My belief is that what President Joe Biden signed offended Americans and scared Americans and I believe that there was almost no way that Kamala Harris could overcome the errors that Biden had already made and set in motion.
My impression is that on March 9, 2022 Joe Biden made a serious error that there was no way that V. P. Kamala Harris could recover from no matter how much money she spent or what famous Hollywood personalities assisted her. ... d55&h=true
Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.”
Biden To Order US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version?
Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:
"Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..."
[Jim Rickards, transcript]
"Where were you on March 9, 2022…
…when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?
On that day, in a hushed ceremony at the White House…
…without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…
Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.
Buried in his Order are a few paragraphs, titled Section 4…
The language in Section 4 makes Order 14067…
…the most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic.
Because Section 4 sets the stage for…
Legal government surveillance of all US citizens…
Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…
And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.
In this new war on freedom, the Dems aren’t coming for your guns.
No, they’re thinking much bigger than that...
They’re coming for your money.
And it’s already started.
My name is Jim Rickards.
I’m a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense.
I’m also an attorney, investment banker…
…and author of 7 books on currencies and international economics.
When places like Fox, CNBC or Bloomberg want to know what’s about to shakeup the global economy, they call me.
Most of all, like you, I’m a proud American patriot.
The disturbing predictions you’re about to see are based on my independent research and my contacts in the intelligence community.
I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before…
But it’s my duty to pull the alarm.
This is what I believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans…
The US dollar will be made obsolete.
Soon, your cash will be confiscated – or will simply be worthless paper.
The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens.
But the truth is, few outside the deep state recognize Biden’s move for what it really is.
If my predictions are correct, this so much more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with a new digitized version…
Friend, this new currency will allow for total control of all American citizens.
Because every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government…
…that means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will.
Not only that, but they’ll be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase you make.
This is very different than “online banking”…
And it has nothing to do with crypto.
I’ll explain everything in a moment, but what you need to know now is…
AOC has already publicly declared her support for a government controlled “spyware” currency…
The digital dollar means Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they don’t like.
And this isn’t something years away…
It’s starting now.
Biden’s secret army has been hard at work, and…
US trials are already well underway.
In fact, our government is racing to catch up…
China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies." [Jim Rickards, transcript]