World Cup 98 | roster thread

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The Kytler Peninsulae
Posts: 1397
Founded: Jul 26, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

World Cup 98 | roster thread

Postby The Kytler Peninsulae » Fri Dec 27, 2024 9:34 am




Welcome to the longest-running sporting event in the multiverse. This is the 98th NationStates World Cup!

This is the roster thread for the tournament (both qualifying and finals), where participants are invited to provide details about their teams. It is highly encouraged to provide a roster; teams without one will have their entire rank (after the addition of any other RP bonuses) divided by 1.093x where x = (n+1)2 and n is the number of scorination windows, including this one, so far in the entire WC. This equates to approximately a 30% penalty in the first window, a 55% penalty in the second, a 75% penalty in the third, and an 89% penalty in the fourth (continuing towards, though never quite reaching, zero).

Starting lineups are formed of 11 players, one of whom is a goalkeeper. Conventional roster size is 23-26 of whom three are goalkeepers, but it is common for teams to select from a larger pool of players for qualification, especially if injuries have been roleplayed. (More on which below.)

Other content that you may wish to add to your roster include:
  • Your team nickname
  • Your team manager and other coaching staff
  • Where your team will play its home matches (in this tournament, half of your matches in qualifying will be at home. This can be in one field or in many places around your country!)
  • Your RP permissions and style modifier
  • A team logo
  • A team kit
  • Details about your nation for visiting fans and players
  • Other information you would like your opponent to know about

Examples of rosters include those posted for the last edition of the World Cup. As you can see, rosters come in all shapes and sizes - from a list of names to full player bios. Be as in depth as you like, but the most important thing is readability!

As a part of your roster post, you can include a style modifier. This is a number, which for the purposes of this tournament can be between -5 and +5, which describes how defensive or offensive your team's style of play is. -5 describes a maximally defensive team, and +5 describes a maximally attacking team. Note that this does not affect your chances of winning or losing, or even the margin of victory if any - merely how many goals you score and concede. There is no "style meta" here.

Finally, in your roster post, it is highly recommended you include your RP permissions. These detail what you can and can't do regarding players on other teams. The permission box, an example included below, shows a format with which to display these permissions, and it is important to read the permissions of other players before including them in your own roleplays -- those roleplays may be ignored if permissions are broken! Furthermore, the permissions box also discusses 'godmodding', which is to control another person's roleplaying beyond the usual RP permissions. Examples of godmodding include unlikely events, such as a goal being scored by bouncing off of a passing seagull, or a player being injured by plane debris falling from the sky. If in doubt, check those permissions!

Here is an example of a roleplay permission box (with no permissions yet set):

Code: Select all
[box][b]My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:[/b]
I would prefer you choose these scorers:
Godmod scoring events: Yes/No
RP injuries to my players: Yes/No
Godmod injuries to my players: Yes/No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes/No
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes/No
Godmod other events: Yes/No
Generate stadium happenings: Yes/No[/box]

Good luck, have fun, and may Margaret be with you!
Last edited by The Kytler Peninsulae on Tue Jan 28, 2025 10:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
Out of international isolation and... winning things? Huh?

Host: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Baptism of Iron X, 7th World Championships of Babbage Rules Football, and Games of the IX Olympiad.

Won: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Elephant Chess Cup 7, and Memorial Cup. Also top of the medals table at the Games of the IX Olympiad (24 gold, 63 total medals).
World Lacrosse Championship 12 and World Bowl 47 quarter-finalists, World Bowl XV and World Baseball Classic 20 octo-finalists
28 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VI Olympiad (13th in medal table)
7 medals, 5 gold, at VII Olympic Winter Games (7th in medal table)
26 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VIII Olympiad (9th in medal table)

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Yue Zhou
Posts: 324
Founded: Jun 06, 2017
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Yue Zhou » Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:14 am


月州联合共和国 - 国际足球队

It's a new era for the Dragons, as Elaine Ashdown leaves after nine years in charge of the national team. While Ashdown brought the Dragons to unprecedented heights, achieving third place in the Copa Rushmori and Yuezhou's first-ever quarterfinals berth in the World Cup, the YFA felt Yuezhou were stagnating under her watch and opted to move on. Up next is legendary Mytanar manager Lev Repin, last seen bringing Chromatika within ninety minutes of the World Cup. He'll have a tough task in front of him - building a winning team without talismanic midfielder Pan Xilei, who has retired, and with star striker Leona Tsang still being eased back in after missing the Copa Rushmori to injury. But it would still be unwise to count out Rushmore's #1 team, even in a transitional phase.

Badge and kits designed by Txakhaxi's Tahuatxi Storefront.

Home, Away, and GK kits designed by Tahautxi. See the video reveal here.


Nickname: The Dragons
Manager: Lev Repin (MYT)
Captain: Zhao Deliang
Vice Captains: Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Huang Han
Penalty Takers: Kara Mingsdottír Zhang -> Jia Luka Siski -> Songwei Milosevic -> Dong Yichun -> Leona Tsang
Formation: 3-4-1-2
First-choice Starting Lineup: ZHAO Deliang (Atletik); Esekíel Zeminsson YAO (Ararat), ZHAO Fan (West Couno), JI Wenwei (Myana); HUANG Han (Istria City), ZHAXI Jianzan (Serrapince), DONG Yichun (Kirkenes), Songwei MILOSEVIC (Felsenkirchen 1879); Kara Mingsdottír ZHANG (Liria); Leona TSANG (Lhor), JIA Luka Siski (Algolia)
Surnames: Generally written before given names except for certain dual nationals; e.g. Wan Sheping's surname is "Wan" and his given name is "Sheping". The Chinese characters are also listed for starters' names.
Style Modifier: +2.25

RP Permissions:
Preferred Goalscorers: None preferred, feel free to consult the below guide for help
Godmod scoring events: TG/DM before doing so
RP injuries to my players: Yes (I determine severity)
Godmod injuries to my players: TG/DM before doing so
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, TG/DM if more than one
Godmod other events: TG/DM before doing so
Other: If you plan to RP the match extensively, please mention by players by name (as opposed to “the Yue striker…” or similar). Please consult me before using images meant to represent my players.

Score a Goal - Leona Tsang, Jia Luka Siski, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang
Score from Distance - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic, Jia Luka Siski
Assist a Goal - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Huang Han, Leona Tsang
Score off a Header - Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Jia Luka Siski, Zhaxi Jianzan
Win a Free Kick/Penalty - Leona Tsang, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic
Get Sent Off - Zhaxi Jianzan, Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Jia Luka Siski
Get a Yellow Card - Zhaxi Jianzan, Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Zhao Fan
Come Through in the Clutch - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic, Leona Tsang

thanks to Mytanija for providing this information.

In possession the 3-5-2 becomes almost a 3-2-5 with the wing-backs pushing high up the pitch to operate in what would almost be traditional winger positions. They are tasked with staying wide to provide the midfielders with options out on the flank, this should also keep the opposition players stretched across the pitch in their defensive shape which would open up spaces in more central areas. The two strikers will rotate in dropping in between the opposition defence and midfield whilst the left-sided central midfielder will look to push into spaces that are vacated by opposition defenders. This is done in this way because the striker who drops deep may drag an opposition defender into a midfield area and leave space for the left-sided central midfielder to run into. The central midfielders will be tasked with recycling possession and trying to pick passes from the middle of the pitch, they will also make late runs into the penalty area to try and pick up any loose balls around the edge of the box. The three central defenders will push high up to the halfway line to squeeze the pitch and keep opposition forwards far away from the goal in case of a loss of possession. Defenders that are comfortable in possession will be allowed freedom to dribble forward if the opposition stand-off them as this could make it easier to progress the ball and could commit opposition defenders which would create space for other players.

If the ball is lost, both wing-backs will work hard to immediately get back into defensive positions, almost forming a back five with the three central defenders. Both strikers will work hard to press opposition players, willing to give away fouls to prevent the opposition from counter-attacking at speed. Whoever plays as the left-sided central midfielder midfielder may join in with this pressing but against strong opposition they may also drop deep to form a midfield three with the other pair of central midfielders to try and stiffen up the centre of the pitch. Towards the halfway line both the central midfielders will press and try to push the opponent into wider areas with the aim being to either trap them on the sideline or to encourage an aimless pass from the wide position into the middle of the pitch where there are more players. If the opposition manage to counter quickly then the wide central defenders will look to engage any players breaking down the sides of the pitch whilst the man in the middle of the three will shift across to cover them. The central midfielders will also tend to drop very quickly leaving only the attacking midfielder and strikers higher up the pitch.


Manager: Lev REPIN, 68 (MYT)
The YFA moves from one legend of the game to another: Repin, after 177 caps with Mytanija as a fullback during his playing career, has become one of the multiverse's best-known managers. After returning his home country to the World Cup, he then moved to Chromatika, where he took the Anomalies to the World Cup Final. Both incredibly passionate and tactically innovative, Repin will hope to bring a third national team to success as he takes over the Dragons on a two-cycle contract.

Assistant Manager: CHEN Haixuan, 53
The up-and-coming Chen Haixuan earned the job after managing Beian Rovers from lower midtable to the heady heights of...also lower midtable. He's at least a likeable guy who should help communicate Repin's vision and keep things friendly in the dressing room, and will serve as a valuable bridge between the Ashdown and Repin administrations.

Assistant Manager: YUAN Mingrong, 39
A legendary center-back for Ararat and the Yue national team, Yuan now makes his coaching debut with the national team he captained for several cycles. He'll be expected to focus on the defense and the locker-room, although unnamed sources have suggested he's also being groomed to be the next Dragons manager.

Goalkeeping Coach: Ursula GAVARIS, 46 (NPH)
Yue National Team Goalkeeping Coaches have been very in-demand lately, with Lu Qiang headed to the Red League and Ming Xilang off to Quebec. The Dragons will hope that the Zenith veteran who last kept goal for Alliance Barossia won't follow in their footsteps too quickly.


#01 - GK - ZHAO Deliang (赵德亮) - 34 - Atletik Thessia (MYT)
A former goalkeeping phenom who won a historic Golden Ball (both in terms of position and age) en route to Jiangdong's first league title in years before becoming even more successful abroad. A cool, confident, and physically imposing general on the pitch, albeit a bit traditionalist in playstyle.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#12 - GK - Elaine XU (f) - 29 - Newark Argyle (TMB)
Known for her distribution as well as her heroics outside of the penalty box, Xu's family escaped to Tumbra at the outbreak of the Yue Civil War, but the young, flashy goalkeeper is now back. She was expected to present a long-term challenge to Zhao Deliang's starting spot, but Zhao's ascension into a higher level, combined with the emergence of a number of other young goalkeepers, threw her future with the national team into question despite steady success at the club level. Continued strong play in Tumbra has, for now, kept her as the steady #2 to Zhao.

#79 - GK - Timofei TRISCHUK-HUANG - 26 - Z'ai'ai (CMT)
The son of former South Newlandian NT captain Mikhail Trischuk, Trischuk-Huang is a lanky, athletic shot-stopper with flashes of passing talent. Calling him up early ensured the Newlandians wouldn't get him for the Campionato, but he's now a solid starter abroad and a genuine threat to take one of the spots on the World Cup Proper roster.


#05 - CB - Esekíel Zeminsson YAO (姚真君) - 27 - Ararat Severyan (MYT)
While he's not quite a BFG, Esekíel Yao is still quite physically imposing, and compensates for average speed with strong defensive instincts, good short-range passing, and the ability to perform under pressure. Does have a prospenity to foul in dangerous areas and overrate his own passing instincts, but one can hope that'll go away in time. Idolized Yuan Mingrong growing up, and was given Yuan's #5 after playing by his side for two seasons at Ararat.

#36 - CB - ZHAO Fan (f) (赵範) - 27 - West Couno United (TMB)
Excellent on-ball skills for a defender, with her passing especially solid, but can be overly rash to tackle. Still, despite her aggression, she's rapidly grown into a key piece for the surprise Tumbran champions, and she's quickly grown into an integral part of the Yue defense.

#27 - CB - JI Wenwei (纪文薇) - 25 - Myana (CMT)
A young but surprisingly polished center-back who anchored Royals' title-winning defense before heading abroad, Ji has well-honed defensive instincts and positioning. There are concerns that he's a high-floor, low-ceiling prospect who lacks the athleticism needed to become a world-class defender, but he's managed to overcome his relative slow-footedness with smart tackling and elite situational awareness.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#15 - CB/RCB - DENG Daiyu (f) - 33 - Newark Argyle (TMB)
A physical, aggressive defender who's also weirdly good at line-breaking passes. Captained Jiangdong Tycoons before their relegation, earning a transfer to a much higher-quality league in the process. Now, she's matured into an excellent defender and a veteran mentor of the line - the type of defender that will never make the headlines if things go smoothly.

#44 - RCB/RB - Jason Yuanjunsson REN - 25 - CF Outineau (KSK)
A sturdy, hard-working right-back known for his tactical fouls. Theoretically has the ball skills and tools to be useful on the attack, but hasn't quite put them together. Has taken the number 44, the first Yueren to ever do so on the national team, after his initial request to take #4 was flatly denied by the YFA.

#30 - CB - Paris HUANG (f) - 23 - Century Mertagne (MRT)
A smooth operator across any defensive position, the Mertagnian dual-national finally makes her Dragons debut after an extended pressure campaign from the YFA. Huang's greatest asset is her versatility, both in position and in playstyle, making her the ideal defensive super-sub.


#14 - LB/LWB - HUANG Han (黃翰) - 31 - Istria City FC (BNJ)
An energetic, pacy wingback who thrived as a crosser in Olympic Nangang's three-at-the-back system, before excelling both as a winger and as a fullback in the proving grounds of Kelssek, where he earned consideration for Young Player of the Year with Torbay Thunder. Now in the S-FPL and reinstated as a starter, the only remaining questions around his game are whether or not he actually wants to be a defender.

#13 - RB/RWB - Songwei MILOSEVIC (米松伟) - 26 - Felsenkirchen 1879 (STL)
Born to Mytanar steelworker parents in Beian, Milosevic is industrious off the field but made waves with a high-flying, attack-minded take on the rightback position. While still raw, his incredible endurance and strong ball skills could make him a great modern fullback. Since taking over from the retiring Dong Xiaowang, he's entrenched himself as a premier starting right-back who made a big-money move to the Republikaliga in the window.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#02 - LB - Gía Ansdottír LIN (f) - 25 - Tekstil (MYT)
A very athletic, talented young fullback, but one with much stronger defensive than attacking instincts. Her leadership and sense of positioning could make her future club captain material, but she'll need to cut down on fouls and develop a crossing game to reach her full potential. Has been through a lot in her young career, from double-relegation as a teenager in Ko-oren to blatant sexism in the Kytler Peninsulae, but enjoyed a breakout campaign last season in Mytanija.

#38 - RB/RW - LI Xiangyu - 29 - Nangang Royals
A pacy fullback whose penchant for pushing forwards with the ball helped add a new dimension to Royals' title-winning attack. Somewhat weaker defensively, but will present a nice change of pace from the more methodical Yuanjunsson Ren.

#19 - CAM/CM/RB - Maximillian WEN - 25 - Miruan City FC (TKT)
A swiss-army-knife of a player that has quickly endeared himself to his team's fans and Elaine Ashdown alike. Wen's biggest strengths are his versatility and tenacity. But he's far from a high-motor, low-skill player, having shown advanced playmaking talents for his age in Tikariot.


#29 - CDM/CM - ZHAXI Jianzan (f) (扎喜坚赞) - 30 - Serrapince (TMB)
A hard-nosed defensive midfielder who will do anything on the field to win - and who has the athletic ability and field vision, if not a full suite of on-ball tools yet, to make it happen. Not related to Zhaxi Nanlei.

#17 - CM - DONG Yichun (f) (董依纯) - 25 - Kirkenes (KSK)
A metronomic presence in midfield despite her young age, with some flashes of creativity. Has quietly become one of the best Yue midfielders in the world after a surprisingly good season with Kirkenes, with an inability to be pressed that the Dragons sorely need from their midfield options. Now makes her breakthrough to the starting lineup under Repin.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#28 - CM - GUAN Teying - 26 - Millsburgh Revolutionaries (TMB)
A smooth, metronomic presence in the center of the pitch, Guan's next developmental step will be to hone his defensive instincts - something he's already made great strides at in Nephara before heading to Millsburgh.

#80 - CM - Brynjólfur Zhenyasson ZHANG - 27 - Crossroads (CMT)
Born and raised in Græntfjall, but the son of Yuezhou NT midfielder Zhang Zhenya, it was anyone's guess who Zhang was going to declare for. Just like Kara Mingsdottír Zhang (no relation), though, he opted for the side with a paucity of talented young midfielders. After returning to Yuezhou at his father's urging and surprising everyone by becoming the linchpin of Royals' attack at a young age, he headed to the Red League to further prove himself. A dynamic 8/10 hybrid who moves quickly with and without the ball, and who offers relentless energy on the defensive end. Dropped out of the NT midway through World Cup 96 due to the stress of the situation in Græntfjall, but seems to be back to full strength.

#25 - CDM/CB - Rutger ZHOU - 25 - Shearwater (KSK)
The dual national was a bit of a left-field pick from Ashdown: a center-back in the Nepharan second tier who'd be playing out of position for a country whose language he barely speaks. But he showed grit, athleticism, and enough on-ball ability to look like a midfielder if you squint in the World Cup, so Repin's actually kept him around as a tactical curveball, and he's earned himself a nice move abroad in the process.


#08 - CM/CAM - Kara Mingsdottír ZHANG (f) (张白兰) - 30 - Liria Prizren (MYT)
The YFA spent a lot of time and effort convincing Karolíná Mingsdottír to declare for Yuezhou's national team instead of Græntfjall's, but it's become apparent that the young midfielder was worth the trouble. A well-rounded midfield prospect whose speed and technique makes her devastating on the counterattack, and who has a propensity for scoring wondergoals. Has seriously come into her own at Liria, becoming one of the world's premier midfielders.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#10 - CAM/SS - YAO Liwei - 25 - TK Korp Mynda (BNJ)
An excellent runner on counterattacks and a dynamic and willing passer, somewhat in the Tao Beiliang mold. Similarly to Tao, doesn't do much on defense, and was moved progressively upfield by his coaches after starting his career as a #8.

#31 - RW/CAM - Liljan Álfarsdottír ZHOU (f) - 24 - Kirkenes (KSK)
Not especially fast, but agile and skilled: Zhou can be a bit predictable at times, loving to cut inside, but has all the ability you'd want in a modern winger. Her surprisingly good playmaking has earned her a second look as a rotational #10 in Repin's system, in addition to a potential starter if the Mytanar opts to change formation.


#09 - ST - JIA Luka Siski - 24 - Algolia (SRS)
Since arriving in Beian, the Lit™ striker has taken the Yue league by storm, scoring fifty-nine goals in seventy-three matches in the past two seasons. While most comfortable pouncing on loose balls or latching onto through-balls near the goal, Jia has both the skill and athleticism needed to round out his game. The next few years will be critical for the young striker's development - he's already secured a move abroad to Algolia, but will his national team career find the same trajectory?

#21 - ST - Leona TSANG (f) (曾巧珠) - 25 - Lhor (CMT)
GS+'s best young player in the world is now a Dragon, accepting Elaine Ashdown's callup in controversial fashion two caps short of being tied to the Cormorants. Her speed, dynamic off-ball runs, and ability to score from anywhere make her difficult to pin down, especially with Kara Mingsdottír Zhang feeding her a steady diet of through-balls for the foreseeable future - as long as she can stay on the field.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#11 - ST/RW - ZHENG Hong (f) - 29 - West Couno United (TMB)
A hardworking and athletic attacker, Zheng still lacks a bit of finesse and can look quite awkward at times. Still, she always seems to get the ball where she wants it to be, and she's actually quite the composed finisher if you look at the xG.

#33 - ST - Sienna LI (f) - 27 - Rolalas FC (VAL)
A Nepharan dual national, Li grew up idolizing Liu Huiying and definitely adopted some of the ex-Corvistone star's game to her own. Stronger, less agile, and more of a traditional nine than Liu, but still likes to drop deep and distribute when the opportunity presents itself.

Qualifying Roster:

月州联合共和国 - 国际足球队

It's a new era for the Dragons, as Elaine Ashdown leaves after nine years in charge of the national team. While Ashdown brought the Dragons to unprecedented heights, achieving third place in the Copa Rushmori and Yuezhou's first-ever quarterfinals berth in the World Cup, the YFA felt Yuezhou were stagnating under her watch and opted to move on. Up next is legendary Mytanar manager Lev Repin, last seen bringing Chromatika within ninety minutes of the World Cup. He'll have a tough task in front of him - building a winning team without talismanic midfielder Pan Xilei, who has retired, and with star striker Leona Tsang still being eased back in after missing the Copa Rushmori to injury. But it would still be unwise to count out Rushmore's #1 team, even in a transitional phase.

Badge and kits designed by Txakhaxi's Tahuatxi Storefront.

Home, Away, and GK kits designed by Tahautxi. See the video reveal here.


Nickname: The Dragons
Manager: Lev Repin (MYT)
Captain: Zhao Deliang
Vice Captains: Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Huang Han
Penalty Takers: Kara Mingsdottír Zhang -> Jia Luka Siski -> Songwei Milosevic -> Dong Yichun -> Leona Tsang
Formation: 3-4-1-2
First-choice Starting Lineup: ZHAO Deliang (Atletik); Esekíel Zeminsson YAO (Ararat), ZHAO Fan (West Couno), JI Wenwei (Myana); HUANG Han (Istria City), ZHAXI Jianzan (Serrapince), DONG Yichun (Kirkenes), Songwei MILOSEVIC (Felsenkirchen 1879); Kara Mingsdottír ZHANG (Liria); Leona TSANG (Lhor), JIA Luka Siski (Algolia)
Surnames: Generally written before given names except for certain dual nationals; e.g. Wan Sheping's surname is "Wan" and his given name is "Sheping". The Chinese characters are also listed for starters' names.
Style Modifier: +2.25

RP Permissions:
Preferred Goalscorers: None preferred, feel free to consult the below guide for help
Godmod scoring events: TG/DM before doing so
RP injuries to my players: Yes (I determine severity)
Godmod injuries to my players: TG/DM before doing so
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, TG/DM if more than one
Godmod other events: TG/DM before doing so
Other: If you plan to RP the match extensively, please mention by players by name (as opposed to “the Yue striker…” or similar). Please consult me before using images meant to represent my players.

Score a Goal - Leona Tsang, Jia Luka Siski, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang
Score from Distance - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic, Jia Luka Siski
Assist a Goal - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Huang Han, Leona Tsang
Score off a Header - Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Jia Luka Siski, Zhaxi Jianzan
Win a Free Kick/Penalty - Leona Tsang, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic
Get Sent Off - Zhaxi Jianzan, Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Jia Luka Siski
Get a Yellow Card - Zhaxi Jianzan, Esekíel Zeminsson Yao, Zhao Fan
Come Through in the Clutch - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Songwei Milosevic, Leona Tsang

thanks to Mytanija for providing this information.

In possession the 3-5-2 becomes almost a 3-2-5 with the wing-backs pushing high up the pitch to operate in what would almost be traditional winger positions. They are tasked with staying wide to provide the midfielders with options out on the flank, this should also keep the opposition players stretched across the pitch in their defensive shape which would open up spaces in more central areas. The two strikers will rotate in dropping in between the opposition defence and midfield whilst the left-sided central midfielder will look to push into spaces that are vacated by opposition defenders. This is done in this way because the striker who drops deep may drag an opposition defender into a midfield area and leave space for the left-sided central midfielder to run into. The central midfielders will be tasked with recycling possession and trying to pick passes from the middle of the pitch, they will also make late runs into the penalty area to try and pick up any loose balls around the edge of the box. The three central defenders will push high up to the halfway line to squeeze the pitch and keep opposition forwards far away from the goal in case of a loss of possession. Defenders that are comfortable in possession will be allowed freedom to dribble forward if the opposition stand-off them as this could make it easier to progress the ball and could commit opposition defenders which would create space for other players.

If the ball is lost, both wing-backs will work hard to immediately get back into defensive positions, almost forming a back five with the three central defenders. Both strikers will work hard to press opposition players, willing to give away fouls to prevent the opposition from counter-attacking at speed. Whoever plays as the left-sided central midfielder midfielder may join in with this pressing but against strong opposition they may also drop deep to form a midfield three with the other pair of central midfielders to try and stiffen up the centre of the pitch. Towards the halfway line both the central midfielders will press and try to push the opponent into wider areas with the aim being to either trap them on the sideline or to encourage an aimless pass from the wide position into the middle of the pitch where there are more players. If the opposition manage to counter quickly then the wide central defenders will look to engage any players breaking down the sides of the pitch whilst the man in the middle of the three will shift across to cover them. The central midfielders will also tend to drop very quickly leaving only the attacking midfielder and strikers higher up the pitch.


Manager: Lev REPIN, 68 (MYT)
The YFA moves from one legend of the game to another: Repin, after 177 caps with Mytanija as a fullback during his playing career, has become one of the multiverse's best-known managers. After returning his home country to the World Cup, he then moved to Chromatika, where he took the Anomalies to the World Cup Final. Both incredibly passionate and tactically innovative, Repin will hope to bring a third national team to success as he takes over the Dragons on a two-cycle contract.

Assistant Manager: CHEN Haixuan, 53
The up-and-coming Chen Haixuan earned the job after managing Beian Rovers from lower midtable to the heady heights of...also lower midtable. He's at least a likeable guy who should help communicate Repin's vision and keep things friendly in the dressing room, and will serve as a valuable bridge between the Ashdown and Repin administrations.

Assistant Manager: YUAN Mingrong, 39
A legendary center-back for Ararat and the Yue national team, Yuan now makes his coaching debut with the national team he captained for several cycles. He'll be expected to focus on the defense and the locker-room, although unnamed sources have suggested he's also being groomed to be the next Dragons manager.

Goalkeeping Coach: Ursula GAVARIS, 46 (NPH)
Yue National Team Goalkeeping Coaches have been very in-demand lately, with Lu Qiang headed to the Red League and Ming Xilang off to Quebec. The Dragons will hope that the Zenith veteran who last kept goal for Alliance Barossia won't follow in their footsteps too quickly.


#01 - GK - ZHAO Deliang (赵德亮) - 34 - Atletik Thessia (MYT)
A former goalkeeping phenom who won a historic Golden Ball (both in terms of position and age) en route to Jiangdong's first league title in years before becoming even more successful abroad. A cool, confident, and physically imposing general on the pitch, albeit a bit traditionalist in playstyle.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#12 - GK - Elaine XU (f) - 29 - Newark Argyle (TMB)
Known for her distribution as well as her heroics outside of the penalty box, Xu's family escaped to Tumbra at the outbreak of the Yue Civil War, but the young, flashy goalkeeper is now back. She was expected to present a long-term challenge to Zhao Deliang's starting spot, but Zhao's ascension into a higher level, combined with the emergence of a number of other young goalkeepers, threw her future with the national team into question despite steady success at the club level. Continued strong play in Tumbra has, for now, kept her as the steady #2 to Zhao.

#79 - GK - Timofei TRISCHUK-HUANG - 26 - Z'ai'ai (CMT)
The son of former South Newlandian NT captain Mikhail Trischuk, Trischuk-Huang is a lanky, athletic shot-stopper with flashes of passing talent. Calling him up early ensured the Newlandians wouldn't get him for the Campionato, but he's now a solid starter abroad and a genuine threat to take one of the spots on the World Cup Proper roster.

#23 - GK - Jasmine HSU (f) - 28 - Newrook City (NPH)
A confident young goalkeeper whose strong presence in the box allows her to play bigger than her relatively short stature for a keeper. Despite her relatively young age, she's both comfortable distributing and a vocal defensive leader, and has been quietly solid in the First Division. Snapped up by the YFA before she could break out in Nephara, and is still fighting with Xu and Trischuk-Huang to be the next starting keeper after Zhao despite a recent downturn in form.


#05 - CB - Esekíel Zeminsson YAO (姚真君) - 27 - Ararat Severyan (MYT)
While he's not quite a BFG, Esekíel Yao is still quite physically imposing, and compensates for average speed with strong defensive instincts, good short-range passing, and the ability to perform under pressure. Does have a prospenity to foul in dangerous areas and overrate his own passing instincts, but one can hope that'll go away in time. Idolized Yuan Mingrong growing up, and was given Yuan's #5 after playing by his side for two seasons at Ararat.

#36 - CB - ZHAO Fan (f) (赵範) - 27 - West Couno United (TMB)
Excellent on-ball skills for a defender, with her passing especially solid, but can be overly rash to tackle. Still, despite her aggression, she's rapidly grown into a key piece for the surprise Tumbran champions, and she's quickly grown into an integral part of the Yue defense.

#27 - CB - JI Wenwei (纪文薇) - 25 - Myana (CMT)
A young but surprisingly polished center-back who anchored Royals' title-winning defense before heading abroad, Ji has well-honed defensive instincts and positioning. There are concerns that he's a high-floor, low-ceiling prospect who lacks the athleticism needed to become a world-class defender, but he's managed to overcome his relative slow-footedness with smart tackling and elite situational awareness.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#15 - CB/RCB - DENG Daiyu (f) - 33 - Newark Argyle (TMB)
A physical, aggressive defender who's also weirdly good at line-breaking passes. Captained Jiangdong Tycoons before their relegation, earning a transfer to a much higher-quality league in the process. Now, she's matured into an excellent defender and a veteran mentor of the line - the type of defender that will never make the headlines if things go smoothly.

#44 - RCB/RB - Jason Yuanjunsson REN - 25 - CF Outineau (KSK)
A sturdy, hard-working right-back known for his tactical fouls. Theoretically has the ball skills and tools to be useful on the attack, but hasn't quite put them together. Has taken the number 44, the first Yueren to ever do so on the national team, after his initial request to take #4 was flatly denied by the YFA.

#26 - CB - Aldar Yuansson GUO - 24 - Bay City United (KYP)
Half-Yue but still quite the BFG, with a strong intuitive ability to get in the right place at the right time. Leveraged a strong season with Korsbach to join half-countryman Chen Huikang in the Peninsulae.

#30 - CB - Paris HUANG (f) - 23 - Century Mertagne (MRT)
A smooth operator across any defensive position, the Mertagnian dual-national finally makes her Dragons debut after an extended pressure campaign from the YFA. Huang's greatest asset is her versatility, both in position and in playstyle, making her the ideal defensive super-sub.

#35 - CB - WAN Jiayi - 22 - Beian Bats
A dynamic center-back who likes to drive forwards with and without the ball. His style of play is quite risky, especially against stronger opposition, but he has feasted on slightly-errant balls from the admittedly weak YS!L midfields, and brings a unique energy to Repin's rotational choices.


#14 - LB/LWB - HUANG Han (黃翰) - 31 - Istria City FC (BNJ)
An energetic, pacy wingback who thrived as a crosser in Olympic Nangang's three-at-the-back system, before excelling both as a winger and as a fullback in the proving grounds of Kelssek, where he earned consideration for Young Player of the Year with Torbay Thunder. Now in the S-FPL and reinstated as a starter, the only remaining questions around his game are whether or not he actually wants to be a defender.

#13 - RB/RWB - Songwei MILOSEVIC (米松伟) - 26 - Felsenkirchen 1879 (STL)
Born to Mytanar steelworker parents in Beian, Milosevic is industrious off the field but made waves with a high-flying, attack-minded take on the rightback position. While still raw, his incredible endurance and strong ball skills could make him a great modern fullback. Since taking over from the retiring Dong Xiaowang, he's entrenched himself as a premier starting right-back who made a big-money move to the Republikaliga in the window.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#02 - LB - Gía Ansdottír LIN (f) - 25 - Tekstil (MYT)
A very athletic, talented young fullback, but one with much stronger defensive than attacking instincts. Her leadership and sense of positioning could make her future club captain material, but she'll need to cut down on fouls and develop a crossing game to reach her full potential. Has been through a lot in her young career, from double-relegation as a teenager in Ko-oren to blatant sexism in the Kytler Peninsulae, but enjoyed a breakout campaign last season in Mytanija.

#38 - RB/RW - LI Xiangyu - 29 - Nangang Royals
A pacy fullback whose penchant for pushing forwards with the ball helped add a new dimension to Royals' title-winning attack. Somewhat weaker defensively, but will present a nice change of pace from the more methodical Yuanjunsson Ren.

#19 - CAM/CM/RB - Maximillian WEN - 25 - Miruan City FC (TKT)
A swiss-army-knife of a player that has quickly endeared himself to his team's fans and Elaine Ashdown alike. Wen's biggest strengths are his versatility and tenacity. But he's far from a high-motor, low-skill player, having shown advanced playmaking talents for his age in Tikariot.

#24 - LB/LCB - Tyson BAO - 23 - Crimsonhawke FC (TKT)
A strong, athletic defender who is hard to catch out of position.


#29 - CDM/CM - ZHAXI Jianzan (f) (扎喜坚赞) - 30 - Serrapince (TMB)
A hard-nosed defensive midfielder who will do anything on the field to win - and who has the athletic ability and field vision, if not a full suite of on-ball tools yet, to make it happen. Not related to Zhaxi Nanlei.

#17 - CM - DONG Yichun (f) (董依纯) - 25 - Kirkenes (KSK)
A metronomic presence in midfield despite her young age, with some flashes of creativity. Has quietly become one of the best Yue midfielders in the world after a surprisingly good season with Kirkenes, with an inability to be pressed that the Dragons sorely need from their midfield options. Now makes her breakthrough to the starting lineup under Repin.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#28 - CM - GUAN Teying - 26 - Millsburgh Revolutionaries (TMB)
A smooth, metronomic presence in the center of the pitch, Guan's next developmental step will be to hone his defensive instincts - something he's already made great strides at in Nephara before heading to Millsburgh.

#80 - CM - Brynjólfur Zhenyasson ZHANG - 27 - Crossroads (CMT)
Born and raised in Græntfjall, but the son of Yuezhou NT midfielder Zhang Zhenya, it was anyone's guess who Zhang was going to declare for. Just like Kara Mingsdottír Zhang (no relation), though, he opted for the side with a paucity of talented young midfielders. After returning to Yuezhou at his father's urging and surprising everyone by becoming the linchpin of Royals' attack at a young age, he headed to the Red League to further prove himself. A dynamic 8/10 hybrid who moves quickly with and without the ball, and who offers relentless energy on the defensive end. Dropped out of the NT midway through World Cup 96 due to the stress of the situation in Græntfjall, but seems to be back to full strength.

#25 - CDM/CB - Rutger ZHOU - 25 - Shearwater (KSK)
The dual national was a bit of a left-field pick from Ashdown: a center-back in the Nepharan second tier who'd be playing out of position for a country whose language he barely speaks. But he showed grit, athleticism, and enough on-ball ability to look like a midfielder if you squint in the World Cup, so Repin's actually kept him around as a tactical curveball, and he's earned himself a nice move abroad in the process.

#37 - CM - ZHENG Haidong - 35 - Nangang Royals
A hard-working collector of loose balls and deep-lying playmaker. After a moderately successful stint abroad as a rotational player for Nantwich, he went home to Nangang, where he reinvented himself as a midfield metronome and captain of a YS!L dynasty.


#08 - CM/CAM - Kara Mingsdottír ZHANG (f) (张白兰) - 30 - Liria Prizren (MYT)
The YFA spent a lot of time and effort convincing Karolíná Mingsdottír to declare for Yuezhou's national team instead of Græntfjall's, but it's become apparent that the young midfielder was worth the trouble. A well-rounded midfield prospect whose speed and technique makes her devastating on the counterattack, and who has a propensity for scoring wondergoals. Has seriously come into her own at Liria, becoming one of the world's premier midfielders.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#10 - CAM/SS - YAO Liwei - 25 - TK Korp Mynda (BNJ)
An excellent runner on counterattacks and a dynamic and willing passer, somewhat in the Tao Beiliang mold. Similarly to Tao, doesn't do much on defense, and was moved progressively upfield by his coaches after starting his career as a #8.

#31 - RW/CAM - Liljan Álfarsdottír ZHOU (f) - 24 - Kirkenes (KSK)
Not especially fast, but agile and skilled: Zhou can be a bit predictable at times, loving to cut inside, but has all the ability you'd want in a modern winger. Her surprisingly good playmaking has earned her a second look as a rotational #10 in Repin's system, in addition to a potential starter if the Mytanar opts to change formation.


#09 - ST - JIA Luka Siski - 24 - Algolia (SRS)
Since arriving in Beian, the Lit™ striker has taken the Yue league by storm, scoring fifty-nine goals in seventy-three matches in the past two seasons. While most comfortable pouncing on loose balls or latching onto through-balls near the goal, Jia has both the skill and athleticism needed to round out his game. The next few years will be critical for the young striker's development - he's already secured a move abroad to Algolia, but will his national team career find the same trajectory?

#21 - ST - Leona TSANG (f) (曾巧珠) - 25 - Lhor (CMT)
GS+'s best young player in the world is now a Dragon, accepting Elaine Ashdown's callup in controversial fashion two caps short of being tied to the Cormorants. Her speed, dynamic off-ball runs, and ability to score from anywhere make her difficult to pin down, especially with Kara Mingsdottír Zhang feeding her a steady diet of through-balls for the foreseeable future - as long as she can stay on the field.

substitutes are listed in descending order of likelihood of starting.
#11 - ST/RW - ZHENG Hong (f) - 29 - West Couno United (TMB)
A hardworking and athletic attacker, Zheng still lacks a bit of finesse and can look quite awkward at times. Still, she always seems to get the ball where she wants it to be, and she's actually quite the composed finisher if you look at the xG.

#31 - SS/LW - ZHU Tianming - 29 - Beian Bats
A versatile attacker most at home in a false-nine role, Zhu's physicality lets him hold up the ball before using his surprisingly good passing chops to distribute to teammates. He's not blazing fast, but he's quick and shifty enough to also play an inside-forward role on the wings, popping up when you least expect it to latch onto a cross or head home from close range.

#33 - ST - Sienna LI (f) - 27 - Rolalas FC (VAL)
A Nepharan dual national, Li grew up idolizing Liu Huiying and definitely adopted some of the ex-Corvistone star's game to her own. Stronger, less agile, and more of a traditional nine than Liu, but still likes to drop deep and distribute when the opportunity presents itself.
Last edited by Yue Zhou on Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
The United Republics of Yuezhou (月州联合共和国)
Leader: President Zhuang Weilun
Capital: Nangang • Population: ~35,000,000

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Vaishnavaria » Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:31 pm

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes but in the Plausible realm of soccer
RP injuries to my players: Yes but only 2 players at a time and Max is 3 game injuries
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes but only 2 players
Godmod other events: Yes but TG me for them

Vaishnavaria National Football Team “The Tigers”

Football In Vaishnavaria was popular since the Liberator war but it skyrocketed in popularity when a young 23 year old striker on the 1985 National team named Nahal Nahari led Vaishnavaria to dominance in many cups and led to them being the best football team in concord. Vaishnavaria after failing to make it out of the qualifiers last time is ready to rumble. Now the team is better than they have ever been with star captain Alecsander Komich and legendary winger Zakaraya Kar as well as rock solid defender Kapil Nartar and a stellar defender core. So now we are here to release our team after YEARS of searching and evaluation.


Strikers: Nahari Jain and Nathaniel Grant
Nahari Jain is known for his incredibly agility,precise finishing and ability to go Aerial and make headers easily due to his 6'2 strong stature and his big vertical. He is also a great dribbler, great at controlling the ball and not doing anything fancy. He has an incredible first touch setting himself up for big plays. He can play any position and with any tactics. Nathaniel Grant is a great source of goals setting himself up in the right position to score goals. He is also an incredible passer and plays incredibly well under pressure. He shakes off defenders easily and has strong power as well as an accurate leg. He is often found near the last defender and can receive and control any pass. The only problem is that his dribbling needs some work as well as his headers.

Wingers: Alecsander Komich and Zakaraya Kar

The Wingers are both midfielders and Wingers. Alecsander Komich has the soul and skill of a soccer player. Nobody in the world can match his dribbling skills and moves as well as his incredible speed. He shakes off defenders easily and can shoot from anywhere under any pressure. He slips past defenders easily and can almost 100 percent make close shots and open shots. People compare him with Di Bradini and some even say he is better. On defense he is very aggressive paring well with Nik Rosario,Fred Belfast and Nahari Jain to form an Iron front at the Midfield. He can steal easily and doesn't fall for fakes. he has the cleanest slide tackle in all of Vaishnavaria. Zakaraya Kar is a elite winger picked up from Louisenai FC. He is incredibly fast with great dribbling skills and FREAKY fakes. He can make goals from anywhere and is great at finding passes to advance up field. Problem is under an aggressive defender his skills weaken and he can be too fancy or try to force a pass or a shot.

Center Midfielders: Fred Belfast and Nik Rosario.

You know an Anjan Kloss player made a pretty good quote after being crushed by Vaishnavaria in an LCFL warm up game. "They say Half of earth is water. The Rest is covered by the Vaishnavarian Midfielders". Nik Rosario is an incredible defender and a great passer Although he is not a source of goals. Nik Rosario works with winger Zakaraya Kar and Alecsander Komich to advance up the field quickly. He sets up passes to create big plays and he can find a gap anywhere. He is also a great and aggressive dribbler working his way into open space well. And in the Midfield he makes the opponent fight to get past him. He leads the VSL in interceptions and also leads the LCFL in interceptions. Fred Belfast has the same skill set as Rosario but he is a fast and skilled dribbler too. Belfast although is very foul prone drawing a record number of yellow cards in a single season. Rosario also has the same problem.

Defenders: Kapil Nartar,Ross Newman,Hastan Raystone and Kyle Russo

Kapil Nartar is one of the best defenders in Concord making scoring for opponents in LCFL impossible. In Vaishnavaria’s dominating win over Cerantium in LCFL Kapil Nartar and the defenders stopped every single attack that slipped past the midfield. Vaishnavarian defenders are one of the most feared and dangerous units in the world. Vaishnavarian defenders played well in multiple games in BOF 84 although falling short to 2 seed Restresas in the round of 16. The defenders have made a name for themselves in BOF 84 although injuries have plagued Hassan Raystone and Kyle Russo

Goalkeeper: Giovanni Marcilo

Giovanni Marcilo built a name for himself in the Tya Cup the state soccer tournament of Vaishnavaria. He came on as a sub and stole the job from the Cancardo state goalie and caught the eye of Scouts. He was again a sub to Star Vaishnavarian goalie Samson Muliger but Muliger went down with an injury before BOF 84 giving Marcilo a chance to shine and he did. He stopped countless goals and stopped many attacks even stopping game winning and stopping a couple game tying and game winning shots. It was decided that Marcilo would play for W97 and Muliger would sit as a reserve.


GK Samson Muliger
CF Anz Smith
D Karson Ollistier
D Shari Franco
S Leo Rolando
W Sun Ya Lee
Last edited by Vaishnavaria on Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Yuugria » Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:36 pm



Yuugrian football has been popular since foreign colonists entered Yuugria and introduced the sport to the natives. After the 3rd revolution when the Vaishnavarians finally left and the Holy land was finally established (This is how most or our sports are introduced). The Inad took a liking too the sport and funded academies and awareness campaigns and soon it became a popular as cricket. However after the many insurrections and dictatorships football popularity fell into new lows at the start of the 2000s as well as multiple wars with Vaishnavaria. But after entering there first LCFL competition popularity has skyrocketed and today Football is the second most popular sport in Yuugria behind cricket. The Inad and the Minister of sport has personally selected the roster to represent the Holy Empire. The BOF 85 campaign was disappointing for the Warriors as they failed to make it to the semi finals after drawing Dremotia. The Warriors defense is ready for blood and to enter the World Cup for the first time

Preferred Tactic: 5-3-2
Style Modifier: -3.5
Center Fielders/Strikers: Sallersto Bafio and Sammya Shag

Sammya Shag and Sallersto Bafio are like the Assan-Smith rivalry playing for 2 rival clubs who just duked it out in the semi finals with Shag getting the upper hand for Shalls FC and Bafio losing on the side of Jabal av-himaka. Shag has incredible shooting and is a brilliant dribbler but his passing is ok. Bafio is a passing threat and generates so many chances for Shalls by brilliant touch, speedy dribbling and amazing finishing. His Football IQ is off the roofs as he knows exactly when to take his shots

Center Midfielders: Hasna Offani, Arhal Vituri, Molhammen Vi

Hasna Offani plays for Yitub, Vituri for Hannabod and Molhammen Vi for Dar Ibbad Capital FC. Offani and Vituri are the aggressive, full pace strong and powerful midfielders that are brutes making aggressive tackles and always fighting for the ball violently. Offani has a tendency to foul as does Vituri but the technical one is Molhammen Vi as his slides are brilliantly calculated and he can read the defender brilliantly and he has some aggression of his own

Wing Backs: Zakar Usanao, Faf An Hari

These are some of the fastest most electric Wingers that Yuugria has to offer. Faf An Hari is one of the best players in Yuugrian football as his club has one 3 times in the last 4 years just Beating Shalls FC in the final 4 months ago. He is extremely fast,great dribbler,calculated passer, hard defender and a powerful and accurate shooter breaking records all across Yuugria in his years playing for the Holy Football Premier,Va'shannah trophy and the Afandan Invational all major football tournaments in Yuugrian football. Zakar Usanao is a pure pace and pure dribbler who has some struggles shooting but has improved vastly with his club An-Samal FC and this season he was tied for 3rd in goals in the HFP last season

Centre Backs/Defenders: Vikar Kinner, Ishari Pal, Bansa Baffalli

One of the most feared defensive units in Concord these guys can hit injuring so many damn players that its not even fair as these guys can injure technically with calculated but effective tackles designed to hurt the legs without fouling. They get steals hard and fast and read passes and shots like a book and cover the goal immediately when the other team is on a strong attack.


If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y but TG me
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y but only 3
Godmod other events: N

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Founded: Apr 30, 2019
Democratic Socialists

Postby Hapilopper » Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:56 pm

Full Nation Name: The Dominion of Hapilopper
Trigramme: HAP
Nickname: The Haps
Team Colors: Blue, Green and Black

Ellis Football, the Hapilopper National Football Team, is doing fantastic. The team, named for its heart and soul, the late Nathan Ellis, qualified for World Cup 97 last year, and in spite of getting knocked off by Katzeburg in a hard-fought Round of 16 scrap in the Campionato Esportiva, the team feels like it's going from strength to strength. At the very least, it retains the exact same squad from last year, a team that acting head coach Thom Perkins and his assistant, Ernie Stevenson, view to be the strongest Hapiloppian national squad of all time. This season marks the final one that a Hapiloppian team will call the old Capital Stadium home, as a new 120,000-seat stadium on the grounds of the Hapilopper National Exhibition is being constructed, and could be opened in time for either the next Campionato Esportiva or World Cup 99 qualifying.

Following Ellis's death, HFA head Dom Probst announced that the national team will never again have a "head coach," but rather an "acting head coach." Officially, Nathan Ellis is still the head coach of Team Hapilopper, but leading the squad is Thom Perkins, who helped lead Hapiloppian football to the World Cup proper a few years ago. Perkins was seen as the best selection to lead Hapiloppian football in the future following his positive track record of bringing teams together - first in the Baptism of Fire many years ago, and then to qualifying for World Cups 90 and 91. Perkins will rely on a 4-2-3-1 formation for most of the competition.

ASSISTANT COACH: Ernie Stevenson
TRAINER: Bill Rothstein
PHYSIO: Tab Butler

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: TG me first, or ping me on the NS Sports Discord, and we'll talk about it
RP injuries to my players: Yes, but TG me if you want to do something serious
Godmod injuries to my players: TG me first, or ping me on the NS Sports Discord, and we'll talk about it
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: TG me first, or ping me on the NS Sports Discord, and we'll talk about it
Godmod other events: Yes, but TG me first
RP Coronavirus-related events: No. A RL pandemic does not exist in Hapilopper and Hapiloppians do not have it.

Nathan Ellis Field at Capital Stadium, Hapilopper City, Hapilopper
Built: 1970 | Seating Capacity: 66,025 | Open-Air | Artificial Turf

(Pictured: Capital Stadium in gridiron configuration)
Capital Stadium, Hapilopper's de facto national stadium, is the last of Hapilopper's classic cookie-cutter venues, used for a variety of applications, including the Hapilopper City Nationals baseball team, the Hapilopper National Baseball Team and is the home of Team Hapilopper. As is custom with cookie-cutter stadiums, the park is completely symmetrical and is surrounded by multiple decks of stands, typically filled with screaming fans when the home team is doing well. Back in the 1970s, the HC Nationals, and their vaunted "National Machine" dominated Hapiloppian baseball, and brought over four million fans through the turnstiles on six occasions. Hapiloppian fans have vowed to come to Capital Stadium in force for Team Hapilopper games. Typically, Hapiloppian fans, including the members of the "Traveling Thrashers" supporters group are among the wildest fans in sport, and promise to be exactly that for the World Cup. Expect to see fans dancing along to 1970s funk music, slamming drums as loudly as possible, waving their flags, and throwing streamers for every Hapiloppian goal. This is the last time Capital Stadium will be used for the National Team, as it will be replaced by the new Ellis SuperStadium, a 120,000 seat stadium built to hold the multiverse's biggest events.




#1 - LOU HYDE | Goalkeeper | Age: 27 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @louis_hyde | Club: United Hampton Cities
Style of Play: Sweeper Keeper | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium | Attitude: Brooding
The starting goalkeeper for the new Team Hapilopper squad is Louis Hyde, a dark, brooding figure that doesn't necessarily enjoy being around other people. He enjoys the company of his cat, Smokey, and the slow, mournful tunes he listens to on the radio, but aside from that, not much else. You won't see him at a party, and you won't see him slamming back brews with his teammates. Regardless, his teammates at United Hampton Cities think the world of him - primarily because he does his job well. He's there to stop goals, and he does it with great precision. He doesn't get too emotional and he doesn't let the matter at hand get to his head too much.

#2 - HUNTLEY McCULLOUGH | Defenseman | Age: 27 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @mccullough40 | Club: Kingsland Warriors
Style of Play: Defensive Back | Speed: Fast | Physicality: High | Attitude: Asshole
One of several veterans of Ellis Football, Huntley McCullough was constantly compared to a younger Nathan Ellis - which, depending on your point of view, could be either the nicest thing anyone could say about someone or the absolute worst. For the Kingsland Warriors, who love his physical, balls-to-the-wall style of play where he willingly puts himself in harm's way to stop a goalscoring effort, it's about the nicest thing. For fans of other teams and in other countries, it's not a very charitable statement about a ballplayer that they feel is just as likely to wage a holy war on the football field as he is to wage the kind of defense that normal football enthusiasts consider "acceptable."

#3 - ARN MARCH | Defenseman | Age: 26 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @EnforcerMarch | Club: The Soldiers (Hapilopper City)
Style of Play: Defensive Enforcer | Speed: Medium-Fast | Physicality: Very High | Attitude: Asshole
If you saw Arnold March at Center Street Pub in Hapilopper City - a place he loves to frequent after matches, you'd think he was a 45-year old middle class father of three who enjoyed a cold beer or two - and in fact, many football fans say March is "like that uncle that loves to kick ass on the weekends." You wouldn't think he was the 25-year old "Enforcer" of the Soldiers squad, a physical and imposing character who has gained quite the attention in the last couple of years for his rough play. In most countries, his play - complete with a signature move called a "spinebuster" where he picks up a player on the opposing team, torques about 90 degrees to the left and drives them into the turf - would be called churlish at best, criminal at worst. But in Hapilopper, it's par for the course and almost to be expected in the wild and crazy world of Hapiloppian sport.

#4 - SCOTT ROUNDTREE | Defenseman | Age: 23 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @RoundtreeScott | Club: Halsted Heat
Style of Play: Centerback | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium-High | Attitude: Intense
It has been observed among members of the Hapiloppian media that the starting defense of Team Hapilopper is dominated by some real charmers - Rod Cutt, Arnold March and Huntley McCullough. Assholes all. On the other hand, Scott Roundtree might be the biggest exception. Roundtree, the captain of the Halsted Heat squad, is said to be one of the nicer players in Hapiloppian football off the pitch. He involves himself in charity work, feeding the less fortunate and raising money to send children to college. On the field, however, Scott is a tenacious bulldog that can stop offensive efforts with his body and doesn't mind putting himself in harm's way to keep goals from being scored. In a famous incident last year against the West Hampton Sports Club, Roundtree dove in front of the ball in an effort to keep it from hitting the back of the net. Unfortunately, WHSC forward Tommy Hobbs didn't stop in time and kicked Roundtree right in the face. Rather than being pissed off about it, however, Roundtree laughed it off, and an image of a bloodied Roundtree chuckling about getting kicked in the face made newspapers all over Hapilopper.

#05 - ROD CUTT | Defenseman | Age: 27 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: (Banned from twii.tur) | Club: Minortown SC
Style of Play: Defensive Back | Speed: Medium-Fast | Physicality: Violent | Attitude: Major Asshole
The first player hand-picked by the late Nathan Ellis to be a part of the Ellis Football squad, Rod Cutt was picked to be a part of Ellis Football because of his violent tendencies - and that's putting it mildly. Cutt kicked Mort Teeples in the balls in frustration, receiving a straight red and the ire of the fans in Garvinson. Then he threatened to fight the referee. Then he threatened to fight a few fans. But Nathan loved that kind of style. Nathan loved that kind of attitude and fire, telling friends that "a player like Roddy Cutt is a player that wins me football games, and that's why I brought him in." In Nathan's memory, the HFA has offered this roster slot to Cutt, and a modified version of "The Number of Violence," 05, rather than Nathan's 5, which has been retired in the wake of Ellis's death.

#6 - TIM RADOMIA | Midfielder | Age: 25 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @timradomia30 | Club: Garvinson Trojans
Style of Play: Defensive Midfielder | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Only When Necessary | Attitude: Stoner
The good news is that Timmy Radomia, that chill midfielder with the long hair and the weird smile, is still a crucial part of the Hapiloppian midfield. The bad news is that he enjoys his green plants a tiny bit too much, still. Timmy was recently suspended by the Trojans for openly smoking a bong about a half hour before a Garvinson match against the Halsted Heat in front of the entire team, and smoking out the entire Garvinson clubhouse to the point where the entire team, its staff and two reporters got a pretty gnarly contact high as a result. Garvinson lost the match, 6-0, and Radomia was given a straight red in the first five minutes after running up to the referee with a really goofy smile on his face and going on a tangent about ham sandwiches, fried chicken and conservative politicians from the Garvinson area. We wish we were making this up.

#7 - HERB WATTS | Midfielder | Age: 28 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @herbert-w17 | Club: Pinkerton City SC
Style of Play: Defensive Midfielder | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium-High | Attitude: Intense
Soccer players in Hapilopper tend to have some very interesting quirks about them. Some get a little too artistic about scoring goals. Others could be put on terrorism watch lists for their violent style of play, while others make their teammates uneasy with what they do. For Herbert Watts, the midfielder from Pinkerton, his quirk tends to involve daytime trash television. Watts loves those trashy talk shows that cover deep, intellectual subjects like "I'm leaving you for my cousin!" and "I discovered my wife is sleeping with a racist!" to the point where these shows - to the chagrin of his teammates - are aired in the Pinkerton clubhouse before practice every morning. Herbert is reportedly an active poster on message boards that discuss these daytime talk shows and wrote a passionate defense of these shows in the Pinkerton Daily Times - saying it was a guilty pleasure of many, but damn it, it's fun to watch, so let us have these shows.

#8 - JARED KELCEY | Midfielder | Age: 25 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @jaredkelcey | Club: Capital City United
Style of Play: Offensive (in more than one way) Midfielder | Speed: Fast | Physicality: Heavy (to himself) | Attitude: Clumsy
Following the long tradition of Hapiloppian athletes doing dumb things to themselves, Jared Kelcey has been asked by Capital City United to please not drive himself to the stadium for the good of everyone. This follows an incident where Kelcey apparently got ticketed by Hapilopper City Police for driving the wrong way down a one-way street, going 75 in a 35, and nearly mowing down a church bus full of old ladies going to the community center for their weekly bingo game. This also follows a bizarre incident at Capital Stadium in a match against Peoria where Kelcey tried going for a header, he missed and face-planted the artificial turf with extreme prejudice. This also follows an incident where, not looking where he was going at Capital City's training facility, he smashed into a vending machine, breaking glass and sending snacks flying through the air. This guy might be a walking disaster area, folks, so tread lightly.

#9 - TAD WINSLOW | Midfielder | Age: 27 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: (none) | Club: FC Surrey
Style of Play: Offensive Midfielder | Speed: Medium-Fast | Physicality: Low | Attitude: Creative
One of a growing breed of Hapiloppian midfielders who can score goals just as well as the strikers, Tad Winslow has been the premier goal scoring threat for FC Surrey, scoring 22 goals last season, oftentimes from some really unusual places and in unusual ways - and we're not just talking about the "bicycle kick past the keeper's head," we're talking "trick shot off the post" kind of goals. And, in truth, Winslow should probably be credited for 23 goals last season, but because of rules concerning own goals, perhaps his wildest trick shot goal (and the wildest trick shot goal probably ever) didn't count to him. In a match against Kingsland Warriors, Winslow fired one directly at Kingsland defenseman Huntley McCullough, striking him directly in the nuts. The ball bounced off McCullough's nuts and into the goal. McCullough doubled over in pain, and to add insult to injury, he got credited with an own goal. Winslow got a yellow card for his impetuosity.

#10 - BEN FAIRCHILD | Forward | Age: 22 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @bennyfairchild | Club: Hap City Highway Patrol
Style of Play: Center Forward | Speed: Very Fast | Physicality: Low | Attitude: Professional
The ironic thing about Ben Fairchild playing for a team called the "Highway Patrol" - a team owned by the City Police Brotherhood Union - is that he tends to drive a tad bit too fast out on the road, not letting a little thing like a "speed limit" slow him down. Fairchild, who scored 31 goals for Highway Patrol last season, also racked up 31 speeding tickets in that same time - which he happily pays a few days later, even with an admonishment to "please slow your ass down." Fairchild nearly got himself out of one ticket back in February when he told a police officer that he was so happy he got pulled over, because that meant he'd score a goal in the next match. The officer thought that was funny, but told him to please, good god almighty damn, slow your ass down.

#11 - STAN MCLAMB | Forward | Age: 26 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @mclamb11 | Club: Garvinson Trojans
Style of Play: Artistic Goal-Scoring | Speed: Fast | Physicality: Low | Attitude: Asshole
The thing about Stan McLamb is that he's great. He's a genius when it comes to scoring goals - scoring 37 for Garvinson last season. The problem with Stan McLamb is that he's great and he knows it. He wants you to know he's great. He has let his greatness come to his head, and he isn't shy about letting his teammates know that he is not only great, but he's better than anyone else. And that was, to be sure, a red flag for Nathan Ellis when he recruited McLamb. And that was, to be sure, a red flag when Thom Perkins and Ernie Stevenson saw Stan storm straight into the offices of the Hapilopper Football Association demanding his roster spot. But, you see, Nathan loved Stan. He thought he was one of the best goal-scoring ballplayers he had ever seen. And he loved his attitude. Stan lives and dies by "Win the whole fucking thing," which was Nathan's mantra, and he's going to make damn sure the team does just that.

#21 - DANIEL BRADFORD | Defenseman | Age: 23 | Kicks: Ass | twii.tur: @dannybradford50 | Club: FC Buckridge
Style of Play: Centerback | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Like a pissed-off drunk at a honky tonk | Attitude: Redneck
You know, in most instances Daniel Bradford would be a starting defenseman on a Hapiloppian national team. But those "most instances" don't involve a pissed-off Ernie Stevenson fishing him out of a country and western bar having started a fistfight with some cowboy because Daniel had tried hooking up with his girl. And those "most instances" don't involve throwing a glass of whiskey at said cowboy because he said he was "one of them fancypants soccer players that can't line dance no good." What I guess we're saying is that Dan Bradford starts bar fights, he does stupid things, he's piss-poor at line dancing and he may or may not have told some lady to hit the floor when someone said it was time for a "hoedown," whatever the hell that means. Either way, his bad behavior cost him a starting spot on the Hapiloppian squad, but he might get it back if he does well enough.

#22 - TIM STONE | Defenseman | Age: 24 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @tim_stone | Club: United Hampton Cities
Style of Play: Defensive Back | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium | Attitude: Calm
So, what do we put in for a player that doesn't really get in trouble, isn't considered a "football terrorist" and doesn't do anything that puts him on any most wanted lists or watch lists? What do we do for a football player who doesn't really have a lot of hobbies outside of playing football? I mean, we could write that Tim Stone is a great defensive player who can stop a goalscoring effort with ease, but damn, that's boring. We were writing that shit years ago when we introduced you to the Baptism of Fire squad. And damn, I guess that means Timmy Stone is boring as shit. He plays good football, he plays good defense, but he doesn't get in trouble, he doesn't do anything embarrassing and he doesn't make a complete ass of himself. Maybe he should get himself into card trouble more often - it might get him a starting spot on the national team.

#23 - DAVID COLT | Defenseman | Age: 25 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @coltman60 | Club: West Hampton Sports Club
Style of Play: Centerback | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Heavy | Attitude: Antisocial
When we go out to interview players, their coaches and some fans for these short profile snippets about members of the Hapiloppian team, usually a trend comes about. Certain people will talk about how a certain player is just the nicest guy, or the fiercest competitor, or the best dressed, or someone they might not want to ride with on the highway. When we asked people about David Colt, their responses were just about the same. "He doesn't have friends," one person said. "He sits at the end of the bar, drinks his beer, and walks away when someone sits next to him. He speaks in monosyllables. His idea of a good time is to stand off to the corner, drink a beer and avoid every single person around him." One teammate suggested it's because he has a miniscule tolerance for bullshit; while another suggested he got stuffed in a locker in school by some guy.

#24 - PETER HARDY | Defenseman | Age: 30 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @pete_hardy99 | Club: The Soldiers (Hapilopper City)
Style of Play: Defensive Back | Speed: Medium-Slow | Physicality: Heavy | Attitude: Goofball
Last year, the HFA announced, to the bewilderment of many, that kazoos had been outlawed from every single stadium where one of their matches were taking place. When asked why, Dom Probst, the head of the HFA, said "those that know, know. Those that don't, don't need to know." It turns out that Peter Hardy, a kazoo expert (for some reason), had been playing the kazoo in the clubhouse for weeks before the start of games, when Dom Probst, apparently looking for players for the national team, entered the room - while Hardy was playing some children's tune for the sixth time in a row. One player asked Probst to step in. Probst reportedly told Hardy that if he didn't stop with the kazoo, he'd take it from his hands and "ram it so far up your ass you won't even know what hit you." Hardy did exactly that. According to some reports, he is plotting to have the Hapiloppian National Anthem played by a bunch of kazoo players before a Campionato Esportiva match.

#31 - KYLE NICHOLSON | Midfielder | Age: 27 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @kyle_nick | Club: Washington FC
Style of Play: Offensive Midfielder | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium | Attitude: Redneck
Pickup truck enthusiast Kyle Nicholson was a surprising selection to the Hapiloppian football squad, likely because of the constantly-poor standard of play from Washington FC, constant bottom-dwellers in the HFA standings and the one team everyone points as as the biggest argument in favor of introducing promotion and relegation into Hapiloppian football. But the one high point on that team is Kyle Nicholson, who impresses fans and experts alike with his strong play. In a recent game against Soldiers, where Washington was trounced 7-0, Nicholson was seen as the only reason they didn't get shut out 10-0. Some have said he is "the only reason Washington wins any games at all" and "if he was on another team, he'd be on a first-place team." Away from the pitch, Nicholson enjoys going off-roading on his lifted pickup truck.

#32 - COLIN FINLEY | Midfielder | Age: 29 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: (banned from twii.tur) | Club: Raceway FC
Style of Play: Hybrid Midfielder | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Heavy | Attitude: Drunk
You know, there is a such thing as too much of a good thing. Just ask Colin "Wild Dog" Finley, midfielder for Raceway Football Club in Buckridge, nicknamed not because of his wild standard of play, nor because of his tendency to visit the Laughing Dog Bar and Grill in nearby Kensington Town, but rather because of his love of Wild Dog, a form of cheap, fortified wine, also known as a "bum wine" - which you can get for $5 at the local liquor store or gas station. It's this love of Wild Dog that got him banned from multiple social media outlets a few months ago. As he got rip-roaringly drunk after a match, Finley let loose his opinions, which were a little too spicy for anyone's liking, and that got him kicked out. As for those opinions? We'll leave those out, and we'll let you look those up on your own time (and because I don't want to get DEAT'd for a roster post -Hap)

#33 - RORY SCHUYLER | Midfielder | Age: 28 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @roaringrory | Club: West Hampton Sports Club
Style of Play: Hybrid Midfielder | Speed: Fast | Physicality: Heavy | Attitude: Asshole
Oh god, it's this guy. He exudes "douchebag" at every angle. He plays like a douchebag. He looks like a douchebag. He acts like a douchebag. He has hair like a douchebag. Three years in a row, he's won H-Sports Magazine "Guy You'd Like To Punch In The Face" award. Each of those years, he was nominated by one of his teammates. So, why does Rory Schuyler stay on the West Hampton Sports Club, and why did he get a spot on the national team? Because even if he's got the most punchable face in Hapiloppian sports, and even if Rod Cutt may physically introduce Rory's head to his ass by the time the Campionato Esportiva is over, he's still a damn fine midfielder, and still a crucial piece of any team's goalscoring effort, or any sort of defensive campaign that can stop a goal from being scored. That said, we think everyone is cheering for Rod to keel-haul this guy on live television.

#34 - TRACY HUNTER | Midfielder | Age: 20 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @trace_hunter | Club: The Soldiers (Hapilopper City)
Style of Play: Offensive Midfielder | Speed: Medium | Physicality: Medium | Attitude: Professional
It's easy to spot Tracy Hunter outside of Capital Stadium in Hapilopper City. He's the guy that looked like he just stepped out of 1986. (Compared to most Hapiloppians, who look like they stepped out of 1996) That comes complete with mullet, aviator sunglasses, white suit jacket with the sleeves rolled up, black t-shirt underneath, blue acid-washed jeans and loafers with no socks, as he gets out of a 1980s Preston Skychief. It's also easy to spot Tracy Hunter inside Capital Stadium. He's the false nine for the team, scoring two dozen goals last year. He's one not getting in trouble, letting some of the hot dogs do that for him. The girls love him - and one recent magazine called Tracy "the sexiest schmuck in Hapiloppian soccer." He's on the bench, however, for the national team. Why? He's only 19 years old. Thom Perkins calls him "a starter for the future."

#41 - TREVOR CRISP | Forward | Age: 26 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @crispy_trevor | Club: North Hampton FC
Style of Play: Center Forward | Speed: Fast | Physicality: Low | Attitude: Calm
Had Stan McLamb not stormed into the HFA offices demanding his spot as starting 11 back, Trevor Crisp would have had the role. Some say he's faster, some say he's better, many say he's less controversial. He scored 41 goals last year for North Hampton, including five in one match against Lake Sprague after their keeper, Fox Humbert, knocked his dumb ass out by faceplanting the goalpost for the third time that season. But what Crisp has going against him, as well as Ellis's love for McLamb, is his attitude. Many say he's not tough enough and he's not hungry enough to get past that hump that would make him the top striker in Hapiloppian football. Ernie Stevenson is reportedly not high on him either, largely because of that complacent attitude.

#42 - CRAIG BLACKWOOD | Forward | Age: 24 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @thebeststriker | Club: United Hampton Cities
Style of Play: Artistic Goal Scorer | Speed: Fast | Physicality: Medium | Attitude: Obnoxious
Craig Blackwood calls himself the best goal scorer in all of Hapiloppian football. Everyone disagrees. He calls his celebrations the best in football. Everyone disagrees. He calls his goals the most beautiful in all of Hapiloppian football. Everyone disagrees. Sure, 29 goals is nothing to sniff at, but as Thom Perkins said, "he'd score 59 if he'd quit hot dogging all the time!" While Blackwood is seen as an annoying cuss who probably needs to get punched in the face a few times to get him to stop doing this shit, the reality is that he's got great potential as an international footballer, either in Hapilopper or beyond. And that's why Thom Perkins and Ernie Stevenson doesn't really have that much of a problem with him. While Trevor Crisp refuses to get better, Craig Blackwood wants to be the best, and that, to them, is a good thing.

#60 - MANNY WAKEFIELD | Goalkeeper | Age: 25 | Kicks: Right | twii.tur: @manwake_60 | Club: Hapilopper City Highway Patrol
Style of Play: Sweeper Keeper | Speed: Slow | Physicality: Low | Attitude: Intense
Here's the thing about Manny Wakefield - he's a good guy, he does a lot of good in his community, but man, when you get him on the field, he becomes a bulldog. People have seen the fire in his eyes that demonstrates the intense focus he practices. And that focus pays off in spades, as Manny averages one goal allowed per 77 minutes of play - much lower than top-tier goalies from years past, but as "Funball" takes hold in Hapilopper, so too does increased goals. People are scoring goals like crazy, and that's had an impact on someone like Manny. Manny hates the fact that goal-scoring has gone up so much in Hapilopper, but he's going to have to make the most of it, or else. Away from the field, though, Manny enjoys a nice round of golf and talking to his friends about it - and when we say that, we mean he brags about hitting the green from the tee on the par-3 16th at Lake Eclipse Golf Club using his driver, which he says is justifiable because the hole was playing about 220.

#90 - FOX HUMBERT | Goalkeeper | Age: 22 | Kicks: Left | twii.tur: @fox_humbert | Club: Lake Sprague FC
Style of Play: Save and Pray | Speed: Slow | Physicality: Against the goalpost? Very heavy | Attitude: Clumsy
We introduce you to the reason Hapiloppian television networks put microphones in the goalposts in HFA matches, and why the HFA tracks the number of times players slam into the goalposts. That statistic, a bit cruelly, is called the "Fox," and Humbert led the league in Foxes with eleven last year. This tends to happen, for whatever reason. And this keeps happening. Humbert will - with reckless abandon - slam himself into players, the goalpost, and even an errant referee or photographer on occasion. Perhaps most hilariously, in a game against Highway Patrol last season, Humbert - for reasons unknown to us all - chased after the ball towards the corner kick area, jumped up, and when he landed, had that corner kick flag go right up his rear end. Don't ask us why.

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Posts: 158
Founded: Jun 06, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Auprussia » Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:17 pm





Substitutes and Reserves
Ariou Adalrisse [Marinos Metropolis (VLD)]
Antonie Piridrisse [Hanai Breakers (CMT)]
Marcous Ardin [Brivistice (AUP)]
Andre Mirdeau [Pontmeosont (AUP)]

Ruide Daraco [Qet NSC (CMT)]
Grigore D'Angevienne [CDSA (MYT)]
Aubrunne Isidroux [Beorun (AUP)]
Louis D'Aupalice [Eolorent (AUP)]

Central/Defensive Midfield:
Etheur Briganteun [Belleriviere Wanderers (PTR)]
Marc Ceresille [Ostrogia Arca (AUP)]
Rodulf Siebault [Alexia (AUP)]

Charles Delaire [Eolorent (AUP)]
Pierre Nens [Ciudad Les Bois (CAD)]
Dilan De Feux-Lataille [Xaiv 1919 (SAT)]
Severoux De Catravin [Langmere Green Rovers (FVA)]
Mattheu deu Alauxgermaine [Xaiv 1919 (SAT)]

Ausleif Tacharan [Salvienne AN (AUP)]
Jacque Luseau [Eolorent (AUP)]

Coach: Pierre Camanin
Assistant: Rien Charbreaux
Assistant: Eleo Vicard
Selection Priority: Slowly but surely integrating more Lige 1 talent as the league gets better
Formation: 4-4-2
Style Mod: +4

Pierre Camanin has lost his mind. Changing from the Auprussian trademark 4-2-3-1 into an irresponsibly aggressive 4-4-2 has many thinking this could be his last cycle. It seems like he is going for one final desperate change to get Auprussia into the World Cup. While the attempt is admirable the overly aggressive style of play could be his undoing. The talent is here for a good run but the manager is probably not up to task at this point.

The two strikers up front at least complement each other as Roquen Perugignac is a very laid back striker focused more of distribution and passing while Miren Saloux-Chard is a more classical Auprussian striker. The midfield of Ivicer-Chandelique-Pardau-deu Cavaldraissaiy is probably the biggest strength of this team. All 4 have been good performers at both club and international play with Martin Ivicer especially being the biggest goal scoring threat in the starting lineup. The defense seems to be improved with the injection of both Prospierre Aregnac-Tignon and Tenlon Rachaiglu. A Vitore Enetac coming off one of the most impressive campaigns for an Auprussian domestically besides Roquen Perugignac and the ever present Rene Mattigallou who has been a solid piece for the Auprussian defense. Morten Gallis is the best goalkeeper Auprussia has and it is no contest but Camanin has decided to bring in both a younger domestic goalkeeper and an underrated domestic goalkeeper.

Parc De Nasional (55000): Fully repaired and plays host to Tasse Du Auprussia Finals after the conclusion of Lige 1's 5th season. The venue has started to slowly make a comeback in modern times. Striga, the district this stadium is in has also come into an economic boon recently.

Parc d'Auprus (45000): Home to a rejuvenated Auprussia NF located in the Cenviesse district of Auprus by a marine research facility it was one of the few stadiums not affected by the financial money pit that was Lige PRO. Fans come by boat to observe the marine life nearby the research facility or they come by train which drops them off right in front of the stadium. The community has found itself on a crossroads as the decline of Auprussia NF has coincided with the decline of Cenviesse (The district the stadium is in)

Coeur de Sassen Alexia (60000): Another stadium owned by a Lige 1 club, the newly promoted but very old powerhouse Alexia. Founded in the Alexia-Roswulfe district it has a "unique" contingent of fans who travel by horse like the old Sassen merchants used to do. The newer Sassen merchants just prefer to move their goods by trucks or trains and sell them in the biggest market in Auprussia.

If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y (Be reasonable)
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y (Be reasonable)
Godmod other events: Y
Last edited by Auprussia on Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Panay Islands and Guimaras
Posts: 1543
Founded: Jun 02, 2024
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Fri Dec 27, 2024 5:33 pm

Thanks to Insulamia for designing this beauty

NATION NAME: The Royal Independent State of the Panay Islands and Guimaras

DEMONYM: Panayense/Panaynon

NICKNAMES: Los Isleños (The Islanders), Los Blanquiazules (The Blue and Whites), Los Carabaos (The Carabaos), El Blanquiazul Mecánico (The Blue and White Clockwork)

GOAL SONG: Zombie Nation by Kernkraft 400

VICTORY SONG: Agárrense de las Manos by José Luis Rodriguez



The Royal Independent State of the Panay Islands and Guimaras, also called Panay Islands and Guimaras, or Panay-Guimaras is a nation in Asia. Located in the Philippine archipelago, Panay Islands and Guimaras has been a touristic hotbed because of its beaches and nature conserving tourist attractions which the government funded. The Panay Islands and Guimaras dominion is consisted of 5 autonomous provinces and 1 federal canton.

Sports has been so popular amongst Panayenses and is heavily funded by the government. The main sports were football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, rugby (specifically both codes), and Australian rules football, or as we call it "balonpié".

The fans here is so passionate, just like in the Latin American countries, where they have drums, repiques, snares, trombones, trumpets, colorful tifos, and banners to show support for the national team.

It's a tradition for the Panayense athletes to sing their victory anthem (inspired by Australia's club song) after a win since the 1956 Olympics.

MANAGER: Claudio Niiyama (50)
HEAD COACH: Gilberto Miguel Ávila (45)
ASSISTANT COACH(ES): Topacio Hermógenes de la Cruz (51), José Antonio Moon (39)

(Bold indicates they're starters)

1. José Manuel Ibarra (20)
12. Marlon Uytingco Añasco (21)
23. Jorge Luis Ledesma (25)

4. Eduardo Heo (22)
3. Misael Chiang (19)
6. Conrado Sergio Ángeles (22)

5. Manuel Mori (24)
2. Honorio José Pagdato (26)
14. Marcelino Matsuzaka (16)

*17. José Luis del Castro (19)
20. Manolito Serrano Rodriguez (29) ©
*16. Héctor Nam (23)
7. Alvarado Espinas Martinelli (21)
*22. Andrés Miguel Solano, Jr. "Miguelito" (20)

29. Emmanuel Arias (25)
11. Manuel Salvador Huang (23)
31. Herminio Bang (23)
13. Domingo Solórzano Esparza (24)
29. Frederico Vega Salinas (23)

25. Gustavo Tiu (18)
*10. Javier Misael Ruíz Ricalde (19)

8. Magdaleno Julio Sánchez (22)
12. Lisandro Kyung (19)

* indicates that the player is playing abroad

Claudio Niiyama was born in León, Iloílo with parents Sachiko and Romualdo. He first played professionally with CS Leganés. He had a decent career in both first and second division, until injuries made him to retire. Because of his bachelor degree in politics at the Royal Central University, which he played for varsity, he took the managing job for teams like Unión Barotaqueño, ASU Antique, and Gimnasia de Passi. He had some successes there as a manager that led him to manage the national team since 2021.

Gilberto Ávila was born in Dao, Capiz in 15 November, 1979. As a young kid, he played in a small club in his hometown as a goalkeeper, but it wasn't a success when he grew up. Because of this, he would turn on to coaching when he was in Iloílo in the coaching academy of the royal federation, and took some internships in Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia. His first coaching experience back home was a small club in Guimaras called CF Dinamo Sibunag in 2008 in the 3rd division, looking to promote the team but failed to do so after the promotional playoff quarterfinals, but he actually did it in his second season there into the 2nd division as 3rd placers after beating Atlético Real de Leganés. After his stay in Sibunag, he would go on to be an assistant coach at Roasso Kumamoto, serving both Takagi and Ikeya and was the interim coach for just 6 months before Ikeya came back to coach the team. He resigned in 2014 to coach Atlético Japonés, which they were in Liga 2 at that time, gaining promotion in his first season and even get them to the AFC Champions League Two (formerly AFC Cup) but got knocked out by Home United (now Lion City Sailors) in 2017. After a nearly-disastrous 2018 season, he would go on to be Capiz' new provincial head coach, which he led them to win 3 titles in a row starting in 2020 and made the AFC Champions League finals but lost to Al Ain. After this stellar performance with the green and yellows, he would be called on to coach the national team with the help of Topacio Hermógenes de la Cruz, the first 2nd division player to cap for the national team in 1996 and José Antonio Moon replacing the terense Lázaro Pierini.


Born in Anini-y, he was a high school standout for the Provincial Institute of Antique and was called on to the U15s of the Antique provincial team in the first division of Panayense youth football and was scouted by Asian lower league teams such as Ventforet Kofu and Chungnam Asan, but he turned down the offer and instead get a chance to be teammates with Ricalde in Regatas Boracay, which he's still playing for them even though Ricalde left to play abroad in Edsmontik.

Heo is also a collegiate standout but for the Korean University of the Federal Canton. He's just like Sergio Ramos but better. He might have the hooligan personality but he actually defended the field with pride and passion and he bring that passion and pride into the pros.

A tackling machine from the Antique Provincial University and until now, a tackling machine in the pros for CS Leganés. So, watch out for the tackling supersub!

Currently playing in Imporia, José Luis has been a good midfielder from Guimarás, but the Imporian scouts has seen his brilliant dribbling skills and his goalscoring ability. So he's going to get signed by an Imporian club and his skills haven't been much better ever since he stepped foot on the Imporian pros.

A Panay Royal University standout for his leadership and dribbling skills, has captained both varsity and professional level, currently plays for his beloved Iloílo Industrial. He's an all-around captain. A defender, dribbler, goalscorer, and a leader. He recently got master's degree in both economics and political sciences in the same university he played in.

Hailing from Nueva Valencia in Guimaras, Tiu has been a top collegiate footballer for the Provincial University of Guimaras and he recently made his debut with the Guimaras provincial football team in second division. He's the first player from 2nd division to play for the national team after Topacio Hermógenes de la Cruz in 1996 while he's playing for Mohun Bagan de Panay. Get ready to get dazzled by Tiu's feet!

A Panayense superstar, the first non-Edsmon to play in the Edsmon leagues, Javi Ricalde has been a proving top goalscorer since he joined the pros at an early young age of 17 after getting drafted from his high school. He played first for Marítimo de Roxas and Regatas Boracay, where he always became the league's topscorer. That's why the Edsmons are interested to sign him into the Edsmon leagues, and has played here ever since he stepped foot in Edsmontik. (Ironic that he's playing our rivals there but come on he's a goalscorer)

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
I would prefer you choose these scorers: Sometimes, it's Ricalde the leading goalscorer but other goalscorers that'll do.
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes, just one player
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes, just 2
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, only once
Godmod other events: No
Generate stadium happenings: Yes, also pre-game too
Last edited by Panay Islands and Guimaras on Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:42 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Postby Sarzonia » Fri Dec 27, 2024 5:46 pm

Sarzonia national football team

Style Modifier: 0
Formation: 4-4-2
Code: Select all
RP Permissions
If my opponent posts first, they
Can decide my scorers(Y/N): Y
Can give injuries to my players: N
Can give red or yellow cards to my players: No more than you give your own players/managers
Can godmod scoring events: If by "godmod," you mean describe the scoring event, sure. If you mean something wild like the ball randomly going into the net, no.
Can godmod other events: Stuff like weather, yes. No pandemics, no violence against my people, etc.

Manager: Caleb Rush, 51
Assistant Managers: Martie Braxton, 45; Christian Thomas, 60
Goalkeepers Coach: Paolo Gomes, 39

ROSTER (Starters in BOLD)
1 John Wells
, 20 6-foot-2, 185 pounds (Syracuse United)
33 Scott Harkey, 23 5-foot-9, 175 pounds (Warrington FC)
30 Dayne Marks, 28 5-foot-11, 170 pounds (Corcorran Comets)

16 Matt Austin, 22 6-foot-4, 220 pounds (Trenton SC)
4 Josh Wilkes, 25 5-foot-10, 175 pounds (Woodstock Wild Reserves)
5 Ken Webb, 29 6-foot-3, 205 pounds (Portland Timbers) CAPTAIN
6 Frank Grant, 23 5-foot-11, 190 pounds (Greenville Greens)

3 Kyler Thomas, 21 6-foot-1, 200 pounds (University of Nicksia) would be emergency goalkeeper
7 Tyler Hoskins, 27 6-foot, 185 pounds (Saugerties United semipro)

8 Layton George, 24 6-foot, 185 pounds (Nicksia Knights)
9 Lucius Wesley, 30 5-foot-11, 170 pounds (Portland Timbers Reserves)
12 Harlon "Harley" Masterson, 21 5-foot-9, 165 pounds (Woodstock Wild Reserves)
13 Carrie Andrews, 25 5-foot-10, 160 pounds (Woodstock Justice)

18 Carlos Macias, 22, 5-foot-10, 170 pounds (Ciudad de Somerset)
19 Xander Howard, 20, 5-foot-8, 155 pounds (Cedar Locke Academy)

10 Kitt Morgan, 26 5-foot-8, 150 pounds (Rainbow United)
14 Spencer Wilson, 21 6-foot-3, 215 pounds (Woodstock Wild Reserves).
Younger brother of Clayton Wilson.
11 Holly Chambers, 25 5-foot-10, 170 pounds (Caribou FC)
15 Kellie Larson, 23 5-foot-11, 180 pounds, Portland Power
First WCC Grand Slam Champion
NSWC Hall of Fame Inductee (post-World Cup 25)
Former WLC President. He/him/his.

Our trophy case and other honours; Our hosting history Sarzonian constitution

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Postby HUElavia » Fri Dec 27, 2024 6:50 pm

HUElavia National Football Team

#1: Thibault Ancel
(26 Years Old) (1.90 m) (Real Curumba CF)
#12: Nami Arakawa
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (SC Yatagarasu)
#23: Angela Collazo
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (RCD San Rafael)
#27: Otto Raab
(23 Years Old) (1.87 m) (FC Bish)
XX: Lucas Queiroz Lobo
(32 Years Old) (1.85 m) (FC Portimao)
XX: Tejana Zetticci
(33 Years Old) (1.74 m) (AC Romano)
XX: Luna Sartori
(22 Years Old) (1.77 m) (FC Santos)
XX: Artur Vasconcelos Marques
(21 Years Old) (1.95 m) (HUEsilia FC)

#2: Rafael Álvarez Fagundes
(34 Years Old) (1.85 m) (CB) (Real Curumba CF)
#3: Daria Di Laura
(28 Years Old) (1.75 m) (CB) (AC Romano)
#4: Nanami Miyamoto
(28 Years Old) (1.74 m) (RB-LB) (SC Yatagarasu)
#5: Lúcio Lobo Neves
(26 Years Old) (1.82 m) (LB-RB) (Internacional Curumba)
#12: Willka Manco Quihue
(24 Years Old) (1.67 m) (RB-LB) (HUEsilia FC)
#15: Qullatupaq Cocha Quichca
(24 Years Old) (1.78 m) (RB-LB) (Real Curumba CF)
#16: Lana Pavlovna
(26 Years Old) (1.73 m) (CB) (Real Curumba CF)
#18: Lars Brandt
(24 Years Old) (1.88 m) (CB) (FC Bish)
#26: Jose Manuel Llopis
(22 Years Old) (1.84 m) (CB) (RCD San Rafael)
XX: Kang-Dae Tan
(26 Years Old) (1.86 m) (CB) (Goang FC)
XX: Isabela Teixeira Câmara
(27 Years Old) (1.72 m) (CB) (FC Santos)
XX: Akeno Sugiyama
(32 Years Old) (1.70 m) (LB-RB) (SC Yatagarasu)
XX: Qori Hualla Ñaña
(32 Years Old) (1.80 m) (RB-LB) (Kuelap CF)
XX: Abigaelle Girard
(19 Years Old) (1.75 m) (CB) (Olympique de Lourdes)
XX: Rodas Pazarella
(18 Years Old) (1.85 m) (CB) (AC Romano)
XX: Adriana Yepes
(21 Years Old) (1.68 m) (LB-RB) (RCD San Rafael)
XX: Luca Campos
(24 Years Old) (1.79 m) (RB-LB) (Real Curumba CF)

#6: Sae Kim
(28 Years Old) (1.72 m) (DM-CM) (RCD San Rafael)
#8: Clara Coentrao-Nascimento
(34 Years Old) (1.64 m) (DM-CM-AM) (Real Curumba CF)
#10: Emilio Schmidt
(22 Years Old) (1.70 m) (CM-AM) (FC Santos)
#14: Gilson Dias Rezende
(28 Years Old) (1.78 m) (CM-AM) (HUEsilia FC)
#19: Raphaëlle Jacquet
(27 Years Old) (1.64 m) (CM-AM) (Olympique de Lourdes)
#22: Rogério Cavalcanti Maia
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (DM-CM-AM) (FC Santos)
#25: Clara Wahle
(22 Years Old) (1.66 m) (DM-CM) (FC Bish)
XX: Emiliano Franco
(35 Years Old) (1.79 m) (DM-CM-AM) (RCD San Rafael)
XX: Anne-Sophie Giroux
(29 Years Old) (1.70 m) (DM-CM-AM) (Olympique de Lourdes)
XX: Chisa Go
(22 Years Old) (1.65 m) (CM-AM) (SC Yatagarasu)
XX: Shohei Asano
(23 Years Old) (1.78 m) (DM-CM-AM) (FC Santos)
XX: Oceanne Bélisle
(19 Years Old) (1.67 m) (DM-CM) (Olympique de Lourdes)
XX: Michiq Canchon Polloqueri
(26 Years Old) (1.83 m) (CM-AM) (Real Curumba CF)
XX: Oscar Diaz Gonzalez
(19 Years Old) (1.76 m) (DM-CM) (International Curumba)

#7: Inka Dias Canchon
(32 Years Old) (1.67 m) (RW-LW) (Kuelap CF)
#9: Nwoye Uchee
(28 Years Old) (1.85 m) (ST-CF) (Internacional Curumba)
#11: Cristiano Milano
(23 Years Old) (1.85 m) (RW-LW) (Real Curumba CF)
#17: Olimpio Angeli
(27 Years Old) (1.78 m) (LW-RW) (RCD San Rafael)
#20: Yume Narita
(25 Years Old) (1.65 m) (CF-ST) (SC Yaragarasu)
#21: Ariane Mantovani dos Santos
(23 Years Old) (1.65 m) (RW-LW) (Internacional Curumba)
#24: Dina Agüero
(22 Years Old) (1.70 m) (ST-CF) (RCD San Rafael)
XX: Marco Ricci
(34 Years Old) (1.78 m) (LW-RW) (RCD San Rafael)
XX: Guillermina Lombardi Rossi
(35 Years Old) (1.68 m) (ST-CF) (Real Curumba CF)
XX: Si'u Ch'u
(27 Years Old) (1.82 m) (RW-LW) (Goang FC)
XX: Myung-Sook Pi
(22 Years Old) (1.65 m) (LW-RW) (FC Santos)
XX: Ronaldo Arruda Barbosa
(17 Years Old) (1.83 m) (ST-CF) (HUEsilia FC)
XX: Yannick Mongrain
(18 Years Old) (1.73 m) (LW-RW) (Olympique de Lourdes)
XX: Emillene Sarvide
(24 Years Old) (1.75 m) (ST-CF) (Athletic Club Itio)

#1: Thibault Ancel
(26 Years Old) (1.90 m) (Real Curumba CF)
#12: Nami Arakawa
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (SC Yatagarasu)
#23: Angela Collazo
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (RCD San Rafael)
#27: Otto Raab
(23 Years Old) (1.87 m) (FC Bish)

#2: Rafael Álvarez Fagundes
(34 Years Old) (1.85 m) (CB) (Real Curumba CF)
#3: Lana Pavlovna
(26 Years Old) (1.73 m) (CB) (Real Curumba CF)
#4: Nanami Miyamoto
(28 Years Old) (1.74 m) (RB-LB) (SC Yatagarasu)
#5: Lúcio Lobo Neves
(26 Years Old) (1.82 m) (LB-RB) (Internacional Curumba)
#12: Willka Manco Quihue
(24 Years Old) (1.67 m) (RB-LB) (HUEsilia FC)
#15: Qullatupaq Cocha Quichca
(24 Years Old) (1.78 m) (RB-LB) (Real Curumba CF)
#16: Abigaelle Girard
(19 Years Old) (1.75 m) (CB) (Olympique de Lourdes)
#18: Lars Brandt
(24 Years Old) (1.88 m) (CB) (FC Bish)
#26: Jose Manuel Llopis
(22 Years Old) (1.84 m) (CB) (RCD San Rafael)

#6: Sae Kim
(28 Years Old) (1.72 m) (DM-CM) (RCD San Rafael)
#8: Clara Coentrao-Nascimento
(34 Years Old) (1.64 m) (DM-CM-AM) (Real Curumba CF)
#10: Emilio Schmidt
(22 Years Old) (1.70 m) (CM-AM) (FC Santos)
#14: Shohei Asano
(23 Years Old) (1.78 m) (DM-CM-AM) (FC Santos)
#19: Clara Wahle
(22 Years Old) (1.66 m) (DM-CM) (FC Bish)
#22: Rogério Cavalcanti Maia
(26 Years Old) (1.80 m) (DM-CM-AM) (FC Santos)
#25: Chisa Go
(22 Years Old) (1.65 m) (CM-AM) (SC Yatagarasu)

#7: Inka Dias Canchon
(32 Years Old) (1.67 m) (RW-LW) (Kuelap CF)
#9: Nwoye Uchee
(28 Years Old) (1.85 m) (ST-CF) (Internacional Curumba)
#11: Cristiano Milano
(23 Years Old) (1.85 m) (RW-LW) (Real Curumba CF)
#17: Olimpio Angeli
(27 Years Old) (1.78 m) (LW-RW) (RCD San Rafael)
#20: Yume Narita
(25 Years Old) (1.65 m) (CF-ST) (SC Yaragarasu)
#21: Ariane Mantovani dos Santos
(23 Years Old) (1.65 m) (RW-LW) (Internacional Curumba)
#24: Dina Agüero
(22 Years Old) (1.70 m) (ST-CF) (RCD San Rafael)

Head Coach:
Ignacio Casillas (54 Years Old)

Assistant Coaches:
Rafaela Nascimento Lópes (54 Years Old), Raphael Taylor-Calañas (38 Years Old)

Starting XI:
1 Ancel
4 Miyamoto, 2 Alvarez, 3 Pavlona, 5 Lobo
6 Kim, 8 Coentrao-Nascimento
11 Milano, 10 Schmidt, 7 Dias
9 Uchee

Captain: Alvarez
Vice-Captain: Coentrao-Nascimento, Dias
Free-Kicks: Milano, Schmidt, Dias
Penalties: Milano, Uchee, Dias
Corners: Kim, Coentrao-Nascimento

Please view this link to see where you will play against me in Group 8

RP Permissions
Choose my goal scorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes, but nothing severe
Godmod Injuries to my players: Yes, but nothing severe
Suspend my players: Yes, but be reasonable
Godmod suspension events: Yes, but be reasonable
Godmod other events: Yes
Last edited by HUElavia on Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Bohr » Fri Dec 27, 2024 7:36 pm

The Republic of Bohr National Football Team, 2001

World Cup 98 Qualifying

Team Colors: Maroon and White (White and Maroon, if we’re feeling fancy)
Style Mod: -1.5

Head Coach:
Ellis Leach, a 43-year-old who looks significantly younger, first came to prominence as the defensive coach and set-piece coordinator for the BCF-winning 1997 Motan FC squad; a couple seasons later, when Motan legend Quinn Jensen called it a career, Leach took charge. Motan has declined significantly since its heyday, and rumors have abounded since the announcement that Leach was chosen more as a compromise candidate than for any of his own football acumen; however, he has shown an ability to steal points from more talented teams, a skill that will probably be necessary in the long, winding road that is the World Cup qualifiers.

Leach primarily uses a fairly boilerplate 4-2-3-1, with a specific focus on out-of-possession structure and marking schemes that are certainly too complex to go in-depth on here; he is a devout believer in using as many subs as possible, and so will likely be shuffling around the formation a bit as the group stage goes on.

The Players:
All players play in Bohr Championship Football (OOC: I’m trying to get through one World Cup cycle before going in-depth on my domestic league).

Ideal Starting Lineup (4-2-3-1):
GK - Arnold Harrow; age 31; Motan FC; #30
LB - Amine Bouquet; age 24; Akinis FC; #1
CB - Jaxon Girard (c); age 33; Heavenly Princess; #2
CB - Jonathan Haider; age 32; Becis City; #3
RB - Matty Garnett; age 23; Colside Mechanic; #4
CM - Herb Schuyler; age 22; Heavenly Princess; #6
CM - Lee Brunner; age 27; Becis City; #14
LW - Orlan Healy; age 28; Heavenly Princess; #11
AM - Grady Roces; age 21; St. Natasha Pyramid; #9
RW - Charlie Lundin; age 33; Akinis FC; #7
CF - Jamie Sullivan; age 25; St. Natasha Pyramid; #10

First-Choice Backups:
GK - Klein Morel; age 26; Colside Mechanic; #21
F/M - Eli Sheve; age 26; Heavenly Princess; #0
LB - Pete Warnor; age 30; St. Natasha Pyramid; #15
CB - August Soto; age 31; Motan FC; #33
AM - Vasily Khalikov; age 20; Shansco Athletic; #19
LW - Jace Simmons; age 24; Becis City; #20
ST - Towson Turner; age 25; Akinis FC; #12

Second-Choice Backups:
GK - Matteo Dipper; age 35; Heavenly Princess; #42
LB - Glenn Goodwin; age 25; Colside Mechanic; #5
CB - Simon Thatcher; age 25; Colside Mechanic; #17
DM - Lance Good; age 30; Shansco Athletic; #16
CM - James Herbert; age 24; Weaver Union; #23
RW/RM - Alexandr Korystov; age 31; Heavenly Princess; #27
ST - Jackie Ding; age 23; Weaver Union; #29

Most Likely To:
Score from Close Range: Jamie Sullivan, Orlan Healy, Towson Turner
Score from Deep: Herb Schuyler, Orlan Healy, Eli Sheve
Score a Header: Jamie Sullivan, Jaxon Girard, Charlie Lundin
Hit a Nice Cross: Orlan Healy, Matty Garnett, Grady Roces
Hit a Nice Through-Ball: Herb Schuyler, Grady Roces, Eli Sheve
Get Carded: Amine Bouquet, Jonathan Haider, Lee Brunner
Take Penalties: Jamie Sullivan, Towson Turner, Orlan Healy
Take Free Kicks: Herb Schuyler, Orlan Healy, Vasily Khalikov

February 1st Stadium (capacity: 80,000), Central Becis (home of Becis City) - the flagship Bohrian stadium; rated “Most Evil Place to Play” by Bohrsport seven years running

Fielding Memorial Stadium (capacity: 62,500), East Becis (home of Heavenly Princess, as well as the Zephael college team) - old, and old money; rumors of a meeting room below the field have been vehemently denied by Heavenly Princess leaders with strangely echoing voices

St. Natasha Stadium (capacity: 70,000), St. Natasha (home of St. Natasha Pyramid), Becis Capital Region - most state-of-the-art stadium in Bohr; it took six months to scrape off all the gambling ads in here and we’re still pretty sure we missed a few

Mitandir Field (capacity: 40,000), Motan (home of Motan FC, as well as the NWP college team), Northwest Bohr - cold and windy; fans here are generally passive-aggressive, except when it gets below freezing and they simply become aggressive

Weaver City Field (capacity: 25,000), Weaver (home of Weaver Union), Southeast Bohr - Colside and Shansco couldn’t stop arguing over the fifth venue choice so neither of them got it; a nice field in a nice neighborhood, the stadium’s only weakness is that there’s no room to snark about it

RP Permissions:
See above for which players should be doing which things; you don't have to 100% stick to that, but it's a solid guideline.
Cards and injuries are fine as long as they're not overly severe, I'd prefer nothing too far outside of the box as far as godmods go.
If you think something is going to be weird, or just have a RP idea that you want to run by me, feel free to TG/DM me; I'm probably most available on Discord as gold_en, but will try to respond to NS stuff also.

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Postby Gnejs » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:30 am


WCQ squad


Style Modifier:

The Dandelions/The Quiet Dignity

Uniforms (Supplied by Siru) - Home/Away


Everything is a lot more complicated these days, but let's just state that The Dandelions now playing according to a strange 2-3-2-1-2 philosophy.
Team Roster (domestic team and age):
GK: #1 Aristocles Svendsen (IFK Segeltorp, 26)
GK: #27 Theodor Snöstorm (Storängens IF, 23)
RD: #2 Daniel Jones (IFK Hagen, 33)
RD: #3 Frank Frallis (IFK Segeltorp, 24)
RD: #4 Johannes Runarsson (Allmänna Gränd IF, 25)
CD: #5 Karl-Johan Kärv (Vasakamraterna, 30)
CD: #6 Hibiskus Andersson (FC Städeli, 27)
CD: #7 Lennart Horndal (Allmänna Gränd IF, 31)
CD: #28 Valdemar Unge (IFK Segeltorp, 19)
LD: #8 Carl-Johan Hansson (Lokomotiv Esaias, 29)
LD: #9 August Bjørneboe (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 32)
LD: #10 Carl Benedictsen (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 29)
M: #11 Niels-Petter Skog (Allmänna Gränd IF, 27)
M: #12 Nicomachus Hansson (Sportiv Club de Nasional Eolorent, 27)
M: #13 Didrik Nes (Kejm BK, 33)
M: #14 Cratylus Hansen (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 33)
M: #15 Edward Drange (Briskeby BK, 33)
M: #16 Samuel Falkmar** (Port Rhovanyon AFC, 31)
M: #17 Sigurd Åboo (Vasakamraterna, 34)
M: #18 Lukas Fager (Rodion F.C, 28)
M: #19 Rasmus Lamm (Vasakamraterna, 26)
M: #30 Örjan Skog (Storängens IF, 21)
M: #31 Menexenus Johansson (IFK Nordstiernan, 24)
F: #20 Thrasymachos Andersson (Lokomotiv Esaias, 25)
F: #21 Cornelis Ceder (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 36)
F: #22 Georg Bardo (Banque Sept-Nat (BSN), 31)
F: #23 Nikolaj Fjällstrand (Lokomotiv Esaias, 25)
F: #24 Nicho Tistel (Lokomotiv Esaias, 24)
F: #25 Mikkel Bukt (Benson Foxes, 26)
F: #26 Karl Sol (Lokomotiv Esaias, 27)
F: #29 Torkel Mack (IFK Hagen, 28)

** Samuel Falkmar has dual Gnejs/Tikariot citizenship and has elected to represent the Prosaic Union.

Timotej Hansson (PUG)

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my scorers: Y
Give yellow cards to my players: Y
Give red cards to my players: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y
Godmod other events: Y.
Style mod: +3

About the Prosaic Union

The Prosaic Union of Gnejs – commonly abbreviated PUG, colloquially called 'The Union', often nicknamed 'The Rock' – is a country located in the far north-east of Rushmore. A constant source of bewilderment for many, the name Gnejs comes from the native word for the type of metamorphic rock called gneiss in English and German. The root of the word is believed to derive from the High German gneist, meaning roughly 'spark', the link being that the rock glitters. Gneiss is a common rock type across the territory making up the modern-day nation and has historically been a readily used building material component.

A vast and sparsely populated land, The Union covers about 1 220 000 square kilometers and has a population of just under 14 million. It is divided into four big regions – Berg (north), Birka (east), Ängby (west) and Vika (south) – which in turn are divided into counties and municipalities. The Interior comprises an immense area of more or less untouched wilderness at the heart of the country's inland and covers parts of all four regions. The capital city is called Port Kejm and is located on the coast in the region of Birka. All Dandelion home qualification games will be played here.

People in general are quiet and reserved. While idle small talk without purpose amongst strangers might be considered appropriate and expected in some places, in The Union it is usually frowned upon and considered bothersome. The native tongue is called 'Gnejsian' (native: gnejsiska) and has a long and rich history. There's an abundance of regional dialects, some so distinct from others that many have suggested they really constitute different – albeit strongly related – languages. It is common to divide the many dialects into three different 'families', north-eastern (OOC: Norwegian), western (OOC: Swedish) and southron (OOC: Danish). Children learn English (known in The Union as 'the common tongue') from the age of five, and the population at large is generally considered to be fluent.
Last edited by Gnejs on Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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United States of Nova Calania
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Postby United States of Nova Calania » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:24 am


Équipe nationale de football du Saint-Empire Calanien des États-Unis de Nouvelle-Calanie
Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania National Football Team

Nation Information:

Full Nation Name: The Holy Calanian Empire of United States of Nova Calania
Demonym: Nova Calanian
Heads of State: Co-Consul Wlodzimierz Pruszkowski
Official languages: French, Polish and English
Population: 2 459 048
Team Nickname: Tapirs
National Colors: Red and Yellow
Team Colors: Red, Yellow and Black

Short Nation History:


Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is a city state of 78 square kilometers located in Anaia and founded in lhe 18th century by Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier (John James The Buccaneer), a pirate of unknown North or Central Calanian origin who decided to retire from piracy and found his own nation south of his country of origin. Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer has emerged in the 20th century as a merchant city state which favors capitalism.The current ruler of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, a direct descendant of Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier. Elections are outlawed in Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer. The national animal is the tapir, which you can see wandering in our streets.


Burnham-on-Stove is a city state of 54 square kilometers located in Anaia. It used to be a district whitin Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and it's named after William Robert Burnham, a pirate and friend of Jean-Jacques Le Boucannier. In september 1923, several communist districts of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, mostly of English origin, declared their independence and formed the new nation of Burnham-on-Stove. The Burnhamese Communist Party is the only authorized party in Burnham-on-Stove. The national animal is also the Tapir.

Nova Calania

500: The first documented permanent Aztec settlements in Nova Calania dates from around 500 AD.

1748: Explorers of Polish origins came to the area just south of Krytenia and southwest of Ibixa and founded the town of Ostrow Krolewski on the shores of the Ocean of Ayes. They named the area Odlegla Ziemia (Distant Land).

1760-1820: Odlegla Ziemia expanded southwest and further inland on the east.

1793: Jean-Jacques Le Boucanier established his colony in what is known today as Vieux-Saint-Jean-Jacques (Old St. Jean-Jacques) or Vieille-Ville (Old Town) just northeast of Cardenao. This is the foundation of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer. The city state expanded on both side of the Stove river.

1818: Explorers of Asian origin came to the area between Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Odlegla Ziemia and founded the city state of Shanzhou. This stopped Odleglian expansion southwest of their capital.

1851-54: The Aztecs, helped with some mercenaries from Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Burnham-on-Stove, attacked Odlegla Ziemia and took back 1/3 of Odlegla Ziemia's land that was previously stolen from the Aztecs.

1923: Districts of Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer located north of the Stove river (mostly English speaking) declared their independence and formed a new communist state under the name of Burnham-on-Stove.

2023: Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Burnham-on-Stove united to form a new sporting alliance. Both nations remained independents on all aspects, except they shared a joint national team in all sports.

2025: On may 15th 2025, leaders from Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, Burnham-on-stove, Odlegla Ziemia, Shanzhou and the Nova Calanian Aztec Confederacy united together to form the United States of Nova Calania. Unlike Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove, it's not just a sporting alliance. It's a policical, economic, military and sporting alliance.


A big thanks to Libertad Sportwear from Sangti and the Filindo Isles
First kit is the yellow-red stripes. 2nd kit is black and red. Goalkeeper kit in pink!


Football History:

KPB Rank: 84th
Overall record: 35-25-43

Baptism of Fire 81 (as Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer): 4-0-1 (Loss in round of 16)
Qualifications for WC 94 (as Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer): 5-7-8 (9th place in group 15)
CAFA Cup 7: 1-2-8 (11th place in group B)
Qualifications for WC 95: 9-4-1 (3rd place in group 10)
CAFA Cup 8: 3-3-4 (Missed the playoffs)
Qualifications for WC 96: 7-2-3 (3rd place in group 18)
Cup of Harmony 88: 0-1-2
CAFA Cup 9: 3-2-4
Qualifications for WC 97: 3-2-10
CAFA Cup 10: 0-2-2

First Win: 3-0 Win vs Bareder - Matchday 1 @ Baptism of Fire 81
First Draw: 2–2 Draw vs Flavovespia - Matchday 1 @ World Cup qualifications 94
First Loss: 2-1 Loss vs South Americanastan - Round of 16 @ Baptism of Fire 81
First goal scored: Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau - Matchday 1 @ Baptism of Fire 81

Most Caps		        Caps		Most Goals		        Goals		Most Assists		        Assists
Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau 99 Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau 54 Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin 18
Tristan Gibouleau-Beaudoin 96 Louis-Philippe Berlinguette 31 Nathan Fauteux-McGrath 17
Nathan Fauteux-McGrath 95 Allie O'Hara 15 Louis-Philippe Berlinguette 16
Serge Bleau-Bean 90 Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin 12 Scarlett McCaskill 13
Louis-Philippe Berlinguette 87 Nathan Fauteux-McGrath 11 Mei Qi Xiong 11
Alyssa McCaskill 69 Lily-Rose Malboeuf 10 Alyssa McCaskill 10
Allie O'Hara 64 Mei Qi Xiong 8 Rose Van der Jagt 9
Félix Bourguignon 64 Scarlett McCaskill 6 Allie O'Hara 8
Scarlett McCaskill 55 4 Players 4 Ludwig Baumgartner 7
Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin 46 Ashton Gockley 6

Goals per caps

Rodrigo Guénette-Velazquez 0,6 [3 goals in 5 caps]
Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau 0,545
Lily-Rose Malboeuf 0,357
Louis-Philippe Berlinguette 0,356
Mei Qi Xiong 0,333
Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin 0,261
Allie O'Hara 0,234
Margarita Castro Lopez 0,222

Home Stadiums

4 different stadiums will be used, one from each states. Aztec Confederacy will not host any match after the controversy of the home match at Xicohtzinco Community College Ballpark against Sarzonia during the World Cup 96.

Terrain de Soccer 1 au Complexe sportif national (hosting 3 games)
English name: Soccer Field 1 at National Sports Complex
Capacity: 67,830
Location: Sacré-Coeur District, Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer
NCPL tenant: C.D. Sagrado Corazon
Hosting: Eastfield Lodge (38), Mertagne (18) and Kandorith (117)

Stadion Azteca (hosting 2 games)
Capacity: 58,350
Location: Ostrow Krolewski, Odlegla Ziemia
NCPL tenant: Club Anaia
Hosting: Myrtle Beach (51) and Natanians and Nosts (72)

Flanagan Stadium (hosting 1 game)
Capacity: 30,750
Location: Downtown District, Burnham-on-Stove
NCPL tenants: Burnham & Hockley Albion F.C. and Flushing Wanderers F.C.
Hosting: Northwest Kalactin (UR)

Zhāng Jiānglǐng Guójiā Tǐyùchǎng (hosting 1 game)
English name: General Zhang National Stadium
Capacity: 31,836
Location: Yuzhong District, Shanzhou
NCPL tenants: Shanzhou Mighty Lions F.C. and Shanzhou Guoan F.C
Hosting: Olastor (318)

Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer is known for it's local gastronomy based on tapir meat. Meals like tapir burgers, tapir parmentier (cottage pie), spaghetti with tapir meatballs and tapir blanquette are very popular. The nation is also known for being a large producer of cheese. The city state, with 775 878 inhabitants, is known for it's many restaurants, pubs and night clubs. There is many hotels whitin Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer which can accomodate players, coaches, journalists and fans! Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer also have two privately owned beaches. These two are among the most beautiful South Calanian beaches!

If your match is scheduled in Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer, you will land at the Aéroport national Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer located between 10-20 minutes from the stadium and our hotels.

Tapir meat is banned in Burnham-on-Stove and vegetarian food is very popular. A Beyond Meat veggie burger is a delicacy. You can find typical communist buildings in Burnham-on-Stove, which include hotels. There is two public and nationalised beaches which are among the most beautiful South Calanian beaches!

If your match is scheduled in Burnham-on-Stove, you will land at the Aéroport national Prince Pierre-Alexandre 1er de Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer located in Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer an hour drive away from downtown Burnham-On-Stove where most hotels are located.

Odlegla Ziemia and Shanzhou are two independent nations located north of Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove and southwest of Krytenia. Odlegla Ziemia was founded by Polish explorers and is a scandinavian liberal paradise while Shanzhou (founded by chinese explorers) is a psychotic dictatorship. If your match is scheduled in either one of these nations, you will land at Port Lotniczy Ostrow Krolewski. Stadion Azteca in Ostrow Krolewski and your hotel are located 5-10 minutes away from the airport. If your match is in Shanzhou, it's a 2 hours drive south of Ostrow Krolewski on a coastal highway or 1 and a half hour by train.

Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer and Burnham-on-Stove has a tropical rainforest climate (Köppen classification of Af). We have high mean annual temperatures, small temperature ranges and rain that falls throughout the year. A tropical rainforest climate is typically hot, very humid, and wet. Average high range from 28 °C to 32 °C and average low is 24 °C all year long. Between august to november we have between 100 and 175 mm of rainfall. 250 mm of rainfall in january and february. Then 180-200 mm in march and april and finally over than 250 mm of rainfall in april to july with a peak of 350 mm of rainfall in may and june.

The climate is relatively the same in Odlegla Ziemia and Shanzhou, except that it rains much less often.



Entraîneur-chef: Roman Findley [Saterun]
Assistant: Gregr Koltov [Saterun]
Assistant: Mieczyslawa Wolkowicz
Assistant: Virgil Van der Jagt
Entraîneur des gardiens: Sébastien Boissonneault
Physiothérapeutre: Marie-Anne Pinette


Cristiano and Ronaldo are the two mascots of the team. Two living tapirs, they travel with the team even abroad and are staying by the bench. They're not named after anyone it's just two random names picked by the zookeeper.


Captain: Scarlett McCaskill
2nd captain: Serge Bleau-Bean
3rd captain: Nathan Fauteux-McGrath
Penalty Taker: Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau
Corners (left): Nathan Fauteux-McGrath
Corner (right): Nathan Fauteux-McGrath
Free Kicks: Mei Qi Xiong, Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin, Nathan Fauteux-McGrath or Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau

Formation 4-4-2

ACM---------------C. GIBOULEAU-BEAUDOIN--------------
SM---M. Q. XIONG------------------------S.McCASKILL---
SD--A. McCASKILL------------------------N. McCASKILL--

1	GK	Serge Bleau-Bean	30	Celtiques de Baie-Sainte-Marguerite
36 GK Charles-Émile Moineau 27 C.D. Sagrado Corazon
12 GK Marcel Kaltenberger 25 MZKS Arka Wloszakowice
77 GK Anne-Élisabeth Mongrain 22 C.S. Lavigueur

Side Defenders
27	SD/SM	Alyssa McCaskill	28	Xicohtzinco Locomotive F.C.
25 SD/CD Louis-Paul Ouzilleau 23 C.S. Lavigueur
66 SD Emily Schmidt 34 Burnham & Hockley Albion F.C.
17 SD Grace Mousseau 23 Club National

Central Defenders
4	CD	Tristan  Gibouleau-Beaudoin	27	C.D. Sagrado Corazon
14 CD Wlodzimierz Wolkowicz 25 Club Anaia
5 CD/SD Nathan McCaskill 25 Xicohtzinco Locomotive F.C.

2 CD/SD Phoebe McCormack 26 West Burnham United F.C.
55 CD Zia Guerrero Lopez 25 C.S. Lavigueur
15 CD/SD Evan MacNeely 24 Celtiques de Baie-Sainte-Marguerite
20 CD François-Xavier Moineau 24 Celtiques de Baie-Sainte-Marguerite
24 CD Renato Ramirez De Jesus 31 Flushing Wanderers F.C.
3 CD/SD Félix Bourguignon 27 Club National

Side Midfielders
16	SM	Rose Van der Jagt	24	Burnham & Hockley Albion F.C.
28 SM Ashton Gockley 31 West Burnham United F.C.

Central Midfielders
11	CM	Nathan Fauteux-McGrath	28	Club Anaia
88 CM/SM Mei Qi Xiong (f) 26 Shanzhou Mighty Lions F.C.
8 CM/SM Scarlett McCaskill 31 Xicohtzinco Locomotive F.C.
0 CM/SM Charlotte Gibouleau-Beaudoin 24 C.D. Sagrado Corazon

6 CM Kyle Klingenberg 29 MZKS Arka Wloszakowice
70 CM Yi Ming Xiong (m) 23 Shanzhou Mighty Lions F.C.
35 CM/SM Morgan Klingenberg 23 MZKS Arka Wloszakowice
32 CM/SM Ludwig Baumgartner 31 Dynamo de Gouin
10 CM Charles-Alexandre Ng 28 Club National
46 CM Victoria McCracken 28 West Burnham United F.C.
47 CM Grzegorz Janczukowicz 24 Club Anaia

7	S	Frédérique Goudreau-Luneau	27	Dynamo de Gouin
19 S Lily-Rose Malboeuf 24 Club National

59 S Rodrigo Guénette-Velazquez 23 C.D. Sagrado Corazon
22 S Louis-Philippe Berlinguette 28 Celtiques de Baie-Sainte-Marguerite
9 S Allie O'Hara 27 Burnham & Hockley Albion F.C.
37 S Megan Klingenberg 26 MZKS Arka Wloszakowice

Style Modifier: +2.5

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
Last edited by United States of Nova Calania on Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:29 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Posts: 972
Founded: Nov 21, 2016
Father Knows Best State

Postby Indusse » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:55 am


Manager/Coach: Shane Newman (Commonwealth of Baker Park)
Sponsors: Fiarti Automobiles
Trigamme: INS
Players in Camp: 19
Formations: 4-3-3/4-2-4
Fanbase: The Flocking Blues

The Squad

GK 1 Jahangir Shehzad
GK 2 Peter Bashfork
GK 33 Preetham Singh
DF 6 Jonathan Krege
DF 13 Mathias Paulson
DF 4 Manu Nair

DF 41 Harbaz Khan
MD 101 Harry Mascarenhas
MD 14 Djetson Hasle
MD 13 Raman Sreevastva
FD 12 Rahul B Kumar
FD 7 Bechun Butea
FD 11 Antonio Mersias (c)

FD 55 Juan Jane
FD 8 Tanvir Bashir
FD/MD 100 Goblin Grundjee
DF 91 Mark Millwood
MD 76 Mahadev Bhattacharya
MF 99 Harish Kangara

Bolded Players are the Playing XI

About the Manager

Shane Newman is a Baker Park born, who took the chance to become the first NT boss for Havynwilde with an understanding that he would have time & resources to build from scratch. He was hounded by negative media coverage, the unrealisitc expectations of supporters & the governing body, and no investment to correct the dearth of talent in the domestic league. He was unceremoniously fired while out of the country on holiday. He'll consider his time there a learning experience. Was the chief defensive architect for the BPNT in the first three WC cycles.Aged 49 and married with three children--a boy and two girls--he will look to the domestic league for talent by focusing on technique, pace, and positional flexibility.

The Playing XI

#1 Jahangir Shehzad (Goalkeeper)
the twenty two year old goalkeeper Jahangir Shehzad. Who's been always in the bench waiting for their debut match. Jahangir Shehzad is a familiar face to all those who used to follow the Youth football tournaments in Indusse. Jahangir also was a tough contender for Liga Prime's (Indusse's Division One Football League) Golden Gloves. Jahangir was born in the city of Shahzalabad, located seventy six kilometres north of Riveria. He started his career for his school team and then got into the famous college team belonging to Mir Azmal College of Physical Sciences (MACPS). His performance for his college team got him into Sindvpore FC and later to Southbay Riveria FC. Currently, Jahangir is the goalkeeper for Southbay Riveria FC and had replaced Steve in the last season.

#91 Mark Millwood (Defender)
Mark Millwood was born in the town of Parvanaghattapura, in the outskirts of the national capital region of New Hind City. He started his soccer career at the age of twelve where he started playing for his school team and a local football club known as Saviours XI Parvanaghattapura. He later joined the Kala Bharati University Campus and got into the Kala Bharati Campus Team. His excellent performance in the campus team brought him his ticket to New Hind City FC Youth and later to the national team camp. He was later bought by Rockies International Youth and currently plays for Rockies International FC in Indusse's First division league, Liga Prime.

#6 Jonathan Krege (Defender)
Jonathan Krege was born in the city of New Hind City to the business tycoon Friedrich Krege and is the rightful heir to Krege Industries, a well known multinational giant. Jonathan started his career by playing for his school teams and then for the Kala Bharati Campus Team alongside Mark Millwood. His performance in Kala Bharati team got him into Rockies International Youth and later to Neagra FC Youth. He had to quit Neagra FC Youth due to issues regarding his pay and was left in the transfer market as a free agent until he was bought by Cheralam Masters Youth. His career in Cheralam was short lived and at the age of nineteen he was bought by Salingam United FC. From then his performance improved to an extraordinary level where he was invited to play for the National Youth Team. His performance in the Nationals as well as for Salingam have brought him the ticket to the national team.

#13 Mathias Paulson (Defender)
Mathias Paulson born to a wealthy Syrian Christian family in Southbay. He wasn't a soccer maniac or something, who would have started playing for clubs before teenage. He started playing at the age of fifteen for several local clubs including his school and college clubs. After this Sport Medicine graduation from Saint Louis Holiness College in Jawaruyah, he got a mail from the Jawaruyah XI FC for being a defence and fitness co trainer. With his outmost hardwork in the game, he soon won a lot of awards and got a call from Rockies International FC for being their defender. He soon left Jawaruyah for Rockies Islands, it was his perfect defending which let the club rise from Division to to Primary Division tournament Liga Prime. The Team reached top three of the primary division tournament after his arrival and he also received a lot of awards for his play. With his arrival in Liga Prime and as a successor to former Rockies Defender Maryland Bruno (Maryland is his nickname because he used to run a cookie brand called Maryland Food), he got into the radar of National team selectors. He later got the call of the selectors to join the national team camp which was the turnover in his career. He soon became a well known defender in the nation and the captain of Rockies International FC.

#4 Manu Nair (Defender)
Manu Nair, born as Mannankatt Raman Manu Nair in the city of Salingam is a nineteen year old youth product of the national youth team. He started his career playing for his school team and a local football team known as Dairagiri FC. His performance in Dairagiri FC got him into Salingam United FC Youth in the age of sixteen and when he got to be eighteen years old, he was officially added to the Liga Prime Transfer Market and was bought by Southbay Riveria FC and is currently getting trained to be a permanent member of the club's defence. Manu's excellent performance in the national selection camp has ensured his spot in the national team even though they're a rookie to professional football.

#76 Mahadev Bhattacharya (Mid Fielder)
Mahadev Bhattacharya is a twenty four year old who was born in Indraprastha to Kailashnath Bhattacharya, the Indussean coaching maestro who is known for his coaching of erstwhile Royal Hind City FC (Currently, New Hind City FC), Indussean Women's Team and also coaching the Palm Island Club, Palingh Rovers FC. Since his father was literally a well known soccer coach he was brought into the path of soccer at a very young age. He started to chase his soccer dreams at the age of six where he was enrolled into a local football coaching center which had weekly coaching classes by his father. Gaining basic coaching at the center, he got into the school team and later to his college team. His performance for the school team, got him a ticket to join the local football giants, Maharajas FC. His performance got him a seat in the Maharajas College where he pursued his bachelor degree. Maharajas FC shaped his career, where he was brought by Sindvpore FC to play for their youth team and later for the senior team. His performance for Maharajas FC had already put him in the books of the selectors and his extraordinary performance for Sindvpore helping them to win the FFI Confederations Trophy and FFI League of Victors opened his way to the national camp.

#14 Djetson Hazle (Mid Fielder)
Born as Djetson Hazlett to Dr. Henry Hazlett and Maria Henry in Sindvpore, Djetson change his surname at the age of sixteen to Hazle for joining film industry since there was a prominent star "Philip Hazlett" existing. He couldn't do much in the film industry, which changed his route into football. He played for the national U-18 team due to his absolutely commendable performance for his club Sindvpore FC. His performance also brought him into the national team and got himself as.a key player. He still plays for Sindvpore FC and took part in the Championship of FFI. He is married to Katherine Hazlett, daughter of film star Philip Hazlett. Katherine is also a prominent film star in Indusse. Hazle also took part in futsal and also tried a hand in hockey. But he later realised that he was made for professional soccer.

#12 Rahul B Kumar (Forward)
Rahul B Kumar was born to the legendary soccer star, Baskar H Kumar as his only child in Derasar, Hind. Derasar is an offshore resort island owned by Baskar Kumar and David Beckem. Rahul was born to him when he and his wife was spending their vacation in Derasar. Rahul was send to Valley Bound International School in New Hind City to complete his primary education. At the age of 8, he got himself in the school's junior team and his performance got him to be the captain and at age of 12 as the School team's captain. Just like his father, Rahul took the path to be a striker and sharpshooter. At the age of 15, he got to be part of Hind City FC's B Team and also the Under-16 National Team. His colleague Goblin Grundjee got themselves to the national team. His performance for the under-16s and 19s brought them to the spotlight making way to the national team. They currently play for Neagra FC in the Liga Prime and at the same time they're taking BTech in Sanātana Dharma College, Hind City.

#7 Bechun Butea (Forward)
Once the best substitute to Baskar Kumar, now he faces a lot of competition from his fellow mates out there.Born to the family of footballers, Bechun didn't face any difficulty to choose his career. At the age of seven, his father admitted him to a local coaching center and with the basic skills got him into the Sindvpore Football Federation Training Center. Bechun's father was Takawilaka Butea, who got elected as the President of Sindvpore Football Federation. Bechun played his first professional match for Sindvpore FC and got transferred into Southbay Riveria FC. He later scored a lot of Goals opening his way to the national camp. He played as a captain substitute and vice captain of the national team and captain of Southbay Riveria FC until Baskar Kumar joined. He also played a major role in the Goblin Humanoid Project which created Goblin Grundjee, who's the first non human national player in Indusse. A football goblin was Bechun's idea. He also got the National Sports Academy Mentor post and is currently the cheif mentor of U-18 national team. His brother, Lalguvasara is the coach of Malta FC and his son Jackson Butea is playing for Sindvpore FC under 18 team.

#11 Antonio Mersiás (Forward)
The second youngest recruit in the camp, Antonio Mersiás is a well known youth idol in the nation. He was the captain of Indussean youth team in the Sporting World Cup. He led the team into the semi finals of the tournament till they lost to Starblaydia's young guns. He was born in Karadawadi, a county in Dhalopura to Francis Antony, who was a carpenter and Selina Francis. He lived as a poor kid going to the village school who wasn't so good at academics but bright in sports. His quality sporting skills caught the eyes of the headmaster there, who admitted him to the local football training sessions. The headmaster soon send him to the Jawal-Biesse the nearest city for his studies. He played for the Jawal-Biesse FC for three years and captained the team until he was called to play for the Dhalopura FC. He got selected to the U-18 team as soon as he played his first match for Dhalopura FC. His quality play in the club also got him promoted as the captain of the youth team. His awesome, historical performance for the youth team got him a quick ticket to the National Team Camp. He is currently an important part of the national team who cannot be replaced easily.

#100 Goblin Grundjee (Forward)
Goblin Grundjee who is the first ever non-human sportsperson from Indusse. The Grundjee's are one of the families of the Goblin species that was created by the scientists by DNA Modelling. The scientists created a new race of Goblins through gene editing and combining the DNAs of Humans with certain animals and Algae. The goblin species were divided into three families were Grundjees are one of the major part. The other two families are called Mithys and Auris. The current members of the grundjee family is Colonel Grundjee who is a Colonel in the royal army of Indusse. The gene of colonel Grundjee was created by merging the genes of three colonels of the army with the genes of a eagle and the green algae. The green algae plays a necessary role in getting the green Color of the skin. The other member is Goblin Grundjee who is currently playing for the juniors. His gene was created by merging the genes of David Bekem, a former football and of a wild horse. The green algae is also a necessary part of the composition. The grundjee family has the green composition of skins due to green algae. Whereas, Mithys has a brownish red skin due to the presence of Blue-green Algae with Iron sediments, Auris family has the skin Color of a normal human as there isn't any presence of algae. The skin textures and patterns of the goblins are same as the humans and the color is the only thing that can discriminate it with humans. The scientific community believe that the goblin race will create revolution in the world of science. The creation of Goblin Grundjee was overseen by fellow player Bechun Butea who also played a major role in bringing Grundjee as a experimental player. Well, Grundjee is currently one of the best strikers the nation has seen.

Home Ground

The Aditya Varma Kulashekara International Stadium, is home to the Flocking Blues and is the largest sports stadium in the nation. The Aditya Varma Kulashekara International Stadium can hold 131,561 spectators in normal cases. The most attendance recorded for an event in the stadium was 148,241 spectators. This historical event happened long before the current stadium had been built. The former stadium known as IFA International Stadium had just a capacity of 108,112 and the event was the Sworn-in of Baskar H Kumar as the first president of the Indusse. In other words, the sworn in was also the same as the nation's independence day. The most spectators for a match was recorded as 118,232 spectators for a match between Indusse and Pratapgadh which was once a derby match.

This Stadium was built first by Aditya Varma Kulashekara, the emperor of Indusse at his reign. The stadium was built as part of giving the Indussean Football Association, a home ground. The Stadium at its beginning had a capacity of 62,122 spectators and was later increased to 97,783. The Stadium also in the past hosted the home matches of Royal Hind City FC (Currently, New Hind City FC) and Hind United FC (Currently dissolved). The Hind United FC got dissolved into Royal Hind City FC and the club through enough funding brought some land near the Darbar Halls and built a stadium there which currently serves as their home ground and the nation's secondary home ground. The IFA Stadium was built close to the Hind River and was surrounded by small forests. The place then known to be Kadaathaaaru was chosen for the stadium, the name literally meant to be "Forest River". The stadium continued to host the nation's home matches until the IFA was disbanded after the invasion of the Islamic Conquerors. The Dari Sultanate rulers took over the nation and placed a ban on all sort of native entertainment including music and sports. The stadium was taken under the custody of the Dari Military and was converted into a arena to propagate Dari Propoganda. The Stadium was renamed as Neimat Abdullah Arena and the capacity was increased to 108,112. The Neimat Abdullah Arena also became the public execution grounds of Natives in Indusse. The Dari Supressed Native Freedom Fighters were beheaded, hanged and shot dead at these grounds. After the Independence, the stadium was renamed as IFA Stadium and held the nation's first independence day celebrations. After a few years, it was renamed to Aditya Varma Kulashekara International Stadium and the capacity was increased to 131,561. The Government then also decided to set up a monument for the natives who were killed by the supression. The Divya Azadi Stambh (Divine Freedom Pillar) located in the stadium complex is the so called monument. This Pillar is an important part of the nation's independence day celebrations.

NT Kits

The Kits have been designed by the Dantopian Kitmakers Nerio.
Nerio is a Dantopian athletic apparel company. They manufacture a wide variety of sporting goods, including football kits. All of Nerio's football kits are created exclusively with 100% polyester sourced from ocean plastics, as part of Nerio's 'cliMATE' campaign.


Style Modifier: +2

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my starting lineup: N
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: N
Godmod other events: N

Please Note: The Image used for the stadium is AI Generated. The age of the players are not updated, kindly refrain from mention their ages in any roleplays.

Issue Author: #1428
IAC 13 Champions

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Ile de Richelieu
Posts: 127
Founded: Sep 11, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Ile de Richelieu » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:57 am


Richelieu Øy Fotballag
Équipe nationale de football d'Île de Richelieu

Nation Information
Full Name: Fri Stat av Richelieu Øy
Capital: Sankt Hans Havn or Port Saint-Jean
Demonym: Richelois or Richelisk
Nickname: Bears

Short Nation History:

Île de Richelieu (formerly known as Jan Mayen Island) was discovered by Dutch explorers early in the 17th century and served as a whaling base until it was abandonned. France claimed the island in the 19th century and renamed it Île de Richelieu (Richelieu Island) but the island's jurisdiction was finally given to Norway. The French speaking majority, led by the clergy, declared the independence of Île de Richelieu in 1948.

However, in winter 2024-25, during the Independents Championship 20, the nation was the theater of a military Coup d'État made by the Nasjonal Patriotisk Front av Richelieu Øy (NPFRO) and it's leader, Ragnhild Østerberg. Former Cardinal of Île de Richelieu, Jean-René De la Sablonnière, his wife and his older son, Jean-William De la Sablonnière, an 18 years old professional football player, all died in the Coup d'État. Many French speaking Richelois fled the nation and dispersed themselves all over the multiverse.

Football History:

KPB Rank: 70th
Overall record: 50-26-56

Independents Cup 17: 1-2-1
Baptism of Fire 80: 4-2-3
WC 93 Qualifications: 5-7-10
Cup of Harmony 85: 1-0-4
Independents Cup 18: 3-1-3
WC 94 Qualifications: 5-4-11
Independents Cup 19: 3-0-3
WC 95 Qualifications: 7-2-4
Independents Cup 20: 2-1-2
WC 96 Qualifications: 6-2-4
Independents Cup 21: 3-0-2
WC 97 Qualifications: 5-5-6
Independents Cup 22: 5-0-2

Jenna Raven Cup IV: 6-0-1*, Cup champions
Jenna Raven Cup V: 3-1-2*

* Jenna Raven Cup record not counted in overall record.

Most Caps		        Caps		Most Goals		        Goals		Most Assists		        Assists
Rose-Émilie Bouthillette 126 Rose-Émilie Bouthillette 63 Ulfhild Lillegard-Omdahl 35
Bjørnar Grendahl-Kalberg 121 Asbjørn Lillegard-Omdahl 33 Asbjørn Lillegard-Omdahl 30
Ragnhild Austad 116
Jean-Christophe Gouin 29 Marc-Antoine Desgroseilliers 23
Valkyrie Dahlen 111 Marc-Antoine Desgroseilliers 25 Ragnhild Austad 21
Ulfhild Lillegard-Omdahl 98 Ulfhild Lillegard-Omdahl 24 Valkyrie Dahlen 19
Asbjørn Lillegard-Omdahl 97 Valkyrie Dahlen 13 Cassandra Bellerose-Desbois 14

Marc-Antoine Desgroseilliers 86 Borghild Eggum 13 Jean-Christophe Gouin 5
Hjalmar Boberg 85 Ragnhild Austad 8 Tristan Charbonneau 5
Jean-Christophe Gouin 84 Cassandra Bellerose-Desbois 5 Rose-Émilie Bouthillette 5
Rasmus Hammer 83 Two players 3 5 Players 2

Active players in bold.

Note: Desgroseilliers, Gouin and Charbonneau left the island following the Coup d'État.

Home Stadium

Norwegian name: Bjørnefjellets Nasjonalstadion
French name: Stade national de la montagne de l'ours
English name: Bear Mountain National Stadium
Capacity: 11,569
Location: Sankt Hans Havn (Port Saint-Jean), Richelieu Øy


The Bjørnefjellets Nasjonalstadion has been build specifically for international matches. Île de Richelieu's population is 543 since the Coup d'État, so, with a capacity of 11,569, a little more than 10,000 foreign football fans can attend the games!

The stadium has 3 stands. East Side stand, West Side stand and North Endline Stand. There is a small VIP stand on the south endline and the pressbox is located on the south endline as well. The stadium has lights on the four corners so evening games can be played. The stadium doesn't have a video board, nor a scoreboard.

Île de Richelieu's population is 543. The largest city and capital city is Sankt Hans Havn (Port Saint-Jean) and one third of the island's population lives in the city (182). The city have a few upscale restaurants along with fast food restaurants and some local pubs. Beer is largely consumed on the island and Richelois likes to get around at the local pub after work.

The island only have one hotel and it may cause a problem if 10,000 football fans are coming. The only hotel on the island is a 124 room SpringHill Suites by Marriott located in the old Port Saint-Jean and half of hotel will be reserved for the visiting team (players, staff and media) who will have 50 rooms at their disposal. The remaining rooms (74) will be sold at a high price for football fans. The island also has a dozen of guesthouses that ranges from 1 to 8 rooms each. Football fans will have to bring their tents and sleeping bags and camp on the outskirts of the town!

île de Richelieu has a hyperoceanic polar climate with a Köppen classification of ET (polar with tundra), sometimes reckoned as EM (maritime polar). Seasonal temperature variations are extremely small considering the latitude of the island, with ranges from around 6 °C (43 °F) in July/August to −4 °C (25 °F) in February/March. The highest recorded temperature in the summer was 18.1 °C (64.6 °F) in june and the lowest recorded temperature was -28.4 °C (-19.1 °F) in february. Being located inside the arctic circle, île de Richelieu experiences sun light almost all day long in the summer and darkness almost all day long in the winter.


Manager: Ragnarok Wahlberg
Assistant: Pierre-François Marcoux
Assistant: Thorgunn Strømsheim
Entraîneur des gardiens: Marie-Josée Gaspard
Physiothérapeutre: Gertrud Sundheim


Captain: Bjørnar Grendahl-Kalberg
Penalty Taker: Rose-Émilie Bouthillette
Corners (left): Valkyrie Dahlen
Corner (right): Ragnhild Austad
Free Kicks: Asbjørn Lillegard-Omdahl or Ulfhild Lillegard-Omdahl

Formation 3-5-2


1	GK	Bjørnar Grendahl-Kalberg 30	Viking FK Hammerfest
31 GK Kjell Thorstad 33 Port Saint-Jean FC
61 GK Marianne Davies 28 Port Saint-Jean FC

Side Defenders
21	SD	Mamadou Ndiaye	        26	A.S. Saint-Ours
5 SD Hjalmar Boberg 31 Viking FK Hammerfest

20 SD Carolanne Lacouture 31 Port Saint-Jean FC
25 SD Lotte Berger 25 Viking FK Hammerfest

Central Defenders
2	CD	Vladimir Gutierrez Salazar 24	A.S. Saint-Ours
3 CD Pierre-Alexandre Sorensen 25 Port Saint-Jean FC
44 CD/SD Hugo Denommée 34 Port Saint-Jean FC
16 CD/SD Katarina Sundby 32 Viking FK Hammerfest
8 CD Rasmus Hammer 35 A.S. Saint-Ours

Side Midfielders
15	SM	Ragnhild Austad 	28	Port Saint-Jean FC
26 SM Tor Øivind Urdahl 22 Viking FK Hammerfest
47 SM Erika Hegstad 28 Viking FK Hammerfest

Central Midfielders
10	ACM/SM	Ulfhild Lillegard-Omdahl 27	Viking FK Hammerfest  
11 ACM Asbjørn Lillegard-Omdahl 27 Viking FK Hammerfest
12 CM/SM Cassandra Bellerose-Desbois 23 Port Saint-Jean FC
7 CM/SM Valkyrie Dahlen 31 Trollshavn SK

99 CM Xavier Maisonneuve-Tranchemontagne 21 Trollshavn SK
77 DCM Astrid Kjellberg 26 Viking FK Hammerfest
70 CM Jean-Michel Schneider 31 A.S. Saint-Ours
25 CM Jessica Ronningen 27 Trollshavn SK

9	S	Rose-Émilie Bouthillette 32	Viking FK Hammerfest  
40 S Borghild Eggum 33 Trollshavn SK

19 S Vanessa Barriault 33 Port Saint-Jean FC
88 S Knut Olav Aasgaard 20 Viking FK Hammerfest

Style Modifier: +2

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
Puppet of United States of Nova Calania / Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove

KPB rank: 70th

1st place: Jenna Raven Cup IV

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Posts: 297
Founded: Feb 02, 2024
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Edsmon Roster

Postby Edsmontik » Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:24 am


The Team


Style Modifier

BoF84 Champions
Qualified in 1st WC Attempt

Historic Games
First International: Image Edsmontik 1-4 Geektopia @ Arrpont Stadium, Arrpont, Skejiver, EDS Image (Friendly)
First Win: Image Edsmontik 4-2 Panay Islands & G. @ Paulino Alcántara Stadium, Iloilo City, Federal Canton, IPG (Friendly)
Biggest Win: Image Edsmontik 6-2 New Fernia @ Touve Sußerarenæ, Touve, Austrankank, EDS Image (WC97Q)
Biggest Loss: Image Edsmontik 0-6 Juvencus Image @ ???, Tanirinthia Image (IAC21)

Midfield Pressure (Far and high passes from the center to the other side of the pitch)
Wing Play (Passing along the wing, extremely quick passing between center and wings)
Clock's Ticking (Keeping the ball in the back, passing only to evade attackers, followed by sudden attacks)

Starting Lineup



Edsmontik has brought a squad of 25 players to the Xandrian Sea for the 98th World Cup
The color indicates a starting player.
All players are male.
A bolded position is a position a player is currently playing in, the other is their secondary position. (Some may have more than one)


Name Role Age

Dav der-Ghavyr Manager 46
Rechois Voidemryk Attack 44
Suber Beneraskt Defense 53
Vykren der-Tylvan Set Pieces 48.


No. Name Position(s) Team Age

9. Vlakish Bervaign ST/CF/CAM Austranviige Ckinq 23
22. Sravagn Utravak ST/CF/CAM Lersterviige Arkvlaken 25
18. Vioraad Reiovus ST Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 19
20. Maven Recihkt CF/LW/ST Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 22
17. Marvic Svaardaen CF/CAM Woodhill Jehikkenmik 18
10. Maartin Stuero [C] CF/RW/ST Austranviige Ckinq 24
13. Seu Fotserr CF/RW/ST Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 25.


No. Name Position(s) Team Age

8. Lajiflak Fruedenne LM Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 28
14. Kyv Wejikaj LM/CM/LW Touve Tajhav 25
7. Reus Aespana LM/LW/CM Austranviige Ckinq 25
11. Maktholm Ghreksbvy RM/CM Viathyn Park AFC (TKT) 22
25. Odem Reuhans RM/CM/CDM Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 24
6. Darion Ystermakt CM/CDM Vaux Rejhaflik 23
2. Oddevre Zeukalmen CM Woodhill Jehikkenmik 17.


No. Name Position(s) Team Age

3. Steus Kizani LB Austranviige Ckinq 25
6. Reus Dalsen LB Srechatang Horsaalien 20
15. Vlakken Jervanois RB Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 25
29. Jolsen Vikral RB Srechatang Horsaalien 29
4. Ivikt Javarkqa CB Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 23
32. Mavkrav der-Suiozkeafter CB Austranviige Ckinq 24
41. Lerden Shouzvenkreden CB Reichan De-Walvarj 19
26. Jerav Travdt CB Vaux Rejhaflik 32.


No. Name Position(s) Team Age

77. Elterhad der-Stoiuben GK Lersterviige Arkvlaken 19
1. Sabmar Lankiv GK Emprijaal Wyzvrikon 23
23. Recha der-Zyfragken GK Reichan De-Walvarj 23.

Keep An Eye On:
Not one FDVL Vdesmon has ever had the chance to brag about leaving the country.
But Maktholm just had his luck.
And for 6 million Vdesmonyvus, or 3 million NSD, he's living out the life in Tikariot.
With his new training, away from miserably failing Touve Tajhav, he cannot wait to begin his next season.
Shown almost instantly at the revived Touve Suberarenae, his pals think he might have gotten too good.


The Karmic Republic of Edsmontik is located in the very Northeastern tip of Karma, bordering the East Karman Ocean.
It is home to approximately 197 million people, which mostly live in the densely populated cities of Touve, Woodhill, Yaneu, and more.
The Edsmon population is diverse, full of people from every corner of Karma and other regions around the multiverse.
People commonly come to the nation to witness the ice-cold winters in Skejiver and Northeviige-Tretovikenhanz, the beautiful beaches of the coastal cities, and the massive sports events that range from stock car racing to football/soccer and handball.

Being so far north, the summers are mild temperatures, barely going past 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the warmest areas.
Winters can be freezing, especially up in Skejiver and N.T., with temperatures dropping as low as -7 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sports have had a long history in the nation, beginning as far back as 1881 when the Independent State of Vdes was founded.
In the early 1900s, the nation evolved into the Vdes Union, and then to modern day Edsmontik.
Sports boomed during this time, with people looking for ways to entertain themselves.

Touve Suberarenae
Located in southeastern Touve in Austrankank, the Touve Suberarenae is this WC's Edsmon stadium.
Looking at its former shell just last year, what it fits now is simply not able to be compared to.
Edsmontik has done a lot; and they'll be showing it through their new and first 100,000 seats stadium.
Following the Suberarenae will soon be every other major stadium- to possibly house 75000-90000 fans each.
The new Suberarenae is built partially into the ground and will be Touve Tajhav's home stadium starting the 2031 season.
It is estimated that 100,870 people will be able to sit in this stadium.


Set Pieces
(In order of who takes)
PENALTY SHOOTOUT: M. Stuero, M. Rehcikt, M. Ghreksbvy, V. Bervaign, L. Fruedenne
CORNERS: V. Jervanois, V. Bervaign, M. Ghreksbvy
FREEKICKS: L. Fruedenne, V. Bervaign, V. Jervanois

Kit Designs (Crafted by Xetric)

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
I would prefer you choose these scorers: V. Bervaign, M. Stuero, M. Ghreksbvy
Godmod scoring events: No
RP injuries to my players: Yes (Non-Career Ending)
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes (Max: 3)
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes (Max: 1)
Godmod other events: No
Generate stadium happenings: Yes[/box]

MD1: Edsmontik v. Cafu & Malaguay (UR) @ Cafu & Malaguay Home Stadium
MD2: Edsmontik v. Safiloa (291) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD3: Edsmontik v. Banija (13) @ Mavuto Field, Hoima, Ankole, Banija (75,000)
MD4: Edsmontik v. Auprussia (95) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD5: Edsmontik v. Sargossa (30) @ Sargossa Home Stadium
MD6: Edsmontik v. Pyazhnaya (74) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD7: Edsmontik v. Brusseldorf (120) @ Brusseldorf Home Stadium
MD8: Edsmontik v. Cafu & Malaguay (UR) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD9: Edsmontik v. Safiloa (291) @ Safiloa Home Stadium
MD10: Edsmontik v. Banija (13) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD11: Edsmontik v. Auprussia (95) @ Coeur de Sassen Alexia, Auprussia (60,000)
MD12: Edsmontik v. Sargossa (30) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD13: Edsmontik v. Pyazhnaya (74) @ Pyazhnaya Home Stadium
MD14: Edsmontik v. Brusseldorf (120) @ Touve Suberarenae, Touve, Austrankank, Edsmontik (100,870)
MD1: Edsmontik v. Flavovespia (9) @ Mount Fortress, Oriannor, Khazagh, Tikariot (54,000)
MD2: Edsmontik v. Zenic (23) @ Mount Fortress, Oriannor, Khazagh, Tikariot (54,000)
MD3: Edsmontik v. West Vdara (80) @ Oceanview Stadium, Port Rhovanyon, Tikariot (63,000)
Ro32: Edsmontik v. Valentine Z (61) @ Mastad Poldanza, Polan, Qusmo (60,333)
Ro16: Edsmontik v. Kelssek (3) @ Yübao, Nangang, Yuezhou (65,000)
QF: Edsmontik v. Sarzonia (28) @ Mastad Atlova, Atlem, Qusmo (61,125)
SF: Edsmontik v. Crpostran (32) @ Mastad Qusma, Qanz, Qusmo (80,000)
3PPO: Edsmontik v. Tanirinthia (11) @ Zube Olympic Stadium, Zube, The Kytler Peninsulae (61,093)

(Scroll to the bottom for the next lineup)
Last edited by Edsmontik on Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:01 pm, edited 30 times in total.
TRIGRAMME: EDS | DENONYM: Edsmon or Vdes | POPULATION: 197,960,000 | NEWSWIRE: streggvalkligges.eds
SECONDARY NATIONS: Wedich, Stivira, Taya-Frieland
BOF84 Champions, TIC1 Host

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The 14 Stars
Posts: 320
Founded: Jul 15, 2018
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The 14 Stars » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:53 am

Starsian Football Team

The Blue Wolves


Style mod +1,5

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
I would prefer you choose these scorers:
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: Yes
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes
Generate stadium happenings: Yes

Team Management
Coach: Coach: Keira Walcott (53) (Sylestone)
Assistant Coach: Christine Dunne (49)
Coach Attack: Victor Demonio (54)
Coach Defense: Klara Jenssen (43)
Coach Goalkeepers: Tom Feeney (41)

Team Medic: Elay Rodham (43)
Physio: Tessa Gardner (44)
Scout: Troy Rockwell (52)

The team

GK - Daniel O'Keith (32) Blizzard Academy (2 caps)
GK - Liv Dahl (25) Blue Lagoon
GK - Emily Davis (26) Avidia United Krytenia (44 caps)

LB - Petra Rafaelov (32) Amazona United (26 caps)
LB - Daniel Flores (22) Phoenix United (3 caps)
LB - Maddie Saturn (31) Equinox United (41 caps 1 goal)
CB - Jade Williams (31) Blizzard Academy (23 caps 1 goal)
CB - Naimee Chiruchu (29) Ancient Forest FC (1 cap)
CB - Gideon Nightwalker (25) Ludogorets Markovsky, Abanhfleft (3 caps)
CB - Federico Zaratti (34) Phoenix United (67 caps)
CB - Clara Pérez (22) Phoenix United (2 caps 1 goal)
CB - Freja Olsen (28) Pontmeosont Auprussia (22 caps 1 goal)
RB - Eva Weber (27) Alexia Auprussia (11 caps 1 goal)
RB - Alena Hendricks (19) Cascade Academy (1 cap)
RB - Grace Edwards (29) Pegasus Orb (40 caps)

LM - Ozan Karazhan (33) Desert Lions (16 caps)
LM - Alessio Caruso (25) Athletic Dorfdifving, Abahnfleft
LM - Lina Hansen (24) Blizzard Academy (36 caps 4 goals)
CM - Beatrice Fiore (26) Pegasus Orb (3 caps)
CM - Selena Corson (24) (Nagato Spirit) Riena (6 caps 1 goal)
CM - Joy Sol (32) Equinox United (59 caps 6 goals)
RM - Layla Raharinaivo (32) Amazona United (61 caps 7 goals)
RM - Johanna Koch (23) Storm Wolves (4 caps)
RM - Matthias Weber (26) Star Unicorn (2 caps)

LW - Justin Collins (26) Alexia Auprussia
LW - Iris Olivier (23) Amazona United (13 caps 10 goals)
LW - Elizabeth Phillips (28) Pegasus Orb (39 caps 12 goals)
ST - Paula Nuñez (22) Phoenix United
ST - Kai Schulz (30) Ancient Forest (40 caps 18 goals)
ST - Lukas Lauritzen (19) Blizzard Academy (7 caps 9 goals)
RW - Sarah Huber (23) Storm Wolves (5 caps 1 goal)
RW - Kimora Frazier (18) Cascade Academy (7 caps 8 goals)
RW - Kira Blade (36) Cascade Academy (92 caps, 19 goals)

Team Information

Player Noted here below are regular starters, if under any cirucumstances they can't play any name can be filled in as long as its the same postion as the player who is missing.
If you are unsure on what to do you can always TG me.
Standard Line-up: (expected starters) if there is any diffrence in the line up i will let you know beforehand either through DM on discord or by TG on Nationstates.

GK - Emily Davis
LB - Maddie Saturn
CB - Federico Zaratti (Captain)
CB - Gideon Nightwalker
RB - Eva Weber
LM - Lina Hansen
CM - Selena Corson
RM - Layla Raharinaivo (vice-captain)
LW - Elizabeth Phillips
ST - Paula Nuñez
RW - Kimora Frazier


Recent history

The Starsian National Football Team is The 14 Stars's national squad in association soccer competitions for national associations across the entire multiverse world of soccer.
There have been alot of changes since their last appearance in the World Cup 97 run which made them known on the international stage with most importantly Kira Blade the best player in Starsian history no longer being an international causing a huge amount of outrage from fans and experts.

With the current last series of results the team has worked hard to establish itself as both a regional and a global powerhouse under the great leadership of Keira Walcott.
Curretly one generation is passing the torch to another and most recently the best player of the country Kira Blade announced her end as an international marking a historic moment and a great loss for the sport.
With 92 matches and 19 goals scored shes been at every important moment in the teams history, her father who was back then the coach already called it that he selected her for her skill not her name and she proved that.
Now with her gone the team has to pick up the pieces, Federico Zaratti a long time veteran has stepped up to take the leading role after being good friends with Kira for years.

With new talent emerging too the competition for a place in the national team has been more fierce then ever before with so many young talents seeking for a place within that glorious team.
Our team has a large group of players but still alot of them will never make their debut, for those chosen now either starts a new cycle of international football or perhaps its the beginning of their journey as international.

Tactical Set-Up

The Starsian side is a very skilled team with a very high team chemistry and morale combining it with their quick paced game they are an opponent for all teams to watch out for due to their offensive style.
They play in a 4-3-3 which through the match can be changed to various other formations suiting the game that they play however they are an offensive team loving to have possesion of the ball.
It is know the Starsian team loves game control, taking the initiative and play their best, they are more willing to play a great game of soccer rather then simply getting a good result.

Left Corner Taker: Lina Hansen
Right Corner Taker: Lina Hansen
Penalties: Elizabeth Phillips
Direct FK Taker: Elizabeth Phillips
Indirect FK Taker: Layla Raharinaivo
Most likely to foul/be booked: Eva Weber
Most likely to shoot: Paula Nuñez
Most likely to score from close-range: Paula Nuñez
Most likely to score from long-range: Elizabeth Phillips
Most likely to be fouled: Elizabeth Phillips
Most likely to attempt the spectacular: Paula Nuñez

Star players


Lina Hansen
Lina Hansen has already proved herself to be a stable player within the starting 11 of our national team but she is starting to really become a key player for the Starsian National team.
With a very young debut match a few years ago due to the lack of good players on her position she was given the chance to prove herself and prove she did as she has been valuable to the offense in many situations, shes young a very creative player and also knows how to work together with her fellow midfielders.
Lina is also very good things like corners and free kicks being the corner taker for the team, she is quick and is good at moving the ball between the offensive and defensive lines.
With her experience growing she is becoming a strong force in the team, her only potential weak spot is that she is a pretty small person and as such is likely to lose aerial duels with her opponents but she compensates this with her ability to be fast and think quickly in pressure situations.


Federico Zaratti
One of the very few players on the defense with long years of experience, Federico is the son of Gianna Zaratti who also played for our team and was a very good midfielder back in the old days.
Sadly Federico has seen the rise and fall of Starsian football and had to deal with an inexperienced team that has quality but not the right mentality and had to work its way up the ranks and the motivational ladder again.
Federico is a very skillled defender and most likely the best one currently around, his experience is the core of the defense and he is also the team's vice captain leading the defense and sharing his experience with younger defenders.


Paula Nuñez
Paula is a relatively new and unknown name within the international world of soccer but within our borders she in the last season has shown great skill and brought Phoenix with her goals to the league title.
Her strong preformance last season and the fact they reached an IFCF final with Phoenix because of her earned her a place as a starter at merely 22 years old as the veteran Kai Schulz remains inconsistent.
Many fans hope that Paula can become more known to the international audience and that her skill at Phoenix will also be seen here on the field for the national team, the Starsian fans are longing for a consistently good striker.
With her young age she immediately becomes a key player as the main striker and because she at her young age has already achieved things that some others might chase for their entire careers, this international cycle will be her true test and her debut on the international stage and we can only hope that she is ready for the challenge.


Emily Davis

Goalkeeper Emily Davis is the personification of quality goalkeeping, she is calm and steadfast a reliable pillar of support for the entire team and a top class goalkeeper mentored by Calvin Princeton who is currently in his last active season.
Emily as a rookie ended up with Calvin, she was a rough diamond very talented but also very on her toes and tense because she wasn't confident and did not wanna mess up at all costs.
She learned overtime to be calm and confident and now is about the most calm and relaxed person on the team as she plays for Avidia United in the nation of Krytenia with whom she achieved two championships.
Shes by everyone known as the new main goalkeeper for years to come, shes still young and its expected that Emily Davis will play an important role in the development of the team aswell as in supporting her defenders.
Emily in the team is very appreciated, off the field she can be a bit of a goofball at times but she lights up the mood and brings a good atmosphere at all times making her with right one of the star players.

Team Kits

Starsian Football kit is provided by Dantopia's Nerio and all credits go ofcourse to Dan and Nerio!

Nerio is a Dantopian athletic apparel company. They manufacture a wide variety of sporting goods, including football kits. All of Nerio's football kits are created exclusively with 100% polyester sourced from ocean plastics, as part of Nerio's 'cliMATE' campaign.


Stadium Information

All Starsian home matches will be played in the Starset stadium created for the national team only with the purpose on training, playing games and living at the complex during the international break.
This complex is equipped with state of the art training technology that the players need to bring out the very best.

The 14 Stars | TFS | 2018-2024 and counting!

- Hansair U18 World Cup 22 Bronze medalist
- World Cup 98 Round of 16

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Posts: 265
Founded: Nov 17, 2021
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Patriotlandia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:22 pm

National Association Football Team

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes, but I prefer choosing the severity.
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes, but message me if it's really out there.

Style modifier:+2

Nation Information
Full Name: The Republic of Patriotlandia
Short Name: Patriotlandia
Capital: Jolicoeur, Province of Abelanne
Demonym: Patriotlandian
Population: 6,614,900
Trigram: PTR

Roster and Staff

Manager: Jean Alexandre Carignan
Preferred formation: 4-4-2
With speed down the wing and finishing talent in the box, the Patriotlandian strategy is to get the ball up the pitch as fast as possible and create from there. They have plenty of playmakers in the midfield to help in transition. The back line prefers to stay back but can still get involved in the play.


Name                        Position        Age        Team                               
Francis Fortinello       ST      26      Union Port-la-Ville           Penalty Taker
Glenn Wils               ST      31      Stade Conflans                
Bertrand Langlais        LW/LM   30      Union Port-la-Ville           
Cécilien Vanoret         CAM     25      (KRY) Caversham               
Elie Manahan             CM      28      (QUE) Swangard Athletic       Captain, Corner Kick Taker
Rosalie Moreau           RM/RW   27      Athletique Alexandrie         
Marc Pierrefond          LB      24      Olympique Yvesmont            
Samuel Dalton            CB      33      Rapides St-Charles            
Hyppolyte Grandhomme     CB      23      Mountaineers United           
Olivier Tomlin           CB/RB   28      Union Port-la-Ville           
Laura O'Neill            GK      27      Stade Conflans                
Lucien Graham            ST      34      Stade Conflans                
Ophélie Dumas            ST      28      Olympique Yvesmont            
Alexandre Desrives       CM/CAM  35      (KOR) SC Sokrona              
Valérie Sault            CM      25      Griffin Isles United          
Gaspard Leroux           LM/LW   24      Grand-Ours Rovers             
Lily Martin              CB      27      Olympique Yvesmont            
Abraham Gelinas          RB/CB   25      AS Couen                      
Jerome Fusilier          CM/RM   32      AS Couen                      
Brie Jacques             LB      27      Rapides St-Charles            
Jérôme Sauveterre        CB      23      Stade Conflans                
Lincoln Green            GK      25      Athletique Alexandrie         

The starting lineup sees a couple new names as Lucien Graham gets relegated to bench duties in favor of Francis Fortinello. The midfield sees the addition of Rosalie Moreau on the right wing after a great performance at the club level. On defense, Hyppolyte Grandhomme and Oliver Tomlin get the nod, replacing Jamie Bromont and Bruno Vaillantcourt.

The stadium for this qualification series spreads the action all across the nation. With a few stadiums having recently been renovated by their respective clubs, teams and fans will enjoy improved amenities and experience.

Parc du Nord
Capacity: 21,000
Description: The northern most stadium in the nation, Parc du Nord is the home of Athletique Alexandrie. The weather often plays a factor with rain and snow being especially common in the fall and winter respectively.

AeroLandia Stadium
Capacity: 25,000
Description: Not far from the capital's downtown area Aerolandia Stadium is a modern venue with a good atmosphere and great views of the action.

Lockhart Lane
Capacity: 28,600
Description: Lockhart Lane has been the home of soccer in the Griffin Isles way before a national league was even an idea. GIU are the latest tenants of the ground and they have brought success to the shores of the small island province. The local fans are loud making it even more difficult for visiting sides.

Republic of Patriotlandia
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Association Football:
BOF80 Quarter Finalists
WCQ97 Scored only goal against Sylestone in the group stage.

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Postby Kronbia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:45 pm


Kronbia men's national football team


Football does not have a large fan base and comes in fourth place after basketball, baseball and boxing. Football began to appear on the island at the end of the eighties and continued as a game played in the streets and squares until 1998, when the first football league was established it consists of 5 teams. The number of teams has reached 8 currently. The sport does not find sufficient financial support due to the lack of audience attendance, the lack of sponsors, and the lack of any channels’ interest in broadcasting the matches.


1. Match in the Eastern Port

2. The Carbuco Massacre

3. Primera Liga Kronbia

4. Rocio de Hielo Scandal

5. Barrio de Arboles disaster

6. Kronbia National Stadium

International record

Baptism of Fire 84: Runners-up

National Stadium

Estadio Cerro del Sol, Ciudad de Halcon
Capacity: 22,000


Coach: Ernesto Francisco José


Preferred Tactic: 4-4-2

Starting 11
No Players Pos
16 Rosendo Porfirio GK
3 Marcio DF
12 Fabricio DF
4 Eric DF
2 Jose DF
6 Ireneo MF
5 Hector MF
18 Valerio MF
8 Justino Vito MF
14 Alfredo Florian FW
10 Ovidio Florencio (C) FW

No Players Pos
1 Arsenio Mauro GK
22 Rafael GK
7 Emigdio DF
15 Oliver DF
13 Francisco DF
17 Gustavo DF
19 Diego MF
20 Bartolome MF
21 Cristian MF
23 Ernesto FW
11 Valentin FW
9 Roberto FW

(C) Captain
(+) Injury

Stars of Team

#10 Ovidio Florencio:
He is the forward of the Santa Rosana Ghosts team, 22 years old, a distinguished player who played in the Asociacion Atletica de Universidades de Kronbia-AAUK for the Coraguna Colegio team and obtained a Bachelor of Commerce. After graduation, he joined the Santa Rosana Ghosts team. He currently works as an accountant at the Banco de Halcones, and is now the national team’s top scorer. After Humberto Benigno and Ismael Gabriel retired, he became the team captain. He is not the oldest player, but he is now the most experienced and skilled and has good leadership skills. He dreams of qualify for the World Cup.


Home / Away


Sponsored by Estrella sportswear

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
I would prefer you choose these scorers: #10 Ovidio Florencio, #8 Justino Vito, #14 Alfredo Florian
Godmod scoring events: No
RP injuries to my players: No
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes (5 max)
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes (1 max)
Godmod other events: No
Generate stadium happenings: (But I need to read it before publishing approval)

Style Modifier: -3

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Postby Loyo » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:46 pm

Loyo Football Team

Manager: Cora Takeshi, 44
Captain: GK Shoji Shou, 32 (Mitsuda City Red Cloud)
Formation: 3-4-1-2
Home Stadium: Susumu Telecommunications Stadium, Sayosona (23,000)

Style Modifier: +2

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: Yes, limit one per game.
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes, keep it reasonable please.
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, see above.
Godmod other events: No

Starting XI
Position, First & Last Name, Age, (Club)

•GK Shoji Shou, 32 (Mitsuda City Red Cloud)
•CB Matias Sastre, 34 (Sokorinovas)
•CB Tone Iami, 28 (Kinnard)
•CB Robin Atlon, 29 (Khanheuser)
•CMF Antony Tah, 31 (Sokorinovas)
•CMF Kai Fritz, 29 (Khanheuser)
•LM Buo Miahosah, 25 (Illusama I.F.C.)
•RM Hakan Duali, 31 (Kinnard)
•CAM Alexsander Clasi, 33 (Khanheuser)
•LST Usui Satoru, 27 (Mitsuda City Red Cloud)
•RST Ben Seel, 23 (Mitsuda City Red Cloud)

Bench/Reserve Players

•GK Max Kenley, 29 (Illusama I.F.C.)
•GK Cody Kaede, 27 (Khanheuser)

•WB Alasej Ovij, 29 (Illusama I.F.C.)
•WB Miki Stohamae, 26 (Sokorinovas)
•CB Adachi Shiga, 28 (Nambrea)
•CB Bando Hyok, 27 (Mitsuda City Red Cloud)

•MF Misha Kuzmin, 28 (Sokorinovas)
•MF Machai Ken, 30 (Kinnard)
•MF Ohtah Hase, 24 (Mitusda City Red Cloud)

•ST Alik Sokolo, 28 (Illusama I.F.C.)
•ST Arima Modest, 26 (Kinnard)

Loyo returns to the World Cup with a team that shares little resemblance from the team it last appeared with in WC 93. The only remaining player from that squad, Matias Sastre, is now nearing retirement. Old striker Cora Takeshi, always a tactical mind, was selected to coach the new team. While many players are still struggling to get by on their domestic club’s pitiful salaries, most agree that they’re feeling better about the national team's chances for long-term success.

The stout goalkeeper Shoji Shou captains the squad.

On defense, Matias Sastre should give the defense additional leadership, while Tone Iami and Robin Atlon focus on pressuring attackers outside of the box.

Fan favorites Alexsander Clasi and Usui Satoru will certainly need to be on top of their game if the team wants to make a strong showing. Clasi is an excellent playmaker, and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down, partnering well with Hakan Duali on the wing. It was only recently that Duali signed with Kinnard from Khanheuser, so the two should retain their excellent chemistry in the midfield.

Curiously, the team from the People’s Republic of Loyo is financed entirely by capitalists. A new generation of ambitious Loyons, in addition to other groups of foreign entrepreneurs, has poured money into the sport, but this investment had strings attached. Without the support of the People’s National Sporting Committee, the team has had to take on several dozen kit sponsors, which plaster the uniforms of the team, a small national hammer and sickle on the association crest overshadowed by the large logos of steelworks, mining firms and tech companies. The administration of the team is held together with a loose alliance between some of the largest football club owners, who are driven by their own entrepreneurial interests.

Perhaps the only man that could be looked at as an organizational leader for football’s destiny in the country is Illusama International Football Club owner Konno Chiasa, a passionate 74-year-old who lived abroad for many years before returning to make his fortune in Sayosona. His connections within Loyo’s growing business environment are all that holds the national team together, so there’s no doubt that he will be as important, if not more important than the “elder of football” in the country, former national team manager Han Tamada, in influencing the future of Loyon football.
Last edited by Loyo on Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The People's Republic of Loyo
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Winners of the 79th Baptism of Fire
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Postby Zwangzug » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:02 pm

Style: -2

Manager: Gregor Courtenay. In his first cycle as national team manager, Courtenay has not been given much freedom to change up the team's tactical style. During his career with Ephesian FC, he was a true believer in their style of all-out attack (in an unconventional stratagem harkening back to the early days of the national team, Ephesian prefer not to use goalkeepers at all, rules notwithstanding). What this means for his ability to work with a national team drawn from all over the country is unclear.

Thanks to Ko-oren for the three-trait summary approach.

1. Blanche Coogan-Bucknell (Sporting Esper) (f) (first tournament: WC96 Q) distant, artistic, classy
12. Tandre Vusin-Jacques (102d Jr.s) (m) (first tournament: WC95 Q) laid-back, lanky, amusing
23. Tinn Jejue (FTC United) (m) (first tournament: WC97 Q) cranky, babbles, hypochondriac
26. Frank Olmsted (Rovers United) (m) (first tournament: WC97 Q) absentminded, fidgety, makes easy plays hard

2. Sohini Dravid (Namiri Independent) (f) (first tournament: WC97 Q) judgmental, contrarian, polyglot
3. Eileen Gainsborough (Rovers United) (f) (first tournament: WC96 Q) patient, a mentor, doesn't rack up many steps
4. Sullivan Brecht (FTC United) (m) (1 goal) (first tournament: WC96 Q) wide-eyed, supportive, calculating
5. Ernst Guthnick-Wolf (Trebuchet Cham) (m) (3 goals) (first tournament: WC94 Q) rapacious, unkempt, streaky
13. Gretchen Lavenza (FTC United) (f) (first tournament: WC97 Q) flirtatious, selfless, injury-prone
14. John McDonald (Trebuchet Cham) (m) (1 goal) (first tournament: WC95 Q) muscular, peevish, plainspoken
15. Lorraine Rouwen-Horn (Ephesian FC) (f) (first tournament: WC95 Q) better lucky than good, assertive, good at comebacks
16. Lobsang Pokhriyal (Namiri Forest) (m) (first tournament: WC98 Q) keen sense of timing, equinamous, don't-rock-the-boat
25. Diana Schell-Cioban (Excelsior Slogda) (f) (first tournament: WC97 Q) fast, good at headers, camera-shy

6. Beppo Hegesa (FTC United) (m) (6 goals) (first tournament: WC96 Q) anxious, scrappy, condescending
7. Brian Spand-Maunk (Ephesian FC) (m) (10 goals) (first tournament: WC94 Q) multitasker, fidgety, learns from experience
8. Jubilee McGraw (Sporting Esper) (f) (4 goals) (first tournament: WC96 Q) generous, superstitious, forgive-and-forget
9. Nicholas Palmetto (Rovers United) (m) (2 goals) (first tournament: WC96 Q) punctual, speedy, practices hard
10. Harold Carre (Ephesian FC) (m) (4 goals) (first tournament: WC94 Q) showman, iconoclast, insecure
17. Jess McHeran (102d Jr.s) (f) (4 goals) (first tournament: WC95 Q) accommodating, earnest, precise
18. Gabriel Istibar (FTC United) (m) (first tournament: WC97 Q) single-minded, aloof, history-minded
19. Callan Regins-Ybou (Sporting Esper) (m) (first tournament: WC98 Q) potty-mouth, cunning, pet dad
20. Narayan Thorlakson (Namiri Independent) (m) (first tournament: WC98 Q) fastidious, idiosyncratic, musical
21. Chloe Flen-Willis (Ephesian FC) (f) (2 goals) (first tournament: WC97 Q) tall, sociable, rule-bender

11. Stephen Marcus (Ephesian FC) (m) (28 goals) (first tournament: Eagles Cup 15) clever, against-the-run-of-play tactics, prematurely bald [captain]
22. Awidlyon Reed (Keppal Cosmos) (f) (8 goals) (first tournament: WC95 Q): attentive, slight, inscrutable
26. Brunnhilde Lavrans (Ephesian FC) (f) (first tournament: WC98 Q) bruiser, envious, loudmouthed

Numbers 1-11 are the most likely starting eleven, and 24-26 less likely to see playing time unless there are injuries, but do whatever.

Home stadiums: see here for more information about these venues.
MD2 vs. The Holy Empire: ZS^3, Zwischen
MD4 vs. Delaclava: Merle Park, Alden
MD7 vs. Britonisea: Eglantine Park, FTC
MD8 vs. Gopnikea: Palloci Pagoda Park, FTC
MD10 vs. Quakmybush: Eagles' Club, Forbridge
MD12 vs. Osterhalten: Sector 32 Park, Sharag
MD14 vs. Gnejs: Wayr Stadium, Rackham Range

We have a wiki page. (Subpage with player details, subpage with history)

Colors: White with black stripes. Or black with white stripes. We go for the basics.

Zwangzug officially have no nickname, but are increasingly likely to respond to "Zebras" from other teams' fans (this is the official name of their baseball national team).

If RPing first, please feel free to name goalscorers, injure, and distribute cards to my players at will! You can also godmod events, though I'd appreciate advance warning if you want to take narrative liberties that I couldn't just as easily do to your team (due to being, e.g., a mostly-MT, mostly-human country). Put another way, metaphorical "godmodding" is welcome if clever, but I'd avoid the literal sense. Also, do not cause lasting harm in my country and/or to my citizens without contacting me first.
Last edited by Zwangzug on Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:36 pm

The Valentian International Football Association – What's better than 97? 98.


Once more into the fray as the Valentians prepare for World Cup 98! This time, however, Alanis Star will not be making it into the fray, which is a little bit of a shame. Still, it’s completely understandable due to scheduling conflicts, something that even Eveline wasn’t able to get done without much of a repercussions or paradoxes. Anyway, we are here once again, and well, what else to say other than – hey – let’s try our best at getting out of the quails once again! It’s just seems like something that we still cannot punch out of – to be able to get out of the qualifications. Either that, or we could win one match or two only to be utterly annihilated in the knockouts. Still, I believe in them!


The Valentian Kittens' Roster

Team Manager / Captain: Exuberant Superintendent T-2000/2904-3 Surveillant Clarissa Alanis Star Breya « La Amoureux Chéri » Millie Taissa Butterfly Mélody Coraline Jolijn Trini Clementine Hollie Samantha Zeta Harumi.

Current Roster: Formation 4-4-2 / 4 forward, 4 midfielders, 2 defenders, 1 goalkeeper.)

Red = Injured and out, Green = Able to be substituted if you do injure my players; green players in order of preference of substitution.

# 1 - Dawson Joshiah Davidson Brooks Marshall - 239.90 cm - M - 39 - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Alanis Star, Valentine Z
# 2 - Jakov Emile Janessa Mirko Varteks Modrić - 245.72 cm - M - 44 - Varaždin, Croatia, Valentine Z
# 64 - Martina Anastasia Hedvig X. Luna Bukvić - 239.25 cm - F - 40 - Martian Territories of Valentine Z
# 8 - Josief A. Yandi Eko Yohanes Dharmawijaya - 244.12 cm - M - 41 - Gelora, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
# 4 - Eveline Valeria Annalise Tiêu Xuân Ngọc - 242.86 cm - F - 39 - Nam Từ Liêm, Hanoi, Vietnam, Valentine Z

# 3 - Holly Annemiek Gerrieke Van De Hoogte - 240.80 cm - F - 43 - Zaanstad, Netherlands, Victoriaans Nederlands, Valentine Z
# 5 - Elisabetta Enzo Hannah Lodovica D'Elia - 237.71 cm - F - 35 - Florence, Tuscany, Italy, Valentine Z
# 6 - Štěpánka Caitlin Madeline W. Sedláčková - 241.74 cm - F - 38 - Brno, South Moravian, Czech Republic, Valentine Z
# 11 - Kortnev Grigoriy (Grisha) Konstantinovich - 241.08 cm - M - 44 - Saint Petersburg, Russia, Valentine Z
# 7 - Emerson Jamie Taylor Erin Scott Maddox - 238.07 cm - M - 40 - Mankato, Minnesota, United States of America, Voorzichtigheid, Valentine Z
# 10 - Joaquina Samanta Alonso Clara Lombardo - 237.10 cm - F - 37 - Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Alanis Star, Valentine Z

# 14 - Katarzyna Violetta Zofia Aleks Polańska - 244.25 cm - F - 41 - Chorzów, Poland, Valentine Z
# 30 - Antel Marcel Georgia Katona Vass Dániel - 241.06 cm - M - 32 - Székesfehérvár, Central Transdanubia, Hungary, Valentine Z
# 31 - Daina Allison Leela Phon Seng Sreynuon - 234.75 cm - F - 36 - Sihanoukville, Cambodia, Valentine Z
# 65 - Sigfreður Gamalíel Onyx Jason Steinason - 240.55 cm - M - 46 - Martian Territories of Valentine Z
# 20 - Sammie Arif Raihan Bin Mohamamad Andika - 238.66 cm - M - 42 - Singapore, Singapore, Valentine Z
# 70 - Vanuza Poliane Elaine Castro dos Reis - 237.66 cm - F - 36 - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Alanis Star, Valentine Z
# 87 - Clemente Kenneth Evans L. Jiang Guanyu - 240.10 cm - M - 37 - Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, Vostrov, Valentine Z

# 40 - Iraj Alexander Soroosh Homayoun Hashempour - 237.50 cm - M - 39 - Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, Valentine Z
# 60 - Marlene Isabelle Lisa Roselyne Pasquier - 235.11 cm - F - 38 - Saint-Denis, Paris, France, Victoriaans Nederlands, Valentine Z
# 55 - Nathaniel Orla Hayden Johnstone McMahon - 241.00 cm - M - 43 - East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Victoriaans Nederlands, Valentine Z
# 50 - Helen Jennifier Hiroto Morishita Chiyumi - 242.25 cm - F - 35 - Osaka, Kansai, Honshu, Japan, Vostrov, Valentine Z

Outside of the football field, they are 2.66x taller.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:

Choose my starting lineup: Yes and No to an extent. You may have to use the line-up I already chose, BUT if you do injure my players, then you can sub anyone in green.
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y but no career-ending ones, please!
Godmod injuries to my players: Y but no career-ending ones, please!
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y, though preferably do ask me first.
Hand out red cards to my players: Generally a N, but if you really want to develop something, against please let me know, we can reach something out.
Godmod other events: Y

Style modifier: + 4.50

TGs are always open, and you can reach me on Discord via clarissa_alanis_star_samantha.

Primary Color: #3DC0FF
Secondary Color: #3366FF

Animal Mascot:
"A victory for us, plz?"

Stadium Information: Please see previous RPs. I declare that they are not new info written for CoH 88. If I do plan to write and refresh the lore, then I will say so while referencing this two.
Stadium information from World Cup 91’s RP.
Stadium information from IAC 17’s RP. Same as WC91, but with visuals.

Art personally commissioned by: Artci (Instagram Handle: artci_co). For non-profit / personal use, and no AI and NFT association.
If you are reading my sig, I want you to have the best day ever ! You are worth it, do not let anyone get you down !
Glory to De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z !
(✿◠‿◠) ☆ \(^_^)/ ☆

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Postby Osterhalten » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:18 pm



Many thanks to Dantopia for the beautiful graphics!

Manager - Isidore Perreault
Home Stadium - Parkerhouse Center, Ingny, Ashcairn

Pos # Name Age Birthplace
GK 1 Harry Amberg 34 Haverby, Burton
GK 2 Etienne LaCasse 25 Sander City, Mecharia

LB 6 Aidan Quickenden 27 Chamberlain, Ashcairn
LB 12 Xavier Peabody 21 Ingny, Ashcairn
CB 14 Peter Hanselmann 33 Wickleigh, Arbour
CB 13 Sepp Fischer 31 Etnauber, Saarburg
CB 30 Willis Zimmerman 28 Dreamcliff, Capital
CB 25 Pascal Magnan 29 Vollehof, Withings
RB 22 Timothy Pendleton 33 Darton, New Conach
RB 19 Paul Ramadier 24 South Lehigh, Ponomo

LM 7 Elliot Johanneson 24 Wickleigh, Arbour
LM 18 Phineas Ellsworth 28 Redchapel, Capital
CM 15 Michel Phaneuf 33 Cape Breeze, Weisinstaat
CM 4 Levin Meyer 18 Ingny, Ashcairn
RM 5 Leon Sylvestre 22 Traise, Borterre
RM 20 Zane Edgerton 29 Lockhart, Ashcairn

ST 3 Raymond Ludlam 30 Grenier, Burton
ST 24 Tuomas Termonen 23 Rapsa, Maakiari
ST 10 Nathan Marner 36 Lazeau, Terrebonne
ST 9 Cesar Haselhurst 27 Traise, Borterre

Starting 11						
GK 02 Etienne LaCasse
LB 11 Gabriel Oliver
CB 13 Sepp Fischer
CB 25 Pascal Magnan
RB 22 Timothy Pendleton
LM 18 Phineas Ellsworth
CM 04 Levin Meyer
RM 05 Leon Sylvestre
ST 03 Raymond Ludlam
ST 09 Cesar Haselhurst

My opponent, if they roleplay first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
Roleplay injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: Yes
Issue yellow/red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes - if you're going to, make it well worth it!
Style Mod: +1

If you'd like any info about Osterhalten that you can't find in my factbook (sorry, it's not very full :( ) please let me know and I'll tell you anything you need to know!
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Postby Doubeia » Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:33 am


In lieu of the upcoming World Cup 98 Qualifiers, the Football Association of Doubeia has announced the team pools for the Men's and Women's National Teams that will be participating in the competition under the Doubeinese flag.




OOC: Big ups to Libertad Sportswear and Sangti for designing these amazing kits!

Doubeinese Men's National Team
Team Information
  • Nicknames: The Indigo Army
  • Team colours: Purple, indigo, gray
  • Manager: Will Petrov (50)
  • Employed Formation: 4-2-4/4-4-2
  • Trigramme: DOU
  • Style Mod: +3.24
The more successful national team, the MNT has shown incredible promise with their results under the helm of Will Petrov. Their relatively successful WCQ97 camqaign made up for a somewhat disappointing CE38 showing, and hope is abound for this group of players to propel Doubeia to greater footballing heights. Despite their lack of official matches in the meanwhile, several friendlies with other, stronger teams have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Note: Players are listed according to how likely they are to feature in the Starting XI.
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 1 | Jude Zhvikov | 27 | Regia Columbina |
| 25 | Colter Pintusevich | 23 | Schwartzwaldstadter FC (Eberland) |
| 40 | Kenzo Bakhtin | 28 | Azar Unity |
| 38 | Tanner Firsov | 24 | Wolfwood United |

Left Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 2 | Watson Shikolenko | 26 | FK Shakhter Z'ai'ai (Chromatika) | |
| 24 | Andrew Maximoff | | Clyde Park (Tumbra) | |
| 18 | Callum Kozyrev | 29 | Free Agent | Injured (as of MD1) |
| 35 | Wesley Obnizov | 27 | Solvecere Union | |
| 39 | Damon Ungern | 30 | Idyllia Ixeos | |

Centre Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 4 | Madden Tsyzyrev | 27 | Bella Hills |
| 16 | Chase Entin | 27 | Club de Pruxxé |
| 13 | Mason Yuryev | 26 | Fajar Victoria |
| 5 | Gray Leshchyov | 28 | Fajar Nike |
| 36 | Eren Andreyushkin | 22 | Regia Columbina |

Right Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 3 | Marco Ortega | 28 | Fortuna Sigewinne |
| 29 | Rodrigo Narozhylenko | 26 | Ethelfled City |
| 41 | Salvador López | 25 | Winterfalls Tundras |
| 44 | Albert Novakovskiy | 28 | Hydra Svetlana |

| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 6 | Rocky Khlebnikov | 28 | Coalbrook Athletic (Katzeburg) | Vice-Captain |
| 14 | Hugo Borisenko | 28 | Wolfwood United | Captain |
| 8 | Silas Artemyev | 26 | Bearden (Xanneria) | |
| 42 | Ulises Izhutin | 23 | Winterfalls Tundras | |
| 43 | Richie Dunn | 21 | Fajar Victoria | |

Left Wingers/Midfielders
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 17 | Ryker Travkin | 28 | Admiral Porcusces (Abanhfleft) |
| 31 | Tucker Voskresensky | 26 | Austin City (Xanneria) |
| 37 | Noah Pushkin | 22 | Hydra Svetlana |
| 47 | Sean Gololobov | 25 | Guardia Pomeranian |

Right Wingers/Midfielders
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 11 | Julian Umanov | 27 | Thereisnogodistan (Abanhfleft) | Free Kick Taker |
| 22 | Logan Borichevskiy | 26 | Guardia Pomeranian | |
| 46 | Maurice Dolukhanov | 28 | Hanai Breakers (Chromatika) | |
| 45 | Dominic Ryabkov | 29 | Lublova Reds (Squornshelan RS) | |
| 23 | Trevor Yozhikov | 23 | Club de Pruxxé | |

| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 10 | Ambrose Demidov | 27 | Winterfalls Tundras | Penalty Taker |
| 20 | Creed Lyapunov | 33 | Azar Unity | |
| 48 | Augustus Dubnikov | 31 | Goetia Psyche FC | |
| 9 | Demetrius Elmpt | 22 | Anchors FC (Chromatika) | |
| 34 | Grey Bogomolov | 27 | 686 Smerghi | Injured (as of MD1) |

Doubeinese Women's National Team
Team Information
  • Nicknames: The Indigo Army
  • Team colours: Purple, indigo, gray
  • Manager: Dani Giuseppa
  • Employed Formation: 4-1-3-2
  • Trigramme: DOU
  • Style Mod: -1
Often considered the weak link, the WNT have had a tumultuous time in their official matches so far. Their outings under former manager Yuni Markova were less than impressive according to Doubeinese fans, and early exits in the CoH89 and CE39 have undermined the public's confidence in the team. However, with the arrival of a new manager and the ever-blooming proliferation of Doubeinese football, fans have become cautiously optimistic of a renaissance for the WNT.

Note: Players are listed according to how likely they are to feature in the Starting XI.
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 1 | Olivia Leonova | 27 | Mashu Sentinels (Riena) |
| 13 | Kayla Korneyeva | 29 | Idyllia Ixeos |
| 37 | Rhianna Kasyanenkova | 24 | 686 Smerghi |
| 41 | Nataliya Kubyshkina | 26 | Goetia Psyche FC |

Left Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 2 | Evelyn Antipova | 25 | Fajar Nike |
| 19 | Natasha Miloshevich | 24 | Ethelfled City |
| 31 | Winter Serebrova | 25 | Solvecere FC |
| 45 | Celine Vázquez | 31 | Winterfalls Tundras |
| 43 | Morgan Korotkaya | 24 | Hydra Svetlana |

Centre Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 3 | Megan Menshikova | 27 | Wolfwood United |
| 46 | Amelia Dunayevskaya | 24 | Hydra Svetlana |
| 48 | Karina Dvornikova | 25 | Winterfalls Tundras |
| 42 | Maeve Vedeneyeva | 24 | Selini Ironworks |
| 20 | Ariel Tarantino | 25 | Club de Pruxxé |
| 25 | Kiara Ryakhina | 22 | Hydra Svetlana |

Right Backs
| # | Name | Age | Club |
| 4 | Maddison Barkova | 23 | Guardia Pomeranian |
| 21 | Sienna Kazapova | 23 | Fajar Nike |
| 36 | Nana Sakai | 23 | Selini Ironworks |
| 46 | Riley Vyalitsyna | 21 | Priestess of the East |

Defending Midfielders
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 5 | Savanna Miloradova | 24 | Fajar Victoria | Injured (as of MD1) |
| 16 | Samara Shubina | 28 | Guardia Pomeranian | Vice-Captain |
| 8 | Karina Mamykina | 27 | Regia Columbina | |
| 35 | Nicole Ordina | 24 | Wolfwood United | |

Attacking Midfielders
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 7 | Bridgette Oborina | 32 | Ethelfled City | Captain |
| 15 | Paisley Kuznetsova | 24 | Flames of the West (Chromatika) | |
| 39 | Mavis Denisova | 26 | Winterfalls Tundras | |
| 47 | Layla Perfilyeva | 30 | Fajar Victoria | |
| 33 | Callie Sapogova | 27 | All-Inclusive Haranguer (Abanhfleft) | |

Left Wingers
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 9 | Benedetta Marin | 25 | Fajar Victoria | |
| 17 | Colette Koskova | 24 | Guardia Pomeranian | |
| 38 | Carmen Alfieri | 21 | Koflir (FSS) | |
| 34 | Skye Runova | 24 | Winterfalls Tundras | Injured (as of MD1) |
| 30 | Thea Ozerova | 25 | FC Red Square | |

Right Wingers
| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 11 | Scarlet Rozhkova | 26 | River Valley (FSS) | Free Kick Taker |
| 26 | Raven Pishchalnikova | 20 | Flames of the West (Chromatika) | |
| 44 | Milena Milova | 22 | Winterfalls Tundras | |
| 40 | Judith Ulyashina | 21 | Pria City (Chromatika) | |

| # | Name | Age | Club | Notes |
| 10 | Summer Semerikova | 22 | Guardia Pomeranian | Penalty Taker |
| 27 | Annabelle Kuzenkova-Domínguez | 26 | Club de Pruxxé | |
| 12 | Maya Aguilar | 28 | FC Red Square | |
| 18 | Ada Leontieva | 24 | Hydra Svetlana | |

Men NT
Petrov is expected to field a aggressive attacking team with the flexibility to switch to more defensive setups.

With 4-2-4 formation, the team makes use of the wide areas of the field to initiate counterattacks along the flanks, especially when the opponent has a less populated backline. The fullbacks are key in this formation: they not only have to provide cover along the width of the field, but they also have to link up play from the back towards the midfield or wingers. During a buildup, the two defensive midfielders will tend to drop back to invite pressure from the opponents away from their goal. Wingers will roam around the middle of the field, making themselves open for a long pass. Usually, one of the forwards acts as a false nine, moving deep into the field to receive the ball and passing it to the more advanced forward.

This takes advantage of teams with a high press as this gives ample space for the front 4 to launch an attack on the opposing goal. If the opponents defend deep, the two fullbacks will advance to the midfield to aid in attacking and penetrating the opponent defense. The wingers will then more to even more advanced positions.

A weakness of this setup is the defensive vulnerability, especially when the fullbacks advance further up the field. This opens the defense to counterattacks. Usually, one of the midfielders will drop back to aid the defense, but if the opponents are constantly a threat on goal, both fullbacks and midfielders will fall back and protect the goal.

Women NT
Much like her predecessor, Giuseppa employs a defensive line-up with a focus on a low block and build-up play. The field is more or less covered, although there are gaps in the middle of the field with the lack of central midfielders in the system. Giuseppa employs a sturdier backline, and the fullbacks are expected to assist more in defense than offense.

The only CDM is expected to act as a fifth defender, so don't expect to see them going forward. Meanwhile, the CAM acts as a link between the defense and attack, although their role may be overwhelmed by the fact they are the only offensive player in the midfield. The left and right wingers are meant to cover the flanks from the middle to the opponent's third, but they hardly will overlap into the center.

The two forwards can be played in several different ways. A striker pairing is expected, although it wouldn't be a surprise to see one of them drop into the midfield to assist the CAM.

Notable Players
Mason Yuryev
Yuryev had his breakthrough season for Fajar Victoria as the team propelled to second place in the 712/13 Doubeinese 1.League season. A sturdy defender, he has a very keen eye and is a commanding presence in defense. You can never catch him slacking — he is always doing something to help his team and weaken the opposition. Oh, and he has also never been booked in his career, even during his youth.

Ryker Travkin
A stalwart of the MMT, Travkin has shown time and time again why he deserves to be known as one of Doubeia’s greats. He has everything you need in a winger: explosive pace, stellar control, pinpoint passing. His vision helps him see passes not even his teammates would, and it’s safe to say that when Travkin is on the pitch, the right back is in for hell.

Ambrose Demidov
After an initially disappointing career, Demidov has really clawed back his claiming rights to the title of Best Doubeinese Striker. The top scorer of the 712/13 1.League season, he’s a menace in front of goal. He is incredibly adept with both legs, and the power from his shots is enough to power an entire power plant. Don’t be surprised to see him on the scoresheet every time he plays.

Olivia Leonova
Leonova might stand at an average 1.83 metres, but what she lacks in height, she makes up for it with her agility. She has the seemingly magical ability to avoid balls from leaking into her goal, and her leg muscles have grown and hardened from all the acrobatic jumping she does sometimes. Don’t expect her to be a sweeper keeper though; between the posts is where she does best.

Raven Pishchalnikova
The right winger position in the WNT is packed with talent, and Pishchalnikova might just be the best out of the lot. At just the age of 20 she has already solidified herself as the Doubeinese youngster to watch. Much like Travkin, her passing is what elevated her to another level. Short passes or crosses, her distribution is perfect. Her pace might not be the fastest, but when you have robot-like accuracy, it is a needed nerf.

Summer Semerikova
Is Semerikova a female Demidov, or is Demidov a male Semerikova? Whatever your opinion is, you can’t doubt that Semerikova has her hands on the “Best Doubeinese Striker” trophy. A prolific goalscorer, Semerikova is a great manipulator of empty space. She constantly makes herself available for the ball, and perhaps that’s the secret to scoring many goals: possession. If you think her shots might not be strong, just look at her curl the ball from range.

Stade de Pruxxé, Pruxxé, Karnerkarnen, Doubeia
Capacity: 87,154 seats

Harriott Loft, Ethelfled, Russeland, Doubeia
Capacity: 61,050 seats

Note: Both stadii will be used for home games and will alternate every home matchday. The first home match will be played at Stade de Pruxxé.

Fan Culture
Despite Doubeia's recent independence, national cameraderie is strong, especially amongst Doubeinese supporters. Fans tend to try to intimidate the opponents and their supporters using fan chants and instruments such as drums, horns and gongs. There is a subset of supporters called the Rockers who usually perform in front of the fans before a game. The Rockers use electric guitars, drum sets and violins to hype up the Doubeinese supporters.

Tifos resembling the Doubeinese flag or one of the players are occasionally put up.

Doubeinese fans usually make a loud ruckus outside the stadium before and after matches. Bars nearby the stadium tend to fill up pretty quickly while fans parade along the boulevard leading to the stadium. After losses, Doubeinese fans tend to be more riled up and can get violent especially in response to mockery from the opposing supporters.

  • The Men's and Women's National Team alternate every matchday. The Men's NT will kick off on matchday 1.
  • I will usually post the lineup for the upcoming matchday at the bottom of my RP post. If I didn't feel free to pick whoever you like.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
I would prefer you choose these scorers: Choose anyone you want
Godmod scoring events: Contact me first.
RP injuries to my players: Yes for light injuries. Contact me for severe ones.
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes.
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes.
Godmod other events: Contact me first.
Generate stadium happenings: Yes.

I am contactable through NS telegrams, or kaeyamains (display name: notanaviamain) on Discord.
Last edited by Doubeia on Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Kelssek » Sun Dec 29, 2024 7:08 pm

Kelssek's tactical culture is fluid and direct, generally favouring technical and versatile players. Within each positional group, players are listed in order of the likelihood they will play.

Jenas Maraipu GK, Kirkenes FC, b. Outineau, BL (age 31) - 46 caps | A product of the Association Ariddienne youth program. Pounces and catches balls with catlike technique.
Megan Woodwell GK, Burnaby SC (age 29) - 17 caps | Commanding keeper who puts the fear of Satan into her defence - in the sense of they're going to catch hell if they don't listen to her.
Max Carrieri GK, CF Outineau, b. Outineau (age 26) - 2 caps | The future of the number 1 shirt? He's definitely stamped his claim to the Outineau shirt with his Champions League winning form.
Alison Troczynski GK, Latrobe Athletic, b. Latrobe (age 27) - 10 caps | Jack of all goalkeeping skills, master of some. Affable but also odd in the way goalkeepers can tend to be.

Alain-Elric Sauvé LB, CF Outineau, b. Outineau, Bea. (age 26) - 22 caps | Aggressive interceptor of the ball and incisive on the overlap
Ella Bastien LB, Baskita [PAS], b. Elmira, Kon. (age 27) - 8 caps, 1 goal | A late bloomer who went off to Xanneria when unable to make headway in Kelssek, and has now found a groove in Pasarga.
Sandrine Lalande CB, Tihon [CMT] b. Saint-Richard, BL (age 24) - 6 caps, 1 goal | Tough tackler able to pinpoint a long ball through the lines, the next big thing in centre-backs.
Iain Vergland CB, Sivolvia Central, b. Burnaby (age 27) - 0 caps | Wasn't good enough for Burnaby SC, and now with an IFCF Champions League medal he sure showed them.
Bleke Durocher CB, Kirkenes FC (age 27) - 12 caps | Was in Kelssek Championship team of the year so quite good apparently.
Lourence Hupe CB, CF Outineau (age 23) - 5 caps | Elite positioning means she doesn't often have to put in one of her precise tackles.
Tobert Usher RB, CF Outineau, b. Outineau, Bea. (age 27) - 52 caps, 3 goals | Has got a wicked cross on him and loves an underlap. Captained Outineau to a league title and Champions League win.
Eilwen Loew RB/LB, Guard FC [DAR], b. Burnaby, Kon. (age 28) - 33 caps | Speedy, high work-rate, binge-watches reality TV shows.
Jérôme Nyhof RB, Eyrods [CMT], b. Langlois, Bea. (age 21) - 8 caps | Elite dribbling, skills, and athleticism with a penchant for reckless tackles.

James Jouppi LB, Shearwater, b. Coquitlam, Kon. (age 22) - 7 caps | Talented, inconsistent, exciting
Sorcha Cleeves RB, Océanic Langlois, b. Kirkenes, NC (age 24) - 5 caps, 1 goal | Overlooked by the clubs in her home republic, burst onto the scene when she seized a spot in Océanic's Championship-winning side through sheer speed and chance-creating ability from out wide.

Titan Pogbacar CM, Burnaby SC, b. Burnaby, Kon. (age 22) - 42 caps, 6 goals | Physically imposing and technically impressive. Ball-progressing wonderkid who can really get on his bike.
Kaiden Pépin CM/AM [captain], Kirkenes FC, b. Saint-Richard (age 30) - 51 caps, 3 goals | Calming presence in the midfield who always knows how to control the pace.
Agapeto Licea CM/DM, Burnaby SC, b. Mineru, Kon. (age 24) - 30 caps, 1 goal | Another talent from Burnaby's Rising Stars Cup runners-up, who's become a strangely chaotic yet firm defensively-minded midfielder.
Errol Lìos CM/AM, Soldarian [VAL], (age 27) - 15 caps, 1 goal | Box-to-box midfielder who always seems to put himself into the thick of it.
Terence de Landa AM, Océanic CF, b. Burnaby, Kon. (age 30) - 54 caps, 3 goals | Dynamic, gangly playmaker at his best carrying the ball forward.
Chike Obident RW/AM, CF Outineau, b. Latrobe (age 26) - 36 caps, 7 goals | High-skill spark plug of a player who's already proven offensive producer at multiple clubs.
Ella Moore LM, Raynor City United [KSK], b. Beaupré-sur-Mer, BL (age 30) - 3 caps, 1 goal | You can't just pay attention to players because they got signed by RCU...
Julius Heer LW, Schemerdrecht SVV [KOR], b. Bramleigh, NC (age 32) - 72 caps, 9 goals | Full-backs HATE his technical ability and his love of nutmegging them on the byline. Has a koi fish tattoo on his left arm for some reason.
Sammy Mao RW/CF, Shearwater, b. Breton, Ha. (age 23) - 20 caps, 4 goals | Explosive pace and a creative force.
Rory Joseph RM/RW, Burnaby SC, b. Kingstown, Kon. (age 31) - 58 caps, 6 goals | Very rapid. Much creative. Hair product endorser.

Emre Massinen AM/CF, Clayquot City, b. Clayquot (age 24) - 12 caps, 2 goals | Has two killer moves: the pivot-and-shoot, and a nose for link-up play. Otherwise highly average.
Logane Nordet DM, CF Outineau, b. Outineau (age 26) - 9 caps | Being the rock of a team that wins the Champions League is one way to get the national team's attention.
Alberto Rendon CM/AM, Anomalies [CMT], b. Kirkenes (age 28) - 4 caps, 1 goal | Farfadillis dual national.
Alejandra Younes DM/CM, SK Franz Josef City [STL], b. Mistgwyn, NC (age 31) - 18 caps | Dogged midfield anchor. Determined but also impulsive and easily wound-up.

Lionel an Deòir ST, FK Metropola Borograd [STL] b. Torbay (age 27) - 60 caps, 34 goals | Pacey and has an inadvisedly powerful shot. Prolific but scores in bunches - or maybe that's a nice way of saying "inconsistent".
Zoé Goh-Lemaire ST, 1923 Esca [MYT], b. Kirkenes (age 30) - 45 caps, 12 goals | Playmaking forward with great link up play and a sense for gobbling up rebounds.
Rolando Cutter CF/LW, Olympia Borograd [STL], b. Kingstown, Kon. (age 20) - 17 caps, 3 goals | Allegedly the next Colm Ó Tuathail. Great technical player with a tendency to drift wide.
Rémy Niemi ST, CF Outineau, b. Outineau, Bea. (age 21) - 13 caps, 8 goals | Adept at playing the target-man or poacher role. Excitable personality.
Ariana Coulter ST, Latrobe Athletic, b. Kildera (age 25) - 3 caps, 2 goals | Quick trickster who likes to go for the spectacular.

Head coach: Obey Chidiebere [BNJ], age 53 | Hired away from Latrobe Athletic, where he won one league title and three Patriotes Cups, he previously played for Herzegovina City and Coquitlam United.

Honours: Cup of Harmony 43 champions, 2-time Ad'ihan Challenge Trophy winners
Direct free-kicks: Rory Joseph, Julius Heer
Corners: Chike Obident, Julius Heer, Nacuémiró Buené
Penalties: Lionel an Deòir

Stadiums - Rotates between three stadiums.
Exhibition Place, Kirkenes (cap. 38,600) - if you RP first and are not fussed to pick, use this one
Bowreach, Vickery (cap. 39,000) - Home of Strathcona Internationals. At high altitude and in a climate that alternates between freezing winters and scorching summers.
Macquarie Docklands, Latrobe (cap. 55,000)

Fan culture
Kelssek's national teams are nicknamed the Voyagers in reference to the fact that major international tournaments are practically always in a different region and many time zones away (unless Kelssek is hosting it, of course).
Maybe Tomorrow is common to all national teams:
Voyagers, they keep on calling me
Down the road, that's where I'll always be
Onward Kelssek, the shout from everyone
Step by step, fighting on, till glory's won
Maybe tomorrow, our journey will be done
Until tomorrow, we'll just keep movin' on

Tune: "Maybe Tomorrow" (Littlest Hobo theme song)

Summer of 46 is sport-specific, and references the hosting of World Cup 46, the watershed in soccer actually becoming popular in Kelssek.
Got my first real football
Played it on a plastic pitch
Rubber pellets went everywhere
It was the cycle of forty-six
Oh when I look back now
Thought that it would last forever
Those were the football glory days

Tune: Summer of '69

RP permissions
Choose my scorers: Yes
Choose my scoring events: Yes
Cards to my players: Yes
Godmod events: No
In general, anything that can realistically happen (even if improbable) is fair game. Stuff that violates footballing reality is not ok (usually) and may be ignored. If you're in doubt, or think your idea is funny enough, ask me.
RP injuries to my players: Yes but I will determine severity
Style mod: +1
Last edited by Kelssek on Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:18 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Kamijiro » Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:41 am

Kamijiroan National Team Roster for World Cup 98

The current Kamijiroan Civil War means that the roster for this cycle is almost entirely made up of Miraisaki and Rakumachi natives and is much smaller than normal. The lone exception are players from Jirō Island, which has maintained neutrality throughout the conflict. The upshot is that unlike previous eras, there won't be many miscommunication problems due to language barriers. Without further ado, the roster. The numbers given are the kit numbers and players are listed in order of depth. Furthermore, players of Japanese descent have the kanji for their names listed, and family names (or last names) are first in both the Kanji and Romaji form, keeping with the traditional Japanese naming convention.

1. 明日海 賢一 「Asumi Kenichi」- Quick reflexes and reaction saves are his calling card, but his ball distribution upfield needs some work.
99. 板倉 貝 「Itakura Kai」- Bit of a wildcard. Kitamura Genichi is currently rehabbing an injury and declined his callup.

2. 村井 亮 「Murai Ryō」- Received his first call-up during the WC97 campaign and started every match. Pretty solid, doesn't screw around with the ball.
3. 赤見内 秋成 「Akaminai Akinari」- Brother of the (in)famous mobster Akaminai Atsuji, he is very much a product of street brawls and isn't afraid to rough up opponents, especially if they're the chatty type.
16. Fiti Multiauaopele - Jirō Island native and self-proclaimed 'big chiller.' Noted for his lack of reaction to seemingly anything, the precise opposite to Akinari.
29. Levi Faamate - Another Jirō Island native. Played okay in the last campaign but his inability to pass out of the back hindered much of the team's ability to counter a press.

Fullbacks (or Wing-backs):
19. 亀田 翔士 「Kameda Tōshi」- Solid as they come, doesn't excel in any one department but is pretty well-rounded.
44. 小串 東 「Kogushi Azuma」- Smaller than normal for a player with defensive responsibilities, his deep crossing ability is second to none and he can pick out a long-ball to switch the play with ease.
45. Alexander Sideris - Refugee of war, living on Jirō Island and playing semi-pro alongside his work as a computer programmer, he's here as emergency coverage for either one of Tōshi or Azuma.

Central Midfielders:
7. 藤原 勝 「Fujiwara Katsu」- The superstar of the team, even when the whole of the country combined for the player pool. He leads the team in goal contributions over the past couple campaigns.
8. 出水 才一 「Demizu Saiichi」- High-motor ball-winning midfielder. He's best at tracking back and sliding in to win the ball. Tends to pick up yellows because of this.
10. 金園 健人 「Kanazono Kento」- Formerly known as Kanazono Kaneto, he opted to officially change his name to his nickname. A proper number 10, plays 'joga bonito.' Ball glued to his feet.
17. 霧島 恭司 「Kirishima Kyōji」- Solid as a rock, more of a defensive midfielder than a pure central one. He's usually the first sub on to replace Saiichi after around 60-70 minutes.
20. 我孫子 浩 「Abiko Hiroshi」- Another all-rounder, but definitely more offensively talented than defensively. Usually focuses on through balls, but that can tend to lead to turnovers.
23. 望月 雄輝 「Mochizuki Yūki」- Emergency back-up. Semi-pro player, much like Alexander Sideris. Hopefully won't need much game time.

9. 国分 総司 「Kokubun Sōji」- Pacy striker and best friend of Katsu. He's the favorite of the manager, as well. Wind-up merchant.
14. 香川 春香 「Kagawa Haruka」- Only capped woman on the team and significant other of Katsu. Lead Miraisaki City in goals prior to the outbreak of the civil war which paused the KPL season.
22. Desi Delfino - Uncapped, emergency back-up. Initially worked with the team in a front office role before being asked to play due to a combination of age and need. Played in school but hasn't played in a couple of years.
24. C.J. Stillhart - Another emergency back-up, although he's more recently played. Not in great shape, if he needs to be used the team's in enough trouble anyway.

This is the final run for 香川 雷次 「Kagawa Raiji」if things don't change. After throwing away Kamijiro's best chance yet at qualification to the World Cup proper, the team needs his guidance now more than ever. He's shifted tactics from a defense-heavy park the bus style to a more forward-minded play which favors possession and short passing. With a narrow roster and his back against the wall, this is his last chance at a contract extension.

Player Roles:
Captain: Katsu (#7)
Left Corner: Katsu (#7)
Right Corner: Tōshi (#19)
Direct Free-Kick: Kento (#8)
Penalties: Sōji (#9)

For uniforms, logos, formations, stadium information and other info about the team, please refer to my first roleplay post.
RP Permissions
Choose my scorers: yes
Choose my scoring events: yes
Godmod scoring events: yes
Book my players (yellows): yes
Book my players (reds): yes
Injure my players: yes, I reserve right to say no if it's too severe or unrealistic.
Godmod injuries: no
Please feel free to TG me if you want to have some fun with our RPs! I'd love to collaborate if you're interested.
Style mod: +2.5
Last edited by Kamijiro on Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Winners of Baptism of Fire 81
World Cup 98 Round of 32 Appearance
Cup of Harmony 89 Quarterfinalist
Di Bradini Cup 55 & 58 Quarterfinalist
Cup of Harmony 88 Round of 16



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