I will post a poll on that)

6. You do NOT have complete control of your nation. If your a democracy this is very true. If your not well this is also true but you do have a lot more control of your nation


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Postby Yuugria » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:49 pm


France- Kriegsreich of Iron

Soviet Union- The National Dominion of Hungary

Japan- Alvosa

Netherlands- Estebere

Persia- Crpostran

United States of America- The Asdari

Brazil- Rio Negro e Para

Italy- Vaishnavaria

Mexico- Portadorada

Greece- Kasdados

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Postby Kostane » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:52 pm

I've sketched non-player countries with the black lines. I hope to find a different way to indicate this in future versions.
All borders / colonies are based on HOI4 as this is likely the clearest way to establish the distinctions.
Last edited by Kostane on Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:17 pm

Institute a draft, start industrializing on a massive scale, and begin ameliorating the training of French troops.

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-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Postby Yuugria » Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:57 pm

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Institute a draft, start industrializing on a massive scale, and begin ameliorating the training of French troops.

The draft causes small instability but people are eager to contain Germany so yeah. The French Industrial companies are given the go ahead and churning at full capacity. A new training regime and new equipment and areas for training are made to improve the skill of French troops

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The National Dominion of Hungary
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Postby The National Dominion of Hungary » Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:18 pm

The Soviet government headed by Joseph Stalin continues to focus the last year of the Second Five Year Plan into the wider Economic Revitalization Measure, with funding being devoted to the agricultural sector to increase food production and improve the economic situation in rural areas. The investments into the mining sector are concentrated into three major areas, the Donbass, the Kuzbass and Magnitogorsk for more focused expansion while railways are being expanded further.

Plotek i medialnych bredni nie daj sobie wmówić,
Codziennie się rozwijaj i nie daj się ogłupić,
Atakowi propagandy stawiaj czoło dzielnie,
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Mass Effect Andromeda is a solid 7/10. Deal with it.

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Postby Crpostran » Sun Jan 12, 2025 1:22 am

Nationalises the APOC (Anglo-Persian Oil Company) and creates the POC, Persian Oil Company to streamline efficiency in the oil industry, the second-largest in the world & get maximum profit. The government also improves the port of Bandar Abbas to get more oil tankers out.
The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
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Postby Alvosa » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:40 am

Japan will Launch a large program for the military including, building forts along the Mongolian, Chinese And Soviet borders. Building naval academies at Busan and Sapporo. Ariel academies at Tokyo and Hiroshima. A large propaganda campaign to convince young sailors to Join the navy. And a military base in Taipei.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:01 am

We’ll give Indochina to Japan in exchange for 15 Japanese divisions.

”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Postby Alvosa » Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:12 am

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:We’ll give Indochina to Japan in exchange for 15 Japanese divisions.

I did my math and that’s more then my army at the time.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:58 am

The National Dominion of Hungary wrote:The Soviet government headed by Joseph Stalin continues to focus the last year of the Second Five Year Plan into the wider Economic Revitalization Measure, with funding being devoted to the agricultural sector to increase food production and improve the economic situation in rural areas. The investments into the mining sector are concentrated into three major areas, the Donbass, the Kuzbass and Magnitogorsk for more focused expansion while railways are being expanded further.

With the collective farms being more agriculturalist and advanced the crops can produce really good crops at a fast rate for the economy as well as other forms of profitable farming. With Rural areas being more developed for agriculture and farming incentives given to rural areas the slow but steady farms are now becoming more modern and innovations are being spread to those rural areas. Now all you need is the peasants for the collective farms and for more people to start there own collectivization. The peasants are hesitant to join still but they are more convinced and more and more are steadily joining the collectivization process

Crpostran wrote:Nationalises the APOC (Anglo-Persian Oil Company) and creates the POC, Persian Oil Company to streamline efficiency in the oil industry, the second-largest in the world & get maximum profit. The government also improves the port of Bandar Abbas to get more oil tankers out.

With APOC being nationalized British investors and the Brits are extremely unhappy and attempt to hurt Persia by pulling out investments and help in the country but it does little damage to the Persian and Iranian economy. With the nationalization of APOC to POC the Persians can drive their own and full profit and it does wonders to the economy. With Bandar Abbas port converted into a better port it has a huge effect becoming a oil company and oil trade hub. Profit is only getting bigegr and it will do wonders to the Persian economy short term and long term. 300 million is already made in the first 2 months breaking records in oil profit. Oil companies are attempting to replace the British in Persia including the Americans

Alvosa wrote:Japan will Launch a large program for the military including, building forts along the Mongolian, Chinese And Soviet borders. Building naval academies at Busan and Sapporo. Ariel academies at Tokyo and Hiroshima. A large propaganda campaign to convince young sailors to Join the navy. And a military base in Taipei.

With the Japanese military flexing its muscles across East Asia it needs to expand its base and bases. Recruits are flooding into the Navy but more air force recruits are needed so Arial academies in Hiroshima and Tokyo are being built and to be completed in a month. Naval academies are also being built in Busan and Sapporo which will be complete in 2 months to facilitate the flood of recruits. The propaganda campaign encourages more and the masses are flooding in from Korea,Japan and Formosa. Taipei Military troop base is gonna be constructed in 2 months

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 12:04 pm

Alvosa wrote:
Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:We’ll give Indochina to Japan in exchange for 15 Japanese divisions.

I did my math and that’s more then my army at the time.

You have 250,000 active personnel in 1936 and a lot more are joining so I think you have like 16-ish divisions and you will bump it up to 20 probably soon

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Postby Alvosa » Sun Jan 12, 2025 12:34 pm

Yuugria wrote:
Alvosa wrote:I did my math and that’s more then my army at the time.

You have 250,000 active personnel in 1936 and a lot more are joining so I think you have like 16-ish divisions and you will bump it up to 20 probably soon

Still no. If I were to take Indochina by force I would probably lose less then a quarter of that.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 12:39 pm

Alvosa wrote:
Yuugria wrote:You have 250,000 active personnel in 1936 and a lot more are joining so I think you have like 16-ish divisions and you will bump it up to 20 probably soon

Still no. If I were to take Indochina by force I would probably lose less then a quarter of that.

Yeah you’re probably right

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:11 pm

Alright, I am extremely petty and will now spend the entire game defending Indochina until you lose exactly 15 divisions. Ask for an alliance with Germany, Italy, and the Brits, start recruiting in Indochina and sending troops to Indochina.

”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Postby Estebere » Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:57 pm

...okay then.

The Netherlands - February, 1936

Anyways. Seeing how Japan is set to become a massive threat in Asia, we'll begin programs to hopefully encourage loyalty in our Indonesian colonies. In particular, building up infrastructure- and a light pinch of propaganda. And of course, programs to ensure ethical treatment of the populace.

Can't have Japanese defectors.

Or- gods forbid- and Independant Indonesia?

We should ask the Queen if she'd be willing to pay them a visit. Or maybe the her daughter?
Last edited by Estebere on Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:01 pm

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Alright, I am extremely petty and will now spend the entire game defending Indochina until you lose exactly 15 divisions. Ask for an alliance with Germany, Italy, and the Brits, start recruiting in Indochina and sending troops to Indochina.

Ok the Indochinese and Vietnamese hate you so not many recruits arrive but it's something. Germany is not going to seek an alliance with you as their imperial ambitions collide with yours tremendously and Italy has not responded

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:22 pm

Estebere wrote:...okay then.

The Netherlands - February, 1936

Anyways. Seeing how Japan is set to become a massive threat in Asia, we'll begin programs to hopefully encourage loyalty in our Indonesian colonies. In particular, building up infrastructure- and a light pinch of propaganda. And of course, programs to ensure ethical treatment of the populace.

Can't have Japanese defectors.

Or- gods forbid- and Independant Indonesia?

We should ask the Queen if she'd be willing to pay them a visit. Or maybe the her daughter?

Okay educational and cultural programs and activities are funded all over Indonesia as well as joint Dutch and Indonesian cultural exchange festivals are prompted increasing the bond, patriotism and loyalty of the Indonesian people by a pretty decent amount. Half of the people dismiss Propaganda and don't take the big talk seriously but it still boosts patriotism by a pretty lot. And infrastructure is being modernized and changed all across Indonesia to improve the lives and economic output. As for the queen I need more confirmation for of she or her daughter is actually going pls

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:50 pm

Yuugria wrote:
Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Alright, I am extremely petty and will now spend the entire game defending Indochina until you lose exactly 15 divisions. Ask for an alliance with Germany, Italy, and the Brits, start recruiting in Indochina and sending troops to Indochina.

Ok the Indochinese and Vietnamese hate you so not many recruits arrive but it's something. Germany is not going to seek an alliance with you as their imperial ambitions collide with yours tremendously and Italy has not responded

Nevermind. I’ll take of Japan later, for now rescind the offers to the Italians. Move troops out of Indochina, cut off all aid, and mobilize the gendarmerie. Dissolve the African colonies and establish puppet regimes.

”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Usonia federal union
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Postby Usonia federal union » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:26 pm

Okay i start building resorts across Venezuela and I subsidized transportation and I will put 2 million in the project and I will consult economic advisors to see what there plan is to diversify the Venezuelan economy.

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The National Dominion of Hungary
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Postby The National Dominion of Hungary » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:31 pm

Stalin is determined to further the collectivization-efforts, by honey and vinegar. Rural towns and villages where farmers collectivize into kolkhozes will be prioritized for having Machine-Tractor Stations built to effectivize farming by having, tractors, threshers, harvesters and other machines available. Such towns and villages will also be prioritized for having things such as clinics and police stations constructed to improve healthcare and security in rural areas. Most importantly perhaps, as an incentive to further increase the production of food, kolkhozes that collectivized voluntarily shall be given permission to sell any foodstuffs produced in excess of the state-mandated quotas at prices they set freely at local farmer's markets, the profits of which will be shared by the kolkhoz farmers. Meanwhile, the Agitation & Propaganda Department of the Communist Party shall produce propaganda extolling the virtue of collectivization, harkening it back to the old communitarian obschina system of old slavic farmers communes.

Villages that refuse to collectivize shall have higher production quotas forced on them. Stalin hopes this will lead to mounting social pressure on farmers who refuse to collectivize to agree to collectivization by outrage from their local peers.

Stalin hope this will help expediate the collectivization-process, he could always make the honey sweeter later, as well as pour on the vinegar on those who remained... noncompliant...
Last edited by The National Dominion of Hungary on Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

Plotek i medialnych bredni nie daj sobie wmówić,
Codziennie się rozwijaj i nie daj się ogłupić,
Atakowi propagandy stawiaj czoło dzielnie,
Nie daj sobą sterować i myśl samodzielnie.

Mass Effect Andromeda is a solid 7/10. Deal with it.

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Postby Crpostran » Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:20 am

Use 50% of the profits per month to fund heavy industrialization plans. For this, the Gol Gohar mine, which has large deposits & are yet to be used to full potential, is sold off to the Persian Iron & Steel company (PISC) to extract more iron. This iron, is put into 200 more, new steel works, also set up by the (PISC), to create more products, jobs & economic growth. Similarly, a new education system is brought in to westernise the country. The country is declared a secular country aswell, with Shia Islam no longer the official religion.
The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
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user pronouns: he/him

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Rio Negro e Para
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Postby Rio Negro e Para » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:01 am

The Brazilian government, with the aim of restructuring the Brazilian economy, decided to implement an import substitution process, injecting funds to reinvigorate and subsidize national industries and granting loans to industrial projects in their initial stages, in addition to reducing taxes, with the aim of reducing the country's external dependence.
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Postby Alvosa » Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:43 pm

We will begin a development and assimilation program in Korea, Encouraging poor Japanese families to settle there for a new opportunity and “Japanify” Korean education. We will build mines in Korea and Manchuria to supplement the home islands lack of resources. We will encourage technological development and build the bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Kostane » Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:35 pm

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:
Yuugria wrote:Ok the Indochinese and Vietnamese hate you so not many recruits arrive but it's something. Germany is not going to seek an alliance with you as their imperial ambitions collide with yours tremendously and Italy has not responded

Nevermind. I’ll take of Japan later, for now rescind the offers to the Italians. Move troops out of Indochina, cut off all aid, and mobilize the gendarmerie. Dissolve the African colonies and establish puppet regimes.

The African colonies are appreciative of their newfound autonomy and begin organize their own armed forces. Currently this is helping you secure control of the region while devoting fewer resources, however it could become dangerous if they become too self-sufficient and try to get full independence.

The people of Indochina have begun a small resistance movement in response to you cutting off aid, although it has achieved strong popular support yet.

(A quick clarification question: is the gendarmerie being deployed in Indochina?)

Usonia federal union wrote:Okay i start building resorts across Venezuela and I subsidized transportation and I will put 2 million in the project and I will consult economic advisors to see what there plan is to diversify the Venezuelan economy.

Interestingly enough, Venezuela had a constitution instated in the second half of 1936. Based on this post, I'm going to assume that you're acting under the Constitution considering that these don't seem like dictatorship actions. Your country is currently recovering from the death of its previous dictator, Juan Vicente Gómez, but the improvements citizens have seen from transportation have built trust in the government and stability.

Unfortunately, the resorts are not very effective due to the fact that many tourists are still worried about the instability of the newly installed government. You manage to raise a mild amount of revenue but have not really been able to cover the construction costs for these resorts yet.

Currently, your oil exports make up more than 90% of your total exports (this wikipedia page has a lot of relevant stuff under the 1913–1958 header). This is bringing a large amount of revenue to your government, but many of your advisors are worried that these revenues will not continue. These advisors have suggested a policy called "sembrar el petróleo" which would involve reinvesting that revenue towards the agricultural and industrial sectors of the country. This would also address the rising food and commodity prices that the citizens of your country face, despite the strong economy.

The National Dominion of Hungary wrote:Stalin is determined to further the collectivization-efforts, by honey and vinegar. Rural towns and villages where farmers collectivize into kolkhozes will be prioritized for having Machine-Tractor Stations built to effectivize farming by having, tractors, threshers, harvesters and other machines available. Such towns and villages will also be prioritized for having things such as clinics and police stations constructed to improve healthcare and security in rural areas. Most importantly perhaps, as an incentive to further increase the production of food, kolkhozes that collectivized voluntarily shall be given permission to sell any foodstuffs produced in excess of the state-mandated quotas at prices they set freely at local farmer's markets, the profits of which will be shared by the kolkhoz farmers. Meanwhile, the Agitation & Propaganda Department of the Communist Party shall produce propaganda extolling the virtue of collectivization, harkening it back to the old communitarian obschina system of old slavic farmers communes.

Villages that refuse to collectivize shall have higher production quotas forced on them. Stalin hopes this will lead to mounting social pressure on farmers who refuse to collectivize to agree to collectivization by outrage from their local peers.

Stalin hope this will help expediate the collectivization-process, he could always make the honey sweeter later, as well as pour on the vinegar on those who remained... noncompliant...

By this point nearly all of the farms had been collectivized (according to Wikipedia it's around 90.5%), and the few that weren't have completed collectivization under the new policies. However, the problem is now equally bad: with all of these promises made, it would be incredibly difficult for the government to actually follow through on all of them. If the government doesn't provide the promised benefits, it risks losing the support and collectivization of those who were most recent in the collectivization efforts.
Crpostran wrote:Use 50% of the profits per month to fund heavy industrialization plans. For this, the Gol Gohar mine, which has large deposits & are yet to be used to full potential, is sold off to the Persian Iron & Steel company (PISC) to extract more iron. This iron, is put into 200 more, new steel works, also set up by the (PISC), to create more products, jobs & economic growth. Similarly, a new education system is brought in to westernise the country. The country is declared a secular country aswell, with Shia Islam no longer the official religion.

The industrialization of the economy is underway. There has been limited initial success due to the construction projects still being underway and the education systems effects not being seen yet. However, many Western trading partners (besides the British) are now significantly more interested in trading with the country due to the modernization efforts. Already, the government has been approached by the Germans. [Other countries in this RP should probably reach out for deals, specifically Italy, France, USA, and the Soviets. The Germans are pretty much the only major Western country not controlled by a player.]

Meanwhile, the economy is booming as many people take the jobs in the new steel works, and in constructing these projects. However, the government risks running out of money to spend and/or causing inflation if this investment continues without a corresponding increase in production. Already, there are early warning signs for inflation as consumers begin spending more money that they have earned from their jobs.

Rio Negro e Para wrote:The Brazilian government, with the aim of restructuring the Brazilian economy, decided to implement an import substitution process, injecting funds to reinvigorate and subsidize national industries and granting loans to industrial projects in their initial stages, in addition to reducing taxes, with the aim of reducing the country's external dependence.

The large amount of spending is paying off, with many businesses developing more industry. However, there is a substantial amount of worry that the government policies will end up injecting too much money into the economy while not raising sufficient revenue.

Additionally, the fact that there's a lot of international competition (from Persia, Venezuela, and other players who seem to investing insane amounts of money into industrialization) from other industrializing nations means that it will be difficult to create a proper balance between avoiding inflation and keeping your economy growing faster than theirs. Right now, there is a lot of hope that foreign investors will start investing in the economy, however with a limited amount of investors it remains to see where things will land.

Alvosa wrote:We will begin a development and assimilation program in Korea, Encouraging poor Japanese families to settle there for a new opportunity and “Japanify” Korean education. We will build mines in Korea and Manchuria to supplement the home islands lack of resources. We will encourage technological development and build the bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo.

The Korean settlement program is mildly successful, with many Japanese families taking advantage of the opportunity to move to Korea. However, the movement of Japanese families has created social tensions in Korea, with many native Koreans seeing the Japanese as outsiders and resisting their influence. With the mines providing opportunities for everyone, however, the Koreans are willing to overlook these tensions for now.
The bullet train is a success and encourages the development of a strong urban culture and investor class. This will allow technological development to proceed and open up the opportunity to build economy relationships with other countries through investment.
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
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