Strange New World is a geopolitical RP set in January 2025, but with a twist: history has diverged from ours. This opens up endless possibilities as the world can change considerably.
The Point of Divergence (PoD) is the birth of human history. It is up to the players to decide if they want to create a completely different world or one closely resembling our own. While there is broad freedom given, some events still take place:
Alexander's Conquests
Roman Empire
Spread of Christianity in Europe
Spread of Islam
Mongol conquests
European colonization of the Americas
Karl Marx and Marxism existing
1931 financial crash
2008 global financial crisis
Players will be given a lot of freedom in shaping the events and history of this world, but there should be common sense and realism. Bavaria uniting Germany? Sure. Ulm uniting Germany? No. Chinese colonizing the Pacific coast of the Americas? Yes. Chinese conquest of Europe? No.
I will also not allow colonial empires to still exist (though I will allow limited overseas territories). Anticolonialism was still a thing in this TL.
Every IRL month equals four IC months. At the end of each IRL month, I will be releasing a report that will:
- show the consequences of your actions: if you implemented an economic policy, the report will mention if it succeeded or failed.
- offer events: the world will be a live one. Those can range from local conflicts to terrorist attacks to protests to natural disasters.
1. Be realistic: Use common sense when it comes to undertaking actions.
France invading Algeria to topple a dictatorship and install a democracy will be allowed. France invading Algeria to annex it into France proper or turn it into an official colony will not be allowed.
A middle-sized country with very high debt spending tens of billions of dollars without raising taxes or accounting for the huge deficit will lead to an economic crisis.
2. This is not a map-painting game.
If you start invading countries left and right (especially if you do not have a good reason), you will suffer from sanctions or outright intervention. If I feel your actions are far too unrealistic, I might even block them.
Even if you invade to "bring democracy to X country", you still need proper justification and might still face public opposition. You need a good reason to intervene and your citizens - especially if you are a democracy - will not be cheering on if you do not justify it properly to the public.
3. Wars
Ideally, the result of wars should be decided by agreement between the players. This is a collaborative RP, not an antagonistic one. In cases where this is not possible, though, I will be deciding the results based on numbers, logistics, tactics, and post quality.
Fill out the application to join. You can post in the IC only if you have been accepted. Reservations last a week. You can renew them only once. If you do not renew your reservation or fail again to app, then your nation will be free once again to be taken by another player.
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[b]NS Name:[/b]
[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Official Language(s):[/b]
[b]Type of Government:[/b]
[b]Head of State:[/b]
[b]Head of Government:[/b] If HoS and HoG are same person, then simply repeat their name.
[b]Legislature (the name of your national legislature):[/b]
[b]Legislative Houses (if your legislature is bicameral):[/b]
[b]Party in Power:[/b]
[b]National Issues:[/b] Mention [i]three (3)[/i] issues - domestic and foreign - that plague your nation and which you need to tackle in order to prosper.
[b]Public Goals:[/b]
[b]Private Goals:[/b]
[b]GDP (nominal):[/b]
[b]Economic System:[/b]
[b]Defense Budget (USD):[/b]
[b]RP Example(s):[/b] If you are new and do not have an example, you can write a short (two paragraphs long) RP in your app for me to evaluate.
Do not remove - 2025RP[/box]
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[b]NS Name:[/b]
[b]RP Name:[/b]
Do not remove - 2025RP[/box]