The Standoff at G832-905
Gliese 832 - 7.5 383 LY from Delta Pavonis
November 3rd, 2265
The two hundred meter mining cruiser LMC-A102 was one out of around two hundred ships of its class produced for prospecting in deep space built for the state owned Laconia Mining Corporation of the Republic of New Syracuse. It floated in space near a large irregularly shaped asteroid called G832-905, or 905 for short, that was part of a field of similar objects orbiting the red dwarf star of Gliese 832. The LMC-A102 was composed of two box like segments interrupted by a cylindrical attachment point for two rotating habitation modules that could sustain one G for the crew of the ship. The aft segment behind the habitation modules was twice as large as the fore segment and a number of spherical tanks ran down its flanks with pipe work and trusses connecting them to the ship's thruster system while keeping the tanks firmly anchored to the hull. The main thruster assembly of the mining vessel consisted of two Phrygian Spaceworks type 3 hydrogen fusion thrusters and was covered by a shroud that extended backwards over the nozzles for radiation shielding. The fore segment of the ship was devoted to sensors and the vessel's mining work. A radar system and other types of sensor occupied the front along with a space behind them where two mining drones were docked. Affixed to the upper and lower hull, the sides adjacent to the fuel tanks on the aft section, were a number of large containers for carrying mineral wealth. There were also facilities for filtering minerals in the LMC-A102's fore segment, a lab for analysis, and a powerful ship mounted mining laser as well. The ship's communications array projected from a position just behind the habitation modules on the aft hull segment. It's large radiator panels were folded up alongside the dormant engines.
Opposite the LMC-102 was the Earth based Pathfinder Exploration Corporation's "PEC-D310" - a ship not dissimilar in construction and purpose to the Syracusan craft. It was, however, slightly larger and designed for greater range with a more expensive but efficient and reliable single large fusion thruster for its main propulsion. Pathfinder and Laconia Mining had a number of overlapping mining claims and both refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other's resulting in a legal deadlock as the PEC insisted on bringing the case to a UNE court on Earth (that would doubtlessly rule in their favor) while the Syracusans insisted on their own court (that would doubtlessly rule in the favor of their countrymen as well). The Syracusans did not follow the UNE's licensing laws and the UNE based corporations felt little reason to follow the Syracusan's laws especially when according to the Syracusans the mega corporations ought to be illegal or state controlled.
For two days the mining ships had stared the other down. The LMC-A102 had been dropped off by interstellar transport carrier only four days ago and begun work on cutting out the interior of 905 shortly before the Pathfinder ship had arrived and demanded the Syracusans leave what was their rock in perpetuity as registered at the UNE's International Stellar Object Authority which many states, the Republic of New Syracuse not among them, treated as the supreme authority in interstellar resource claims registration and disputes.
The Syracusan ship of course refused. With neither side willing to force a confrontation over an asteroid the ships sat across from each other and simply stared and waited for help to arrive for two weeks. Occasionally they would exchange a burst of radio waves which included the next moves of Chess games the captain's of both vessels were playing against the other. The crews of the ships may have been working for rival corporations and from rival governments but far from civilization political and economic differences mattered little to men who were just doing their jobs.
Captain Harry Barrett considered his next move in the thirtieth game of Chess he had played against the Pathfinder captain from the bridge of the LMC-A102. The command center enjoyed a comfortable one G of gravity due to its position on one of the habitation modules that revolved around the central hull modules of the ship. There was a large LCD screen at the front of the bridge compartment displaying a live visual feed of the PEC-D310 with a box in the corner displaying a thermal view so they could tell if the corporate ship was activating its thrusters or mining laser. Computer stations lined the sides of the compartment with crewmen in standard issue Laconia Mining Corporation uniform monitoring and attending to the needs of every ship system from this centralized control center. The harsh LED lamp lighting caused a reflection on Captain Barrett's specialized command tablet from which he could see virtually any data the ship produced, but at the moment only viewed the present state of his Chess game on.
His strategic considerations were interrupted by two sharp squawks from the sensor's station. He set the tablet down on his lap and turned towards the lanky crewman with short brown hair and sharp features at the station. "Cooper, tell me what's going on."
Cooper quickly gave voice to a reading from his station. "Hyperwave sensors report portal opening at the system's jump gate. The size of the portal indicates only one more ship. We are also detected an encoded hyperwave burst transmission from the direction of the jump gate and then from the Pathfinder ship."
The entry of a ship by the corporate owned jump gate no Syracusan ship used and an encoded transmission between the new ship and the Pathfinder miner could only mean the arrival of another Pathfinder Exploration Corporation ship - likely a security vessel.
"How long until we can get identification on the new ship and how fast will they be here?" Barrett asked.
Cooper didn't need to look down at his console again to answer. "The jump gate is five light hours away, so we will confirm identification by conventional sensors in that long. At good speed they could be here in as little as thirty three hours."
Barrett nodded and turned to his communications officer. "Kaur - how long until our back up arrives?"
Kaur was only of average height compared to Cooper with rounder features, and her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail. "Three hours until a navy light cruiser comes through the jump gate. The cruiser could be here in just over thirty three after that. " she reported.
The captain adjusted himself in his chair to a more upright position. "At least we won't have to wait around this asteroid for another week."