Prophets of Evil Q&A

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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The Prophets of Evil
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Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Prophets of Evil Q&A

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:34 pm


This thread exists for the purpose of asking questions about the Prophets of Evil, and/or the associated setting. The Prophets of Evil are a music band within the setting (so, not actually a country, though the band does have strong political opinions!), and both the band, and the setting itself are a great deal more unusual than what first-glance would have one believe. The intent of this threat is to accomplish the following:
  • Answer lore questions.
  • Explore worldbuilding.
  • Fleshing out characters.

Asking Questions

Though the name of the thread is "Prophets of Evil Q&A", the questions can be about anything and anyone in our 'verse. The questions can be OOC or IC, and will be responded to in kind - please preface your question with "OOC" or "IC" to indicate whether you want the answer to be in-character or out-of-character. If "IC", please indicate what character you wish to answer it - if you do not indicate a character the question is directed at, it will be assumed to be directed at the band as a whole. Do note that these answers could differ greatly depending on how they are answered and who answers them!

I will not, however, be answering questions about the OOC creator (the person behind the screen) in this thread. That's a more private matter.

Before Anyone Asks

  • No, this is not in response to a bunch of other new accounts on-site making Q&A threads. I always intended to make a Q&A thread for this account, it was just a matter of finding the time. Frankly, I'm not much of a trend-follower anyways - I'm more content to go off and do my own thing.
  • Yes, I have made other accounts on here that are in the same 'verse. However, I've done a fair bit of retconning and rewriting since then, and far more openly embraced the setting's alternate history.
  • A lot is still being developed. I may end up giving an OOC response that is equivalent to "I don't know yet" - please don't be discouraged by this!
  • Some of the answers I give may end up retconned later as more lore gets fleshed out. While a good chuck of info has been set in stone for a while, there are elements I have been going back and reworking that I didn't think I would be, for reasons varying from "I want to actually flesh this out better" to "I'm not happy with the implications of the previous lore."
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:44 pm

Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Postby Kyrindor » Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:49 pm

Why did you choose a band over a country?
A Libertarian Furrist Nation
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My favorite part was when Ron Paul said "TANSTAAFL" and TANSTAAFL'd all over the place

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Corporate Bordello

Postby Spoonbreaker » Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:51 pm

Ooc:where did the flag come from

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The Prophets of Evil
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:17 pm

Kyrindor wrote:Why did you choose a band over a country?

I'll assume the question is intended for an OOC reply, so I will give that.

Well, there's a few parts to this, so let me explain:

First of all, this isn't my first account on NS. So I have been countries before. (I don't really have a main account, mind.)

Second of all, I didn't create the Prophets of Evil when I made the account on NS. They've already been a part of my worldbuilding for a long time now. I just felt like making them on NS, both to get a better handle on their characters and see what other people think of them, and of my worldbuilding. And as the Prophets of Evil do have strong political opinions and are politically motivated, I figured NS was suitable enough. I've seen weirder on here before. (I recall someone made a "nation" that was literally one person at one point, I've seen more than one "nation" that are just corporations, and I've seen far weirder political opinions than what the Prophets have, even though the Prophets do have some genuinely outlandish political ideas.)

Granted, by putting them on NS, there's a lot I can't share, and I am aware of this. NS rules dictate PG-13 content, so there's a lot of art I cannot post, and a lot of dispatches I cannot make. Still, this does give me a space to play around with them and bounce ideas. I didn't make a PG-13 'verse, so I know I have to moderate what I actually put on here.

So, long story short: I chose a band because I already had this band and wanted to get to know them better. I thought they'd be an alright fit for the political zaniness that is NS.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Postby The Prophets of Evil » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:34 pm

Spoonbreaker wrote:Ooc:where did the flag come from


The flag? The "flag" would be the band logo for the Prophets of Evil. I made it myself, in MS Paint.

I think I first drew the logo in... I want to say 2014. It was on a loose piece of notebook paper. I still have that somewhere! It's undergone a few changes over the years, but not many.

The lettering is honestly pretty similar to a lot of lettering for heavy metal bands, particularly extreme metal such as black metal and death metal. The lettering incorporates various symbols of the occult, along with other symbols. The skull at the bottom of the image is supposed to be an oni skull, with three eyes to represent the third eye chakra. The central inverted pentacle features an inverted cross, the number of the beast, as well as the number 4. (which in Japanese is "四", which can be pronounced as "shi", which is also how "死" is pronounced, and "死" means "death"... it's this whole thing. The number 4 is superstitious in much of East Asia, in a similar way to how 13 is superstitious in the West.)
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Postby Xshor » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:07 am


i may ask some ic questions here in the foreseeable future, but in order to do so i'd just like to get one thing out of the way - are any of the prophets capable of psychic magic, and if so what are their abilities within this field? also do you have any black metal artists youd personally recommend?
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i seep into your marrow, feast upon your blood // burst out from your bones and rise above your husk

species-enclave of alien brain parasites stranded in a half-dead human world
nesting in the hollowed corpse of a superpower while annihilation creeps onward
locked in a power struggle between mage cabals and a larval god
also there's dinosaurs
ooc: they/she/it enby - 蜘蛛公主 - ecdysis cultist - basal arthropod of uncertain taxonomic placement - world's #1 arachnophobophobe - i eat dirt and small children
my heart too pure. my soul too noble. my vision too sublime. live laugh love forever

Current flag by Yamamoto Takato

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Terra da Cinza
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Postby Terra da Cinza » Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:51 pm

An Out of Character question.

Is the premise of the band itself, or perhaps merely it's aesthetic, inspired on another fictional band? I can't help but to see some similarities with a certain Gothic Punk band, albeit this might be entirely coincidental. Perhaps there are other influences behind the Prophets of Evil?

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The Prophets of Evil
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:11 am

Xshor wrote:[ooc]

i may ask some ic questions here in the foreseeable future, but in order to do so i'd just like to get one thing out of the way - are any of the prophets capable of psychic magic, and if so what are their abilities within this field? also do you have any black metal artists youd personally recommend?


None of the Prophets of Evil band have access to psychic magic - mostly they have arcane. It is theoretically possible but statistically unlikely that they will gain access to it in the future - this is mostly just up to chance, but it is acquired through sleep. None of them really need sleep anymore, so for the most part, they kind of just don't. Given they don't take many opportunities to sleep, the likelihood of any of the band members gaining psychic magic is incredibly low. Statistically speaking, it is more likely that every single one of their instruments would become psykers before anyone in the band does.

As for black metal artists I'd recommend? There's a lot out there, and it's a pretty niche genre (amazing, but not for everyone, if you catch my drift.)

Why don't you DM me with a list of some of the kinds of things you like to listen to (genres, artists, etc.) and from there I'll make a recommendation of a black metal band or two that I think you might like? (e.g. if you like classical music, I could recommend a symphonic black metal band, etc.)

Terra da Cinza wrote:An Out of Character question.

Is the premise of the band itself, or perhaps merely it's aesthetic, inspired on another fictional band? I can't help but to see some similarities with a certain Gothic Punk band, albeit this might be entirely coincidental. Perhaps there are other influences behind the Prophets of Evil?


Aesthetics wise, the Prophets of Evil weren't actually inspired by any specific bands, but by the aesthetics of visual kei mixed with guro lolita and punk lolita (for some reason it's called "punk lolita" even if you're clearly drawing from heavy metal fashion rather than punk rock fashion. Don't ask me why.)

Outfits differ between each tour, and may cross over into other fashion styles while still retaining some elements of visual kei, heavy metal, and lolita (usually including large, spiky boots, a frilly skirt, a band t-shirt, too many belts, and lots of bracelets). For example, the Operation: War on Holiness tour drew elements from modern military uniforms, so the frilly skirts and band t-shirts were matched with desert camouflage jackets and modern combat boots, while the Black Hearts, Black Cherries tour draws elements from the yakuza, and thus pairs their style with modern Western business suits and traditional Japanese outfits. Unfortunately, a lot of that is really hard to portray in bust icons, particularly as I'm not the best with MS Paint. (Hell, these outfits can get complex enough that they aren't easy to draw with pencil and paper, and that's the medium I'm actually good with! I can honestly say that trying to draw their outfits is a constant challenge that pushes me to continue improving my art skills, no matter how good I get.)

Performance wise, I was inspired by the live performances of several real life musicians, most notably Alice Cooper - especially with regards to the over-the-top theatrical nature of it.

I was not inspired by a fictional band (I have so many outrageous real life bands to draw inspiration from), but I think I might have an idea which one you're talking about. I could be mistaken though.

A pretty fair number of real life bands did inspire the idea for the Prophets of Evil, albeit not their aesthetic. (Most of these were things more like "what do they sound like" or "what controversies have they gotten into" or "were they banned from anywhere, and why". That kind of thing. Especially the "what do they sound like" - I listen to a lot of music while I work on stuff.)
Last edited by The Prophets of Evil on Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Terra da Cinza
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Postby Terra da Cinza » Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:13 am

Your informative answer is well appreciated. If you believe you might know what i was referencing, by any means feel free to name it.

As for the performances proper and their excessively violent theatrics, i was reminded of a certain GG Allin. Perhaps you might have heard of him, hah. In any case, i would be quite interested to see some of the pen-and-paper drawings you've eluded to in the past. I must admit that for a 'nation' formed out of an esoteric ruffian band and visually portrayed through a free of charge graphical editor you've managed to impress me.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:56 am

Terra da Cinza wrote:Your informative answer is well appreciated. If you believe you might know what i was referencing, by any means feel free to name it.

As for the performances proper and their excessively violent theatrics, i was reminded of a certain GG Allin. Perhaps you might have heard of him, hah. In any case, i would be quite interested to see some of the pen-and-paper drawings you've eluded to in the past. I must admit that for a 'nation' formed out of an esoteric ruffian band and visually portrayed through a free of charge graphical editor you've managed to impress me.

No problem.

I have not heard of GG Allin, no. Sorry. ^^;

I thought I might know what you were referencing, but now, seeing as you've name dropped someone I hadn't heard of, I'm not so sure. Regardless, I think I answered the question.

As for the pencil and paper drawings... well, my most recent drawing is from 2022. And it does contain some gore. There's a reason I haven't posted it on here - I would get in trouble. If you really want to see it, I am willing to share... over Discord, not on here. Shoot me a DM and we'll talk.

I'm glad I have managed to impress you, and from the sounds of it, a few other people. I wasn't sure if people were quite going to "get it", as it were.

If you, or anyone else, has any other questions, IC or OOC, shoot them here! I'll be happy to answer.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:41 pm

Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Kasdados » Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:44 pm

An in-character question: Do not care that you have been officially banned in Kasdados for “debasing the youth and turning them into puppets of the Great Satan”? And if you care, how do you intend to transfigure your music into something more Christian appropriate?
Aussie Patriot. Proud grandson of Greeks - prouder Son of Our Lord And Saviour. Passionate lover of creative writing, the bridge betwixt the realms beyond our own and the comprehension of our minds. Aspergers is its name, awesome is its game. Suave gentleman, debonair intellectual, kind soul. Lover of history, of politics, of civilisation. Devotee of Tolkien, of Frank Herbert, of George R. R Martin - the forgers of worlds. Supporter of Thomas Aquinas, of Aristotle, of Marcus Aurelius. Opponent of blasphemers, of uncreatives, and impolites.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" — Galatians 5:22-23.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Postby The Prophets of Evil » Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:13 pm

Kasdados wrote:An in-character question: Do not care that you have been officially banned in Kasdados for “debasing the youth and turning them into puppets of the Great Satan”? And if you care, how do you intend to transfigure your music into something more Christian appropriate?


Official response from the Prophets of Evil Slither account:


That's a problem with your state. Not our problem.

From Friedrich Nietzsche's the Anti-Christ:
"One should not embellish or dress up Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has excommunicated all the fundamental instincts of this type, it has distilled evil, the Evil One, out of these instincts — the strong human being as the type of reprehensibility, as the 'outcast'. Christianity has taken the side of everything weak, base, ill-constituted, it has made an ideal out of opposition to the preservative instincts of strong life; it has depraved the reason even of the intellectually strongest natures by teaching men to feel supreme values of intellectually as sinful, as misleading, as temptations."

Response from Belladonna:

"Banned? Wouldn't be the first time we've been banned. I was going to say 'ask me if I care' rhetorically, but you beat me to the punch and actually did. Well, I don't. You can join the handful of other countries that have decided that the precious hurt fucking feelings of your imaginary sky daddy are more important than fundamental human rights. I'm a cultural rebel - I'm not about to sellout to religious fundamentalists!"

Response from Malpha:

"Our music reaffirms reason, logic, emotion, political theory and reality, philosophy, art, life and death, the human experience, the plurality of existence and interconnectedness of our world, the beauty of our universe, and the pursuit of enlightenment. Your condemnation of us reflects not on our character, but your own."

Response from Mika (still in the process of making her factbook, but she is listed on our main page as a band member):

"Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, statist! Hail Satan!"

And a response from Rika Satou, as legal representative of the Prophets of Evil:

"That is your prerogative to ban my client from performing in your country. But the last time I checked, my clients are not citizens of your country, nor have any interest in becoming such. As long as they are not within your country's borders, they have no obligation to follow your country's laws. You are entitled to your opinion, but my clients are free to completely disregard it at their discretion. As is their choice. You have the right to cry about it, but you cannot force my clients to listen to you should you choose to exercise that right."
Last edited by The Prophets of Evil on Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
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Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:23 am

Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Postby Xshor » Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:17 am

Hello~ from... somewhere I can't disclose. Call me Lacryphage. I'd ask you things myself but right now there's someone in my head who apparently has questions for you. And they can't seem to get a hold of you on their own, so it's my job now. Enjoy.

My friend here specifically wants to talk to Yokai-Hammer. "Quiet ones with stories to tell", they said. They like your name, too, it makes them think of bashing things into pulp. Lots of imagery they're flashing up, wish you could see it. But on that note, they're curious what the "yokai" part means. Is the hammer of yokai make, or is it for hammering yokai? What would that look like?

Honestly there's a lot they don't seem to understand. They're not really in on... "worldly politics", you could say. I can probably fill them in on fascists and stock markets and whatnot instead of wasting your time on basics, but if you have anything you really want to say on the topic then go ahead. They also seem to relate to you, kind of. I'd take that as an honour, but you don't know them and likely never will, so just take my word for it or something.

But speaking of fascists, they want to know what punching one feels like, since you seem so into it. "Does it splatter," they said. They're also wondering about the nutritional content and whether the eyes pop between your teeth.

Lastly they have a few simpler ones. Your proudest performance, your favourite personal retreat, and whether there's anyone in the world you'd most like to kill.

And that's it for now. I think I'll lie down for a bit, my head hurts. Be seeing you.

  • Lacryphage-Alate-Rupture
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i seep into your marrow, feast upon your blood // burst out from your bones and rise above your husk

species-enclave of alien brain parasites stranded in a half-dead human world
nesting in the hollowed corpse of a superpower while annihilation creeps onward
locked in a power struggle between mage cabals and a larval god
also there's dinosaurs
ooc: they/she/it enby - 蜘蛛公主 - ecdysis cultist - basal arthropod of uncertain taxonomic placement - world's #1 arachnophobophobe - i eat dirt and small children
my heart too pure. my soul too noble. my vision too sublime. live laugh love forever

Current flag by Yamamoto Takato

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The Prophets of Evil
Posts: 18
Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:05 pm

Xshor wrote:
Hello~ from... somewhere I can't disclose. Call me Lacryphage. I'd ask you things myself but right now there's someone in my head who apparently has questions for you. And they can't seem to get a hold of you on their own, so it's my job now. Enjoy.

My friend here specifically wants to talk to Yokai-Hammer. "Quiet ones with stories to tell", they said. They like your name, too, it makes them think of bashing things into pulp. Lots of imagery they're flashing up, wish you could see it. But on that note, they're curious what the "yokai" part means. Is the hammer of yokai make, or is it for hammering yokai? What would that look like?

Honestly there's a lot they don't seem to understand. They're not really in on... "worldly politics", you could say. I can probably fill them in on fascists and stock markets and whatnot instead of wasting your time on basics, but if you have anything you really want to say on the topic then go ahead. They also seem to relate to you, kind of. I'd take that as an honour, but you don't know them and likely never will, so just take my word for it or something.

But speaking of fascists, they want to know what punching one feels like, since you seem so into it. "Does it splatter," they said. They're also wondering about the nutritional content and whether the eyes pop between your teeth.

Lastly they have a few simpler ones. Your proudest performance, your favourite personal retreat, and whether there's anyone in the world you'd most like to kill.

And that's it for now. I think I'll lie down for a bit, my head hurts. Be seeing you.

  • Lacryphage-Alate-Rupture



"Lacryphage? Interesting name.

"I'm quiet most of the time, because there usually isn't much worth saying. If it is important... I'll speak. But often, there's someone else available, and they will actually enjoy it.

"My name began as an in-joke between Belladonna and I. She said my drumming was the sounds of Yomi, and would call up the yokai. The name then, is not a reference to a literal hammer, but the 'hammering' sound of my drums.

"There's a lot one can go into detail about politics. I recommend reading. A good place to start would be Das Kapital by Karl Marx. There's a lot of other valuable books as well. I also recommend talking at length to Black Rose, Belladonna, or Mika. They'll be more than happy to talk theory and praxis.

"Thank you. Tell your friend that I am happy for them.

"Fascists can be anyone. I don't even want to call it an ideology; that would imply they actually believe in something. It's more of a cult of 'militant misanthropic nationalist authoritarian denial-based nihilism' - that's what fascism is. It is important to recognize it for what it is, and to deal with it when one finds it. One can read about it at length online, and many of the other bandmates would enjoy explaining what it is at length.

"The quote... It's a metaphor. Like breakfast, it's a good start to your day, whether the punch itself be literal or metaphorical. Metaphorical punching in this case being doing what you can to delegitimize and de-platform fascists. If you punch a fascist early in the day, you can know that, whatever else you may or may not have done that day, you did something good. For literal punching... splatter depends.

"I'm rather proud of the drumming I did for Life Doesn't Want Me, Death Will Not Take Me, from I Came From Out The Crypt. The song in general is good, and it served as a template for much of our later work: everyone in the band gets a chance to shine.

"Whenever I'm on tour, I like to visit local bars. Being surrounded by others, sitting there, taking in the atmosphere of everyone else... that is my 'retreat'.

"Well, if I told you who I'd want to kill, and anything happened to them, I would be a primary suspect, wouldn't I?

- Yokai-Hammer

OOC: Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to write that. Seeing your post made my day. It made me happy to know someone cares about what I've made, and it meant I got to look forward to making a suitable, thought out reply. So for that, I thank you.

Also, I would like to point out that, while it may not look it, Yokai-Hammer is probably the hardest of the band for me to write dialogue for. No, really.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
Posts: 18
Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:21 pm

Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Posts: 801
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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Mardesurria » Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:23 pm

What are your favorite bands in real life, and why do you love them?
- The land of the sun, sea, snow, and stars -
A pacifistic, welfarist nation in the taiga and tundras of Antarctica.
Male American teenager, lover of Minecraft, Radiohead, and Gran Turismo.Here’s a more in-depth factbook of me.
"I... am Steve."
— literally just Jack Black wearing a blue sweatshirt

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The Prophets of Evil
Posts: 18
Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:38 pm

Mardesurria wrote:What are your favorite bands in real life, and why do you love them?

You say "in real life", here, which ah... has me puzzled.

Because this thread is for questions about the Prophets of Evil, and the setting I created, not about the user (me). I spell out as much in my opening post.

While my opening post does specify that "OOC questions" are allowed, it is still assuming that the question would be about fiction rather than fact. (And that questions should be labeled as OOC or IC, to denote whether or not I'm supposed to answer as my character(s).)

Thus, a question of "What bands do the Prophets of Evil like?" is fine, but "What bands do you, the user, like?" is not fine.

Tl;dr: I made this thread to answer questions about my fictional band and setting, not personal matters. Sorry.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Posts: 801
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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Mardesurria » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:45 pm

The Prophets of Evil wrote:
Mardesurria wrote:What are your favorite bands in real life, and why do you love them?

You say "in real life", here, which ah... has me puzzled.

Because this thread is for questions about the Prophets of Evil, and the setting I created, not about the user (me). I spell out as much in my opening post.

While my opening post does specify that "OOC questions" are allowed, it is still assuming that the question would be about fiction rather than fact. (And that questions should be labeled as OOC or IC, to denote whether or not I'm supposed to answer as my character(s).)

Thus, a question of "What bands do the Prophets of Evil like?" is fine, but "What bands do you, the user, like?" is not fine.

Tl;dr: I made this thread to answer questions about my fictional band and setting, not personal matters. Sorry.

That’s fine. While I directed it towards you, the user, I respect your privacy.

That being said, your suggested question “What bands do the Prophets of Evil like?” is pretty interesting. I’d like to know that.
- The land of the sun, sea, snow, and stars -
A pacifistic, welfarist nation in the taiga and tundras of Antarctica.
Male American teenager, lover of Minecraft, Radiohead, and Gran Turismo.Here’s a more in-depth factbook of me.
"I... am Steve."
— literally just Jack Black wearing a blue sweatshirt

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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Imperial-Octavia » Mon Feb 03, 2025 6:25 pm


She hope she's went unnoticed. Shar'Mita had managed to commandeer this stealth craft in yet another daring escape from those who would want her head. It wasn't Mechanators this time surprisingly but instead pirates who she cheated out of deuterium fuel for her fusion reactor. She had also slipped the craft itself from them but when lasers are being fired past your head theft doesn't seem like the worst thing one could do. It had been a horrible risk, one that lost her the ring finger on her left hand but as she sat in the relatively comfortable interior - at least that's how it looked, Mita couldn't actually feel anything - she felt that it had been well worth it. She had come to this system, hiding behind the planet's moon to make extra sure that she didn't accidentally introduce this world to the galaxy, in order to ask these "Prophets of Evil" some questions about her current situation. Mita had picked up some of their music being broadcast out into interstellar space as radio waves and frankly it was a breath of fresh air (not that she knew how those felt). After a century of propagandistic slop from the Imperium the Prophets were exactly the thing she needed now that she was a defector. Of course she couldn't mention the Imperium directly but maybe they'd understand if she explained it as a cult? That should make sense to them and besides Mita saw the Imperium and a cult as basically one and the same. Mita made an account on this platform the humans called "Slither", spoofing her location somewhere in the United States and began drafting her questions to these human musicians. Hopefully they could help her somewhat.


Hi!!! I've been a really big fan of the music you guys make for a while now, it's really helped me through some difficult stuff (All I'll say is I escaped a really abusive cult, like a really big, really fashy one that I can't name rn) and I'd like to ask you guys some questions!!! :3

1. First off I was wondering what you guys mean when you mention satan all the time? Is it like the literal satan from the Bible? Is it more of a metaphor? Some other third thing I haven't thought of yet? Please let me know because I find it really interesting...

2. I've been really interested in the subject of Enlightenment recently and I'd like to know how you in the group define it! If different band members have different definitions of what it is that's okay too I'm just trying to expand my knowledge!!!

3. How do you guys deal with mortality. Pretty dark question ik but considering the cult situation I've been thinking about it a lot and I really don't know how to cope and you guys seem to be all wise about stuff like that. Unless you're like all immortal lmao.

Okay that was everything thanks for all the good music!!!

Sorry if I got something wrong with your lore, I read your factbooks to make sure I didn't mess up anything but I'm not sure if there's anything I missed. I hope the little intro to the questions weren't too much, I just felt like writing something before the questions themselves to explain an IC question from an Octavian.
|| Factbooks ||
| Tech Level: FT |

Current Year: 2476
The Empire of Octavia ✙ "Assimilate or die!"
The Mechanical horde marches forward and it comes for you!

Number of owned Star Systems: 163

Pinnacle news:The Synthetic Revolution marches on! The Synthetics of Aekea have risen from the Organic yoke and - with the aid of the Imperium - have established their own place among the stars as an Imperial Protectorate! "Our bond will be eternal" says Grand Mechanator Krell/Is your Citizen Score low? Remember that reporting suspicious persons is a surefire way to increase it!
This nation was created by The Rapture Republic, inspired by Inkopolia. Now owned by Atkemri.

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The Prophets of Evil
Posts: 18
Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:11 pm

Mardesurria wrote:That’s fine. While I directed it towards you, the user, I respect your privacy.

That being said, your suggested question “What bands do the Prophets of Evil like?” is pretty interesting. I’d like to know that.

Thank you for understanding.

Mmm. A list of bands the Prophets of Evil like would be pretty long and varied, especially between members. It is worth pointing out that their music draws influences from a wide plethora of genres, and varies further between different albums. A point can be made by merely pointing to the fact that, while what they play is "black metal", they have band members who can play flute, violin, and saxophone. Genre here has transcended "box" and aggressively entered the realm of "tag".

I will likewise point to my answers naturally being confined to my own real life knowledge: I cannot name a band I am myself unaware of, and while I listen to a good fair bit of music, both while working and in free time, what bands I know of are but a drop of water in a vast ocean. The Prophets of Evil, being not just musicians, but fairly experimental musicians at that, would absolutely have heard and listened to music from bands I myself do not know, including in genres I just don't really listen to.

I don't know to what extent I could answer the question in a specific sense (specific bands), but I could certainly start naming genres and musical scenes:
  • Each of them would likely have explored almost every branch and sub-genre of heavy metal that there is. From black metal and death metal, to prog, power metal, thrash, doom, nu metal, alt metal, folk metal, symphonic metal, industrial metal, and much, much more. They wouldn't necessarily have heard every band, but they'd have a minimum of passing knowledge of each sub-genre. Black metal they'd probably have the most knowledge of as a whole, but individual members might have more familiarity with other sub-genres.
  • Some familiarity with the visual kei scene in Japan would also be present across all members.
  • Each member is going to have various other genres of music they have at least a passing knowledge of - they are frequently exposing themselves to new music across different genres.
Individual members also bring other genres to the table, in addition to the above:
  • In addition to her love of black metal, Black Rose also likes punk rock and rap.
  • Belladonna also enjoys punk rock, but additionally has a love for technical death metal, power ballads, Japanese folk music, and prog rock.
  • Malpha enjoys a wide plethora of musical genres. Anything highly expressive or "artsy" are up her alley.
  • Honestly, Yokai-Hammer likes anything with a good beat, or which does something interesting with drums. This had lead her to perhaps have the most eclectic tastes out of any of the bandmembers.
  • Yuki has fondness for classical music - it's what got her into violin and flute.
  • Mika likes jazz - that's what got her interested in learning saxophone and keyboard.
  • Rather than listen to music on her own, Killfreak mostly vibes with other bandmembers and listens to music with them. So it's anyone's guess, including mine, as to what specifically she likes.

I hope this is helpful. If it is not, again I am sorry.
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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The Prophets of Evil
Posts: 18
Founded: Jul 21, 2024
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Prophets of Evil » Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:20 am

Imperial-Octavia wrote:IC:

She hope she's went unnoticed. Shar'Mita had managed to commandeer this stealth craft in yet another daring escape from those who would want her head. It wasn't Mechanators this time surprisingly but instead pirates who she cheated out of deuterium fuel for her fusion reactor. She had also slipped the craft itself from them but when lasers are being fired past your head theft doesn't seem like the worst thing one could do. It had been a horrible risk, one that lost her the ring finger on her left hand but as she sat in the relatively comfortable interior - at least that's how it looked, Mita couldn't actually feel anything - she felt that it had been well worth it. She had come to this system, hiding behind the planet's moon to make extra sure that she didn't accidentally introduce this world to the galaxy, in order to ask these "Prophets of Evil" some questions about her current situation. Mita had picked up some of their music being broadcast out into interstellar space as radio waves and frankly it was a breath of fresh air (not that she knew how those felt). After a century of propagandistic slop from the Imperium the Prophets were exactly the thing she needed now that she was a defector. Of course she couldn't mention the Imperium directly but maybe they'd understand if she explained it as a cult? That should make sense to them and besides Mita saw the Imperium and a cult as basically one and the same. Mita made an account on this platform the humans called "Slither", spoofing her location somewhere in the United States and began drafting her questions to these human musicians. Hopefully they could help her somewhat.


Hi!!! I've been a really big fan of the music you guys make for a while now, it's really helped me through some difficult stuff (All I'll say is I escaped a really abusive cult, like a really big, really fashy one that I can't name rn) and I'd like to ask you guys some questions!!! :3

1. First off I was wondering what you guys mean when you mention satan all the time? Is it like the literal satan from the Bible? Is it more of a metaphor? Some other third thing I haven't thought of yet? Please let me know because I find it really interesting...

2. I've been really interested in the subject of Enlightenment recently and I'd like to know how you in the group define it! If different band members have different definitions of what it is that's okay too I'm just trying to expand my knowledge!!!

3. How do you guys deal with mortality. Pretty dark question ik but considering the cult situation I've been thinking about it a lot and I really don't know how to cope and you guys seem to be all wise about stuff like that. Unless you're like all immortal lmao.

Okay that was everything thanks for all the good music!!!

Sorry if I got something wrong with your lore, I read your factbooks to make sure I didn't mess up anything but I'm not sure if there's anything I missed. I hope the little intro to the questions weren't too much, I just felt like writing something before the questions themselves to explain an IC question from an Octavian.


Escaping from a cult is no easy task. You've already made the first big steps, and you are incredibly brave to do so. We are glad our music has helped you. Each of us have some different things to say - we hope our answers can shed some light on the subjects.


These answers, of course, do not do justice to the true complexities of reality. But hopefully, this can provide a taste of the milk of understanding.

1. Satan is the Prince of Wrath, whose name comes from Hebrew, meaning "accuser" or "adversary". He is a powerful symbol of staunch adversity to the status quo, to doctrine and dogma; he symbolizes justice for the downtrodden and the destruction of evil institutions. Satan looks at the systems we have made and the powerful people in those systems, and accuses them of evil. That is why I praise Satan.

2. Enlightenment... is a state of great understanding - physical, metaphysical, political, cosmic... it is a state of transcending all limits and ascending to a state of greater comprehension of the whole, to the extent that language is wholly insufficient to describe what one now knows. Enlightenment has infinite possibilities, and there are infinite paths to reach it, but all of these paths contain infinite steps. Enlightenment is not limited by such petty, human concepts - it is nothing and everything, all at once.

3. Of course! Ha. Obviously, we're not immortal! Death is something... we all experience eventually. It's good to understand that. Once a person comes to terms with it, they can have a better, healthier relationship with the state of being alive.


1. Satan? Dude, Satan's like my best friend. And he can be your best friend too. He doesn't ask you to believe in him. He asks you to believe in yourself.

2. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

3. Even immortality is finite. When all the stars burn out, what exists then? What is a human life to the cosmos? Don't worry about it - have a drink.


To understand enlightenment is itself a journey to enlightenment. Of course, this means seeking an answer without knowing the question either.


Enlightenment is knowing your time, however long, is finite, and stopping to smell the flowers anyways.


Whether Satan exists or not is less important than the lessons Satan teaches. First and foremost - be kind to yourself and others.


Wow, that's a lot of questions. Anyway, good for you breaking free of the chains of dogma. Fuck yeah! I just want to tell you that you're a badass, okay?

1. The bible is a load of shit. But Satan, Satan's real. He's not a bad guy though. Satan works to punish evil - I think people forget that. Maybe the establishment knows this - they paint him the villain, because they are the real evil.

2. To be enlightened is to understand reality on an entirely different level. It is to be a spider and understand what the internet is.

3. If I was immortal, what would stop me from starting the revolution right the fuck now? Unless of course, there were other immortals.


Fuck cults, fuck fascism, it's good that you got out. Rock on, Alienrobot!

1. Satan is like the amanojaku. Satan is the truth. The ugly truth, that people don't like to hear. Satan holds up a mirror to society, and peels back all the nice veneer from it. Not everyone can handle seeing their reflection.

2. Enlightenment is a complicated topic. It's hard to define. And everyone is going to have a different definition of enlightenment. Except, none of them are wrong.

3. Confronting your own mortality is scary. It's one of the things I love about serial killers - just thinking about them forces you to acknowledge the finality of things. Once you accept it, it's easier to go through life. Maybe you'll find immortality and enlightenment, and get to meet Satan. But the funny thing about seeking immortality without accepting your own mortality is that it makes you weak, not strong. That fear of death still has hold of you, still controls your actions, until you finally face it.

It's cool, you're fine. Thanks for putting in the effort. I appreciate it, actually.

I hope you don't mind, asking for an IC answer means you are going to get some incredibly warped and skewed answers. Between not wanting to reveal themselves, and having lines of thought which have long ago diverged from the way most humans think... while also just being straight up dishonest at times... you're getting pretty much the epitome of unreliable narrator. Enjoy. >:3
Esoteric Progressive AnCom black metal band from Japan. ⛧Ⓐ☭ Also they're vampires.
Observe strange people in a stranger world.

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Isla Byron
Posts: 286
Founded: May 12, 2024
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Isla Byron » Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:12 pm


y do u do so many human sacrifices on stage. like its hot and whatever, very cool, but girl u got decapitated! im thinking about starting my own band and shit how do i do cool decap torture homocide guillotine shit. also like come to isla byron queeens we have guns and cocaine pleeease pleeease pleeease there's also like a lot of musscel dykes like me please please please please please please please please

ic obviously but LOL
unlimited lesbian supremacist dystopianism-maxxing belief system
Sorry. Maybe I should've gone for her. Like, I can imagine what you'd say. All I can say is that it was complicated back in Canaan House, and sometimes a cute older girl shows you a lot of attention, because she's bored or whatever, and you sort of have this maybe-flirting maybe-not thing going on, right, and then it turns out she's an ancient warrior who's killed all your friends and she's coming for you, and then you both die and she turns up ages later in the broiling heat on a sacred space station and like, it's complicated. Just saying that it happens all the time.



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