Blackpowder: Collected Stories of the Reney-Sance (closed)

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Blackpowder: Collected Stories of the Reney-Sance (closed)

Postby Imperialisium » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:38 pm


Avallion, The Era of the Reney-Sance

Welcome to Avallion! The mystical twin of Earth, though the connection between worlds long since withered, and while the powers of The Life-Change has diminished on the Earth it has remained strong on Avallion. The Life-Change, the source of Magick as many know it, permeates all living beings from the lowliest weed to the mightiest beast. A cosmic force that surrounds us, binds life together, and threads the Universe with form and function. Avallion is a world of various races, dangerous sorcery, and mighty Lords and Ladies. A world slowly leaving the characteristic Feudalism of many fantasy settings and progressing into the Early Modern Era.

The world of Avallion primarily exists technologically between the timeframe of 1485 to 1683. Encompassing many technologies of the Early Modern Era and the transformation from Feudalism to emergent NationStates, global empires, and at least to 21st Century Terran eyes more modern economical aspects. Players will assume the role of controlling a burgeoning polity in this setting, which the OP will provide the base for in order to give creative guidance of how the world looks at the start of the RP and then decide how to mold their polity as the RP progresses. Will you transform feudal lordships into parliamentarians? Will you engage in Absolutism and Enlightened Rule? Perhaps a rebellion from an empire into a newfound republic? Or perhaps your destiny is to forge a new Colonial nation in the New Lands beyond the Horizon.  

The Forgotten Lore tab below traverses a variety of important events but will end in 1387. From 1387 to 1495 (the start year of the RP) players may introduce their own customization and homebrew events to formulate the last hundred years of their polity. As it goes through the Late Medieval Period into the Renaissance. One departure from IRL progression is that the New Lands were first discovered in 1453 instead of IRL 1492 and that populations are already growing larger. Seinor for example canonically starts out in 1495 with a city population of 300,000.

On the Nature of the Arcane

The nature of the arcane is a mysterious and esoteric understanding of cosmic working far beyond the mundane physical realm. Philosophers, mystics, scholars, and even practitioners can never truly know all of the arcane’s hidden mysteries. Especially not now, not since The Massacre of the Halflings and The Deluge which followed. For there are few who still live to remember it, and what has since been lost. The most apocryphal texts speculate that the World of Avallion was host to a cosmic force known simply as The Life-Change. A powerful, invisible, force that permeated the world and also found on other life bearing planets. Or at least could be. In the present the workings of Magic are governed by two schools of thought. The Preservationists, or Wizards. Who believe in careful tapping of the Life-Change present in the environment and indeed all life itself to conduct their magical efforts. While the traditional Mages since the time just before the Deluge believe in the imposition of one’s will on the Life-Change. To harness it from the environment for their own ends. The scars of their works left on the land itself. For it is Defiling and the frequent use of such powers destroys plants, can sap the life of animals and people, and in the most extreme extents of abuse. Render the soil infertile. As a result, by the Renaissance period practically all races and their societies do not tolerate magical users. In many it is a crime warranting immediate execution. Some even regardless of intention. For few nations trust magical practitioners and the damage they could bring.

Now, while many people can learn simple charlatan magical tricks. True mages are those of specific blood lines, though generations can be skipped which can lead to a sudden discovery of one able to practice magic, which have propagated through the thousands of years among the world's population at-large.
It is in this danger that the Pshaiolin Orders were founded, shortly after the emergence of the first Psions in the decades after the Immaculate Restoration, who could harness their own inner Life-Change without damaging the surrounding environment or others. Focusing on internal mystic arts and meditation. While, to directly combat wanton Mages and their reckless arts the Mageslayers were created. The Psimurai. Psionic warriors trained from childhood to hunt and slay Mages wherever they may be.

-300,000 Years: Humanity evolves on a distant blue-green world alongside other primate races. The Halflings are already masters of "the life-change" a deep esoteric, spiritual, force quickly dubbed "magic". A race of Hominids also masters this force and become known as the Elves. The Halflings, perhaps as a side effect of their whimsical nature also master the art of astral projection and thus discover the world of Avallion. A Super-Earth like world heralded as Earth's twin and bound together by the 'Life-Change.' Believed to be what truly spawned life on both worlds and why both worlds mirror each other.

-74,000: Halfling and Elf seers learn that a catastrophic event is nearing on Earth and make preparations to "preserve the life-change". Creating various arks and transporting entire races to Avallion. But this process is interrupted by The Youngest Mount Toba eruption. As such the process is incomplete and much knowledge is lost as the Precursor Master Civilization which sat in the Atlantic Ocean between modern Iberia and North Africa sinks beneath the waves. Humanity is rendered nearly extinct and life on Earth is devastated.

A side effect of this is the severance of Avallion from Earth. The spiritual union of the worlds is broken. Magic begins to slowly die out over the process of millennia on Earth.

-49,000 The Neanderthals that were saved by the Halflings from Earth do not adapt well to Avallion and their species diverges. Becoming shorter but still rotund and strong. Cave dwelling Neanderthals develop into the Dwarves and Gnomes while those living life in plains and forests become the Goliaths.

-31,000 Humanity begins developing and spreading to various regions of Avallion. The Halflings uplift Humanity and teach them about magic. Great human civilizations emerge, clustered in a few areas, on Avallion. With cities of hanging gardens and floating citadels.

-25,000 Human Civilization reaches a high watermark, and Humanity is ruled by a Grand Conclave of Mages.

-21,007 birth of Sarassilon in the Hanging Garden City of Boreia which circles in the Northern latitudes of the world. Sarassilon will eventually become the High Mage of the Grand Conclave in the middle 20th Millennia of the Pre-Solar Calendar. Human life spans free of disease and extended over a millennia by this point. But murmurs, namely from Sarassilon and then later his followers, question the teachings of tradition and believe that the Halflings by nature will be supplanted by a more masterful race who can express better, industrious, control over The Life-Change.

-19,099 Sarassilon and his faction adopt increasingly illustrious titles and seek ever more ways to prolong their lives and youth. Many begin turning to darker arts. Slowly poisoning the Life-Change with their dark deeds.

-18,999 The Halflings protest these dark arts forming and the effect it has on the Life-Change. The Elves and other magical art practicing races acknowledge this and withdraw from the Conclave. Accepting the natural order that the Life-Change exhibits. Humanity views this as an attempt at keeping the true prize, everlasting life, away from Mankind and Sarassilon galvanizes many who were on the fence about his teachings to his side. While a minority of Human wizards abandon civilization for hermetic ascetic lifestyles with nature. Bringing their own followers with them.

-18,650 Sarassilon, near death, having already prolonged his life centuries beyond what was thought possible, summons a Halfling delegation to the Conclave. The Halflings arrive and Sarassilon at first politely requests that they help him stave off death for a while longer. The Halflings refuse, citing the damage done by his teachings will take far longer to heal already. Sarassilon, with growing anger demands the Halflings give their final secrets to him. Which, the Halflings respond that the secret to eternal life is that life is neither eternal nor without change and that death is merely a part of this cycle which repeats, self-replenishing. Sarassilon, enraged, strikes the lead Halfling down with his staff and thus the Slaying of the Halflings commences. Humanity purges the Halflings and hunts them down.

-18,649 The Elves, abhorring at what The Conclave and their servants have done condemn this act and began conducting a Great Ritual which will commence The Deluge. A ritual that took two years in preparation is unleashed in the Autumn of -18,647. The Oceans churn and Seas swell and the great gleaming cities of mankind are thrashed from sky and sunk beneath waves. The land in many regions drowns as the Deluge wipes out all but few scattered remnants of humanity who survive as isolated pockets. Mostly, those who followed the Wizards that turned away from The Conclave's teachings.

-18,644 The Deluge subsides leaving various lands altered. The Dwarves shut their doors to all due to the collateral damage of the Deluge which drowned several of their own cities as well. Humanity is rendered back to primitive tribes of hunter-gatherers. (edited)

-9,000 Humanity has re-populated enough to begin agricultural and stone age civilizations.

-7,000 Humanity enters a Copper Age of technology.

-3300 Humanity enters a Bronze Age and Shamans once more begin to show signs of controlling Life-Change. Now increasingly known as Magic or The Arcane. Initially, this is very passive with seers and oracles who can communicate with 'Gods'. In reality these Gods are but the spirits of long deceased Humans from prior ages that via the Life-Change can interact in certain fashions with the living.

-2000-3000 The first Bronze Age empires of humanity emerge along the Iteru, Jade Gulf, and Babil Crescent. Human arcane prowess slowly grows and becomes ritualized. The concepts of Preservation and Defiler Magic becomes known.

-1700-1800 The Human King Hammuraschezzar becomes the first Sorcerer-King in the fabled city of Babil. Established the first Mageocracy and Codifies Arcane Law to keep balance between Preservation and Defiler arts.

-1600s Solomon the Great rules an empire to the West of Babil and first Sorcerer-King to bring astral spirits back to Avallion and bound to his will. Accidentally, brings the Djinn, Ifrits, Imps, and other spiritual denizens to Avallion. However, upon his death 500 Djinn escape and destroy his city. Leaving only mounds of salt where the city once stood.

-1500s The Pharaohs of Anakh become dynasties of mages in a mageocracy of their own. Building great pyramids and cities along the vast river.

-1300-1100s Wars between Anakh and Babil create The Black Desert. The Age of Sorcerer-Kings formally is considered to begin at this time as most Human civilizations come under Mageocracies.

-1000s Defilation magic is used rampantly by old empires. Leading to the formation of the Great Desert and other wastelands. Many empires collapse with the arrival of the Dwarf Clans that invade many regions. Emerging from the underground the Dwarves and surface races fight intense conflicts. The Great Dwarf King Atelagar the Red Hand sacks many ancient Human cities. Human refugee hordes ripple out causing more ancient cultures to collapse.

-900s-600s Decline of Anakh. Babil is conquered by the Sorcerer-King Nasarhadhon of Ardash. Iron Age begins in the 800s and spreads rapidly in the 700s due to interactions with Dwarven traders who teach Iron ore working to Humanity. Emergence of Iron Age city states throughout the Inner Sea. (edited)

-666 The City of Ubar, The Desert Jewel, the City of Spices and Incense, is destroyed by defiler magic gone out of control. Ubar becomes known as the haunted Demon City. The devastation breaks off a chunk of the land from the central continent and also destroys an Anakh city that becomes known only as the Sunken City of Reeds. Though rumors abound that that city as well had fallen under the strange dark gods and practices that had led to Ubar's fall.

-552 Babil is destroyed by Defiler magic when its Sorcerer-King tries to siphon the life force of his entire kingdom to achieve immortality and godhood. The Fertile Crescent of Babil becomes the Great Silt Desert.

-550-500s Mynossos is rebuilt on the Isle of Kriton. Flourishing as Kriton settlers begin colonizing the Eastern Inner Sea. Apollinaros, Osro, Kyres, and Sakaryos are all founded. Tythonese city state of Seiracusa grows into a maritime power to rival the growing power of Carthain.

-539 Ascension of Syrus II to the throne of Susarsha. Marriage alliance with Khalasadaran and conquest of all the Ardash Highlands begins.

-529 Syrus takes the name of Ardashanshah or King of Kings of Ardash.

-528 Ardashanshah bounds the Ardashi mages to his will with the help of a dwarf forged artifact known as the Sceptre of Fire. He unleashes the Mages to help his army conquer Zandri, Choramsh, and Phraia by 527.

-526-519 the Ardash-Medic War is waged by Ardashanshah and the conflict begins the deterioration of the vegetation found on the Eldurash Plateau. The site of most battles. The Ardashi conquer Mede after a lengthy siege in 519.

-509 Founding of The Amoran Republic after overthrowing and massacring their ruling Mageocracy. (edited)

-400s-100s the classical period for various cultures in the Inland Sea region and also the growing might of the Celestial Empire in the East. The Amoran Republic expands at an increasingly rapid pace across the Inland Sea and along the Westlands.

Overthrowing many Sorcerer-Kings and exterminating various magical societies that had existed for centuries as the Amoran Republic imposes its imperium antemagium.

Kriton culture spreads throughout the East to the borders of the Celestial Empire around the same period after the conquests of Lysander of Tithos unites most of the Eastern Inland Sea region and conquers the Ardashic empire in the late 300s.

-99-50 Civil Wars in the Amoran Republic as powerful generals fight for control and eventually become subverted into an Empire.

1 AR the Immaculate Restoration occurs in the vicinity of Csarinopolis. AR=After Restoration.

30 AR The Church of the Sacred Flame emerges in Csarinopolis preaching the tenets of the Immaculate

33 AR First Psionics are born

100-200 AR (After Restoration) the Amoran Empire reaches its apex. The Celestial Empire falls into civil war and Psionics warrior schools are formed. The Celestial Order is triumphant and restores order in 199 AR.

201-400 AR Amoran Empire begins a long decline. Eventually splitting into two halves. The Western Empire with its capital at Amor and then Avenna (later renamed Avignone) as its declines amid invasions and migrations from peoples coming from the North of the Encircling Mountains. The Eastern Empire centered first at Valexandria until the 440s when it is moved to Csarinopolis by Agustos Theiodossian who builds its legendary Triple Walls when a re-emergent Ardashic empire begins to encroach on the ailing domains of the Amoric empires. The Church of the Sacred Flame, named the Apostolic Orthodox Church of the Sacred Flame becomes the state religion of the Eastern Empire in 337 AR.

480 AR fall of the Western Empire which is divided into various new kingdoms. Birth of Arthyr, which stories differ on being of Amoran stock or native to Albion, in Breiton. He becomes Arthyr of Breiton and by 411 as the Western Empire continued to fall, he ended up in Albion and founded the Kingdom of Albion. Founding the legendary fortress city of Brythain.

448 AR Death of Arthyr, mutually slaying his bastard son Mordryd, at the Battle of Lake Baernarvon. His legendary sword Caliburn passes to his son Tristan of Brythain.

500s-700s AR Pshiaolin discipline is formalized and spreads Westward. Eventually forming a school in various cities of the Inland Sea. While the Psamurai form in the early decades of the 7th century. The early to mid 6th century sees the Eastern Amoran Empire conquer much of the former Western Empire and propagates the faith of the Sacred Flame; until the 7th century and early 8th century were a series of disasters sees the Eastern Empire shrink sometimes to the Horn of Csarinopolis itself and in 627 the empire loses its last ancient Amoran vestiges and embraces its Kriton descended majority demographic. Becoming the Csarinos Empire. The Great Apostolic Basilica of the Eternal Flame is built in Amor in 529.

733 AR Birth of Arawn and Gwydion. Both enter the tutelage of the Wizard Myrlin. Who begins tutoring both in the woods around Caerleon and on the Isle of Ossex. Even as the faith of the Sacred Flame spreads to Albion it adopts a syncretic form tolerating the Wizarding druids that had existed on the isle for millennia.

756 AR Arawn begins dabbling in Defiler magic.

757 AR Myrlin warns Arawn that he is starting down the path of damnation and warns King Gawain of Brythain that Caliburn must be returned to the depths of Lake Baernarvon to avoid an approaching doom.

Gawain does not heed the warning as Arawn becomes estranged from Myrlin and leaves his side. Venturing into the dark vales and wooded Black Mountains in 761. Gwydion tries to search for Arawn but to no avail.

766 AR Gawain repels a Northman invasion and reinforces Arthyrs Wall. Gives the Duchy of Breiton to his eldest but technically bastard son, Gwalchmei. Gawain would die of old age in 772 and succeeded by his second son Benidere.

773 AR Myrlin, long in communication with the Elves, travels abroad and rumors persist that he was allowed to set foot on Avalon. But what is confirmed is that he did also at some point reaches Arca Ore and Selu'Archa. Were he communes with the Elven Wizards and Lords of the region about the doom he foresaw approaching Albion.

774 AR Birth of Karleimaine the Great in Seinor. Who would go and form the Apostolic Empire before his death in 825 AR. Gwydion becomes Court Advisor to Benidere around 775 or 776 AR and becomes by Orc sightings in the Black Mountains.

777 AR The Orctide erupts from beyond the Wilderland and lays waste to entire realms as massive hordes of Orcs rampage led by powerful Orc Mages. Only defeated by a large coalition led by the Tsar of Great Bolghar.

781 AR Myrlin journeys to Arca Faera but is captured by Dwarves from Drakulthrangbar and sold as a slave to the Night Elves of Mor Zarassan. Until he escapes in the Spring of 782 and manages to reach Arca Faera in the Summer.

786 AR Arawn arrives at Brythain and speaks to Benidere in secret disguised as an old crone. Gwydion is only summoned after the conversation takes place and the latter takes note that the Iron Crown of Annuvin, an ancient heirloom, has gone missing from the vaults of Brythain. At Gwydion's behest a watch is set on the Black Mountains while the Wizards of the Druid Order begin searching in a concerted fashion for Arawn's whereabouts.

787 AR King Benidere dies abruptly, and his young son Grisflet becomes King and heeds Gwydion's warning and makes for Lake Baernarvon to return the sword to the spirits of the lake and hopefully stop the doom approaching Albion. But his ambushed and slain by Orcs. Orc raiders come down from the Black Mountains and an Orc Fleet comes up from the South and assaults Albion. Prince Fwylthrain the heir is slain at Gelligaer repelling Orc invaders. Duke Gwalchmei, now old, sends his third son (Gullivan) with an army that relieves Albion. Gullivan retrieves the sword Caliburn but refuses to toss it into Lake Baernarvon. Instead returning with it to Brythain and as a descendant of Gawain is crowned King in 788.

789 AR Arawn declares himself the Prince of Annuvin and gathers all manner of evil to him.

790s-800s AR Rise of Karleimaine and Arawn invades across the Blacktear river and is only stopped at the battle of Highwatch by the Druid Order of Wizards in 794. Myrlin departs in the Winter of 794 from Arca Faera and arrives in 795 at the Isle of Ossex. Gwydion sends word to Myrlin of what has transpired since his departure and the old Wizard departs immediately for Brythain in the Spring of 795. Meanwhile, Prince Arthyion and Mordryd are born in the winter of 795. Myrlin informs King Gullivan that unless Caliburn is returned to Lake Baernarvon, Arawn will rule Albion in-time as a Dark Kingdom of Sorcery and that the land would be lost to devastation and darkness. Gullivan dismisses the remark and that the 'Prince of Annuvin' is bottled up in the Black Mountains and may keep his paltry Iron Crown. Myrlin, seeing the King will not be moved departs back to Ossex, knowing that since Arawn has the Iron Crown that so long as he wears it and sits upon the throne of Annuvin he cannot be slain unless in battle.

813 AR Gwydion is dismissed by King Gullivan from his council over disagreements regarding the tutelage of the twin Princes. Gwydion travels north trying to thwart Arawn where he can. Myrlin departs to try and enlist the aid of Elven Wizards in the defense of Albion.

814 AR Arawn's armies assault west and besieges Alba the ancient city of Alba. Gullivan dies in battle despite repelling Arawn's forces and Arthyion and Mordryd become co-Kings of Albion and the latter takes up residence in Alba while Arthyion rules in Brythain. Caliburn is laid to rest in the crypt beneath Brythain. Arthyion gathers an alliance with the Duke of Breiton and various Northman Jarls to counter-attack and destroy Arawn. In 815 Arthyion's Alliance attacks Annuvin and besieges the Dark City. But Arthyion had taken Caliburn with him and Mordryd, taunted by Arawn's illusions, fears that his brother seeks to become sole-king and rises in rebellion. By 816 the alliance is unraveled, and the young Kings fight a bloody civil war as Arawn's forces attack North. Breaching Arthyrs wall and laying waste to the Northern cities of Edinborg, Odanborg, and more.

817 AR Gwydion tries to counsel both kings to no avail and sends word to Myrlin who makes haste to return.

818 AR Battle of the Shores of Lake Caernarvon and both sides suffer grievous losses. Mordryd is slain by his brother but not until delivering a mortal wound. The dying Arthyion, consoled by Gwydion, throws Caliburn into the lake where it is gripped by the water's spirits. Gwydion returns to Brythain as the realm searches for a heir. But Arawn assaults in the winter and lays waste to Alba, Sasson, and Weath before crossing the Blacktear and laying siege to Brythain. Myrlin arrives in the second week of 819 with an army of elves and dozens of elven wizards who defeat Arawn. Forcing him to flee back to Annuvin. The Auric Hedge is formed around Arawn's dark lands in the Black Mountains. The Kingdom of Albion is divided up into various petty kingdoms while Myrlin and Gwydion leave Albion with the elves.

late 800s-900s AR the kingdoms that would dominate the west lands and Inland Sea form. While in the Near North and Northwest the faith of the Sacred Flame spreads and contests older folk faiths. The rise of the Tsardom of Great Rusgrad occurs in this time.

1050 AR the Schism of the Sacred Flame occurs splitting the Church into the Apostolic Church of the Eternal Flame in the West and the Orthodox Church of the Sacred Flame in the East and North.

1100s-1300 AR Crusades from the Westlands attack the Southlands and eastern Inland Sea as religions there become increasingly hostile to the Faith of the Flame.

1300-1330 The Great Plague spreads around the old world.

1337-1387 The Fifty Year's War between Mersia and Seinor. Mersia is destroyed by Seinor in 1387 in the Mage's Conspiracy when a Cabal of Mages usurp Mersia and are then defeated with the help of the Mersian Errant Knight Don Sebastiano Almerida Quino. However, a magical explosion destroys much of the city and it is then abandoned.

Polity Name:
Polity Epithets:
Nation Heraldry:
Total Population:
Population Breakdown: (The demographic makeup of the population)
Religious Breakdown:

Type of Government: (Most will be some form of Feudal Monarchy at start)
Current Leadership:
Leadership Information: (Dynastic information)
Government Structure:
State Religion:

Economic Information
Major Industries:
Economic Endeavours: (Exploration and colonization? Becoming renowned nation of universities? World Ports of trade?)

Military Breakdown:

Last edited by Imperialisium on Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:40 pm

Please see the discord for access to the maps! Each map is over 3 Megabytes and so cannot fit with BB Coding without significant distortion.
Last edited by Imperialisium on Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:49 pm

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Postby Honghai » Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:20 am

Polity Name:


Polity Epithets:

  • Ki mo kai dai chi ("Ground constantly bleeding in Wrath")
  • Wouchu-dailung ("Orcs' dying/last screech")


Wulun (historical)

Kangjeyung (current)

Nation Heraldry:


- historical


- current

Total Population:

Population Breakdown: (The demographic makeup of the population)

Jiangarti -

Due to generations of attempts of both breeding and magical experimentation with Lifechange (or "Kai Zewun," as it is known in Meizunese), Jiangarti had been created as a "blend" of High Vampires and animalistic-type Vampires. Jiangarti are still animalistic and ghastly - also continuing to hold a quasi-human quality, physically characterized as pale shells but even with those mannerisms they are not wholly beastlike or fodder, Jiangarti still comprise some reasonable mental faculty of higher thought albeit craven and depraved; both in the sadomasochistic sense of loving destruction and carnage though too the other, hedonistic sense.


(not necessarily what they look like, I just wanted to use this image for smth)

Religious Breakdown:


Type of Government: (Most will be some form of Feudal Monarchy at start)

Current Leadership:

Most-esteemed and predatory Empress,

Bei Kailynne

, the most-agile, auspicious, pinkleaf-fanged.

(she actually has icy-blue eyes)

Leadership Information: (Dynastic information)

Government Structure:

State Religion:

Economic Information


Soothstone (primary currency); Orcshead (second'ry)

  • Soothstone is a rock ore similar to that of gold iron and silver albeit "pink" or rose gold in color
  • In Meizunese, the word for "Soothstone" is Mujobei or Moo-Jobei

Major Industries:

Economic Endeavours/Military Breakdown: (Exploration and colonization? Becoming renowned nation of universities? World Ports of trade?)

Economic and Military are essentially one-in-the-same, atleast in some ways as Meizun places alot of funds into "fending off against invaders" i.e headhunting and massacring orcs. There are many a reason as-to-why Meizunese dislike orcs, not only their barbaric warlike uncouth unwashed nature but just to the factoid that Meizunese think of them as "easy prey" and like to shimmy the lifeforce out of them.


Last edited by Honghai on Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:27 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Postby Aekaria » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:36 am

Oh, I really want to join...

But I shouldn't.
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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Postby Imperialisium » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:50 pm

Polity Name: The Tsardom of Rusgrad
Polity Epithets: The Nation of the Bear and the Wolf. The Land of the Great Bear. The Northern Empire.
Capital: Golden Rusgrad
Nation Heraldry: An armored warrior on a rearing bear slaying a wingless drake on a red field flanked by wolves rampant under three golden crowns.
Total Population: 17 Million
Population Breakdown:
~16 Million Humans
The majority of the population of Humans are those of the Rusan people or 'fiery folk'. Known for their high percentage of red heads, blondes, and bright eyes. Even those of black hair are often bearing green or blue eyes. The second largest group would be the Rovanish who inhabit the northern principality of the Tsardom. Smaller minorities exist in the cities.
~175,000 Dwarves
Dwarven populations from several northern clans live in the cities of the Tsardom. Often involved in the banking, metallurgical, and mining industries.
-150,000 Elves
Elves, primarily Moon and Sun Elves live in the Tsardom in primarily their own self-contained urban districts or enfeoffed rural areas.

Religious Breakdown:
The State Religion of the Tsardom is The Orthodox Church of the Sacred Flame with the Rusan Patriarchate based out of Golden Rusgrad's Cathedral Basilica of the Saviour's Resurrection. Though only two thirds of the human population adheres to this belief. Many in the rural communities and smaller cities practice syncretic beliefs or solely to old local folklore beliefs.

Dwarf and Elf practices are tolerated but not in public squares.

Type of Government: Tsarist Monarchy
Current Leadership: Tsar Dimitri I
Leadership Information: (Dynastic information)
Government Structure:
State Religion:

Economic Information
Major Industries:
Economic Endeavours: (Exploration and colonization? Becoming renowned nation of universities? World Ports of trade?)

Military Breakdown:

Last edited by Imperialisium on Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Rygondria » Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:00 pm

Polity Name: The Holy Apostolic Empire
Polity Epithets: The Apostolic Empire, The HAE, The Empire
Capital: The capital city of the HAE tends to change whenever the imperial court moves, it is tradition that the imperial court is a traveling court, moving place to place across the empire. Currently the Court resides in Reinhof, thus making it the current capital city.
Nation Heraldry:
Total Population:
Population Breakdown: (The demographic makeup of the population)
Religious Breakdown:

Type of Government: (Most will be some form of Feudal Monarchy at start)
Current Leadership:
Leadership Information: (Dynastic information)
Government Structure:
State Religion:

Economic Information
Major Industries:
Economic Endeavours: (Exploration and colonization? Becoming renowned nation of universities? World Ports of trade?)

Military Breakdown:

Last edited by Rygondria on Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sao Nova Europa
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Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:16 am

Reserving this.

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Postby Imperialisium » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:03 pm

The RP is retracted.
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Postby Ovstylap » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:12 pm

Ah what! Hope all is okay, don’t know what has happened in the last six hours but cheers for the worldbuilding all, see you all in the next RP instead!

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Postby Imperialisium » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:19 am

Ovstylap wrote:Ah what! Hope all is okay, don’t know what has happened in the last six hours but cheers for the worldbuilding all, see you all in the next RP instead!

All is fine.

Players just not being able to understand the setting and wanting to create DnD clone number 5939245. Which, if they want that then this wasn’t the RP for that.
Last edited by Imperialisium on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Aekaria » Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:11 pm

Imperialisium wrote:The RP is retracted.

Ah...a shame. Hope I wasn't one of those DnD individuals, but maybe I was.
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"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

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