South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup (Everything Thread)

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South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup (Everything Thread)

Postby South Newlandia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:23 am

Welcome to the South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup, in Newport, South Newlandia!

Signup/Discussion Thread

The South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup is a chess tournament, contested by individual players. Both players have 60 minutes each to play all of their moves. For more information on the game of chess, here is the Wikipedia article on chess. Chess knowledge is absolutely not required for RPing this tournament, though.

66 entrants were placed in six groups with 11 players each. They will play everyone else in their group once, playing a total of 5 games with the white pieces and 5 games with the black pieces. The winners of each group will be playing in a final stage, where they will meet each of the other five group winners twice; once with the white pieces and once with the black pieces. The winner of this group is the SN3C champion.

No tiebreakers will be used after points. If two or more players tie for first, they will play a rapid tiebreaker, in which every tied player will play every other tied player twice; once with white and once with black. If players remain tied, an Armageddon tiebreaker will be played.

Group A
Noemi Etienne (VFT)
Sevastian Sheshtakovi (CSR)
Norman Heartwell (APH)
Raatrani Czoùhan (NTR)
Vyktor Undersen (EDS)
Rose-Émilie Neveu (UNC)
Ashwin Varkav (VAI)
Adam Esteban (SNL)
Johnny B. Goode (MIR)
Eveline Valeria Annalise Tiêu Xuân Ngọc (VEZ)
Eudoxia Kozlovi (CSR)
Group B
Istvan Bárány (KGY)
Kristian Theiss (NPU)
Spike Wigstan (CRN)
Jazeps Dantekars (RLS)
Jonathan Troutman (EJM)
Sam Hawbret (NKR)
Ziggy Stardust (MIR)
Jason Severn (ESL)
Vladimir von Gaienrath (RLS)
Oskar Lancelot (CRN)
Miefodij Ihnatjew (NPU)
Group C
Sebastian Grob-Coltman (APH)
Richard Pulza Jr. (IMP)
Dave the Hobo (PPT)
Nurgul Zhaksybekova (BKH)
Felix Tremblay (VFT)
Julia Willis (KYP)
Eleanor Rigby (MIR)
Anne Christian-Warren (TJU)
Aydar Rakhmonov (BKH)
Dave McDaverson (PPT)
David Matney (IMP)

Group D
Freya Laitala (SKF)
Tshering Gyeltshen (TJU)
Khanyisa van Lundi (SNL)
Reud der-Wijner (EDS)
Charlene Jeannie N. Marceline Myong Suh-Hyung (VEZ)
Midjima Bahalari (SFL)
Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer (UNC)
John Roach (KYP)
Géza Horváth (KGY)
Mannfred Honwar (RLS)
Klaus Moeller (NPU)
Group E
Yuvraj Kumar (NTR)
Ilona Adam (KGY)
Curt Matthews (HAP)
Linda Woodmere (IMP)
Shavkat Muradov (BKH)
Stephanie Jacobson (ESL)
Jamie Cartwright (ESL)
Pietro Volkov (VAI)
Valerio Hassan (CRN)
Sameul Salucci (VFT)
Parvos Fadahana (SFL)
Group F
Elani Jabulan (SNL)
Zygfryd Zurowski (UNC)
Makkehenst Virgrensteure (EDS)
Rafokeli Nandrasoa (SFL)
Margarita Altamiranda (TJU)
Glacia McDorrey (APH)
Adam Debinf (NKR)
Luka Vasilievi (CSR)
Hannah Thompson (HAP)
Hari Venkatesh (VAI)
Stijn van Dijk (KYP)

The cut-offs for every scorination will be occurring on Sundays, between approximately 19:00 and 21:00 UTC every matchday.
January 5th: 2 v 11 refers to the second listed player in the groups above playing with the white pieces against the eleventh listed player in the group
In-Character Day One: 2 v 11; 3 v 10; 4 v 9; 5 v 8; 6 v 7 | 8 v 6; 9 v 5; 10 v 4; 11 v 3; 1 v 2 | 3 v 1; 4 v 11; 5 v 10; 6 v 9; 7 v 8
In-Character Day Two: 9 v 7; 10 v 6; 11 v 5; 1 v 4; 2 v 3 | 4 v 2; 5 v 1; 6 v 11; 7 v 10; 8 v 9 | 10 v 8; 11 v 7; 1 v 6; 2 v 5; 3 v 4
January 12th:
In-Character Day Three: 5 v 3; 6 v 2; 7 v 1; 8 v 11; 9 v 10 | 11 v 9; 1 v 8; 2 v 7; 3 v 6; 4 v 5 | 6 v 4; 7 v 3; 8 v 2; 9 v 1; 10 v 11
In-Character Day Four: 1 v 10; 2 v 9; 3 v 8; 4 v 7; 5 v 6 | 7 v 5; 8 v 4; 9 v 3; 10 v 2; 11 v 1 | Rapid Tiebreaks if needed
January 19th:
In-Character Day Five: Final Stage Group Games 1-3
In-Character Day Six: Final Stage Group Games 4+5
January 26th:
In-Character Day Seven: Final Stage Group Games 6-8
In-Character Day Eight: Final Stage Group Games 9+10, Rapid Tiebreaks if needed

RP Information:
You may now start posting in this thread. It is recommended, although not required, that you post a Player Overview for your players to let other roleplayers know a little more about what they’re going up against. You can go into further detail about whatever you want (ages, heritage, club team (if any), play style, favourite openings etc. etc.). Otherwise, you can Roleplay about whatever you like; it doesn’t have to be chess, either.
You are also advised to include a Roleplay permissions box in your roster post. An example may look like this:
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes/No
Godmod game events: Yes/No
Godmod other events: Yes/No

This can reduce conflicts between you and your opponent when you both want to RP the same match, but the best plan to do that remains to message your opponent on discord or by telegram. Don’t be intimated by the amount of opponents it may seem like you need to consider simultaneously - you only need to worry about the games you actually want to talk about in-depth.

Otherwise, I, as the host of this competition, ask you to not to inflict any damage to South Newlandian people or property without talking to me first. I generally am okay with stuff like that, but I do not enjoy being blindsided about those things. The same goes for clear proof of an opponent cheating (although accusations and stuff are fine).

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a telegram or message me on discord - I know some of this stuff is confusing, so please ask if anything is unclear!
Last edited by South Newlandia on Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:31 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby South Newlandia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:24 am

South Newlandia In-character (IC) Information

South Newlandia is an island nation located in Esportiva, somewhere East of Super-Llamaland. It’s home to a population of approximately 4 million people.
South Newlandia is known for democracy, elephants, regulated capitalism and environmentalism, and the friendly population, happy to help you out if you run into any problems.

Newport has established itself as the place to be for chess in South Newlandia. It’s mainly known as a trading city, located on the Eastern tip of the island. Newport is home to around 350,000 people, and is one of the faster-growing South Newlandian cities. It’s also known for its baseball teams, the Owls and the Dolphins, the latter of which have enjoyed plenty of success over the last decades.
Newport is a city with many college students, finding space for three different well-known colleges.
The weather forecast for the duration on the SN3C is good, with temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius (68°F), and some light rain at most.

The Ivory Crown Hotel has been the place where the Elephant Chess Cup happens in South Newlandia since the beginning, and now, they're also expanding into other tournaments too. It’s closed to visitors unrelated to the tournament during the event. Players will be able to enjoy the luxury hotel that is commonly considered one of the nicest in the entire country. All players will have their own room to stay in, study, sleep, and relax, and rooms to train as a team are also available. The games will be played in various rooms on the ground floor. They have been redesigned for this purpose, and every board is under the watchful eye of a camera to allow streaming the games in real time. Of course, with this being South Newlandia, the hotel does not feature a gram of actual ivory.

The dress code for this tournament is less strict than you might expect from a chess tournament; however, you might still run into some trouble if you show up in full battle armor including your Norrhemian longsword, or your Jeruselemite princess cosplay. Generally, if it's something the average person would be comfortable wearing in front of their in-laws, you'll be fine. Jeans are explicitly allowed, too.

Feel free to ask any additional questions!
Last edited by South Newlandia on Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Trigramme: SNL | Nickname: Elephants | Proud member of Esportiva
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Postby Barkhastan » Sat Dec 28, 2024 2:15 pm

1. Aydar Rakhmonov (22)

Innovative and unorthodox, Aydar hails from a tiny rural hamlet where he learned chess at the table of his grandfather, an illiterate goat herder, yet the humble shepherd boy shot into national attention by becoming national champion as a teenager. He has since passed an unofficial ranking of 2700. Dabbles in hypermodernist approaches, and known for his relentless counterattacking. Hugely popular in Barkhastan, especially among young chess enthusiasts, and credited with being the first hero of the internet age of Barkhastani chess. Mixes irreverent and silly humour in his commentaries. A little callow.

Favourite pair of jeans: Одећа brand skinny jeans. The Shodklyki ("Street Wolves") subculture in Barkhastan has appropriated Mytanar youth subculture, and Одећа streetwear is very popular as a result. Aydar, who comes from the countryside and only moved to the city a couple of years ago, is a bit of a poser in this regard; no one really thinks he's a Shodklyki, but he still wears the outfits, listens to the music, and has even been seen smoking.

2. Shavkat Muradov (34)

Son of Murad Akhmetov, widely considered the greatest Barkhastani chess player of the Soviet era. Shavkat has always been more of a conformist than his father (who died in political exile) and does not quite play with the same flair, but he is still a solid all round positional player. He is very attacking but is also noted for his strong endgame play. Shavkat is also an expert player in the traditional Barkhastani board game of sarbazlar.

Favourite pair of jeans: Like most conservative Muslims, Shavkat does not wear jeans, even though clerics generally do not consider it haram. However, he has a great appreciation for the movies of noted cinematic auteur Elsa Jean, so two of her movies back-to-back would be his favourite pair.

3. Nurgul Zhaksybekova (28)

Already considered the greatest female Barkhastani chess player of all time, eclipsing the great Aigerim "Husband Stabber" Karimova. She played her first public game at age 6 and is the only person to have won the Barkhastani Women's Chess Championship three times in a row, although she has less experience playing against top level male players. Has a very well rounded game with natural attacking instincts tempered by good positional theory. Off the board she is interested in mathematics and logic puzzles. Has not stabbed her husband, yet, but otherwise is generally perceived to have surpassed Karimova's legacy.

Favourite pair of jeans: With cowgirl fringes. Cowboy/Western culture has a large kitsch following in Barkhastan, whose own traditions of horseback banditry and vigilante justice are redolent of the Wild West ethos. During the Soviet era such films were banned but (poorly dubbed) pirated copies were very popular on the black market.

Coach: Rustem Gulyamov (51)

Though a former national chess champion, Rustem has become more renowned as a mentor and coach than a player himself. He has published several books on chess strategy. He is known for his advanced knowledge of positional play and is well respected in the chess theory community.

Favourite pair of jeans: Stahlberg. The Kordavian jeans company is quite popular in Barkhastan despite the abysmal quality of its product, mainly because of how cheap they are. Stahlberg jeans are banned in many countries as it is widely believed the Kordavian regime uses political prisoners as slave labour in their production. Barkhastanis, who generally cannot afford more expensive foreign brands, aren't fussy about such niceties.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Decide board results: Yes
Decide moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: No, unless it's funny
Godmod other events: No, unless it's funny

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Postby Congressional Socialist Republics » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:05 am

The Spartak South Kavagrad Chess Club presents the following profiles on All-Union Masters Luka Vasilievi, Sevastian Sheshtakovi, and Eudoxia Kozlovi, and their coach, All-Union Master Danya Sosonko, to accompany their entries into the South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup, for the benefit of international media observers. Unity in Solidarity!
Luka Vasilievi
Age: 21
Title: All-Union Master
VSF Ranking: 2
VSF Rating: 2790
Accolades: All-Union Individual Chess Champion (2020), 2x Kavan Republican Chess Champion (2022, 2024), 3x Spartakiad Individual Chess Champion (2021, 2023, 2024)

Profile: A 17-year old Luka Vasilievi made national headlines in 2020, winning the All-Union Individual Chess Championship as a teenager from the 32nd seed in a 40-player field. Not seen as one of the most promising prospects prior to that point, Luka has carried the momentum from his national championship status and become one of the SSRK's top players, now in his prime, though he has yet to replicate his 2020 performance in the era of Khasan Abdulin. Still an awkward, spotty teenager at the time of his national spotlight, Vasilievi has grown into a well-groomed and marketable young man, known for his custom-made dark green suits. Having spoken about his ambitions to go into fashion when his time near the top is over, Vasilievi may have less longevity in the game than most if he ever feels his hopes of a second All-Union Championship slipping away for good. A student of the modern, universal style, Luka is a an expert in Catalan Opening, Queen's Gambit and Sicilian Defence.

Sevastian Sheshtakovi
Age: 32
Title: All-Union Master
VSF Ranking: 5
VSF Rating: 2769
Accolades: 2x All-Union Individual Chess Champion (2017, 2019), 5x Kavan Republican Chess Champion (2015, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2023), 5x Spartakiad Individual Chess Champion (2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018)

Profile: Born and raised in Zhenegrad, the home of the Ilyin School, Sheshtakovi has become one of the top players of the Vienna Opening, King's Gambit and Gubinsky-Melts Defence in the last 30 years. Rounded out with his specific expertise in the Chebanenko Slav (which he may know better than any player alive), and it's no surprise that the Ilyinite Sheshtakovi has become one of the top chess players in the SSRK, despite the Ilyin School not being as robust as it was nearly a century ago. A two-time All-Union Champion, Sevastian continues to be a consistent threat at a national level, finishing in the Top 5 in every All-Union Championship since 2016.

Eudoxia Kozlovi
Age: 28
Title: All-Union Master
VSF Ranking: 16
VSF Rating: 2685
Accolades: 6x Zonda Memorial Trophy (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024)

Profile: The highest-rated female chess player in the SSRK, Eudoxia is the unwilling inheritor of two legacies, one of gender and one of blood. As the strongest woman of her generation, comparisons have been drawn between her and the legendary Ayyasonda "Zonda" Oznik, the only woman to have ever won an All-Union Championship. Unable to replicate that success thus far despite outperforming her ranking on a number of occasions, Kozlovi might well blame the so-called "Sosonko Curse". A curse allegedly placed on Daniil Sosonko (not to be confused with this team's coach, Daniil's grandson) after the 1925 Steelworkers' Open has been claimed to have ensured that no Sosonko has ever been able to win an All-Union Championship, despite four generations of extremely capable players. Kozlovi is a Sosonko through her mother, and has herself finished as high as third in the All-Union in 2020, but reaching the latter half of her peak years outside of the Top 10 put her chances of achieving major accolades in doubt.

COACH: Daniil "Danya" Sosonko
Age: 48
Title: All-Union Master
VSF Ranking: 28
VSF Rating: 2645
Accolades: 8x Vostrokavan Republican Chess Champion (1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013), 12x Zenitiad Individual Chess Champion (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011), 4x CCU Chess Champion (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)

Profile: Danya (born Daniil, but using the diminutive to prevent confusion with his grandfather) Sosonko has been perhaps the most high-profile victim of the Sosonko Curse, and the only Sosonko who has openly stated that he believes the curse exists. After finishing 2nd in 4 consecutive All-Union Championships, to 4 different champions from 1999 to 2002 during a period known as the "Chess Anarchy" (where 9 champions were crowned in 10 years), Danya announced that he would never compete in the All-Union again, refusing to be tortured by the curse. A comment by Vladislav Petrovi in Shakhmati v SSRK summed up prevailing sentiment on the matter: "he [Danya] refused the curse because he was unable to refute it". Sosonko served two terms in the lower legislative house, the CCU-RA, from 2016 to 2019, before becoming a full-time chess coach for Kongressa Vostrokava. He was approached to work as coach for this international delegation by Spartak South Kavagrad due to his familial connection to Kozlovi (his niece) and the general respect he's commanded as a high-level coach since his retirement.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes, but refer to players' preferred opening where reasonable
Godmod game events: No
Godmod other events: No

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Postby Vielfaltig » Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:01 pm

Vielfaltig (VFT) Player Overviews

Noemi Etienne
Age: 24
Hometown: Walbourg
Second/Trainer: Lucas Felix
Repertoire: Catalan, Ruy Lopez (White); Grunfeld, Sicilian (Black)
Domestic Rating: 2836
Bio: Noemi Etienne was born in Walbourg, Marigny and started playing chess at the age of 6. She was introduced to the game by her father, an avid chess player, and the president of a local chess club. She rose through the ranks rapidly and was the youngest female player to achieve a rating of 2000 at the age of 9. She repeated this feat when obtaining her Grandmaster title at the young age of 15. She became the highest-rated woman in Vielfaltig in 1994 at the age of 17 and broke the 2700 barrier. Her rise was met with disdain and shock from the old guard as chess had primarily been a male-dominated field in Vielfaltig. Etienne was responsible for bringing change to the narrative that women could not compete at the highest level of chess. She elevated her game further and qualified for the 1996 and 1998 Vielfaltig Chess Championship Qualifiers winning the 1998 iteration. This set up a clash against reigning champion Felix Tremblay in the following year. The 1999 Vielfaltig Chess Championship match has been etched in history and is colloquially referred to as the "Match of the Century". It witnessed Etienne ascend onto the summit of Vielfaltigian chess defeating Tremblay who had held the crown since 1983. She has taken this opportunity to refine and develop her style of play further. Etienne prefers a dynamic and tactical style of chess and is not afraid of going down material for an attack on the opposition. Her boldness on the board is a risky approach however her defensive skills are equally up to the mark when she is in a bit of a worse position.
Noemi is a fan of popular music and is a regular at the VIP boxes of numerous concerts. She can often be seen preparing for games by vibing to the newest pop record. She is also an avid student of chess and can often be seen making notes perhaps for a future book featuring a study of her games.
Lucas Felix (aged 38) has been Noemi's trainer since she was 17. A close friend of her father's Felix has been an integral part of Noemi's journey in chess so far. He led the team for her Championship effort and developed numerous novelties to catch out Tremblay. Felix was a much more active player in his 20s having achieved a peak rating of 2706. He has greatly reduced the number of tournaments he plays since taking up the Etienne challenge. He is a great sparring partner for Noemi too due to his strength as a chess player. He continues to dabble occasionally in Rapid and Blitz tournaments with the short formats keeping him excited. He is believed to have shaped much of Etienne's tactical tendencies and is one of the greatest proponents of hypermodern chess.

Felix Tremblay
Age: 37
Hometown: Vicchio
Second/Trainer: Gabin Duchamp
Repertoire: Queen's Gambit, Italian (White); Caro-Kann, Nimzo-Indian (Black)
Domestic Rating: 2789
Bio: Felix Tremblay is an individual who has stood at the summit of Vielfaltigian chess perhaps the longest. Born in 1964 in Vicchio, Palma, his prodigal skills were visible from his early childhood. His father was a notable Minister in Julio Kalio's cabinet and a chess enthusiast. It was not much of a surprise when a young Felix took up the board game. He slowly became obsessed with the positional dynamics of chess and delved much deeper into the game. He made his debut in tournaments at the age of 12 and within a few months had obtained a rating of 2000. He had taken the chess world by storm and was quick to rise through the ranks. He was granted the title of grandmaster at just 14 years old and by the time he was 17 years old, he was already playing in a Championship match. The 1981 Championship Match was a pivotal moment in Felix's career as despite a close defeat to then-champion, Martin Travere, this served as fuel for him to touch newer heights. He breezed through the following qualifying cycle and once again faced Martin, this time winning dominantly with 5 wins and no losses in the 20-game match. Tremblay then proceeded to hold the crown from 1983 to 1999 when he was finally dethroned by Etienne in his 10th Championship Match and only the second match he lost. An 8-time Vielfaltig Chess Champion, Tremblay's legacy is cemented in history and he could very well retire. But what makes him special is his undying love for the game of chess and thus he carries on. Following the loss in the 1999 Championship Match, Tremblay has suffered a bit of a slump which he will be hoping to recover. He has also been very vocal about his fixation on regaining the crown and there is quite a heated rivalry developing between the two. The rivalry however has turned sour on various occasions especially before and during the championship match when Tremblay made numerous misogynistic remarks regarding women in chess. He is known for his rock-solid, methodical style which seeks to grind out small advantages rather than making bold tactical plays. That however does not mean he overlooks tactical sequences rather he prefers to play more conservatively.
Felix Tremblay is sort of the old-school player who will show up in a suit and stare you down before the game. He enjoys jazz and classical music in his off-time however before matches, you will most likely see him preparing for the game by learning the newest line of the Bongcloud (my bad, the Italian).
Gabin Duchamp (aged 43) has been a childhood friend of Tremblay's and was a colleague and competitor of his for many years. Having reached a peak of 2731 in his early 20s, he has opted to join Tremblay's team as his main trainer following his loss at the 1999 Championship. He has looked to revamp Tremblay's game with deeper opening preparation and an expansion of his repertoire to include more niche openings. Duchamp was a fairly successful player in his own time having been a Championship contender in 1977 and having won the National Open on three occasions. He is also one of the most reputed theorists having developed much of the theory in the Reti and the Italian through his books on both openings.

Sameul Salucci
Age: 16
Hometown: Bogen
Second/Trainer: Lambert Garnier
Repertoire: English, Reti (White), Sicilian, Modern Defence (Black)
Domestic Rating: 2708
Bio: Sameul Salucci, born in Bogen, Kaunus, is a young and upcoming talent whose rapid rise in the chess world has been nothing short of astonishing. Only 16 years of age, his qualification for this tournament in itself is a massive feat. He began playing at just 4 years of age and having been formally trained since 6 years of age, he is the most promising young player in Vielfaltig at the moment. He is the youngest grandmaster in Vielfaltigian history having obtained the title at just 12 years 216 days. He comes into the SNL Chess Cup with notable tournament victories such as the Victorin Memorial Cup and the recently concluded Vielfaltig Rapid Open. He is believed to be among one of the players who can challenge Tremblay for the contender spot in the Championship Match next year. Salucci is a player blessed with a tremendous ability to calculate positions while also being able to sufficiently rely on his intuition. This deadly combination makes him one of the most accurate players, especially in the longer Classical format.
He behaves like the average 16-year-old teenager and you may even confuse him for a spectator as he is often more intrigued by what is going on in the boards of others. A fan of hard rock and metal music, he enjoys playing the guitar to the newest Mouldy Metalloids track in his free time. He is well acquainted with all the latest computer technology which he utilises to its full potential in preparation. His favourite format of chess however in his own words is blitz which he can often be seen playing on the online platform,
His trainer, Lambert Garnier (aged 61), has been coaching him since he was 6 years old. This long time has built quite a bond between the two. Garnier was never a very strong player in his heyday having hit a peak of 2610. He, however, remains an expert on positional dynamics and was referred to as the Boa Constrictor in his playing days for his constricting style of play. His influence on Salucci's game is visible, especially with his reliance on calculation to find the best move in each position. Garnier has spent much of his training period in preparing deep lines and theory much of which is greatly useful to Salucci who is known to play into deep engine lines to confuse his opponents.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes, but probably lemme know first in case I am preparing something too.
Godmod game events: Reach out to me
Godmod other events: Reach out to me
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Postby Nightralia » Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:11 am



Raatrani Czoùhan , age: 72 years
"The Diplomat"
UNCF Rating: 224

27 (all time highest: 2296)
At 72 years, Raatrani Czoùhan doesn't seem like the sort of person to participate in a chess tournament of this scale. Yet, despite her age, she's the youngest of the Elder Nightwalkers; unlike the rest whose life was shaped by the Onyx Eruption that created Nightralia, hers was defined by the war which nearly destroyed it.
Nightralia's High Ambassador to the World Assembly, and the famed diplomat who orchestrated the peace treaty that ended the Ice War. Raatrani is not just a diplomat by profession but one by soul; she's always preferred tact and finesse over headlong rushes.

Known for her calm, composed demeanor at the board and off it, she is often seen employing the King's Indian Defense, a strategy that reflects her love for subtle maneuvers, gradually building up the pressure on the opponent's kingsidebefore launching a fierce counterattack. Off the board, she carries the weight of her nation's hopes and dreams; being the first-ever grandmaster from Nightralia, she's come to represent both chess and diplomacy in the country. As a result, she's the highest-rated among the team, but hadn't played professionally in 32 years, having quit her budding career to focus on the nation.

She returned earlier this year to lead Nightralia to an impressive fifth in their very first international tourney: The Elephant Cup. Her figures were outstanding, almost matching the top players from champions Katzeburg. This time around, it's hoped that her individual brilliance will shine through and power Nightralia into an ever better finish.

If there's one weakness she has; it's reticence: her tendency to spin a web around the opponent sometimes causes her to miss out on more immediate opportunities. While formulating an elaborate combination to pierce her opponent's defence, she might accidentally give up a loose pawn due to her laser focus. Despite that, she is by far the most experienced of the team, and any hopes of a Nightralian face in the playoffs shall largely rest upon the shoulders of Raatrani Czoùhan.

Board 2: Yuvraj Kumar, age: 17 years
UNCF Rating: 2047

Yuvraj Kumar, known as “The Voyager” to a growing legion of adoring fans, isn’t your typical chess player. Coming from a long line of Sanskrit merchants and seafarers, you'd expect him to have inherited the family tradition of navigating the oceans, but his first love wasn’t the waves—it was the ancient game of Chaturanga, over 3 millennia old. He was introduced to the game by his family when he was three and quickly developed a fascination for its complexity. By the age of eight, he was already one of the top ten Chaturanga players in Nightralia, an almost unheard-of achievement for someone so young. It seemed as if a new prodigy was set to take Nightralia by storm.

But as he grew older, Yuvraj’s parents realized that Chaturanga had its limits. It was a niche game, popular only in Nightralia and some of the neighboring sea empires. If Yuvraj was ever going to make a name for himself on the global stage, he would have to switch to the international game: chess. The transition wasn’t easy. For the first couple of years, he was frequently penalized for using Chaturanga rules that didn’t apply to chess, and his muscle memory worked against him as often as it favoured him. But his unique background also gave him an edge. He brought with him a completely different way of thinking about the game, which often took opponents by surprise; set in their ways, having been used to a particular sort of game, facing someone who felt like he played another game entirely was nothing short of herculean.

Yuvraj’s playstyle is nothing short of flamboyant. He’s known for pulling off seemingly reckless combinations that no one understands until it’s too late. His games often look like they’re spiraling out of control, only for him to suddenly turn the tables and completely decimate his opponent. This makes him one of the most exciting players to watch, and also one of the most unpredictable. His favorite opening is the English Defense, which gives him the flexibility to build the game into the type of complex, chaotic battlefield he thrives in. When playing black, he often opts for the Sicilian, a sharp and aggressive response that fits perfectly with his daring style.

However, Yuvraj’s tendency to get lost in his own head can sometimes work against him. He’s easily distracted, and his focus can waver, leading to careless mistakes at critical moments. He once lost the Nightralia Cup final against a much lower-rated opponent when he accidentally fell prey to a Fried Liver Attack, costing him his rook and subsequently the game. This, combined with his aversion to modern computer-assisted preparation, has cost him games against more disciplined and resourceful opponents. While his unconventional strategies have won him many memorable victories, they’ve also led to some frustrating losses.

In the recent Elephant Cup, he had a wild, topsy-turvy run, finishing with embarassingly average figures of 3-2-2. If his wins were nothing short of magnificent, built on fearless combinations and tactical counter-attacks, his losses and some draws were equally underwhelming: often surrendering fabulous positions, and blundering in the worst possible time.

Classical isn't really his best format: he remains a rapid star. But the still sea can be deceptively dangerous; and Yuvraj is the dark horse who can shift the momentum of the tournament in an instant. His career so far has been marked by dramatic ups and downs, but there's no question about his talent or his potential. When he’s at his best, Yuvraj Kumar is a force to be reckoned with, as unpredictable and resilient as the stormy sea he grew up in.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay specific moves made: Yes, but make it sensible, if possible TG me with the moves you've planned
Godmod game events: Yes, but reach out to me if major
Godmod other events: Reach out to me if they involve my players, if I don't respond in time feel free
Last edited by Nightralia on Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:24 am, edited 5 times in total.
"Sometimes the brightest light is found in the darkest depths of night"
Advanced post-apocalyptic nation based primarily on Night, with a Sanskrit-Sami population and a perpetual light pollution-free night sky.
Public Safety Officer at Community, Citizen-Speaker at Carcassone
Finished 5th in Elephant Chess Cup X (technically)

Almost everyone you meet online, everyone you get into arguments with, hurl insults at, get flamed by... are good, friendly, kind people in real life. Remember that the person, the nation, the name you're addressing exists behind the screen. A life of their own; problems, joys, fears and secrets.
They are just as unique as you are. Their opinions do not make them inferior. Neither do yours. Attack the war, not the conscript.

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Postby TJUN-ia » Mon Dec 30, 2024 4:15 pm


Name: TJUN-ia
Trigram: TJU
Demonym: TJUN-ian/Jaguar
Player Nicknames: Jaguars/Jaguar Knights
Governing Body: TJUN-ia Chess Federation (TCF)

TCF Rating System (Elo)
Grandmaster of the International Community (GIC): 3001+
International Master (IM): 2751-3000
TCF Master (TM): 2501-2750
Candidate Master (CM): 2001-2500
Class A (CA): 1801-2000
Class B (CB): 1601-1800
Class C (CC): 1401-1600
Class D (CD): 1201-1400
Class E (CE): 1001-1200
Class F (CF): 801-1000
Class G (CG): 601-800
Class H (CH): 401-600
Class I (CI): 201-400
Class J (CJ): 101-200
Rookie (R): under 100

This is how Chess is organised here in TJUN-ia, with 15 titles and 3 overall Tiers to cover all 1 million+ players who play Chess in TCF-affiliated or run tournaments and leagues. This system was created by the TCF to encourage more professionalism within the game and runs on a simple formula: 2 points per win, 1 for a draw, -1 for a loss and -2 for a loss in 30 or fewer combined moves (or the "15 each" rule). If you take part in any TCF-related event, then you can add to your Rating with 0 given to those making their TCF debuts at any given level. For the ECC, the TCF used a "3+1" mentality - Three Professionals, One Semi-Pro. That system is under further review now that this new tournament has replaced the ECC.

Tshering Gyeltshen
Age: 26
Place of Residence: Trashiyangtse, CEA Zone
TCF Rating: Grandmaster of the International Community (N/A)
ECC10 Record: 2-5-0

Leader no that there is no more ECC, there is no more team - although all three players are still Jaguar Knights as a mark of respect. Improvement is seen as a necessity by those who follow the sport - but he will stick to the style we all know too well, a style that loves the game as much as he loves Lam Chow-Cheung. Neither they nor Batu Tüvshinbayar will be in town to provide support, so from this point on, it will be just him and the board. Let's see what he can do on his own...

Anne Christian-Warren
Age: 30
Place of Residence: New Adamstown/Adamstaun, UO Zone
TCF Rating: Grandmaster of the International Community (N/A)
ECC10 Record: 1-5-1

Anne Christian-Warren is a very interesting player in her own right - one of the highest-rated female players in the TCF and a rare athlete in any sport from New Adamstown, making her a Pitkerner. She certainly likes to be known as someone who represents her heritage and the blood of the HMS Bounty with pride, playing her game like a pirate as well - win no matter what, go for broke and all that jazz. She became a hero back in her home town after winning it all twice, with her strategy becoming so famous that it's even included in official Chess strategy guides published in the International Community. The Lesbian Pirate Queen, one of the most badass nicknames in TJUN-ian sport, is now the captain of her own ship...and will hope to improve on 1-5-1 this time around.

Margarita Altamiranda
Age: 34
Place of Residence: Ciudad Calamar, UAC Zone
TCF Rating: Grandmaster of the International Community (N/A)
ECC10 Record: 2-5-0

Margarita hails from Cuidad Calamar in the UAC zone - a city and region not seen as a Chess powerhouse by any means. Despite that, she's certainly a talent and plays with that Latin flair we all expect - quick and powerful at the same time. Being considered a professional for life certainly did wonders for her, especially back home, and while she doesn't have the crown anymore, she certainly has proved that she deserved to be considered a professional alongside her teammates. It was a tough call for the TCF but in the end, they chose Altamiranda to be the 3rd Jaguar Knight of the SNCCC over young Gideon Irosaea. While she was sad to see him go, she knows she cannot let her sacrifice be in vain...especially now as she is on her own for the foreseeable.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
1st: ECC4/5, NSSCRA13, RLWC22, IBS20, EBT3, EIHT2
2nd: NSCF24/26, ARWC4, WC:TOTS, IBC34, IBS17, RUWC33/35, ECC6
3rd: ARWC3, IBC32/41, ECC3/7, ARWC6, ET20IV
T1: #07 Michael Stefan (S13 T1 Champ)/#64 Alfonso Mercado/#03 Maddison Riley-Jones (S10 T2 Champ)
T2: #96 Alice Jepkosgei/#70 Gongming Gao [NCR]/#79 Axel Chase

WGPO: #11 Lane Carter/ #9 Batu Tüvshinbayar (WGP2 S5 Champion)
NSTT: 4 S-Titles (3 RU)/2 D-Titles (6 RU)

UN - U1
TJUN (Ta-Jun) - An organ of the UN that focuses on "international role-play" (i.e. USA = Fang the Sniper) (U2)
TJUN-ia (Ta-Jun-ee-a) - The testing grounds of TJUN members, but operates as an independent nation. (U3)

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South Newlandia
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Postby South Newlandia » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:54 pm

SN3C - South Newlandian player overview

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Please ask first
Godmod other events: Please ask first

Chess has a long history in South Newlandia, and used to be considered one of the most important sports of the country. Just a few decades ago, most children would learn at least the basic rules of the game; but in recent years, the popularity of chess has waned. With the Elephants seeing success in various other sports, especially baseball, chess has become increasingly unpopular, and the South Newlandian Chess League is no longer what it was, either. The South Newlandian government is trying to do something about that - this tournament might just be the start. The South Newlandian players still hope to be competitive, but it increasingly seems like the Elephant Island is getting lapped over the board. South Newlandians also don’t bother employing a specific coach – maybe changing that would actually improve results, though.

Adam Esteban, 30 [Group A]
Esteban has grown into his role as one of the best chess players in the country. Once a talented prodigy, he has turned into a great attacker with both colours. He does find himself in time trouble occasionally, but can also blitz out strong moves when needed. You’ll likely see him employ fancy new openings; it’s always interesting to see what Esteban has been working on. Supposedly, he has worked on sidelines of the Sicilian. He played well for himself at the recent Elephant Chess Cup, where he had ascended to the top board; and Classical has long been his preferred time control. Esteban likes to dress casually when playing chess, usually appearing in jeans and a monocoloured hoodie.

Khanyisa van Lundi, 21 [Group D]
The Elephants have a new prodigy after a string of strong performances first at youth tournaments, and later even taking a shocking victory in the South Newlandian Rapid Championship; the youngest player to ever accomplish that, narrowly beating out her teammate Esteban (who was also the previous record-holder). She likes to play quite fast and will typically have an advantage on the clock, and despite that, she’s able to make highly accurate moves very quickly. She also has an opening repertoire more broad than most South Newlandian chess players, making her tough to play against; she will pick her battles carefully. Van Lundi was born with albinism, and consequently prefers to wear clothing that protects her sensitive skin from the light. When allowed, she also likes to play with sunglasses to shield her eyes from the lights than can often be too bright for her liking.

Elani Jabulan, 28 [Group F]
Jabulan grew up in Stuska in Southern South Newlandia, and her talent was quickly evident. She has remarkable instinct and an ability to calculate quickly, making time pressure no real issue for her. For openings, she frequently finds herself playing most of the major viable variations, making it very difficult to predict what she’s about to play. She will frequently look into her opponents opening database to try and choose something that’ll give her good chances, and is generally considered a pioneer of deep computer analysis in South Newlandian chess. If there’s a weakness to her game, it is occasionally missing relatively simple (for her level) tactical ideas. She likes to dress more formal than the two other South Newlandians on the team.
Last edited by South Newlandia on Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Trigramme: SNL | Nickname: Elephants | Proud member of Esportiva
World Baseball Classic 54, 55 & 59 Champions

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United States of Nova Calania
Posts: 168
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Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby United States of Nova Calania » Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:16 am


Nova Calanian Player Overview

Nation Information:

Full Nation Name: The Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania
Demonym: Nova Calanian
Heads of State: Co-Consul Wlodzimierz Pruszkowski
Official languages: French, Polish and English
Population: 2 459 048
Team Nickname: Tapirs
National Colors: Red and Yellow
Governing Body: Nova Calanian Chess Fededation (NCCF)

Rose-Émilie Neveu
Age: 31
Hometown: Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer
Occupation: Concierge at W Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer by Marriott, a 5 stars hotel.
Favorite sports team: C.D. Sagrado Corazon (Association Football)

Rose-Émilie Neveu started playing chess at 6 years old. When playing chess she likes to take some risks and she can be unpreditable but it pays off for her and she rarely lose a domestic game.

Zygfryd Zurowski
Age: 21
Hometown: Wloszakowice, Odlegla Ziemia
Occupation: Student in policical science at Uniwersytet Nowa Kalanianska and part time employee in a board games store.
Favorite sports teams: Uniwersytet Nowa Kalanianska Aztecs (Gridiron) and Wloszakowice Blue Bombers (Gridiron)

Zygfryd Zurowski started playing chess 3 years ago and surprisingly, he realised he's good at it and started joining regional and then national competitions. He's very analytic.

Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer
Age: 42
Hometown: Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer
Occupation: Prince of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer
Favorite sports teams: Nordiques du Vieux-Saint-Jean-Jacques (hockey) and Club National (soccer)

Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is a direct descendant of Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier (John James the Buccaneer), a pirate of North Calanian origin who was active in the Ocean of Ayes (Anaia) in the 18th century and founded the city state of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer in 1793. Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer participated in the latest summer olympics in fencing and horse riding categories. he's now testing the waters in chess.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
Last edited by United States of Nova Calania on Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The Martian Independent Republic
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Postby The Martian Independent Republic » Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:37 am

Spiders (MIR) in South Newlandia

It's a different format, but it's mostly people you know, with one exception. Here's an overview of all the Martians heading to South Newlandia.

Johnny B. Goode (Group A)
Second: Ruby Tuesday
From Huygens Base, the second-largest in the entire Republic, Goode has taken the admittedly small Martian chess world by storm in recent years. Some are saying he's been losing some of his tactical genius, but he's still managed to keep a winning or equal record in every ECC he's been to. There is a slight worry that he won't deal well with classical, having not played much, but it is only voiced by a small minority of chess aficionados. Joining him as his second is his good friend and fellow member of the bronze medalist ECC8 squad, Ruby Tuesday. Goode favors explosive openings, and he loves the f-pawn - you can often see him playing Bird's Opening, the King's Gambit, the Open Sicilian, and the Dutch Defense.

What he would do at a talent show: Play the guitar really, really badly, be disappointed that nobody likes his horrible rendition of Wonderwall, then leave in shame. About what you would expect from a guy who looks at algae for a living.

Ziggy Stardust (Group B)
Second: Tommy O'Riley
Ziggy Stardust is probably the best chess player in Martian history. However, that doesn't make him a great leader, as seen by the complete collapse in ECC9 and ECC10 of the Martian squad. Luckily for him, this is an individual event, so if he can get his act together, he might even qualify for the finals. Along for the ride with him is the infamous Tommy O'Riley, from the same area of Aeolis Base as Stardust. Nobody apart from those two thought this was a good idea, but it was Stardust's decision in the end. Ziggy's favorite openings are the English, the Dragon Sicilian, and the Pirc.

What he would do at a talent show: Karaoke. Pretty much any song, Ziggy can sing it quite well, thanks to his expansive vocal range.

Eleanor Rigby (Group C)
Second: Lucy Pepper
Hailing from isolated Borealis Base, Eleanor Rigby earned her spot here not through winning an expansive tournament, nor by bribery, but simply by winning one small event: the Borealis Chess Club (formerly Borealis Women's Chess Club) Championship. The seven-time champion of that event's expertise is in classical chess, which better come in handy because she has signed up for the 'Double Sledgehammer' treatment: she has to play both Julia Willis and Anne Christian-Warren on the very first day of this tournament. Rigby is accompanied by the runner-up in Borealis, Lucy Pepper, wife of the local military representative there. It was twenty years ago that Sergeant Pepper taught them all to play, and the long exposure there has developed Borealis into the base with the highest number of chess players per capita by an order of magnitude. Her favorite openings are the Queen's Gambit, the Slav Defense, and the Stonewall Defense.

What she'd do at a talent show: Show off her fluency in seven languages, practically required in her day, but impressive now.

RP Perms:
Decide moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: No
Godmod other events: No
Last edited by The Martian Independent Republic on Wed Jan 01, 2025 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
New Eestiball but IC now! Fancy!
By the time next ECC rolls around, you'll see why I picked this nation specifically.

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South Newlandia
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Postby South Newlandia » Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:17 pm

Khanyisa van Lundi defends her title at South Newlandian Masters

Van Lundi won her second consecutive SNL Masters with a score of 7.5/9, outdoing her own victory at the previous edition. At just 21 years, she once again went undefeated to beat out fellow Elephants Adam Esteban (7/9) and Elani Jabulan (6.5/9), who rounded out the podium.
The ultimately pivotal game occurred early in the 20-player, 9-round Casaran event. After both van Lundi and Esteban had opened with two wins, the latter was set to play the white pieces against the former. The game quickly got highly complex, and with both players in dire time pressure in the 60|15 time control game, Adam Esteban made a critical miscalculation that allowed van Lundi to trade into a better endgame; which she proceeded to convert to notch a critical win with the black pieces. Having taken the sole lead of the tournament, she never looked back, and managed to hold off the surging Esteban just enough. Van Lundi ultimately clinched victory with another win with black, beating seventh-place finisher Thomas Parker (4.5/9).
Esteban fought back well, winning 6 of his other eight games, but missed a crucial chance to catch up in round 6, failing to convert a promising middlegame against Elani Jabulan. Jabulan initially had a slow tournament; after an opening round win, she drew five consecutive games, but rallied to win her final three matchups to finish a strong third.
Cecilia Blossom, seeded third entering the tournament, only finished with 5 points from 9 games, ultimately doomed by losing to both van Lundi and Esteban. She still managed to finish 5th in the 20-player field, behind youngster Prince Khatoon. The teenager was only seeded 9th, and also lost to both van Lundi and Esteban; but he had a very strong tournament overall, scoring 6/9, including 4.5/5 with the white pieces.

Entering the South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup, it seems clear that van Lundi, Esteban and Jabulan are the standout players from South Newlandia at the moment. Van Lundi especially should have chances to compete for the title in the biggest field the tournament has ever seen, but Esteban and Lundi could also be in the mix. Van Lundi will need to beat out stars like TJUN-ian Tshering Gyeltshen and Kytlerian John Roach, amongst a slew of other challengers; facing the former on Day Two and the latter in a potentially pivotal Round 10 match on Day Four.
Trigramme: SNL | Nickname: Elephants | Proud member of Esportiva
World Baseball Classic 54, 55 & 59 Champions

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The Kytler Peninsulae
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Postby The Kytler Peninsulae » Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:33 pm

The Kytlerian representatives at the SN3C
A brief guide

Who she is: The daughter of a nationally rated Kytlerian chess player, mentee of Prof. John Roach (more on whom later), and now the face of the Kytlerian chess program. A pretty face, by common consensus, which may not be unrelated - then again, she's also been plenty good enough to warrant the focus, consistently picking up strong results on the second board in the ECC7 and ECC8 triumphs before moving up to the top board thereafter. The two combined have made her highly marketable, allowing her to become the first full-time Kytlerian chess player courtesy of deals with office furniture supplier Clarkson-Murphy and sportswear firm Amdani.
What she'll play: 1. Nf3 is her standard opening as white, while as black she usually goes for a symmetrical response to her opponent but sometimes opts for a c5 rather than e5 response to 1. e4. In general, her aim is to get her opponent to commit first, so that she can try to counter accordingly.
How she'll beat you: Responding to whatever you throw at her and taking control that way.
How you'll beat her: Making something of the fact you'll tend to be playing on your terms and using that initiative successfully.

Who he is: A lecturer and researcher at the University of Zube, specifically in pure mathematics; he would have had an international chess career earlier if "international sporting career" - mind sports or otherwise - was a meaningful construct for his generation, growing up in the Kytlerian Isolation where international sport was shunned by right-wing governments in thrall to an enduring moral panic over "Recognised Performance Drugs." Was both top board and organisational leader for the ECC7 and ECC8 teams before focusing on the latter after that as he neared his 50s. The looser time controls here have lured him back over the board...
What he'll play: Probably the Sicilian as black, with the Najdorf and Dragon his preferred lines there. As white, he reliably opens 1. e4 and his favourite continuation is the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation.
How he'll beat you: Deep preparation on his favoured lines allowing him to play with precision in complex positions.
How you'll beat him: Time pressure, particularly with the lack of endgame increment in the SN3C. Especially if you shunt him into unfamiliar territory, although given his experience he's seen an awful lot...

Who he is: A former statistics student at the University of Zube who thrived in the famed "Mathematics v Margaret Institute" matches that made the campus the hotbed of Kytlerian chess, earning him a reserve spot in ECC7 - where he played the final two rounds, going 2/2 - and again at ECC8 before becoming a staple of the team thereafter.
What he'll play: Quite a few things, but he does like to have a strong pawn structure whenever possible, particularly valuing pawn chains.
How he'll beat you: Secure, steady play that either lets him take advantage of mistakes early or keeps him in the game to benefit from his pawn structure late.
How you'll beat him: Getting ahead in development as he focuses that bit too much on building a pawn wall.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes; I'd also be up for doing a "simulated game" where each of us, with engine assistance, make the moves we think our IC players would
Godmod game events: No
Godmod other events: No (probably - message me with ideas if you have them though, I may not say no!)
Last edited by The Kytler Peninsulae on Thu Jan 02, 2025 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Out of international isolation and... winning things? Huh?

Host: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Baptism of Iron X, 7th World Championships of Babbage Rules Football, and Games of the IX Olympiad.

Won: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Elephant Chess Cup 7, and Memorial Cup. Also top of the medals table at the Games of the IX Olympiad (24 gold, 63 total medals).
World Lacrosse Championship 12 and World Bowl 47 quarter-finalists, World Bowl XV and World Baseball Classic 20 octo-finalists
28 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VI Olympiad (13th in medal table)
7 medals, 5 gold, at VII Olympic Winter Games (7th in medal table)
26 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VIII Olympiad (9th in medal table)

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Posts: 153
Founded: Oct 20, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Aphrilia » Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:54 am

Who Are Aphrilia's Three at the SN3C?

The three players that are representing Aphrilia aren't really your average high-levelled chess masters. They're quite unique in personality and have had a hand in the Aphrilian chess scene for more than just a while. As this is the first time that Aphrilian players are playing in a multiversal chess tournament, perhaps context regarding chess in Aphrilia should be a good starter to understand where this country and it's three players are coming from when it comes to their background and origins both as people and players.

The game of pawns, kings, and queens have originally been associated with nobility for the longest time. Even it's earlier versions in Eluwa's history are linked to the monarchy of what was once The Bhaga Empire. Chess was a game to showcase intelligence, power, and royalty. When Aphrilia declared it's independence during The Great Insurgence, even long after it was over, chess still had that reputation. It was only around 17th century that chess actually started to become a game that even the common populace was able to enjoy.

The 19th to mid 20th century was the prime of chess in Aphrilia, as the version that everyone knows was imported from what limited trade that Aphrilia did. The game was involved in wagers and bets in bars, it was used to settle issues or disputes between two parties, among other things. And due to chess being in everyday life at the time, in 1887 the Aphrilian Chess Confederation (or ACC for short) was formed in order for chess at the professional level to properly be regulated. Chess continued to flourish until the 1960s, with the kingdom joining The Entente to fight in the Eluwan World War hurting many domestic industries. Including sports, including chess.

And while chess and the ACC recovered quicker than others, people at the time could tell that it wouldn't be the same. Many big names within the chess scene at this time fell in battle, injury, or other causes as they partook in the war by enlisting for the military. This caused chess to somewhat collapse in the country, but it recovered in due time. Well, Aphrilia's participation in the South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup seems to be good enough evidence that chess has recovered enough. With that context, without further ado, let's see who's representing Aphrilia for this tournament's first ever iteration.

Norman Heartwell (Group A)
Age: 26
ACC Rank: Grandmaster
ACC ELO: 2513

Norman Heartwell, an Aphrilian grandmaster who's the son of former national master player Jeanne Heartwell. Much like his mother, he's mainly proficient at playing with the black pieces, but he also has a nasty and poisonous bite when playing with white. What's unlike his mother is his approach to the game. Despite being a great player, his approach to the game is slow in the lazy way. He's relaxed, he takes things easy rather than being serious despite his age. It's his choice when it comes to when he should go 100% percent, and no one can convince him otherwise. He's so lazy that he only recently got his admission into the rank of grandmaster. But he said he wanted to represent Aphrilia here, so who knows.

Sebastian Grob-Coltman (Group C)
Age: 47
ACC Rank: Grandmaster
ACC ELO: 2671

Sebastian Grob-Coltman is a man of many talents. Even though he's a chess grandmaster (By Aphrilian standards anyway), Sebastian is also a rather popular songwriter and artist. Another thing about him is that he's a coach for a youth chess club in the capital city, Darlingtown. Despite chess being seen as a game of cold, cutting-edge calculations and highly technical positioning, Sebastian lets his creative mind flourish on the chess board as well. He strays off theory and often is the one putting a game into a position never studied before. You could say he's a catalyst for on-board chaos. Though it's more likely you say that after knowing about him, since at first he gives off the aura of a bored, unabashed old man.

Glacia McDorrey (Group F)
Age: 32
ACC Rank: National Master
ACC ELO: 2469

If you think we're joking, we're not. Influencer turned quite serious sports player is a rare thing to happen, but Glacia McDorrey is exactly that kind of player. While she did play competitive chess on and off while she was younger, she was more interested in making content about it. At seventeen, she started making videos about chess and a few years later, started taking it seriously while making content for her fans on the side. At 32, Glacia has a combined following of 4.8 million people on all social media platforms, watching her journey to becoming a grandmaster. Her journey has taken her everywhere, and "everywhere" fits the description of her playing style. If Glacia performs well enough, she'll fulfill the last requirement needed in order to attain the rank of grandmaster domestically. Bright and cheerful, she's optimistic that she can do it.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
Last edited by Aphrilia on Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
"...I'll never trust the same, I'll see friendship as just another game...! Full of winners and losers, selfish abusers... You failed to fly but somehow I’m to blame...!?"

Religious Immortality, Sporting Passion, and Lack of Factbooks.
WC 96 Playoffs, WC 97 Ro32
IAC 22 4th Place
IAC 21, IBC 39 & 40 Ro16

NSSCRA 15 ROTY Runner-Up (Alexander Rivier)
- Indonesian
- Male Muslim
- Forza Ferrari and MCFC OK
- Roleplaying and Writing Novice
- Fanfiction Enjoyer
- Previously Known as Atheara

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Postby Hapilopper » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:58 am

When one thinks of Hapiloppian sport, it's easy to think of fast cars competing on the world's race tracks, soccer players suplexing their opponents, and baseball players running roughshod on the diamond through the opposition. Chess hardly comes to mind, but it does have its followers. A group from Hapilopper City, the Hap City Chess Club meet every Tuesday at the Greenfield Road Library on the west side of Hapilopper City, to discuss and play the game of chess. But yet, even if one wouldn't think of Hapilopper and chess together, you probably should: The Hap City Chess Club went practically undefeated and won the 9th Elephant Chess Club and would have defended their title had some logistical problems not put paid to their chances.

CURT MATTHEWS | Age: 29 | Hometown: Hapilopper City | Occupation: Pro Wrestler | Hobbies: Working Out, Music, Chess
Maybe it's no coincidence that Curt Matthews' finishing hold in the wrestling ring is the "Checkmate," a variation of the figure-four leglock. Maybe it's no coincidence that in his wrestling promos, he frequently references the game of chess, remarking that professional wrestling is a lot like it. But Curt Matthews is considered one of the brightest minds in both pro wrestling and in chess. This combination of a pro wrestler slash chess player has made for some interesting situations. For instance, the Hap City Chess Club had to institute a rule regarding excessive bleeding - likely the only rule of that sort in chess anywhere - after Matthews, playing against Jay Goode, had some stitches on his forehead come off during the match, leading to Matthews bleeding all over the chess table, one night after being involved in a particularly brutal angle where he took a barbed-wire bat to the face.

HANNAH THOMPSON | Age: 53 | Hometown: Hapilopper City | Occupation: City Councilwoman | Hobbies: Chess, Golf, Mailbox Baseball
Hapilopper City Councilwoman Hannah Thompson, currently in her second term on the post, represents District Five on the council, which includes the Greenfield Road Library. Thompson took up chess while she was in college and it remains one of her favorite hobbies, and at least one where she won't get in trouble. She loves playing golf as well, but she is infamously poor at it - so much so that she holds the Lake Eclipse Country Club records for "Most balls hit into the lake," "Most clubs wrapped around trees," and "Most profanities in a 30-second span after a tee shot." And then there's the stories of Thompson leaning out of the passenger window of the family car, with a baseball bat, blasting mailboxes to hell and gone. It nearly got her thrown off the City Council (and led to fellow Councilman Al Shelton calling Thompson a "Grade-A Dumbass" during the meeting), but she stays on the bench.

My opponent, should they RP first, may do the following:
Decide if/where my reserve player is used: Yes
Decide board results: Yes - Jesus Christ, please do, I don't know the first thing about chess
Decide moves made: Yes - Again, I don't know anything about chess
Godmod game events: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
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Postby Valentine Z » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:01 am

Part 0 – The Clash of Two Play-styles.

Eveline Valeria Annalise Tiêu Xuân Ngọc got her head into the game, aggressively putting the opponent’s pieces one by one. “I will make time for it,” she thought to herself, referring to how World Cup 98 (and a possible Cup of Harmony, if the luck of the Valentians are to go by) came up and that she would have to dedicate to both of them. No big feat for the Valentians with their portal technology that can take them anywhere they would like, or the Eveline Gwen Tracer Allison Oxton Hepburn to pull some space-time strings for her if she really needed one. “CLICK!” the timer went, indicating that it was her turn once again. With utmost confidence, she then cleared another piece of the opponent, putting pressure on the other player who must also been sweating bullets. Eveline was putting it all on aggressive play, something that she wanted to pull off in the upcoming World Cup if given a chance, though she also found comfort in being a goalkeeper, and a reserve at that. “Goes both ways, I suppose. I can rest during World Cup or only go for it if I get called, or the other Valentian goalkeepers got badly injured somehow.” Her near-victory, however, was not meant to last. Her opponent started making moves of her own, one that Eveline expected but didn’t think that she would pull that. A situation similar to having to play with unfamiliar players.

Head Diplomat Charlene Jeannie Natalia Adeline Marceline “완벽한 협상가” Celestie Christine Irelle Dv. Arianna Rees Edith Novena Annie Ciara Whitney Esther Iris Bethany Myong Suh-Hyung smiled as her plan came to play. Given that she has been giving Eveline enough space, enough of a distraction so that she would feel a little bit more on the confident side. It was an extremely risky maneuver that would not see her plan working at all in an off chance that the other player knew what she was doing and did a counterplay. “It’s like that meme, a 4-D Chess, is it not?” she thought to herself as she cleared Eveline’s Rook. Charlene was putting it all on an endgame, Endgame Technician as it was called. Eveline was Hyper Aggressive and putting pressure on her, but Charlene was able to take advantage of the fact by retreating her more essential pieces in places that looked like she was moving them around in a rather random manner in order to avoid getting checkmated. “Well, in reality, I was waiting for that endgame, and it all came into play,” Charlene proudly announced, ending the match in a couple of turns with her win

The two of them shook hands and embraced. “That was a good one, Charlene!” Eveline said and cheered, to which Charlene blushed up a little bit and smiled, “Heol, thank you! You played very well too. The aggressive moves are intimidating, I think you can get them quite early on and put them at a surprise. Though, of course, the surprise also won’t last too long, so take advantage as much as you can.” Eveline nodded, also being allowed to comment on Charlene’s play, “That was very unexpected as well, I kinda thought you are just moving around the pieces a bit randomly. Very good play, but I feel that you need to make sure that your pieces don’t fall out early. Relies quite a little too much on that and all.” Charlene agreed as well. “The strategies have both the advantages and disadvantages. I suppose we can be a bit more all-rounded and practice other forms of play, but personally for me now, I am going to hone in on this Endgame Technician plays, then you can focus on Hyper-Aggressive plays. Something along the line of practicing one strategy a thousand times, instead of a thousand strategies once. I’m paraphrasing, hehe!”


My opponent, should they RP first, may do the following:
Decide if/where my reserve player is used: I assume I don't have one? I only have two players so yup!
Decide board results: Absolutely!
Decide moves made: Yes, please!
Godmod game events: Yes! Feel free to godmod the board and moves too, while sticking to the playstyles of my two players.
Godmod other events: Yes, as long as my players don't get violently hurt, thanks! ^^;

Eveline (this one, not the one in NSSCRA) sadly does not have a concrete bio of her own. I am going to flesh out her character as I go on, just like with the other non-Sixty / sports Valentian civilians.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Vielfaltig » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:20 pm

Welcome back to the 64Squares podcast hosted by your very own Ralf Dittmer. For those of you who don't know me, I am a Grandmaster from Vielfaltig and also one of the biggest Chess creators in the country. We are just a few days away from the South Newlandia Classical Chess Cup, an event of proportions not seen before in the multiverse. On the eve of this momentous occasion for multiversal chess, I have a special guest on my show who is competing in the SNL3C and the current Vielfaltig Chess Champion, Noemi Etienne.

"Thank you for having me, Ralf. It's always a pleasure to know how much you've accomplished in growing the game in Vielfaltig."

A pleasure to have you once again, Noemi. Now, the SNL3C is quickly approaching and it is perhaps the largest event of this scale, at least on an individual level. What do you make of the level of competitiveness in the competition and have you made any significant changes to your training regiment to prepare for this challenge?

"Well, the SNL3C is obviously a great initiative and I think a much required one. A multiversal classical tournament should be a must on the chess circuit and I have privileged to be a part of it. The Elephant Chess Cup hosted by South Newlandia in the past was in the rapid format and not really that attractive to the Vielfaltig Chess Federation to join in. This however, is a different matter altogether as the title of the best player in the multiverse is up for grabs. I hope we can bring an event of similar stature to Vielfaltigian shores soon and will be looking to collaborate with the Federation closely on such an event. Now, coming to the training regiment, I mean you know me. I have probably worked on my tactical sharpness and endgame skills recently. In terms of my openings, the World Championship last year gave the opportunity to explore and study various openings at great depth. I will be looking into more opponent specific openings for the SNL3C compared to the domestic competitions to get any edge that I can."

Following the 1999 Championship, you took a short hiatus from over the board chess returning only for the 2000 Vielfaltig Rapid Open earlier this year. You performed fairly well scoring 10.5/15 however it felt like you were lacking some of that tactical accuracy which you possessed in the Championship. Your game against Salucci especially felt like a missed opportunity to gain some momentum to catch the leaders. Nothing detracting from Sameul however who had a wonderful tournament scoring 13/15 and grabbing the first place finish.

"Well of course, I get your question. I myself was quite disappointed with my performance especially having won the past two iterations of the Open. I think it mostly had to do with me approaching the tournament with the wrong mindset as I was way too casual with my control of the clock. This resulted in numerous blunders under time pressure which resulted in me losing crucial points. I also missed several tactical opportunities under time pressure being forced to play quickly. I think time will surely play a role in the SNL3C too with the time control being 60 minutes with no added time. I have been working on honing my control over the clock with Lucas and hope to turn it into an asset instead of a liability."

Having spoken about the Rapid Open, it is impossible to skip over Sameul who had a great tournament and is joining you for the SNL3C. What are your thoughts on Sameul's style of play and his strength especially at the young age of 16?

"Sameul is a very strong player at all formats of the game. His victory in the Rapid Open and the Memorial Cup have asserted him as one of the best in Vielfaltig. What makes him unique is his ability to calculate such complex lines in little to no time. I must also applaud his opening preparation because he is probably one of the best in gaining an initiative out of the opening. I believe he will be quite a formidable opponent for me in the future especially for the Championship, potentially my primary rival. He does need some time to refine his skills though as his talent is quite raw. His play in shorter formats is promising however to translate that into classical tournaments he needs to develop his middlegame positional understanding better which has been exploited by his opponents in the past. Time is on his side though."

Now, let me address the elephant in the room. The SNL3C is the first tournament in which yourself and Felix Tremblay may go head to head following your infamous Championship battle last year. Tremblay refused to participate in the Rapid Open citing that he is solely focused perfecting his classical game for the Candidates later this year and the Championship next year. He takes part in the SNL3C with a new second, Gabin Duchamp, do you think we will see a significant difference in his style of play? More importantly, what do you think his chances look like in such a competitive field?

"Well I mean, Tremblay can say what he wants about the Rapid but its not like he would have won either way. He is a very strong player still but age catches up to everyone. He is 37, he is no longer Vielfaltig Chess Champion, a title he held for 16 long years, I think this signals the changing of guard. There are younger, brighter players with better understanding of hypermodern chess who will naturally replace the players of old. Tremblay is not immune from this, while I have the utmost respect for him as a Champion, I think his time has passed. Maybe he wants to make a statement by participating in the SNL3C but I would not give him much thought. As of the Candidates, if Tremblay is to carry forward with his intention to compete, I imagine he is in for a tough time. We just spoke about Salucci's brilliant form and impeccable calculating ability, Tremblay is probably not even the favourite."

Haha, here we see some of that fiery rivalry. On the topic of the Championship, you were on the backfoot in the beginning having suffered two early losses. A fabulous round 11 victory got you back on track to record two more victories in the match and clinch the title. I do not think there is any point in asking you what your favourite game in the match is since its obviously Game 11. But I do want to know what was your thought process behind 5. e3 especially when you had the more aggressive e4?

"Well, like any novelty its a slightly bad move but forces your opponent to think. Tremblay had so far been able to mitigate my preparation so I brought a new weapon to the game. Tremblay was out of his prep by the 5th move when I played e3 however I had studied this line upto move 13 when I played Qh4 with a5 being the first move out of my prep. I knew some of the ideas in the position naturally especially the potential for a kingside attack. Tremblay made a few critical errors which permitted me to play Ne5, what do they call it now, the Etienne Gambit right. Ne5 followed by Ng5 and the only move to save the game is Kg7 which to be honest I had not seen in the moment and was probably not possible for Tremblay to notice with just 5 minutes on the clock. After h5, there were a few more critical points but I think the overwhelming nature of the attack prevented any potential counterplay or escape for the black king."

Have a look at the game, you won't regret it

And is it the favourite game you have ever played?

Probably, the most significant one for sure. The other wins in the Championship were longer, maneuvering battles typically won in the endgame. I truly got to display my style in this game and it was a famous win.

You've been a great guest and thank you for joining me on the show. I would like to end the show by wishing you and all the other Vielfaltigians participating the best of luck. Make us proud, thank you.
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Postby Skaidirolf » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:08 pm



Freya Laitala (22 years)
"The Tempest"
UNCF Rating: 2197
SKCF Rating: 2311

Freya could never have imagined that one day she would find herself rubbing shoulders with the world's best. And that too, in the foreign game of chess. Just ten years ago, she'd been contently minding her business, herding reindeer, and the only major events in life were the seasonal snowdrifts and the auroras that marked the winter. Until the age of twelve, a world away from the bustling cities and frenetic energy of competitive chess, Freya had found solace in the serene rhythms of her Sami homeland. Each day began with the crisp bite of frost in the air and the gentle sound of reindeer hooves crunching through the snow, a lullaby that resonated deep within her soul.

She didn't think anything would change in the future. She had ambitions. She wanted to be like people she heard in the news, follow her dreams, reach for the stars, and whatnot. But she knew that it was not to be. That her only destiny was to herd reindeer and eke a living out of the hard tundra.
Until suddenly, it wasn't. Freya didn't know about the civil unrest in Skaidirolf and the uprising against Nightralia. But what she did know was that the countryside was her home. The Sami were her people and the snow was her shelter.

And when the foreign tribes, the desperate Ugrians attacked her village, and the cowardly Southern army stood silent in the name of peace, she had no choice but to flee with her family, away from everything she'd ever known and everything she'd held dear. A year later, her life was shattered. Her parents was gone, and her brother went on increasingly desperate raids into Ugrian territory for the meagre Skáid army.

A girl who once strolled in the meadows and threw snowballs, now huddled in a refugee camp at Evernox, wondering when the rations would run out. Life didn't seem worth living without a future. And there were so many times when she thought of ending it all. One winter night, she climbed to the tallest building she had access to, stood on the ledge, looked across the landscape of the once proud city, and prepared to jump-

But just before she took the leap, her hand caught on something. She'd never seen chess figures before in real life, but she'd heard about them. And this one looked oddly like a horse. She knew that this was a game that the southern people who had caused the war played. And she also knew that this might be her ticket, her last hope, at rebuilding her life. From that point onwards, nothing could stop her. You can't break a single-minded force whose ambition the only thing keeping it alive.

And she rose quickly, swiftly, like the meteors she used to see as a child, through the ranks of Skaidirolf's chess, and then to the top of Nightralian chess. She caught the attention of by the experienced Raatrani, who was crafting a team, a team for the ages, that would make Nightralia a formidable force to compete with, and show the enemies that the nation stood united; Sami and Sanskrit alike.
And when Freya took the entire chess community by storm, becoming the first-ever unrated player to win a national-level championship, that's when Nightralia really stood up and took notice.

In the Elephant Cup, the expectations put on her were immense: as the only player from Skaidirolf, she carried the hopes of 90 million war-scarred souls. And at first, she crumbled under it, losing from a dominating position, suffering breakdowns when she and Nightralia could least afford it.
But then, something switched. No one knows how; whether it was the fact that not only Skaidirolf but all of Nightralia was firmly behind her, or the compact solidarity of the team- a family like the one she'd lost to war and steel, or simply the presence of people who cared, people like Raatrani, Nishastra....Yuvraj.
By the time the final round rolled around, this Freya Laitala was unrecognisable. Calm, composed, cheerful like she hadn't been in 3 years.
Of course it was too good to last; her composure broke down when she heard her brother was in mortal danger, aboard a flight that was in God's hands; and the Grandmaster became a frightened little girl again. Who knows for how long after that she blamed herself for Nightralia's quarters exit, having lost both games.

Freya still isn't the ideal chess player. She's rough around the edges. In high-stakes games, she sometimes hesitates, overthinking her strategy, reminiscent of the times she stood frozen in fear when the world around her spun into turmoil, when nothing was secure. She doesn't know much theory. But what she does know is that if you punch her in the face, she will get back up. If you kick her down, no matter how hard, she will stand up. No matter how hard, she will stand up and look you in the eye. Nothing can stop the ferocity of the blizzard which has waited six months for winter to come. And nothing can stop the glaciers which have been drifting for centuries, the tempest that refuses to be quelled. And the stormy night and the joyless blight, it seems, is no match for Freya Laitala.

My opponent, should they RP first, may do the following:
Decide board results: Yes
Decide moves made: Yes, but nothing too ridiculous if possible
Godmod game events: Yes, but same as above: if it wouldn't happen in an RL game, TG me.
Last edited by Skaidirolf on Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Eshialand » Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:03 pm

The Eshian Chess Federation
Players for the South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup

While a tournament was planned to determine the submissions for this tournament, they were ultimately scrapped due to scheduling conflicts. Instead, the ECF's submissions were determined based on a couple of factors, such as ECC performance and Zwischenzug.esh rating.

Player 1: Jason SEVERN
Age: 31
Favorite Openings: Ruy Lopez (White), Sicilian Dragon (Black)
Playstyle: A vibrant attacking style that prioritizes beautiful combinations rather than brute force.

Player 2: Jamie CARTWRIGHT
Age: 16
Favorite Openings: London System (White), Scandinavian Defense (Black)
Playstyle: What Jamie lacks in experience, he makes up for by throwing the opponent off of their experience and prep. Expect strange novelties right out of the opening if he comes to your board, and never keep your eye off the ball: he's studied lines far weirder than most others have.

Player 3: Stephanie JACOBSON
Age: 36
Favorite Openings: Ruy Lopez (White), King's Indian (Black)
Playstyle: Stephanie has always believed in the power of knights over bishops, and as such is known for trading away her bishops for her opponent's knights, as well as keeping the game relatively closed in order to show her knights' true potential.
Last edited by Eshialand on Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Elejamie » Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:40 pm


Upon the announcement of the inaugural South Newlandian Classical Chess Cup, the Elejamian Chess Association has announced that it would not only be participating but will also field one candidate to compete in it. Normally that wouldn't be such a bad thing but considering that there's only one candidate being fielded as opposed to the five that made up the Elejamian chess team at the last Elephant Chess Cup, but the ECA had a number of good excuses on standby. He was the only one who was free, he's a well-known figure in the sport so it'd be an obvious choice, and it was more testing the waters to see if it would be worth sending more people to future competitions. Granted there were some minor grumblings about the tournament structure, in that only one person out of eleven in each group would go through, but they have stated multiple times that it wasn't a dealbreaker. They instead just hoped that their candidate would just chess his ass off in order to become that lucky one. But who is their candidate? Let's meet him, shall we?

Name: Jonathan Troutman
Age: 45 years old
D.O.B.: 23/06/1979
Elo rating: 2100. Retcon or a series of games that really boosted his ranking? You decide!
ELO rating: 2. He managed to pick up a copy of Don't Bring Me Down on vinyl and he's liking the song (the B-side's alright) but now he's left wondering who this "Bruce" person is.

  • ECA High School Championship, Wyken Tract - Gold Medal (1996), Silver Medal (1995), Bronze Medal (1995, 1997)
  • Elejamian National Chess Championship - Gold Medal (2000, 2018), Silver Medal (2002, 2006, 2015), Bronze Medal (1999, 2017), Fourth Place (2003, 2007, 2022)
  • Chess Trios World Cup - Gold Medal alongside Adam Troutman and Philip Troutman (2003, 2004, 2005), Silver Medal alongside Adam Troutman and Philip Troutman (2009, 2012)
  • Elephant Chess Cup - Silver Medal alongside Elizabeth Miller, Valentina García Latorre, Vili Caenirol, and Simón Montenegro (X)

  • One third of the famed Troutman Brothers, a chess playing trio composed of him and his older brothers Adam and Philip who dominated the domestic chess scene and to an extent the international chess scene in the 2000s and early 2010s. While he hasn't been as successful as the other two, he is still a fairly formidable player.
  • He and his brothers learned how to play chess from his grandfather Jonas Trautmann (1914-1993), a refugee from Germany who had represented Elejamie on the international stage a number of times during the 50s, 60s and 70s.
  • Joked that, if chess players had walk-out music, his pick would be Tina Turner's version of The Best. Not only because it would be used in an egotistical context but also it's his favourite song.
  • Came out as gay in 2006, although he admitted that he was never in the closet much to begin with. He married his current partner Brent Ross in 2018 after a three-year courtship, and previously been in a relationship with former WHF head of delegation Stephen Hartnell from 2009-2014.
  • Has no preferred openings or moves, and instead uses a variety of moves and tactics to try and get things to the endgame where he truly shines.

All in all, probably a very good candidate for the job. A long and storied career, lengthy periods of activity even if he had taken the odd year off, recent success and arguably the face of Elejamian chess. Even more so since he's the only one of the Troutman Brothers to still be active in the chess scene as Philip retired from competitive chess in 2019 and Adam passed away from colorectal cancer in June 2024; Elejamie's second place finish in the recent Elephant Chess Cup was dedicated to his memory. Could his appearance inspire more Elejamian players to make the trip over to South Newlandia should they host another Classical Chess Cup? Perhaps but that depends on whether or not they could get time off work, if Simón Montenegro is still such an iffy figure in the ice hockey coaching world that no team will still be taking him anytime soon, and if any aspiring chess players back home were watching and had the skills to make the ECA consider them.

But back to Jonathan now and he wasn't the only big name competing at the tournament. For a start, in his group he had the one, the only Ziggy Stardust (any relation?) who's the greatest player in the Martian chess scene at the moment. Sure he may be having a bit of a rough streak at the moment, one Jonathan could easily take advantage of if he needs to make it to the promised land, but he is still a formidable player so he needs to be aware of any traps that his opponent might spring. Another couple of noteworthy names, albeit not for a good reason, were Dave McDaverson and Dave the Hobo from Placely Placington; the egotistical and crack-addicted Chief President Man of the country, and his science minister who seems to be addicted to cardboard boxes. Ones that seem to contain hammerspace, resulting in him being able to have his head popping out like a certain type of toilet that have become popular and divided the internet as a result. Eveline and Charlene, both with long names and both from Valentine Z, are returning and are hoping to put their team's poor performance in Eshialand behind them. Curt Matthews and Hannah Thompson, one half of the Hap City Chess Club who won it for Hapilopper in the 9th ECC, are also making a return and it wouldn't be a surprise if the final group stage would end up seeing these two competing against one another at some point. And Aphrilia are sending a trio of grandmasters: the slow-paced but highly-Elo'd Norman Heartwell, the creatively unpredictable Sebastian Grob-Coltman, and the optimistic showman (or show-woman to be precise) known as Glacia McDorrey. Are there any other players worth knowing about? Yes but this paragraph is long enough as it is.

With that out of the way, who were Jonathan's first set of opponents? Jason Severn of Eshialand, Vladimir von Gaienrath from Ralsalin, and Crpostran's very own Oskar Lancelot. He was somewhat familiar with two of them, albeit not by much as he hadn't played against them and as a result he had to go by second hand information posted around the last time he was at an international chess tourney. But it still seemed to be enough to help him prepare, regardless of whether or not it was inaccurate and/or outdated. Severn goes for Ruy Lopez when he's white, goes for the Sicilian Dragon when he's black, and overall likes to be a bit showy rather than try and just hammer his way to a potential victory. Oskar is only a teenager but still has built up quite a solid reputation for his solid defending, his methodical approach centred around grinding opponents down, and a certain sense of unpredictability given that he has no preferred opening moves as well. Vladimir was even more of an unknown as he wasn't at the last Elephant Chess Cup and therefore he couldn't see the guy in action, but he was probably not worth underestimating. Whatever the case was, and however this tournament was going to go down, at least Jonathan had set himself a goal:

"If I finish anywhere in the top six, even if I don't make it through, I will consider it a win."
Elejamie (English); Elejamia (Spanish); Elejam (Iyilim) - Denonym: Elejamian - Pronounced (English): Eh-leh-jah-meh

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Postby Placely Placington » Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:10 pm

Placely Cheese Chess

Yeah, this is just an obligatory roster post. They're simply here to stink up the lower half of the table and hopefully give people some free victories, so I don't care much for any possible RP bonuses this'll get me. But given that I at least try and put some effort into Placely Placington, I figured I might as well introduce them to people since not everyone would be familiar with how weird Placely Placington is. How weird? Let's just say that the water supply being infected with rubidium is the least of their concerns. Anyway, Placely Placington sent a couple of chess champions, so let's chess them out shall we?

  • Dave McDaverson: Chief President Man of Placely Placington, singer, rapper, professional wrestler, wrestling promoter, musician, crack seller, and now chess player. Is there anything Dave McDaverson can do? He claims to be a "superultimategrandmaster" of chess with an Elo rating of 400,000 and once won before the opening move was made, but has no idea of the best way to counter the Sicilian Najdorf. Or how en passant works. Or even know that the horsies can jump over other pieces. Or that you're not supposed to carry on once you're in checkmate or anything like that.
  • Dave the Hobo: The Science Minister of Placely Placington and a cardboard box enthusiast. It wouldn't be uncommon for him to just sit in a cardboard box with the only thing poking out being his head and neck, and occasionally an arm so he can move the pieces. He's somewhat more familiar with chess than Dave McDaverson in that he actually played something resembling it once and knows that the horsies can jump, but that's about it. Apart from that, yeah, free win material.

Yeah, if you decide to RP a fool's mate against one of these two, go right ahead. They don't have any preferred moves or tactics, they just do whatever and more often than not have to be reminded that what they did is not a legal move. Especially Dave McDaverson, who tries to flaunt his diplomatic immunity (he is literally the leader of the nation) but since no one respects him in any way, shape or form expect it to be overruled.
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Edsmon Chess Addicts: Controversy Edition

Postby Edsmontik » Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:59 pm

Edsmon Chess Selection

We must all understand that the Chess of Edsmontik Board has seriously made some big mistakes while choosing their players.

Vyktor Undersen
26 Years Old, Male
The definition of a midlife crisis, Vyktor has tried to turn his life around many times. Whether it was through motorsport in the unofficial Edsmon Rally Championships, or through endless fishing competitions (which he lost), Vyktor has miserably failed at nearly everything. But after a consistent winning streak in Edsmon amateur chess cups, he's just been selected for a national role. He makes a lot of moves with pawns and will occasionally forget that he has other pieces at his disposal. Will Vyktor become an Edsmon chess master? Well, we just have to find out.

Reud der-Wijner
55 Years Old, Male
Reud is... very controversial. He is said to have bought his way into the Edsmon national chess squad, which he claims is "100% misinformation." der-Wijner is a fairly rich man, sporting some expensive cars. But with riches comes controversy, says no one. However, in Reud's case, it does come with controversy. As a car collector, Reud goes to many auctions, snagging rare car after car. But he is suspected to have bribed auctioneers after the auction ended to give him the cars he wants. Cases include the super rare one of twenty-five 2003 Modesich Kantian Hypersport 250+ Carbon Chrome Edition, valued at over four million NSD, or eight million Vdesmonyvus. He is said to have paid around twenty-eight million NSD, beating out the previous buyer thirty minutes AFTER the auction ended. Moving onto his chess side, he's said to have won multiple chess competitions in Riosenen, Skejiver, but he probably bribed all of his opponents. He's an aggressive chess player (queen first in all situations) and probably will try to bribe everyone. Whatever happens, we'll see.

Makkehenst Virgrensteure
39 Years Old, Male
If the other two were bad, the underfunded CoE had to have gotten ONE good player, right? Well guess what, they did! Makkenhenst is an actual chess winner that has played in countless tournaments across Edsmontik. He usually raises the tensity of the game by making very quick, aggressive moves. As seen in many of his matches, he stares his opponent down, then makes a very quick move, attempting to throw them off. No, don't worry, he's not a midlife crisis but is very picky and loves to complain. Makkenhenst might end up being the only one to succeed, but who knows.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: If you want, I've forgotten all my knowledge about chess so have fun.
Godmod game events: Yes, don't make it too crazy
Godmod other events: Yes, don't make it too crazy Actually, you can have some of them get really angry after losing, have fun with that.
Last edited by Edsmontik on Sat Jan 04, 2025 6:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Gyaromia » Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:41 pm

Who are the players representing Gyaromia?

Géza HORVÁTH ( Group D )
Age: 25
Elo: 2420
Géza Horváth is a rising star with a flair for the unpredictable. Born in a small farming village in Nyírmegye, Géza’s introduction to chess came through a traveling chess enthusiast who visited his school. Despite lacking formal training in his early years, he quickly developed an unorthodox style that thrives on intuition and creativity.

At 20, Géza burst onto the national scene by winning the Gyaromian Open with a series of dazzling victories. Now an International Master with an Elo of 2420, he is known for his willingness to take risks and his ability to outplay opponents in unconventional positions. His "all-or-nothing" approach has led to both spectacular wins and occasional stumbles, but his unpredictability makes him a fan favorite.

Outside chess, Géza is an avid writer, contributing essays on the psychology of chess to local publications. Despite his success, he remains deeply connected to his roots, often returning to his hometown to inspire the next generation of players.
Géza is a creative and unpredictable player who thrives on intuition. While capable of defeating much higher-rated opponents, his risky and unconventional style leads to inconsistencies that keep him slightly below the elite level. He is a dangerous wild card in tournaments and a crowd favorite for his bold play.
Géza is a highly unpredictable player whose style defies conventional categorization. Known for his intuitive and improvisational approach, he is a master of creating chaos on the board. Géza often seeks out complex and asymmetrical positions, where his creativity can flourish.

As White: Géza often opens with the English Opening to dictate the pace of the game and maintain flexibility. Against opponents who respond passively, he transitions into hypermodern systems like the King's Indian Attack to launch dynamic kingside assaults.

As Black: Against 1. e4, Géza plays the Pirc Defense, inviting his opponents into unbalanced and flexible structures. Against 1. d4, he opts for the Benko Gambit, sacrificing a pawn to seize long-term queenside initiative and create counterplay.

Géza is famous for his tactical flurries and his ability to play obscure lines that bewilder even seasoned opponents. While he occasionally takes risks that backfire, his unpredictability has secured him spectacular victories and a devoted following among fans.

Istvan BÁRÁNY (Group B)
Age: 31
Home town: Székesvár
Elo: 2560
Hailing from Székesvár, István Bárány is Gyaromia's reigning national champion and its top-ranked chess player. Born into a family of academics, he was introduced to chess at the age of six by his father, a university professor. István showed early promise, winning his first national youth championship at 13. His career took off in his early 20s when he began competing in high-profile international tournaments.

Known for his precise and methodical play, István's rise has been steady and consistent. He became a grandmaster at 22 and earned his peak Elo rating of 2560
Outside chess, István has a degree in philosophy and enjoys hiking in the Gyaromian countryside. He is also an active advocate for integrating chess into the national education system, believing it sharpens young minds.
István is a highly analytical player who thrives on deep preparation and precision. He is known for his ability to adapt to different styles of play, often preparing specific lines to counter his opponents. As a seasoned professional, István excels in positional play, leveraging small advantages to create decisive endgame positions.

As White: István favors the Ruy-Lopez, particularly the Closed Variation. He aims to build a strong center and gradually accumulate positional advantages. Against Sicilian players, he often employs the Rossolimo Variation to sidestep sharp theoretical battles.

As Black: Against 1. e4, István relies on the Caro-Kann Defense for its solidity and endgame potential. Against 1. d4, he is a staunch advocate of the Nimzo-Indian Defense, aiming to seize control of the center while maintaining flexibility.

István's endgame technique is nearly flawless, and he is particularly skilled in converting rook and pawn endgames into victories. His patient approach has earned him a reputation as a "silent killer" on the board.

Ilona ADAM ( Group E )
Age: 28
Elo: 2238
Ilona Ádám is a trailblazer in Gyaromia’s chess community and one of the most prominent female players in the nation. Born in the picturesque lakeside town of Gyarmont, she first learned chess from her grandmother at the age of eight. Ilona’s natural talent became evident during her teenage years, as she dominated youth competitions and earned the title of Woman Master (WM) at 18. By 22, she had broken into the global chess elite, securing victories in women's tournaments and achieving several top-10 finishes in mixed-gender events.
Ilona is known for her dynamic and tactical style, thriving in complex and chaotic positions.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Roleplay about specific moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Please ask first
Godmod other events: Please ask first

OOC: god I've spent the last 2 days procrastinating this
Last edited by Gyaromia on Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Eshialand » Sat Jan 04, 2025 8:37 pm

A Critical Mistake

OOC: Thanks to SNL for giving me the idea for this RP!

"Where the hell is Danny, he was supposed to be here like three hours ago!" asked Florian Kaufmann, ENN2's senior director of programming, which was basically a fancier title to make him more special then the other producers.
"Well, it's your fault he's taking a ferry over here rather than a plane, after all." replied Elias, his assistant.
"My fault? This was all that idiot Charlie Wingham's idea! He just so wanted to make all this special with ferries and limos and keeping things 'unique'..."
"Charlie Wingham? The new guy from Tournament Report?"
"New guy? Nah, he's been there for years, they only made him a producer because he's got the Sadim touch!"
"Sadim touch?"
"Instead of the Midas touch which turns everything to gold, he turns everything into mistakes!"

"Karsten..." Josh asked his long-suffering color commentator, who kept doing his job despite seemingly never wanting to be there, "why the heck do we have to take a boat from Eshialand City to Eshialand City? Last I checked you don't have to cross the ocean to get downtown..."


The only Karsten had was one full of stomach acid. "You know, for someone who makes a point out of eating at every suspicious taco truck in town, you really don't have a strong stomach... wait, is that Newport??


"Oh thank goodness he's here..." Florian said, expecting the distinctly Eshian voice yelling at him to be Danny Stehl, although he was in for a nasty surprise when the individual approached closer. "Wait, are you... Josh Seametzle??"
"Yeah, sorry, we got lost on the way over here... somehow we're in South Newlandia? I was only told we were going to the SuperDome!"
"Wait, were you going to commentate the Eshialand-Saint Eleanor match?"
"Yep, really not sure how we ended up--"

"Charlie..." Florian muttered under his breath.
"Wait, Charlie Wingham? This is his fault?"
"It always is, come on now you know this."
"Well, unfortunately it's too late for you and... I'm guessing Karsten is coming too?"
Josh nodded to confirm. "He's just catching his breath after the boat ride, it was a rough one for him."
"Right. It's too late for you two to get back to Eshialand City and there's definitely no way we're getting our hands on Danny, so you're just going to have to commentate for our tournament..."
"Which tournament?"
"The Classical Chess Cup!"
"Chess??? But I'm like a 1000 and Karsten doesn't even know how knights move!!!"
"You should've thought about that before agreeing to travel plans arranged by Charlie Wingham. Come on now, the first round is starting soon!"
Anything I say is IC unless proven otherwise by a court of law.


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Postby Crpostran » Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:20 am



Valerio Hassan (29)
Bio: A strategic powerhouse with over 2 decades of chess wisdom, Valerio is known for his deep opening knowledge and calm under pressure. The 7-time national champion has a sharp eye for combinations and excels at exploiting small advantages. His favorite opening is the classic Ruy-Lopez.

Oskar Lancelot (17)
Bio: Oskar is a methodical player, preferring long, drawn-out games where he can gradually grind down his opponents. His positional understanding is top-notch, and he enjoys playing solid defenses. The guy doesn't really have a favourite opening, making it harder for his opponents to predict his moves.

Spike Wigstan (18)
Bio: An aggressive and unpredictable player, the teenager loves sharp, tactical battles. He isn’t afraid to take risks, often opting for dynamic openings like the Busch-Gass Gambit or Sicilian Dragon. His fast-paced style often catches opponents off-guard.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Decide board results: Yes
Decide moves made: Yes
Godmod game events: Yes, as long as they are semi-realistic at the bare minimum
Godmod other events: As long as it's comedic
Last edited by Crpostran on Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Crpostran » Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:13 am

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