little robots shenanigans (IC/Closed)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Independent Republics
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little robots shenanigans (IC/Closed)

Postby The Independent Republics » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:42 pm

This is a closed RP between me and the Eusan Federation. Any unwanted posts will be ignored and removed.


The Independent Republics
Pellesia Region
Warehouse/Distribution Center No.6

It was a semi-busy day at Warehouse No. 6, and the PT-726s were busy working as they fulfilled orders, grabbing the required items and placing them in crates before sealing them up. Meanwhile, their human supervisors were busy either sleeping or drinking on the job, not giving a crap about their robotic employees, as they knew that while they lacked in intelligence, their job was relatively simple, and it was hard for them to mess it up. However, despite this, they're still capable of fucking up one way or another.

Meanwhile, in the shipping sector, two Jr-726s, Olivaw, a blue Jr-726 wearing an old Dernofer helmet, and Daneel, a beige Jr-726 that wore an M25 helmet, the only reason why they're wearing such things has to do less with safety and more with personal choice. The two little robots were busy checking the crates, making sure the orders were right and there was nothing damaged or missing. Today's order called mainly for supplies and spare parts—nothing special.

"Cans of bug meat labelled as something else? Check. Fuses and other mechanical spare parts? Check. Pellesian officer sword? Um, I don't know why that's in the order, but um, let's see what's next… Stun baton I don't think we packed those yet." Daneel said as he crossed off the items on his clipboard. He was one of the many instances of a Jr-726 who took on a more serious personality to keep it short. "Olivaw, do you have those stun batons ready? We got this order ready to ship. we're behind"

"Up here, boss," Olivaw yelled, waving his arm to get his attention. "I'll bring them down to you." Olivaw disappeared, and the sound of something being pushed could be heard, and after a few minutes a cardboard appeared at the edge of the shelf with Olivaw coming out into view.

"Oh for fuck's sake, don't tell me you're going to push that off. The last thing we want is those things activating from the impact alone!" Daneel cried, Even a PT-726 ironically wouldn't do something this stupid.

"Don't worry, I got this." Olivaw disappeared before coming back with a rope and tying it around himself and the box and pushing it off the shelf.

"Whatever you have planned, I doubt it's a good idea—" Before he could even finish, Daneel experienced what it was like to take a heavy box to his glass dome and fell into the wooden crate with his buddy landing on top; however, before they could get out, the lid was placed on top, nailed shut, and loaded onto a truck, its next stop… the Eusan Federation, delivering not unimportant supplies but also two little robots.
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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Mon Dec 30, 2024 3:29 am

Location: Dettelstein, Frontier Territories, Eusan Federation

And just like how things were busy on the other end, the receiving end of the shipment was having a semi-busy day as well. Truth be told, it was always semi-busy over at Dettelstein’s largest Replika training facility. Handling the large quantities of newly made Replikas was no small task, and this facility was the largest one in the Frontier. It was, by all means, a significant location within the Eusan Federation’s Frontier Territories- the veritable beating heart of the Frontier’s population growth. It also held great promise within its walls- as it was quickly propelling Dettelstein towards being one of the top 5 cities in the Frontier by population. Ever since the facility was completed, Dettelstein’s status as a significant prefecture within the Frontier was secured. Sure, cities like Overport, Clear Dunes, and especially Risikostadt would always be bigger and more influential, but Dettelstein was quickly rising to challenge others within the top 10 and even the lower top 5.

Whenever the two robots finally arrived to Dettelstein, they would get their first extended glimpse of outside voices. Two Replikas were sizing up the crate, unaware of the… extra contents.

“So. Where’s this from again?” Amelia was your standard ARAR in many regards- the 6-foot-1 worker bee of the Federation- and despite being over 100, she had stuck with those kinds of jobs. If she wanted a career change, she would’ve had it already. She had had the time- that’s the point.

“Some Pellesia place. Really, all it had going for it was affordability.” And as for the other voice, it belonged to a taller one- a KNCR who had broken rank from the typical ambitious stereotype of her model- settling in to a mid-level procurement job. Not everyone could be a commander or a leader. That was Petra’s thought process, anyhow. And she was right, to a degree.

“Huh. Mind if I take a peek at the packing list?” Petra shrugged, her towering frame making her subordinate look like a joke. “Here. Have a look.” The sound of a clipboard being handed over to the shorter one of the two could be heard, and for a while, there was silence. It wouldn’t last more than a few seconds, though. “Alright, I get the scrap, the stun batons are a grade outdated- but whatever, and the sword… well, something tells me Inga was involved there, but what the hell is “something else”? Like, it literally just says “something else” here. The hell?”

Petra chuckled, shrugging once more. “I was curious, okay?” Frankly, it was questionable if the “special cargo” of the crate could even make sense of the conversation- but it was in Vinetan- the most intelligible of the various Eusan languages to outsiders. In any case, it was clear that the two were distracted…
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Postby The Independent Republics » Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:52 am

As the two replika pondered about the recent shipment, they heard something rustling inside the crate before suddenly a loud thump was heard. The thumping went on for a few minutes as if something was trying to get out. This went on for a few minutes, with one last thump causing the lid to come off with Olivaw following behind, both hitting the ground with a thud, his helmet rolling off before stopping at the feet of the replikas. Daneel peeked his head, or his glass dome, out of the box and looked around, although while it had no face, it was definitely confused.

"Uhh, where the hell are we?" Daneel said in a confused tone as he climbed out of the crate before dropping to the ground, ignoring the two taller replika. Meanwhile, Olivaw got up and walked over to his helmet and picked it up and placed it back on his head before looking at the two

"Wow, y'all are really short," he says before walking off to find something that wasn't secure and mess with it—typical Jr-726 behavior, like a bird who'll snatch anything shiny. If something wasn't secured, it's free game for a Jr.
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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 01, 2025 4:03 pm

Petra just stared at the two… little things. She briefly considered going after Olivaw (although she did not know of this name), but hesitated. Meanwhile, Amelia was just waiting for her taller superior to do something. There was an awkward sequence where Amelia just looked back at the one Jr that hadn’t immediately wandered off, and the back at Petra. Back and forth, as if she was expecting something to change, but nothing did. Well, at least until she gestured somewhat dramatically to where Olivaw had wandered off, with a pathetic, subordinate “eh?”, as if she was incapable of taking initiative. Finally, Petra decided to speak up.

“You… you’ve arrived in the Eusan Federation. Was this not the intention? I am… beginning to get the impression that it wasn’t, but… for the time being, I do need to clarify that. Especially on account of “something else” being on the packing list, which uh… is that you, or…”

Amelia pointed in the general direction that Olivaw had wandered off to once more, seeming somewhat incredulous. “Are we going to do anything about the other one?” All Petra could do was sigh. “Can’t. If I try anything, Inga will pretend that this was always her plan or whatever the hell is in that loon’s brain. If something unexpected happens, it just magically becomes a part of her plan, according to her. I think she doesn’t want to admit that she can’t run a facility this big. But fine. I’ll look.”

Petra finally decided to quickly jog over to check, but when she peeped her head around the corner, she was greeted by a notable lack of any little robot. She sighed, heading back over to Amelia and Daneel while shaking her head. “It’s no use. We’re better off just… trying to let Inga know, I guess? Hell if I know, honestly…”
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Founded: May 26, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The Independent Republics » Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:09 pm

Daneel just stared at Amelia before breaking the silence. "Never seen an average-height robot before?" and continued staring back at Amelia before answering Petra's question, "That something else is probably the canned meat that is literally labelled as something else, and no, we had no intention of coming here willingly until my partner committed a workplace safety violation."

With their question answered and them suddenly focusing on Olivaw, trying to figure out where he went and then talking about how this issue is suddenly somehow part of this Igna guy's plan, Daneel took the chance to quickly begin walking backwards towards the nearest exit, seeing how they're too focused trying to figure out what to do.


Olivaw was busy making his way through the complex's ventilation system, chasing after a rat in an attempt to capture it. As he walked, climbed, and jumped down through the ducts for a few hours, Olivaw stumbled upon a maintenance worker who was going about her job, catching her by surprise.
Every man is their own king
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The nation way of dealing with other nations in times of war is through long and protracted sieges and intensifying the war.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:10 pm

“Hey! Get back here! I am NOT dealing with two separate incidents here!” Clearly, they weren’t distracted enough by Olivaw’s disappearance. At first, it was just Amelia, but then Petra followed behind her. And, as if Daneel needed more problems, Petra was rather fast- considering she had legs that were significantly longer than what would be proportional for a human of her height- although 8-foot humans didn’t really exist all too often, and they were rarely proportional when they did. But that was neither here nor there- what was concern was the rapidly approaching tower of a woman- and if she was as strong as she was fast, she could easily restrain Daneel.


Luckily for… probably both parties involved, the aforementioned worker wasn’t doing anything hazardous. She, was, naturally, an ARAR, just like Amelia. This was because Aras, as they were colloquially referred to as, typically didn’t mind or even enjoyed being in enclosed spaces- and, in fact, many of them could be found lurking in the vents even if they had no business being there. That being said, if they didn’t do that in… designated areas, they would typically be reprimanded. In any case, she quickly turned to face Olivaw, tilting her head in confusion.

“Oh? Uh… what are you? Or who are you? And what are you doing here?”
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Postby The Independent Republics » Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:17 am

Being quickly caught, Daneel quickly began running as fast as his small feet allowed; his arms dragged behind him but were quickly retracted into his body to prevent them from catching on anything. He ran as fast as he could, even outjuking one of them, causing them to stumble and fall to the ground; however, a Jr-726 isn't known for running very fast; no, they're known for their small size, and so within only a few minutes, Daneel was quickly caught.

"Oh, me? I am unit number 45071122, designation Olivaw. I am a Jr-726, basically a PT-726 but in a fun size shape. Now as for how I ended up here? Hmm, I don't know. I think I saw a big ole rat come in here. Hey, wanna be friends?" Olivaw replied it was quite clear to the ARAR that Olivaw is somewhat lacking in the intelligence department and seems to be childish in the way it acts and speaks.
Every man is their own king
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The nation way of dealing with other nations in times of war is through long and protracted sieges and intensifying the war.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:41 pm

Amelia was the one in front, and while she got close to catching Daneel, she did, in fact, end up falling. But at the end of the day, that wouldn’t change much- Petra would simply draw closer and closer, and eventually she would manage to catch Daneel before his presence could alert anyone else of the incident that was in progress. And once she had a grip on him, there was no stopping her from lifting him up at arm’s length and shaking him rather aggressively.

“So you think this is funny, huh? I’ll show you funny, how about that?”

And without any further warning, she released him- and as he neared the ground, she swung one of her legs forward to kick the intruder down the hallway that she had caught him in. This didn’t mean she was letting him go, though- as she quickly closed the gap and towered over him again.


“Yeah, sure!”

The maintenance worker seemed friendly enough- she was paid to fix things, not be some kind of narc. That was how she thought, at least- and for the moment, that was what mattered.

“I’m Takara. I’m uh… well, I do maintenance here.”

For a moment, Takara considered trying to explain Replikas to this… little thing. But she quickly realized that Olivaw hadn’t bothered to explain what a “Jr-726” was- not in any meaningful capacity, at least. He didn’t seem the brightest- although she wasn’t exactly a genius either. That being said, she couldn’t be bothered to explain what an ARAR was, and by extension what Replikas were. She was more interested in screwing around now that she had done the hard work for her shift.

“Come, follow me. Lemme show you my favorite thing to do when I’m bored…”

And with that, Takara began to crawl away, only glancing back to make sure Olivaw was following her…
Last edited by Eusan Federation on Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The Independent Republics » Wed Jan 08, 2025 6:41 pm

The result of being punted and then the impact of hitting the ground caused not only Daneel’s helmet to go flying off with photos and a Naen pistol falling out to the ground

On top of that, the blunt damage also caused a crack to form within his glass dome; however, it seems that all the shaking and the swift kick also seem to cause something to come loose as it activates an entirely different personality.

>>Comrade Daneel reporting for duty in the name of the Gorso Federation. Scanning for high-family values results: Several.<<

>> The voices of the high families are a farce; their aim to oppress the Gorso people isn’t an idea; it's the truth. <<

Daneel said, however, the language he speaks sounds both familiar and also odd-sounding, almost like a certain Cyrillic language with a few things added.


Olivaw raised his arms up. “Yay, hooligan time! It’s nice meeting another maintenance worker who isn’t mean.”

With that, Olivaw followed Takara to see what she was going to do next and gave her a wave when she glanced back at him.
Every man is their own king
A union of 3 nations united under one flag, one council, and one leader
The nation way of dealing with other nations in times of war is through long and protracted sieges and intensifying the war.

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Eusan Federation
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Postby Eusan Federation » Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:02 am

Petra would be quick to confiscate the pistol, but she had no idea what to make of the statements of this thing. She also could barely make sense of the language he was speaking- the closest thing she knew even some of was Kitezhan. She just stood there for a bit, staring- while Amelia got back up and tentatively approached the scene.


Takara made her way through the winding vents for a few minutes, and occasionally they would pass a grate, and occasionally conversations could be heard. Eventually, the vent widened a bit- enough for one of them to pass the other, at least- and conveniently, there was a grate there too, with indistinct chatter coming from below. And the last thing of note was a red bucket of something inside, presumably. When Takara passed the bucket, she managed to turn herself around to face Olivaw. She spoke in a quieter voice, and quickly withdrew a pair of ball bearings from the bucket- putting her hand out to offer one to Olivaw.

“Here. Take one. And be quiet when we’re here, okay? I’ll show you how it’s done.”

And with that, Takara tossed her remaining ball bearing through the grate, and it quickly began to fall- striking one of the Replikas below on the head. As Takara pulled back, some mutterings of confused profanities could be heard…
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The Independent Republics » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:55 am

Daneel didn't seem to take note that his helmet was knocked and that his personal pistol was taken from him; all that he was focused on was speaking his gibberish nonsense and walking around the room while doing so. After a while, Daneel would end up wandering out of the room into the hallway and begin walking with no intended destination in mind. Of course he wouldn't go out quietly and still would say some random gibberish nonsense, not caring if it alerted someone else.

Olivaw laughed as the replika was busy cursing ant the situation after getting hit with a ball bearing; now it was his turn to take the ball bearing and get into position.

"You gotta do it like this; you gotta flick it. It's all in the flick, Olivaw said, taking aim; he flicked the ball bearing out the grate, causing it to hit the head of one of the replika before moving away from the grate.
Every man is their own king
A union of 3 nations united under one flag, one council, and one leader
The nation way of dealing with other nations in times of war is through long and protracted sieges and intensifying the war.

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Eusan Federation
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:55 am

Petra groaned. She was done trying. “I’m too tired for this shit.” But of course, she wasn’t everyone- and there would still be another attempt from Amelia to catch up with Daneel. She quickly rounded another corner behind Daneel, and hoisted him up with surprising strength for the same idiot that had tripped and fell earlier. Unfortunately for her, she had no idea what to say- considering she didn’t earnestly think she’d get this far…


Takara snickered as Olivaw’s throw found its mark. She found it both pleasant and amusing that someone else was willing to do this with her.still, they couldn’t keep this up forever- not with their position compromised- which it was wasn’t at the moment, but that could easily change….

Beneath them, an argument had broken out between the small group of Replikas who also happened to be ball bearing victims. The subject of the debate was one about where the projectiles came from- but they were about to find out, as Takara scooped about 25 of the things and forcibly dumped them through the grate- before moving through the vents at an almost comically fast speed, away from her latest victims- she was only hoping Olivaw would actually be able to keep up with her new pace…
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.

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The Independent Republics
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Founded: May 26, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The Independent Republics » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:14 pm

Upon being picked up by the taller robot, Daneel began thrashing and squirming, kicking his small feet and flailing his arms around in an attempt to get out of Amelia's iron grip. He even resorted to punching her arms to try to free himself.

<<Let me go, you filthy waffle maker. I bet your mother was a snowblower and your father was a chronic oil-guzzling grease goose.>> Daneel yelled and continued thrashing about; it was like Amelia was dealing with a rabid animal.

Meanwhile, back in the vents

Upon looking back, Olivaw wasn't there; however, the sound of something fast could be heard, and Olivaw appeared after turning a corner, giving Takara a wave as he saw her. It seems that while small, he was somewhat able to catch up to her.

"You know my favorite thing to do back home is removing the hands of PT-726s and LARAOHS when they're sleeping or deactivated. It's pretty funny they found out that their hands are missing, especially for the PT-726s."
Last edited by The Independent Republics on Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Every man is their own king
A union of 3 nations united under one flag, one council, and one leader
The nation way of dealing with other nations in times of war is through long and protracted sieges and intensifying the war.

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Eusan Federation
Posts: 2538
Founded: Mar 08, 2024
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Eusan Federation » Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:51 am

Amelia rolled her eyes at this. Despite being, well, a piece of technology, they functioned almost exactly like eyes- the modern Eusan eidetic module was built for such expressiveness.

“Actually, my mother was a treadmill, thank you very much.”

Realistically, there wasn’t a whole lot Daneel could do here, short of literally exploding. “You’re coming with me. Soon… you’ll meet the most unbearable nimrod known to anything with optical modules, eyes, or any method of seeing or hearing at all.” And with that, the ever-industrious ARAR tucked the squirming thing under her arm, securing it for the forseeable future while she presumably began to search for this “nimrod” she spoke of.”


Takara glanced back at Olivaw, seeming somewhat relieved that he had managed to keep up with her. After all, they were having fun- and she still had some things to show the little mischievous outsider.

“Eh. You’d need to find the right special tools for that, and that isn’t exactly my job. Plus, it’s the middle of the day. Everyone’s awake right now. What we CAN do is open up floor grates right as somebody’s about to walk past. They’ll fall, and then probably blame someone else… that one’s always fun.”
Last edited by Eusan Federation on Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Eusan Federation
Behold, a true utopia! Sell me titanium or I will be mildly unhappy and probably still work with you. Maybe.


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