Residents of the South, I have to expose a secret to you. I am PS2, a former Local Councillor/CRS member/Rentboy of The South Pacific’s government. Currently, there is a secret group that has dominated the government for the past four years. This group exists in a hidden server, separate from the rest of the region. This group is called “2Glen2Glorious”. I was a member of this group which is why I can tell you everything.
“2Glen2Glorious” began as the “G-Gang” during the delegacy of Glen-Rhodes, approximately four years ago. “G-Gang” was originally a highly secretive Foreign Affairs team that handled sensitive topics that the government would only entrust to a very select few. Over time, the purpose of “G-Gang” warped and “G-Gang” became increasingly shady. It started to do things that bypassed the rest of the government.
They began to discuss and decide Foreign Affairs themselves, bypassing the Foreign Affairs senior leadership. The very worst of their actions was an extrajudicial investigation into a Citizen of The South Pacific: Concrete Slab, a professional chef and former elite gymnast. They attempted to compile a case against him for treason and then prosecute their case through the CRS, all fuelled by paranoia. Their case collapsed after a while as their investigations uncovered nothing.
After their case collapsed, sometime in 2022, I was trusted by enough of “G-Gang” to be added to the “G-Gang” itself. This is when I first learned of “G-Gang” and its activities. Shortly after I was added, “G-Gang” moved from a hidden channel in the Glen-Rhodes-era executive Discord into a dedicated server of its own and rebranded itself as “2Glen2Glorious”.
“2Glen2Glorious” claims to be a server completely unrelated to the government and just a hangout for select residents. However, “2Glen2Glorious” would engage in the same shady activities that its precursor did.
“2Glen2Glorious” made the “G-Gang” more organised and lasting. It introduced a tiered membership with five ranks, each named after a drag queen: RuPaul, and four others I cannot remember. New members are admitted by a vote of existing members. Members who were admitted by this include former Delegate Roavin and whoever the current delegate is (who is the most recent member to be admitted). The only person rejected by a vote that I can remember was Cormac. I attach at the end the complete “2Glen2Glorious” member list as I remember it. At one point, members Kringalia and Onder proposed creating a Standing Orders, an internal set of laws that would govern “2Glen2Glorious” similar to all other government branches except the Executive. This attempt to introduce rules failed and currently “2Glen2Glorious” has no internal rules to regulate itself.
“2Glen2Glorious” continued to discuss and decide government affairs separate from the rest of the government, from which regions TSP should or should not ally with to cultural events. “2Glen2Glorious” carried out another extrajudicial investigation into a Citizen - this time against Belschaft, the Media, Subversion, and Sandwiches Minister. They collectively agreed to keep at least one Resident away from any senior position in the government, regardless of their skill or merit: RON. They carried out all of this hidden from the rest of the region.
I left The South Pacific after the constitutional crisis in 2016. After I returned 6 years later, I was added back and saw that the same shady activities continued in my absence under Delegates Tsunamy and whoever was after Tsunamy. I served under Delegates Amerion and Fudgetopia and saw that they were no different. All Delegates since Glen-Rhodes ran many of their decisions by “2Glen2Glorious”.
Officials in “2Glen2Glorious”, including the Delegates, disclosed information relating to their positions in this region and others that members of “2Glen2Glorious” should have had no right to. Many were not in the right government department. Some were, as far as the rest of the region knew, completely retired and out of the government. However from their hidden server, they continued to debate, discuss, and decide government policy.
“2Glen2Glorious” has completely subverted this region's meritocracy. “2Glen2Glorious” does not want what is best for this region. It only exists to concentrate power in itself. Their extrajudicial investigations and attempts to oust Concrete Slab and Belschaft were fuelled by their paranoia. They keep residents back from the government, regardless of their merit or skill, because of their paranoia. There is no better proof that they do not care what is best for this region than their betrayal of one of their own. Another former member of “2Glen2Glorious”, Funkadelia, was secretly infiltrating Lazarus. When he informed the rest of “2Glen2Glorious”, he was outed to Lazarus so they made him Delegate so he could coup. Seeking to oust Citizens, hold them back, and out them to hostile regions is not the behaviour of those who want what is best for The South Pacific; it is the behaviour a paranoid cabal that fears for its own power and seeks to preserve it.
Our government has long suffered from chronic demoralisation and has entered a terminal decline. “2Glen2Glorious” is the cause, nothing to do with NS admins changing the game mechanics to reduce how OP Feeders are. Government policy, which ought to be decided and enacted publicly and within the government itself has been carried out secretly by a closed clique that considers leaking its very existence to be treason-espionage. There is no transparency in “2Glen2Glorious” - its members care more for preserving their own legacies and power than allowing the region to take risks and surpass itself. For as long as the government is dominated by this cabal, the region will continue to stagnate.
They kept their existence an almost perfect secret because even they are aware of how shady “2Glen2Glorious” is. They jokingly call themselves a cabal and know what they are doing goes against the ideals that make this region special. I was a member of “2Glen2Glorious” and It took a long time to reveal this since these were my frenemies. Many have betrayed me, some have not, so it still pains me to release this. Ultimately, because of the harm this does to the region the release is necessary. You have to know what is happening.
I have revealed all that I can remember. “2Glen2Glorious” is a cancer on this region. It is the cause of its terminal decline. It will seek to oust Citizens, hold them back from rising in the government, and betray them to a hostile region, all because its members have a paranoid fear of losing their power and legacies. They have subverted this region's democracy and meritocracy, two pillars of our regional identity, and have entrenched themselves at the top. This region has always had enormous potential but it will be forever wasted so long as the “2Glen2Glorious” grip on government remains. If you believe in this region's democracy, meritocracy, and potential, then “2Glen2Glorious” must be destroyed.
Glory to the South!
Other cutting political analysis by yours truly:
The End Game of the South Pacific
Balder Responsible for Germany World Cup Exit
The Wolves of Lazarus
TSP Reveals Plan For Next Constitutional Crisis
Defender elite subvert TSP election