by Nshi » Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:21 am
by Untecna » Thu Jan 09, 2025 10:09 am
The World Assembly,
In order to better protect the animals in our member nations and to also expand the National Animal Preservation Act (NAPA), we shall pass this Act to not just protect the animal representing the nation but also all endangered animals in our member nations.
1. This Act shall establish the World Assembly Animal Conservation Agency (WAACA). All of at least 10% of the member nations' owned land shall be given to reforestation, authorized by WAACA.
2. All businesses, including logging, mining, and manufacturing, settling in the land shall be relocated and any contracts before the passing of the Act shall be null and void.
3. All zoos shall release all animals towards the land which the member nation gives and allow scientists appointed by the WAACA to research the animals sustainably.
4. And all factories causing air, sea, and/or land pollution shall be removed in our member states in its entirety to better protect those animals who are unknowingly dying out of the chemicals releasing out of the factories.
This Act shall be enacted five days after its approval.
In order to better protect the animals in our member nations and to also expand the National Animal Preservation Act (NAPA), we shall pass this Act to not just protect the animal representing the nation but also all endangered animals in our member nations.
1. This Act shall establish the World Assembly Animal Conservation Agency (WAACA). All of at least 10% of the member nations' owned land shall be given to reforestation, authorized by WAACA.
2. All businesses, including logging, mining, and manufacturing, settling in the land shall be relocated and any contracts before the passing of the Act shall be null and void.
3. All zoos shall release all animals towards the land which the member nation gives and allow scientists appointed by the WAACA to research the animals sustainably.
4. And all factories causing air, sea, and/or land pollution shall be removed in our member states in its entirety to better protect those animals who are unknowingly dying out of the chemicals releasing out of the factories.
by The Overmind » Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:37 am
Nshi wrote:Fellow members of the World Assembly! Before making this proposal a resolution, I am here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
[spoiler=Draft 1]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Draft 2]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Draft 3]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
The World Assembly,
Finding [preambulatory clause 1],
Considering [preambulatory clause 2],
Resolving [preambulatory clause 3],
Enacts as follows,
[list=I][*][Clause I],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2],
[*][Subclause 3],[/list]
[*][Clause II],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2],[/list]
[*][Clause III],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2].[/list][/list]
by Nshi » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:20 am
by Untecna » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:26 am
by Elyreia » Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:26 pm
Nshi wrote:
3. All zoos shall release all animals towards the land which the member nation gives and allow scientists appointed by the WAACA to research the animals sustainably.
by Pheonixknight » Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:33 pm
Nshi wrote:To my colleagues at the World Assembly and to the Regional Delegates, I hereby put a draft of a proposal that I believe is necessary to pass.
The Animal Protection And Safety Act (or APASA for short):
"The World Assembly,
In order to better protect the animals in our member nations and to also expand the National Animal Preservation Act (NAPA), we shall pass this Act to not just protect the animal representing the nation but also all endangered animals in our member nations.
1. This Act shall establish the World Assembly Animal Conservation Agency (WAACA). All of at least 10% of the member nations' owned land shall be given to reforestation, authorized by WAACA.
2. All businesses, including logging, mining, and manufacturing, settling in the land shall be relocated and any contracts before the passing of the Act shall be null and void.
3. All zoos shall release all animals towards the land which the member nation gives and allow scientists appointed by the WAACA to research the animals sustainably.
4. And all factories causing air, sea, and/or land pollution shall be removed in our member states in its entirety to better protect those animals who are unknowingly dying out of the chemicals releasing out of the factories.
This Act shall be enacted five days after its approval."
Multiple foreign countries have invaded Pheonix to stop Mono Technologies | Pheonixknight has agreed to protect Elanore, with no hidden agendas whatsoever! | Humaniarian aid has been sent to Royanne in light of the Royannian Civil War, in order to evacuate citizens. | Pheonixknight has entered the Indio Civil War in support of the UPF.
by The Overmind » Fri Jan 10, 2025 1:23 pm
by Nshi » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:01 pm
The Overmind wrote:Nshi wrote:Fellow members of the World Assembly! Before making this proposal a resolution, I am here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
I suggest putting the proposal, in its current form, in the OP, and keeping a running log of your drafts in a reply like:Your draft here.Your draft here.Your draft here.
- Code: Select all
[spoiler=Draft 1]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Draft 2]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Draft 3]Your draft here.[/spoiler]
As it stands, this will not make it to vote, let alone pass. It takes about a month of active drafting for even uncontroversial proposals to be ready for vote, depending on the complexity and your own dedication. I take this from my reply to you in the Q&A thread:
The first thing you'll probably want to do is look at some passed resolutions, particularly newer ones, to get a sense of the structure, style, and arguments that make for a successful proposal.
If you have a particular topic in mind, you can keyword search topics in the passed resolutions thread or peruse the first reply for titles with similar-sounding topics, both to make sure that your topic hasn't already been done and to become more familiar with the way similar topics have been successfully written.
It is also a good idea to look at the drafting threads in the General Assembly forum to see how the drafting process usually works, and how to properly keep account of older drafts.
When you feel like you have a pretty good idea how to go about writing your first draft, you'll want to create a drafting thread of your own, and also read the proposal comprendium to make sure your proposal is and remains legal. Your proposal should be written in BBCode (see below), and you can expect that the drafting process, as a rule of thumb, will take at least a month of active participation in the drafting thread for topics that are not controversial (longer for controversial topics).
Also, have fun; the drafting process takes a while, so if you only focus on the outcome and not the process, it can feel like a lot of work.The World Assembly,
Finding [preambulatory clause 1],
Considering [preambulatory clause 2],
Resolving [preambulatory clause 3],
Enacts as follows,
- [Clause I],
- [Subclause 1],
- [Subclause 2],
- [Subclause 3],
- [Clause II],
- [Subclause 1],
- [Subclause 2],
- [Clause III],
- [Subclause 1],
- [Subclause 2].
- Code: Select all
The World Assembly,
Finding [preambulatory clause 1],
Considering [preambulatory clause 2],
Resolving [preambulatory clause 3],
Enacts as follows,
[list=I][*][Clause I],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2],
[*][Subclause 3],[/list]
[*][Clause II],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2],[/list]
[*][Clause III],
[list=1][*][Subclause 1],
[*][Subclause 2].[/list][/list]
by Nshi » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:03 pm
by The Overmind » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:48 pm
Nshi wrote:I'm putting the first draft here. Please, if you have any suggestions on what I should change, let me know.
by Elyreia » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:20 pm
by The Overmind » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:25 pm
Elyreia wrote:And then it was one thread.
by Nshi » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:46 pm
by Untecna » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:47 pm
by Nshi » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:57 pm
Untecna wrote:Two things:
One, OP, post new drafts in the original post, not in a new post. Edits go a long way.
Two, that draft is somehow worse. It's far too vague and overreaching at the same time to be effective. Nor does it actually protect animals.
by Untecna » Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:02 pm
Nshi wrote:Untecna wrote:Two things:
One, OP, post new drafts in the original post, not in a new post. Edits go a long way.
Two, that draft is somehow worse. It's far too vague and overreaching at the same time to be effective. Nor does it actually protect animals.
What do you mean? Could you please clarify?
by Nshi » Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:53 pm
Untecna wrote:Nshi wrote:
What do you mean? Could you please clarify?
"Every nation must stop deforestation" is vague. There's no set plan to do that. It's just a "please do this". Not to mention that forest health is not intrinsically related to the purpose of an animal protection resolution, as it is written now.
Removing any portion of industry, as written in Clause 2, may well result in economic collapses across the WA, and again, has nothing to do with the stated intent of this proposal.
Releasing all captive animals immediately, with no conditions on where they must go or how they will be cared for, is bound to see every single one of those animals die. Quite the opposite of the stated intent.
Finally, the WA General Fund is not used to reimburse nations which have had their economies destroyed by things you thought somehow helped animal populations.
by The Overmind » Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:09 pm
by Nshi » Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:05 am
Nshi wrote:Untecna wrote:"Every nation must stop deforestation" is vague. There's no set plan to do that. It's just a "please do this". Not to mention that forest health is not intrinsically related to the purpose of an animal protection resolution, as it is written now.
Removing any portion of industry, as written in Clause 2, may well result in economic collapses across the WA, and again, has nothing to do with the stated intent of this proposal.
Releasing all captive animals immediately, with no conditions on where they must go or how they will be cared for, is bound to see every single one of those animals die. Quite the opposite of the stated intent.
Finally, the WA General Fund is not used to reimburse nations which have had their economies destroyed by things you thought somehow helped animal populations.
Oh, I see. Thank you for the honesty.
by Untecna » Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:00 am
Nshi wrote:Nshi wrote:
Oh, I see. Thank you for the honesty.
But if I may, I would like to present a counterargument. You see, there are three levels in the environmental world: Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers. Producers are the trees and plants that are mentioned in this draft. Many animals, such as monkeys and birds, need plants for food, shelter, and a place to hide from predators. And deforestation causes animals to lose their food and shelter, making them subject to starvation and endangerment, thanks to predators. And another thing, while I'm on the topic, we have to take into account the wild herbivores that are going to be severely affected thanks to deforestation. If they can't find their food, they will die of starvation or be hunted, making a sudden increase and/or decrease in meat produce.
And speaking of that, since the meat produce is one of the main type of items sold, along with fruits and others, and since it will have a significant percentage of the economy, not stopping deforestation will have devastating effects on the nations. The plants that are being cut down for farming or new buildings is exactly what plant eating animals like rabbits and deer need to gain energy and reproduce. For the animals who eat meat, they need the herbivores for the same things. And we depend somewhat on them for the same thing. It's a chain reaction, which is why I wrote #1 of Draft 2.
As for #2, I wrote this in because harmful chemicals that might spread to the water, air, and land, therefore, harming the organisms living there. For example, some pesticides can negatively impact the food chain and in return, like I mentioned in the paragraphs above, impact the food produce. Also, when there's runoff water and pesticides mixing together, it could hold the danger of contaminating the water that both animals and humans drink, which is another reason why I wrote #2 or considered writing something similar.
And while you might be right that I didn't add specifics on how the animals will be taken care, mentioning in #3, that doesn't mean every single animal will die. No matter how much you can teach animals, they will still have the natural instincts of an animal, no matter how faint it might be. But I will add that in my next draft.
And also about #4, while you may be right that the WAGF doesn't provide economic relief, I will still stand with the Recession Prevention and will find another way to make this possible.
But I honestly appreciate your constructive criticism, and I will be honored if you could be my co-author. I also encourage the others to share your thoughts.
by Alkzine » Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:54 pm
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