[IC] 2024 General Assembly Contribution Awards

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Haymarket Riot
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[IC] 2024 General Assembly Contribution Awards

Postby Haymarket Riot » Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:29 pm

Welcome to the 2024 General Assembly Contribution Awards.

The year’s end brings a tear to President Jefferson’s eye. That, and the fact that the awful gauche headquarters she’s been asked to give out these most honorable awards from are already giving her a migraine from all the black mold. At least the champagne’s good and her good friends in the nation of Walkabout will have a solution to the headquarters in no time. She dusts off her dress and walks to the balcony as Auld Lang Syne dies out, the rabble confusedly looking up at her with sheepish grins.

"Welcome to the THIRD edition of the General Assembly Contribution Awards. That’s right, magic number THREE! I’m your co-host, Jolene Jefferson of Haymarket Riot! Last year, the missions of Jedinsto and the Ice States continued to impress, as did our awardees! This iteration’s going to be much the same, but we’re adding one category to make TWELVE (12) awards."

Award categories

She continues after taking a drink. "We’ve got the following awards this year:"

"First up’s the Newcomer of the Year award. Last year, the delegation from Cessarea impressed us all by obtaining this award for the most successful or otherwise best new mission to the General Assembly over the last year."

"Similarly, the Gnome's Choice Award recognises the World Assembly mission which has been the most prolific, proficient, or both in authoring resolutions over the last year for the General Assembly. Last year, my buddy and co-host The Ice States won; it’ll be neat to see who wins this year!"

"Meanwhile, the Peanut Gallery Award, last granted to Wallenburg, is given for the most influential nation in the passage -- or lack thereof -- of General Assembly resolutions. Now that’s my kind of award, the rough and tumble kind of getting your hands dirty, the kind realpolitik the people crave from this August body!"

"The fourth award is the Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award. Ignoring the massive hole in the fourth wall that I’m actively flaunting here, this award goes to the delegation that’s the most dedicated to pretending we aren’t all fictions of the imagination of the internet’s nerdiest model UN players. Please help me, I don’t want to die and can’t stand the idea of not being real. Last year, this was won by Simone Republic."

"On a similar note, in memory of the recently departed, the Kenmoria Award recognizes those who have helped other nations thrive in the General Assembly over the past year. Last year, Tinhampton won this award for their aid to other nations through mentorship and authoring advice."

“Now, I love a good joke as much as anyone else, especially after questioning our shared reality, gnomeful though it is. Aside from broadly gestures all of this, we’ve got to have jokes to keep us chuckling as we descend maddeningly into the labyrinths of paperwork this body forces upon us. To that end, let’s address the hippopotamus in the room. The Hippopotamus Award, in other words, is for the best proposal or draft; regardless of whether it has passed; in terms of its humour. Last year, this was won by the dazzling 'Stargazing Day'."

"Yet, the addition of new legislation needs to be counteracted, for the sake of national sovereignty. God bless Nevadar, and Gates the Great. My new year’s resolution, in fact, is to not pass an additional resolution until we’ve repealed at least two! Named after a region which has immensely contributed to the cause of destroying the World Assembly oppressors, rightfully calling victory upon the necessary repeal of legislation, the Gatesville Award shall recognise the best repeal resolution to pass in the General Assembly this year. Last year, this was 'Repeal Rights and Duties of WA States'."

"Now, stay patient, as more awards are to come. Specifically, there shall be the Contributor of the Year Award, which recognizes the best or most contributing participant in the General Assembly this year. As nebulous as this definition is, we settled on it being The Ice States last year."

"Returning this year is the World Space Award. Named after a major spat of years past and pursuant to our love of gossip, this award will immortalise the most melodramatic event to occur in the General Assembly this year, keeping it in the books for years to come. Last year, Excidium Planetis’ Quorum Raids made the grade with this one, let’s see how well we can do this time."

"The Topic of the Year, also returning, goes to the most iconic topic to be debated in the General Assembly this year. Last year, c*nnibalism won, and that horse has finally been beaten enough this year that we can move onto something else!"

"Penultimately, we have the Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award. Gratwick sends her regards but cannot make it due to time constraints around the new year. In her honor, we recognize the mission which contributed most to the General Assembly over its entire history. Separatist Peoples won this award last year for its dedication to building the structure of the contemporary General Assembly."

“And now, finally, in with the new…The Sanctaria Award seeks to restore balance to the force. While the Sith lords of The West Pacific battle to destroy the General Assembly, one master of the old Jedi order heeds the call…it is after that nation that we name the award for the best non-repeal resolution this year.

"Let the awards begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor! To participate, please either: (A) be a known contributor to the World Assembly community, or (B) have authored a resolution of some variety. Participants are free to nominate multiple candidates for one award."

"Thank you, Ambassadors. Let’s ditch this dump and go get pizza. Who's with me?"

Number ResolutionFirst AuthorPassing date
706Procedural Rights of DefendantsThe Steam Gardens2 Jan
707Helplines for Victims of Domestic AbuseThe Ice States10 Jan
708Civilian prisoner TransfersSimone Republic14 Jan
709WA Misrepresentation ProtocolsSimone Republic18 Jan
710Repeal: “Consular Rights”Simone Republic22 Jan
711Prevention of Hate CrimeThe Ice States26 Jan
712Repeal: “Pesticide Regulations”Simone Republic30 Jan
713Reducing food contaminants and residuesSimone Republic7 Feb
714Repeal: “Standardised Passport Act”Simone Republic11 Feb
715Recognising Academic Qualifications and SkillsMarkanite15 Feb
716Repeal: “Food and Drug Standards”Simone Republic2 Mar
717Standardized Passport ArrangementsSimone Republic11 Mar
718Prisoner Financial RightsThe Ice States15 Mar
719Ban on Sexual Abuse of AnimalsThe Ice States19 Mar
720Statistical Data PracticeSimone Republic23 Mar
721Education and Availability of Basic Medical DevicesWalfo27 Mar
722Airline Safety And Comfort DisclosuresSimone Republic31 Mar
723Client Money Segregation For BrokersSimone Republic8 Apr
724Pre-Packaged Food LabelsSimone Republic27 Apr
725Reducing BycatchBisofeyri World Assembly Mission1 May
726Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without ParoleImperium Anglorum13 May
727Fair Work Visas ActImperium Anglorum17 May
728Repeal: “Right of Emigration”Simone Republic21 May
729Reef Preservation and RestorationBisofeyri World Assembly Mission25 May
730Unscrupulous Debt Collection PracticesSimone Republic29 May
731Oil Spill RecoveryBisofeyri World Assembly Mission2 Jun
732Repeal: “International Transport Safety”Simone Republic6 Jun
733Access to Basic Banking and LendingSimone Republic10 Jun
734Repeal: “Rights of Sapient Species”Simone Republic14 Jun
735Repeal: “On Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes”Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission18 Jun
736Repeal: “Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act”Varanius30 Jun
737Basic Self-Defense RightsZinke zoogle bee-bop4 Jul
738Aircraft Terrorism ProhibitionSimone Republic8 Jul
739Preventing Abuses in ConservatorshipSimone Republic16 Jul
740Timber Production and Sale OversightBisofeyri World Assembly Mission20 Jul
741Animal Husbandry Feed ChainSimone Republic24 Jul
742Improving safety in deep learning developmentHaymarket Riot28 Jul
743Convention on Marine Wildlife StrikesThe Ice States1 Aug
744Catalytic Converter ImplementationBisofeyri World Assembly Mission5 Aug
745Promoting Climate-Resilient FarmingBrisdon9 Aug
746Money Markets Funds ProtocolSimone Republic17 Aug
747Responsible Usage of World Assembly FundsThe Ice States21 Aug
748Regulating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl SubstancesHaymarket Riot25 Aug
749Repeal: “Timber Production and Sale Oversight”Simone Republic29 Aug
750Repeal: “Preventing Abuses in Conservatorship”Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission14 Sep
751Repeal: “Cannibalism Act”Simone Republic22 Sep
752Civilian Air CompactPathonia4 Oct
753Repeal: “Concerning Financial Fraud”Simone Republic8 Oct
754Repeal: “Procedural Rights Of Defendants”Lieutenant Columbo12 Oct
755Repeal: “Bail Conditions Arrangements”Jedinsto24 Oct
756Repeal: “Protection of Biomedical Research”Simone Republic28 Oct
757Repeal: “Nuclear Waste Safety Act”Tinhampton1 Nov
758Repeal: “Civilian Air Compact”Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission9 Nov
759Prohibition on Coerced TestimonyLieutenant Columbo21 Nov
760Repeal: “Money Markets Funds Protocol”The Overmind3 Dec
761Repeal: “Standardized Passport Arrangements”Belleroph7 Dec
762Repeal: “Sustainable Forest Management”Kay Pacha11 Dec
763Repeal: “Volcanic Activity Convention”Elyreia27 Dec
764Regulating Astronautical ProceduresPathonia31 Dec


Nominations: 1 January - 7 January
Voting: 8 January - 15 January
Runoff Round: 15 January - 17 January
Results announced: 19 January


As indicated In-Character above, to nominate or vote, you must have been author of a passed resolution in the General Assembly or NSUN; or otherwise have a reasonable record of participation in the GA. To be clear, "reasonable record" is fairly lax. If you've helped draft resolutions in good faith, for example, there should be no issue in this regard even if you are not an author. This is, of course, subject to the human discretion of myself, Jedinsto or The Ice States (as co-host). Please do not use puppets to vote or nominate multiple times, or all of your votes/nominations will not be counted.

Nominations and votes must follow the templates below, or they will not be counted.

Self-nominations and self-voting will not be counted, as it would be impossible to have any objective awards if everyone voted for or nominated themselves writ large. If nobody else nominates or votes for you, you don't deserve it.

Joke nominations and votes will not be counted. While there are, of course, humorous categories, and this event is broadly intended to be engaging and fun, this award should still be taken seriously. Therefore, please do not submit back-handed votes or nominations, or otherwise votes or nominations intended primarily to be humorous, rather than being the best candidate for an award.

Out-of-character complaints, arguments, or idle chatter should not take place in this thread. If you are bothered by something about this thread, instead of making a scene about it inform myself, Jedinsto or The Ice States outside of this thread so that it can be addressed; alternatively feel free to ignore this thread's existence.

2023 thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=544006

Nomination Template

Code: Select all

[b]Newcomer of the Year:[/b]

[b]Gnome's Choice Award:[/b]

[b]Peanut Gallery Award:[/b]

[b]Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award:[/b]

[b]Kenmoria Award:[/b]

[b]Hippopotamus Award:[/b]

[b]Gatesville Award:[/b]

[b]Contributor of the Year:[/b]

[b]World Space Award:[/b]

[b]Topic of the Year:[/b]

[b]Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award:[/b]

[b]Sanctaria Award:[/b]
[u][b]My WA/UN author nation is:[/b][/u]

Ballot Template:

Code: Select all

[b]Newcomer of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Dushina; Elyreia; Haymarket Riot; Lieutenant Columbo; Kay Pacha; Pathonia; Walfo

[b]Gnome's Choice Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Haymarket Riot; Simone Republic; The Ice States

[b]Peanut Gallery Award:[/b] Choose one of: Haymarket Riot; Imperium Anglorum; Pallaith; Simone Republic; The Ice States; Varanius

[b]Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Knootoss; Simone Republic; The Ice States; Tinfect; Yelda

[b]Kenmoria Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bananaistan; Bisofeyr; Imperium Anglorum; Kenmoria; The Overmind; Tinhampton; Wallenburg

[b]Hippopotamus Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Act of Integration[/url]; [url=]Ban on Certain Forms of Fast Food Restaurants[/url]; [url=]Supporting Marijuana Smokers[/url]

[b]Gatesville Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Repeal "Cannibalism Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "International Transport Safety"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Money Markets Funds Protocol"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Nuclear Waste Safety Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "On Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Preventing Abuses in Conservatorship"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Protection of Biomedical Research"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Volcanic Activity Convention"[/url]

[b]Contributor of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Desmosthenes and Burke; Haymarket Riot; The Ice States; The Overmind; Tinhampton; Simone Republic

[b]World Space Award:[/b] Choose one of: Racism proposals; Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec; Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"

[b]Topic of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Blood sports; Cannibalism; Civil rights; Months-long rules consultations; Repeals/resurgence of NatSov

[b]Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bears Armed; Knootoss; Sanctaria; Sciongrad; Sierra Lyricalia; The Ice States; Urgench; Wallenburg

[b]Sanctaria Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Access to Basic Banking and Lending[/url]; [url=]Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without Parole[/url]; [url=]Ban on Sexual Abuse of Animals[/url]; [url=]Prohibition on Coerced Testimony[/url]; [url=]Promoting Climate-Resilient Farming[/url]; [url=]Reducing Bycatch[/url]
[u][b]My WA/UN author nation is:[/b][/u]

Runoff Template:

Code: Select all

[b]Gnome's Choice Award:[/b] Choose one of: [nation]Bisofeyr[/nation]; [nation]Simone Republic[/nation]

[b]Peanut Gallery Award:[/b] Choose one of: [nation]Haymarket Riot[/nation]; [nation]Varanius[/nation]

[u][b]WA/UN author nation:[/b][/u] [nation]Insert nation name[/nation]
Last edited by Haymarket Riot on Tue Jan 14, 2025 4:06 pm, edited 6 times in total.
The Butch Antifascists of Haymarket Riot
Proud Wife of Emiline
Mayor of Ridgefield||Diplomatic Officer of the Augustin Alliance||Minister of World Assembly Affairs for The North Pacific||General Assembly Secretariat as of 10/13/24
IC: President Jolene Josephine Jefferson of Haymarket Riot
Formerly: Lieutenant in the Black Hawks, Delegate of Pacifica, Prime Director of Anteria
An Author of: SC 228 | SC 523 | SC 524 | GA 742 | GA 748 | GA 762 | GA 765
"Love is wise, hatred is foolish" - Bertrand Russell

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The Ice States
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Postby The Ice States » Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:52 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot; Kay Pacha; Pathonia and Dushina (joint nomination)

Gnome's Choice Award: Bisofeyr; Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot; Simone Republic

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Bisofeyr; Simone Republic; Yelda

Kenmoria Award: Bisofeyr; Kenmoria; The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Act of Integration

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Money Markets Funds Protocol"

Contributor of the Year: Bisofeyr; Haymarket Riot; The Overmind; Simone Republic

World Space Award: Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"; Wallenburg's removal from Gensec

Topic of the Year: Blood sports

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Sciongrad

Sanctaria Award: Reducing Bycatch
My WA/UN author nation is: This one

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Postby Bisofeyr » Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:12 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: Imperium Anglorum

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: Bananaistan

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal: “International Transport Safety”

Contributor of the Year: The Overmind

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Unfortunately, cannibalism

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Knootoos

Sanctaria Award: Promoting Climate-Resilient Farming
My WA/UN author nation is: Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission
If you are interested in using any drafts/writing of mine, please telegram me and I will give permission on a case-by-case basis. Good luck with your writing endeavors!

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The Overmind
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Postby The Overmind » Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:33 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Walfo

Gnome's Choice Award: Bisofeyr

Peanut Gallery Award: Varanius

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Tinfect

Kenmoria Award: Wallenburg

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: GA#764 Repeal: “Volcanic Activity Convention”

Contributor of the Year: Haymarket Riot

World Space Award: Wallenburg's removal from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Civil Rights

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Wallenburg

Sanctaria Award: GA#759 "Prohibition On Coerced Testimony"
My WA/UN author nation is: Heavens Reach
Last edited by The Overmind on Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Free Palestine
2024 Kenmoria Award
2024 Contributor of the Year Award
Trans men are men | Trans women are women | Sex is non-binary
Assigned sex isn't biological sex | Trans rights are human rights

Neuroscientist | Heavens Reach | He/Him/His

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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:33 pm

A bear eats the first ballot. "Oops, let's get another one. That was not a sapient bear."


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot.

"By miles." One bear says.

"She's not technically a newcomer, or is she?"

Gnome's Choice Award: No nomination

"Wouldn't we win on "prolific?" One bear says.

"No, we'd lose on "proficient"."

Peanut Gallery Award: Pallaith.

"By miles. If you know what's going on in TNP."

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States.

"We normally would say it's our furry convention, but we don't vote for ourselves. And they have their RP regions, we don't."

Kenmoria Award: Heavens Reach, Tinhampton

"For her verbal feng shui? Er... ok."

Hippopotamus Award: "GA 722: Airline Safety and Comfort Disclosures"

"Ours though...."

"But ours did warn the humans that Simone Republic Airlines' passenger meals refer to passengers getting served as food, rather than passengers getting served food."

"That's more a public service."

"Well, the WA has been warned as a whole that hippos are very, very large."

Gatesville Award: "GA756: Repeal Protection of Biomedical Research"

"OK, this is difficult. How about GA751: Repeal Cannibalism Act?"

"Can't, ours."

"GA756: Repeal Protection of Biomedical Research?"

"Still can't, ours. Well, wait, not really ours. It was more a collective effort."

Contributor of the Year: The Ice States, Tinhampton, Heavens Reach, D&B.

World Space Award: No nom

Topic of the Year: Blood sports?

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Imperium Anglorum, followed by The Ice States.

Sanctaria Award: GA 719 "Ban on Sexual Abuse of Animals".

My WA/UN author nation is: "Simone Republic. We only have one nation."
Last edited by Simone Republic on Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Ice States
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Postby The Ice States » Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:23 pm

As the paper is placed in the relevant slot, a section of the paper is torn off; though only from what seems to be a gust of wind. It is ejected at full speed only to land neatly on the desk in front of the Simonian delegation. In that time, red ink -- somehow -- appeared on the paper, crossing out the only two nominations visible on the paper -- those for the Hippopotamus and Gatesville awards. Next to the striken text reads: SELF-NOMINATIONS NOT ACCEPTED.
Last edited by The Ice States on Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Elyreia » Tue Dec 31, 2024 11:56 pm

Korus trips over their own extremely high heels at the entrance to the assembly, making their way to the ballot drop box, ballot in one hand, half-empty champagne glass in the other. They drop the ballot in, smoothing their dress out before returning to the party.


Newcomer of the Year: Dushina, Pathonia, Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic, Haymarket Riot

Peanut Gallery Award: Simone Republic, The Ice States

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind, Bisofeyr

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal Cannibalism Act

Contributor of the Year: The Overmind, Bisofeyr

World Space Award: Wallenberger's Exit from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Blood Sports

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Knootoos

Sanctaria Award: Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences Without Parole
My WA/UN author nation is: Elyreia
The Principality of Elyreia (Dārilarostegun Elyreia)
The Principality of Elyreia Wiki
Proud member of the Gay Furry Pacific Clique

World Assembly Ambassador: Dārilaros Korus Vaelans

GA Authorship: GA 763

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Postby Barfleur » Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:04 am

A man-sized (or woman-sized, it's not readily apparent) rabbit comes hopping into the convention hall, an over-under shotgun tucked into its arm, in seeming disregard of the posted signs warning about something "nullifiers." Moving from all fours to standing up, it breaks into a grin and starts to speak. "Man, I'm glad animals like me are more represented here. I was telling my mate, 'nah, I'm just a silly cromncher who loves eating lettuce and shooting trespassers, they'll never listen to me,' but then I saw the contributions that this great white bear made, and the whole clan of grizzlies, and of course the villainous globalist kittehs... maybe there's room for me, you know. Anyway. On behalf of the Most Serene Republic of Barfleur, I'd like to submit my nominations for this year's awards. No, I have not run it by my boss for approval. What has he done for me lately? He says I rarely show up to work, but maybe I'd be more motivated to if my office didn't smell like something died in it."

With that, the strange being chuckles a bit and turns to depart, stopping for a second. "Heavens, I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name's Troy, Troy of Rabbittown. I look forward to getting to know you all better, and trying out your free liquor I was promised. I won't be a stranger!"


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot, Kay Pacha, Lieutenant Columbo

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic, The Ice States

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot, Simone Republic

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Bisofeyr, Yelda, Simone Republic, The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: Imperium Anglorum, Bananaistan

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: "Repeal 'Nuclear Waste Safety Act'"

Contributor of the Year: The Ice States

World Space Award: Racism

Topic of the Year: Blood sports

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Urgench

Sanctaria Award: "Prohibition on Coerced Testimony"
My WA/UN author nation is: Barfleur

Ambassador to the World Assembly: Edmure Norfield
Military Attaché: Colonel Lyndon Q. Ralston
Sapient Human-Sized Rabbit: Troy of Rabbittown

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Desmosthenes and Burke
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Postby Desmosthenes and Burke » Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:49 pm

OOC: I would have made slightly different nominations except I intentionally did not nominate any nation that has CTE'd or a resolution written by a CTE'd nation.


Newcomer of the Year: No nomination due to CTE for all suitable nominees.

Gnome's Choice Award: The Simone Republic in sheer volume, though we also nominate The Ice States for superior quality of submissions.

Peanut Gallery Award: No nomination. We feel the most influential nations in resolutions passing (or more often not passing) this past year have not been influential in what we believe to be a positive manner.

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: Wallenburg

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal: “Protection of Biomedical Research”, Repeal: "Volcanic Activity Convention", Repeal: “On Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes”, Repeal: “Preventing Abuses in Conservatorship”

Contributor of the Year: No Nomination

World Space Award: The Wallenburg situation

Topic of the Year: Bloodsports, or, if we are allowed to be broader: Repeals/Resurgence of NatSov

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Sierra Lyricalia, Wallenburg, Bears Armed

Sanctaria Award: Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
My WA/UN author nation is: This one (Though I am not an author, I think I qualify as a known contributor :p )
GA Links: Proposal Rules | GenSec Procedures | Questions and Answers | Passed Resolutions
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Current Ambassador: Iulia Larcensis Metili, Legatus Plenipotentis
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Name: Demosthenes and Burke
Language: Latin + Numerous tribal languages
Majority Party and Ideology: Aurora Latine - Roman Nationalism, Liberal Conservatism

Hébreux 13:2 - N’oubliez pas l’hospitalité car, grâce à elle, certains, sans le savoir, ont accueilli des anges.

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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:51 pm

The Ice States wrote:As the paper is placed in the relevant slot, a section of the paper is torn off; though only from what seems to be a gust of wind. It is ejected at full speed only to land neatly on the desk in front of the Simonian delegation. In that time, red ink -- somehow -- appeared on the paper, crossing out the only two nominations visible on the paper -- those for the Hippopotamus and Gatesville awards. Next to the striken text reads: SELF-NOMINATIONS NOT ACCEPTED.


"Is the red ink poisonous?"

A bear grabs a flamethrower, burns the paper, and writes out another ballot.

Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot.

Gnome's Choice Award: No nomination

Peanut Gallery Award: Pallaith.

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States.

Kenmoria Award: Heavens Reach, Tinhampton

Hippopotamus Award: No nom

Gatesville Award: No nom

Contributor of the Year: The Ice States, Tinhampton, Heavens Reach, D&B.

World Space Award: No nom

Topic of the Year: Blood sports

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: The Ice States, Bears Armed, Knootoss, Sierra Lyricalia, Sanctaria

Sanctaria Award: GA 719 "Ban on Sexual Abuse of Animals".

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The Ice States
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Postby The Ice States » Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:09 pm

Simone Republic wrote:Snip

The updated ballot slides into the box with no issue anymore.

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Postby Jedinsto » Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:05 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

"Rarely do we see a new ambassador make such an impact and such progress in as short a time as her."

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic

"The numbers speak for themselves."

Peanut Gallery Award: The Ice States

"From endless banter about blood sports and cannibalism, to an ever-increasing authorship count, working with new authors, and endlessly slaving away at his desk, my friend and co-host is the most obvious candidate."

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Bisofeyr, Simone Republic

Kenmoria Award: Bisofeyr, The Overmind

"Both of these candidates have spent a great deal of time and effort on giving feedback to others and developing proposals other than their own, a commendable feat."

Hippopotamus Award: Mickey Dee's

"It is a shame the liberal news media spread ridiculous lies about this resolution, ultimately leading to its untimely defeat. The democratic process was disrupted in a way I have not forgotten about."

Gatesville Award: No nomination

Contributor of the Year: No nomination

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg


Topic of the Year: Cannibalism

"Days without cannibalism discourse: 0"

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Imperium Anglorum

"I think I wrote a fairly in depth piece on this one time."

Sanctaria Award: No nomination
My WA/UN author nation is: This one

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Posts: 273
Founded: Jan 21, 2020

Postby Pathonia » Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:23 pm

In something of a drunken strut, the eternally inebriated Pathonian ambassador to the General Assembly- Kira Frūngle -makes her way to the ballot drop box, holding a slip of paper in her right hand. She initially swats the filled-in ballot several times through the open air around the box, as if whacking an invisible fly, before finally dropping the slip in. Letting out a brief hiccup, she turns around and begins to unsteadily saunter out of the chamber~


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot, Elyreia

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot, Varanius

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Simone Republic, The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: GA#764 Repeal: “Volcanic Activity Convention”

Contributor of the Year: Bisofeyr, The Ice States

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg

Topic of the Year: Blood Sports

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Bears Armed, Imperium Anglorum

Sanctaria Award: No Nomination
My WA/UN author nation is: Pathonia
╲ ╱
I forgot that pink/green for my links were Val's colours (._.")


~ Trans Rights Are Human Rights ~
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Posts: 224
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Postby Halsoni » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:14 pm

Last edited by Halsoni on Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific
my views are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of The North Pacific government

Lavender wrote:My only regret is that Ruben was unleashed onto NSGP

OT wrote:Ruben for TNP Delegate

Vara wrote:“Terminally online” you’re terminally inept

Vara wrote:Very responsible of you. Very demure. Very mindful.

Vara wrote:I think you're pretty ok

Bran wrote:If only Ruben had some admirable qualities like sauerkraut, swiss cheese, russian dressing, and marbled rye

Vara wrote:It’s ok Ruben the only label you need is dense motherfucker

Quebec wrote:Ruben is like a toddler whose mom is dangling plastic keys for him to teethe on

Ghost wrote:A for effort Ruben

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Haymarket Riot
GA Secretariat
Posts: 416
Founded: Aug 29, 2023
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Haymarket Riot » Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:46 pm

"As nominations draw nearer to a close, we would like to announce that Catherine Gratwick has sent us a note specifying that her award be given only once per lifetime to a person, since it's about lifetime achievement! Well, we'll have to do what she says, I guess." President Jefferson notes as she looks up from the torturous 7th straight day of passing time at the dreary headquarters by playing chess with the WA gnomes (they always win).
Last edited by Haymarket Riot on Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Butch Antifascists of Haymarket Riot
Proud Wife of Emiline
Mayor of Ridgefield||Diplomatic Officer of the Augustin Alliance||Minister of World Assembly Affairs for The North Pacific||General Assembly Secretariat as of 10/13/24
IC: President Jolene Josephine Jefferson of Haymarket Riot
Formerly: Lieutenant in the Black Hawks, Delegate of Pacifica, Prime Director of Anteria
An Author of: SC 228 | SC 523 | SC 524 | GA 742 | GA 748 | GA 762 | GA 765
"Love is wise, hatred is foolish" - Bertrand Russell

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Imperium Anglorum
GA Secretariat
Posts: 13066
Founded: Aug 26, 2013
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Imperium Anglorum » Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:10 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot. This is a win almost by default I think; who else can match starting in July and ending up on GenSec by the end of the year?

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic. Simone gets an easy win on the total amount of work done.

Peanut Gallery Award: Simone Republic. Easy win, imo, in terms of getting that work passed; many people objected to that work and I voted against not a small number of them which passed regardless.

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Knootoss. Roleplay is dead and Knootoss is like the last person doing it, even if only for a few days or weeks.

Kenmoria Award: Bisofeyr

Hippopotamus Award: I didn't find any of the proposals or resolutions all that funny.

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"

Contributor of the Year: Simone Republic

World Space Award: Wallenburg's removal from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Months-long rules consultations. We're moving on from cannibalism, sure, but what about months-long rules consultations?

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Wallenburg, Sciongrad

Sanctaria Award: Access to Basic Banking and Lending. Both are very important for financial inclusion, which as someone who knows a lot about that kind of thing, I find rather important.

My WA/UN author nation is: This one
Last edited by Imperium Anglorum on Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Author: 1 SC and 59+ GA resolutions
Maintainer: GA Passed Resolutions
Developer: Communiqué and InfoEurope
GenSec (24 Dec 2021 –); posts not official unless so indicated
Delegate for Europe
Elsie Mortimer Wellesley
Ideological Bulwark 285, WALL delegate
Twice-commended toxic villainous globalist kittehs

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The Ice States
GA Secretariat
Posts: 3949
Founded: Jun 23, 2022
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby The Ice States » Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:41 am

"In light of it now being the 8th of January, the opportunity to cast ballots begins. Twelve nominations have been cast, of which one was withdrawn and another was a duplicate of a previous nomination filed by that nation. Of the ten remaining nominations, all have been counted except for the nominations of Imperium Anglorum for the Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award, as, of course, was requested by Gratwick herself."

"One may vote simply by filling in one of the ballots found plentifully around this room. Other pamphlets may also be found here, consisting of the list of World Assembly resolutions passed this year as well as the schedule of the event. The ballot box is the tall, red box in front of the defenestration window. To avoid perceptions of bias, we have ordered candidates in alphabetical order.

"I should note that the same eligibility criteria apply to vote as to nominate."

"Thank you, and good luck to all in voting."

~Robert Desak,
World Assembly Ambassador,
The Eternal Union of Devonia and the Ice States.

Last time, Lindner had distributed the ballots herself. With the acquisition of new technology from the gnomes, it was now merely a press of a button that sent the blank ballots flying across the room -- only to land neatly on the desks in front of each mission. Excess papers remained in the shallow, black container next to the ballot box."

Code: Select all

[b]Newcomer of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Dushina; Elyreia; Haymarket Riot; Lieutenant Columbo; Kay Pacha; Pathonia; Walfo

[b]Gnome's Choice Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Haymarket Riot; Simone Republic; The Ice States

[b]Peanut Gallery Award:[/b] Choose one of: Haymarket Riot; Imperium Anglorum; Pallaith; Simone Republic; The Ice States; Varanius

[b]Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Knootoss; Simone Republic; The Ice States; Tinfect; Yelda

[b]Kenmoria Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bananaistan; Bisofeyr; Imperium Anglorum; Kenmoria; The Overmind; Tinhampton; Wallenburg

[b]Hippopotamus Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Act of Integration[/url]; [url=]Ban on Certain Forms of Fast Food Restaurants[/url]; [url=]Supporting Marijuana Smokers[/url]

[b]Gatesville Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Repeal "Cannibalism Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "International Transport Safety"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Money Markets Funds Protocol"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Nuclear Waste Safety Act"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "On Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Preventing Abuses in Conservatorship"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Protection of Biomedical Research"[/url]; [url=]Repeal "Volcanic Activity Convention"[/url]

[b]Contributor of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Bisofeyr; Desmosthenes and Burke; Haymarket Riot; The Ice States; The Overmind; Tinhampton; Simone Republic

[b]World Space Award:[/b] Choose one of: Racism proposals; Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec; Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"

[b]Topic of the Year:[/b] Choose one of: Blood sports; Cannibalism; Civil rights; Months-long rules consultations; Repeals/resurgence of NatSov

[b]Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award:[/b] Choose one of: Bears Armed; Knootoss; Sanctaria; Sciongrad; Sierra Lyricalia; The Ice States; Urgench; Wallenburg

[b]Sanctaria Award:[/b] Choose one of: [url=]Access to Basic Banking and Lending[/url]; [url=]Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without Parole[/url]; [url=]Ban on Sexual Abuse of Animals[/url]; [url=]Prohibition on Coerced Testimony[/url]; [url=]Promoting Climate-Resilient Farming[/url]; [url=]Reducing Bycatch[/url]
[u][b]My WA/UN author nation is:[/b][/u]

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"Petty tyrant", "antithetical to a better future for the WA". Posts in the WA forums are in a personal capacity, unless indicated otherwise.

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The Overmind
Posts: 1995
Founded: Dec 12, 2022
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby The Overmind » Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:03 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: The Ice States

Peanut Gallery Award: Varanius

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Tinfect

Kenmoria Award: Wallenburg

Hippopotamus Award: Abstain

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Volcanic Activity Convention"

Contributor of the Year: Bisofeyr

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Repeals

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Wallenburg

Sanctaria Award: Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
My WA/UN author nation is: Heavens Reach
Last edited by The Overmind on Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Free Palestine
2024 Kenmoria Award
2024 Contributor of the Year Award
Trans men are men | Trans women are women | Sex is non-binary
Assigned sex isn't biological sex | Trans rights are human rights

Neuroscientist | Heavens Reach | He/Him/His

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National Coraland of Fishery
Posts: 243
Founded: Nov 12, 2022
Democratic Socialists

Postby National Coraland of Fishery » Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:13 pm

The Ice States wrote:Vote

Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Bisofeyr

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Cannibalism Act"

Contributor of the Year: The Overmind

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec;

Topic of the Year: Cannibalism

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Knootoss

Sanctaria Award: Ban on Sexual Abuse of Animals;
My WA/UN author nation is: National Coraland of Fishery
The Island Paradise and Aquarium Zoo of Fishery
"When the sun comes up...I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began."
Current Parliament Member and Citizen of The Region That Has No Big Banks, Former Lt Gov of Covenant Shores, Former Founder and Sec of Law of The Global Union Consr, Former Vice President of Gravy

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The Ice States
GA Secretariat
Posts: 3949
Founded: Jun 23, 2022
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby The Ice States » Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:38 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Bisofeyr

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Tinfect

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Ban on Certain Forms of Fast Food Restaurants

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Money Markets Funds Protocol"

Contributor of the Year: Haymarket Riot

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Months-long rules consultations

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Knootoss

Sanctaria Award: Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
My WA/UN author nation is: This one

Festering Snakepit Wiki
· General Assembly Guides · Resolution Stat Effects · Style Guide · WACampaign

Factbooks · WA Authorships · Nation map

"Petty tyrant", "antithetical to a better future for the WA". Posts in the WA forums are in a personal capacity, unless indicated otherwise.

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Haymarket Riot
GA Secretariat
Posts: 416
Founded: Aug 29, 2023
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Haymarket Riot » Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:54 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Kay Pacha

Gnome's Choice Award: Bisofeyr

Peanut Gallery Award: Varanius

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Knootoss

Kenmoria Award: Imperium Anglorum

Hippopotamus Award: Ban on Certain Forms of Fast Food Restaurants

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Preventing Abuses in Conservatorship"

Contributor of the Year: The Overmind

Topic of the Year: Repeals/resurgence of NatSov

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Knootoss

Sanctaria Award: Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
My WA/UN author nation is: Haymarket Riot
Last edited by Haymarket Riot on Tue Jan 07, 2025 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Butch Antifascists of Haymarket Riot
Proud Wife of Emiline
Mayor of Ridgefield||Diplomatic Officer of the Augustin Alliance||Minister of World Assembly Affairs for The North Pacific||General Assembly Secretariat as of 10/13/24
IC: President Jolene Josephine Jefferson of Haymarket Riot
Formerly: Lieutenant in the Black Hawks, Delegate of Pacifica, Prime Director of Anteria
An Author of: SC 228 | SC 523 | SC 524 | GA 742 | GA 748 | GA 762 | GA 765
"Love is wise, hatred is foolish" - Bertrand Russell

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Posts: 273
Founded: Jan 21, 2020

Postby Pathonia » Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:15 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: Haymarket Riot

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: The Ice States

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Volcanic Activity Convention"

Contributor of the Year: Haymarket Riot

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Civil rights

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Bears Armed

Sanctaria Award: Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
My WA/UN author nation is: Pathonia
╲ ╱
I forgot that pink/green for my links were Val's colours (._.")


~ Trans Rights Are Human Rights ~
You Are Enough <3

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GA Secretariat
Posts: 1389
Founded: Mar 04, 2019
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Barfleur » Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:55 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: The Ice States

Peanut Gallery Award: Simone Republic

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Knootoss

Kenmoria Award: Bananaistan

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Nuclear Waste Safety Act"

Contributor of the Year: Bisofeyr

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Civil rights

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Sierra Lyricalia

Sanctaria Award: Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without Parole
My WA/UN author nation is: Barfleur

Ambassador to the World Assembly: Edmure Norfield
Military Attaché: Colonel Lyndon Q. Ralston
Sapient Human-Sized Rabbit: Troy of Rabbittown

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Posts: 574
Founded: Jun 29, 2018
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Elyreia » Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:07 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Dushina

Gnome's Choice Award: Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: The Ice States

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Knootoss

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Supporting Marijuana Smokers

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"

Contributor of the Year: Simone Republic

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Repeals/resurgence of NatSov

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Bears Armed

Sanctaria Award: Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without Parole
My WA/UN author nation is: Elyreia
The Principality of Elyreia (Dārilarostegun Elyreia)
The Principality of Elyreia Wiki
Proud member of the Gay Furry Pacific Clique

World Assembly Ambassador: Dārilaros Korus Vaelans

GA Authorship: GA 763

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Imperium Anglorum
GA Secretariat
Posts: 13066
Founded: Aug 26, 2013
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Imperium Anglorum » Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:31 pm


Newcomer of the Year: Choose one of: Haymarket Riot

Gnome's Choice Award: Choose one of: Simone Republic

Peanut Gallery Award: Choose one of: Simone Republic

Kennyite-Yeldan Roleplay Award: Choose one of: Knootoss

Kenmoria Award: The Overmind

Hippopotamus Award: Ban on Certain Forms of Fast Food Restaurants

Gatesville Award: Repeal "Forced Blood Sport Eradication Act"

Contributor of the Year: Simone Republic

World Space Award: Removal of Wallenburg from GenSec

Topic of the Year: Months-long rules consultations

Catherine Gratwick Lifetime Award: Wallenburg

Sanctaria Award: Ban on Juvenile Life Sentences without Parole

My WA/UN author nation is: This one

Author: 1 SC and 59+ GA resolutions
Maintainer: GA Passed Resolutions
Developer: Communiqué and InfoEurope
GenSec (24 Dec 2021 –); posts not official unless so indicated
Delegate for Europe
Elsie Mortimer Wellesley
Ideological Bulwark 285, WALL delegate
Twice-commended toxic villainous globalist kittehs



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