[Withdrawn] Child Workforce Participation

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The Overmind
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[Withdrawn] Child Workforce Participation

Postby The Overmind » Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:58 pm

This resolution is intended as a replacement for GA#4 "Restrictions on Child Labor". Repeal to follow once the replacement is ready for submission.

Child Workforce Participation
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Civil Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Overmind

The World Assembly,

Recognizing that child labor, when well parameterized, can be a learning experience and an early chance to develop qualifications and familiarity with the workforce,

Accepting that, under certain circumstances, child labor is a necessary source of income for families otherwise unable to meet their financial obligations, such as in impoverished regions,

Resolving that whether child labor is a rewarding pastime or a necessary evil, children represent a vulnerable population that must be protected,

Hereby enacts as follows,

  1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution
    1. Child as any living denizen of a member nation, regardless of citizenship status, below the member nation’s age of majority,
    2. Workforce as the sum total of all positions providing opportunities for work in any member nation,
    3. Home economics as labor done on behalf of the child’s own family on property belonging to that family,
    4. Informed assent as the voluntary agreement of a child to do something, the nature of which they have demonstrated a full understanding of given age-appropriate explanations,
    5. Guardian as the entity holding legal responsibility for the well-being of a child,
    6. Informed consent as the voluntary agreement of a guardian to allow a child to do something, the nature of which they have demonstrated a full understanding of given a complete and clear description,
    7. Workplace as the property on which the child will be employed and all development of that property, including both interior and exterior,
    8. Ordinary risk as the level of risk normally assumed by a child in the course of their usual daily activities, and
    9. Mandated reporter as one who has a duty to the guardian and the state to report information of legal interest, related to the child’s safety, through state-defined legal channels,
  2. Restricts,
    1. Children eligible to enter the workforce, with the exception of home economics, to those children having reached at least two-thirds the age of majority, and who can freely give their informed assent to work with the informed consent of their guardian, and
    2. Workplaces eligible for a child to work to those which pose no more than ordinary risk to the child’s life or welfare,
  3. Requires that workplaces,
    1. Have policies in place to ensure that a child they employ faces no more than ordinary risk to their life or welfare while on the premises or in the course of their duties,
    2. Act as mandated reporters of any threat to the child’s life or welfare, including those originating from the child themself, and
    3. Assign no duties to the child that would be inherently damaging to the child’s life or welfare beyond ordinary risk, or that would otherwise be illegal, including those activities illegal due to the child’s age,
  4. Forbids, in consideration of any child’s entry into the workforce,
    1. The participation of any child in armed conflict,
    2. Interference with the child’s ability to complete their education in a timely, developmentally appropriate, and effective manner,
    3. Reduction of the responsibilities of any workplace toward a child that it would have toward any adult worker, including pay rate, pay schedule, provision of breaks, and recourse for violations of the child's rights as defined by the World Assembly and the member nation, whichever is stricter, and
  5. Mandates that member nations,
    1. Observe all worker's rights in equal measure for children as it would for any other participant in the workforce, up to and including litigation brought on behalf of the child by the child's guardian.

Number of words: 563
Number of characters: 3724
Credit is given to Tinhampton for most of the formatting of the repeal text box.
Last edited by The Overmind on Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:59 pm

The World Assembly,

Recognizing that child labor, when well parameterized, can be a learning experience and an early chance to develop qualifications and familiarity with the workforce,

Accepting that, under certain circumstances, child labor is a necessary source of income for families otherwise unable to meet their financial obligations, such as in impoverished regions,

Resolving that whether child labor is a rewarding pastime or a necessary evil, children represent a vulnerable population that must be protected,

Hereby enacts as follows,

  1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution
    1. Child as any living denizen of a member nation, regardless of citizenship status, below the member nation’s age of majority,
    2. Workforce as the sum total of all positions providing opportunities for work in any member nation,
    3. Home economics as labor done on behalf of the child’s own family on property belonging to that family,
    4. Informed assent as the voluntary agreement of a child to do something, the nature of which they have demonstrated a full understanding of given age-appropriate explanations,
    5. Guardian as the entity holding legal responsibility for the well-being of a child,
    6. Informed consent as the voluntary agreement of a guardian to allow a child to do something, the nature of which they have demonstrated a full understanding of given a complete and clear description,
    7. Workplace as the property on which the child will be employed and all development of that property, including both interior and exterior,
    8. Ordinary risk as the level of risk normally assumed by a child in the course of their usual daily activities, and
    9. Mandated reporter as one who has a duty to the guardian and the state to report information of legal interest, related to the child’s safety, through state-defined legal channels,
  2. Restricts,
    1. Children eligible to enter the workforce, with the exception of home economics, to those children having reached at least two-thirds the age of majority, and who can freely give their informed assent to work with the informed consent of their guardian, and
    2. Workplaces eligible for a child to work to those which pose no more than ordinary risk to the child’s life or welfare,
  3. Requires that workplaces,
    1. Assume the legal responsibilities of a guardian, as prescribed by the member nation, from the time the child begins their duties until the time those duties end, and at all times when the child is on the premises of the workplace,
    2. Have policies in place to ensure that a child they employ faces no more than ordinary risk to their life or welfare while on the premises or in the course of their duties,
    3. Act as mandated reporters of any threat to the child’s life or welfare, including those originating from the child themself, and
    4. Assign no duties to the child that would be inherently damaging to the child’s life or welfare beyond ordinary risk, or that would otherwise be illegal, including those activities illegal due to the child’s age,
  4. Forbids, in consideration of any child’s entry into the workforce,
    1. The participation of any child in armed conflict,
    2. Interference with the child’s ability to complete their education in a timely, developmentally appropriate, and effective manner,
    3. Reduction of the responsibilities of any workplace toward a child that it would have toward any adult worker, including pay rate, pay schedule, provision of breaks, and recourse for violations of the child's rights as defined by the World Assembly and the member nation, whichever is stricter, and
  5. Mandates that member nations,
    1. Observe all worker's rights in equal measure for children as it would for any other participant in the workforce, up to and including litigation brought on behalf of the child by the child's guardian.
Last edited by The Overmind on Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:08 pm

These items were brought up on the WA Discord or the thread and are under consideration for the first major revision:

  1. Make educational and leisure requirements more concrete.
  2. Make pay responsibilities, e.g. pay grade by level of qualification and pay minimums, clearer.
  3. Consider replacing two-thirds mandate with adolescence, and whether either or both are blocked by GA#299 "Legal Competence".
  4. Make explicit a workplace's duty to a child's health/medical welfare.
  5. Explicitly make sex work illegal, even if it's a duplication of GA#672 "Sex Worker Protections Act".
  6. Change list formatting (different bullets, no isolated subordinate clauses).
  7. Consider interactions with vocational education.
  8. Find a word or phrase more descriptively accurate than "home economics".
    1. Navigate, in this definition, the fine line between chores on the farm, subsistence farming, and farming as a full-time job.
  9. Child actors
  10. Higher standards of protection for children than adults (or at least, minimally, standards that are as good as they are for adults or better)
Thanks to The Ice States, Cessarea, Astrobolt, Arakhkhar, Desmosthenes and Burke, Simone Republic, and Staidear.
Last edited by The Overmind on Thu Jan 23, 2025 1:49 am, edited 10 times in total.
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First Nightmare
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Postby First Nightmare » Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:56 am

Why do you deem this draft superior to the already existing resolution?
We strongly suggest you draft a repeal at this stage, too.

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Postby Cessarea » Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:44 am

First Nightmare wrote:Why do you deem this draft superior to the already existing resolution?
We strongly suggest you draft a repeal at this stage, too.

GA#04 is a bit too restrictive in some aspects (it would probably prohibit janitorial duties due to the contact with cleaning chemicals) and it also poorly defines minor (does not require a minimum age - a six year old could be technically allowed to work under its terms). Also, funnily - or unfortunately - enough, the original resolution does not prohibit minors from engaging in sex work, it only says that people who are not at the age of consent aren't allowed to do so. The age of consent in a lot of countries is usually different from the age of majority, which means that in Brazil, for example, a 14 year old would be allowed to prostitute themselves.

Fortunately GA#672, a resolution on sex workers, passingly banned minors from engaging in that kind of work, but a resolution on child work feels incomplete without a proper and whole ban on sex work.
Last edited by Cessarea on Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:05 am

First Nightmare wrote:Why do you deem this draft superior to the already existing resolution?
We strongly suggest you draft a repeal at this stage, too.

The repeal will potentially be co-released with the first major revision, but Cessarea notes some of the issues.
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Postby Fachumonn » Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:15 am

OOC: Support, but note that your formatting is weird. Usually it's 1 -> a -> I, not I -> 1, however I know some authors prefer different styles.
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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:27 pm

Child actors?

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Park0ur Civilization
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Postby Park0ur Civilization » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:34 pm

WA Ambassador Camman18 wrote:There are no traditional jobs here, just daily tasks that people can do if they want. However, I've heard about child labor from the people who come in through the portal and it sounds horrible. If it had to be legal, I would support this as a good resolution, but I support a full child labor ban. I will probably vote for this though as a good compromise between a ban and having everything be fully open. Regulated child labor is still better than unregulated.
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Postby Alkzine » Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:08 pm

opposed on principle—kids should be learning, not working.
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Postby Untecna » Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:13 pm

Alkzine wrote:opposed on principle—kids should be learning, not working.

Then you clearly didn't read the proposal. This is a labor law, intended to replace current, older legislation, that protects minors who want to work, as many do.
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:12 pm

Alkzine wrote:opposed on principle—kids should be learning, not working.

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Ultra Earth
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Postby Ultra Earth » Wed Jan 15, 2025 1:36 pm

Opposed. Ultra Earthian children play a vital role in the Ultra Earth economy (particularly in manufacturing, agricultural, mining, and retail sectors), and occupy many important enlisted positions within the UEAF.
Last edited by Ultra Earth on Wed Jan 15, 2025 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Wed Jan 15, 2025 1:50 pm

Ultra Earth wrote:Opposed. Ultra Earthian children play a vital role in the Ultra Earth economy (particularly in manufacturing, agricultural, mining, and retail sectors), and occupy many important enlisted positions within the UEAF.

Then you're already in violation of extant World Assembly law. Enjoy your sanctions.
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Postby Staidear » Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:01 pm

The nation of Staidear has questions regarding the following points, though some have been addressed.

I see references to clarification on the "replacing two-thirds mandate with adolescence", a change which we applaud.

The Overmind wrote:
[*]Mandates that member nations,
  1. Observe all worker's rights in equal measure for children as it would for any other participant in the workforce, up to and including litigation brought on behalf of the child by the child's guardian.

We are of the opinion that worker's rights should be observed in a much more stringent manner than those of adults. This would, ideally, ensure that children have a higher degree of protection when it comes to predatory or unscrupulous employers.
Last edited by Staidear on Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:16 am

Again - child actors?

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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Thu Jan 23, 2025 1:46 am

Staidear wrote:The nation of Staidear has questions regarding the following points, though some have been addressed.

I see references to clarification on the "replacing two-thirds mandate with adolescence", a change which we applaud.

The Overmind wrote:
[*]Mandates that member nations,
  1. Observe all worker's rights in equal measure for children as it would for any other participant in the workforce, up to and including litigation brought on behalf of the child by the child's guardian.

We are of the opinion that worker's rights should be observed in a much more stringent manner than those of adults. This would, ideally, ensure that children have a higher degree of protection when it comes to predatory or unscrupulous employers.

Simone Republic wrote:Again - child actors?

Thanks, I'll add these to the list for consideration in the first major update
Free Palestine
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