The "Biden Digital Currency" did it scare USA voters?

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Did fear over a Biden Digital Currency make it difficult for Kamal Harris to get votes?

Yes and Americans and Canadians are at an all time high for mistrust for elected officials.
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The "Biden Digital Currency" did it scare USA voters?

Postby NorthernPesos » Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:46 pm

I am of the impression that the rumours about the Biden Digital Currency played a significant role in how the 2024 USA Presidential election turned out.

My belief is that what President Joe Biden signed offended Americans and scared Americans and I believe that there was almost no way that Kamala Harris could overcome the errors that Biden had already made and set in motion.

My impression is that on March 9, 2022 Joe Biden made a serious error that there was no way that V. P. Kamala Harris could recover from no matter how much money she spent or what famous Hollywood personalities assisted her. ... d55&h=true
Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.”
Biden To Order US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version?
Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:
"Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..."

[Jim Rickards, transcript]
"Where were you on March 9, 2022…

…when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?

On that day, in a hushed ceremony at the White House…

…without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…

Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

Buried in his Order are a few paragraphs, titled Section 4…

The language in Section 4 makes Order 14067…

…the most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic.

Because Section 4 sets the stage for…

Legal government surveillance of all US citizens…

Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…

And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

In this new war on freedom, the Dems aren’t coming for your guns.

No, they’re thinking much bigger than that...

They’re coming for your money.

And it’s already started.

My name is Jim Rickards.

I’m a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense.

I’m also an attorney, investment banker…

…and author of 7 books on currencies and international economics.

When places like Fox, CNBC or Bloomberg want to know what’s about to shakeup the global economy, they call me.

Most of all, like you, I’m a proud American patriot.

The disturbing predictions you’re about to see are based on my independent research and my contacts in the intelligence community.

I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before…

But it’s my duty to pull the alarm.

This is what I believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans…

The US dollar will be made obsolete.

Soon, your cash will be confiscated – or will simply be worthless paper.

The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens.

But the truth is, few outside the deep state recognize Biden’s move for what it really is.

If my predictions are correct, this so much more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with a new digitized version…

Friend, this new currency will allow for total control of all American citizens.

Because every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government…

…that means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will.

Not only that, but they’ll be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase you make.

This is very different than “online banking”…

And it has nothing to do with crypto.

I’ll explain everything in a moment, but what you need to know now is…

AOC has already publicly declared her support for a government controlled “spyware” currency…

The digital dollar means Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they don’t like.

And this isn’t something years away…

It’s starting now.

Biden’s secret army has been hard at work, and…

US trials are already well underway.

In fact, our government is racing to catch up…

China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies." [Jim Rickards, transcript]

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Past beans
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Postby Past beans » Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:53 pm

I have a hard time believing that the republican based news station was making such a statement for any reason other than to disparage Biden. These rumors likely never surfaced until voting time. The same fear mongering that both sides perform before every election. Digital currency in such a manor is ludicrous on the face of it.
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Postby NorthernPesos » Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:02 pm

Past beans wrote:I have a hard time believing that the republican based news station was making such a statement for any reason other than to disparage Biden. These rumors likely never surfaced until voting time. The same fear mongering that both sides perform before every election. Digital currency in such a manor is ludicrous on the face of it.

On the other hand could it be that Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted what a significant percentage of Americans and Canadians were really scared could eventually happen? ... d55&h=true
(Jim Rickards... continued....) .... "
When Biden Bucks are rolled out, many experts – myself included…

…believe they will begin an era of total government control and surveillance.

This is not hyperbole.

This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government… essentially acting as a new type of “spyware”.

With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda.

Because if you don’t, they could turn off your money.

This won’t be like freezing a bank account, it will be so much easier.

Because Biden Bucks will be “digital tokens” programmed at the source…

…they could be “turned on or off” at will, with just a keystroke.

And they could be reprogrammed at any time.

With Biden’s secret surveillance army running the show, the anti-freedom implications are almost limitless...

For example, Biden Bucks could be programmed to allow only certain kinds of purchases…

Imagine what this new world could look like…

You want to keep your internal combustion engine car?

Your digital dollars suddenly won’t pay for gas.

Instead, you can be forced to buy an electric vehicle…

That’s just the tip of the fascist iceberg…

They can force you to get vaccinated…

They can force you into solar…

They can force you to use less water or heat…

They can force you to eat fake, plant-based meat…

They can control where you are allowed to travel…

They can stop you purchasing certain items – like guns, ammo, or survival supplies.

They can control to which candidates you are allowed to donate.

And they’ll know every single place you ever spend money. Forever.

America would become a surveillance state like China or North Korea.

Every single aspect of your life could be controlled…

Because they’ll control your money.

In fact, I fully expect them to implement a “social credit rating” like in China.

Say the “wrong” thing on social media…

Buy the “wrong” thing…

Subscribe to the “wrong” news channel…

Give money to the “wrong” candidate…

And your rating drops...

Suddenly, your Biden Bucks are frozen or disappearing from your account…

This is already happening in China.

There, a low social score gets you officially labeled “untrustworthy”.

They can take away your ability to travel…

…restrict your internet access…

…deny your family the best schools or jobs…

They may even take away your pets.

I’m not kidding.

All of this is going on today.

But that’s China… an oppressive, communist country.

Could this really happen in a democracy?

Just ask the truckers in Canada.

Because that’s exactly what happened to them.

Their Prime Minister Trudeau was granted “special emergency powers” during the peaceful trucker protests over his forced vaccination law…

He then ordered all banks to freeze the accounts of the protestors…

AND anyone who aided them in any way.

And it wasn’t just a threat...

That fascist froze the bank accounts of non-violent protestors.

He locked up over $6 million in private accounts for protesting a forced vaccination law the truckers believed violated their sovereign human rights.

Think about that…

They protested his policies…

So he took away their money.

Think our current government would love to do that?

Me too.

Under Biden Bucks, we’ll lose many of our God-given American rights.

They’ll be replaced by total government surveillance and control.

For almost all Americans, this will be the death of freedom. Forever. Almost all Americans…

Not you.

You won’t be a victim.
..... (Mr. Jim Rickards from his video that is really a documentary disguised as merely an infomercial) ....

Canada's Trudeau seemed to be enacting something like a reality film project that was meant to scare both Canadians as well as Americans. A high percentage of Americans were scared by what Trudeau actually did and Kamala Harris was the main one to suffer politically so far.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Nazi Flower Power
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Postby Nazi Flower Power » Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:15 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:I am of the impression that the rumours about the Biden Digital Currency played a significant role in how the 2024 USA Presidential election turned out.

I don't think many people heard about this or gave a shit.
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Postby NorthernPesos » Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:21 pm

Nazi Flower Power wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:I am of the impression that the rumours about the Biden Digital Currency played a significant role in how the 2024 USA Presidential election turned out.

I don't think many people heard about this or gave a shit.

That is a good point. Unless somebody looked at Fox News they might never hear about this.

But those who did research this became highly motivated to defeat Kamala.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Floofybit » Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:28 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
Nazi Flower Power wrote:
I don't think many people heard about this or gave a shit.

That is a good point. Unless somebody looked at Fox News they might never hear about this.

But those who did research this became highly motivated to defeat Kamala.

People regularly on Fox News probably weren't voting Biden anyways
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Postby NorthernPesos » Sun Jan 05, 2025 4:22 pm

Floofybit wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:
That is a good point. Unless somebody looked at Fox News they might never hear about this.

But those who did research this became highly motivated to defeat Kamala.

People regularly on Fox News probably weren't voting Biden anyways

True, but something astonishing must have happened that would give Kamala twelve million fewer voters than Biden got in 2020???????

I find that to be kind of shocking!? ... 024/11/08/

Donald Trump won the popular vote and the presidency by getting nearly as many votes this year as he did in 2020, while Democratic turnout – especially in major cities – collapsed, a Daily Yonder analysis of preliminary election returns shows.

Kamala Harris got 12 million fewer votes than Joe Biden did in 2020, a decline of 15%, according to a preliminary analysis of 46 states. Trump, meanwhile, lost only 1 million votes, compared to his 2020 returns, a decline of less than 2%.

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Postby Fjolmidlum » Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:28 pm

I would be seriously surprised if the "Biden Digital Currency," as you've taken to calling it, had a lick to do with the election results. I never once heard of this through the entire election cycle, even through the conspiracy theorist right wingers in my family who talk about vaccines being the mark of the beast and whatnot. What seemingly had much more of a bearing on the election was the state of the economy, which has been explained to you in previous threads has little to do with the office of president and much to do with the owning class, congress, the federal reserve, and consumers.

NorthernPesos wrote:True, but something astonishing must have happened that would give Kamala twelve million fewer voters than Biden got in 2020???????

I find that to be kind of shocking!?

You and many Democrats both. Perhaps it had something to do with the greatly expanded and encouraged mail-in voting system established under COVID, and the subsequent reactionary shrinking of those systems post-election and the return to normalcy after the pandemic ended. If I had to point a finger at probably the biggest factor, that might be it.
irregardless, its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say
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Past beans
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Postby Past beans » Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:28 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
Past beans wrote:I have a hard time believing that the republican based news station was making such a statement for any reason other than to disparage Biden. These rumors likely never surfaced until voting time. The same fear mongering that both sides perform before every election. Digital currency in such a manor is ludicrous on the face of it.

On the other hand could it be that Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted what a significant percentage of Americans and Canadians were really scared could eventually happen?


Canada's Trudeau seemed to be enacting something like a reality film project that was meant to scare both Canadians as well as Americans. A high percentage of Americans were scared by what Trudeau actually did and Kamala Harris was the main one to suffer politically so far.

The average American probably can’t name who Justin Trudeau is. It is a far stretch to say that Canadian politics had any significant impact on the American elections. It is especially a far stretch to suggest that Justin Trudeau can deliver any significant impact on a foreign nation in any way when Canada’s one neighbor vastly outclasses it, especially while Trudeau is in charge. Canada may play a minor part in something in the United States, but Trudeau can hardly change anything in his OWN country, much less something as major as causing a significant loss in a party’s votes in a different one’s elections.
Last edited by Past beans on Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I don’t really like religion all that much, but it’s the only thing I got going on for me in NS stats.
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Postby Cannot think of a name » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:46 pm

Did one of the many, many scare tactics the same crowd that complains about 'orange man bad' used to scare people scare people? Well, scoreboard I guess.
"...I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." -MLK Jr.

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Postby Kostane » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:58 pm

You’re telling ME that the GOVERNMENT will be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase I make??? Using a currency that they printed which literally has serial numbers on it???? Holllddd up, I thought those serial numbers were just there so I could play that game where you try to get a better poker hand or whatever using the dollar bill serial number. You’re telling me they actually USE those for something?

The use of money in transactions has been monitored for as long as money itself has. This is not a new development. The scaremongering here is so funny.
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Postby Siluvia » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:02 pm

No surprise that Biden tried to implement this; shame the mainstream/Democratic Party-affiliated media didn’t cover this. Authoritarian regimes always fight for control of citizens’ money as their second priority (their only priority before controlling money is controlling guns). Once economic independence is taken away from the people, there is no remaining independence; as the article states, the state can take away everything just because you donated to the “wrong” candidate or said the “wrong” thing on social media.

This is one of the prime reasons why I am such an ardent free-market capitalist. Without economic liberty there are no other liberties. The vast majority of authoritarian regimes in history have been Socialist because socialism is such an effective tool at conquering the populace; under socialism one who disobeys the government starves. And as the article says, Trudeau already started to implement this in Canada, take a look at his Socialistic response to the freedom convoy protests, where he seized the incomes and assets of the truckers because they disobeyed his government.

Ironically enough, although most socialists claim to oppose the existence of powerful billionaires who exert control over governments (a la their current disrespect for Elon Musk), powerful wealthy elites almost always benefit from government control over the economy. Take the example of Biden’s pal George Soros, who he recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (undeserved in my opinion). Soros used his connections with the government of Guinea to block a man named Beny Steinmetz from doing business in that country, literally freezing his assets and costing him millions of dollars. This is what happens when a government controls the economy; they can block you from doing business because you have the “wrong” political beliefs.

As a final note, the only legitimate form of money is real metal that you can hold in your hand. All other forms, whether they be pieces of paper or digital files, are worthless.
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Postby Mid-North County » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:03 pm

I have not heard about his, but cash is freedom.

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Emotional Support Crocodile
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Postby Emotional Support Crocodile » Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:47 am

Is it functionally any different to the bitcoin ideas that Trump/Musk are pushing, when bitcoin has public record of every transaction?
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Postby United Calanworie » Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:40 am

TIL there was a digital currency idea.
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Liberal Malaysia
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Postby Liberal Malaysia » Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:37 am

NorthernPesos wrote:I am of the impression that the rumours about the Biden Digital Currency played a significant role in how the 2024 USA Presidential election turned out.

My belief is that what President Joe Biden signed offended Americans and scared Americans and I believe that there was almost no way that Kamala Harris could overcome the errors that Biden had already made and set in motion.

My impression is that on March 9, 2022 Joe Biden made a serious error that there was no way that V. P. Kamala Harris could recover from no matter how much money she spent or what famous Hollywood personalities assisted her. ... d55&h=true
Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.”
Biden To Order US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version?
Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:
"Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..."

[Jim Rickards, transcript]
"Where were you on March 9, 2022…

…when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?

On that day, in a hushed ceremony at the White House…

…without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…

Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

Buried in his Order are a few paragraphs, titled Section 4…

The language in Section 4 makes Order 14067…

…the most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic.

Because Section 4 sets the stage for…

Legal government surveillance of all US citizens…

Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…

And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

In this new war on freedom, the Dems aren’t coming for your guns.

No, they’re thinking much bigger than that...

They’re coming for your money.

And it’s already started.

My name is Jim Rickards.

I’m a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defense.

I’m also an attorney, investment banker…

…and author of 7 books on currencies and international economics.

When places like Fox, CNBC or Bloomberg want to know what’s about to shakeup the global economy, they call me.

Most of all, like you, I’m a proud American patriot.

The disturbing predictions you’re about to see are based on my independent research and my contacts in the intelligence community.

I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before…

But it’s my duty to pull the alarm.

This is what I believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans…

The US dollar will be made obsolete.

Soon, your cash will be confiscated – or will simply be worthless paper.

The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens.

But the truth is, few outside the deep state recognize Biden’s move for what it really is.

If my predictions are correct, this so much more sinister than simply replacing the cash dollar with a new digitized version…

Friend, this new currency will allow for total control of all American citizens.

Because every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government…

…that means they will be able to “turn on or off” your money at will.

Not only that, but they’ll be able to TRACK and RECORD every purchase you make.

This is very different than “online banking”…

And it has nothing to do with crypto.

I’ll explain everything in a moment, but what you need to know now is…

AOC has already publicly declared her support for a government controlled “spyware” currency…

The digital dollar means Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they don’t like.

And this isn’t something years away…

It’s starting now.

Biden’s secret army has been hard at work, and…

US trials are already well underway.

In fact, our government is racing to catch up…

China and Russia have already launched pilot programs for their own digital currencies." [Jim Rickards, transcript]

Ngl, but this reminds me of one of those YT ads I see from time to time.

No surprise that socialists everywhere want to emulate China's social credit system of absolute control. The Western Left considered China a role model during the covid lockdowns, at least initially, before China exposed itself as a laughingstock two years later with their failed and endless lockdowns in Shanghai and elsewhere.

But that's all fine because at least we have universal healthcare, free public education and endless welfare checks, right? Until even those inevitably fall apart and are invariably weaponized to suppress dissent and practice favoritism, i.e. affirmative action for their favored political constituents.

With welfare checks, the government can starve whoever they dislike. With public education, the government can brainwash our kids. With government subsidies to media outlets, the government can brainwash the adults. With universal healthcare, the government determines who lives and who dies. With public transportation, the government determines who gets to go where.

The problem with communism is that sometimes, even the ones who do follow the rules end up starving as well, except for members of the ruling elite who claim to speak for the working class i.e. the CCP, the Democrats, etc.

Those who claim to "defend democracy" are often the very ones who end up dismantling it.

Siluvia wrote:No surprise that Biden tried to implement this; shame the mainstream/Democratic Party-affiliated media didn’t cover this. Authoritarian regimes always fight for control of citizens’ money as their second priority (their only priority before controlling money is controlling guns). Once economic independence is taken away from the people, there is no remaining independence; as the article states, the state can take away everything just because you donated to the “wrong” candidate or said the “wrong” thing on social media.

This is one of the prime reasons why I am such an ardent free-market capitalist. Without economic liberty there are no other liberties. The vast majority of authoritarian regimes in history have been Socialist because socialism is such an effective tool at conquering the populace; under socialism one who disobeys the government starves. And as the article says, Trudeau already started to implement this in Canada, take a look at his Socialistic response to the freedom convoy protests, where he seized the incomes and assets of the truckers because they disobeyed his government.

Ironically enough, although most socialists claim to oppose the existence of powerful billionaires who exert control over governments (a la their current disrespect for Elon Musk), powerful wealthy elites almost always benefit from government control over the economy. Take the example of Biden’s pal George Soros, who he recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (undeserved in my opinion). Soros used his connections with the government of Guinea to block a man named Beny Steinmetz from doing business in that country, literally freezing his assets and costing him millions of dollars. This is what happens when a government controls the economy; they can block you from doing business because you have the “wrong” political beliefs.

As a final note, the only legitimate form of money is real metal that you can hold in your hand. All other forms, whether they be pieces of paper or digital files, are worthless.

If Biden can pardon a corrupt crony like George Soros, Trump can pardon anyone. Fair is fair.

Crypto. We need crypto. That's why Democrats hate Elon and the tech bros so much.
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Port Carverton
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Postby Port Carverton » Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:52 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:I am of the impression that the rumours about the Biden Digital Currency played a significant role in how the 2024 USA Presidential election turned out.

My belief is that what President Joe Biden signed offended Americans and scared Americans and I believe that there was almost no way that Kamala Harris could overcome the errors that Biden had already made and set in motion.

My impression is that on March 9, 2022 Joe Biden made a serious error that there was no way that V. P. Kamala Harris could recover from no matter how much money she spent or what famous Hollywood personalities assisted her. ... d55&h=true
Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.”
Biden To Order US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version?
Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:
"Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..."

Ngl, but this reminds me of one of those YT ads I see from time to time.

No surprise that socialists everywhere want to emulate China's social credit system of absolute control. The Western Left considered China a role model during the covid lockdowns, at least initially, before China exposed itself as a laughingstock two years later with their failed and endless lockdowns in Shanghai and elsewhere.

But that's all fine because at least we have universal healthcare, free public education and endless welfare checks, right? Until even those inevitably fall apart and are invariably weaponized to suppress dissent and practice favoritism, i.e. affirmative action for their favored political constituents.

With welfare checks, the government can starve whoever they dislike. With public education, the government can brainwash our kids. With government subsidies to media outlets, the government can brainwash the adults. With universal healthcare, the government determines who lives and who dies. With public transportation, the government determines who gets to go where.

The problem with communism is that sometimes, even the ones who do follow the rules end up starving as well, except for members of the ruling elite who claim to speak for the working class i.e. the CCP, the Democrats, etc.

Those who claim to "defend democracy" are often the very ones who end up dismantling it.

Siluvia wrote:No surprise that Biden tried to implement this; shame the mainstream/Democratic Party-affiliated media didn’t cover this. Authoritarian regimes always fight for control of citizens’ money as their second priority (their only priority before controlling money is controlling guns). Once economic independence is taken away from the people, there is no remaining independence; as the article states, the state can take away everything just because you donated to the “wrong” candidate or said the “wrong” thing on social media.

This is one of the prime reasons why I am such an ardent free-market capitalist. Without economic liberty there are no other liberties. The vast majority of authoritarian regimes in history have been Socialist because socialism is such an effective tool at conquering the populace; under socialism one who disobeys the government starves. And as the article says, Trudeau already started to implement this in Canada, take a look at his Socialistic response to the freedom convoy protests, where he seized the incomes and assets of the truckers because they disobeyed his government.

Ironically enough, although most socialists claim to oppose the existence of powerful billionaires who exert control over governments (a la their current disrespect for Elon Musk), powerful wealthy elites almost always benefit from government control over the economy. Take the example of Biden’s pal George Soros, who he recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (undeserved in my opinion). Soros used his connections with the government of Guinea to block a man named Beny Steinmetz from doing business in that country, literally freezing his assets and costing him millions of dollars. This is what happens when a government controls the economy; they can block you from doing business because you have the “wrong” political beliefs.

As a final note, the only legitimate form of money is real metal that you can hold in your hand. All other forms, whether they be pieces of paper or digital files, are worthless.

If Biden can pardon a corrupt crony like George Soros, Trump can pardon anyone. Fair is fair.

Crypto. We need crypto. That's why Democrats hate Elon and the tech bros so much.

Crypto is very dependent on whether people want to use it, so if no one wants it is pretty much worthless.

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Postby Fjolmidlum » Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:49 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:If Biden can pardon a corrupt crony like George Soros, Trump can pardon anyone. Fair is fair.

Crypto. We need crypto. That's why Democrats hate Elon and the tech bros so much.

Two unfair or corrupt decisions don't make a fair outcome. There's also a good deal of irony to be found in being against a "Biden Digital Currency" but being in favor of making crypto the currency of the US, because who doesn't love given the super rich even more control over our monetary system, amirite?
irregardless, its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say
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Postby Lecceland » Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:53 am

Kamala didn't lose. Trump won. The US youth is more right-wing than ever right now, in part because y'all promised a lot and never delivered.

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Emotional Support Crocodile
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Postby Emotional Support Crocodile » Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:59 am

Liberal Malaysia wrote:If Biden can pardon a corrupt crony like George Soros, Trump can pardon anyone. Fair is fair.

Crypto. We need crypto. That's why Democrats hate Elon and the tech bros so much.

Trump was pardoning corrupt cronies like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Charles Kushner before Biden was even President
Just another surprising item on the bagging scale of life

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Postby Adamede » Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:20 am

Fjolmidlum wrote:
Liberal Malaysia wrote:If Biden can pardon a corrupt crony like George Soros, Trump can pardon anyone. Fair is fair.

Crypto. We need crypto. That's why Democrats hate Elon and the tech bros so much.

Two unfair or corrupt decisions don't make a fair outcome. There's also a good deal of irony to be found in being against a "Biden Digital Currency" but being in favor of making crypto the currency of the US, because who doesn't love given the super rich even more control over our monetary system, amirite?

Gonna be helmet I don’t understand crypto. Like I get the appeal of it not being under the control of any government but another common reason I see people support it is because all of the major world currencies are fiat, but isn’t crypto fiat as well? Or am I just not understanding it?

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Postby Floofybit » Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:04 am

Lecceland wrote:Kamala didn't lose. Trump won. The US youth is more right-wing than ever right now, in part because y'all promised a lot and never delivered.

Kamala did lose... That's how fights work. Winners and losers.
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Postby NorthernPesos » Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:57 am

Lecceland wrote:Kamala didn't lose. Trump won. The US youth is more right-wing than ever right now, in part because y'all promised a lot and never delivered.

Good point!

I believe that USA youth are ready to abandon the ideology of Richard Dawkins Ph. D. because young people are becoming aware of terms like:
1. The Anthropic Principle
2. String Theory
3. Tehilliard's Law of Complexity Consciousness
4. The Cyclic Model of the Universe - Multiverse
5. Multiverse Theory
6. Near death experience accounts all across the spectrum by Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, New Agers, Russians, Ukranians and on and on and on and on and on....

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Postby Fjolmidlum » Mon Jan 06, 2025 11:01 am

Adamede wrote:
Fjolmidlum wrote:Two unfair or corrupt decisions don't make a fair outcome. There's also a good deal of irony to be found in being against a "Biden Digital Currency" but being in favor of making crypto the currency of the US, because who doesn't love given the super rich even more control over our monetary system, amirite?

Gonna be helmet I don’t understand crypto. Like I get the appeal of it not being under the control of any government but another common reason I see people support it is because all of the major world currencies are fiat, but isn’t crypto fiat as well? Or am I just not understanding it?

Crypto is fiat in the same way that gold is fiat. It isn't fiat in the sense that it has limited supply, but it is fiat in the sense that its value is almost entirely a result of social capital rather than any inherent usefulness to an individual. Most would say that, since it fails that first criteria, that it isn't fiat, and some add that since crypto is typically decentralized (because realistically it is sometimes basically centralized) it also wouldn't qualify as fiat currency, but I think that is a bit of a silly criteria.
irregardless, its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say
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Postby Major-Tom » Mon Jan 06, 2025 11:33 am

How many people actually knew about this lmao.

I'm an internet-addled freak and I've never even heard of this as an issue.



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