World Grand Prix Championship 21 [Signups/OOC]

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World Grand Prix Championship 21 [Signups/OOC]

Postby Liventia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:29 am

To sign up a driver, simply fill in the following information in a new post. All drivers will be free agents until signed by a team.
Driver Name:
Driver Nation:
Preferred Car Number:
Reliability (Between 2 and 5):
Aggression (Between 2 and 5):
Technique (Between 2 and 5):
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.


SIGNUP THREAD for drivers, circuits, teams/engines, and tyre manufacturers

Welcome to season 21 of the World Grand Prix Championship, currently in the three-week opening signup phase. (Signups for drivers remain open through the season.)
Signups are open for drivers, circuits, teams and engines, and tyre manufacturers. Team signups are only semi-open: not everyone who signs up a team will compete. More information on signup deadlines can be found below.

To signup a driver, team, engine, tyres, or a circuit to the coming season, read the information below and fill in one of the signup forms. Everything you need to know is written below. Don't worry if you find anything confusing or unintuitive. You can ask us a question in the discussion thread if you need help.

All text output usage of AI is banned for WGPC21. AI images may be used with the appropriate credit. Any breach of these AI rules will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, with potential penalties ranging from a race disqualification to a race suspension to expulsion from the Championships. By signing up, you agree to the AI rules.

Driver signups do not close.
Every user may sign up a maximum of FOUR drivers – no more than TWO per nation. All puppet nation drivers must be declared as puppets or all of the user's signups will be excluded from the competition. Every driver starts off as a free agent, meaning they are not affiliated to any team. Drivers sign up to teams via roleplay in the RP thread, which will be created on 15 January.

The more RPing you do with your driver, the higher your RP bonus. The higher your RP bonus, the faster your driver is likely to be on the circuit, the safer they are likely to be on the circuit, and the more likely a team is to sign them.

To sign up a driver, fill in the following form:
Driver Name:
Name Trigram:
Nationality Trigram:
Preferred Car Number:
Second Choice Car Number:
Reliability (Between 2 and 5):
Aggression (Between 2 and 5):
Technique (Between 2 and 5):
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:

DRIVER NAME is the full name of the driver.
NAME TRIGRAM is the trigram that usually represents the driver's surname. A trigram is a set of three letters that represent a larger word. For example, a driver named Alexander Lund's trigram could be 'LUN' or 'LND', but probably not 'ALU' or 'ALN' because both of those examples use a letter from the driver's first name. It's the surname which is important. We’ll only allow you to use a letter from the driver’s first name if there are two drivers with the same surname, or if a driver typically goes by three names.
NATIONALITY TRIGRAM should be the trigram for your nation. It should be three letters. This is NOT the trigram for the driver's name.
PREFERRED CAR NUMBER is your driver's preferred car number. This can be any number between 3 and 99. 1 is reserved for the current driver's champion. 2 is only available to the champion's team-mate should they so choose. NOTE THAT 0 (00, etc) IS NOT VALID.
SECOND CHOICE CAR NUMBER is your second choice for your driver’s car number. In the event that two drivers choose the same number, the season host will assign car numbers. NOTE THAT 0 (00, etc) IS NOT VALID.
RELIABILITY, AGGRESSION and TECHNIQUE: Aggressive drivers are better at overtaking, while technical drivers are better at traversing the multiverse's more difficult circuits. Each attribute should be given a numerical number between 2 and 5 and the three ratings must add up to a maximum of twelve.
BIO is a short biography of your driver. His/her/its age, experience, hopes and aspirations, driving style, favourite sandwich, things like that.

Each user may sign up a maximum of TWO grand prix circuits, and no more than one per nation (meaning one circuit from your main nation and one from a puppet is fine). If signing up two circuits, the nation entering the second circuit must have previously participated in the WGPC (not WGP2) with a driver, team, or circuit.

Signing up a circuit is not a guarantee that it will be used in the upcoming WGPC season. Spare circuits may be used for pre-season testing. Circuits may not be overly short or overly long (4km-7km), and may not have a straightaway longer than 2km.

It is customary to provide an image of your circuit (no larger than 900 x 900 pixels, of course). Circuits with no image will not be considered for selection. Ovals and real-life circuits will not be considered for selection.

A total of 10 circuits will be chosen for race events, with a maximum of four sprint events. A maximum of three circuits will be chosen for pre-season testing events.

To sign up a circuit, fill in the following form:
Circuit Name:
Grand Prix Name:
Track Image:
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): (min:ss.000)
Track Length (km):
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered):
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: (Y/N)
Chance of rain (1%-20%):
Track aggressiveness (1-10):
Track technicality (1-10):
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult):
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous):
CIRCUIT NAME is the name of the track, e.g. Autodromo Nazionale di Monza, Monza, Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, or Spa-Francorchamps. You don't have to use a full name.
GRAND PRIX NAME is the name of the race, e.g. Belgian Grand Prix, Singapore Grand Prix, or Gran Premio de España.
TRACK IMAGE is a link to an image of the track, hosted externally on photobucket or imgur or a similar service. Signups with no track image will be invalid.
LAP RECORD is the fastest lap recorded on the circuit in a WGPC (F1)-spec car.
TRACK LENGTH is the length of one lap, in kilometres. Avoid extraordinarily long or short tracks.
QUALIFYING TYPE: There are four choices. TRADITIONAL: 90 minutes long, cars set up to 10 laps with the quickest lap counting. ONE-SHOT: Each car gets one lap, and no more, to set a time. No more than one race will be run using one shot qualifying. ELIMINATION and TWO-TIERED: In both these formats, cars set times over four or two sessions, with the slowest cars after each session taking no further part in qualifying.
FEATURE/SPRINT: Only for events which have selected the Traditional or One-Shot qualifying formats, denoting a "Y" puts you on the list for selection for the event which will be run with two shorter races instead of the standard 305-km race. Only one such event will ultimately be selected.
CHANCE OF RAIN: Percentage chance of an event being wet. This number should be between 1 and 20. 1 means there will be a 1% chance of a wet race and 1.5% chance of a 'changeable' race. 20% means there will be a 20% chance of a wet race and a 30% chance of a 'changeable' race. Use 5% as an average.
TRACK AGGRESSIVENESS/TECHNICALITY: Aggressive circuits are wide with plenty of opportunities to overtake. The second value is Technical Difficulty. A track with a high TD rating suits more technically skilled drivers, and the circuit may be more difficult to overtake on. The numbers should add up to ten.
OVERTAKING DIFFICULTY is how difficult it is for a driver to overtake another on the circuit. A 5 means overtaking is difficult, a 0.1 means overtaking is easy. 2.5 is about average.
MARGIN FOR ERROR denotes how severely mistakes can be punished. A 0.1 means the track is forgiving - a driver won’t lose too much time if they spin. A 5 means mistakes are punished more severely. 2 is average for a regular circuit. A true street circuit would be more technical.
INFO: Track information/description.
Team/engine signups close on 18 January 2025.
Team signups are semi-open for WGPC21. What does this mean? Anyone can opt to enter a team. However, should they be entered, the top three teams from WGPC20 and the WGP2 season 6 champion will automatically be selected for entry. The remaining team spots will be assigned based on prior contribution to WGPC, WGP2, and other NS Sport events. Only teams from truly new users with absolutely no prior contribution in the forum as a whole will not be considered. A WGPC Motorworks team, run by Liventia's Carvenlo, may be entered if required by the number of available drivers. The total number of competing teams shall not exceed 13 (26 drivers).

Teams with a previous history in WGPC will also be eligible to sign up an engine, which may be offered to other teams on an opt-in basis. This is meant to emulate RL engine supplier dynamics.

Dual nationality teams are allowed, please see below for information.
To sign up a team, fill in the following form:
Code: Select all
Team Name:
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable):
Team color:
Nationality Trigram:
Reliability (Between 2 and 5):
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5):
Turning (Between 2 and 5):
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N:
Team bio:
TEAM NAME is... the name of the team (e.g. McLaren, Sauber F1, Red Bull Racing, etc.)
SHORTENED NAME/ACRONYM is an optional field. Fill this out just in case if your team name is particularly long (more than 25 characters).
TEAM COLOR is the hexadecimal color code for your team. You can provide alternate shades in case there is a clash with another team.
NATIONALITY TRIGRAM is a three-letter identifier for your nation. If your team is dual nationality, combine both trigrams into one.
RELIABILITY, ACCELERATION and TURNING are the main stats for your team. Reliable cars are less prone to mechanical issues or failures; cars high on Acceleration excel on Aggressive tracks, while cars better tuned to the Turning stat will benefit from technical circuits.
OWN ENGINE is a yes/no, where "yes" means the team will run engines developed or manufactured by it or a linked entity (to be signed up as an engine manufacturer separately below). "No" means the team will be a client of another engine manufacturer. First-time team entries must select "No". You may sign an engine manufacturer after your team is confirmed. Teams without confirmed engine manufacturers for any testing or race event will be assumed to use a neutral (0/0/0) spec engine. If this question is not answered, "No" will be assumed.
BIO is a short description of your team. Who founded it, and when? What's its previous history? Maybe it's a rich man's passion project, a state owned program to prove your country's technological prowess, or a team with a renowned sporting heritage ready to make the jump into the top tier of motorsport.

Only if your team has participated in WGPC before AND you are using your own engine ("Y" above to "Own Engine?"), regardless whether your team would like to supply engines to other teams or not, you must complete the engine signup form:
Code: Select all
Engine name/manufacturer:
Monogram (single letter identifier):
Nationality Trigram:
Reliability (Between -1 and 1):
Actuation (Between -1 and 1):
Tare (Between -1 and 1):
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.
Engine supplier? Y/N:
Bio (optional):
ENGINE NAME/MANUFACTURER is the name of your engine. (e.g. Cosworth, Mercedes, Mecachrome, or Red Bull Powertrain)
NATIONALITY TRIGRAM is a three-letter identifier for your nation. If your engine manufacturer is dual nationality, combine both trigrams into one.
RELIABILITY, ACTUATION and TARE are the main stats for your engine. Reliable engines will be less prone to exploding catastrophically and sinking an entire continent; engines high on Actuation will be better at top speed and acceleration, while engines high on Tare will favor handling and weight distribution, for an advantage on technical tracks.
ENGINE SUPPLIER is a yes/no, whether the manufacturer will only supply the associated team (No) or whether it is willing to handle clients from other teams (Yes).
BIO is a short description of the engine manufacturer. Who founded it, and when? What's its previous history? Maybe it's a rich man's passion project, a state owned program to prove your country's technological prowess, or a team with a renowned sporting heritage ready to make the jump into the top tier of motorsport.

Tyre manufacturer signups close on 18 January 2025.
The host will select a number tyre manufacturers for the coming season, from which all accepted teams will select their supplier. Each user may enter up to ONE tyre manufacturer. Teams without confirmed tyre manufacturers for any testing or race event will be assumed to use a neutral (0/0) spec tyre set.

To sign up a tyre manufacturer, fill in the following form:
Code: Select all
Manufacturer Name:
Manufacturer Nationality Trigram:
Reliability (Between -1 and 1):
Traction (Between -1 and 1):
R & T ratings should sum up to 0.
MANUFACTURER NAME is the name of the company producing the tyres (e.g. Bridgestone, Michelin, etc).
MANUFACTURER NATIONALITY TRIGRAM should be the trigram for your nation. It should be three letters.
RELIABILITY and TRACTION determine the characteristics of your tyre: how quickly it may degrade, and how much traction it provides a car. Each attribute must be a number between negative 1 and 1, and the two must add up to a maximum of zero.

Full technical IC rules can be found at the bottom of the first post of the WGPC17 signup thread.

Current estimated dates (all dates subject to change):
• 28 Dec 2024: Signups open
• 15 Jan 2025: RP thread open for background RPs. Note no signings should take place at this point as teams will not be announced yet.
• 18 Jan 2025: Team, engine, tyre signups close
• 18 Jan 2025: Negotiation and Driver Signing Period begins (teams will also be required to select their engines and tyres in this period)
• 18 Jan 2025–29 Jan 2025: Teams may run their own selection trials
• 25 Jan 2025: Circuit signups close, calendar announced
• 29 Jan 2025: DEADLINE FOR ALL TEAMS TO HAVE ENGINE/TYRE MANUFACTURERS SIGNED (otherwise, a neutral spec will be provided and cannot be subsequently changed)
• 1–2 Feb 2025: Pre-season test event 1 (2 sessions)
• 8–9 Feb 2025: Pre-season test event 2 (2 sessions)
• 14–16 Feb 2025: Pre-season test event 3 (3 sessions)
• 21–23 Feb 2025: Race event 1
• 28 Feb–2 Mar 2025: Race event 2
• 7–9 Mar 2025: Race event 3
• 14–16 Mar 2025: Race event 4
• 21–23 Mar 2025: Race event 5
• 28–30 Mar 2025: No race, mid-season break
• 4–6 Apr 2025: Race event 6
• 11–13 Apr 2025: Race event 7
• 18–20 Apr 2025: Race event 8
• 25–27 Apr 2025: Race event 9
• 2–4 May 2025: Race event 10
Last edited by Liventia on Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:14 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Tumbra » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:41 am

Driver Name: Ted PRESSLEY
Name Trigram: PRE
Driver Nation: TMB
Preferred Car Number: 88
Second Choice Car Number: 58
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.8
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: 24 years of age. A one-time Tumbran WGP3 Champion, Ted made his debut in WGP2 S4 and won two feature races en route to finishing third in the standings, helping his team, Kaylan, win the WGP2 S4 Constructor's Championship in the meantime with teammate Anola Melani. His debut season in WGPC went less than impressively; his second season went much better, though he's still looking for his first win. After leaving Kaylan, he's looking for a long-term drive — but will his somewhat unimpressive WGPC career so far prove to hinder this?

Circuit Name: Couno Harbour Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Tumbran Grand Prix
Track Image:
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:30:869
Track Length (km): 5.82
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Elimination
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 5
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 3
Track technicality (1-10): 7
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 5
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 5
Info: Winding around the streets of Old Couno (barring an expansion to the track in the 1990s), the Couno Harbour Circuit is also known as the jewel in Tumbran racing's crown. The track begins in a small park underneath one of the many bridges spanning the Hartlett River, part of the 1990s expansion of the purpose-built section of the track; then a quick right turn before heading onto public roads. This section is one of the fastest on the circuit; what follows after turn 8 is the slow, winding, older part of the track. It's still extremely fast, however; the section from turns 12-15 require the driver's confidence to be at its maximum to take quickly. It's narrow, twisty, difficult to conquer; but according to most drivers in the formula, a win here is probably worth three anywhere else.

Team Name: Pressley-Kim Racing Engineering
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Pressley Racing
Team colour: #8C4799
Alternative team colour (minimum 1): #D00070 #0032A0
Nationality Trigram: TMB
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.5
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 4
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? N
Team bio: Pressley are back, and so is the Kim co-branding; with old man Charlie Pressley selling some of his team to bring in outside investors. A win in the junior WGP2 championship has seen several competitors for the as-of-now vacant second seat for the team, with the Tumbran-based outfit looking likely to promote internally. But with the possible loss of an engine supplier, could Pressley be forced to kiss and make up with domestic rivals Rochester to secure powertrains for the season? What of the demanding Thomas Kim, who's set up a Department of Team Efficiency to help "cut out the fat?"
Last edited by Tumbra on Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
Tumbra - a sprawling, modern federal democratic republic located in Esportiva. Strong economy, strong civil rights, strong freedoms.
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Postby Doubeia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:34 am

Note: Jonjastan was incorporated into Doubeia.
Team signup is in the quoted message at the bottom of this post.

Driver Name: Danielle "Nini" Bugatti Johnsilvaturr (Nini Johnsilvaturr in short)
Name Trigram: JOH
Nationality Trigram: DOU
Preferred Car Number: 17
Second Choice Car Number: 22
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 5
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 2.5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:

The 19-year-old Jonja-turn-Doubeinese racing prodigy looks to make the step up to WGPC after a successful first WGP2 season. Having aided Pressley Racing in securing a Constructors' Championship and herself with a third place finish overall, Nini prides herself in her overtaking prowess and consistency.

"I'm a monster overtaker, and I always keep it clean," she claimed after the final WGP2 6 weekend in Pemecutan.

Nini has come to be known for her bright personality, although things might get ugly in the cockpit if she feels slighted. Her amusing press outings have led to her being given the title of "Media Queen". It's no secret how she amassed so much charizzma: she was a child influencer and part-time Mario Kart racer before making the switch to full-time formula racing. Although her social media presence has significantly weakened, she still maintains her presence on the paddock.

Going into the current season, Nini will be hoping to continue with Pressley, and a future WGPC champion might have just started her WGPC career...

Circuit Name: Queensland Street Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Doubeinese Grand Prix (Queensland)
Track Image:
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:46:278
Track Length (km): 6
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Y
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 3%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 2.75
Track technicality (1-10): 7.25
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 4
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 4.5
The Queensland Street Circuit in Doubeia's capital Queensland is set to become one of the circuits for the Doubeinese Racing League. Additionally, it has also beaten several circuits to hoist the title of Doubeia's WGPC Circuit. Most notably, the Former Fromisian Grand Circuit which hosted the WGP2 race in former Jonjastan (now part of Doubeia), was out of contention as it was deemed too remote for spectators to travel to. Nevertheless, Doubeia hopes that the Queensland Street Circuit, lying straight in the heart of the shopping district (much to the chagrin of shoppers and business owners) and convention centre, will deliver just as exciting racing. Despite it being a street circuit, of course.

Containing the only purpose-built parts of the circuit, the first sector starts off with the start/finish straight. The straight leads to a bulbous left-hander that may provide a key overtaking point for drivers. The circuit then follows along Orchard Street, Queensland's premier shopping street, where neon signs, fashionable displays and futuristic buildings line the circuit. The second sector is much more angular, with tight 90-degree corners the norm. The majority of the sector lies within Queensland's Historic District as colonial-era housing, cafes and museums populate this area of the circuit. The Bullseye corner is notable for the surrounding graffiti with bullseyes; the Junction corner is a quick chicane that can catch drivers off-guard. The third sector has much less to offer in terms of sights, but contains prime overtaking spots. The track winds around Durbanov Convention Centre before making a hairpin at the Convention corner. The circuit then follows the Tuirkin Canal as it swoops left towards the start/finish straight. The circuit is much wider in this sector, so expect to see cars battling it out here.

Bonus: Image of circuit with corner numbers (

Doubeia wrote:Team signup
Last edited by Doubeia on Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
The Federal Doubeinese Republic
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Postby Lisander » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:12 am

Anneliese Devereux. I fail to snip a better image of her at the moment.
She was once elected the most beautiful driver in the grid.
Driver Name: Anneliese Devereux
Name Trigram: DEV
Nationality Trigram: LIS
Preferred Car Number: 7
Second Choice Car Number: 97
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.6
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3.8
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.6
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: Live each day as it comes. This is Anneliese, 28 years old. She returns for its fourth WGPC season. Originally a Bitten Heroes Academy Driver, she spent her first season with the Lisanderian TAS-Alliance team, then the following two seasons with Eminent WGPC Team. She has one race win (Liventia '20) and is known in Lisander not only by being a very technical driver, always pushing for the kerbs, to use the most of the track, but also for some whimsy remarks and actions, like the time she did an entire interview faking the accent of a cockney florist, or when she spray-painted a racing car with flow-vis because it didn't have her favorite number. However, as time passes by she becomes less whimsical and more down to earth. As the local driver with the best chance of a seat this season, she carries some local sponsors, the most important being the Lisander Sovereign Investment Fund, and features the logo of the Wishes Foundation, a charity that supports orphanages throughout the Principality. She has a page on NSSWiki.

A depiction of the Eminent E20, last season challenger.
Team Name:Eminent WGPC Team
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Eminent
Team color: #3C125C
Nationality Trigram: LIS
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.3
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 5
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 3.7
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N: N
Team bio: Despite almost not making the grid, Eminent WGPC team still finished 7th in the constructors championship, due to some good results by Adriana Kowalski and Anneliese Devereux. With Fireline seemingly parting ways with the team (OOC: CTE),the team transferred its operations to Lisander, more especifically to the overseas protectorate of Neomaris, where the working on the new car, the E21, is underway. The management keeps its expectations always high, but they know the bar is set up even higher. If the purple challenger will make the cut for the season or repurposed to minor formulae, only time will tell. It has a page on NSSWiki too.

Any further entrants will be added as an update to this post, unless OP requires it otherwise.
Last edited by Lisander on Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The Principality of Lisander, a sports loving, very highly developed nation in Astyria.
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Postby Hapilopper » Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:29 am

Honour Pledge (because fuck AI): By submitting this signup I promise to not use any form of generative artificial intelligence for any text in my roleplays this season. If I am suspected to have used any form of AI text generators this season, I will be honest if asked about it. If I am found to have used any form of generative artificial intelligence, I recognise that I may forfeit any previously-earned roleplay bonus earned up to this point, and, if the usage of artificial intelligence is severe enough, the potential to earn future roleplay bonus for the remainder of the season.


Team Name: Preston Autos Grand Prix Racing
Shortened name/acronym: Preston Autos
Team color: #2986cc
Alternate Team color: #ffb200
Nationality Trigram: HAP
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 2
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 5
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 5
Own Engine? Y/N: Y
Team bio:
Preston Autos Grand Prix Racing, as the name suggests, is the WGPC operation of the Preston Automobile Company, Hapilopper's largest automaker. Several years ago, the team was built from the ground up by Marty Lewis, the automaker's former go-to guy for their stock car teams. The assignment, seen by some as a "sink or swim" test for Lewis, who had been known for his wild partying and his tendency to tip the bottle far more than Preston would have liked, took the assignment with relish and built a team of sprint car and open wheel mechanics to compete with the rest of the Grand Prix world. And they succeeded - finishing 4th in their first season and 3rd in the second, the team has been in the hunt from day one. Last season was a bit of an anomaly, having suffered from an errant design. To stop this, the team has outsourced its car design to Johnson Race Cars, a leading manufacturer of single seaters and Group C-style sports prototypes. That manufacturer is believed to be working with Preston Autos for the upcoming Day of the Dominion 24-Hour race.

The team will resume its partnership with Good Motor Oil this season, continuing perhaps the most visible sponsor-team partnership in international motorsport - owing largely to the "GET GOOD!" slogan on the back of the rear wings of the Prestons, a slogan that has entertained fans and vexed rivals. The team will also likely lean on a technical partnership with corporate partners Team Blue, a standout team owned by Preston Autos that competes in NSSCRA and HASCAR. Both teams are expected to benefit from the technical partnership, which will provide personnel to Preston Grand Prix and provide aerodynamic assistance to Team Blue.

Driver Name: Rudy Edwards
Driver Trigram: EDW
Nationality Trigram: HAP
Preferred Car Number: 5
Second Choice Car Number: 50
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 5
Rudy Edwards returns to the World Grand Prix Championship again this season, excited and refreshed after a frustrating WGPC campaign a year ago, where he not only was unable to improve on his position from the year before, but it seemed like he never got out of the blocks the way he would have liked. Many of those problems were due to mental health issues and self-doubt, but Rudy hopes the extended layoff has allowed him to refocus himself. Edwards is expected to re-sign with Preston Autos, and has become the face of single-seater open wheel racing in Hapilopper, a discipline of motorsport that has seen a resurgence in popularity after political wrangling all but killed it a number of years ago.

Manufacturer Name: Brimstone
Manufacturer Nationality Trigram: HAP
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): -0.5
Traction (Between -1 and 1): 0.5
Brimstone Tires, the leading tire manufacturer in Hapilopper, will introduce its first offerings for the World Grand Prix Championship - the Brimstone Superhawk X tire. Brimstone will offer four dry tire compound options: Ultra-Soft (Pink); Soft (Red); Medium (White); and Hard (Red), as well as Intermediate (Blue), for somewhat wet races; Wet (Green), your typical wet tire; and "Can't See Shit Cap'n" (Purple) - and yes, that's the actual name for the tire, for rain so heavy you, well, "can't see shit, cap'n", the kind of rain that leaves standing water. Brimstone made their debut in international motorsport last year in NSSCRA 15, to staggering levels of success. The Superhawk GT tire was used by each of the first seven finishers in NSSCRA points last season.

Engine name/manufacturer: Preston Autos

Monogram (single letter identifier): P
Nationality Trigram: HAP
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): -1
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): 1
Tare (Between -1 and 1): 0
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.
Engine supplier? Y/N: Y
Bio (optional):
A few years ago, Preston Autos entered into the world of Grand Prix racing with its stock block Skychief V6 and showed the world that you don’t necessarily need to break the bank or introduce all new technologies to be successful in the world of Grand Prix racing. In the past WGPC season, Preston-powered teams finished in the top two spots in the Constructor's standings, won three of the ten races, tied for most among suppliers, and Preston drivers finished 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 11th in the driver's standings. All told, the Skychief V6 program is estimated to cost a third of what a standard WGPC engine would have been.

In the WGPC specification, Preston presents a turbocharged, 3.43-liter, 209-cubic inch engine producing as much as 1250 horsepower in qualifying trim. But a Preston engine lease is more than just the leasing of engines. Preston is excited to provide staff and consultants for teams that do business with Preston Autos, to ensure that their business with the Skychief V6 is as smooth as possible, and Preston Autos is prepared to supply as many teams as necessary with the engines needed of them.

We believe our engine program, if you choose it, will allow teams to cut their engine budget to a third of what they would have expected. By utilizing the Skychief stock block, a team will be able to spend their budget on signing top-flight drivers or on producing a better race car, rather than having to worry about gaining an extra two or three horsepower. The engine is built from the block used for the Preston Skychief road car’s engine.

Preston Autos, with its staff designated for the WGPC engine program, will be available to help your team get the Skychief V6 ready and mated to your race car while minimizing the possible teething problems associated with it. Should you select the Skychief V6 program for your team, we will be available on call for all your engine needs.


Circuit Name: Hapilopper City Grand Prix Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Preston Autos Hapilopper Grand Prix
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:28.535
Track Length (km): 5.57 km
Qualifying Type: Traditional
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 15%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 6
Track technicality (1-10): 4
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 1.5
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 4

The Hapilopper City Grand Prix Circuit is located on the western outskirts of Hapilopper City, actually located in the nearby suburb of Paulson. The circuit was built back in the late 1990s in an effort to attract international road racing to the Dominion, and an estimated 120,000 fans are expected to fill the circuit grounds for a Grand Prix weekend, should the circuit be granted a Grand Prix. What kind of race the circuit will present depends on the weather. If Hapilopper's notoriously-finicky weather gets involved, mayhem could ensure. If not, many expect a fantastic race anyway with lots of passing opportunities and high speed ruling the day. Below is some information about the corners and portions of the track drivers will encounter.

Your lap starts with First Right, a flat-out right kink leading downhill to Downhill Pass. Typically, it is not considered wise to make a passing move here, unless the trailing car has picked up a huge draft off the leading car. Expect speeds to approach 210 mph past First Right, which should give fans on the pit straight a real thrill as they see cars haul ass at top speed towards Downhill Pass.

Your first real opportunity at passing comes at Downhill Pass, a downhill left hand corner, and a possible trouble spot throughout the race. Drivers in the Hapilopper Championship Series have been known for missing their braking point and hurtling right off the track and into the neighboring sand trap. Behind Downhill Pass, fans will congregate on a viewing area hill, known as "Spectator Hill," which gives fans a great view of Downhill Pass and the McLaughlin's complex. Drivers, marshals and photographers have told stories of watching smoke from barbecues on Spectator Hill wafting across the circuit and becoming momentarily distracted by the scent of barbecue chicken and ribs.

Named for former gentleman driver Peter McLaughlin, who competed in sports car racing across three decades in the Dominion, and the designer of this circuit, the McLaughlin's circuit consists of two uphill corners. The first one comes after a short straight following Downhill Pass, and gives drivers another opportunity to perform overtaking maneuvers. Maybe someone might want to repass whoever got by them at Downhill Pass. A short straight connects the two McLaughlin corners, which leads towards a small almost straight leading to Slidey Right.

This corner gained its name following a rainy day a few years ago when the corner, already slick from a car blowing an engine and oiling down the track, sent car after car off the track due to virtually no traction on the track. Slidey Right is a tough corner on a dry day, a pain in the ass on a rainy day, and a bold place to make a passing move for the bravest of drivers. Look for a lot of action here.

An unofficial series of esses, Flat Left and Flat Right, as the name would suggest, are taken at full-throttle as drivers make their way to one of the most interestingly-named sections of the track. Don't expect a lot of passing on Flat Left and Right, unless the drivers involved in such a move are either a.) unspeakably brave or b.) terminally stupid. A handful of drivers have tried making passing moves either leading up to, or in the middle of, Flat Right, which have led to some horrific accidents in the past, most notably during a Hapilopper Championship Series race a few years ago when Leroy Keegan ran over the left-rear of Blake Broadbent, sending him skyward, before tumbling all the way to Oh Crap There's A Wall.

Perhaps the most famous feature of the Hap City Grand Prix Circuit, "Oh Crap There's a Wall" is a sudden left-hand corner accompanied by an unforgiving concrete wall along the track surface. Top WGPC cars will take Flat Right at full-throttle before having to slam on the brakes for the relatively slow Oh Crap There's A Wall, taken at an estimated 80 mph. Drivers in the Hapilopper Championship Series have hit the outside wall on multiple occasions, wrecking their day and leading to increased discussions that maybe there should be a little bit of runoff just the racing surface. Either way, Oh Crap There's A Wall is a great place for a driver to make a balls-to-the-wall passing move on the braking from 180 to 80 - or less. In recent years, the Hapilopper Television Network has painted a giant red bullseye on the wall at "Oh Crap There's a Wall" for drivers to hit, as part of a controversial contest where fans can win if the driver of their choice smacks that wall, a contest that has come to an end after louder-than-usual complaints from certain international race drivers.

A number of road circuits across Hapilopper (and yes, they do exist) have named perhaps the most remote part of their circuit "Chicken Bone Alley" for the cheap seats typically located there. Chicken Bone Alley on the Hap City Grand Prix Circuit is the straight between Oh Crap There's A Wall and the Triple Diamond and features grandstands on either side. Drivers in multiple racing series have accused fans in this section of the track of throwing fried chicken bones at their cars midrace. No bones were found by corner workers, but the accusation still stands.

The Triple Diamond Complex, at one point, featured a long triple-apex corner leading onto the Final Straight. However, due to concerns that this corner could allow some of the top teams to run somewhere in the neighborhood of three kilometers plus at full throttle, officials with the Grand Prix circuit made the hard decision to install a chicane between the second and third apexes of Triple Diamond. The chicane - a slow right hander in the middle of apex two - slows cars down, and again for the left-right segment leading onto Final Straight.
Last edited by Hapilopper on Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Izern » Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:34 pm

Note: I'm most likely gonna forget about this in the long run, so it would be nice to have the occasional reminder to post something. Don't think of this as a bad thing :D
Also fuck AI.

Still WIP


Team Name: Tuala Banking Sport Izern Racing Team
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Sport Izern - SIZ
Team color: #48E03F
Nationality Trigram: IZN
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 4
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 4
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N: N
Team bio:

Sport Izern is a brand new team making its grand debut in the World Grand Prix Championship. It was formally established by Izernian Multi-millionaire Jon Turuma, who decided that establishing a potential world-class Racing team would be the perfect investment, as well as helping bring fame to Izern. He would later be helped with investment and expertise from Izern's largest company, Tuala Banking, in exchange for ownership of a small part of the racing team, as well as being the primary sponsor. With all of the pieces put together, the question is out there: How will Sport Izern do in their first season?

Circuit Name: Circuit Inauri
Grand Prix Name: WGPC Inauri Izernian Grand Prix
Track Image:
[spoiler= Numbered Corners]Image

Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): (1:33.768)
Track Length (km): 4.5km (roughly)
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Y
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 8%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 3.8
Track technicality (1-10): 6.2
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 1.7
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 3.1

Circuit Inauri is the main racing track of Izern, located 8 miles south of Tugusca. Built in the late 40s, Owned and maintained by the Inauri Group since 1987, Circuit Inauri has hosted many spectacular races within various Izerniann racing championships.

Circuit Inauri was first built in the late 40s as a result of multiple high-profile racers coming together to establish a racing league, Formula Izern. The one thing they needed though was a main track that could suit the cars that would be used for the league. In its early days, Circuit Inauri never had the technical corners of University (which would later be built in the 80s for reasons that will be spoken about later), and instead had a very fast chicane from the strat of what's now sector 3 to Creelin.

Circuit Inauri was immediately loved by fans and drivers alike due to it's fast paced and eventful racing, however, this wouldn't come cheap. In 1950, Formula Izern driver Calum Kerakla's car would have a dramatic tire failure on the final stretch, swerving him into the crowd at speeds of about 60mph. At the time, the only thing protecting the spectators from the drivers were hay bales, and they did nothing to stop the out-of-control car. Kerakla would survive, however 7 Spectators would be killed, and another 12 would be injured. Kerakla would retire from racing indefinitely after that incident.

The next year, another incident would occur, this time at Spade. Its long corner was in need of repaving at the time. Rising talent Hera Jaruqa would be caught out by a fairly large pothole that had developed on Spade, causing his car to flip over multiple times. As the car was fully open-top, he would not survive this incident. Somehow, the race kept on going, to the dissatisfied drivers who now feared for their lives.

The finishing blow for the early years of Circuit Inauri would happen in the late 50s, when driver Lewiq Odrum's car's brakes failed on him at what is now University, hurtling his car straight into the crowd at 85mph. Odrum, as well as many spectators would be killed. After this incident, the race was abandoned quickly after, as nearly every driver pulled into the pit lanes, angered that 3 deadly incidents had occured at the tarck within a few years. Circuit Inauri would not feature in the follwoing year's fixture, and for the next 2 decades.

Many thought it would be abandoned, and in the 70s, several developer companies would purchase the northern parts of Circuit Inauri, with plans to build a town where the track was located. Only University would see development, with the comstruction of a few houses and a high-rise apartment block, named the Inauri Tower as means of track heritage. tit would be over for the circuit, with development to begin construction at Parakre, until the late 80s. Community owned Inauri Group would manage to purchase what was left of the track, as well as the Inauri Tower, as a way of brining racing back to a former legendary circuit. It was decided not to knock the tower down to rebuild the former chicane, buit instead to build a series of tight, technical chicanes around the buildings. A few houses were to be knocked down, which nobody minded, as they were never sold due to lack of demand, and in 1989, racing would finally return to Circuit Inauri. the first race went off without a hitch, and fans loved the race.

Over the years, small changed would be made to the circuit, such as the extension of the pit lane to accomodate larger races, as well as renovating the Inauri tower into a 5 star hotel.

Circuit Inauri consists of 20 corners, the majority of which is bulked together at University. 1st through The Nook are the first 2 corners, which require drivers to slow down rapidly to perform them. A tire wall is placed between First and the second straight to ensure drivers who fail to slow down in time, or have a brake failure, don't hurtle straight into a rapid portion of track.
We hope Circuit Inauri is added to the WGPC fixture, and even after that, we hope the track lives up to the standards of all the other circuits.

Driver Name: Dara Kirea
Name Trigram: KIR
Nationality Trigram: IZN
Preferred Car Number: 13
Second Choice Car Number: 72
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.8
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:

Kitare is a 1x Formula Izern champion, having been participating since 2019. His high aggression and techniques on the trickier parts of circuits makes him very good at climbing the grid over the period of a race, however he is prone to the occasional accident or two if he gets carried away. Nonetheless, he hopes nothing like that will happen if a team signs him into the World Grand Prix Championship

Driver Name: Ospu Tuirac
Name Trigram: TIR
Nationality Trigram: IZN
Preferred Car Number: 3
Second Choice Car Number: 30
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4.6
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 2.4
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:

Named after his mother's home city, Ospu Tuirac was born and raised into a professional racing family, in which his now-retired dad had won 3 Formula Izern Trophies in his career. As expected, Ospu would follow the family footsteps, making his way up the Izernian racing leagues. His big break would come in 2019, where he would be fortunate enough to sign for a top Formula Izern team, alongside Dara Kirea (also wanting to participate in the WGPC). He would never win a Formula Izern Trophy, however his impeccable skill, as well as Tuirac's tame but skillful racing style, would garter the interests of many. Let's hope a WGPC team would sign him up, and hopefully Tuirac will do them wonders!
Last edited by Izern on Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:08 pm, edited 14 times in total.
For some reason, I've dedicated this nation to Yeezy and China, and I don't know why :)

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Postby Hafamarimyht » Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:49 pm

Honour Pledge (because fuck AI): By submitting this signup I promise to not use any form of generative artificial intelligence for any text in my roleplays this season. If I am suspected to have used any form of AI text generators this season, I will be honest if asked about it. If I am found to have used any form of generative artificial intelligence, I recognise that I may forfeit any previously-earned roleplay bonus earned up to this point, and, if the usage of artificial intelligence is severe enough, the potential to earn future roleplay bonus for the remainder of the season.

Driver Name: Gajek Mäsïlïčuk
Driver Nation: Hafamarimët
Name Trigram: MČK (If not allowed, MSL)
Nationality Trigram: HAF
Preferred Car Number: 75
Second Choice Car Number: 55
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 5
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: Gajek Mäsïlïčuk is the 2024 Hafamari Grand Prix Championship winner. This was his third full season in the HGPC. Age 28, born in Pöcë, Hafamarimët.

Circuit Name: Bundič Harbor Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Grand Prix of Hafamarimët
Track Image:

Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:31.847
Track Length (km): 5.1 km
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Y
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 16%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 2.5
Track technicality (1-10): 7.5
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3.8
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 4.2
Info: Bundič Harbor Circuit, located in the city of Bundič, is one of the 5 tracks that make up the Hafamari Grand Prix Championship.
Last edited by Hafamarimyht on Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Esmerel » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:11 pm

Honour Pledge: By submitting this signup I promise to not use any form of generative artificial intelligence for any text in my roleplays this season. If I am suspected to have used any form of AI text generators this season, I will be honest if asked about it. If I am found to have used any form of generative artificial intelligence, I recognise that I may forfeit any previously-earned roleplay bonus earned up to this point, and, if the usage of artificial intelligence is severe enough, the potential to earn future roleplay bonus for the remainder of the season.

Driver Name: Brendan Faloe
Name Trigram: FAE
Nationality Trigram: ESM
Preferred Car Number: 1 (reigning champion)
Second Choice Car Number: 71
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 5
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.

Driver's bio: Brendan Faloe. Aged 24, his is a name that came out of nowhere to win open wheel racing’s greatest prize last season. A graduate and second-in-class of Cygnus University’s engineering program, Faloe was hired from his experience as a simulation driver for the program’s experimental efforts, namely that of preparing a WGPC entry. His season started out slowly, but after snatching a few points-paying positions he struck gold with a win in Hapilopper City and another two podiums to close out the year with the lowest-scoring championship (83 points) since WGPC 10, thanks to the relative parity and chaos of the rest of the grid.

Faloe has been somewhat stricken by this rapid success, but he’s taken it in the best stride he can- by heading off to graduate school and furthering his education, while working with Cygnus at the same time to prepare a title defense. In the year between seasons, Faloe has worked well on his tire management and bravery in cornering, adjusting his skill spread a little. This plays right into his driving style- pick battles and save aggression for when the cards are on the table. Will the WGPC be orderly enough to give him such conditions?

Circuit Name: Forest Cross International Raceway
Grand Prix Name: WGPC Nuflora Esmerelian Grand Prix
Track Image:

Lap Record (WGPC Car): 1:46.561
Track Length: 6.600km/4.101mi
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend? Y/N: No
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 5%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 5
Track technicality (1-10): 5
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3.25
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 4
BONUS: View a lap of the circuit here.

Located near the small city of Vertress, the scenic Forest Cross circuit combines two very different sections of track. The first is a slow, methodical climb uphill through tight turns with no room for driver error, and the second is a blast through the forest with long straights and pinpoint chicanes. The track has seen multiple changes over the years in the name of safety, but it is still seen by many as a blast from the past, and the perfect track to test both car and driver to their absolute limit.

Extra Info:
Forest Cross is the oldest permanent racing circuit in all of Esmerel, first opened in 1971 by lead track designer Niall Martan as Esmerel’s answer to the ultimate racing circuit, combining tight uphill and downhill sections reminiscent of Mount Panorama or Monte Carlo, high speed flowing turns reminiscent of Spa or Suzuka, and colossal straights split by pinpoint chicanes reminiscent of Monza or Hockenheim.

The original layout, measured at 4.666km/2.899mi, was an instant success with both the crowd and the drivers, and hosted regular racing, including a cornerstone 500km event for Group 1 (and later Group A) cars. However, as cars got faster, the circuit would not age well. By the year 1994, the circuit had luckily not seen a fatality, but driver injuries had become common with the drastically increasing speeds and lack of runoff areas. As a reaction to the tragedies in both the worlds of open wheel racing and stock car racing that occurred that year, Niall Martan returned to the track to redesign it in the name of safety.

The track barriers and gravel traps were adjusted around the track in time for the opening round of the 1995 EGTC racing season, though Martan had also decided to extend the circuit to 8.703km/5.408mi, with a stadium-esque middle sector and a greatly extended back straight. The new part of the track was lengthy, but welcomed, and eventually the circuit was used for the 2018 season of the World Grand Prix Championship.

However, the track’s Grand Prix date forced it to enter a new era. After a dangerous crash by World Champion Terho Talvela at Turn 12, the Double Shift chicane, the safety of the track was called back into question. At the same time, the Grand Slam of home hero Jean Mercer-Daly led to questions about the track’s capability of competitive racing. Original track designer Niall Martan sadly passed away from natural causes in 2010, leaving his son Ewan Martan to design the track’s second reconfiguration.

The old layout was used one more time for WGPC preseason testing in 2019, before it was rebuilt over that year. Major changes included the reprofiling and streamlining of several corners, and the exclusion of the stadium section at Serpent’s Fork from the Grand Prix layout, as the circuit had become much longer than expected. This led the track to its modern layout, and many fans believe the circuit has hit the sweet spot of being a fast blast from the past in terms of track design, while also properly accommodating modern racing.

Unlike most other racing circuits, there is not a single piece of tarmac runoff on the track, with every heavy braking zone featuring large gravel traps. This makes the track unforgiving to any mistakes and discourages “creative interpretations” of the track limits, though as with any subject, some fans believe the lack of runoff is too unforgiving. The track utilizes SAFER barrier technology in major areas such as the banked hairpin Turn 1 and the back straight, where the walls close in to leave no room for driver error.

Following several years off, the track’s return to the championship in 2023 provided a thrilling finale, which saw new home hero Brendan Faloe finish second and ahead of his championship competitors to take the season’s title in one of the sport’s biggest upsets. Track promoters enjoyed its place as the final round, and feel it would be an excellent mainstay to the calendar in that position.

Team Name: Sturmburgher Cygnus Motorsport Team
Short Name: Cygnus
Team color: #006600
Team Nation: Esmerel
Nationality Trigram: ESM
Reliability (Between 3 and 5): 3.75
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 4.75
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 3.5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own engine? Y/N: Yes (see below)

Team bio: Cygnus University is one of Esmerel’s top post-secondary schools, and one of its most championed programs is its engineering division. Training students to embrace technologies of the near future, it promises a worthwhile time in looking ahead to a future of potential, within a world seeming to starve for said potential.

At the beginning of last season, team boss Dr. William Emerson stated the team’s goal was to “get their foot in the door”, and by all accounts they have. Lead driver Brendan Faloe catapulted them to the top of the racing world with a WDC victory; the rest of the team, however, had no such luck, and they were unable to reach higher than fifth in the WCC. Improving on that is this year’s goal, with or without a successful WDC defense.

In pursuit of that goal, the team has worked hard both to integrate their own engine into the car and to redistribute its construction such that the driver will be more critical in extracting the car’s speed than the car itself, improving reliability while taking small hits to its performance.

It still matters to Cygnus not to leave the past behind in a ditch, and equally not to ignore the possibilities of the future. The team has managed to walk this tightrope so far- but can they continue?

Engine name/manufacturer: Sturmburgher PD02/25
Monogram (single letter identifier): C
Nationality Trigram: ESM
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0.60
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): -0.15
Tare (Between -1 and 1): -0.45
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.
Engine supplier? Y/N: Y

Engine bio: Sturmburgher is a popular Esmerelian carmaker centered around basic, affordable, and reliable machinery for the working class citizen- while their models are usually lacking in luxuries, few can say they don’t get the job done, and few Esmerelians at least need any more than a daily driver in the current world economy. Aiming to develop a high-power option for their road cars as part of their Modular Construction Process, the make has worked with Cygnus since the project began to develop an engine worthy of going into the WGPC car. Following the team’s rookie campaign, that engine now exists: owing to its aimed usage on the road, its reliability is high, with power taking a small hit and weight taking a not-so-small hit.

Rumblings also abound that while heavily focused on Cygnus (up to being their title sponsor), Sturmburgher may be able to provide engines to customer teams should any approach.

The PD02/25 engine at its baseline is a 2.3L, twin turbo, crossplane V8 capable of producing 900 brake horsepower, which while not incredible by itself is designed to be augmented by additional components in order to further increase the engine’s power output.
Last edited by Esmerel on Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"They condemn that which they do not understand."
-The national motto of Esmerel, translated
A near-future tech nation ruled by science and reason. Offers great civil liberty but minimal political or economic liberty, leaning authleft. Population of roughly 90 million on an island about the size of Latvia or West Virginia, 800km east of Maryland, US and 500km south of Nova Scotia. Visit today.
Want to know more about Esmerel? My factbook is seriously outdated, but feel free to peek.
WGPC participant from S15-S20. Achieved 8 poles, 7 wins, 15 podiums; runner-up WDC in S16 and WDC in S20. Brief but unsuccessful stints as team owner in WGP2 and NSSCRA.

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Nico Hulkenberg
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Postby Nico Hulkenberg » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:30 pm

Fuck AI.

Driver Name: Dario Nülkeschläger
Name Trigram: NÜL
Nationality Trigram: HÜL
Preferred Car Number: 27
Second Choice Car Number: 72
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 5
Driver's bio:

Voted ‘Hülkenberg’s Sexiest Man’ for four years running, full-time sandwich-connoisseur and part-time racing driver Dario Nülkeschläger returns in pursuit of a third season in the multiverse’s premier series of single-seater racing. The 23-year-old brings with him two seasons of WGPC experience (with an additional year as a reserve), a short-lived jaunt into rallying (resulting in the only victory of his professional racing career), a solid GT career, and a fantastic moustache and glasses combo known to cause innocent bystanders to swoon with ease.

Previous seasons at WGPC Motorworks and GP Auto Pryfors Bilar-Viska brought the Hülkenberger very little success, with a surprise podium being the solitary highlight… at least, the only one so far. Dario is not a man to dwell on his past (mainly because he doesn’t have the mental capability to recall that far back), and his eyes are fixated firmly on his future, wherever that may be. As a bonus, all interested parties who submit enquiries about this absolute hunk will receive a signed driver card from his HMG Challenge GT season, wherein he missed out on the title to the driver mentioned in the next spoiler. Extensive reserve piloting duties with Pressley Racing saw a contract signed for the following season, and with any luck he won't have signed this contract in invisible ink...

Dario’s Performances - Summarised
WGPC 18 - 0 wins, 1 podium, 15 points (out of 11 races)
WSRC - 1 win, 0 podiums, 34 points (out of 8 rallies)
WGPC 19 - 0 wins, 0 podiums, 21 points (out of 11 races)
HMG Challenge GT - 0 wins, 6 podiums, 48 points (out of 8 races)

Driver Name: Nepö Kinder
Name Trigram: KIN
Nationality Trigram: HÜL
Preferred Car Number: 63
Second Choice Car Number: 83
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.99
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3.51
Driver's bio:

Breaking into the scene as the only girl to win her country’s prestigious national karting championship, Nepö has enjoyed a modest amount of success in her native Hülkenberg, taking victories in Hülkenberger WGP4 before a shift to hatchbacks and GTs brought about further championships in the HMG H16 Trophy and various national single-make GT series. It was here that her career really started to gain traction, with talk of a step up to WGP3 or even WGP2 being touted in comment sections, on blogs, and in newspapers - but she snubbed single-seaters entirely, choosing instead to stick with her newfound success in sports cars. Determined to make a name for herself, she was handed a golden opportunity when Hülkenberg’s largest automobile manufacturer offered her a drive in the country’s most prestigious sports car championship, against some of the most experienced talents at that level.

In a year which many considered to be make or break for her career at-large, her rookie season in HMG Challenge GT could only be described in one word: domination. 6 wins and 7 podiums across an 8-round season allowed her to romp home with 72 points, nearly 20 points clear of her nearest rival, and 24 points ahead of the aforementioned Dario Nülkeschläger. Having failed to secure a WGPC seat last season, she spent the year as UrGa’s reserve driver despite impressing in both pre- and mid-season testing. This led to her having an unexpected season racing in AOGP with Oonaftco Oontaz Racing, with whom she would go on to win her maiden (and only) AOGP campaign with, 22 points clear of vice-champion Nick Unger.

Familial links and recent developments within HMG have led to a few whispers that a tailor-made WGPC entry will attempt to make it to the WGPC21 grid, with Adrian Kinder being one of the richest people in the nation. While we can't officially comment on such matters, HMG's WGP2 and WSRC entries seem to have been testing the waters somewhat...

Nepö’s Performances - Summarised

Hülkenberger WGP4 - 7 wins, 14 podiums, 276 points (out of 21 races)
HMG H16 Trophy - 4 wins, 9 podiums, 152 points (out of 16 races)
Non-Descript National Sportscar Series - 16 wins, 28 podiums, a points count that I am not tallying up :Boyd: (out of 42 races)
HMG Challenge GT - 6 wins, 7 podiums, 72 points (out of 8 races)
AOGP 2 - 2 wins, 2 podiums, 93 points (out of 9 races) - CHAMPION

Team Name: Hülkenberger Motorengesellschaft Grosser Preis GmbH
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): HMG Grand Prix
Team colour: #0066b1
Alternative team colour (minimum 1): #cacaca, #e2251c
Nationality Trigram: HÜL
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 5
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 4
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N
Team bio: Often, a team finishing thirteenth in WGP2 would be a good inclination that entering the premier category of single-seater motorsport is a terrible idea. However, "terrible idea" simply does not translate into Hülkenbergish. A plucky underdog mentality is what keeps them going, despite abject failures in WGP2, WSRC, and even some domestic racing categories. Well, that and a small injection of several million Hülkenbucks, wire-transferred from the account of a certain Adrian Kinder. As the father of an HMG Academy driver, Mr. Kinder's wishes for the team's success are very strong, and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that his family name and the team attached to it doesn't fail. That being said, there were rumours that HMG sacrificed their WGP2 season to focus on WGPC development, so one can only hope that this has panned out ideally.

Track signup TBD.

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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:26 pm

Just the two drivers. ♥

Some parts of the sign-up taken from previous season. Also yes I will NOT be using AI to generate any kind of text whatsoever. All of the writing will be done by myself only. If I am to use an AI image, I will absolutely note this in the post itself.

Driver Name: Zastępca Strażnika Adriana Krystal Desiree “Cudowny Manipulacja Światłem” Venus Kowalski Faith Stanisława Engelse I. Cherise Krystyna Zaborowska Sztormowska Pamela Alina Re. T. Lillian.
Driver Name short form: Adriana Ela Kowalski Lillian
Name Trigram: AKS
Nationality Trigram: VEZ
Driver Nation: Valentine Z / De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z
Preferred Car Number: 40
Second Choice Car Number: 31
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4.25
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 2.75
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 5.0
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Bio: While still currently driving about and handling well in NSSCRA, Adriana has always gravitated more towards WGPC, and for this time too she would not miss it for the world. With MeowMeow Racing deciding to not make a debut for this season, Adriana wondered as to if Eminent or any other team of similar note will find her (or the other way around). Just like her big sister Clarissa, Adriana is a harmonious result of an (emulated) human brain with the computational powers and utmost logic output of an AI [OOCly no, I will NOT use AI], sacrificing the aggression in the field for her well-known reliability and technique. While she might not get a lot of victories, one thing is for sure, and it is that she knows how to handle her cars well and with respect, some even wondering as to if she could somehow “whisper” to her cars. Whichever way it goes, Adriana is back, and she is ready once again to prove it.

Driver Name: 1st Cpt. Angela Stella Trista Josephine Natalie Rv. E. Tps. “The Eternal Explorer” Bethany Alyssa Valeska Payton. Mikayla Gosling Josie Rowan Serenity Chelsea Mikayla Hannah Tan Fang Ling.
Short form: Angela Stella Tan Fang Ling
Name Trigram: ANG
Nationality Trigram: VEZ
Driver Nation: Valentine Z / De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z
Preferred Car Number: 84
Second Choice Car Number: 33
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.80
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3.90
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.30
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Bio: A lifetime-long explorer and adventurer, 1st Cpt. Angela is the personnel of Valentine Z that revitalized the space program, as well as being the in-charge of running it and expanding the program itself. She is also one of the few Valentians from The Sixty who was born after the events of Cold War, at around 2002. Born to Canadian survivors that were taken in from the Cold War, Angela would find herself amazed by the skies, and the space itself in general. Fascinated by how Adriana handles her car, and on how she was able to accomplish such feats, Angela decided to try once again despite the rather undesirable results that got to her back in WGPC 20. A little bit more aggressive in terms of driving but still conservative enough to know her limits, Angela sought to bring her balanced act to this race and perhaps hope that she will be able to get more than a single point for the driver standings.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If you are reading my sig, I want you to have the best day ever ! You are worth it, do not let anyone get you down !
Glory to De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z !
(✿◠‿◠) ☆ \(^_^)/ ☆

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Postby Trans-Dniesters » Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:53 am

Team Name: Urotovsky-Gatutin General Machine Building Enterprise Motorsports Division
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Urotovsky-Gatutin, UrGa
Team colour: #FF0000
Alternative team colour (minimum 1): #068E6B
Nationality Trigram: PDN
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 5
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 3.75
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 3.25
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own engine? Y

Team bio:
The Urotovsky-Gatutin General Machine Building Enterprise, commonly shortened to just UrGa, was established on 29 May 1936 under Mikhail Ustinovich Urotovsky and Mikhail Abramovich Gatutin to produce trucks for the Pridnestrovian Army as well as the numerous collectivized farms throughout Pridnestrovia. During the Pridnestrovian-Ixanian War of 1941-47, UrGa began producing T-34 tanks alongside their trucks to aid in the war effort, with an estimated 4,200 tanks rolling off of their production lines by war's end. In the 1950s, Mikhail Gatutin created the Gatutin Space and Rocketry Bureau which would produce the Ga-36 ballistic missile, the backbone of Pridnestrovia's nuclear launch capability in the 60s to the 80s. The Ga-36 was also the inspiration for the Feniks rocket which carried Pridnestrovian cosmonauts into space. More recently, specifically the turn of the new millennium, UrGa entered the automotive industry by acquiring the controlling stake in Minchev Automobiles, an Abanhfleft-based company renowned for producing simple, cheap, and rugged cars and pickup trucks.

There used to be a time when UrGa described itself as being not among the best in the field of motorsports while also not being among the worst. However, when UrGa made the brave leap of becoming a full-fledged constructor in the World Grand Prix Championship (something that they admittedly had been preparing to do ever since they entered WGP2 a few years ago), the Pridnestrovian team did the impossible and won the constructors’ championship in Season 20 of the WGPC, a season which had been delayed due in no small part to numerous unknown and unspoken issues within the World Grand Prix Organization (WGPO), the sanctioning body of the WGPC and WGP2.

After their victory in the constructors' championship, and given how poorly their now-former engine supplier Preston Autos performed in the same season, UrGa had made the decision to divest itself from the Hapiloppians and bring in its own engines into the fray. Homologation issues meant that UrGa was unable to supply its own engines until WGP2 Season 6. Now, UrGa seeks to defend its constructors' championship using Pridnestrovian power. And there are rumors that the UrGa-Preston split may not have been as amicable as most people have been led to believe...

Engine name/manufacturer: UrGa
Monogram (single letter identifier): U
Nationality Trigram: PDN
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 1
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): 0
Tare (Between -1 and 1): -1.0
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.

Urotovsky-Gatutin’s reputation in motorsports is well-known: their cars will never ever break down barring an actual act of God. It all comes down to UrGa’s history as a producer of armored vehicles for the Pridnestrovian Armed Forces and how their vehicles had to be reliable and durable in battlefield conditions while at the same time being easily repairable by even the most mechanically inept conscript. Throughout their whole time with the WGPO, UrGa had been working on bringing in their own engine, but homologation issues prevented them from competing in both WGP2 and eventually WGPC with another manufacturer’s engine powering their cars. But now it’s time to introduce the WGPO to Pridnestrovian power, power that will never fail in even the worst of conditions. However, given that the UrGa engine’s design was based on a tank diesel engine, the thing feels as heavy as a main battle tank.

Pre-confirming Abanhfleft's entries. For the purposes of this competition, Abanhfleft is the puppet of Trans-Dniesters/Pridnestrovia.
Last edited by Trans-Dniesters on Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Abanhfleft » Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:14 am

Trans-Dniesters wrote:Pre-confirming Abanhfleft's entries. For the purposes of this competition, Abanhfleft is the puppet of Trans-Dniesters/Pridnestrovia.

Confirmation of puppet status.

Driver Name: William Archer
Name Trigram: ARC
Nationality Trigram: AFT
Preferred Car Number: 96
Second Choice Car Number: 80
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.5
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 5
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3.5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:
The son of controversial NSSCRA driver Guillermo Archer. William Archer was promised that he would be given a title contender by Preston Autos last season but that promise, for whatever reason, went unfulfilled. Now, for the first time since his rookie season, William goes into the new season as a true free agent driver, with no preseason agreements agreed with the other teams on the grid. Where will he go next, and will that team actually give him the championship-winning car that he so wants?

Driver Name: Adonis Fitzpatrick
Name Trigram: FTZ
Nationality Trigram: AFT
Preferred Car Number: 74
Second Choice Car Number: 47
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.25
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3.75
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio:
Donny Fitzpatrick caused some controversy after it was revealed that he always had a seat locked down with UrGa despite the Pridnestrovian team holding tests to supposedly fill that slot. But it all seems to have been forgotten after Donny finished in third place and helped UrGa claim the constructors' championship in their rookie season. If UrGa retains his services once again this season then the team stands a good chance to retain their title.
The Democratic Republic of Abanhfleft
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Postby Patriotlandia » Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:56 pm

Driver Name: Pierre-Louis Archer
Name Trigram: PLA
Nationality Trigram: PTR
Preferred Car Number: 13
Second Choice Car Number: 14
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 2
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 5
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.

Driver's bio: Son of Archer Performance owner Alphonse Archer, Pierre-Louis made his debut in local karting as soon as he was tall enough to reach the pedals. Showing a natural talent for car control and race craft, he quickly progressed through the ranks to reach the pinnacle of Patriotlandian motorsports, the CCCP. After a season in WGP2 marred with highs, notably a race win in his first event, and lows. Pierre-Louis has decided to make his own foray into the pinnacle of motorsports away from the all encompassing influence of his father. The 22 year old will have to prove he belongs on the track but also learn the inner workings of the paddock. While his speed and control is first class, he has been known to be hard on tires and equipment which could make or break his races.

Circuit Name: Ridgeline Raceway
Grand Prix Name: Grand Prix de Patriotlandia présenté par ASI Industries
Track Image: Image
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:25.210
Track Length (km): 5.1
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Yes
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 10%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 4
Track technicality (1-10): 6
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 2
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 3
Info: Away from the commotion of the cities lie the serene rolling hills of Patriotlandia's countryside. The quaint picture is sometimes interrupted by the thunderous sounds of motor racing. The five kilometer circuit follows the contours of the landscape and can prove to be a challenge for even the most experienced drivers. Turn1, Gamble, is wide enough to go two wide but it's off camber nature can easily catch late brakers off guard. Turn 3, Square, is self explanatory, but takes the drivers on what remains of the old "open road" layout. Next is Camping, which is crucially important in order to keep speed up for the climb on The Uphill. Engines and gearing will be put to the test as drivers near the second passing opportunity, the dropping right hander of Vista. Overlooking the whole track, drivers will feel they are lifting off, with the track dropping 10 meters in elevation over the span of 120 m of distance. Then the tricky bit, the Slaloms, turn 6-7-8-9, are downhill and highly rhytmic series of corners with upclose walls that can easily end a race. After all that, if you manage to stay close, the Needle provides a good passing opportunity before going down the back straight and into the International chicane. Turn 13 finally takes us all the way around the circuit ready to accept the challenge once again.

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Postby Crpostran » Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:17 am

Circuit Name: Montelago International Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Crpostranian Grand Prix

Track Image:


Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:45.071
Track Length (km): 5.509
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Yes
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 13%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 3.1
Track technicality (1-10): 6.9
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 4.3


Montelago International Circuit, situated in the mountainous Castellia state's capital & largest city, Montelago, is one of the few racing circuits in the country to be raised to WGPC standards. The MIC has a rich racing history domestically, being the first racing circuit to be built in Crpostran, way back in the 70s. It is known for its steep downhill turns (T7-T10) which, while thrilling for spectators, earned a dangerous reputation after numerous high-profile accidents in Crpostranian Racing Ligue races. Recognizing the risks, plans were drawn toenhance safety measures at the venue & the updated circuit was opened in 2014. It brought changes, including the softening of the sharp turns and a reduction in hairpins from five to two. The circuit high up in the mountains, aims to host Crpostran's first ever race of the WGPC.
P.S: Watch out for the snow or hail!

Driver Name: Giancarlo Rahel
Name Trigram: GCR
Nationality Trigram: CRN
Preferred Car Number: 18
Second Choice Car Number: 29
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.9
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4
Technique (Between 2 and 5):4.1
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.

Driver's bio: The youngest son of Crpostranian luxury car manufacturer Kestrel's CEO (Pancrazio Rahel), the 24-year old, Giancarlo Rahel chose to move away from continuing his family's business & got into motor racing. With unlimited money in the Rahel family vault, his father sent Pancrazio to various F1 training centres outside Crpostran to train his son. Rahel has been a standout in the CRL (Crpostranian Racing League), frequently being on top of the podium, race after race (9 golds out of 14 races in 2024, the highest in domestic history). A balanced player, he now seeks to spread his wings internationally. All that remains to be seen is whether a team will sign him & can he take this success across the globe.
Last edited by Crpostran on Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TJUN-ia » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:13 pm

Name: Lane Carter
Name Trigram: CRT
Nation: TJUN-ia (The International Community of TJUN-ia)
Nation Trigram: TJU
First Preference Car Number: 11
Second Preference Car Number: 64
Reliability: 5
Aggression: 2
Technique: 5
Driver Bio: The name "Carter" originates from the former nation of Galar, a land filled with creatures well-known to audiences in the International Community. When it was discovered during qualification for WC84 that the nation had collapsed without a trace, the FA-TJUN-ia decided to allow the 11 players from Galar to come over to TJUN-ia and play for us. One of the players mentioned was called Prince Carter. Carter was really good at football but he also brought to TJUN-ia his brothers, Jester and Lane. Jester was more physical and gravitated towards American Football, but Lane? Well, that was a different story.

Ever since he got his TJUN-ian Passport, Lane Carter has been the enigma of TJUN-ian motorsports. One one day, he can prove himself worthy of the mantle of being a race winner in the WGPC. On other days, the Galarian was pure cannon fodder - and you couldn't tell which version was going to turn up at any given track on any given day. This lack of consistency scarred his time with UrGa in WGP2, but making to jump to WGPC with Race Eelandii V&T GP changed his career for the better. Despite gaining and losing a great friend off the track, he managed to finish his debut campaign in the Top 10 before building upon that in Season 2 - claiming his first WGPC victory en route to P6 in the Championship. Things were certainly clicking and hopes were sky high...and then last season happened.

In one of the most chaotic and open WGPC seasons of all time, the Galarian was outshone and outclassed for most of the season by "Fast" Cocoabo #23, ending up 32 points behind the racing bird and anchoring Race Eelandii to P4 in the Constructors. If Lane was just more consistent in their point-scoring, then P2 would've been right for the taking...but it wasn't to be. Entering this season, his time with Eelandii seems to be over just like that... Now, questions remain.
Now that Lane is seemingly available, who would take a punt on him? A former race winner, desperate for a purpose and a drive?

Name: Batu Tüvshinbayar
Name Trigram: TUV
Nation: TJUN-ia (The International Community of TJUN-ia)
Nation Trigram: TJU
First Preference Car Number: 9
Second Preference Car Number: 7
Reliability: 3
Aggression: 5
Technique: 4
Driver Bio: The TJUN-ia-MRO spent a lot of resources on helping Lane Carter reach the big time and while his successes were prominent, the organisation was beginning to focus on the next step - the next generation, the drivers who will follow in the footsteps of the Galarian towards the summit of the open-wheel world. Upon discovering an opportunity to send a driver to the Nexus System in order to race in a spec series held by Nexus Racing themselves, the MRO found someone that could fulfil the role of "the next generation" and could actually do very well indeed. His name was Batu Tüvshinbayar.

With a name meaning "Strong" and "Firm", you'd probably expect great things from this guy already. Batu is a native Mongolian and comes from the city of Shinebaishin in the CEA, not far from the border with the CSTO. You don't really get a lot of people from Mongolic backgrounds participating in international competitions, but his parents expected great things from him, nonetheless, with a name like that. They wanted him to be a fighter, maybe in boxing or in one of the many martial arts, but he wasn't one to learn the complicated stances and moves of these sports. When fighting failed, they looked at sports where you have to be both aggressive and smart and once they discovered the wacky world of motor racing, there was no going back.

After karting and Crossbay Circuit, he would spend his first WGP2 season with a doomed team with only two podiums to his name. But after winning the Rumble in the Rice Fields and racing an NSSCRA Cup Series race, he signed for Scuderia Orange Cow for his 2nd WGP2 campaign - one in which history would be made. All Batu apparently needed was a fresh bit of scenery to make his true talents known and he took that Orange Cow to not only his first-ever race win but the WGP2 title as a whole. Being made immortal back home, and joining the illustrious TJUN-ian Hall of Fame, certainly made that achievement sink in...and so did the changes after that. Adonis Fitzpatrick, Lane Carter, NSSCRA's masked enby Lam Chow-Cheung and 2-time ECC Champion Tshering Gyeltshen became parts of his family in certain ways, some more so than others.

After winning the TMW 400 and getting another NSSCRA shot, Batu spent his first WGPC campaign with SOC mainly in the shadows - baring an emotional podium in Auruna. Far from the highs of his title win, but an expected struggle by all those involved. If the Orange Cow does come back, that is where he will be - looking to build on the past and aim for the Top 12 in the Championship come season's end. A modest ambition, but one Batu hopes is realistic.
1st: ECC4/5, NSSCRA13, RLWC22, IBS20, EBT3, EIHT2
2nd: NSCF24/26, ARWC4, WC:TOTS, IBC34, IBS17, RUWC33/35, ECC6
3rd: ARWC3, IBC32/41, ECC3/7, ARWC6, ET20IV
T1: #07 Michael Stefan (S13 T1 Champ)/#64 Alfonso Mercado/#03 Maddison Riley-Jones (S10 T2 Champ)
T2: #96 Alice Jepkosgei/#70 Gongming Gao [NCR]/#79 Axel Chase

WGPO: #11 Lane Carter/ #9 Batu Tüvshinbayar (WGP2 S5 Champion)
NSTT: 4 S-Titles (3 RU)/2 D-Titles (6 RU)

UN - U1
TJUN (Ta-Jun) - An organ of the UN that focuses on "international role-play" (i.e. USA = Fang the Sniper) (U2)
TJUN-ia (Ta-Jun-ee-a) - The testing grounds of TJUN members, but operates as an independent nation. (U3)

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Postby Zalivinia » Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:01 pm

Driver Name: Hanna Berezowska
Driver Nation: Zalivinia
Name Trigram: HAB
Nationality Trigram: ZAL
Preferred Car Number: 95
Second Choice Car Number: 40
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 5
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 2.50
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.50
Driver's bio: Hanna Berezowska (22), born and raised in Zatokia, Zalivinia, daughter of Siergiej Berezowski, is an up-and-coming young driver waiting for a chance to prove herself on the big stage. She is sponsored by her father's freight ship company, 'Zal Shipping Lines,' one of the giants in the country known for its vast operations and extensive resources. As of now she has only found success in local open-wheel competitions and karting, but she feels capable of competing against the best drivers there are. On track, Hanna is known for her calm and patient approach, and she excels at maintaining her composure in high-pressure situations. Off track, she often hides herself behind the image that her social media team constructed around her, probably for privacy and sponsorship reasons.

Note: I did take part in WGP2 as Dod Rava previously.
Last edited by Zalivinia on Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Free-Market Paradise

Postby Gergary » Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:48 pm

Puppet of Aji No Moto, which signup will come shortly.

Driver Name: Zsanett Bokor
Name Trigram: BOK
Nationality Trigram: GGY
Preferred Car Number: 69
Second Choice Car Number: 96

Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.3
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.8
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3.9

Driver's bio: Solymok's choice for their driver for this season, Zsanett, a daughter of a Gergarian general, did not initially wanted to do racing, but was convinced to do so by her father himself to fulfill a dream he's been chasing - to be a top tier motorsport driver.

Worked her way through the ranks and is has won numerous domestic championships in addition to participating in numerous WGP3: Filindostan competitions. Will work as a tyre tester for Solymok if none of the teams offer her a WGPC drive this season.

Manufacturer Name: Solymok
Manufacturer Nationality Trigram: GGY
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0.7
Traction (Between -1 and 1): -0.7
Bio: Known for its tyre longetivity compared to other tyre suppliers, Solymok, based in Gergary, had been supplying numerous teams in the WGPO and NSSCRA circuits, and is the official supplier of Kissan Motorsport in NSSCRA, and hopefully in WGPC.

The company is represented by Friedrich Lux, its CEO, and Kristian Szusza, its CMO.

Circuit Name: Wiesenblumering
Race Name: Gergarian Grand Prix / WGP2 Race of Gemischtvegyes
Track Image:
Lap Record (WGPC Car)(seconds): 84.275
Track Length (km): 4.858
Qualifying Type (Traditional or One-Shot): Traditional
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 5.00
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 3.90
Track technicality (1-10): 6.10
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3.5
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 2.5
Info: The Wiesenblumering is Gergary's primary motorsports circuit. Hosting local racing events in its first five years from construction, the track owners were able to convince the Filindostani Motorsports Group who organizes the WGP3 Filindostan series to host two rounds at the circuit. Recently FISCAR, also organized by the same organization, signed a pact for the domestic stock car series to have a road course held there among another oval circuit in Milchmaenner.

Circuit Image:
Last edited by Gergary on Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Capital: Ingbert-Borbély | Trigram: GGY | Leader: Zsuzsa Draskovics | Sportswire
Esportivan Motorsports puppet of Sangti

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Posts: 1674
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Aboveland » Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:49 pm

Driver Name: Janne Laukkanen
Name Trigram: LAU
Nationality Trigram: ABL
Preferred Car Number: 17
Second Preference Car Number: 20
Reliability/Aggression/Technique (total: 12, max. per stat: 5): 3.4/4.76/3.84

23-year-old Janne Laukkanen's career story is one of thrilling highs, painful lows, and angsty, ever-present, tumultuous noise — on and off the track. Thrust from local ice racing onto the World Grand Prix feeder ladder at the hand of Nexus Racing, the spritely 16-year-old Kylmajärvi native instantly captured hearts and headlines by winning on his debut, much like then-one time champion Terho Talvela, immediately attracting both praise and hype from across the motorsport world. With Aboveland represented in WGPC by Talvela, however, it would not be until after his third season at the mid-rung series — in which he finished a career-best of second in the championship, after a gruelling, legendary four-way title battle, but preceded by a concerning second campaign and a forgettable domestic stint in the Nexus Wardship — that the Abovian earned his spot at the top class, on loan from his long-time Nimban employers to Liventia's Carvenlo Racing.

His debut season, however, was not immediately impressive. Whether it was down to a career spent in the break-neck, cybernetic, wheeled spaceships of the Nexus Wardship stunting his driving style too far from conventional vehicles, the expected learning curve for a WGPC rookie, or the intermittent, elastic, obscene pull of his will-they-won't-they situationship with irresistible former rival Ted Pressley, seasoned Vilitan veteran RL Cruisin easily outclassed an off-color Laukkanen throughout WGPC19. In fulfilling the loan agreement, though, and with retirement knocking on Esmerelian Jean Mercer-Daly's door, the Abovian was given his long-awaited predestined Nexus Racing seat for WGPC20: two wins and a fourth place were his only points scored that season, enough for a bittersweet fourth place in the championship and hours of frantic skull-scratching.

With a long off-season serving as a reset of sorts, Laukkanen is expected to return to the fray at the hands of Nexus Racing's silver bullets once again, seeking to find the consistency and stability which could propel him to a maiden world title — and why not, as well, the answers to the questions that swirl and churn in his heart.

Circuit Name: Fjellutfordring
Race Name: Abovian Grand Prix
Track Image:
Lap Record (WGPC Car)(seconds): 67.451
Track Length (km): 4.33
Qualifying Type (Traditional or One-Shot): One-Shot
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 6.5%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 6.2
Track technicality (1-10): 3.8

Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 1
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 3.9

Info: [The] Fjellutfordring, located in the remote yet populous city of Avsidesliggendevuoret (home to former WGPC driver and WSRC Champion Axel Novikov), has become the staple Abovian WGPC circuit since WGPC18, when it replaced fan-favorite Lintulahti International Circuit as the country's main venue. This tiny, traditional, and tricky circuit, refreshed for the fourth time in four seasons, lies nestled in the undulating rocky landscape of the central Abovian city, carved into the bedrock and rolling hills with little space to spare. Despite its old-school simplicity, the circuit poses a number of risks that drivers must be aware of if they're to complete the entire race distance, including but not limited to the gravel and grass track limits, the close walls on the insides of turns 1 through 4, its rising crests, and its flat-out, bumpy, sweeping and off-camber corners throughout. Tweaks made to turns 3, 4, 9 and 10 have made the circuit wider, and will enable more overtaking opportunities and chances for drivers to go side-by-side to cement their moves, while the sequence between turns 5 and 7 has been replaced by a more competitive section, akin to the original iteration of the circuit. All these factors make Fjellutfording a modern classic — where only the bravest and nuttiest of drivers can prevail.

Team Name: Nordenflyg Ælund Grand Prix
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Ælund Grand Prix
Team color: #FA9A06
Nationality Trigram: ABL
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.4
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Engine supplier? Y/N: Y
Team bio: What a ride, huh.

Looking at the results of WGPC20, one could be forgiven for — knowing the previous names of the outfit, mind — believing Ælund Grand Prix to be a hopeless backmarker, and iBen Toralmintii a flash-in-the-pan one-championship wonder. But alas, despite the team's biblical fall from heaven, what is now known as Ælund Nordenflyg Grand Prix is perhaps one of the most era-defining teams in WGPC history. Originally established as Tropicorp Racing Ælund in WGPC16, following a fat check from the Abovian government into the so-dubbed Project AGP, the team carried Abovian legend Terho Tavela and his Turorian teammate, iBen Toralmintii, to three drivers' titles on the trot, and two consecutive one-two championship finishes and constructors' titles, between seasons 17 and 19. Through a technical partnership with conglomerate Tropicorp and renowned WGPC14 champions Vilita + Turori Motorworks, TRÆ displayed unprecedented levels of success and domination on the WGPC scene, and cemented itself as a landmark team in the WGPC history books.

Nevertheless, success would eventually prove not to last forever, and following legal trouble sparked by partnerships signed by Ælund Racing's rallying arm, the entirety of the Abovian-based team's facilities and assets were closed off and embargoed for the duration of an investigation into money laundering. The move severely stifled the team's development into season 20, which saw reigning champion Toralmintii plummet to 21st in the championship, with two points-scoring results in ten races, and the team itself fall from second to a measly tenth. The end of the investigation and clearing of the team of financial crimes during the WGPC off-season, however, enabled the team to access its world-class development facilities once again, compounded as well by a repurchase and restructuring of parent company Ælund Racing by the Abovian government — in part, to cover the loss of prize money incurred in the previous season. As a result, the team's name was changed once again, to reflect the new ownership, the new company structure, and the likely end of the team's technical partnership with Tropicorp.

With its guaranteed berth gone for the first time in three seasons, a year's worth of development freeze, a brand-new, in-house developed power unit, and a driver lineup that — with Toralmintii's WGPC retirement expected — is bound to be all-change, WGPC21 could prove to be the biggest challenge yet in the Abovian team's brief but powerful existence. Still, if their journey so far is anything to go by, perhaps the winds will ultimately turn in favor of the team from Lintulahti.

Engine name/manufacturer: Ælund CMYK Racing Technologies CMYK-T20V8H
Monogram (single letter identifier): Æ
Nationality Trigram: ABL
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0.1
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): 0.3
Tare (Between -1 and 1): -0.4
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.
Engine supplier? Y/N: Y
Bio (optional): In the aftermath of the WGPC20 Tropicorp Racing Ælund crisis, and with long-time technical partners Tropicorp rumored to be dropping out of the WGPC for good, Ælund Racing's experimental CMYK branch set out to finish their long-mothballed powerplant development project for the incoming season. The CMYK-T20V8H engine is bound to be Ælund Grand Prix' first-ever hybrid power unit. Lessons learned over the years from Tropicorp Race Engineering have allowed the Abovians to develop a compact, high-revving engine, which packs more high-end power and more low-end torque — per kilogram — than the team's previous Tropicorp units, through the use of its brand new hybrid system. Whether or not the new unit will stand the test of the WGPC, however — and whether any other prospective teams would dare to gamble on the product of one of the WGPC's most successful constructors — remains to be seen.
Last edited by Aboveland on Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Home to Terho Talvela, three-time WGPC World Champion, and one-time WSRC World Champion

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Aji No Moto
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Postby Aji No Moto » Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:49 pm

Driver Name: Shuhei Kamado
Name Trigram: KAM
Nationality Trigram: ANM
Preferred Car Number: 58
Second Choice Car Number: 82
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.38
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3.62
Driver's bio: Considered one of the young prodigies of Ajian motorsport, Shuhei Kamado is already being groomed as the future of Ajian open-wheel racing.

Hailing from the domestic sports car racing scene and competing with Tsuneyuki Hamamoto for the domestic crown for the past three years, Kamado has started transitioning from sports cars to open wheelers once signing a driver development contract with KISMO. He has a provisional agreement with the team to drive one of their cars for the season. He has also attracted numerous sponsor opportunities including Drymark, Ayakashi Energy, and Pusztitas.

Team Name: Kissan Motorsport
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): KISMO
Team color: ... #AA0114 (Backup/Secondary color: ... #303030)
Nationality Trigram: ANM
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 5.17
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 2.83
Own Engine? Y/N: Y
Team bio: First entered in WGPC 16 and predecessor to the WGPC 19 Constructors' Champion, Badai Angin Tim Motorsport, Kissan Motorsport returns to the WGPC paddock as a new entity, separate from the lineage of their initial endeavors. Using assets and resources sequestered by the Ajian government from the Badai Angin WGPC program, and some recovered from the black/gray market, the team will be initially operated by Aji No Moto AutoRacing Alliance (ANMARA), but will take on the full naming rights of the team.

Spearheaded by CEO Hiromu Sugiyama, son of previous owner Tsutomu, KISMO will have ANMARA personnel running the team, with Sugiyama overseeing racing operations by installing a KISMO representative as its first team principal. The team has already sought the technical support from Kissan Motors as their engine supplier, and from Gergary's Solymok as their provisional tyre supplier.

KISMO has numerous driver development contracts with several sports car drivers, a number of them competing in NSSCRA, but has groomed ace driver Shuhei Kamado to drive one of the KSH02, the team's chassis in their WGPC return if the team is chosen.
Engine name/manufacturer: Kissan Motors KS.APEX-01
Monogram (single letter identifier): K
Nationality Trigram:
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): 0.33
Tare (Between -1 and 1): -0.33
Engine supplier? Y/N: Y
Bio (optional): In addition to KISMO applying to return to the WGPC paddock, Kissan Motors have expressed interest to supply engines to prospective privateer teams with the KS.APEX racing performance engine lines. The V8 naturally-aspirated engine has been tuned and homologated to WGPC standards and will be primarily used by KISMO.
Circuit Name: Serizawa Racing Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Ajian Grand Prix presented by Aji Air
Track Image:

Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:17.466
Track Length (km): 4.4
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Traditional
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: (Y/N) Y
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 18%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 6.3
Track technicality (1-10): 3.7
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 2
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 2
Info: Owned by the local autombile giant Kissan, the track is more of a type that will test the cars' engine power and overtaking opportunities, which are featured in the Kissan Straight, the Serizawa Complex leading up to The Bird's Beak, and the banked curb after the Widow's Peak turn that leads to the opening part of the Kismo Complex.

The track starts on a ~400 meter straight into the 130-degree turn at Turn 1, then speeds to the Asahi Kerb, before encountering another straight line leading to the Sugiyama Corner, more of a semi-sharp kerb before slowing further down to turns 4 and 5, known as The Complex. A bend then leads into the slowest point of the circuit, The Bird's Beak. The cars then power through the bend into another semi-hairpin, the banked Turn 7, before pacing through a series of sharp kerbs, Turns 8 and 9, in which the power of the car and the speed is important as they lead into the Kissan Straight. This straight is around ~950 meters and has a slight bank leading towards the Widow's Peak, which is a banked kerb leading to the technical section, the Kismo Complex. A sharp turn at turn 15 leads the cars into the start/finish line to complete the lap.

The track is made of asphalt. Kissan Motors, who will sponsor the race if chosen to be one of the racing venues, will hope that international grand prix organizers will look to have the track host some of their races. The track has been reconfigured and rehabilitated from the initial 3.526 km configuration by lengthening some of the straigts and reprofiling some of the corners to be the current version today, spanning 4.4 km of asphalt.

OOC Notes:
1. Confirming the below puppet status:
Gergary wrote:Puppet of Aji No Moto, which signup will come shortly.

2. User behind this account, in addition to participating in WGPC 16 with KISMO, has also participated with Sangti/The Royal Barangay (WGPC 13-14), and Filindostan (WGPC 17-19, WGPC 19 Constructors' Champion).
Last edited by Aji No Moto on Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Capital: Joshuyo | Trigram: ANM | Leader: Prime Minister Yoshimori Midoriyama | Region: Esportiva
Main motorsports puppet of Sangti and the Filindo Isles

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Postby Borschtslatvia » Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:32 am

Driver Name: Mike Nezschmidt
Name Trigram: NEZ
Nationality Trigram: BRS
Preferred Car Number: 12
Second Choice Car Number: 30
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 3
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: Age 24, Mike Nezschmidt is the great-great-great grandson of the famous Borschtslatvian racer, Mikhial Nishwashkowskuvitch, winner of the 1906 Turkopolinstantiople Grand Prix (which is no longer run, due to the fall of Turkopolinstantinople in 1964). Born in Borschtslatvia, his parents wanted him to become a beet farmer, but Nezschmidt had the need for speed, and decided to follow in the footsteps of his great-great-great greatgrandfather. He has won several local races in Borschtslatvia, but feels he is ready to tackle the big ones. This is his first World Grand Prix Championship, and he hopes to make his great-great-great grandfather proud.

Manufacturer Name: Beet Street Tires
Manufacturer Nationality Trigram: BRS
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0.5
Traction (Between -1 and 1): -0.5
Beet Street Tires are the official tires of Borschtslatvia. Founded in 1917, Beet Street Tires are known for their reliability on any surface, from smooth, to slick. Beet Street Tires are made of a special rubber, which makes them less likely to blow out during a race.
Last edited by Borschtslatvia on Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Ile Saint-Joseph
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Postby Ile Saint-Joseph » Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:23 pm

Puppet of Reçueçn (from where I will post driver sign-ups in a bit).
Circuit Name: Circuit d'Arès
Grand Prix Name: Grand Prix d'Île Saint-Joseph
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:33.312 *This is the number that should go in the scorinator. The IC lap record is slower (see image).
Track Length (km): 5.075 km
Qualifying Type: Traditional (Can be changed at organizer's discretion)
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: N
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 12%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 3.8
Track technicality (1-10): 6.2
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3.5
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 3.9
Info: The Grand Prix d'Île Saint-Joseph featured in season three of WGP2 and season 18 of the WGPC (before the user went on hiatus--but now I'm back, and so's the track!) After missing a couple seasons of the WGPC, race organizers decided not to submit for WGP2 entry, hoping to reclaim the grand prix's spot at the highest level of competition. The organizers are hoping Île Saint-Joseph's tourist charm and attractions--the quaint medieval aesthetic and the modern casino's--can convince the WGPO to reinstate its spot on the calendar.


It's certainly cliché, but from a tourist's-eye view, Île Saint-Joseph resembles a charming, sleepy medieval village. That’s because it is: although the tiny, independent island nation has kept up with the times, it hasn’t visibly changed much in the last five hundred years. But for two weeks each year, the whole island is given a makeover. That's when the grand prix comes to town.

Having a grand prix circuit here is a challenge, and that isn’t just because the racetrack has to be squeezed into the town’s narrow old streets. Perhaps Île Saint-Joseph’s most iconic feature is that it's only accessible from the mainland twice a day for six hours at a time. The waters between the island and the coast, seven hundred meters away, never recede enough that the seabed is visible, but at low tide a causeway appears from amid the waves. The island's unique access—other than by boat—is blocked off a week before the grand prix arrives when a host of engineers descend on the town to put in place the non-permanent features of the circuit. Given that the track is a hybrid with a large street circuit section, it comprises many elements which cannot stay in place year-round. Chief among these is the unique technology used on the tidal causeway.

Obviously, it wouldn’t do for a WGP track to be submerged in saltwater half the day. It would never be drivable. But the designers of the Circuit d’Arès, as it is known, (named for its resemblance to that god’s astrological sign) have developed an innovative technological solution to this problem. A retractable, waterproof cover makes sure that the track stays dry while underwater but can also be used again right away as soon as the tide is low enough. With less than six hours at a time available for any events on the circuit, scheduling is always tight and there is limited time for practice and qualifying.

The starting grid lines up in the middle of the causeway. The start/finish line is in fact an international border; Île Saint-Joseph wouldn't be able to fit the entire circuit in its small territory, so the track extends across the causeway into France, where the pit lane and grandstands are. With more space on the mainland, that part of the track was designed to be a racing circuit and doesn’t have the restrictions of the street circuit on the other side. More of the facilities on the French side, then, can be left permanently in place, although the road from the island does need to make its way through that general area.

A lap around the track finds the cars starting in the middle of the water, where many spectators come out on boats to get a nice view of the finish line and enjoy the day on the water, assuming the weather is nice enough here in often-rainy Normandy. Many of the turns in the street circuit are blind, thanks to the buildings in the way, and the first is no exception. As the cars pass through the city gate they turn to the right at La Herse, named for the now-unused portcullis under which they have just driven. Another aspect of the Circuit d’Arès is its elevation changes, and that is first encountered here, as the track begins to climb as it winds its way up Île Saint-Joseph’s main road toward the center of town. This gently curving section is taken at full speed but has no constant radius—the whole thing is usually referred to as the Change-Monnaie turn although it’s more accurately three slight corners and two small straights.

Next, the circuit bends away in the other direction, and from a driver’s point of view, disappears over a crest. At least drivers can see corners where there are corners coming up by the position of the adjacent buildings. The track winds its way down a sharply descending, hairpin-studded section to a straight along the harbor mouth. Having reached the quays, the circuit then climbs once more, arriving at its highest point—also the island’s—in the square in front of St. Joseph’s Basilica. The circuit has entered its second sector at this point, just in front of the town hall, and the second sector is dominated by fast straightaways with sharp corners, unlike the twisty first sector.

The first of these straights to begin to descend again runs from Tanneur to Falaise corners, and is just barely sloped downward as it runs past the abbey. Falaise is most likely the most dangerous corner in the race; right at the top of a cliff, there is no space for a runoff zone, only a wall—and on the other side, a sheer drop down to the rocks and waves below. The track turns along the top of the cliff to the left, where it sweeps downward back toward the city gate. Then another sharp corner, Marches, named for the fact that this is the steepest part of the track—so steep, in fact, that before the racing surface was put in, this road was steep enough to require shallow steps. Turn 22, which is only the slightest of kinks, is taken at full speed, and the drivers find themselves on the causeway again, on the fastest section of the track.

Having crossed the border into France by the time they reach Frontière, the cars arrive on the purpose-built section of the track in sector three. The third sector is one big bend and a few sharp turns after some more long full-speed straights, and is lined with grandstands. The pit lane is here, the only place there was space for it. Access roads connect the back of the paddocks with a gate in the track at the beginning of the causeway so teams can access the starting grid. The gate opens onto the track at Dernier, the last turn of the circuit before the cars pull away again onto the causeway and on to their next lap.

The Circuit d’Arès, then, is idiosyncratic in several ways. It is partially on an island; it is split across two different countries; it isn’t accessible all day long, since part of it is underwater half the day; half of the track—but only half—is a street circuit; and there are other small details as well, such as the fact that the pit lane isn’t at the finish line.

Although the Circuit d’Arès has been around for years, it has only once been part of the WGPC calendar. A few years ago, the race's organizing committee signed the event up for a spot on the WGP2 calendar, and successfully followed through by moving up into the WGPC the year after that. Although it's been a couple years, with the initial events deemed great successes, this petit grand prix is back and hoping once again to bring the multiverse's spotlight to this little island.
Puppet of Reçueçn

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Recuecn » Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:11 pm

Ile Saint-Joseph is indeed my puppet.
Driver Name: Abdoulaye Goita (GOITA Abdoulaye on official documents)
Name Trigram: GTA
Nationality Trigram: RCN
Preferred Car Number: 77
Second Choice Car Number: 7
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: It's misleading to say that this is the "long-awaited" return of Abdoulaye Goita (Abs, to his close friends). But that's just because the Reçuecian driver hails from a nation where motorsports are not widely celebrated, and has very few fans to actually look forward to him coming out of his hiatus. But Goita himself has been highly anticipating getting back behind the wheel of a WGPC car for a long time now. His debut back in season 17, test driving briefly for Eelandii VTGP, was unimpressive, and his subsequent WGP2 season 3 championship therefore came as a surprise.

However, the title of "champion" took Goita very far, and riding on the coattails of that victory unlocked for him involvement in many multiversal motorsport opportunities. He raced in the next season of the WGPC, but also participated in multiple NSSCRA seasons as a test driver for Kanyean team GFR Motorsports, even having the opportunity to race in the multiverse's premier stock car championship. He took part in the first edition of iROS (iBen's Race of Stars), in which he finished the season in second place, between iBen Toralmintii himself, and the Abovian WGP legend Terho Talvela. Later, Goita had the chance to get into a car with Talvela in person, and the pair came out of retirement to co-drive in the World Stage Rally Championship. Goita only participated in one race, but Talvela went on to win the whole thing.

Now Abdoulaye is finally coming back to his home turf--open wheel racing. Ready once more for the highest level of competition, his goal is to recapture that feeling of winning the WGP2 championship--in the WGPC.

Despite his many and varied appearances in motorsport competitions, Abdoulaye is still not well-known in Reçueçn: the nation is not historically one that pays attention to motorsport. Goita's love of racing isn't the only thing that makes him an unusual representative of his nation however: he is also a Malian-born dual citizen, which is out of the ordinary for homogenous Reçueçn. Family means everything to Goita, and he is dedicated to his father. His Muslim faith is also important to him.

Abdoulaye's personality is phlegmatic and reserved. He takes his time with things, but perseveres until he gets them done. Behind the wheel, his sheer amount of experience has tempered his once-volatile technique. With each season he has raced, he has grown more reliable, although he has not entirely lost his rookie passion.
AI-generated image of Goita in his GFR Motorsports firesuit. Credit to St. Kanye.
Faceclaim: Aliou Touré (singer)

Driver Name: Vincent Von Visp
Name Trigram: VVV (This billionaire will bribe any WGPO officials necessary to bend the trigram rules)
Nationality Trigram: RCN
Preferred Car Number: 13
Second Choice Car Number: 66
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: Every good story needs a good villain--at least, that's what Vincent Von Visp believes. The scion of a dynasty of Reçuecian bankers, Vincent's family is filthy rich and has an even filthier reputation. The Von Visps made their fortune on laundered Nazi gold after the second world war, but Vincent is sick and tired of having his family's past thrown in his face. If you ask him, they only did what they had to to get ahead--after all, what else is there? His resentment of others' hollow sermonizing is additionally fueled by the narratives he is surrounded by; everyone's good-versus-evil stories are hypocritical attempts to villainize anyone fortunate enough in life to have more than they do.

Vincent's anger's latest targets are the announcers of the WGPC. Each season he watches, he sees a pathological need to paint the favorites of the competition as heroes. Rather than focus on what the sport is truly about--cutthroat, no-holds-barred competition in an effort to get ahead by any means necessary--the journalists telling the story of the WGP are always trying to pretend there's some bigger story at play. They pretend that the heroes--whichever pitiful underdog the fans have chosen to root for this year--are nice, good people, more remarkable for their winning personalities than for winning the championship. And they pretend that these "heroes" somehow deserve their good fortune, rather than admit that it is earned by hard work or--God forbid--good luck.

So Vincent is throwing his hat into the ring in an effort to prove that ambition and cunning matter more than goodwill and charisma. Nice guys finish last and he's here to win. Most of his driving experience had recreational; he's known for blazing down Reçuecian country roads in expensive cars with no regard for speed limits or the safety of those around him. Now, however, for the first time, he has some professional experience; 1 season in the WGP2 under his belt driving for UrGa. Rumor has it he bought the seat, and makes up for his lack of skill with his financial resources--resources he's unafraid to throw around if it can get him what he wants. But only time will tell if money and a single, disappointing WGP2 season are enough to get him a spot in the WGPC.

Vincent is a tall, slim man, with a shock of bright red hair and a ridiculously curled moustache. He always dresses in the latest expensive fashion, which, with his natural good looks and plentiful self-confidence, gives him an aura of charisma that mostly overwhelms the "ick" that his evident self-absorption evinces. Terrible womanizer.

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Doubeia » Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:54 am

Doubeia wrote:Driver/circuit signup

Note: The user behind Doubeia has previously partaken in the WGPC and WGP2 as Twicetagria and Fifth harmony harmoniser nation respectively.

Driver and circuit signup in quoted message.

Team Name: Piers Ivchenko Motorsports with Bungschen Bombs
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): Piers Ivchenko
Team color: #eaac15
Nationality Trigram: DOU
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 3.7
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 4.2
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N: N
Team bio:
Piers Ivchenko is not a motorsports team per se. It just happens to have a motorsports branch: Piers Ivchenko Motorsports. Piers Ivchenko by itself is a conglomerate covering many industries with business mogul Piers Ivchenko at its helm. Ivchenko is a motorsports buff which is why the motorsports division even exists. Thankfully, Ivchenko's interest in motorsports (amongst other things like fashion and perfumes) doesn't seem to be waning any time soon.

Quite conveniently, Piers Ivchenko also has a luxury car branch. In Doubeia, their cars are amongst the most coveted for their sleek, modern design and high speeds. Similarly, the Piers Ivchenko motorsports team is amongst the most supported for their successful portfolio in rallying and dirt racing, categories you wouldn't really associate with high-end sportscars. Piers Ivchenko himself used to dabble in rallying as a youngster, and even as a 67-year-old businessman he still hasn't lost his love for racing.

Piers Ivchenko has little experience in single-seater formula racing although they are set to compete in the inaugural Doubeinese Racing League season. However, their WGPC entry is separate from the DRL team; the WGPC entry is a joint venture between them and Bungschen Bombs, another Doubeinese racing team founded by Franz Bungschen, another businessman with a love for racing. Franz Bungschen entered his own team into the most recent WGP2 season, JMoD Racing, with moderate success. The details about the joint venture are not publicised, but from the little information we know, Piers Ivchenko will be in charge of building the car itself and branding, while Bungschen Bombs will be in charge of publicity. Management will be a mix of Bungschen Bombs and Piers Ivchenko personnel. Whether the arrangement will work out or not, the team will definitely be supported by many Doubeinese.
The Federal Doubeinese Republic
Doubeia | Doubeinese | DOU
Capital: Queensland | Population: 101,446,076 | Sporta Doubeia
Baptism of Fire 83 - Runner-ups
Campionato Esportiva 38 - Hosts

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Diarcesia » Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:44 pm

Driver Name: Sam Blaatschapen
Name Trigram: BLA
Nationality Trigram: DCS
Preferred Car Number: 33
Second Choice Car Number: 13
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.50
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.50
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.00
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Driver's bio: A wolf in sheep's clothing? Samantha Odenatha Blaatschapen, a female 22 year old Odrioyan Diarcesian of partial Yechian heritage, lived and grew in the shadows of the Elbej Historic Site circuit. At a very young age, she was given a kart by her parents, where she quickly learned and rose up the ranks of domestic racing series. In the wake of Sara Luna and Aldauren Ginintella's departures from the Diarcesian WGP3, Sam filled the talent vacuum and won her debut race. Despite inconsistent results in some races, she was able to win her championship in the last event. Pryfors Bilar took notice of her abilities and signed her up as one of their drivers for the future. Sam took to heart the lessons learned in her lackluster WGP2 and pedestrian WGPC debut and seeks to renew her focus in WGPC 21.

Circuit Name: Diarcesian Grand Prix
Grand Prix Name: Sigurd Ring
Track Image:
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 1:33.080
Track Length (km): 5.7
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): One-Shot
If qualifying is 'Traditional' or 'One-Shot', would you like your race to be considered for the feature/sprint race weekend?: Y
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 3
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 4.6
Track technicality (1-10): 5.4
(Aggressiveness and technicality should add up to 10)
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 1.2
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 0.7
Info: One Ring to pull them all.
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all...
...And in one purpose bind them.

Sigurd Ring is a good way off the main highways leading into and out of the Dieresis of Losphortoene's capital of Ramgardia. The premier location for endurance racers and an established venue for WGPC-tier open-wheel contests, the track is designed to help keep its cars intact from beginning to end of its long lap. Here, the winner is determined by the right balance of race strategy and driver guts. Make a mistake, and you will probably go to a runoff area, your only losses being a lot of lap time and grid positions. DRS zones are generous, and overtaking opportunities are abundant, whether in the high-speed straights or in the low-speed corners.

The biggest events here can hold a crowd of 200-250 thousand. They cheer loudly whenever something unexpected happens, like when a late-braking move proves to be momentum-swinging in the championship leaderboard. This event has lots to help make a WGPC weekend something special.

Team Name: Grand Prix Auto Pryfors Bilar
Shortened name/acronym (if applicable): GPA Pryfors Bilar
Team color: #e68523
Nationality Trigram: DCS
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4
Acceleration (Between 2 and 5): 3
Turning (Between 2 and 5): 5
R/A/T ratings should add up to a maximum of 12.
Own Engine? Y/N: Y
Team bio: Regrouping after falling short of enabling main driver Laura Haukanna achieve their goals (but providing a halo effect that aided in their main business of selling cars), Pryfors Bilar's leadership gave their approval of its continued involvement in WGPC. The technical mandate this time: make the car more reliable and double down on their expertise in low-speed corners.

Engine name/manufacturer: Pryfors Bilar
Monogram (single letter identifier): P
Nationality Trigram: DCS
Reliability (Between -1 and 1): 0.25
Actuation (Between -1 and 1): -0.5
Tare (Between -1 and 1): 0.25
R/A/T ratings should sum up to 0.
Engine supplier? Y/N:
Bio (optional): PB's engineering saw much advancements in engine development; their in-house WGPC engine is now ready for service in the team.

Liv: How are dual-nationality tyre signups handled this season?
Last edited by Diarcesia on Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Katzeburg » Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:32 am

Honour Pledge: By submitting this signup I promise to not use any form of generative artificial intelligence for any text in my roleplays this season. If I am suspected to have used any form of AI text generators this season, I will be honest if asked about it. If I am found to have used any form of generative artificial intelligence, I recognise that I may forfeit any previously-earned roleplay bonus earned up to this point, and, if the usage of artificial intelligence is severe enough, the potential to earn future roleplay bonus for the remainder of the season.

Driver Name: Ron Sommer
Name Trigram: SOM
Nationality Trigram: KAT
Preferred Car Number: 12
Second Choice Car Number: 71
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 4.3
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 3.2
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.5
Driver's bio: Ron Sommer is a young talent out of the burgeoning Katzeburgian racing scene, with the 19 year old looking to make his mark as a true rookie on the multiversal scene. Very technically gifted thanks in part to success on the Kazteburgian city racing circuit, Sommer is someone who tries to keep a calm head on the race track - occasionally to his detriment.

Driver Name: Gil Langdon
Name Trigram: LAN
Nationality Trigram: KAT
Preferred Car Number: 55
Second Choice Car Number: 42
Reliability (Between 2 and 5): 3.1
Aggression (Between 2 and 5): 4.8
Technique (Between 2 and 5): 4.1
Driver's bio: Gil Langdon is a bit of an enigma in Katzeburgian racing. The 18 year old is known within racing circles as the eldest son of Katzeburgian logging magnate Archie Langdon, whose Langdon Logging oversees the bulk of Katzeburg’s forestry industry. With a real hint of privilege about him, Gil is an incredibly aggressive racer on the track, often trying last ditch moves akin to rolling the dice when trying to fight his way up the pack - occasionally leading to quite significant, but highly entertaining crashes.

Circuit Name: Waldstein City Circuit
Grand Prix Name: Katzeburg Grand Prix
Lap Record (F1/WGPC Car): 01.48.820
Track Length (km): 4.89km
Qualifying Type (Traditional, One-Shot, Elimination or Two-Tiered): Elimination
Chance of rain (1%-20%): 11%
Track aggressiveness (1-10): 2
Track technicality (1-10): 8
Overtaking Difficulty (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is easy, 5 is difficult): 3.2
Margin for error (0.1 - 5. 0.1 is forgiving, 5 is treacherous): 3.9
Info: The Waldstein City Circuit is the oldest, and toughest of Katzeburg’s city tracks, with the local government securing funding to build a course wrapping through its historic old town just over a decade ago. With a highly demanding technical course, races are often decided by the thinnest of margins and it’s often a miracle when a race finishes with a full cohort going from start to finish.
RIVERSIDE - After a sharp right hand turn to begin the track, racers zip down the side of the River Wald as they take a smaller bridge into the city on turns 2 and 3. Offering scenic views of the historic centre before whipping in across the river and onto the old city’s main street, this run gives just enough room for cars to push and achieve early overtakes and build a strong head of speed heading into the city itself.
THE CLAW - Arguably the show piece of the track, Turn 6 sees cars take a very sharp right-hand turn off River Street and onto Williams Parade. Many a racer who is unprepared for the distinct sharpness of the claw has sailed straight into the wall or the back of another racer in previous races, especially given the turns position at the tail end of one of the circuit’s longer straights.
TWISTING FLOURISH - Turn 9 marks a particular challenge for drivers as they have to wrestle their cars with the winding streets up towards Foxworth bridge and alongside the old town’s main park. Coming off Turn 8 onto a short straight before turning left and then twisting into a small chicane before a harsher right hand turn, cars whip up alongside the edge of the old town and have often been known to see their steering fail them on the final turn thanks in part to the intense focus and chaos seen by the flourish.
THE BRIDGE - Leaving the historic centre of Waldstein, Turn 10 sees cars shoot over the Foxworth bridge and tackle the circuit’s longest straight - often seeing many cars look to make their move against their bunched-up competitors before turning into the final turn of the circuit. A regular zone for DRS, this section is where wheel-to-wheel racing comes alive after drivers navigate the twisty old town.
"Scio potes legere cogitationes meas puer"
An island Federal Republic based in the region of Esportiva.
KNL Champion - Katzestadt AFC | Katzeburgian National Team
Capital City - Katzestadt | TRI - KAT | Population - 39 million
Elephant Chess Cup X Champion | Baptism of Fire 84 Semi-Finalist



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