Avallion, The Era of the Reney-Sance
Welcome to Avallion! The mystical twin of Earth, though the connection between worlds long since withered, and while the powers of The Life-Change has diminished on the Earth it has remained strong on Avallion. The Life-Change, the source of Magick as many know it, permeates all living beings from the lowliest weed to the mightiest beast. A cosmic force that surrounds us, binds life together, and threads the Universe with form and function. Avallion is a world of various races, dangerous sorcery, and mighty Lords and Ladies. A world slowly leaving the characteristic Feudalism of many fantasy settings and progressing into the Early Modern Era.
The world of Avallion primarily exists technologically between the timeframe of 1485 to 1683. Encompassing many technologies of the Early Modern Era and the transformation from Feudalism to emergent NationStates, global empires, and at least to 21st Century Terran eyes more modern economical aspects. Players will assume the role of controlling a burgeoning polity in this setting, which the OP will provide the base for in order to give creative guidance of how the world looks at the start of the RP and then decide how to mold their polity as the RP progresses. Will you transform feudal lordships into parliamentarians? Will you engage in Absolutism and Enlightened Rule? Perhaps a rebellion from an empire into a newfound republic? Or perhaps your destiny is to forge a new Colonial nation in the New Lands beyond the Horizon.
The Forgotten Lore tab below traverses a variety of important events but will end in 1387. From 1387 to 1495 (the start year of the RP) players may introduce their own customization and homebrew events to formulate the last hundred years of their polity. As it goes through the Late Medieval Period into the Renaissance. One departure from IRL progression is that the New Lands were first discovered in 1453 instead of IRL 1492 and that populations are already growing larger. Seinor for example canonically starts out in 1495 with a city population of 300,000.
On the Nature of the Arcane
The nature of the arcane is a mysterious and esoteric understanding of cosmic working far beyond the mundane physical realm. Philosophers, mystics, scholars, and even practitioners can never truly know all of the arcane’s hidden mysteries. Especially not now, not since The Massacre of the Halflings and The Deluge which followed. For there are few who still live to remember it, and what has since been lost. The most apocryphal texts speculate that the World of Avallion was host to a cosmic force known simply as The Life-Change. A powerful, invisible, force that permeated the world and also found on other life bearing planets. Or at least could be. In the present the workings of Magic are governed by two schools of thought. The Preservationists, or Wizards. Who believe in careful tapping of the Life-Change present in the environment and indeed all life itself to conduct their magical efforts. While the traditional Mages since the time just before the Deluge believe in the imposition of one’s will on the Life-Change. To harness it from the environment for their own ends. The scars of their works left on the land itself. For it is Defiling and the frequent use of such powers destroys plants, can sap the life of animals and people, and in the most extreme extents of abuse. Render the soil infertile. As a result, by the Renaissance period practically all races and their societies do not tolerate magical users. In many it is a crime warranting immediate execution. Some even regardless of intention. For few nations trust magical practitioners and the damage they could bring.
Now, while many people can learn simple charlatan magical tricks. True mages are those of specific blood lines, though generations can be skipped which can lead to a sudden discovery of one able to practice magic, which have propagated through the thousands of years among the world's population at-large.
It is in this danger that the Pshaiolin Orders were founded, shortly after the emergence of the first Psions in the decades after the Immaculate Restoration, who could harness their own inner Life-Change without damaging the surrounding environment or others. Focusing on internal mystic arts and meditation. While, to directly combat wanton Mages and their reckless arts the Mageslayers were created. The Psimurai. Psionic warriors trained from childhood to hunt and slay Mages wherever they may be.