For all of your non-NationStates related roleplaying needs!
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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy


Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:11 pm


Strange New World


Strange New World is a geopolitical RP set in January 2025, but with a twist: history has diverged from ours. This opens up endless possibilities as the world can change considerably.

Point of Divergence

The Point of Divergence (PoD) is the birth of human history. It is up to the players to decide if they want to create a completely different world or one closely resembling our own. While there is broad freedom given, some events still take place:

Alexander's Conquests
Roman Empire
Spread of Christianity in Europe
Spread of Islam
Mongol conquests
European colonization of the Americas
Karl Marx and Marxism existing
1931 financial crash
2008 global financial crisis

Players will be given a lot of freedom in shaping the events and history of this world, but there should be common sense and realism. Bavaria uniting Germany? Sure. Ulm uniting Germany? No. Chinese colonizing the Pacific coast of the Americas? Yes. Chinese conquest of Europe? No.

I will also not allow colonial empires to still exist (though I will allow limited overseas territories). Anticolonialism was still a thing in this TL.


Every IRL month equals four IC months. At the end of each IRL month, I will be releasing a report that will:

- show the consequences of your actions: if you implemented an economic policy, the report will mention if it succeeded or failed.
- offer events: the world will be a live one. Those can range from local conflicts to terrorist attacks to protests to natural disasters.


1. Be realistic: Use common sense when it comes to undertaking actions.

France invading Algeria to topple a dictatorship and install a democracy will be allowed. France invading Algeria to annex it into France proper or turn it into an official colony will not be allowed.
A middle-sized country with very high debt spending tens of billions of dollars without raising taxes or accounting for the huge deficit will lead to an economic crisis.

2. This is not a map-painting game.

If you start invading countries left and right (especially if you do not have a good reason), you will suffer from sanctions or outright intervention. If I feel your actions are far too unrealistic, I might even block them.
Even if you invade to "bring democracy to X country", you still need proper justification and might still face public opposition. You need a good reason to intervene and your citizens - especially if you are a democracy - will not be cheering on if you do not justify it properly to the public.

3. Wars

Ideally, the result of wars should be decided by agreement between the players. This is a collaborative RP, not an antagonistic one. In cases where this is not possible, though, I will be deciding the results based on numbers, logistics, tactics, and post quality.


Fill out the application to join. You can post in the IC only if you have been accepted. Reservations last a week. You can renew them only once. If you do not renew your reservation or fail again to app, then your nation will be free once again to be taken by another player.

Code: Select all
[b]NS Name:[/b]
[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Official Language(s):[/b]

[b]Type of Government:[/b]
[b]Head of State:[/b]
[b]Head of Government:[/b] If HoS and HoG are same person, then simply repeat their name.
[b]Legislature (the name of your national legislature):[/b]
[b]Legislative Houses (if your legislature is bicameral):[/b]
[b]Party in Power:[/b]
[b]National Issues:[/b] Mention [i]three (3)[/i] issues - domestic and foreign - that plague your nation and which you need to tackle in order to prosper.
[b]Public Goals:[/b]
[b]Private Goals:[/b]

[b]GDP (nominal):[/b]
[b]Economic System:[/b]
[b]Defense Budget (USD):[/b]


[b]RP Example(s):[/b] If you are new and do not have an example, you can write a short (two paragraphs long) RP in your app for me to evaluate.

Do not remove - 2025RP[/box]

Code: Select all
[b]NS Name:[/b]
[b]RP Name:[/b]

Do not remove - 2025RP[/box]
Last edited by Sao Nova Europa on Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:25 am, edited 8 times in total.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:12 pm

Last edited by Sao Nova Europa on Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:23 pm, edited 13 times in total.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:13 pm

NS Name: Sao Nova Europa
RP Name: Prolemaic Realm (Επικράτεια των Πτολεμαίων)/Ptolemies (Πτολεμαῖοι)


Capital: Alexandria
Territory: Map
Population: 274,089,417
Official Language(s): Attic Greek

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: Basileus Markos VI


Head of Government: Traianos Tzimeros


Legislature: National Assembly

The National Assembly consists of 400 Representatives, who are elected every four years, unless snap elections are called earlier. The Prime Minister can request the Basileus to dissolve the Assembly, which would then trigger snap elections. Out of the 400 seats, 300 are filled through single-member constituencies using a First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system. The remaining 100 seats are distributed to parties based on their proportion of the nationwide vote, provided they surpass a 5% electoral threshold. On the ballot, voters choose both a candidate for their district (under the FPTP system) and a party for the proportional representation seats.

Legislative Houses: Unicameral
Party in Power:

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP)
267/400 seats
The PLP is a broadly centrist liberal party. It is center-right economically, supporting reducing government spending, cutting taxes, privatizations, and a pro-business environment. Socially, it is center-left and supports the legalization of marijuana for recreational usage, same-sex marriage, defending access to abortion, and secularism.

Christian Social Union (CSU)
122/400 seats
The CSU is a center-right to right-wing party. It is center-left and populist economically, supporting family-oriented welfare schemes, increased support for low-income people, investing in healthcare and education, investments into infrastructure (especially in rural regions where their support is concentrated), and a regulated marketplace. Socially, they are conservative. They oppose same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization, and they are strongly pro-life, seeking to amend the current abortion law which they deem as being too restrictive. They believe in the importance of Christian ethics.

United Left (UL)
The United Left is a left-wing party. It is the only third party that manages to have representation in the National Assembly. The United Left is progressive on both economic and social issues. It criticizes the "duopoly" of the CSU and the PLP. It attacks the PLP as a "neoliberal" party and the CSU for being "regressive".

National Issues:

Culture Wars
There is increased polarization between the populist, nationalist, and socially conservative rural populations of the kingdom supporting the CSU and the liberal, cosmopolitan, progressive urban populations supporting the PLP.

Deficit Spending
The CSU administrations of the past years have been investing heavily in social services and infrastructure spending through foreign loans and running fiscal deficits. The new PLP administration under PM Tzimeros is hoping to reverse this trend and balance the budget.

Middle Income Trap
The middle-income trap refers to a situation whereby a middle-income country is failing to transition to a high-income economy due to rising costs and declining competitiveness. This is exactly the situation the Ptolemaic Realm finds itself trapped in, and the government will have to find a way to remedy this.

Public Goals: Economic growth
Private Goals: Regional Supremacy

GDP (nominal): $2,527bln
Currency: Drachma
Economic System: Regulated Capitalism
Defense Budget (USD): 3%
Alliance(s): -


462,000 soldiers-at-arms

338,000 men
1,942 Tanks
11,000 Armored Vehicles
1,098 Self-Propelled Artillery
1,039 Towed Artillery
1,036 Rocket Projectors

73,000 men
12 Destroyers
6 Frigates
8 Corvettes
18 Submarines
48 Patrol Vessels
20 Mine Warfare

51,000 men
357 Fighters/Interceptors
183 Dedicated Attack
182 Transports
74 Special Missions
463 Helicopters
110 Attack Helicopters


The Ancient Kingdom (305 BC - 641 AD)
In 305 BC, Ptolemy I Soter, a general of Alexander the Great, established himself as the ruler of Egypt after Alexander's death, founding the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The reign of his successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (284 - 246 BC), was a period of great prosperity and cultural flourishing known as the "First Golden Age" of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. The kingdom saw challenges during the reign of Ptolemy IV Philopator (221 - 204), as the country suffered from instability and fought against the Seleucids, but it remained a dominant power in the Mediterranean.

The rise of the Roman Republic threatened the independence of the Ptolemaic kingdom. Cleopatra VII (51 BC - 2 AD) managed to maintain a delicate balance of power with the Roman Republic, leveraging Egypt's resources and strategic position to ensure its independence. She avoided entangling Egypt in the civil war between Mark Antony and Octavian. Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar (commonly known as Caesarion), reigning from 2 to 37 AD, continued his mother's policies of strengthening Egypt's economy and maintaining diplomatic relations with Rome.

The successors of Ptolemy XV focused on expeditions into Nubia while maintaining a cordial relationship with the Romans. Indeed, it could be said that Egypt resembled a client state of Rome as a price for maintaining its independence. The economy flourished - mostly thanks to grain exports to meet the rising demands of the Roman Empire - while Hellenization spread as more and more natives adopted the Greek language (with multiple Egyptian loanwords of course). By the third century AD, the Hellenization process had been largely complete.

This period saw a flourishing of Greek culture. Scholars, artists, and philosophers from across the Mediterranean found a home in Ptolemaic Egypt, fostering intellectual exchange and innovation. The Library of Alexandria, in particular, remained a beacon of learning, housing a vast collection of Greek texts and serving as a hub for scholarly pursuits. Thus this period is known as the "Second Golden Age" of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

The 4th century AD saw the spread of a new religion - Christianity. The Ptolemies were hesitant to adopt the religion as it challenged the Cult of Alexander the Great and the syncretic Greco-Egyptian pantheon that legitimized the Ptolemaic Dynasty. A solution was founded by Theodoros, Bishop of Alexandria, in 334 AD: Alexander the Great was an instrument of God, spreading the Greek language in the Eastern Mediterranean and thus allowing multiple peoples with different tongues to understand each other. Thus the peoples of the world could under the word of God spread by the - written in Greek - gospel.

This justification allowed Basileus Konstantinos III to adopt Christianity as the state religion of Egypt in 356 while still venerating Saint Alexander the Great as the Guardian-Saint of Egypt. The Basileis of Egypt kept the Christian Church under tight royal control, with the Basileus considered the "chosen one" of God to rule over Egypt and the ultimate arbiter of theological disputes. One such dispute was the Miaphysite doctrine. Miaphysite teaching was based on Cyril of Alexandria's formula μία φύσις τοῦ θεοῦ λόγου σεσαρκωμένη, meaning "one physis of the Word of God made flesh" (or "... of God the Word made flesh"). The Miaphysite controversy led to a schism within the Christian Church, resulting in the separation of the Egyptian Orthodox Church from the rest of the Christian world, as the Ptolemaic Basileus adopted the Miaphysite doctrine.

In the fifth and sixth centuries AD, Egypt suffered invasions from Nubians. That same period saw Roman diplomatic leverage over Egypt lessen as the Western Roman Empire collapsed and the Eastern Roman Empire faced its own crisis. Thus, Ptolemaic Egypt was able to assert its independence in a way unseen since the Hellenistic times. Ptolemaic Egypt was at the forefront of the Arab invasions. In 641 AD, in the Battle of Giza, Basileus Alexandros VII the Cursed was defeated by an invading Arab force. Lower Egypt fell under Islamic rule and the Ptolemies were forced to retreat to Upper Egypt.

The Medieval Kingdom (641 - 1522)
The loss of Lower Egypt and the retreat to Upper Egypt transformed the Ptolemaic kingdom. Facing the threat of invasion by the Arabs in the north, a massive program of fortifications began. Urban centers declined in favor of castles and fortified settlements. The standing army was replaced by a landed army (men granted farms in exchange for service in the military when required plus maintaining their own weaponry and equipment), as the Ptolemies faced economic problems with the loss of Lower Egypt.

However, the kingdom survived and managed to repel multiple Arab invasions. Aside from repelling the Muslim invaders, Ptolemaic armies made incursions into Nubia, further strengthening the kingdom. Konstantinos V the Soter (683 - 702) was perhaps the greatest medieval ruler of Ptolemaic Egypt. A tough soldier and brilliant strategist, he was most comfortable campaigning on horseback rather than living a luxurious life in some palace. He invaded Lower Egypt in 689 and defeated the Arabs in several decisive battles. By 691, Konstantinos had liberated the north from Islamic domination and reunified Egypt under Ptolemaic rule. For this success, Konstantinos is venerated as a Saint by the Egyptian Orthodox Church.

The immediate successors of Konstantinos were less militant and instead focused on domestic development. This period coincided with the increased influence of eunuchs in government and thus is known in historiography as the "Reign of the Eunuchs" (702 - 1025). This period was a golden age in the economy and culture. Commerce flourished and there was greater urbanization than ever before. The medieval Ptolemies were pioneers field of water management, developing innovative techniques for irrigation, water storage, and distribution. They built large reservoirs that helped increase agricultural productivity and improve the lives of people in rural areas. The volume of trade with both the West and the East increased substantially. On culture, this period saw the construction of hundreds of churches, a flourishing of Greek literature and plays, a revival of Greek philosophy, and important works on mathematics and geometry.

In 1025, Basileus Nikolaos III came to the throne. Unlike his weak predecessors, he relied a lot less on eunuchs and bureaucrats and more on his military officers. He launched multiple expeditions to conquer Nubia. His campaigns became legendary for their brutality, as he put on the sword much of Sudan to enforce Ptolemaic rule over the region. By 1047, he had succeeded in pacifying the region. Nikolaos III was assassinated in 1049 by one of his officers, Agathocles, who attempted to usurp the throne.

Nikolaos' younger brother, Ioannes V, challenged Agathocles and a civil war ensued. Agathocles was defeated in 1053 and executed. Ioannes V focused on restoring internal peace rather than attempting any wars of conquest. He founded the University of Alexandria, one of the oldest universities in the world. It attracted scholars from all over the Christian world and it offered education in various fields, including theology, law, medicine, and philosophy.

The successors of Ioannes V kept up his policies of patronizing scholars and artists. Thus the 1053 - 1181 period was one of cultural flourishing. Ptolemaic scholars made significant contributions to various scientific fields, including astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. With royal patronage, hundreds of churches and dozens of luxurious palaces were constructed. Multiple works of poetry and literature were published. Egypt became truly one of the most important centers of Christian culture. The economy flourished as well. The markets of Alexandria were renowned for their diversity of goods, ranging from spices and textiles to precious metals and gemstones.

The Ptolemies supported the crusades launched by Western Christendom against the Islamic Caliphate, helping them conquer much of the Levant, but eventually by 1187 Jerusalem was back under Muslim control. This period coincided with internal instability and several palace coups and military revolts that prevented the Ptolemies from supporting the Christians of the Levant from this Islamic counteroffensive. This period of instability lasted until 1205, when Basileus Xenophon I came to the throne.

Xenophon issued new coinage, reformed the tax system to make it more efficient and fair, undertook a number of irrigation projects, and constructed new fortifications to protect Egypt from the resurgent Muslim world. He also acquired control of Crete and Cyprus, vital islands for control of trade routs in the eastern Mediterranean. During the reign of Xenophon and his successors, Alexandria continued to thrive as a cultural and intellectual hub, attracting scholars, artists, and merchants from across the Christian world. Trade routes connecting Egypt to the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean facilitated the exchange of goods and commodities, making Ptolemaic Egypt one of the most prosperous Christian kingdoms.

This period of prosperity ended in the 1400s, which ushered in a century of instability marked by civil wars, palace couples, military revolts, and inflation. This period lasted until 1522, when Xenophon VII the Soter ascended the Egyptian throne.

The Early Modern Kingdom (1522 - 1855)
Xenophon VII (1522 - 1571) had a long and peaceful reign. He crushed internal revolts and restored a semblance of stability. He circulated new coinage and bolstered public finances by reforming the tax system. He redistributed land from large landowners to peasants who worked them, breaking the power of the landholding nobility. His reign saw the construction of multiple new churches and the flourishing of Greek poetry and literature.

His successors Aristeides II (1571 - 1602), Themistocles V (1602 - 1631), Themistocles VI (1631 - 1667), and Aristeides III (1667 - 1689) oversaw a prosperous kingdom. The agricultural products of the Nile River were exported all across the Meditterean and enriched the coffers of the kingdom. Arts and architecture were patronized by the Ptolemaic Basileis. Basileus Aristeides IV (1689 - 1711) used the wealth of the kingdom to expand control of Egypt into southern Sudan. His successor, Themistocles VII (1711 - 1767), would construct numerous cities in Sudan and import Egyptian settlers to Hellenize the region. Ptolemaic armies arrived in Uganda during this period, seeking to annex the territories north of Lake Alexander. Between 1754 and 1766, the region was placed under Ptolemaic rule, becoming the province of New Egypt.

His son, Aristeides V (1767 - 1771) was forced to accept several unequal treaties as the Ptolemies, despite their wealth, lacked the technological superiority of European Great Powers. The treaties he signed were unpopular, as Egyptians long considered their kingdom to be the center of the Christian world and could not accept a secondary position to the "Frankish barbarians". Aristeides V was succeeded by Themistocles VIII (1771 - 1799). During this period, he would oversee the implementation of significant reforms to stabilize the Empire. He would reduce unnecessary government expenses and crack down on government corruption. He would also finance several infrastructure projects in an attempt to revitalize the economy. The Ptolemaic military expanded government control from New Egypt (Uganda) to Kenya, which in 1786 became the province of "New Macedonia".

Konstantinos XVII (1799 - 1821) created the Academy of Alexandria to promote Greek culture and the Antiquities Institute, under the management of European academics, to promote archeological work in Egypt and Sudan. He would finance the construction of Greek cities in Uganda and Sudan, settled with Greek-speaking Egyptians and Sudanese. He would also begin the process of modernizing the Royal Army by sending select officers to study in the West. The increased Westernization wasn't without its challengers, and Konstantinos had to put down multiple revolts by groups opposed to his reformist agenda.

Konstantinos XVIII (1821 - 1857) was a more conservative Basileus compared to his father. While he accommodated Westerners - because he recognized that he did not have the choice to confront them - he would refuse to implement any meaningful reforms. A group of reformist military officers who had studied in the West formed the ‘Society of Progress’, a secret organization for military officers who believed the kingdom was stagnating under the current regime. Many of them had been inspired by the ‘Democratic Movement’, an intellectual movement that studied and idolized Ancient Athens and its democracy.

In 1853, these officers launched a military coup and forced the Basileus to grant permission for a Constitutional Assembly. This Assembly would draft the Constitution of 1854, which established a constitutional monarchy. All males aged 21 or older would have the right to vote. The first elections were held in 1855, to give time for the formation of political parties and the civic education of the population. The 1855 elections resulted in a fragmented parliament but after seven months, a coalition government was formed.

The Modern Kingdom (1855 - Present)
In theory liberalism and democracy won. In practice though the lack of democratic political traditions meant that political parties were centered around either a charismatic personality or in support of regional interests rather than an ideology. Parties would gain and expand their support by offering to their supporters various benefits including tax exemptions for certain regions and appointment to local and national offices. Elections became a competition for the ‘spoils’ of the state rather than a debate between policies and ideas.

Some progress towards modernization was made during this period. Foreign-language schools were established in 1862, modern arsenals were established in 1865, and a modern naval dockyard in 1866. Yet the constant squabbling and political instability led to growing dissatisfaction with the status quo that threatened democracy, and indeed there was a military coup attempt in 1867 that was barely foiled. Thankfully for the democratic institutions, charismatic liberal politician Nikolaos Andreades emerged during this period. Unlike most other Ptolemaic politicians, he had an intellectual basis for his beliefs, but he was also practical enough to offer political patronage and bribery to amass the necessary political capital to push through necessary reforms.

As Prime Minister (1869 - 1887), Andreades pushed through a radical reformist agenda. Using loans and revenue raised from a modernized and expanded system of taxation, he invested heavily in the construction of railways that sped up commerce and travel within the kingdom. A machine factory was established in 1870, and students were sent for advanced education in Europe starting in 1872. A system of budgets similar to that of Western governments was implemented. On the local level, the Kallisthenis system was implemented, which included the establishment of a modern police system and the expansion of local organizational functions. Autonomous research institutes were set up in the urban areas, to promote modern Western-style education. A new code and judicial system came into law. The Bank of Egypt, founded in 1877, used taxes to fund the construction of modern factories. Other economic reforms passed by the government included a unified modern currency, commercial and tax laws, stock exchanges, and a communications network. The establishment of a modern institutional framework conductive to an advanced capitalist economy took time, but was completed by the 1890s. By this time, the government had largely relinquished direct control of the modernization process, primarily for budgetary reasons.

The army was reformed, with Western-style education for officers, many of whom were sent abroad for education. Wages for soldiers were increased to combat corruption. Most importantly, Andreades invested heavily in the navy as he believed a strong navy was what allowed European powers to expand their influence across the globe. Andreades was also able to successfully deal with two reactionary coup attempts by ultraconservative military officers who opposed his Westernizing reforms - in 1872 and 1885. The coups were foiled with the support of younger officers who supported Andreades' reform of the military and saw those coups as chances to sideline older, conservative officers.

The modernization reforms of Andreades paid off, and the kingdom entered a period of renewed prosperity even after his death in 1887 due to a heart attack. Under Kleomenes Thodoris (1903 - 1911), the idea of the National Renewal Movement (Κίνημα Εθνικής Αναγέννησης) gained prominence. A nationalist movement called for a strong centralized state to push through radical Westernizing reforms, a strong military and a culture of discipline, veneration of the Basileus, an attack on "corrupt particracy", and Greek nationalism. Although many of the early proponents of the movement were supporters of Andreades, they had abandoned liberal progressivism for an authoritarian and nationalistic form of progressivism - progress in the service of strengthening the "national body".

Kleomenes Thodoris was a moderate proponent of those ideas. Although he believed in the need for strong government and a greater role of the Basileus in political affairs, he rejected outright authoritarianism or absolute monarchism. Despite his orations on morality and attacks on "particracy", he would utilize political patronage to maintain control of a fractured parliament. In other ways, though, he embraced the new radical ideas of the movement. He expanded the centralized public educational system - which had been founded in the 1860s - and pushed for Greek nationalist curricula. This was accompanied by the funding of ‘Cultural Festivities’, which promoted Greek cultural activities, and the ‘Summer Camps’ in which children in urban centers (and even some rural centers) would spend their summer in government-managed camps where they would be indoctrinated in the values of Greek nationalism. There were even government-backed attempts at pseudo-history claiming the ancient Egyptians were of Greek origin to strengthen this idea further.

Thodoris was succeeded as Prime Minister by Eleftherios Venizelos (1911 - 1922, 1924 - 1935). Venizelos was a fervent nationalist progressive like Thodoris, believing in the power of a strong government to modernize Egypt and to make it strong. His government increased funding for both infrastructure projects and the military. In 1931, his government enacted female franchise. The Ptolemaic Realm saw substantial economic growth during most of this period but it was affected by the global 1931 economic crisis. Radicals on both the left and the right gained increasing popularity.

The death of Venizelos in 1935 caused a vacuum of power as no one figure could wield power in the fractured parliament, causing gridlock and a quick succession of dozens of short-lived prime ministers. On July 1st 1937, Basileus Georgios V appointed former military officer and MP Makarios Papadopoulos as Prime Minister of a broad coalition of centrist and right-wing parties. On the eve of a massive strike organized by various workers unions, on August 4th 1937, Papadopoulos (with the ascent of the Basileus) suspended the constitution, dismissed the parliament, and imposed martial law.

From 1937 to 1978, the Ptolemaic Realm was under an authoritarian government called "the New Order". Papadopoulos was Prime Minister from 1937 to 1958. Under his premiership, the kingdom recovered from the economic crisis thanks to massive investments in infrastructure and public works programs. His government also promoted tourism, especially to Crete, Cyprus, and Egypt. In 1958, Konstantinos Kaklamanis became Prime Minister. His government invested heavily in industrialization and export-oriented industries. Between 1955 and 1975, the economy grew at a rate of 4-6% annually. However, the increased economic growth created a middle class that was demanding political freedoms. Kaklamanis was an astute politician and between 1974 and 1978 he began dismantling the authoritarian "New Order" state.

In 1978 elections, the first free elections in decades, his National Party won an overwhelming majority. His 1978 - 1982 government oversaw, however, reduced rates of economic growth and multiple corruption scandals. Kaklamanis resigned from the leadership of his party in 1981 (although he remained Prime Minister), as he did not want to lead it in the unfavorable 1982 elections. In those elections, the Christian Social Union (CSU) won an overwhelming majority under the leadership of the charismatic Andreas Papadakis on a platform of Christian morality and social welfare.

Andreas Papadakis established in 1984 the National Health Service, providing universal healthcare to all citizens. He raised the minimum wage, supported trade unions, and invested heavily in welfare for the poorest citizens. The party also stood opposed to no-fault divorce, decriminalization of homosexuality, or abortion rights. It embraced a populist foreign policy of a "national independence" from Great Powers. In 1986 and 1990 elections, the CSU won overwhelming victories.

Meanwhile, the National Party suffered defections to CSU as socially-conservative politicians jumped ship to the more successful party. In 1987, liberal reformers founded the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), which in the 1990 elections superseded the National Party as the main opposition to CSU. The PLP was a party of the urban middle-class that resented high taxation to fund welfare initiatives and who were more cosmopolitan and liberal than the rural, lower-income supporters of the CSU.

The CSU seemed impossible to defeat but in 1993 Andreas Papadakis died. To compound the death of their charismatic leader, a series of corruption scandals emerged that same year. In 1994, the PLP won a majority and Costas Vlachos became Prime Minister. His government legalized no-fault divorce, decriminalized homosexuality, and legalized abortion up to 12 weeks. His government privatized multiple state assets, reduced welfare benefits, liberalized the labor market, and reduced taxation. Bolstered by increased economic growth, and despite resistance from the Christian right over his progressive reforms, Vlachos won reelection with an expanded majority in 1998.

In 2002, the CSU managed to gain a slim majority. Antonis Savvopoulos became Prime Minister. He won another slim victory in 2006. His government (2002 - 2010) was rather moderate. He did not seek to reverse the progressive reforms of Vlachos or undo his economic liberalization. He did however increase welfare spending for low-income citizens and invested in public projects in rural regions. Those projects were mainly financed by deficit spending, which increased foreign debt. Savvopoulos also rejected public calls to allow civil unions for same-sex couples. Despite calls from his party, he refrained from attempting to reverse the legalization of abortion.

The aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis and concerns over high debt led to the defeat of CSU in 2010 and the victory of PLP and Traianos Tzimeros. Tzimeros implemented austerity measures to cut the deficit and reduce public debt. His reforms ensured that the Ptolemaic Realm achieved fiscal balance and exited the crisis by 2013, but were deeply unpopular. The PLP suffered a crushing defeat in the 2014 elections. CSU leader Alekos Alavannos became Prime Minister. He would win reelection in 2018 and 2022. His administration (2014 - 2024) restored some welfare benefits cut by the previous administration, enacted new family-oriented welfare benefits, and launched several infrastructure projects in rural regions. He also passed a law defining marriage as between a man and a woman and became a vocal opponent of "LGBT propaganda". Despite massive protests in urban centers, Alavannos reversed the legalization of abortion in 2016, banning it in all cases except rape, incest, or danger to mother's health.

His popular administration faltered when a massive financial scandal involving briberies by companies to undertake infrastructure projects was discovered in 2024. Alavannos was himself implicated and resigned. His replacement also resigned a few months later, and so did multiple ministers who were implicated in this and other financial scandals. The CSU majority collapsed and snap elections were called. Traianos Tzimeros, who had rehabilitated his image since the austerity years and had promoted himself as a progressive reformer and advocate of clean government, won a resounding victory in the October 2024 snap elections. His first act as Prime Minister was to legalize abortion once again, with free access in the first 12 weeks.

Whether Tzimeros can move the Ptolemaic Realm past the scandals of the past and into a new progressive direction remains to be seen...

RP Example(s): If you are new and do not have an example, you can write a short (two paragraphs long) RP in your app for me to evaluate.

Do not remove - 2025RP
Last edited by Sao Nova Europa on Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Political Columnist
Posts: 2
Founded: Oct 23, 2024
Corporate Police State

Postby Urdans » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:20 pm

Last edited by Urdans on Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Nov 05, 2023
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:21 pm

NS Name:Malorossi
RP Name:The Commonwealth of Independent States (Eurasia)
Territory:the territories of the USSR without Georgia, the Baltic States and Moldova

Do not remove - 2025RP
Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому.
Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему.

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:25 pm

Malorossi wrote:
NS Name:Malorossi
RP Name:The Commonwealth of Independent States (Eurasia)
Territory:the territories of the USSR without Georgia, the Baltic States and Moldova

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"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Nov 05, 2023
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:26 pm

Name of NS: malorossi
The name of the RP:Union of Independent States(Eurasia,Eurasian Federation)


Capital: Officially, there are three capitals, the cultural capital is in Alma Ata, the judicial capital is in Minsk, and the political capital with the parliament (Senate of the Commonwealth) is in St. Petersburg. In fact, as in Soviet times, everything is decided in Moscow. The actual Russian policy strongly affects the policy of independent states within the union, and the Head of the Coordination Center for Security and Border Protection (which is located in Moscow) is actually the real president of the CIS, having more powers than the official one who is elected in general elections.
Territory:Russian Federation,Republic of Belarus,Ukrainian State,Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Tajikistan,Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan,Republic of Azerbaijan,Republic of Armenia
Population:245,751,042 people
Official language(s): Russian(and the language of the indigenous peoples of Russia, Tatar,Bashkir,Udmurt,Altaic, etc.),Belarusian,Ukrainian,Kazakh, Kyrgyz,Uzbek,Tajik,Turkmen
Type of board: A confederate republican system of presidential-parliamentary (mixed) type
Head of State: President of the Commonwealth Azat Yarnurgaleev, leader of the Islamic Freedom Front
Head of Government: Head of the Border Security and Protection Service:Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin (responsible for the control of border services, counterintelligence of the Commonwealth and diplomacy on behalf of the Commonwealth), Irina Dmitrievna Farion, Head of Internal Political Coordination
Legislative Body (name of your national legislative body): Commonwealth Senate
Legislative bodies (if your legislature is bicameral): unicameral body
The Party in power:
National Salvation Front(151 seats)- Union of right-wing and revanchist parties led by MP Sergei Baburin
The Russian Communist Workers' Party (54 seats) is a leftist revanchist Stalinist party led by Alexander Batov
Yabloko (41st place) is a liberal party led by Grigory Yavlinsky
The Islamic Freedom Front(29 seats) is an Islamist party founded by Heydar Jemal, now led by a pro-Turan Tatar Muslim, Azat Yarnurgaleev.
Green(25 seats)- the Green Eco-Socialist Party led by Alexander Shubin
National issues:
Due to the fact that CIS residents move freely, a huge number of Islamist ghettos appear in Slavic countries. There have been two outbreaks of Islamist uprisings in the Caucasus, and Islamist terrorist attacks are increasingly taking place in Moscow. The demographic decline of the Slavic population and, in contrast, the rise of the Islamic population of Central Asia and the Caucasus is exacerbating. This causes an increase in xenophobic sentiments on the part of the indigenous population of Slavic countries, and the same response among the Islamic population.


Traditionally, Russia is located at the junction of Europe and Asia.Despite Russia's long-standing aspirations to become part of the European Union, it is constrained by the profitability of trade with the rapidly growing Asian tiger. This status of "not joining political blocs" allows for maneuvering between the interests of different countries, but as the contradictions worsen, the need to choose one specific geopolitical course becomes more and more apparent.


The staff of the Security and Border Protection service is rapidly aging, Lev Rokhlin needs to be replaced, and a receiver has not yet been elected. Choosing a receiver can mean a lot, but until then, the country is under threat of destabilization and disintegration.
Public purposes:

The army is actually decentralized. Each country has its own army and its own command, not subordinate to the Chief of the Border Security and Protection Service. This often led to local conflicts (the Second Karabakh War, the Uzbek-Tajik conflict of 2023, the Kazakhstan two-week war (Russia, Armenia and Belarus were on the side of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were on the side of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev), the eight-day war with Georgia (in which many CIS countries refused to participate)). In order to take a more decisive geopolitical position, peacekeepers and border guards alone are not enough, it is necessary to unite all armed forces in the CIS.


Currently, the CIS is a confederation of independent states that are linked by a fragile connection through the Senate and the border security and protection service. The economic dependence of the CIS countries on Moscow so far allows them to maintain unity, but political reforms are also needed to finally form a state in the post-Soviet space.


In fact, thanks to the policy of the state, ROSNEFT, KAZAKHKOSMOS, UKRAGRO, ALROSA are rapidly developing and penetrating the markets of both underdeveloped third world countries and the countries of the European Union, thanks to an extensive network of gas pipes. However, this is not the limit, it is necessary to consolidate its monopoly in developed countries, pushed European TNCs out of Africa.

Personal goals:


Lev Rokhlin has aged during this time, and he urgently needs a replacement. Rokhlin himself suggests Nursultan Nazarbayev as a successor, one of the authors of the concept of the "Eurasian Federation", but many consider this figure too uncontrollable. The security forces are putting forward a promising figure in the form of Alexander Bastrykin. The oligarchs see the odious Ukrainian politician Viktor Yanukovych as a successor, who is a good lobbyist in the CIS. There are also rumors that in the circles of the Senate and the civil apparatus, the popularity of the experienced CIS diplomat Sergey Lavrov, a liberal believer, is growing, who is also considered by analysts as a potential successor. Only liberal parties and liberal circles of the capital's intelligentsia stand behind him. However, there is no unity in choosing a candidate yet, there is a fierce struggle for the place.


Control under democratic governance of the CIS there is a high risk of right/left and Islamic radicalism. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there is no single centralized system of law enforcement agencies and a single database. This is precisely what the Commonwealth will do, despite fears of "authoritarianization of power".

Remembering the bloody wars in Chechnya and the endless terrorist attacks by Islamists, we cannot allow ourselves to have an Islamist as the president of the CIS. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze him out of politics, smoothly and quietly, so that he retires early. Otherwise, a civil war will begin again in Russia
GDP (nominal): 2.2 trillion us dollars
Currency:Altyn (currency for trade within the CIS, officially adopted as the national currency in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. In other countries, the national currencies remained the same.)
The economic system:Oligarchy, in fact, large Eurasian TNCs have intertwined with the apparatus of both national states and the CIS; if in national states oligarchs influence the results of elections, then at the CIS level elections are directly subordinated to the border security and protection service. In Central Asia, the oligarchy is further divided into territorial clans.
Defense budget (in US dollars): 98 billion dollars
Alliance(s): G-8, BRICS, OPEC,Cooperates with NATO through the Partnership for Peace programme.

Military:The United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States consist of border troops (about 70,000 people), armed with 140 armored personnel carriers, 84 BRMDs, air defense, equipped with trucks and helicopters. They are the elite of all national troops within the CIS, but are poorly equipped due to the presence of national troops. Also scattered throughout the CIS are about 20,000 "CIS peacekeeping troops", whose goal is to prevent armed conflicts within the CIS. Armed with 20 new-generation tanks, aviation (26 attack aircraft, 4 bombers, 30 fighters) 140 armored personnel carriers, as a rule, created on the basis of the air force and paratroopers. The main part of the army is directly subordinate to national states.
National Armed Forces
✓Armed Forces of Ukraine

260,000 people, half of whom are conscripts. The rest serve under contracts.

2,860 tanks, 1,212 armored personnel carriers, 607 self-propelled guns, 515 towed artillery, 340 MLRS systems, 90 tactical missile launchers.

43,100 people 124 combat aircraft, about 63 transport, special and training aircraft, about 46 transport and special helicopters, more than 322 air defense systems.
6,500 people 33 patrol ships 16 boats 4 landing ships, 3 destroyers

✓Armed Forces of Belarus

47,950 conscripts 537 tanks, 932 infantry fighting vehicles and 333 self-propelled guns

18,170 people, 260 fighter-bombers and 80 attack helicopters

✓Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1.15 million people, a third of whom are contract soldiers, 1,600 tanks, 9,010 armored personnel carriers, 40 Uran-4 combat robots, 230 operational-tactical missile systems, 986 MLRS, 1,664 self-propelled artillery, 1,870 towed artillery.

Total number of 775 nuclear warheads.

148,000 people, 791 fighter-bombers, 180 strategic bombers, 4,240 transport aircraft, 686 helicopters.

160,000 people, 1 aircraft carrier, 2 battlecruisers, 2 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 11 frigates, 80 corvettes, 11 landing ship tanks, 60 landing ships, 18 special purpose ships, 4 patrol ships, 56 patrol boats, 45 mine countermeasure vessels, 8 special purpose submarines, 65 water-launched cruise and ballistic missiles.

✓Georgian Armed Forces

20,650 people, 143 main battle tanks, 950 armored vehicles, 71 towed artillery and 67 self-propelled, 37 MLRS

950 people 32 fighter-bombers, 12 helicopters

✓Armed Forces of Armenia

42,900 people, 110 tanks, 447 armored personnel carriers, 70 MLRS, 38 self-propelled units, 465 towed artillery

1,300 people 35 combat aircraft, 34 helicopters 1 transport aircraft

✓Azerbaijani Armed Forces

85,000 people, 920 tanks, 29,312 armored personnel carriers, 218 MLRS, 294 self-propelled artillery units, 10 rocket launchers

7,900 people 106 combat aircraft 35 helicopters,

2200 people, 2 frigates, 14 patrol boats, 4 minesweepers, consisting of 2 minesweepers

✓Army of Kazakhstan

25,000 people, 300 tanks, 500 armored personnel carriers, 121 MLRS, 63 towed installations 12 missile launchers

12,000 people, 96 combat aircraft, 21 transport aircraft, 42 helicopters.

3,000 people, 15 minesweepers, 3 boats

✓Uzbekistan Army

40,000 people, 140 tanks, 993 armored personnel carriers, 224 MLRS, 1 missile launcher

10,000 people, 76 combat aircraft, 13 helicopters

✓Tajikistan Army

8,800 people, 40 tanks (obsolete), 65 armored personnel carriers (mostly obsolete), 15 MLRS, 26 towed artillery. 17 helicopters.

✓Army of Turkmenistan

33,000 people, 651 tanks, 2,400 armored personnel carriers, 220 MLRS, towed artillery - 512

3,000 people, 74 combat aircraft, 5 transport aircraft, 45 helicopters

2,000 people 1 corvette 18 boats

✓Army of Kyrgyzstan

8,500 people, 250 tanks (old model), 596 armored personnel carriers, 21 MLRS, 30 self-propelled guns, 195 towed artillery.

2,400 people 6 aircraft (transport) 11 helicopters (compensation at the expense of UAVs)

Peacekeeping special operations forces (2000 people, 4 light helicopters, 12 armored vehicles, 2 armored personnel carriers)

History: On September 21, a crisis of the branches of power occurred, which is considered the date of the beginning of the "local civil war in Moscow". On the side of the parliament came the Tank Division of Minin and Pozharsky in the Baltic Fleet Sailors under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Igor Ostapenko, the Transnistrian volunteer divisions, Cossack units, units of the Russian National Movement, the security service of the Supreme Council, on the side of the president the capital's OMON, the Tank Division of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. An attempt to arrest the deputies of parliament led to a long siege of the Supreme Council, against armored vehicles the defenders used grenade launchers. On October 12, when the rebel tank division from Nizhny Novgorod and sailors from the Baltic Fleet arrived, General Grachev withdrew armored vehicles and troops from the House of Soviets. On October 13, Yeltsin resigned, Rudskoy became acting president.

In 1994, all the leaders of the Yelitsin regime were put on trial. In 1996, the structure of the CIS began to be strengthened, in addition to the border troops, the Commonwealth parliament began to be formed (however, it began to be elected only in 2002). Since 1994, General Alexander Lebed became the head of border security and protection, who during the Chechen war created the CIS peacekeeping corps. The Chechen war was bloody and Russian troops were unable to completely destroy the Islamic underground, the Chechen terrorists regrouped and went to the mountains, but already in 1996, General Lebed reported on the successful completion of the operation in Chechnya. However, the explosions of houses in the center of Russia by terrorists from "Ichkeria" in 1999 finally put an end to Lebed's career. Rudskoy himself revised the results of privatization in Russia and was able to create a mixed economy of a social type. Despite the repressions against the "democrats" of 1993-1995, his rule as a whole was remembered as "the most democratic period in the history of the post-Soviet space. Closer to 1998, it became clear that the social bureaucracy in Russia was excessively inflated, which led to a smooth slide of the economy, which had to be resolved after the elections of 2002.During Rudskoy's rule, Russian nationalists and Cossacks occasionally clashed with migrants and criminals, engaging in shootouts, but "out of a desire to preserve the tradition of republicanism," the government did not engage in the fight against right-wing radicalism.


Before 2002, production in Russia was stopped due to the large debts of the state to it, which was remembered as the era of "eternal strikes", in March 2002, the leader of the nationalist coalition "National Salvation Front" became the president of Russia, who began to conduct "controlled privatization", artificially uniting industries and transferring them for rent with the possibility of redemption to "Baburin's trusted persons". This became the basis for Russian and then Eurasian TNCs. In September of the same year, Alexander Lukashenko, a member of the National Salvation Front, became the president of the CIS, who began to integrate the economies of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan into the pan-European market. Due to the growth of prices for raw materials, the economy experienced a sharp rise until 2009, in 2006 the "Bank of the Commonwealth" opened in Kyiv, they began to print "altyns" - the CIS currency, which was quickly adopted as the national currency in Kazakhstan and Russia. However, economic integration ended when the crisis reached the CIS, small businesses fell like dominoes. In 2010, the presidential elections were won by a large margin by a member of the National Salvation Front Dmitry Rogozin, after which the "cornflower revolution" began in Russia, led by National Liberal Alexei Navalny. Already in May, two months after the protest, re-elections were announced along with elections to the Senate of the Commonwealth and elections for the president of the CIS. Thus ended the era of Baburin-Lukashenko.
In 2008, Russia carried out a lightning operation in Georgia, establishing its power there.


The Russian Communist Workers' Party came to power in alliance with the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Viktor Tyulkin became the President of Russia, Nina Andreyevna became the President of the CIS. In 2011, the second Chechen war began, when Dudayev's men once again gathered into a fist, taking advantage of the instability of the new government, simultaneously carrying out terrorist attacks in Russia. Tyulkin and Nina Andreeva, who considered the CIS to be the legitimate territory of the USSR, reacted harshly, starting bombing and retaliatory genocides to the genocide of the Chechens. In the economy, they did not nationalize enterprises, but placed them under the control of the head of the border security and protection service, saving large TNCs from ruin. The opposition in the CIS faced "imprisonments for reposts" for criticizing the new government, and throughout the CIS, monuments to Stalin began to be returned, rewriting history in the vein of "Soviet patriotism." Due to the economic inefficiency of enterprises, the left-wing government began to massively import cheap labor from Central Asia, lifting restrictions on any movement. This created tension among the Slavic population, and struck the popularity of right-wing nationalist ideas. In 2014, the Chechen war was completed, with the support of Akhmat Kadyrov's son, Ramzan Kadyrov. However, the popularity of the "Left Government" was rapidly falling, and the incoming leftists in the CIS could not hold on for long; in March 2014, the "liberals" came to power.


The arrival of Ilya Yashin as President of Russia and Grigory Yavlinsky as President of the CIS made it possible to reset political relations with the world and to loosen the repressive screws inside the country. Under him, thanks to preferential consumer and business loans, they were able to restart the development of small businesses, but in Central Asia, "preferential loans" were stolen by clan holders. Under their rule, even more migrants began to come to Russia, creating enclaves of destabilization. In 2017, Uzbek terrorists blew up a railway station in Volgograd, and in December 2018, they blew up the entrance to the Nebo shopping center in Nizhny Novgorod. Due to the restriction of police rights, the ability to combat terrorism was significantly reduced, and these terrorist attacks had the character of unbridled elements. In August 2018, a scandal with a guardianship authority that was caught kidnapping a child from a single mother and selling him abroad. However, the Yabloko party stated that it did not see "any problem" in this, since the child grew up in unfavorable conditions, and the fact of receiving money for adoption still needs to be verified. In September 2018, Yabloko was barely able to win, the National Salvation Front was in second place. In principle, until 2022, there was a struggle in the apparatus with mutual revelations of corruption of the Yabloko party and the National Salvation Front, and in 2022, the "moderate Islamist" Azat Yarnurgaleev became the president of the CIS for the first time, who decided to make the CIS a "moderate islamic state". At the same time, the National Salvation Front took the majority of seats in the parliament of Russia and the CIS.
Under Baburin's rule, the January civil war in Kazakhstan began. CIS President Azat Yarnurgaleev supported Zhomart-Kasym Tokayev, pro-Turanian Islamist convictions, Head of Border Security and Protection Lev Rokhlin supported Nursultan Nazarbayev, Eurasian convictions. However, during the short military actions, the Nazarbayev family was forced to leave for Russia, to receive asylum there.
RP example(s):

In Kazan, a cell of the Altyn Urda organization, banned in Russia, was busted by peacekeeping units of special operations. Four firearms (pistols), two automatic rapid-fire weapons, 12 fragmentation grenades and Molotov cocktail blanks were confiscated from them. Presumably, the group was planning a series of terrorist attacks in central Russia against the non-Islamic population of Eurasia. Viktor Zolotov, head of the CIS Special Operations Peacekeeping Forces, said: "This is the fifth cache of Islamist groups over the past year. In order to more effectively combat Islamism, it is necessary to create an intelligence and counterintelligence service at the CIS level and strengthen the special operations service." Lev Rokhlin's press secretary said: "The problem of Islamism can only be solved jointly, within the framework of a large commonwealth, and not within the framework of one specific state."
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Last edited by Malorossi on Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:49 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Posts: 13623
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Father Knows Best State

Postby Arvenia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:09 pm

I got some ideas for my country:
  • France - Probably a continuation of the French Revolution without Napoleonic rule. France remains as a revolutionary republic until the 20th century, when it goes through a series of Gorbachev-esque reforms.
  • Commonwealth of New England - Basically the English Commonwealth if it was exiled to America after losing the English Civil Wars. It would control New England, New York and the Maritime Provinces.
  • Greece - Probably a continuation of the Byzantine Empire, albeit either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan or a parliamentary republic similar to France. It would also include Turks (given that the Ottoman Empire was short-lived in this RP). It would include Turkey, North Macedonia, North Thrace and parts of Syria.
  • Gran Colombia - Basically a South American great power with a tricameral legislature.
  • Germany - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to the UK or a constitutional republic following a pan-Germanist revolution in the 18th century.
  • Korea - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan, a republic with South Korean characteristics, a socialist state without North Korean characteristics or a theocracy similar to Iran.
  • Japan - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federalized republic or a communist republic similar to the PRC.
  • Iran - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy or a presidential republic.
  • Arabia - Either as an absolute monarchy, a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federal republic, an Islamic state or a Ba'athist dictatorship.
  • Union of South African Republics (USAR) - A federal republic composed of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique.
Last edited by Arvenia on Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pro: Political Pluralism, Centrism, Liberalism, Liberal Democracy, Social Democracy, Sweden, USA, UN, ROC, Japan, South Korea, Monarchism, Republicanism, Sci-Fi, Animal Rights, Gender Equality, Mecha, Autism, Environmentalism, Secularism, Religion and LGBT Rights
Anti: Racism, Sexism, Nazism, Fascism, EU, Socialism, Adolf Hitler, Neo-Nazism, KKK, Joseph Stalin, PRC, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Communism, Ultraconservatism, Ultranationalism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, WBC, Satanism, Mormonism, Anarchy, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 969 Movement, Political Correctness, Anti-Autistic Sentiment, Far-Right, Far-Left, Cultural Relativism, Anti-Vaxxers, Scalpers and COVID-19

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Newne Carriebean7
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Founded: Aug 08, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:53 pm

NS Name: Newne Carriebean7
RP Name: The Association of Allied States of America
Territory: Midwestern United States; Mideastern United States excluding New England

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Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Union Princes
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Founded: Nov 02, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Union Princes » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:58 pm

Darn, I wanted to try my hand at being the US
There is no such thing as peace, only truce between wars

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Sao Nova Europa
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Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:49 am

Newne Carriebean7 wrote:
NS Name: Newne Carriebean7
RP Name: The Association of Allied States of America
Territory: Midwestern United States; Mideastern United States excluding New England

Do not remove - 2025RP

Reservation noted :)

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Tracian Empire
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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Tracian Empire » Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:50 am

NS Name: Tracian Empire
RP Name: Republic of China
Territory: Modern territories of the PRC, with the addition of Taiwan and Mongolia

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Last edited by Tracian Empire on Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a Romanian, a vampire, an anime enthusiast and a roleplayer.
Hello there! I am Tracian Empire! You can call me Tracian, Thrace, Thracian, Thracr, Thracc or whatever you want. Really.

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:04 am

Tracian Empire wrote:
NS Name: Tracian Empire
RP Name: Republic of China
Territory: Modern territories of the PRC, with the addition of Taiwan

Do not remove - 2025RP

Reservation noted :)

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Tracian Empire
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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Tracian Empire » Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:24 am

I've updated my reservation to also include Mongolia if possible, I had been under the impression that it was part of the CIS claim when in fact it is not.
I'm a Romanian, a vampire, an anime enthusiast and a roleplayer.
Hello there! I am Tracian Empire! You can call me Tracian, Thrace, Thracian, Thracr, Thracc or whatever you want. Really.

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3983
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sun Dec 29, 2024 5:44 am

I've updated the map. If there have been any mistakes in Murican claims, do tell me, since Murican geography is not my strong suit.

Oh, and Mongolia is now under Chinese control. Genghis Khan weeps.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Tracian Empire
Postmaster of the Fleet
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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Tracian Empire » Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:22 am

NS Name: Tracian Empire
RP Name: Republic of China (中華民國|Zhōnghuá Mínguó)

Capital: Nanjing
Territory: All the territories claimed by the ROC in the present day, including the territories of the PRC, Mongolia, Taiwan and Tannu Tuva
Population: 1,515,207,548
Official Language(s): Standard Chinese is the sole official language. Mongolian, Uyghur, Tibetan, Zhuang and others are recognized as regional languages.

Type of Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic under a five-power system with dominant party state tendencies
Head of State: His Excellency, Eric Chu, President of the Republic of China
Head of Government: Her Excellency, Wang Ju-hsuan, President of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China,
Legislature: The legislature of the ROC lacks a specific name, as the separation of the five powers doesn't formally recognize a parliamentary body, with several citizen-elected bodies having legislative authority.
Legislative Houses: The National Assembly (國民大會|Guómín Dàhuì ), the Legislative Yuan (立法院|Lìfǎ Yuàn) and the Control Yuan (監察院|Jiānchá Yuàn)
Party in Power: The current ruling coalition is formed by the Chinese Nationalist Party (中國國民黨|Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng), usually referred abroad as the Kuomintang or simply as the KMT, and the Young China Party (中國青年黨|Zhōngguó Qīngnián Dǎng)
National Issues:
  • Without the Kuomintang, There Would Be No New China! - The Kuomintang is in many ways synonymous with the Republic of China that was founded after the success of the Northern Expedition, and the Republican Government that has existed in the spirit of the ideals of Sun Yat-sen, the Eternal Premier of the Kuomintang. As the song inspired by the slogan of Chiang Kai-shek says, the Chinese state as it exists today couldn't have been created without the KMT, and as such, the influence of the Nationalists in most areas of politics and government are still overbearing, which has led to China being considered by many to be a dominant-party state. KMT affiliation has historically been important in earning government jobs or positions in the bureaucracy and the administration, and many so called "political dynasties" were formed by families with long KMT membership histories. Even with the end of the Dang Guo, the party-state, the period of political tutelage during which the KMT was supposed to lead the nation and prepare the ground for a full democracy, to which the ROC did transition during the 1980's, the KMT and its various coalitions have been in power ever since the end of the Second World War with the exception of several four year periods between 2000 -2004, 2008-2010, and 2018- 2024, when a coalition of various opposition forces unified in the so called Pan-Democratic Coalition managed to win majorities in the Legislative Yuan. Their time in power was troubled however, and with new political leaders reforming the KMT and being poised to launch a massive effort against corruption and cronyism, the KMT was once again elected to power, giving the people of China four more years of living under the Nationalists.
  • Five Races Under One Union - From its very creation, the KMT has been supportive of concepts of racial integration, considering that the other non-Han ethnic groups in China are still Chinese and should be integrated into the Chinese nation. While the Manchu people are a small minority, the Mongolians, the Tibetans and the Chinese Muslims and the Uyghurs are all ethnic groups with a complicated relationship towards the central state in Nanjing, which has often led to a certain degree of opposition towards the ROC. The situation in Mongolia is complicated, with the regional KMT there never having gained much popularity, but Mongolia's large nomadic population has ensured that the ROC can portray its capital city of Kulun as a model city, while the rest of the region is mostly left to its own devices. In Tibet, the local Tibetan religious authorities have often been a symbol of resistance against the ROC, even if several projects for granting Tibet a degree of autonomy have been proposed in the past. The most complicated situation right now is in Xinjiang, where ethnic tensions between the Muslim Uyghurs and the Han, religious tensions and a few terrorist attacks organized by Islamic fanatics have led to an increased campaign of repression and of Sinicization organized the government.
  • A shadow of statistics? - The National Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, commonly known as the Juntong, is officially the military intelligence organization of the Republic of China, but in practice, ever since its creation in 1927, it has served as a secret police for the Kuomintang regime. While the years of its worst crimes and excesses during the White Terror are long gone, and the agency has been repeatedly reformed in order to better fit within the democratic role, it is still believed by many that the Juntong have a strong influence within various aspects of the government, and the democratic opposition and large parts of the civil society are increasingly demanding for an end to this organization.
Public Goals:
  • Nationalism, Democracy, Welfare - The Republic of China remains committed to the ideals of Tridemism, the Three Principles of the People of Sun Yat-sen. The Principle of Nationalism (民族主義|Mínzú Zhǔyì), the Principle of Democracy (民權主義|Mínquán Zhǔyì) and the Principle of Welfare (民生主義|Mínshēng Zhǔyì) are enshrined into the constitution of the Republic of China and have remained the stated goals of all governments ever since, as they have remained after the creation of Sun Yat-sen and the added explanations of Chiang Kai-shek. Nationalism includes the ideas of independence from foreign and imperialist powers, and the current desire of China to exist as an economic and military superpower that can continue to exist and to prosper even in the face of hostile relations with other parts of the world, and the concept of the Chinese nation (中華民族|Zhonghua minzu), a concept of Chinese nationalism that transcends ethnic nationalism and which can integrate the various non-Han ethnic minorities of China. The Principle of Democracy represents Sun's vision for a democratic state. The Constitution of the Republic of China guarantees four major rights, the right to election (選舉), recalling (罷免), initiative (創制), and referendum (複決). Inspired by this principle, and critical of the three branches of government in Western states, Sun developed a five-power system, divided into five courts, with each of them known as a Yuan, the Legislative Yuan, the Executive Yuan, the Judicial Yuan, the Control Yuan and the Examination Yuan. The principle also called for the concept of political tutelage, with the KMT having formed a party-state to prepare the Chinese people for democracy. This period of tutelage was officially declared over in the 1980's, but due to the continued influence of the KMT many political thinkers have argued that the KMT should retain a guiding role in the nation, and regardless, in practice, the ROC is firmly committed to the concept of democracy despite certain authoritarian tendencies, and the government of the ROC seeks to expand and further develop this democracy. The Principle of Welfare has been perhaps the least understood and the most debated, with the current interpretation of the ROC, developed by Chiang Kai-shek, arguing against any sort of parallels with socialism and communism, and instead simply arguing for social welfare programs and a regulated form of capitalism, with the government being responsible for ensuring that its citizens have a guaranteed access to clothing, food, housing, mobility, education land and leisure. With the first parts of this principle having been implemented with the land reforms of the 1950's, various successive governments have expanded on the social welfare system that was firstly implemented in urban areas and which then also included rural areas. In the past few years, a great effort has been focused on improving the retirement plans and on encouraging the increasing of the birth rates.
  • It is the common wish of the people that the autocratic rule be overthrown, that republican rule be strengthened, and that people's livelihood and welfare be pursued! - ever since the speech of Chiang Kai-shek which paraphrased an earlier speech by dr. Sun, the Republic of China has been dedicated to exporting the ideology of dr. Sun, the Three Principles of the People, also known as Tridemism or the San-min Doctrine. This has led to disagreements with the Western democracies, which were proven correct from a Chinese perspective by the collapse of the United States, opposition to authoritarian states and monarchies the world over as China has tried to take on the mantle of the leader of the free world in the name of dr. Sun's ideals.
  • Down with the socialist bandits, oppose communism! - As President Chiang once said, communists are a disease of the heart. As such, the Republic of China and the Kuomintang remain firmly committed to their complete opposition to communist countries the world over. - With the elimination of communism in China in the late 1940's, the ROC under its successive KMT governments has championed the cause of anti-communism worldwide, supporting nationalist states, anti-communist rebels, and seeking to limit the spread of communism and of communist influence under a doctrine of containment, giving Chinese military and economical support to nations threatened by communism - the disease of the heart, as described by Generalissimo Chiang. This has been the main directive of Chinese foreign affairs ever since.
  • China is the largest and most ancient of Asiatic countries, but it is not for us boastfully to talk of her right to a position of 'leadership' among those countries. - As generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek declared several times, China considers itself to be the primary Asian power, but in accordance with the Kuomintang ideology, Chinese attempts for regional hegemony have always tried to distance themselves from the Western colonial imperialism or the Oriental despotism once spread by Japan. This has however continued to lead to conflicts even outside of ideological rivalries - with the best example being that of Nanjing's relations with the CIS which have remained tense and hostile even after the fall of communism - in part due to the ROC's traditional claims on Tannu Tuva and the Amur islands, and in part due to Nanjing's position that the CIS was Russian imperialism in another coat.
  • In order to confront external threats we must unify internally first - Ever since the speech given by Chiang Kai-Shek in 1931 after the Japanese annexation of Manchuria, the Republic of China has considered its internal unity and internal stability to be of paramount importance. It has been a fundamental principle adopted by all governments ever since, which has seen the Chinese government prioritize its own internal affairs over incidents abroad when the need arose, and it is tied to the constitutional amendment which forbids political discontent and chaos in times of war. As such, even if project Chinese power abroad and developing relations and a sphere of influence is very important for the ROC, considerations of internal stability will always prevail.
  • China's peaceful rise - Tied to the previous goal, the concept of "China's peaceful development" was developed by the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics in the 1990's, and represents a wast operation of influence and propaganda which seeks to portray China as a responsible and non-threatening great power which prioritizes its own internal stability over external affairs and one that is not aggressive in regards to changing the global status-quo. Even so, it has been repeatedly stated that China considers its position and sphere of influence to be something that it needs to continue to expand.
  • Prosperity at home, prosperity abroad - One of the stated goals of ROC Governments in recent decades has been the expansion of a global infrastructure development strategy, using China's economical power and knowledge to invest in the economies, infrastructure and industries of other nations, with the stated goal of benefiting both China and the nation that China invests in, and also to develop trade routes between the rest of the globe and China.
Private Goals:
  • Train an army for a thousand days, use it for one morning - The National Revolutionary Army has never forgotten the humiliation of the first part of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, when it was caught off guard, nor the humiliation suffered by the Qing during the First Sino-Japanese War. As such, the readiness of the armed forces, their development and modernization have been of the utmost importance regardless of government. This process of expansion and development is clearly a private goal of the current KMT government, with a particular emphasis being placed on the navy, the air force and the strategic nuclear forces.

GDP (nominal):$17.700 trillion
Currency: Yuan (¥)
Economic System: Capitalism
Defense Budget (USD):$510 billion
Alliance(s): The Asian Treaty Organization


Republic of China Armed Forces

The Republic of China Armed Forces (中華民國國軍| Zhōnghuá Mínguó Guójūn), also sometimes symbolically known as the National Revolutionary Armed Forces, are the armed forces of the Republic of China, and one of the largest armed forces in the world, both by size and by its military budget. A modern but still rapidly modernizing force, the ROCAF are a rising military superpower, with significant capabilities in defending China's interests and projecting China's force abroad. It is built upon a combination of voluntary professional soldiers with the addition of a compulsory military service. Men and women between the age of 18 and 28 have to perform this service, with its length dependent on their gender, personal situation, and the branch they qualify into, but it generally varies between a year and a half and two years. After their service, conscripts who excel can choose to remain in their branch as professional soldiers, while the rest are moved for four years into the primary reserve forces, then for ten years into the Armed Forces Reserve, the so called mobilized reserve forces.

Republic of China Army

Also known as the National Revolutionary Army, the Republic of China Army is the ground force of the ROCAF and the largest of its branches. With 1,100,000 active men and women, 800,000 in the primary reserve forces, and millions more in the mobilized reserve forces, the ROC Army is one of the largest military forces in the world. Its core is formed by professional volunteers, especially following the past decade's attempt at further increasing the quality and professionalism of the Chinese military forces, it nevertheless benefits from conscripts due to the existence of a compulsory military service. In terms of organization, the ROC Army is divided into five theaters, Eastern, Southern, Northern, Western and Central. The army is transitioning from the old division system into using the brigade (旅|Lǚ) as the main structure group. The main forces are specifically organized into combined arms brigades (合成旅|Héchénglǚ), with variations including heavy, medium, light, amphibious, and mountain combined arms brigades.

In terms of equipment, the ROC Army employs around 8000 tanks, with the modern core of the force being represented by the new Type 100 model, with around 2000, and the Type 99A, with around 3500. The rest of the tank force is represented by third generation tanks like Type 99, and second generation tanks like the Type 96, with even older tanks like Type 88 being phased out. Over 500 ZTQ-15 light tanks are also used.

The rest of the equipment is roughly formed as follows:
Infantry fighting vehicles
  • ZBL-08 IFV - 3000
  • ZBD 04A - 1900
  • ZBD 04 - 400
  • ZSL-92/B - 1150
  • ZBD-86A - 650
  • ZBD-86 - 600
Amphibious assault vehicles
  • ZBD-05 - 750

Armored personnel carriers
  • ZSL-10 - 1900
  • ZSD-05 - 3750
  • ZSD-89/A - 11750
  • ZSL-92A - 700
  • Type 63/C - 950

Anti-tank/anti-structure vehicles
  • ZTL-11 - 1200
  • ZTD-05 - 750
  • PTL-02 - 250

Missile carriers
  • AFT-10 -340
  • AFT-9 - 950

  • PCL-161 - 300
  • PCL-171 -120
  • PLL-09 - 350
  • PLZ-07A/B - 750
  • PCL-09 - 300
  • PLZ-89 - 600
  • PLZ-82/83 - 150
  • PCL-181 - 630
  • PLZ-05 - 450

  • PHL-16 - 150
  • PHL-03 - 175
  • PHZ-11 - 100
  • PHL-11 - 350
  • PHZ-89 - 375
  • PHL-81/90 - 550

Anti-aircraft artillery
  • PGL-12 - 250
  • HQ-16/B - 40
  • HQ-17 - 1400
  • HQ-6D - 60
  • HQ-7A/B - 200
  • PGZ-95 270
  • Type 92 Yitian - 600

Republic of China Navy

The ROC Navy is the main naval force of China, and is tasked with defending China's coastlines, territorial waters, and with projecting China's power abroad. Initially created as a purely defensive force, to ensure that the Japanese would never again threaten Chinese shores, the dual objectives of liberating Taiwan and of projecting power abroad in the context of the Cold War led to a gradual but marked and continuous increase in the numbers, ability and power of the ROCN. 350,000 men and women serve in the Navy, and in terms of ships, the navy is currently equipped with:

  • aircraft carriers - 5, with 2 more in construction and slated to commence service in 2025,
  • Landing helicopter docks - 3
  • Amphibious transport docks - 8
  • Landing ship tanks - 36
  • Ballistic missile submarines - 15
  • Nuclear attack submarines - 12
  • Attack submarines - 58
  • Destroyers - 60
  • Frigates - 43
  • Corvettes - 72
  • Missile boats - 107
  • Submarine chasers - 26
  • Gunboats - 17
  • Mine countermeasures vessels - 36
  • Replenishment oilers - 16
  • Auxiliaries (various) - 233
The Navy's aerial arm also employs around 700 planes of various models.

Republic of China Marine Corps

The Marine Corps are the amphibious arm of the Republic of China Navy, and is the primary force that is to be used in amphibious operations, both offensive and defensive. It numbers 40,000 and is considered to be an elite force.

Republic of China Air Force

The ROC Air Force is the aerial branch of the ROC Armed Forces, and one of the largest air forces in the world. With 400,000 active personnel and over 3500 aircraft, with around 2500 of them being combat aircraft. It is responsible with the protection of China's airspace and with the projection of Chinese air force abroad.

Republic of China Military Police

The ROC Military Police is a military law enforcement force which remains under the broader authority of the ROC Ministry of Defense. It is divided between a larger force, operating as a paramilitary organization with internal troops, riot control, counter-terrorism, and disaster response attributes, and a more elite force, tasked with guarding strategic facilities throughout the country. 1 million men and women throughout the country are affiliated with the ROC Military Police, with around 200,000 of them being tasked with strategically important defense tasks. It also includes the Republic of China Military Police Special Services Company, a rather secretive special force unit with a counter-terrorist role.


Republic of China Strategic Forces

The ROC Strategic Forces, also known as the Rocket Forces, are responsible for operating the missile arsenal of China, both conventional and nuclear. Around 120,000 men and women serve in the Strategic Forces, and the largest organization structure of the ROCSF is that of so called "bases", comparable to an army group, which are organized in line with the broader theater commands of the ROC Armed Forces. A considerable number of rocket forces are placed to counter Japanese forces in Taiwan and Korea, while the nuclear are more scattered in line with the second strike strategy.

Republic of China Armed Forces Reserve

The ROC Armed Forces Reserve is an organization under the Ministry of Defense tasked with the management and organization of the military reserves of the Republic of China, in particular with the recruitment, education, and training of effective reserve forces. In times of peace, the Armed Forces Reserve is tasked with everything related to the reserve forces, including their training and the preparation of mobilization plans, and it also uses the reserve forces under its command for civil defense and humanitarian works. In times of war, it is meant to aid the national defense and war effort by mobilizing reserve brigades that can be later integrated in the operational command of the ROC Armed Forces or which can be used for national defense.

  • 1927: Establishment of the Nationalist Government in Nanjing. Beginning of the April Counter-Revolutionary Purge against the CCP by KMT forces, and the end of the First United Front. The CCP tried to fight back with the Autumn Harvest Uprising, but their invasion fails, and the commander-in-chief of the CCP's Red Army, Mao Zedong, is killed in the fighting after one of his regiments deserted to the KMT. Later in the year, the split between Chiang Kai-shek's government in Nanjing and the KMT-Left government in Wuhan is mended.
  • 1928: Overthrow of the Beiyang government, and reunification of all China under the Nationalist government, which is afterwards recognized as the legitimate government of China. With the beginning of the phase of political tutelage, a provisional constitution of the Republic of China is promulgated. Great progress was made on all fronts, with important developments in the creation of new civil and penal codes, the granting of more rights to women, the formation of the Academia Sinica and the Central Bank of China. The KMT threw its support behind the Rural Reconstruction Movement and began moderate land reforms in certain areas under its control. A Chinese industry begins to further develop, and the economic situation improves.
  • 1929-1931: Several more wars were fought in this period, including fighting against several rebellions, but most important of those was the Central Plains War, and anti-Chiang coalition of various warlords, in response to the KMT's attempt to demobilize the warlord armies. Most warlords broke off with the Nanjing government and declared war. The Central Army under Chiang himself responded with a series of offensives, taking advantage of the lack of coordination among the warlord forces. Faced with larger warlord forces however, the KMT reorganized this campaign into one with a stated goal of ending all warlordism - attempting to gain the support of the population under the slogans of Unite China, Eliminate Warlordism and End the Chaos, Establish Order. Early victories by the KMT led to a slow but steady bleeding of deserters coming from the warlord forces, and defeated the unified forces of the Shanxi Army and the Northwest Army. Followed by a swing which defeated the Guangxi Army. Seeking to punish Zhang Xueliang and the Northeast Army for their neutrality, Chiang then moved his forces towards Manchuria and decisively defeated them. By early 1931, Chiang was victorious. Yan Xishan, Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Xueliang, Li Zongren and Zhang Fakui, and other warlords were arrested and removed from their positions of power, while others like Chen Jitang were executed, and most of their forces were demobilized, with the National Revolutionary Army being reduced to 65 divisions of 11,000 men or 715,000 soldiers. KMT members of suspect loyalty were assassinated in the following months by the Bureau of Investigations and Statistics.
  • 1931: The Mukden Incident. Taking advantage of the reduction of forces of the NRA and the displacement of the earlier Northeastern Army from Manchuria, Japan staged the Mudken Incident and invaded and later occupied Manchuria. Chiang, feeling more confident after his victories in the past few years, decides to oppose resistance - all KMT forces in Manchuria attempt to resist but are defeated. Pressed by a resurgence of communist activity, Chiang agrees to a truce.
  • 1932-1934: After the defeat against the Japanese, the KMT switches towards a massive reorganization process of the NRA and attempts to develop its own domestic military industry, with varying levels of success. In particular, the NRA hires advisors from Germany, and with them, they develop the concept of encirclement campaigns to dislodge the communist forces. In response to the first encirclement campaign against the Jiangxi Soviet, the communists used their 40,000 men to strike Nanchang and Jiujiang, attempting to force the Nationalists into the defensive, but their offensive operation was a failure and ended with the encirclement and destruction of their forces, with the death of commander Zhu De. The communists, now surrounded, attempt to escape, but the KMT perimeter holds. By 1933, the communists were in disarray, and KMT forces massacred most of them. While other communist partisans and units throughout the country continued to fight, the CCP as an effective organization was gutted.
  • 1934-1937: With a certain breathing space, Chiang declared that the country had been sufficiently stabilized internally to face the Japanese. While not provoking a conflict outright, his comments were meant to calm those KMT members which had opposed his truce with Japan. With European help, the NRA continued to modernize. Large reforms had already been started before the wars against the Communists, warlords and the Japanese and were continued with greater intensity, like the New Life Movement, a focus on education, attempts to eradicate famine, the development of fiscal measures, industrial and infrastructure development, and so on. The years between 1928 and 1937 were often called "the Golden Years", as despite the wars, the progress began to be felt. Emboldened by the conquest of Manchuria, the Japanese Kwangtung Army began to organize clashes to test the resolve of the Chinese forces, which were quickly responded by the reorganized Northwestern Army Group of the NRA - which was eager to avenge its earlier defeat. Rising tensions were combined with the relative independence of these forces, as both Nanjing and Tokyo struggled to effectively control these units, and with the failure of diplomatic attempts at a detente. A particular incident quickly spiraled out of control in 1937 however, near the Marco-Polo Bridge, which began the Second Sino-Japanese War, which each country accusing the other of having been the aggressor.
  • 1937-1942: The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression as it became known in Chinese history. The Japanese forces made a lot of early progress, but stumbled in Shanghai, were NRA forces resisted to give their government time to move vital industry to the interior, and in hopes of receiving foreign support. With foreign support unlikely to come however, Chiang made the decisive decision to withdraw in early October, saving a portion of the NRA's best troops, and fighting a delaying retreat towards Nanjing. As the war continued, the Japanese conquered large portions of China and established several puppet governments, but were unable to break the ROC resistance. The government retreated to Wuhan after the Japanese captured Nanjing. With considerable conventional forces and parts of its strength intact, the best divisions of the NRA opposed a stiff resitance and defeated the IJN in the Battle of Taierzhuang, shocking Tokyo. Withdrawing Chinese forces made a longer stand during the Battle of Wuhan, with great casualties on both sides. Ultimately the city resisted, but the war overall slowly settled into a stalemate. Chiang's government adopted a new strategy that was meant to conserve the existence of the well trained conventional divisions that the NRA still had, while reactivating former warlord divisions to serve as partisans in the communist model, to harass the Japanese from the rear, with the continued larger objective of forcing the Japanese into a war of attrition while developing China's military forces. Concepts such as magnetic warfare were employed.
    By 1939, the NRA was able to inflict several defeats on the Japanese in the Battle of Suixian–Zaoyang, 1st Battle of Changsha, Battle of South Guangxi and Battle of Zaoyi, while Hui forces in Suiyuan defeated the Japanese advance. With limited foreign support, and a domestic military industry in the interior that was still struggling to catch up, the NRA decided to organize several smaller counter-offensives in 1940, which generally failed but gave them important knowledge and experience. Japan however struggled to make further gains or to effectively control the large swathes of territory that it had occupied. The situation continued throughout 1941, 1942 and early 1943, with the NRA repelling Japanese offensives despite its materiel issues. In 1942, a KMT reserve was used to occupy Tibet and to liberate Xinjiang from its warlord, which allowed them to receive limited support from further abroad. With the Japanese forces pressed hard elsewhere in the Pacific, Japanese began to withdraw. The NRA took advantage of this and began its first counter-offensives, which largely failed, but some of them were successful, particularly towards Burma, which opened a new artery for foreign military support. From 1944 onward, the situation begins to turn increasingly against the Japanese, as their problems with resources begin to somewhat even the odds and limit their use of aircraft and armored units. The withdrawal of the Japanese and their brutal scorched earth policy also led to more people joining the partisan units, and it also led to several uprising behind the Japanese lines. By late 1944, the NRA pushed Japan out of southern China. Subsequent counter-offensives in 1944 led to great progress in Shanxi and the liberation of Taiyuan, which threatened the northern flank of the Japanese forces. Early 1945 witnessed a general withdrawal of the Japanese forces, and the liberation in quick succession of Nanking and Shanghai, and then just a month later Beijing was liberated. By summer, the first NRA forces pushed into Manchuria, dispelling any hopes of some Japanese commanders of retaining it. The Chinese liberation of Manchuria was difficult however as its territory allowed the Japanese to use their armored reserves, and the Japanese resistance stiffened, but by July 1945, Harbin, Kirin and Mukden were liberated, with the IJA forces withdrawing towards Korea where a daring attack by the NRA's armored units pushes into the Korean Peninsula and denies the Japanese the opportunity to create new defensive lines. Fearing a potential joint Chinese-American offensive into Japan, the Japanese government negotiates for peace. Chiang and the KMT are celebrated as the victors of the Ten Years of Resistance - and the preliminary peace agreement restores Taiwan to Chinese rule.
  • 1945-1958: The first decade after the war was a complicated one. Significant portions of the land were ravaged, millions had died, and the situation remained volatile, as the end of the war proved to be a new beginning for the communists. In order to limit their potential growth, Chiang issued the Three Promises, which were the end of political tutelage, land reform, and the reparation of the country. Land reform in particular quickly became one of the greatest objectives of the government in their attempts to limit communist influence among the peasants. With many of the landlords and other such elites having been displaced by the war, the KMT began a gradual land reform program, firstly by capping land rents, secondly by giving public land for farmers, and thirdly, through the "Land to the Tiller" program, which broke up large proprieties and gave them to the farmers, while compensating landowners with giving them shares in government-owned commercial and industrial interests. With the help of foreign aid, the KMT also encouraged economic development and in particular the development of industry, attempting to catch up with the Western nations, with mixed state and private ownership, and a certain level of economic planning, but with a general focus on economic liberalism with the help of advisers such as Sho-Chieh Tsiang. The earlier focus on education was also continued, with the implementation of nine years of education. A rapid economic growth accelerated by the end of this decade, earning China the title of Asia's Tiger.
    Relations with Japan remained complicated however. The strained economies of both states did force them to engage in a certain level of trade however, but the NRA, nor the Chinese people would ever again forget the war, and the military focus was, for most of the decade, placed on ensuring the fortification and defense of the coast of China and of the border in Korea. Believing that not to be enough, Chiang authorized the beginning of a Chinese nuclear program.
    Diplomatically, China initially attempted to create an anti-Japanese sphere in the Pacfic, continuing the development of good relations with the rest of South-East Asia. Relations continued to degrade with the USSR, compounded by the ROC's continued anti-communist policies and its persecution of the CCP, which remained banned within China. In 1948, a new Constitution was established, but the political tutelage of the KMT was continued.
  • 1958-1975: With the economy developing, China began to once again assert itself on the global stage. The Chinese redoubled their efforts - with the ROC finally testing its first nuclear bomb in 1964. Chiang's continued opposition towards communism led to more internal repression in China proper. In 1965, Chiang adopted the program of "eliminate communism, build a happy world", which emphasized that the ROC would oppose communism at a global stage. This was widely considered to be a new stage in the global Cold War, with China taking a leading role among the capitalist nations, supporting anti-communist groups and nations.
    Towards 1963, China finally managed to overtake Japan economically, with its economic development managing to continue incredible growth rates, being categorized as the so called "Chinese Miracle". China became an industry-oriented economy, and fueled an export-led growth.
    Chiang strengthened the party state and effectively turned the country into a KMT dictatorship, with his popularity due to the economic success and the ultimate victory against Japan allowing him to build a cult of personality around himself. KMT rule was also strengthened by the Bureau of Investigations and Statistics, which ruthlessly hunted political opponents, while martial law was used repeatedly. Chiang Kai-shek died in 1975, and he was succeeded by his son Chiang Ching-kuo.
  • 1975-1988: Chiang Ching-kuo was very different from his father, and began to slowly tolerate political dissent and to ease the authoritarianism. The white terror was slowly phased out, and the freedom of assembly was once again recognized. Labor rights were reformed under his rule, and great steps were taken to loosen anti-strike laws. Finally in 1981, martial law was suspended, opposition parties with the exception of communists were allowed to organize themselves, and Chiang Ching-kuo led a comprehensive program of political and constitutional reform, including freer elections. Opposition parties entered parliament for the first time, and while no party was able to overtake the KMT, this led to a significant improvement in the country's democracy. Chiang also led a campaign against the corruption and cronyism that he claimed was ruining the KMT and pushing it away from Sun's legacy. The policy of tutelage was officially ended in 1981, and the constitution was rewritten to enter the second stage of Sun's plan for China, a full democracy.
    The second Chiang's regime also continued the economic development of the country, with the "Ten Major Construction Projects" and the "Twelve New Development Projects" which improved the country's industry and infrastructure even further. His policies also led to economic modernization and an increase in the country's foreign reserves.
    Nevertheless, the younger Chiang followed his father's foreign policy goals overall. The desire to better project Chinese power led to the expansion of the now reorganized ROC Armed Forces with the stated goal of allowing China to fully overtake its rivals militarily. China's international presence also expanded, with China providing direct military help against communists in several areas around the world, and the ROC expanded its navy and nuclear arsenal with the stated intent to increase its power projection.
  • 1989-2004: After his death, the KMT lost its majority in the legislative assemblies for the first time, but managed to retain a slight majority with the help of a coalition of other center-right forces, the First Pan-Blue Coalition. The powers of the Presidency were somewhat weakened, and the Chairman of the KMT, Lien Chan, became the next Premier. He led a continued relaxation of policies and a further development of democracy, and economically, he focused on the privatization of government enterprises and investments in technology and advanced electronics. By the early 1990's, China was officially confirmed as one of the largest economies in the world.
    The collapse of communism and of the USSR was viewed as a victory in Nanjing and as the culmination of the struggle of China against communism which had started with the April 12 Purge all the way back in 1927.
    In terms of foreign policy, Lien Chan was a man of detente, adopting an official policy of detente with various socialist nations, and also being the first Chinese leader to visit Japan ever since the war, supporting detente and the expansion of trade relations with the newly formed CIS and supporting the limiting of the military influence in the ROC. Relations were further improved with Russia, and the ROC somewhat limited its active anti-communist role globally.
    In 2000, the Democratic Progressive Party and a democratic coalition won the election, beginning four years of further democratization and a continuation of the policies of detente adopted by Lien Chan, with the ROC attempting to negotiate new treaties with the CIS and Japan.
  • 2004-2018: The KMT managed to regain its majority in 2004, mostly riding on a wave of discontent following the poor DPP reaction to several naval clashes along the sea with Japan, and a general perception, strengthened by the KMT electoral machine, that the DPP was pro-Japanese. Ma Ying-jeou followed Lien Chan as both the Chairman of the KMT and the Premier of the ROC. Ma was less concerned with international accusations of China being a dominant-power state, and he had run for election under a nationalist platform, vowing to increase China's military and to put pressure on Japan in regards to the Senkaku islands. Most of this was however limited to rhetoric, as the KMT soon reoriented itself towards opposing the CIS, fueled in part by a panic started by an attempted terrorist attack in Shanghai which was blamed on CIS-supported communist terrorists.
    China was hit by the 2008 Crisis, which led to the KMT losing power again to a democratic coalition, with managed to lead the country through the economic recovery, but not well enough to satisfy the people, leading to Ma Ying-jeou returning as Premier from 2010 to 2014, and after winning another election, from 2014 to 2018. At the end of his rule however, Ma was hit by several corruption scandals and withdrew, the damage done to the KMT's image leading to another electoral loss in 2018.
  • 2018-2024: The democratic coalition initially attempted to once again propose a policy of detente to Japan, but the failure of negotiations and public outcry soon led to an end to such attempts, and to the DPP and its affiliated parties continuing Ma's military policies, which alienated the voters who had supported detente. Even if economic development continued, cracks appeared in the coalition, while the KMT rallied under Eric Chu, the sun of exiles from Taiwan who sought to reform the party to fight against corruption, and to present a new KMT that would be more effective against Japan. The KMT-led coalition won the 2024 elections, with Eric Chu chosen as President by the National Assembly, and with him naming Wang Ju-hsuan as Premier.
  • 2025 The new years starts with the KMT government attempting to achieve its first electoral promises.
RP Example(s): Here

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Last edited by Tracian Empire on Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Arvenia » Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:51 am

Arvenia wrote:I got some ideas for my country:
  • France - Probably a continuation of the French Revolution without Napoleonic rule. France remains as a revolutionary republic until the 20th century, when it goes through a series of Gorbachev-esque reforms.
  • Commonwealth of New England - Basically the English Commonwealth if it was exiled to America after losing the English Civil Wars. It would control New England, New York and the Maritime Provinces.
  • Greece - Probably a continuation of the Byzantine Empire, albeit either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan or a parliamentary republic similar to France. It would also include Turks (given that the Ottoman Empire was short-lived in this RP). It would include Turkey, North Macedonia, North Thrace and parts of Syria.
  • Gran Colombia - Basically a South American great power with a tricameral legislature.
  • Germany - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to the UK or a constitutional republic following a pan-Germanist revolution in the 18th century.
  • Korea - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan, a republic with South Korean characteristics, a socialist state without North Korean characteristics or a theocracy similar to Iran.
  • Japan - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federalized republic or a communist republic similar to the PRC.
  • Iran - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy or a presidential republic.
  • Arabia - Either as an absolute monarchy, a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federal republic, an Islamic state or a Ba'athist dictatorship.
  • Union of South African Republics (USAR) - A federal republic composed of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique.

Which one of these countries should I play as?
Pro: Political Pluralism, Centrism, Liberalism, Liberal Democracy, Social Democracy, Sweden, USA, UN, ROC, Japan, South Korea, Monarchism, Republicanism, Sci-Fi, Animal Rights, Gender Equality, Mecha, Autism, Environmentalism, Secularism, Religion and LGBT Rights
Anti: Racism, Sexism, Nazism, Fascism, EU, Socialism, Adolf Hitler, Neo-Nazism, KKK, Joseph Stalin, PRC, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Communism, Ultraconservatism, Ultranationalism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, WBC, Satanism, Mormonism, Anarchy, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 969 Movement, Political Correctness, Anti-Autistic Sentiment, Far-Right, Far-Left, Cultural Relativism, Anti-Vaxxers, Scalpers and COVID-19

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Reverend Norv
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Postby Reverend Norv » Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:53 am

On the phone, so forgive me for not using the proper format. If Newne’s application lapses, I would like to reserve the US. Until and unless that happens, I would like to reserve France, with a POD involving the Napoleonic Empire surviving, at least for a while; therefore France’s eastern border with Germany should follow the Rhine, and it should include Luxembourg and Wallonia. Thanks!
For really, I think that the poorest he that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest he. And therefore truly, Sir, I think it's clear that every man that is to live under a Government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that Government. And I do think that the poorest man in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to that Government that he hath not had a voice to put himself under.
Col. Thomas Rainsborough, Putney Debates, 1647

A God who let us prove His existence would be an idol.
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Tracian Empire
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Postby Tracian Empire » Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:05 am

Arvenia wrote:
Arvenia wrote:I got some ideas for my country:
  • France - Probably a continuation of the French Revolution without Napoleonic rule. France remains as a revolutionary republic until the 20th century, when it goes through a series of Gorbachev-esque reforms.
  • Commonwealth of New England - Basically the English Commonwealth if it was exiled to America after losing the English Civil Wars. It would control New England, New York and the Maritime Provinces.
  • Greece - Probably a continuation of the Byzantine Empire, albeit either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan or a parliamentary republic similar to France. It would also include Turks (given that the Ottoman Empire was short-lived in this RP). It would include Turkey, North Macedonia, North Thrace and parts of Syria.
  • Gran Colombia - Basically a South American great power with a tricameral legislature.
  • Germany - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to the UK or a constitutional republic following a pan-Germanist revolution in the 18th century.
  • Korea - Either as a constitutional monarchy similar to Japan, a republic with South Korean characteristics, a socialist state without North Korean characteristics or a theocracy similar to Iran.
  • Japan - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federalized republic or a communist republic similar to the PRC.
  • Iran - Either as a semi-constitutional monarchy or a presidential republic.
  • Arabia - Either as an absolute monarchy, a semi-constitutional monarchy, a federal republic, an Islamic state or a Ba'athist dictatorship.
  • Union of South African Republics (USAR) - A federal republic composed of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique.

Which one of these countries should I play as?

Flip a coin
I'm a Romanian, a vampire, an anime enthusiast and a roleplayer.
Hello there! I am Tracian Empire! You can call me Tracian, Thrace, Thracian, Thracr, Thracc or whatever you want. Really.

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Sao Nova Europa
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Postby Sao Nova Europa » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:20 am

Reverend Norv wrote:On the phone, so forgive me for not using the proper format. If Newne’s application lapses, I would like to reserve the US. Until and unless that happens, I would like to reserve France, with a POD involving the Napoleonic Empire surviving, at least for a while; therefore France’s eastern border with Germany should follow the Rhine, and it should include Luxembourg and Wallonia. Thanks!

Reservation as France noted :)

Honestly, the Napoleonic France idea sounds pretty interesting, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it developed.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

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Union Princes
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Postby Union Princes » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:41 am

NS Name: Union Princes
RP Name: American Union State
Territory: The 11 Confedrate States and Oklahoma

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I changed my mind and switched over to the South
Last edited by Union Princes on Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Newne Carriebean7
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Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:43 am

Sao Nova Europa wrote:I've updated the map. If there have been any mistakes in Murican claims, do tell me, since Murican geography is not my strong suit.

Oh, and Mongolia is now under Chinese control. Genghis Khan weeps.

Add New York and Remove the states of Kansas and the Western half of Missouri
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Posts: 1327
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:53 am

Malorossi wrote:
Name of NS: malorossi
The name of the RP:Union of Independent States(Eurasia,Eurasian Federation)


Capital: Officially, there are three capitals, the cultural capital is in Alma Ata, the judicial capital is in Minsk, and the political capital with the parliament (Senate of the Commonwealth) is in St. Petersburg. In fact, as in Soviet times, everything is decided in Moscow. The actual Russian policy strongly affects the policy of independent states within the union, and the Head of the Coordination Center for Security and Border Protection (which is located in Moscow) is actually the real president of the CIS, having more powers than the official one who is elected in general elections.
Territory:Russian Federation,Republic of Belarus,Ukrainian State,Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Tajikistan,Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan,Republic of Azerbaijan,Republic of Armenia
Population:245,751,042 people
Official language(s): Russian(and the language of the indigenous peoples of Russia, Tatar,Bashkir,Udmurt,Altaic, etc.),Belarusian,Ukrainian,Kazakh, Kyrgyz,Uzbek,Tajik,Turkmen
Type of board: A confederate republican system of presidential-parliamentary (mixed) type
Head of State: President of the Commonwealth Azat Yarnurgaleev, leader of the Islamic Freedom Front
party [ Head of Government: Head of the Border Security and Protection Service:Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin (responsible for the control of border services, counterintelligence of the Commonwealth and diplomacy on behalf of the Commonwealth), Irina Dmitrievna Farion, Head of Internal Political Coordination
Legislative Body (name of your national legislative body): Commonwealth Senate
Legislative bodies (if your legislature is bicameral): unicameral body
The Party in power:
National Salvation Front(151 seats)- Union of right-wing and revanchist parties led by MP Sergei Baburin
The Russian Communist Workers' Party (54 seats) is a leftist revanchist Stalinist party led by Alexander Batov
Yabloko (41st place) is a liberal party led by Grigory Yavlinsky
The Islamic Freedom Front(29 seats) is an Islamist party founded by Heydar Jemal, now led by a pro-Turan Tatar Muslim, Azat Yarnurgaleev.
Green(25 seats)- the Green Eco-Socialist Party led by Alexander Shubin
National issues:
Due to the fact that CIS residents move freely, a huge number of Islamist ghettos appear in Slavic countries. There have been two outbreaks of Islamist uprisings in the Caucasus, and Islamist terrorist attacks are increasingly taking place in Moscow. The demographic decline of the Slavic population and, in contrast, the rise of the Islamic population of Central Asia and the Caucasus is exacerbating. This causes an increase in xenophobic sentiments on the part of the indigenous population of Slavic countries, and the same response among the Islamic population.


Traditionally, Russia is located at the junction of Europe and Asia.Despite Russia's long-standing aspirations to become part of the European Union, it is constrained by the profitability of trade with the rapidly growing Asian tiger. This status of "not joining political blocs" allows for maneuvering between the interests of different countries, but as the contradictions worsen, the need to choose one specific geopolitical course becomes more and more apparent.


The staff of the Security and Border Protection service is rapidly aging, Lev Rokhlin needs to be replaced, and a receiver has not yet been elected. Choosing a receiver can mean a lot, but until then, the country is under threat of destabilization and disintegration.
Public purposes:

The army is actually decentralized. Each country has its own army and its own command, not subordinate to the Chief of the Border Security and Protection Service. This often led to local conflicts (the Second Karabakh War, the Uzbek-Tajik conflict of 2023, the Kazakhstan two-week war (Russia, Armenia and Belarus were on the side of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were on the side of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev), the eight-day war with Georgia (in which many CIS countries refused to participate)). In order to take a more decisive geopolitical position, peacekeepers and border guards alone are not enough, it is necessary to unite all armed forces in the CIS.


Currently, the CIS is a confederation of independent states that are linked by a fragile connection through the Senate and the border security and protection service. The economic dependence of the CIS countries on Moscow so far allows them to maintain unity, but political reforms are also needed to finally form a state in the post-Soviet space.


In fact, thanks to the policy of the state, ROSNEFT, KAZAKHKOSMOS, UKRAGRO, ALROSA are rapidly developing and penetrating the markets of both underdeveloped third world countries and the countries of the European Union, thanks to an extensive network of gas pipes. However, this is not the limit, it is necessary to consolidate its monopoly in developed countries, pushed European TNCs out of Africa.

Personal goals:


Lev Rokhlin has aged during this time, and he urgently needs a replacement. Rokhlin himself suggests Nursultan Nazarbayev as a successor, one of the authors of the concept of the "Eurasian Federation", but many consider this figure too uncontrollable. The security forces are putting forward a promising figure in the form of Alexander Bastrykin. The oligarchs see the odious Ukrainian politician Viktor Yanukovych as a successor, who is a good lobbyist in the CIS. There are also rumors that in the circles of the Senate and the civil apparatus, the popularity of the experienced CIS diplomat Sergey Lavrov, a liberal believer, is growing, who is also considered by analysts as a potential successor. Only liberal parties and liberal circles of the capital's intelligentsia stand behind him. However, there is no unity in choosing a candidate yet, there is a fierce struggle for the place.


Control under democratic governance of the CIS there is a high risk of right/left and Islamic radicalism. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there is no single centralized system of law enforcement agencies and a single database. This is precisely what the Commonwealth will do, despite fears of "authoritarianization of power".

Remembering the bloody wars in Chechnya and the endless terrorist attacks by Islamists, we cannot allow ourselves to have an Islamist as the president of the CIS. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze him out of politics, smoothly and quietly, so that he retires early. Otherwise, a civil war will begin again in Russia
GDP (nominal): 2.2 trillion us dollars
Currency:Altyn (currency for trade within the CIS, officially adopted as the national currency in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. In other countries, the national currencies remained the same.)
The economic system:Oligarchy, in fact, large Eurasian TNCs have intertwined with the apparatus of both national states and the CIS; if in national states oligarchs influence the results of elections, then at the CIS level elections are directly subordinated to the border security and protection service. In Central Asia, the oligarchy is further divided into territorial clans.
Defense budget (in US dollars): 98 billion dollars
Alliance(s): G-8, BRICS, OPEC,Cooperates with NATO through the Partnership for Peace programme.

Military:The United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States consist of border troops (about 70,000 people), armed with 140 armored personnel carriers, 84 BRMDs, air defense, equipped with trucks and helicopters. They are the elite of all national troops within the CIS, but are poorly equipped due to the presence of national troops. Also scattered throughout the CIS are about 20,000 "CIS peacekeeping troops", whose goal is to prevent armed conflicts within the CIS. Armed with 20 new-generation tanks, aviation (26 attack aircraft, 4 bombers, 30 fighters) 140 armored personnel carriers, as a rule, created on the basis of the air force and paratroopers. The main part of the army is directly subordinate to national states.

Peacekeeping special operations forces (2000 people, 4 light helicopters, 12 armored vehicles, 2 armored personnel carriers)

History: On September 21, a crisis of the branches of power occurred, which is considered the date of the beginning of the "local civil war in Moscow". On the side of the parliament came the Tank Division of Minin and Pozharsky in the Baltic Fleet Sailors under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Igor Ostapenko, the Transnistrian volunteer divisions, Cossack units, units of the Russian National Movement, the security service of the Supreme Council, on the side of the president the capital's OMON, the Tank Division of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. An attempt to arrest the deputies of parliament led to a long siege of the Supreme Council, against armored vehicles the defenders used grenade launchers. On October 12, when the rebel tank division from Nizhny Novgorod and sailors from the Baltic Fleet arrived, General Grachev withdrew armored vehicles and troops from the House of Soviets. On October 13, Yeltsin resigned, Rudskoy became acting president.

In 1994, all the leaders of the Yelitsin regime were put on trial. In 1996, the structure of the CIS began to be strengthened, in addition to the border troops, the Commonwealth parliament began to be formed (however, it began to be elected only in 2002). Since 1994, General Alexander Lebed became the head of border security and protection, who during the Chechen war created the CIS peacekeeping corps. The Chechen war was bloody and Russian troops were unable to completely destroy the Islamic underground, the Chechen terrorists regrouped and went to the mountains, but already in 1996, General Lebed reported on the successful completion of the operation in Chechnya. However, the explosions of houses in the center of Russia by terrorists from "Ichkeria" in 1999 finally put an end to Lebed's career. Rudskoy himself revised the results of privatization in Russia and was able to create a mixed economy of a social type. Despite the repressions against the "democrats" of 1993-1995, his rule as a whole was remembered as "the most democratic period in the history of the post-Soviet space. Closer to 1998, it became clear that the social bureaucracy in Russia was excessively inflated, which led to a smooth slide of the economy, which had to be resolved after the elections of 2002.During Rudskoy's rule, Russian nationalists and Cossacks occasionally clashed with migrants and criminals, engaging in shootouts, but "out of a desire to preserve the tradition of republicanism," the government did not engage in the fight against right-wing radicalism.


Before 2002, production in Russia was stopped due to the large debts of the state to it, which was remembered as the era of "eternal strikes", in March 2002, the leader of the nationalist coalition "National Salvation Front" became the president of Russia, who began to conduct "controlled privatization", artificially uniting industries and transferring them for rent with the possibility of redemption to "Baburin's trusted persons". This became the basis for Russian and then Eurasian TNCs. In September of the same year, Alexander Lukashenko, a member of the National Salvation Front, became the president of the CIS, who began to integrate the economies of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan into the pan-European market. Due to the growth of prices for raw materials, the economy experienced a sharp rise until 2009, in 2006 the "Bank of the Commonwealth" opened in Kyiv, they began to print "altyns" - the CIS currency, which was quickly adopted as the national currency in Kazakhstan and Russia. However, economic integration ended when the crisis reached the CIS, small businesses fell like dominoes. In 2010, the presidential elections were won by a large margin by a member of the National Salvation Front Dmitry Rogozin, after which the "cornflower revolution" began in Russia, led by National Liberal Alexei Navalny. Already in May, two months after the protest, re-elections were announced along with elections to the Senate of the Commonwealth and elections for the president of the CIS. Thus ended the era of Baburin-Lukashenko.


The Russian Communist Workers' Party came to power in alliance with the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Viktor Tyulkin became the President of Russia, Nina Andreyevna became the President of the CIS. In 2011, the second Chechen war began, when Dudayev's men once again gathered into a fist, taking advantage of the instability of the new government, simultaneously carrying out terrorist attacks in Russia. Tyulkin and Nina Andreeva, who considered the CIS to be the legitimate territory of the USSR, reacted harshly, starting bombing and retaliatory genocides to the genocide of the Chechens. In the economy, they did not nationalize enterprises, but placed them under the control of the head of the border security and protection service, saving large TNCs from ruin. The opposition in the CIS faced "imprisonments for reposts" for criticizing the new government, and throughout the CIS, monuments to Stalin began to be returned, rewriting history in the vein of "Soviet patriotism." Due to the economic inefficiency of enterprises, the left-wing government began to massively import cheap labor from Central Asia, lifting restrictions on any movement. This created tension among the Slavic population, and struck the popularity of right-wing nationalist ideas. In 2014, the Chechen war was completed, with the support of Akhmat Kadyrov's son, Ramzan Kadyrov. However, the popularity of the "Left Government" was rapidly falling, and the incoming leftists in the CIS could not hold on for long; in March 2014, the "liberals" came to power.


The arrival of Ilya Yashin as President of Russia and Grigory Yavlinsky as President of the CIS made it possible to reset political relations with the world and to loosen the repressive screws inside the country. Under him, thanks to preferential consumer and business loans, they were able to restart the development of small businesses, but in Central Asia, "preferential loans" were stolen by clan holders. Under their rule, even more migrants began to come to Russia, creating enclaves of destabilization. In 2017, Uzbek terrorists blew up a railway station in Volgograd, and in December 2018, they blew up the entrance to the Nebo shopping center in Nizhny Novgorod. Due to the restriction of police rights, the ability to combat terrorism was significantly reduced, and these terrorist attacks had the character of unbridled elements. In August 2018, a scandal with a guardianship authority that was caught kidnapping a child from a single mother and selling him abroad. However, the Yabloko party stated that it did not see "any problem" in this, since the child grew up in unfavorable conditions, and the fact of receiving money for adoption still needs to be verified. In September 2018, Yabloko was barely able to win, the National Salvation Front was in second place. In principle, until 2022, there was a struggle in the apparatus with mutual revelations of corruption of the Yabloko party and the National Salvation Front, and in 2022, the "moderate Islamist" Azat Yarnurgaleev became the president of the CIS for the first time, who decided to make the CIS a "Turkish-style state". At the same time, the National Salvation Front took the majority of seats in the parliament of Russia and the CIS.
RP example(s):

In Kazan, a cell of the Altyn Urda organization, banned in Russia, was busted by peacekeeping units of special operations. Four firearms (pistols), two automatic rapid-fire weapons, 12 fragmentation grenades and Molotov cocktail blanks were confiscated from them. Presumably, the group was planning a series of terrorist attacks in central Russia against the non-Islamic population of Eurasia. Viktor Zolotov, head of the CIS Special Operations Peacekeeping Forces, said: "This is the fifth cache of Islamist groups over the past year. In order to more effectively combat Islamism, it is necessary to create an intelligence and counterintelligence service at the CIS level and strengthen the special operations service." Lev Rokhlin's press secretary said: "The problem of Islamism can only be solved jointly, within the framework of a large commonwealth, and not within the framework of one specific state."
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Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
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Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:59 am

RP Name: Central European Federation (name in progress)
Territory: Germany, Austria, Czechia

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A balkanised Germany that failed to unite in the 19th century, and only really formed a European Union-like body in the latter half of the 20th century.
The name's James. James Usari. Well, my name is not actually James Usari, so don't bother actually looking it up, but it'll do for now.
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Postby Arvenia » Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:20 am

NS Name: Arvenia
RP Name: Byzantion
Territory: Greece, Turkey, North Macedonia, Northern Thrace, Iranian Azerbaijan and Turkish-controlled parts of Syria

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Last edited by Arvenia on Sun Dec 29, 2024 11:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Pro: Political Pluralism, Centrism, Liberalism, Liberal Democracy, Social Democracy, Sweden, USA, UN, ROC, Japan, South Korea, Monarchism, Republicanism, Sci-Fi, Animal Rights, Gender Equality, Mecha, Autism, Environmentalism, Secularism, Religion and LGBT Rights
Anti: Racism, Sexism, Nazism, Fascism, EU, Socialism, Adolf Hitler, Neo-Nazism, KKK, Joseph Stalin, PRC, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Communism, Ultraconservatism, Ultranationalism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, WBC, Satanism, Mormonism, Anarchy, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 969 Movement, Political Correctness, Anti-Autistic Sentiment, Far-Right, Far-Left, Cultural Relativism, Anti-Vaxxers, Scalpers and COVID-19



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