The World Assembly (WA),
Expressing the view that inhabitants of non-WA states have a pressing desire to become citizens of WA states, and partake in the dignity, honor, rights, privileges, and opportunities of coming under the auspice of the WA;
Unwavering in our quest for harmony across the multiverse, share in the fruits of freedom, and desiring for full compliance with WA resolutions against those who conspire against the WA with the full force of the WA's unyielding justice;
The WA hereby enacts as follows:
- World peace.
- The Peace Team is established as a committee of the WA. The Peace Team is required to consider any requests from any WA state to liberate any territory belonging to non-WA states and for the said WA state to assume sovereignty and jurisdiction. Such requests shall be honored if the Peace Team determines that the requesting state is (1) capable of sound governance of the said territory, and (2) the requesting state itself is not in breach of its obligations under clause (3).
- Any non-WA state shall, prior to liberation, be offered the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the tranquility of civilisation and progress offered by this organ by becoming a WA member. All non-WA states shall be made aware of the consequences of their choice. The Peace Team shall stand down if the non-member state elects to become a member.
- The Peace Team may use all necessary means to achieve its stated goals. Due care shall be taken to avoid any casualties or the destruction of the environment.
- Prosperity.
- If any non-WA state is liberated by a WA state with the assistance of the Peace Team, all assets belonging to the government (and sub-national governments) of that non-WA state liberated shall become property of the General Accounting Office (GAO).
- Such property (including proceeds from disposals thereof) shall be first used to pay for the costs associated with said liberation, and for the costs of the Peace Team, and secondly to fund the activities of the WA including all of its committees and their activities. Any remaining funds shall be held in reserves to such amount as the GAO deems necessary as a rainy day fund, with the remainder to be distributed to existing WA states as surpluses.
- Non-compliance.
- If any WA member state is found by a competent authority of the WA to have failed to be reasonably in compliance in good faith all of the provisions of a WA resolution, in addition to any penalties that may be imposed, the Peace Team is also authorised to restore compliance by overthrowing the government of the WA state, and to overthrow any subsequent governments of the WA state put in place according to the laws of that state, until the WA state is in compliance.
- Any assets belonging to any government (and their sub-national governments) of the non-compliant WA state shall also become property of the General Accounting Office (GAO). Such property shall be distributed in accordance with clause (2)(b) of this resolution.
- Declaration. The WA hereby declares that this resolution is an act of benevolence in granting inhabitants of certain states the dignity, honor, rights, and privileges of becoming part of the WA, and the satisfaction of the desire for a better life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by inhabitants of the said state, and cannot by definition be deemed a penalty or a crime as a matter of principle, whatever the means adopted for reasons of pure necessity for liberations.
Char count: 3,528.