About two years ago in Mississauga, Ontario at my blue collar job I met an astonishingly impressive witness of a near alien abduction, that did NOT result in an actual abduction, but the way that J.. explained what he saw and heard about twenty years ago was impressive.
J.. said that he and his buddy were in their truck. Grey's stopped him and zapped his buddy and his friend went totally unconscious. Then the leader of the Grey's talked to J.. and told him that his wife would soon die and what she would die of. That came to pass.
They told J.. that because he was a blue-collar worker that he wasn't really what they were looking for. The leader of the Grey's told J.. that they needed to abduct lawyers and doctors and managers and white collar workers. So, they soon rejected J.. and so his case became one of a near abduction but the humility of how J.. told his story impressed me because most human beings want to make themselves sound more important but J.. tells anybody who will listen about his case because he felt a responsibility to warn others but, the fact that he was rejected as a "psychological research subject" by Grey's kind of impressed me as sounding pretty humble and down to earth.
What do you think of the theory that a lot if not the vast majority of actual UFO activity that does not involve Reverse Engineered USA technology is probably extra-dimensional alien or demons, but they are NOT extra- terrestrial aliens.
Personally I don't know exactly what to think because I have read other rather impressive angles on this and there seem to be far more "alien" species than merely Grey's.
https://www.amazon.ca/Extra-Dimensional ... _author_dp
The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales And Concepts of Alien Visitors Kindle Edition
by John DeSouza (Author)
Extra-Dimensionality is the key to understanding everything…
By everything, we mean all the areas in which we have been deceived to believe the physical world is the beginning and end of all things. “The Extra-Dimensionals” is the stark revelation of where Alien Visitors are actually coming from and to where they are returning. Understanding Extra-Dimensionality is the way to unfold the truth of the paranormal, the spiritual and even the physical world. These Visitors have been with us since time immemorial and their messages to us are everywhere around us. The truth will eventually explode into our field of vision. If we refuse to listen then we are only delaying the inevitable to a time when an alarm will be sounded that is so loud that it will consume everything upon the Earth. Once the black swans arrive, once we awaken to numerous mile long shadows cast by these ancient ships—hanging over our major cities, soundless, motionless, maddening; it will be too late.
It is in these final moments that we can still, with open minds and clear hearts, decipher that which has been intentionally hidden from humanity for so long—the truth of Extra-Dimensionality. That comprehension will, in turn, illuminate every hidden truth of our material existence. Then, we will find that for the first time, we will finally have the key to understanding everything.