Welcome to the longest-running sporting event in the multiverse. This is the 98th NationStates World Cup!
This is the roster thread for the tournament (both qualifying and finals), where participants are invited to provide details about their teams. It is highly encouraged to provide a roster; teams without one will have their entire rank (after the addition of any other RP bonuses) divided by 1.093x where x = (n+1)2 and n is the number of scorination windows, including this one, so far in the entire WC. This equates to approximately a 30% penalty in the first window, a 55% penalty in the second, a 75% penalty in the third, and an 89% penalty in the fourth (continuing towards, though never quite reaching, zero).
Starting lineups are formed of 11 players, one of whom is a goalkeeper. Conventional roster size is 23-26 of whom three are goalkeepers, but it is common for teams to select from a larger pool of players for qualification, especially if injuries have been roleplayed. (More on which below.)
Other content that you may wish to add to your roster include:
- Your team nickname
- Your team manager and other coaching staff
- Where your team will play its home matches (in this tournament, half of your matches in qualifying will be at home. This can be in one field or in many places around your country!)
- Your RP permissions and style modifier
- A team logo
- A team kit
- Details about your nation for visiting fans and players
- Other information you would like your opponent to know about
Examples of rosters include those posted for the last edition of the World Cup. As you can see, rosters come in all shapes and sizes - from a list of names to full player bios. Be as in depth as you like, but the most important thing is readability!
As a part of your roster post, you can include a style modifier. This is a number, which for the purposes of this tournament can be between -5 and +5, which describes how defensive or offensive your team's style of play is. -5 describes a maximally defensive team, and +5 describes a maximally attacking team. Note that this does not affect your chances of winning or losing, or even the margin of victory if any - merely how many goals you score and concede. There is no "style meta" here.
Finally, in your roster post, it is highly recommended you include your RP permissions. These detail what you can and can't do regarding players on other teams. The permission box, an example included below, shows a format with which to display these permissions, and it is important to read the permissions of other players before including them in your own roleplays -- those roleplays may be ignored if permissions are broken! Furthermore, the permissions box also discusses 'godmodding', which is to control another person's roleplaying beyond the usual RP permissions. Examples of godmodding include unlikely events, such as a goal being scored by bouncing off of a passing seagull, or a player being injured by plane debris falling from the sky. If in doubt, check those permissions!
Here is an example of a roleplay permission box (with no permissions yet set):
- Code: Select all
[box][b]My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:[/b]
I would prefer you choose these scorers:
Godmod scoring events: Yes/No
RP injuries to my players: Yes/No
Godmod injuries to my players: Yes/No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes/No
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes/No
Godmod other events: Yes/No
Generate stadium happenings: Yes/No[/box]
Good luck, have fun, and may Margaret be with you!