Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone [OPEN]

A meeting place where national storefronts can tout their wares and discuss trade. [In character]
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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone [OPEN]

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:25 pm

Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

Map of Isla Citrón

At the direction of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics, the island of Isla Citrón has been designated as a Special Economic Zone and is now open to applications for foreign investment.

About Isla Citrón
The old Governor's mansion, in the town of Porto Citrón - view from the bell tower of the Porto Citrón Cathedral
Isla Citrón is a small island, situated in the Carribean among the rest of the Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics (LSSR). It is relatively lightly developed with, before the establishment of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ), a population of 1,590. It has a small area, being only rough 90 km2. As of the establishment of the SEZ, it has four inhabited settlements, a relatively large port and an oil-fueled power station.
Resource-wise, it has explored mineral reserves of coal, iron, oil and bauxite. Most of the island is forested, with the capability to support logging. The soil in the majority of the island is of average fertility, meaning it is possible to grow crops, although fertilizers will be required for optimal efficiency.
Despite it's small initial population, the wider LSSR has a large pool of educated workers that, provided job opportunities exist, would be eager to live and work on Isla Citrón.
Coal Reserves

Iron Reserves

Oil Reserves

Bauxite Reserves

About the Special Economic Zone
The Special Economic Zone allows foreign entities, especially companies, to establish themselves within the LSSR. This is through the establishment of a joint venture between them and the state. Such ventures may include the opening of stores, factories, plants and infrastructure.
While terms may vary somewhat between each operation, generally the state will provide the supporting infrastructure for both the operation and the population needed to operate it. This can range from infrastructure such as expanded port facilities, roads and enlargement of the power grid, to larger projects such as expanded or new settlements to provide the workforce for bigger projects.

Existing Settlements & Infrastructure



City of Porto Citrón
The city of Porto Citrón is the largest settlement on Isla Citrón, dating back to the colonial era. It orignally had a population of 1,312. It is home to the old governor's mansion, as well as the Porto Citrón Cathedral.
It currently has a population of 10,492, making it the second largest city on the island. In terms of infrastructure, it had a small grocery store, a small general consumer goods store and a small bus stop with one small route to provide workers for the Limenergía Power Plant. It is directly connected to the central freeway.
Recently, it has been expanded with schools, kingergartens, a Costley Mart supermarket, Village Hill Pantry, Farmers Harvest grocery store, sports hall, bus station, hospital, prison, clinic, Royal Hotel, Oakfoods Fried Chicken restaurant, the Confederate Tower, public swimming pool and regional party headquarters.
Nearby, it the following joint ventures:
    - Costley Mart Distribution Centre
    - Republic Oil Corporation Iron Mine
    - Citrón Mining Inc Iron Mine
    - Vidal Biochems Citrón
    - Matricle Tech Citrón
    - Novacom Citrón




San Citrón
The town of San Citrón is the second largest settlement on Isla Citrón, dating back to the colonial era. It originally had a population of 152, and was home to the old mayor's house, a church, a storehouse and a small pier.
It is situated on the southeast coast of the island, and is directly connected to the central freeway.
Presently, it is home to a population of 9,747. It has been expanded with kindergartens, schools, a hospital, bus station, police station, Village Hill Pantry, Clearview Grand Cinema, Royal Hotel, Costley Mart supermarket, bar, Oakfoods Fried Chicken restaurant, the Confederate Tower II, a Farmers Harvest grocery store, public beach and local party headquarters.
Nearby, it has a waste incinerator, as well as the following joint ventures:
    - San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd.
    - Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd.
    - NOVASONI San Citrón
    - Republic Oil Corporation Oil Refinery
    - Azul Transportation Company Shipyard
    - Solar Overdrive Isla Citrón SEZ
    - Isla Citrón Airport




Bahía de Palmeras
The villiage of Bahía de Palmeras is the second smallest settlement on Isla Citrón, dating back to the colonial era. It originally had a population of 69, and was home to a small church, a small storehouse and a small pier.
It currently has a population of 3,315, and has been expanded with schools, a public swimming pool, kindergartens, bus station, Royal Intercontinental Cinema, police station, bus station, Golden Horizon Resort, Farmers Harvest grocery store, Village Hill Pantry, a clinic and a hospital.
It is situated on the central western coast of the island.
Nearby, it the following joint ventures:
    - Silverwind Bahía de Palmeras Resort LLC
    - Republic Oil Corporation Coal Mine
    - Continental Steel Limited
    - Isla Citrón EnviroTex LLC
    - Isla Citrón Power LLC
    - Citrón Mining Inc Coal Mine
    - Citrón Mining Inc Bauxite Mine
    - Vidal Biochem Re-Plastic Citrón



Lago Azul
The villiage of Lago Azul is the smallest settlement on Isla Citrón, dating back to the colonial era. It has a population of 57, and is home to a small church.
It is situated atop the central mountain range, centred around a small picturesque lake. It is presently not easy to access, as it requires walking a long trek from the base of the range.



Port of Porto Citrón
The Port of Porto Citrón is currently the only port on the island. It is relatively large, and has support for large ships. Situated on the central south coast, it has a modest passenger terminal, but a very large cargo terminal, as well as sufficient refueling facilities.
The cargo terminal can handle large quantities of aggregates, break-bulk, dry-bulk, container, oil and vehicle cargo. It is directly connected to the central freeway. While a rail network does not yet exist on Isla Citrón, it has the necessary infrastructure to support a connection to one, should it be established. The port currently operates far below maximum capacity, and was built recently, in preparation for the establishment of the SEZ.



Limenergía Oil-Fueled Power Plant
The Limenergía Oil-Fueled Power Plant is currently the sole source of power in Isla Citrón's power grid. It is situated in the central-southeast region of the island and is at the edge of one of the oil reserves, connected directly to the central freeway.
It is supported by a few connected pump-jacks, and has a small bus stop to allow workers from the town of Porto Citrón to reach their workplace. Furthermore, it has a small fire station in case of emergencies.
Limenergía is a state-owned power company, established with the construction of the plant. It currently operates far below it's maximum capacity, and was built in preparation for the establishment of the SEZ.

Establish a Joint Venture
There are several different options available for joint ventures in the SEZ. These include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following options below.
To establish a joint venture, please fill out one of the forms below. If your desired joint venture covers multiple categories, please fill out the form that you feel matches the best and specify this in the form. If you would like to establish multiple joint ventures, please fill out multiple forms - one per joint venture.

Resource Extraction
Gravel Quarrying
Coal Mining
Iron Mining
Bauxite Mining
Oil Drilling
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Resource Extraction[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Logging
[  ] Gravel Quarrying
[  ] Coal Mining
[  ] Iron Mining
[  ] Bauxite Mining
[  ] Oil Drilling
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Steel Milling
Aluminium Production
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Metallurgy[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Steel Milling
[  ] Aluminium Production
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Heavy Industry
Fabric Production
Cement Production
Prefabricated Panel Production
Lumber Milling
Synthetic Fertilizer Production
Explosives Manufacturing
Chemical Production
Oil Refining
Plastic Prodcution
Electronic Component Production
Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Heavy Industry[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Fabric Production
[  ] Cement Production
[  ] Prefabricated Panel Production
[  ] Brickmaking
[  ] Lumber Milling
[  ] Synthetic Fertilizer Production
[  ] Explosives Manufacturing
[  ] Chemical Production
[  ] Oil Refining
[  ] Plastic Prodcution
[  ] Electronic Component Production
[  ] Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Light Industry
Clothing Production
Consumer Electronics Production
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Light Industry[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Clothing Production
[  ] Consumer Electronics Production
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Food & Agriculture
Crop Farming
Livestock Farming
Food Production
Alcohol Distillation
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Food & Agriculture[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Crop Farming
[  ] Livestock Farming
[  ] Food Production
[  ] Alcohol Distillation
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Road Vehicle Manufacturing
Train Manufacturing
Aircraft Manufacturing
Vehicle Scrapping
Ship breaking
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Engineering[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Road Vehicle Manufacturing
[  ] Train Manufacturing
[  ] Aircraft Manufacturing
[  ] Shipbuilding
[  ] Vehicle Scrapping
[  ] Ship breaking
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Waste Management
Gravel Recycling
Scrap Metal Recycling
Plastic Recycling
Waste Incineration
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Waste Management[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Gravel Recycling
[  ] Scrap Metal Recycling
[  ] Plastic Recycling
[  ] Waste Incineration
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Road Facilities
Port Facilities
Coal-Fired Power Discontinued due to environmental concerns.
Oil-Fired Power Discontinued due to environmental concerns.
Solar Power
Wind Power
Nuclear Power
Water Treatment
Sewage Treatment
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Road Facilities
[  ] Railways
[  ] Port Facilities
[  ] Airports
[  ] Heliports
[  ] Cableways
[  ] Warehousing
[  ] Solar Power
[  ] Wind Power
[  ] Nuclear Power
[  ] Water Treatment
[  ] Sewage Treatment
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Civil Infrastructure
Housing Developments
Radio Broadcasting
Television Broadcasting
Art Galleries
Sports Facilities
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Civil Infrastructure[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Housing Developments
[  ] Universities
[  ] Radio Broadcasting
[  ] Television Broadcasting
[  ] Cinema
[  ] Art Galleries
[  ] Sports Facilities
[  ] Retail
[  ] Parks
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

Theme Parks
Recreational Beaches
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Tourism[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Category (please tick all that apply):[/b]
[  ] Hotels
[  ] Theme Parks
[  ] Restaurants
[  ] Museums
[  ] Zoos
[  ] Recreational Beaches
[  ] Other (please specify):
[b]Brief Description of Joint Venture:[/b]

If you would like to establish a joint venture that does not fall under an above category, please fill out the form below.
Code: Select all
[b]Joint Venture Application - Other[/b]
[b]Organisation Applying:[/b]
[b]Name of Joint Venture:[/b]
[b]Description of Joint Venture:[/b]
Last edited by Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics on Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:31 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:27 pm

Current Joint Ventures


San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd.
Partner: Richmount Maritime Foods
Industry: Fishing
Workforce: 300
Location: San Citrón


Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd.
Partner: Innsbrooke Caning Industry Ltd.
Industry: Canning
Workforce: 510
Location: San Citrón


Costley Mart SEZ
Partner: Costley Supermarket Group Ltd.
Industry: Supermarket
Workforce: 180
Location: Porto Citrón, San Citrón


Oakfoods SEZ LLC
Partner: Oakwood Landing Foods Company
Industry: Restaurant
Workforce: 24
Location: Porto Citrón, San Citrón


Silverwind Bahía de Palmeras Resort LLC
Partner: Silverwind Hospitalities Group
Industry: Resort
Workforce: 450
Location: Bahía de Palmeras


Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Partner: Blac Corp
Industry: Resource Extraction, Steel Milling, Oil Refining, Shipbuilding, Shipbreaking, Tourism, Retail, Entertainment, Infrastructure
Workforce: 7,959
Location: Porto Citrón, San Citrón, Bahía de Palmeras


NOVASONI San Citrón Car Production
Partner: NOVASONI Corporation
Industry: Car Production
Workforce: 1,500
Location: San Citrón


Isla Citrón Power LLC
Partner: Silverwind Energies Ltd.
Industry: Solar Power
Workforce: 72
Location: Bahía de Palmeras


Isla Citrón EnviroTex LLC
Partner: Silverwind EnviroTex Ltd.
Industry: Waste Management
Workforce: 360
Location: Bahía de Palmeras


Solar Overdrive - Isla Citrón SEZ
Partner: Solar Overdrive, Inc.
Industry: Solar Power
Workforce: 72
Location: San Citrón


Isla Citrón Air Services
Partner: MistAir Inc.
Industry: Airport
Workforce: 60
Location: San Citrón


Citrón Mining Inc
Partner: Deep Dragon Mining Co.
Industry: Mining
Workforce: 1,560
Location: Porto Citrón, Bahía de Palmeras


Portadoradan-Isla Citrón Tourist Development Compact
Partner: Los Virreyes Nova Empresa de Turismo
Industry: Tourism
Workforce: 186
Location: San Citrón


Vidal Biochems Citrón
Partner: Nova Corporation
Industry: Chemicals, Plastic, Plastic Recycling
Workforce: 2340
Location: Porto Citrón, Bahía de Palmeras


Matricle Tech Citrón
Partner: Nova Corporation
Industry: Electronic Components
Workforce: 450
Location: Porto Citrón


Novacom Citrón
Partner: Nova Corporation
Industry: Consumer Electronics
Workforce: 450
Location: Porto Citrón


Confederate Businesspark SEZ
Partner: Rautenbach Horizon Property Ltd.
Industry: Business Towers
Workforce: 750
Location: Porto Citrón, San Citrón
Last edited by Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics on Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:42 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
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Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:30 pm

Coming Soon
This space is currently reserved.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:33 pm

Open for Business
The Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone is now Open.

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:55 am


Administrative Office, Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Isla Citrón, Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics (LSSR)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd. (Richmount) is pleased to submit this application to establish shrimp and fish farming operations on the southeast coast of Isla Citrón, near San Citrón (location attached). We recognize the immense potential of Isla Citrón as a location for sustainable aquaculture and believe this project will contribute significantly to the island’s economic development under the Special Economic Zone initiative.

Our proposal includes the construction of shrimp and fish farming ponds, a feed production facility, cold storage, and a processing plant. We will ensure environmentally friendly practices and provide employment opportunities for both residents and skilled workers from the wider LSSR. Additionally, we request support in infrastructure development, such as expanding the port, road networks, and power grid, to facilitate the project.

Richmount is committed to forming a successful joint venture with the LSSR, prioritizing sustainability, community development, and economic growth. We will work closely with the SEZ administration to meet all regulatory requirements and support the local population with training, jobs, and essential services.

We look forward to your favorable consideration of this application and are available for further discussions to move this proposal forward.

Yours sincerely,
Edward L. Windforte III
Chief Executive Officer
Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.

Joint Venture Application - Other
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd.
Description of Joint Venture: The proposal includes the construction of shrimp and fish farming ponds, a feed production facility, cold storage, and a processing plant


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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:36 am

Oakwood Landing wrote:

Administrative Office, Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Isla Citrón, Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics (LSSR)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd. (Richmount) is pleased to submit this application to establish shrimp and fish farming operations on the southeast coast of Isla Citrón, near San Citrón (location attached). We recognize the immense potential of Isla Citrón as a location for sustainable aquaculture and believe this project will contribute significantly to the island’s economic development under the Special Economic Zone initiative.

Our proposal includes the construction of shrimp and fish farming ponds, a feed production facility, cold storage, and a processing plant. We will ensure environmentally friendly practices and provide employment opportunities for both residents and skilled workers from the wider LSSR. Additionally, we request support in infrastructure development, such as expanding the port, road networks, and power grid, to facilitate the project.

Richmount is committed to forming a successful joint venture with the LSSR, prioritizing sustainability, community development, and economic growth. We will work closely with the SEZ administration to meet all regulatory requirements and support the local population with training, jobs, and essential services.

We look forward to your favorable consideration of this application and are available for further discussions to move this proposal forward.

Yours sincerely,
Edward L. Windforte III
Chief Executive Officer
Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.

Joint Venture Application - Other
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd.
Description of Joint Venture: The proposal includes the construction of shrimp and fish farming ponds, a feed production facility, cold storage, and a processing plant



Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.
Oakwood Landing

Dear Mr. Windforte,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd. joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the facilities and supporting elements is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Postby Barleigh » Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:03 am

Joint Venture Application - Food & Agriculture
Nation: Barleigh
Organisation Applying: Innsbrooke Caning Industry Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd. (IFPI)
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Crop Farming
[ ] Livestock Farming
[x] Food Production
[ ] Alcohol Distillation
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: IFPI Pve. Ltd. will establish a small-size canning plant for processing raw foods (shrimp and fish) supplied by San Citrón Foods Pvt. Ltd at San Citrón

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:47 am

Barleigh wrote:Joint Venture Application - Food & Agriculture
Nation: Barleigh
Organisation Applying: Innsbrooke Caning Industry Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd. (IFPI)
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Crop Farming
[ ] Livestock Farming
[x] Food Production
[ ] Alcohol Distillation
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: IFPI Pve. Ltd. will establish a small-size canning plant for processing raw foods (shrimp and fish) supplied by San Citrón Foods Pvt. Ltd at San Citrón


Innsbrooke Caning Industry Ltd.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the facilities and supporting elements is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:57 am


Richmount Maritime Foods Ltd.
Oakwood Landing

Innsbrooke Caning Industry Ltd.

Dear Sirs and Mesdames,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to both of your organisations about the excellent progress made regarding the establishment and operational status of your joint ventures!

Construction of the facilities has been completed, as well as the expansion of San Citrón and supporting infrastructure. Please find a few photographs attached for reference.
San Citrón Foods Pve. Ltd.

Innsbrooke Foods Processor Industry Pve. Ltd

San Citrón after expansion

We would like to thank you for investing in us, and we wish continued prosperity among your joint ventures.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Postby Thiothard » Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:12 am

Joint Venture Application - Civil Infrastructure
Nation: Thiothard
Organisation Applying: Costley Supermarket Group Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Costley Mart SEZ.
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Housing Developments
[ ] Universities
[ ] Radio Broadcasting
[ ] Television Broadcasting
[ ] Cinema
[ ] Art Galleries
[ ] Sports Facilities
[X] Retail
[ ] Parks
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Costley Mart SEZ will request to open their first shop in two places, the Town of Porto Citrón and San Citrón, we also offer affordable electronics, appliances, and gadgets. Our parent company, Costley Supermarket Group Ltd. is the largest supermarket chain in Thiothard, offering affordable groceries and household products.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:59 am

Thiothard wrote:Joint Venture Application - Civil Infrastructure
Nation: Thiothard
Organisation Applying: Costley Supermarket Group Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Costley Mart SEZ.
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Housing Developments
[ ] Universities
[ ] Radio Broadcasting
[ ] Television Broadcasting
[ ] Cinema
[ ] Art Galleries
[ ] Sports Facilities
[X] Retail
[ ] Parks
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Costley Mart SEZ will request to open their first shop in two places, the Town of Porto Citrón and San Citrón, we also offer affordable electronics, appliances, and gadgets. Our parent company, Costley Supermarket Group Ltd. is the largest supermarket chain in Thiothard, offering affordable groceries and household products.


Costley Supermarket Group Ltd.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Costley Mart SEZ joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the shops and a supporting distribution centre is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works on the San Citrón location.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:29 pm

Joint Venture Application - Tourism
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Oakwood Landing Foods Company
Name of Joint Venture: Oakfoods SEZ LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[x] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We want to establish two Quick Serve Restaurant chains in the Town of Porto Citrón & San Citrón under the brand "Oakfoods Fried Chicken"

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:25 pm

Oakwood Landing wrote:Joint Venture Application - Tourism
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Oakwood Landing Foods Company
Name of Joint Venture: Oakfoods SEZ LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[x] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We want to establish two Quick Serve Restaurant chains in the Town of Porto Citrón & San Citrón under the brand "Oakfoods Fried Chicken"


Oakwood Landing Foods Company
Oakwood Landing

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Oakfoods SEZ LLC joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the shops is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works on the San Citrón location.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:33 am

Joint Venture Application - Tourism
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind Hospitalities Group
Name of Joint Venture: Silverwind Bahía de Palmeras Resort LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[ ] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[X] Other (please specify): Beach resort, & spa complex at the waterfront of Bahía de Palmeras
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We like to build the resort with amenities and experiences, from private beach access and luxurious spas to traditional architecture and personalized services, ensuring a memorable stay in Isla Citrón.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:12 am

Oakwood Landing wrote:(Image)
Joint Venture Application - Tourism
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind Hospitalities Group
Name of Joint Venture: Silverwind Bahía de Palmeras Resort LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[ ] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[X] Other (please specify): Beach resort, & spa complex at the waterfront of Bahía de Palmeras
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We like to build the resort with amenities and experiences, from private beach access and luxurious spas to traditional architecture and personalized services, ensuring a memorable stay in Isla Citrón.


Silverwind Hospitalities Group
Oakwood Landing

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Silverwind Bahía de Palmeras Resort LLC joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the shops is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works on the resort.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Posts: 4467
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Postby Krow-Bock » Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:21 am

Official Blac Corporation Holding Corporation Letter of Joint-Venture Foreign Developmental and Affairs

To the government of Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics,
On behalf of Blac Corporation Holding Corporation I, Chief Foreign Affair Officer Nathaniel Richards, announce a preliminary non-binding submission of the formation of Fortress Investment Holding Limited under a joint-venture agreement. Upon the establishment of Fortress Investment Holding Limited, both Blac Corporation Holding and Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics mutually own 49% of ownership stock while the local government owns 2% to be used in further economical expansion and growth. As Blac Corporation Holding is a multinational corporation, the corporation will train and provide resources for all aforementioned companies to hire and train domestic individuals to ensure operations are smooth and effective upon each company full operational period. Due to the financial and logistic delegations always being a hugely determining factors regarding matters like this, all compensation and further structural details are always subject to change and further negotiation is always encouraged.

Within this agreement, Fortress Investment Holding Limited will own and operate domestic businesses that will provide exclusive services and products to the LSSR exclusive economic zone, where both the LSSR and Fortress Investment receive their proper financial compensation.

- Azul Transportation Corporation | Engineering
- Continental Beverage Corporation,
- Continental Steel Limited | Metal Fabrication
- Fortress Construction | Infrastructure
- Imperial Entertainment Limited | Tourism
- Republic Mining Corporation | Mining and oil
- Republic Oil Corporation | Heavy industry

I look forward to your decision and regardless of the outcome, I do wish you all the continued growth and success of your beloved nation and your many civilians.

Very respectful,
Nathaniel Richards
Blac Corp Chief Foreign Affair Officer

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Blac Corp Holding Corporation
Name of Joint Venture: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Description of Joint Venture:
Fortress Investment Holding Limited will own and operate the subsidiaries, including the construction of railway infrastructure, port facilities, warehousing, tourism, and cooperating with any interested other customers or partners.

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organization Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Republic Oil Corporation
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Logging
[ ] Gravel Quarrying
[X] Coal Mining
[X] Iron Mining
[ ] Bauxite Mining
[X] Oil Drilling
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:

Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Continental Steel Limited
Category (please tick all that apply):
[X] Steel Milling
[ ] Aluminium Production
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:


Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Fortress Construction
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[X] Railways
[X] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[X] Warehousing
[ ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Republic Oil Corporation
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Fabric Production
[ ] Cement Production
[ ] Prefabricated Panel Production
[ ] Brickmaking
[ ] Lumber Milling
[ ] Synthetic Fertilizer Production
[ ] Explosives Manufacturing
[ ] Chemical Production
[X] Oil Refining
[ ] Plastic Production
[ ] Electronic Component Production
[ ] Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Azul Transportation Corporation
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Vehicle Manufacturing
[ ] Train Manufacturing
[ ] Aircraft Manufacturing
[X] Shipbuilding
[X] Vehicle Scrapping
[X] Ship breaking
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:

Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Fortress Venture Capital Limited
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Housing Developments
[ ] Universities
[ ] Radio Broadcasting
[ ] Television Broadcasting
[X] Cinema
[ ] Art Galleries
[X] Sports Facilities
[X] Retail
[ ] Parks
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:
Upon your approval, Blac Corp will additionally allocate the funds to fund the expansion construction of Big Dawg National Food Company, Duluth donut Bakery Company, Continental Beverage Corporation, Royal Intercontinental Entertainment Corporation facilities, Farmers Harvest, Village Hill Pantry, and Clearview Grand Cinema per your decision.

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Imperial Entertainment Limited
Category (please tick all that apply):
[X] Hotels
[X] Theme Parks
[X] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:
Upon the confirmation on the pending resolution, Imperial will operate and own Royal Intercontinental Entertainment Corporation’s Golden Horizon Resort and a few Royal branded hotels, and Clearview Grand Cinema locations.

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Continental Star Corporation
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[ ] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[X] Other (please specify): Beverage Holding Company
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Continental Beverage Corporation own and operate Blac Corp beverage corporations within the Exclusive economical zone, using local resource to produce the beverages.

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Continental Star Corporation
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[ ] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[X] Other (please specify): Chocolate Company
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Continental Beverage Corporation own and operate Blac Corp's Royal King chocolate corporation within the Exclusive economical zone buying supplies from local suppliers.

Joint Venture Application - Tourism
Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: Harvest Pantry Holdings
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Hotels
[ ] Theme Parks
[ ] Restaurants
[ ] Museums
[ ] Zoos
[ ] Recreational Beaches
[X] Other (please specify): Retail store
Brief Description of Joint Venture:
HPH will own and operate licensed Farmers Harvest Mart and Village Hill Pantry small retail stores catering in fresh, organic, and healthy breads supplied by local farmers.

Nation: Krow-Bock
Organisation Applying: Fortress Investment Holding Limited
Name of Joint Venture: ContinentalLink Delivery Express
Description of Joint Venture:
CDE will provide domestic shipping service for all Fortress Investment Holding Limited subsidiaries and any interested companies seeking quick delivery shipping.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:44 am

Krow-Bock wrote:
Official Blac Corporation Holding Corporation Letter of Joint-Venture Foreign Developmental and Affairs

To the government of Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics,
On behalf of Blac Corporation Holding Corporation I, Chief Foreign Affair Officer Nathaniel Richards, announce a preliminary non-binding submission of the formation of Fortress Investment Holding Limited under a joint-venture agreement. Upon the establishment of Fortress Investment Holding Limited, both Blac Corporation Holding and Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics mutually own 49% of ownership stock while the local government owns 2% to be used in further economical expansion and growth. As Blac Corporation Holding is a multinational corporation, the corporation will train and provide resources for all aforementioned companies to hire and train domestic individuals to ensure operations are smooth and effective upon each company full operational period. Due to the financial and logistic delegations always being a hugely determining factors regarding matters like this, all compensation and further structural details are always subject to change and further negotiation is always encouraged.

Within this agreement, Fortress Investment Holding Limited will own and operate domestic businesses that will provide exclusive services and products to the LSSR exclusive economic zone, where both the LSSR and Fortress Investment receive their proper financial compensation.

- Azul Transportation Corporation | Engineering
- Continental Beverage Corporation,
- Continental Steel Limited | Metal Fabrication
- Fortress Construction | Infrastructure
- Imperial Entertainment Limited | Tourism
- Republic Mining Corporation | Mining and oil
- Republic Oil Corporation | Heavy industry

I look forward to your decision and regardless of the outcome, I do wish you all the continued growth and success of your beloved nation and your many civilians.

Very respectful,
Nathaniel Richards
Blac Corp Chief Foreign Affair Officer


Blac Corp

Dear Mr. Richards,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Fortress Investment Holding Limited joint venture has been approved!

We are delighted to inform you that construction of the various facilities and infrastructure is already underway and is currently making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of some of the works on one of the new facilities.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Shirikon Deruta
Posts: 1
Founded: Dec 24, 2024
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Shirikon Deruta » Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:34 am

Joint Venture Application - Engineering
Nation: Shirikon Deruta
Organisation Applying: NOVASONI Corporation
Name of Joint Venture: NOVASONI San Citrón Car Production
Category (please tick all that apply):
[x] Road Vehicle Manufacturing
[ ] Train Manufacturing
[ ] Aircraft Manufacturing
[ ] Shipbuilding
[ ] Vehicle Scrapping
[ ] Ship breaking
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to build a main building which to produce cars that would use the imported parts from a port nearby. Allowing us to supply our car making factories.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:20 pm

Shirikon Deruta wrote:Joint Venture Application - Engineering
Nation: Shirikon Deruta
Organisation Applying: NOVASONI Corporation
Name of Joint Venture: NOVASONI San Citrón Car Production
Category (please tick all that apply):
[x] Road Vehicle Manufacturing
[ ] Train Manufacturing
[ ] Aircraft Manufacturing
[ ] Shipbuilding
[ ] Vehicle Scrapping
[ ] Ship breaking
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to build a main building which to produce cars that would use the imported parts from a port nearby. Allowing us to supply our car making factories.


NOVASONI Corporation
Shirikon Deruta

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the NOVASONI San Citrón Car Production joint venture has been approved!

We are delighted to inform you that construction of the plant is already underway and is currently making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the works on the new plant.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:15 pm


Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind Energies Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón Power LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[x] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to establish 20 megawatts (MW) of ( fixed-tilt solar panels) solar farm near Bahía de Palmeras, primarily for our resort.

Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind EnviroTex Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón EnviroTex LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[X] Sewage Treatment
[X] Other (please specify): Waste management
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to establish a Sewage Treatment & waste management plant near Bahía de Palmeras, primarily for our resort.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:42 pm

Oakwood Landing wrote:(Image)

Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind Energies Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón Power LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[x] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to establish 20 megawatts (MW) of ( fixed-tilt solar panels) solar farm near Bahía de Palmeras, primarily for our resort.

Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: Oakwood Landing
Organisation Applying: Silverwind EnviroTex Ltd.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón EnviroTex LLC
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[X] Sewage Treatment
[X] Other (please specify): Waste management
Brief Description of Joint Venture: We would like to establish a Sewage Treatment & waste management plant near Bahía de Palmeras, primarily for our resort.


Silverwind EnviroTex Ltd.
Silverwind Energies Ltd.
Oakwood Landing

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Isla Citrón Power LLC and Isla Citrón EnviroTex LLC joint ventures have been approved!

We are delighted to inform you that construction is already underway and is currently making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the works on the new solar farm.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone
Last edited by Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics on Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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New Visayan Islands
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Postby New Visayan Islands » Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:03 am

Letter of Intent on Joint Venture Application

Administrative Office, Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Isla Citrón
Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics (LSSR)

To whom it may concern,

We at Solar Overdrive, Inc. hereby present this Letter of Intent on Joint Venture Application to express our intent to show our interest in applying for a Joint Venture. Our expertise in the realm of solar energy has given us the confidence to see the successful use of solar energy expand across the known world.

You will find our application form attached to this letter. Part of this proposal will see Solar Overdrive and the LSSR each holding a 45% share of ownership stock, with locl government holding the remaining 10% for the purpose of economic expansion and growth.

Hiram Yabut
President, Solar Overdrive, Inc.
348 Parang Road S, Silonay District, Calapan, MR, Visayan Confederation
Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: New Visayan Islands
Organisation Applying: Solar Overdrive, Inc.
Name of Joint Venture: Solar Overdrive - Isla Citrón SEZ
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ X ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Establishment of a solar farm with a capacity of 2000 MW.
Let "¡Viva la Libertad!" be a cry of Eternal Defiance to the Jackboot.
My TGs are NOT for Mod Stuff.

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Posts: 45
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Father Knows Best State

Postby Mistralia » Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:35 pm

(OoC: Awesome to see W&R:SR used for NS purposes!)

Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: The Federation of Mistralia
Organisation Applying: MistAir Inc.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón Air Services
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ X ] Airports
[ X ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: MistAir is a leading Mistralian airline and air services provider. Seeing the increase in economic activity and diversity of industries, we feel an airport would serve Isla Citrón well and are prepared to invest in Isla Citrón's necessary infrastructure and facilities. Although the SEZ's current population is low, there appears to be rapid growth in the number of workers, job opportunities, and tourism potential. We are seeking to get in early and believe this project has immense short and long term gains for both Isla Citrón and MistAir.
Named after the mistral winds
About Mistralia

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Postby Gonswanza » Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:54 pm

Joint Venture Application - Resource Extraction
Nation: The Armed Republic of Gonswanza
Organisation Applying: Deep Dragon Mining Co.
Name of Joint Venture: Citrón Mining Inc
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Logging
[ ] Gravel Quarrying
[X] Coal Mining
[X] Iron Mining
[X] Bauxite Mining
[ ] Oil Drilling
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:
Hence, under the guidance of the Coatl family, and to further development in the region, Deep Dragon Mining Co has extended a hand to Isla Citrón, in an attempt to boost the local economy along with increasing buying power, offering fair wages and stable employment, not liable to take a drastic turn for the worst should the economy spiral out of control. Thus, by establishing mines in the southwest, south, and along the western slopes of the local mountains, with the main branch based in Porto Citron and a secondary branch in Bahia De Palmeras, CMI (under DDMC) can push for sustainable resource extraction with assurances in reduced ecological impact, while steps are taken to also ensure local safety standards are met if not exceeded. While the Porto Citron branch will be perhaps the largest employer, it will also take up (partial) responsibility for shipping and logistics, as needed, for operations to be established and continue as the years pass with a net positive income for the island and investors.
Praise our glorious leader Laura Ortiz!
Yea, I sell things. Lots of things. KTO Member!
[GNN] Check [hyperlink blocked] for further instructions or [frequency blocked]. /// Finland holds off Russian advance, Baltic sea turned into a "bathtub from hell". /// Strange signals from space, likely a dysfunctional probe /// New body armor rolling off the line, onto Gonswanzan soldiers /// Canada declares war against the US after a bloody coup. /// Japan deploys infantry to Korea, post-unification.

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Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics
Posts: 36
Founded: Oct 16, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:45 am

New Visayan Islands wrote:
Letter of Intent on Joint Venture Application

Administrative Office, Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Isla Citrón
Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics (LSSR)

To whom it may concern,

We at Solar Overdrive, Inc. hereby present this Letter of Intent on Joint Venture Application to express our intent to show our interest in applying for a Joint Venture. Our expertise in the realm of solar energy has given us the confidence to see the successful use of solar energy expand across the known world.

You will find our application form attached to this letter. Part of this proposal will see Solar Overdrive and the LSSR each holding a 45% share of ownership stock, with locl government holding the remaining 10% for the purpose of economic expansion and growth.

Hiram Yabut
President, Solar Overdrive, Inc.
348 Parang Road S, Silonay District, Calapan, MR, Visayan Confederation
Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: New Visayan Islands
Organisation Applying: Solar Overdrive, Inc.
Name of Joint Venture: Solar Overdrive - Isla Citrón SEZ
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ ] Airports
[ ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ X ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: Establishment of a solar farm with a capacity of 2000 MW.


Solar Overdrive, Inc.
New Visayan Islands

Dear Mr. Yabut,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Solar Overdrive - Isla Citrón SEZ joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the solar plant is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

Mistralia wrote:
Joint Venture Application - Infrastructure
Nation: The Federation of Mistralia
Organisation Applying: MistAir Inc.
Name of Joint Venture: Isla Citrón Air Services
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Road Facilities
[ ] Railways
[ ] Port Facilities
[ X ] Airports
[ X ] Heliports
[ ] Cableways
[ ] Warehousing
[ ] Solar Power
[ ] Wind Power
[ ] Nuclear Power
[ ] Water Treatment
[ ] Sewage Treatment
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture: MistAir is a leading Mistralian airline and air services provider. Seeing the increase in economic activity and diversity of industries, we feel an airport would serve Isla Citrón well and are prepared to invest in Isla Citrón's necessary infrastructure and facilities. Although the SEZ's current population is low, there appears to be rapid growth in the number of workers, job opportunities, and tourism potential. We are seeking to get in early and believe this project has immense short and long term gains for both Isla Citrón and MistAir.


Mistralia wrote:(OoC: Awesome to see W&R:SR used for NS purposes!)

thanks ^^ it's something i've on-and-off thought about doing for years :3 happy to finally get around to it

MistAir Inc.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Isla Citrón Air Services joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the airport is underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone

Gonswanza wrote:Joint Venture Application - Resource Extraction
Nation: The Armed Republic of Gonswanza
Organisation Applying: Deep Dragon Mining Co.
Name of Joint Venture: Citrón Mining Inc
Category (please tick all that apply):
[ ] Logging
[ ] Gravel Quarrying
[X] Coal Mining
[X] Iron Mining
[X] Bauxite Mining
[ ] Oil Drilling
[ ] Other (please specify):
Brief Description of Joint Venture:
Hence, under the guidance of the Coatl family, and to further development in the region, Deep Dragon Mining Co has extended a hand to Isla Citrón, in an attempt to boost the local economy along with increasing buying power, offering fair wages and stable employment, not liable to take a drastic turn for the worst should the economy spiral out of control. Thus, by establishing mines in the southwest, south, and along the western slopes of the local mountains, with the main branch based in Porto Citron and a secondary branch in Bahia De Palmeras, CMI (under DDMC) can push for sustainable resource extraction with assurances in reduced ecological impact, while steps are taken to also ensure local safety standards are met if not exceeded. While the Porto Citron branch will be perhaps the largest employer, it will also take up (partial) responsibility for shipping and logistics, as needed, for operations to be established and continue as the years pass with a net positive income for the island and investors.


Deep Dragon Mining Co.
The Armed Republic of Gonswanza

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Administrative Office of the Special Economic Zone is delighted to inform you that the Citrón Mining Inc joint venture has been approved!

Construction of the mines are underway and making steady progress. I've attached an aerial photograph of the current state of the works on the iron mine.

We are excited for the future of our partnership! Expect an update soon, upon the joint venture reaching operational status.

Yours Sincerely,

María Lopez
Chief of Central Planning
Isla Citrón Special Economic Zone



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