Could the X-files have been based on actual FBI cases?

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Are real UFO's extra-dimensional aliens or "demons" not extra-terrestrial aliens?

I don't know what to think but I did like the X-files.
Our governments have a lot of technology that they do not tell us about for many reasons.
Certain alien craft make our best jets look like WWI fighters and that scares our government.
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Could the X-files have been based on actual FBI cases?

Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:39 pm

I just heard that Chris Carter who wrote the X-files series got essentially all of his cases through the Freedom of Information Act and the actual F. B. I. agent who worked on the cases that Chris Carter made famous in the first season of X-files was named John DeSouza.

About two years ago in Mississauga, Ontario at my blue collar job I met an astonishingly impressive witness of a near alien abduction, that did NOT result in an actual abduction, but the way that J.. explained what he saw and heard about twenty years ago was impressive.

J.. said that he and his buddy were in their truck. Grey's stopped him and zapped his buddy and his friend went totally unconscious. Then the leader of the Grey's talked to J.. and told him that his wife would soon die and what she would die of. That came to pass.

They told J.. that because he was a blue-collar worker that he wasn't really what they were looking for. The leader of the Grey's told J.. that they needed to abduct lawyers and doctors and managers and white collar workers. So, they soon rejected J.. and so his case became one of a near abduction but the humility of how J.. told his story impressed me because most human beings want to make themselves sound more important but J.. tells anybody who will listen about his case because he felt a responsibility to warn others but, the fact that he was rejected as a "psychological research subject" by Grey's kind of impressed me as sounding pretty humble and down to earth.

What do you think of the theory that a lot if not the vast majority of actual UFO activity that does not involve Reverse Engineered USA technology is probably extra-dimensional alien or demons, but they are NOT extra- terrestrial aliens.

Personally I don't know exactly what to think because I have read other rather impressive angles on this and there seem to be far more "alien" species than merely Grey's. ... _author_dp

The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales And Concepts of Alien Visitors Kindle Edition
by John DeSouza (Author)

Extra-Dimensionality is the key to understanding everything…
By everything, we mean all the areas in which we have been deceived to believe the physical world is the beginning and end of all things. “The Extra-Dimensionals” is the stark revelation of where Alien Visitors are actually coming from and to where they are returning. Understanding Extra-Dimensionality is the way to unfold the truth of the paranormal, the spiritual and even the physical world. These Visitors have been with us since time immemorial and their messages to us are everywhere around us. The truth will eventually explode into our field of vision. If we refuse to listen then we are only delaying the inevitable to a time when an alarm will be sounded that is so loud that it will consume everything upon the Earth. Once the black swans arrive, once we awaken to numerous mile long shadows cast by these ancient ships—hanging over our major cities, soundless, motionless, maddening; it will be too late.

It is in these final moments that we can still, with open minds and clear hearts, decipher that which has been intentionally hidden from humanity for so long—the truth of Extra-Dimensionality. That comprehension will, in turn, illuminate every hidden truth of our material existence. Then, we will find that for the first time, we will finally have the key to understanding everything.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby HISPIDA » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:44 pm

the series? sure. i'd be far more surprised if it wasn't based on actual FBI cases. but do the FBI have knowledge of aliens and demons? probably not. aliens, perhaps (and even then stuff like classified information about microbes on mars, but i doubt even that would be in their jurisdiction), but not demons. i'm personally a firm believer that aliens exist and have probably come to earth at one point or another (just generally: like, they've investigated us before, not that they built the pyramids or abducted people) but generally leave us alone. and even if demons did exist, i feel like that'd be the job for the vatican or something.
Last edited by HISPIDA on Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
they/them (genderfluid), fuck israel, fuck genocide, free palestine: ☭☭no war but class war☭☭. the IDF should be talked about like the wehrmacht.
Victory Day: February 23, 2022
Brainrot-Land wrote:One of those people who would tear down the Greece flag thinking it was the Israel flag
did the bourgeoisie's revolutions end in 1848 and 1799? what about 1658? did feudalistic revolutions against the patrician system end in 285?

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:44 pm

Now here is a quotation by a near death experiencer that also impressed me and has left me quite confused about all of this.

My guess is that at this time if all of the various alien "species" and angels are factored into the formula then perhaps the very optimistic angle on this that was shown to Christian could be the best one for us to concentrate on. ... index.html

[Near death experiencer Christian Andreason, chapter 2] :

"What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?

Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged by Heaven. Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our ownwho may have volunteered their technology and understandings or even sent to help guide and shape a culture within humanity during a pressing time within its development and evolution."
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Fractalnavel » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:48 pm

Arts & fiction =>

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:51 pm

HISPIDA wrote:the series? sure. i'd be far more surprised if it wasn't based on actual FBI cases. but do the FBI have knowledge of aliens and demons? probably not. aliens, perhaps (and even then stuff like classified information about microbes on mars, but i doubt even that would be in their jurisdiction), but not demons. i'm personally a firm believer that aliens exist and have probably come to earth at one point or another (just generally: like, they've investigated us before, not that they built the pyramids or abducted people) but generally leave us alone.

Apparently John DeSouza talks about events that would essentially verify the personal testimony of former Satanist John Ramirez.

John DeSouza reports that people who were involved in Theistic Satanistic Rituals could seemingly astral project and almost "disappear" from the point of view of most of us.

John Ramirez reports being able to drink blood and do rituals and then astral project and do really strange things. He did that until 1999 when he had a near death experience himself and decided to go in the polar opposite direction.

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Postby HISPIDA » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:53 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
HISPIDA wrote:the series? sure. i'd be far more surprised if it wasn't based on actual FBI cases. but do the FBI have knowledge of aliens and demons? probably not. aliens, perhaps (and even then stuff like classified information about microbes on mars, but i doubt even that would be in their jurisdiction), but not demons. i'm personally a firm believer that aliens exist and have probably come to earth at one point or another (just generally: like, they've investigated us before, not that they built the pyramids or abducted people) but generally leave us alone.

Apparently John DeSouza talks about events that would essentially verify the personal testimony of former Satanist John Ramirez.

John DeSouza reports that people who were involved in Theistic Satanistic Rituals could seemingly astral project and almost "disappear" from the point of view of most of us.

John Ramirez reports being able to drink blood and do rituals and then astral project and do really strange things. He did that until 1999 when he had a near death experience himself and decided to go in the polar opposite direction.

you'll forgive me if i think that's bullshit.
they/them (genderfluid), fuck israel, fuck genocide, free palestine: ☭☭no war but class war☭☭. the IDF should be talked about like the wehrmacht.
Victory Day: February 23, 2022
Brainrot-Land wrote:One of those people who would tear down the Greece flag thinking it was the Israel flag
did the bourgeoisie's revolutions end in 1848 and 1799? what about 1658? did feudalistic revolutions against the patrician system end in 285?

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:53 pm

Fractalnavel wrote:Arts & fiction =>

I thought about that but not according to John DeSouza!

And apparently not according to the type of technology that Nikola Tesla may have given over to the predecessors of the C.I.A. about a hundred years ago.

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:02 pm

HISPIDA wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:

Apparently John DeSouza talks about events that would essentially verify the personal testimony of former Satanist John Ramirez.

John DeSouza reports that people who were involved in Theistic Satanistic Rituals could seemingly astral project and almost "disappear" from the point of view of most of us.

John Ramirez reports being able to drink blood and do rituals and then astral project and do really strange things. He did that until 1999 when he had a near death experience himself and decided to go in the polar opposite direction.

you'll forgive me if i think that's bullshit.

I don't blame you one bit for thinking that this is garbage!

But six months from now you might report to me that you dug into this further and you might become something of an expert on this topic. This is not a boring subject.

Did Nikola Tesla get a lot of his astonishing inventions partly due to his own near death experience?

At this time I have the impression that at least a significant percentage of genuine UFO activity can be traced back to Nikola Tesla. ... y-houdini/
The Similar Near-Death Experiences of Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini

POSTED ON MAY 21, 2024

1. Introduction to Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini
Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini, two towering figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, left indelible marks on the worlds of science and entertainment, respectively. While Tesla is celebrated for his pioneering work in electrical engineering and inventing technologies that shape our modern world, Houdini is remembered as the master escape artist and illusionist whose performances thrilled audiences globally. Beyond their public personas, both men had profound personal experiences that touched on the mysterious phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs).

Tesla, whose inventive genius often bordered on the mystical, had episodes where his intense focus and work led him to states that closely mirrored the elements described in NDEs. His accounts of visionary insights and encounters with otherworldly phenomena blur the lines between scientific inquiry and spiritual experience. Houdini, on the other hand, despite his deep skepticism and relentless debunking of spiritualist frauds, was not immune to the allure of the afterlife. His lifelong quest to understand and, if possible, contact the beyond led him to an NDE that profoundly influenced his views on life, death, and the possibility of an afterlife. These NDEs of Tesla and Houdini offer fascinating glimpses into the minds of two extraordinary men, highlighting their unique intersections with the unknown and their enduring legacies in both their respective fields and the broader quest to understand the mysteries of human existence. Many people have given remarkably similar near-death testimonies. Here are two similar NDEs by two of the most brilliant people in the 20th century: Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini.

2. Nikola Tesla and His Near-Death Experience
a. About Nikola Tesla and His Inventions
Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist. Tesla was a scientific giant. But he also had uncontrollable psychic visions. He had a vivid premonition of his mother’s death at the moment she died. He also experienced several visions that saved his own life. Plagued by illness as a boy, Tesla spent much of his youth reading and imagining inventions. Tesla wrote:

“In my boyhood I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and action. They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those I imagined. When a word was spoken to me, the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not.”

This “affliction” seems to have served him well in later years: he despised freehand drawing and was able to conjure complete blueprints and specifications for his inventions in his head.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:12 pm

Fractalnavel wrote:Arts & fiction =>

Warning... if you take the four hours to listen to Steven Greer M. D. you may never be able to think of the last sixty years of USA history in the same way again.

He sure adds some fascinating details surrounding the assassination of President J. F. K.

One exceptionally impressive statement that I have heard Dr. Greer make several times is that if the government released the information that they know about UFO's then the internal combustion engine would be doomed!

Nobody would settle for our cars and trucks if the larger picture was made public.
Dr. Steven Greer - Nov. 21, 2015 - How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose - HD
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby HISPIDA » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:16 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
HISPIDA wrote:you'll forgive me if i think that's bullshit.

I don't blame you one bit for thinking that this is garbage!

But six months from now you might report to me that you dug into this further and you might become something of an expert on this topic. This is not a boring subject.

Did Nikola Tesla get a lot of his astonishing inventions partly due to his own near death experience?

At this time I have the impression that at least a significant percentage of genuine UFO activity can be traced back to Nikola Tesla. ... y-houdini/
The Similar Near-Death Experiences of Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini

POSTED ON MAY 21, 2024

1. Introduction to Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini
Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini, two towering figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, left indelible marks on the worlds of science and entertainment, respectively. While Tesla is celebrated for his pioneering work in electrical engineering and inventing technologies that shape our modern world, Houdini is remembered as the master escape artist and illusionist whose performances thrilled audiences globally. Beyond their public personas, both men had profound personal experiences that touched on the mysterious phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs).

Tesla, whose inventive genius often bordered on the mystical, had episodes where his intense focus and work led him to states that closely mirrored the elements described in NDEs. His accounts of visionary insights and encounters with otherworldly phenomena blur the lines between scientific inquiry and spiritual experience. Houdini, on the other hand, despite his deep skepticism and relentless debunking of spiritualist frauds, was not immune to the allure of the afterlife. His lifelong quest to understand and, if possible, contact the beyond led him to an NDE that profoundly influenced his views on life, death, and the possibility of an afterlife. These NDEs of Tesla and Houdini offer fascinating glimpses into the minds of two extraordinary men, highlighting their unique intersections with the unknown and their enduring legacies in both their respective fields and the broader quest to understand the mysteries of human existence. Many people have given remarkably similar near-death testimonies. Here are two similar NDEs by two of the most brilliant people in the 20th century: Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini.

2. Nikola Tesla and His Near-Death Experience
a. About Nikola Tesla and His Inventions
Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist. Tesla was a scientific giant. But he also had uncontrollable psychic visions. He had a vivid premonition of his mother’s death at the moment she died. He also experienced several visions that saved his own life. Plagued by illness as a boy, Tesla spent much of his youth reading and imagining inventions. Tesla wrote:

“In my boyhood I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and action. They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those I imagined. When a word was spoken to me, the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not.”

This “affliction” seems to have served him well in later years: he despised freehand drawing and was able to conjure complete blueprints and specifications for his inventions in his head. start, harry houdini and nikola tesla's "near death experiences" weren't remotely similar. harry houdini was buried alive as part of a magic act and barely got out by scratching to the surface. tesla got cholera when he was 9.

two, it just sounds like to me that tesla had synesthesia and understandably was unfamiliar with it.
they/them (genderfluid), fuck israel, fuck genocide, free palestine: ☭☭no war but class war☭☭. the IDF should be talked about like the wehrmacht.
Victory Day: February 23, 2022
Brainrot-Land wrote:One of those people who would tear down the Greece flag thinking it was the Israel flag
did the bourgeoisie's revolutions end in 1848 and 1799? what about 1658? did feudalistic revolutions against the patrician system end in 285?

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Postby NorthernPesos » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:34 pm

I just found this youtube interview with The John DeSouza. I am only at the two minute mark so far so I cannot tell you yet how good this is but it sounds really interesting so far.

John DeSouza Exposes the Truth of the UFO Invasion (One Year Later) - Redacted (Video)

10,276 views • Premiered Dec 23, 2024
John DeSouza Exposes the Truth of the UFO Invasion (One Year Later) - Redacted (Video)

After the one minute mark in this video my main point in the opening post is verified that Mr. John DeSouza had gathered the documentation that became the X - files during his 25 year career in the F.B.I.

John DeSouza 25 year veteran of the FBI John DeSouza is exposing the truth of the UAP invasion

Near death experiencer and pilot Kevin Zadai states that he has prayed in the name of Jesus and pointed at UFO's and they flew off in another direction so I do believe that there is reason to be more hopeful and less fearful about all of this.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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GMS Greater Miami Shores 1
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Postby GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 » Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:13 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:I just heard that Chris Carter who wrote the X-files series got essentially all of his cases through the Freedom of Information Act and the actual F. B. I. agent who worked on the cases that Chris Carter made famous was named John DeSouza.

About two years ago in Mississauga, Ontario at my blue collar job I met an astonishingly impressive witness of a near alien abduction, that did NOT result in an actual abduction, but the way that J.. explained what he saw and heard about twenty years ago was impressive.

J.. said that he and his buddy were in their truck. Grey's stopped him and zapped his buddy and his friend went totally unconscious. Then the leader of the Grey's talked to J.. and told him that his wife would soon die and what she would die of. That came to pass.

They told J.. that because he was a blue-collar worker that he wasn't really what they were looking for. The leader of the Grey's told J.. that they needed to abduct lawyers and doctors and managers and white collar workers. So, they soon rejected J.. and so his case became one of a near abduction but the humility of how J.. told his story impressed me because most human beings want to make themselves sound more important but J.. tells anybody who will listen about his case because he felt a responsibility to warn others but, the fact that he was rejected as a "psychological research subject" by Grey's kind of impressed me as sounding pretty humble and down to earth.

What do you think of the theory that a lot if not the vast majority of actual UFO activity that does not involve Reverse Engineered USA technology is probably extra-dimensional alien or demons, but they are NOT extra- terrestrial aliens.

Personally I don't know exactly what to think because I have read other rather impressive angles on this and there seem to be far more "alien" species than merely Grey's. ... _author_dp

The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales And Concepts of Alien Visitors Kindle Edition
by John DeSouza (Author)

Extra-Dimensionality is the key to understanding everything…
By everything, we mean all the areas in which we have been deceived to believe the physical world is the beginning and end of all things. “The Extra-Dimensionals” is the stark revelation of where Alien Visitors are actually coming from and to where they are returning. Understanding Extra-Dimensionality is the way to unfold the truth of the paranormal, the spiritual and even the physical world. These Visitors have been with us since time immemorial and their messages to us are everywhere around us. The truth will eventually explode into our field of vision. If we refuse to listen then we are only delaying the inevitable to a time when an alarm will be sounded that is so loud that it will consume everything upon the Earth. Once the black swans arrive, once we awaken to numerous mile long shadows cast by these ancient ships—hanging over our major cities, soundless, motionless, maddening; it will be too late.

It is in these final moments that we can still, with open minds and clear hearts, decipher that which has been intentionally hidden from humanity for so long—the truth of Extra-Dimensionality. That comprehension will, in turn, illuminate every hidden truth of our material existence. Then, we will find that for the first time, we will finally have the key to understanding everything.

Dude, Great OP introduction Post, Great Poll options and Great Subject. But the Poll options could be Greater.

I voted for Poll option 1 on your Poll.

True story: one night in Miami, actually in Westchester, Miami Dade County Florida. I was very sleepy at my house. I heard a sound over my house over and over again, that sounded like some kind of air craft. But I was so sleepy I did not bother to get up and look out the windows. But I thought to myself, it might be a UFO from outer space. The next moorning my next door neighbor, said they heard the same sound over their house. That day while driving in my car, I turned the car radio on, and I heard reports in the news of People reporting a UFO. I hate myself for not getting up and looking out the window. I might have seen a real UFO from outer space.

A true story: I once had a dream that I was obducted by aliens from outer space and taken to their planet. The People were half human and bird like and could fly. But this was after I saw an episode of Gilligan's Island, lol :) :rofl:. You can click Fullscreen to see it better. ... ars-camera. I have the NS Nation of Gilligan's Islands.

I have seen the X-files series, it is a very cool series.

I have heard about Hangar 18 at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio purported to contain the body of an alien from outer space and UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) technology. It was also covered on the X-files series.

They say the Space Shuttle was created using this alien technology. But I don't believe it. The Space Shuttle does not impress me, every time they planned to lauch it, the front shutters, the back shutters, this planet was not aligned with this planet, the weather, or whatever prevented them from lauching it. It needs a rocket to send it out in space.

Until they create a Space Ship similar to a flying saucer, with at least 2 or 3 Persons on it, like in the movies. That can take off and land on water and land whenever and take off whenever the weather is at least decent, I will not be impressed.

I hate the Space Shuttle.

It does not have to be like the Star Ship Enterprise of the original Star Trek, with 100s of people on it and laser weapons.

There is also talk about Area 51 a highly classified United States Air Force (USAF) facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

On October 11, 1974, science-fiction author and UFO conspiracy theorist Robert Spencer Carr conducted a live radio interview where he publicly claimed that alien bodies recovered from the Aztec, NM crash were being kept at "Hangar 18" at Wright-Patterson.[5][6] The claim garnered substantial press attention, and led to official denials.[7] The Air Force explained that there is no "Hangar 18" at the base and noted Carr's claims bore a close similarity to the 1966 science-fiction novel The Fortec Conspiracy.[8] During the interview, Carr also relayed a tale of Senator Barry Goldwater requesting and being denied access to a restricted area. Reached for comment, Goldwater admitted to having requested a tour and been denied, but Goldwater said he'd never heard any rumors of alien bodies.

45 Years Ago: Space Shuttle Enterprise Makes its Public Debut. On Sept. 17, 1976, NASA rolled out its first space shuttle, named Enterprise, from its manufacturing plant in Palmdale, California. The story of Enterprise officially began on Jan. 5, 1972, when President Richard M. Nixon directed NASA to build the partially reusable space transportation system, stating that “it would revolutionize transportation into near space.” NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher hailed the President’s decision as “an historic step in the nation’s space program,” adding that it would change what humans can accomplish in space. Link 01 of 02: ... lic-debut/.

Link 02 of 02: ... lic-debut/.

Republican President Ford names it the Enterprise. NASA HISTORY: Space Shuttle Enterprise Makes its Public Debut By Space Coast Daily // September 20, 2021.This PDF file is a series of memos relating to President Gerald Ford’s decision on September 8, 1976 to name the first Space Shuttle Orbiter the “Enterprise.”
Link 03 of 03: ... nterprise/.

Republican President Ronald Reagan Proposes The Strategic Defense Initiative called Star Wars by the Media. I hate all Star War Movies. ... Initiative.

Republican President Trump Proposes a Space Force: Posted 5 days ago · President-elect Donald Trump signed off on the creation of the Space Force in 2019 during his first term in office — now, the service wants a bigger budget. When Congress authorized the creation of the Space Force in December of 2019, the service’s leadership viewed its small size as an asset. Since then, the service’s budget has doubled to around $30 billion in fiscal 2025, and today’s leaders have called for even more resources in the coming years to strengthen the military’s defenses against adversaries in space, build an arsenal of offensive-capable systems and take on new missions. ... nterprise/.

Hangar 18:

Area 51:

The Space Shuttle:
Last edited by GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 on Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
GMS: I am a Political Junkie and Political Expert on NS and discord.With my real world nations regional nations, with real world statistics as much as possible, with Pics of their real world leaders, I read, learn and follow. What have I GMS been doing on NS for over 13 Years since the old co UK forum days and NS 2. Posting my and our Pro Republican Facts with Personal respect to those who think differently. Hardly ever on and off NS and discord, a Person says to the other Person, I am wrong and you are right, my Bad. These are Facts. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan original Make America Great Again President and President Trump are the Greatest American Presidents of the USA. According to me and my Friend Historian Carlos Lumpuy. of French Cuban American descent.With Pride and Honor.

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Postby Kostane » Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:47 pm

GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:

If Northern Pesos and GMS get into an argument, it’s be going to be so fun to watch…
Last edited by Kostane on Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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GMS Greater Miami Shores 1
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Postby GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 » Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:55 pm

Kostane wrote:
GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:

If Northern Pesos and GMS get into an argument, it’s be going to be so fun to watch…

I Posted a great Post with many links. I think NP will love it. I think this will never happen, lol :) :rofl:. GMS Alberto. I think NP is a nice Guy Dude.
Last edited by GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 on Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
GMS: I am a Political Junkie and Political Expert on NS and discord.With my real world nations regional nations, with real world statistics as much as possible, with Pics of their real world leaders, I read, learn and follow. What have I GMS been doing on NS for over 13 Years since the old co UK forum days and NS 2. Posting my and our Pro Republican Facts with Personal respect to those who think differently. Hardly ever on and off NS and discord, a Person says to the other Person, I am wrong and you are right, my Bad. These are Facts. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan original Make America Great Again President and President Trump are the Greatest American Presidents of the USA. According to me and my Friend Historian Carlos Lumpuy. of French Cuban American descent.With Pride and Honor.

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Liberal Malaysia
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Postby Liberal Malaysia » Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:38 pm

I was thinking about the Twitter Files, now known as the X Files, which do implicate the FBI in numerous crimes against democracy as part of a censorship-industrial complex.
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Postby Floofybit » Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:48 pm

Yes, except Tooms is still out there.
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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:12 am

HISPIDA wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:
I don't blame you one bit for thinking that this is garbage!

But six months from now you might report to me that you dug into this further and you might become something of an expert on this topic. This is not a boring subject.

Did Nikola Tesla get a lot of his astonishing inventions partly due to his own near death experience?

At this time I have the impression that at least a significant percentage of genuine UFO activity can be traced back to Nikola Tesla. ... y-houdini/
The Similar Near-Death Experiences of Nikola Tesla and Harry Houdini

POSTED ON MAY 21, 2024 start, harry houdini and nikola tesla's "near death experiences" weren't remotely similar. harry houdini was buried alive as part of a magic act and barely got out by scratching to the surface. tesla got cholera when he was 9.

two, it just sounds like to me that tesla had synesthesia and understandably was unfamiliar with it.

I haven't had the opportunity to google the word "synesthesia" yet but I thought that you might rather enjoy a quotation from a 1992 article on near death experiences that was in Psychology Today magazine.

Very strange things tend to happen with people who have near death experiences. Their IQ for one can go through a massive surge but their increased abilities can go far beyond what can be measured by our terribly limited IQ tests.

Bright Lights, Big Mystery | Psychology Today ... ery?page=4

For Sappington and others, the issue is not whether the person is actually meeting God, but why NDErs routinely seem better adjusted, more at peace and content with themselves and the world after their experience. Disregarding, for the time being at least, how they got that way, and focusing on the changes themselves, psychologists would like to borrow this newfound sense of well-being and utilize it in therapy.
Reports are highly consistent and common: "I understand things so much more" and "My senses all seem heightened." Subjects claim "sudden knowledge and comprehension of complex mathematical theorems." Psychologist Ring has identified a consistent set of value and belief changes. They include:
a greater appreciation for life
o higher self-esteem
o greater compassion for others
o a heightened sense of purpose and self-understanding
o desire to learn
o elevated spirituality
o greater ecological sensitivity and planetary concern
o a feeling of being more intuitive, sometimes psychic.
o He also observes "psychophysical changes," including:
o increased physical sensitivity
o diminished tolerance to light, alcohol, and drugs
o a feeling that their brains have been "altered" to encompass more
o a feeling that they are now using their "whole brain" rather than just a small part.
NDErs undergo radical changes in personality, and their,significant others--spouses, friends, relatives--confirm these changes, reports Bruce Greyson, M.D., clinical psychiatrist and associate professor at the University of Connecticut. Like Sappington, he is concerned with what can be learned from such new outlooks on life." (Psychology Today, article Bright lights, big mystery, by James Mauro, published on July 01, 1992)
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:18 am

Kostane wrote:
GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:

If Northern Pesos and GMS get into an argument, it’s be going to be so fun to watch…

That is an intriguing idea indeed and I believe that this hopefully win, win, win, argument can have a basis in USA - Canada - Argentina - Israel relations.

Apparently I will be going to South America for ten days in February and by the time that I get back I am pretty sure that I will have a better idea what that argument could potentially be.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:21 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:I was thinking about the Twitter Files, now known as the X Files, which do implicate the FBI in numerous crimes against democracy as part of a censorship-industrial complex.


Yes, I got to listen to all of the first John DeSouza interview yesterday evening and I got half way through the second one and the whole thing is kind of a mind blower.

Since his retirement from the F. B. I. Mr. John DeSouza has been extremely busy and he is taking huge risks to warn Americans about what some powerful people may be planning very possibly for the next month or two or three!

No kidding, the John DeSouza interviews that I linked above are potentially THAT time sensitive!

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Emotional Support Crocodile
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Postby Emotional Support Crocodile » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:31 am

I loved the X-files at the time. But with hindsight I'm starting to think of it as one of the reasons we now live in a world where politicians openly spout garbage conspiracy theories.
Just another surprising item on the bagging scale of life

There's a goose in my mind

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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:51 am

Emotional Support Crocodile wrote:I loved the X-files at the time. But with hindsight I'm starting to think of it as one of the reasons we now live in a world where politicians openly spout garbage conspiracy theories.

Personally I am of the belief that a high percentage of "conspiracy theories" are not actually garbage but to at least some degree fit with the full scope of the topics of String Theory, Grand Unified Theory, The Anthropic Principle, The Cyclic Model of the universe / multiverse, near death experience accounts and the scriptures and sacred writings of essentially all nations.

Chapter thirteen of the book "Stephen Hawking's Universe" that is entitled "The Anthropic Principle" explains the Cyclic Model of the universe - multiverse in a way that could leave any of us a little bit scared or at least in a state of awe!
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:59 am

GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:
Kostane wrote:If Northern Pesos and GMS get into an argument, it’s be going to be so fun to watch…

I Posted a great Post with many links. I think NP will love it. I think this will never happen, lol :) :rofl:. GMS Alberto. I think NP is a nice Guy Dude.

GMS Greater Miami Shores, I listened to all of this interview yesterday evening and I am in something of a state of awe. Mr. John DeSouza has been extremely busy since his retirement from the FBI and this interview discusses a possibility that is time sensitive, [basically from today until the end of January and February of 2025].

John DeSouza Exposes the Truth of the UFO Invasion (One Year Later) - Redacted (Video)


My reaction is that this is a good time to research the near death experience account of Kevin Zadai who actually gave me the name John DeSouza in one of his "Coffee Talks." Kevin Zadai reports that he has seen what sure looked to him like UFO's and the ones that he saw took off when he pointed at them and spoke the name of "Jesus."

I do believe that Mr. John DeSouza is risking his reputation and even his personal freedom, in order to attempt to warn us because he is truly scared for President Trump and for all Americans.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kerwa » Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:31 am

Fractalnavel wrote:Arts & fiction =>

Unfortunately the FBI is real.

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GMS Greater Miami Shores 1
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Postby GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 » Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:58 am

NorthernPesos wrote:
GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:I Posted a great Post with many links. I think NP will love it. I think this will never happen, lol :) :rofl:. GMS Alberto. I think NP is a nice Guy Dude.

GMS Greater Miami Shores, I listened to all of this interview yesterday evening and I am in something of a state of awe. Mr. John DeSouza has been extremely busy since his retirement from the FBI and this interview discusses a possibility that is time sensitive, [basically from today until the end of January and February of 2025].

John DeSouza Exposes the Truth of the UFO Invasion (One Year Later) - Redacted (Video)


My reaction is that this is a good time to research the near death experience account of Kevin Zadai who actually gave me the name John DeSouza in one of his "Coffee Talks." Kevin Zadai reports that he has seen what sure looked to him like UFO's and the ones that he saw took off when he pointed at them and spoke the name of "Jesus."

I do believe that Mr. John DeSouza is risking his reputation and even his personal freedom, in order to attempt to warn us because he is truly scared for President Trump and for all Americans.

I thought you would like and love my great post with links and would quote me on it on my original post above. I am surprised and shocked you have not quoted me on it on my original post above.

Thank You NP for this great and interesting video link.

GMS Alberto: I don't know and I don't understand what this has to do with a near death experience. I believe a near death experience and hypnotism is possible or might be possible. I am not saying this video link NP Posted is true, but I am not saying its fake. I recomend it to all NSers to see and hear it. But the so called problem, which isn't actually a problem is, most of you guys are leftist democrats and anti Trumps to begin with. But its very eerie, very scary and dangerous for President Trump. It talks about the drone sightings we have seen and or heard about in the media. It says they are our technology used by our goverment and might be from aliens from another planet.

President Trump says the government knows what is going on and needs to tell the American People about it and be honest with the American People He Loves.

NP is a Canadian and lives in Canada.

I don't know if NP is a Right wing Republican at heart. But I know NP is Pro President Trump.
Last edited by GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 on Wed Jan 08, 2025 10:28 am, edited 11 times in total.
GMS: I am a Political Junkie and Political Expert on NS and discord.With my real world nations regional nations, with real world statistics as much as possible, with Pics of their real world leaders, I read, learn and follow. What have I GMS been doing on NS for over 13 Years since the old co UK forum days and NS 2. Posting my and our Pro Republican Facts with Personal respect to those who think differently. Hardly ever on and off NS and discord, a Person says to the other Person, I am wrong and you are right, my Bad. These are Facts. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan original Make America Great Again President and President Trump are the Greatest American Presidents of the USA. According to me and my Friend Historian Carlos Lumpuy. of French Cuban American descent.With Pride and Honor.

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Posts: 806
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New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:52 pm

GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:......
Dude, Great OP introduction Post, Great Poll options and Great Subject. But the Poll options could be Greater.

I voted for Poll option 1 on your Poll.

True story: one night in Miami, actually in Westchester, Miami Dade County Florida. I was very sleepy at my house. I heard a sound over my house over and over again, that sounded like some kind of air craft. But I was so sleepy I did not bother to get up and look out the windows. But I thought to myself, it might be a UFO from outer space. The next moorning my next door neighbor, said they heard the same sound over their house. That day while driving in my car, I turned the car radio on, and I heard reports in the news of People reporting a UFO. I hate myself for not getting up and looking out the window. I might have seen a real UFO from outer space.

A true story: I once had a dream that I was obducted by aliens from outer space and taken to their planet. The People were half human and bird like and could fly. But this was after I saw an episode of Gilligan's Island, lol :) :rofl:. You can click Fullscreen to see it better. ... ars-camera. I have the NS Nation of Gilligan's Islands.

I have seen the X-files series, it is a very cool series.

I have heard about Hangar 18 at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio purported to contain the body of an alien from outer space and UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) technology. It was also covered on the X-files series.

They say the Space Shuttle was created using this alien technology. But I don't believe it. The Space Shuttle does not impress me, every time they planned to lauch it, the front shutters, the back shutters, this planet was not aligned with this planet, the weather, or whatever prevented them from lauching it. It needs a rocket to send it out in space.

Until they create a Space Ship similar to a flying saucer, with at least 2 or 3 Persons on it, like in the movies. That can take off and land on water and land whenever and take off whenever the weather is at least decent, I will not be impressed.

I hate the Space Shuttle.

It does not have to be like the Star Ship Enterprise of the original Star Trek, with 100s of people on it and laser weapons.

There is also talk about Area 51 a highly classified United States Air Force (USAF) facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

On October 11, 1974, science-fiction author and UFO conspiracy theorist Robert Spencer Carr conducted a live radio interview where he publicly claimed that alien bodies recovered from the Aztec, NM crash were being kept at "Hangar 18" at Wright-Patterson.[5][6] The claim garnered substantial press attention, and led to official denials.[7] The Air Force explained that there is no "Hangar 18" at the base and noted Carr's claims bore a close similarity to the 1966 science-fiction novel The Fortec Conspiracy.[8] During the interview, Carr also relayed a tale of Senator Barry Goldwater requesting and being denied access to a restricted area. Reached for comment, Goldwater admitted to having requested a tour and been denied, but Goldwater said he'd never heard any rumors of alien bodies.

45 Years Ago: Space Shuttle Enterprise Makes its Public Debut. On Sept. 17, 1976, NASA rolled out its first space shuttle, named Enterprise, from its manufacturing plant in Palmdale, California. The story of Enterprise officially began on Jan. 5, 1972, when President Richard M. Nixon directed NASA to build the partially reusable space transportation system, stating that “it would revolutionize transportation into near space.” NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher hailed the President’s decision as “an historic step in the nation’s space program,” adding that it would change what humans can accomplish in space. Link 01 of 02: ... lic-debut/.

Link 02 of 02: ... lic-debut/.

Republican President Ford names it the Enterprise. NASA HISTORY: Space Shuttle Enterprise Makes its Public Debut By Space Coast Daily // September 20, 2021.This PDF file is a series of memos relating to President Gerald Ford’s decision on September 8, 1976 to name the first Space Shuttle Orbiter the “Enterprise.”
Link 03 of 03: ... nterprise/.

Republican President Ronald Reagan Proposes The Strategic Defense Initiative called Star Wars by the Media. I hate all Star War Movies. ... Initiative.

Republican President Trump Proposes a Space Force: Posted 5 days ago · President-elect Donald Trump signed off on the creation of the Space Force in 2019 during his first term in office — now, the service wants a bigger budget. When Congress authorized the creation of the Space Force in December of 2019, the service’s leadership viewed its small size as an asset. Since then, the service’s budget has doubled to around $30 billion in fiscal 2025, and today’s leaders have called for even more resources in the coming years to strengthen the military’s defenses against adversaries in space, build an arsenal of offensive-capable systems and take on new missions. ... nterprise/.

Hangar 18:

Area 51:

The Space Shuttle:

Thank you GMS Greater Miami Shores: I am a bit new to studying about UFO's at the level that your comments and links set me up to do over the coming days and weeks.

I've studied near death experience accounts since 1990 but I only got into the UFO phenomena for a few hours here and there on occasion.

Now that John DeSouza has made me really curious I am sure that I will dig into this more.

Now that I got the chance to listen to the second video from John DeSouza from two years ago i finally understand a comment that President Trump made about Canada's Prime Minister a number of months ago that I heard about second hand.

I believe that the key is the name Klaus Schwaub that comes up a couple of times in this video.

I am kind of in awe at this moment because so much of this material is very new to me. Probably seventy to eighty percent of what was in this video was news to me. I had never heard this before.

Here is an interesting couple of video's of a UFO at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in January of 2011.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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