Schedule for the 78th World Hit Festival
Times and dates are subject to change...
Draft Thread Opens - 1st January 2025
Sign-ups close & Closure of Draft - 26th January 2025, 12:00 GMT (48-hour grace period)
Voting Open By - 28th January 23:00 GMT (most probably up to a day before)
Voting Lines Close By - 2nd February 2025
Voting Reveal Days- The week after
In the case of Semi-Finals, the voting reveal days will be moved back to accommodate for extra voting/more days to prepare graphics...

Welcome to Britonisea!
Firstly, we would like to thank RTV1 from Rugenia for hosting such a fantastic and flawless edition of the World Hit Festival. Your efforts, communication and aspirations made the 77th World Hit Festival a breeze and it looked amazing on television. Congratulations are in order for BVC, the host broadcaster for Britonisea at the World Hit Festival, and their record-equalling 10th win at the World Hit Festival with Marcello's pop song, "Vertigo". BVC won with a total of 25 points - six points clear of second place. The win sees Britonisea hosting the World Hit Festival for the tenth time in its history. Britonisea hosting will make it the only nation to host in six different World Hit Festival "decades". As we reach the end of the "70s", a return to Kyvivre would be the perfect place to reminisce about the history and journey that the World Hit Festival has taken.
Kyvivre has hosted the World Hit Festival on two previous occasions - the very first Britonish World Hit Festival hosting back in WHF27 and then again at the 47 edition. 31 editions later, the Britonish-language capital is set to host once again. It draws a tie with Harrikes in Euskirribakondara for the city that has hosted the 2nd-most World Hit Festivals, with the city in first place being Vodiznad in Izmedu. Kyvivre's Arenakyvivre is a well-equipped venue and is ready to welcome over 20,000 adoring fans to Britonisea for the World Hit Festival.
There is no doubt that Brityunik Vefecosoin Cairkovoin will do a splendid job with the World Hit Festival and I look very forward to working with them...
Claudia Anne-Davies
World Hit Festival Overseer
What is the World Hit Festival?
The World Hit Festival (WHF) is a multiversal song competition. Each nation shall enter 1 song and 1 artist, and it shall be 'performed' via roleplay. Most nations tend to use a real-life tune as a musical backing, but every entry submitted to the World Hit Festival is required to have original lyrics (ie. if you submit a tune, you must re-write the lyrics), so this does mean that instrumental entries are blocked from entering the contest.
WHF operates with three threads, the OOC, Draft, and IC threads. The one you are seeing now is the OOC/Sign-ups thread, the main place for you to discuss the contest, reveal your entrant, etc. All OOC chatter goes here. The Draft Thread, opened by the host, is the second thread opened up during a WHF contest, and this draft thread is where nations will post and work on their entries until a deadline determined by the host. The IC thread, also opened by the host is the third and final thread attached to a WHF, and it is where the host will transfer your entries.
The World Hit Festival has had a very long history in NationStates, and a thread has been created to compile this long history. Click here for a thread with links to every OOC and IC thread of all World Hit Festivals so far, including all of the winners. Users are not allowed to use tunes from the list of reserved tunes: List of Reserved Tunes.
Below you can find the rules of the 78th World Hit Festival!
Rules and Regulations...
- For an entry to be accepted, must have at least a tune and a complete set of lyrics but must meet Acceptable Entry Standards for the World Hit Festival in order for it to be accepted. This includes information about formatting and things the Host and Overseer will do to ensure your participation. *1 Entries must be confirmed on the OOC thread.
- Reserved RL Tunes Nations must not send a reserved tune from this list. Songs that have been reserved are those that have placed in the quintile of any participating Festival, including Junior World Hit Festival. Songs that do not place in the top quintile are reserved for a year from the IC date of the Festival. You can find all information, and more, by browsing that link. The Overseer will be responsible for checking tunes, with the host double-checking before transferring the entry to the IC.
- All or at least most of the written lyrics must be original. All entries will undergo an AI checker as well. Should any user spot any concerns, don't hesitate to let the overseer or current host know.
- In order for Semi-Finals to be initiated, there must be enough nations for there to be 13 nations per Semi Final. The number of participants before Semi Finals are initiated will be dependent on circumstances.
- The maximum amount of nations that can participate without more than one automatic qualifier (ie the host) is 18 nations per Semi-Final. Once this number has been broken, the top 6 (including the host) will automatically qualify to reduce 18 nations to 15 in each Semi.
- A nation is allowed to submit 2 puppets maximum to the contest, meaning that a user can be controlled at most 3 nations in the contest.
- Users must send a full ranking of all nations on the IC Thread to the host of the competition when the voting opens. If users usually split their rankings across multiple participating nations (master and at least one puppet), they are free to provide only one ranking - provided it directly aligns with how many points given out across the user's participating nations. Otherwise, the user must send a ranking per participating nation they own. Rankings should not be displayed by any given user until after the Festival has been completed.
- The nation ranked first will receive 5 points, the nation ranked second will receive 4 points etc. Nations ranked 6th or below will not receive any points.
- When participating with multiple nations, users can only give themselves 8 points maximum. Votes will not be accepted if users give themselves, through any of their nations, more than 8 points.
- In the event of a tie, the countback system goes as follows: Amount of nations - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 6th places, 7th places etc.
- The winner of the competition will automatically be given the right to host the competition. The winner will have 72 hours (maximum) to announce their interest in hosting the Festival to the Overseer.
- The host can reveal they will host the World Hit Festival after talks with the Overseer on when to do this. It will still officially be announced on the WHF Network.
- If within the first 72 hours, the host either doesn't announce their interest in hosting the proceeding contest or declines hosting rights, the nation who came 2nd and 3rd will be asked with 24 hours given to respond. After that, either the Overseer will host or the Overseer will appoint someone to host.
- If the host abandons their host duties, the World Hit Overseer will be responsible for what needs to be done.
- We would like to ensure all World Hit Festival hosts can host the competition to the best of their ability. If you have any concerns about hosting if given the opportunity to, don't hesitate to speak to the World Hit Overseer.
Kyvivre, Britonisea
If you'd like to sign up, fill out the form below.
- Code: Select all
[b]Name of Head of Delegation:[/b]
[i]Artist(s) Details:[/i]
[b]Stage/Band Name:[/b]
[b]Full name(s):[/b]
[b]City/Town from:[/b]
[i]Song Details[/i]
[b]Song Title:[/b]
[b]Title Transcription (if required):[/b]
[b]Title Translation (if required):[/b]
[i]Host Requirements:[/i]
[b]Official Trigramme:[/b]
[b]1 fun fact about your artist(s):[/b]
[b]Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies):[/b][/box]
Provisional Participating Nations (12)
Last updated: 13th January, 12:53 GMT
- Axuva [TPNB-X] Dongyeon Shik - Ocean
- Beepee [BONC] Bellerophon - Einfaches Liebeslied
- Britonisea [BVC - HOST]
- Carrelie
- Estogium [RVC] Lukas Sandoval - Agony
- Hafamarimët [TVH] Sïnkïnada Rimu - Dïlïdaja
- Kalosia
- Robloxian Robloxia [rrrW] MIZZ DEE - NASTY TOUCH
- Rugenia [RTV1] Viktoria Kuskavka - Don't Stop, Be Free
- Scotatrova Solanna - TBA
- Ugunnustan
- Unclear [UMB] Homer - Takeover