World Hit Festival 78 - Kyvivre, Britonisea | OOC

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World Hit Festival 78 - Kyvivre, Britonisea | OOC

Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:05 pm

Schedule for the 78th World Hit Festival
Times and dates are subject to change...
Draft Thread Opens - 1st January 2025
Sign-ups close & Closure of Draft - 26th January 2025, 12:00 GMT (48-hour grace period)
Voting Open By - 28th January 23:00 GMT (most probably up to a day before)
Voting Lines Close By - 2nd February 2025
Voting Reveal Days- The week after

In the case of Semi-Finals, the voting reveal days will be moved back to accommodate for extra voting/more days to prepare graphics...

Welcome to Britonisea!

Firstly, we would like to thank RTV1 from Rugenia for hosting such a fantastic and flawless edition of the World Hit Festival. Your efforts, communication and aspirations made the 77th World Hit Festival a breeze and it looked amazing on television. Congratulations are in order for BVC, the host broadcaster for Britonisea at the World Hit Festival, and their record-equalling 10th win at the World Hit Festival with Marcello's pop song, "Vertigo". BVC won with a total of 25 points - six points clear of second place. The win sees Britonisea hosting the World Hit Festival for the tenth time in its history. Britonisea hosting will make it the only nation to host in six different World Hit Festival "decades". As we reach the end of the "70s", a return to Kyvivre would be the perfect place to reminisce about the history and journey that the World Hit Festival has taken.

Kyvivre has hosted the World Hit Festival on two previous occasions - the very first Britonish World Hit Festival hosting back in WHF27 and then again at the 47 edition. 31 editions later, the Britonish-language capital is set to host once again. It draws a tie with Harrikes in Euskirribakondara for the city that has hosted the 2nd-most World Hit Festivals, with the city in first place being Vodiznad in Izmedu. Kyvivre's Arenakyvivre is a well-equipped venue and is ready to welcome over 20,000 adoring fans to Britonisea for the World Hit Festival.

There is no doubt that Brityunik Vefecosoin Cairkovoin will do a splendid job with the World Hit Festival and I look very forward to working with them...

Claudia Anne-Davies
World Hit Festival Overseer

What is the World Hit Festival?
The World Hit Festival (WHF) is a multiversal song competition. Each nation shall enter 1 song and 1 artist, and it shall be 'performed' via roleplay. Most nations tend to use a real-life tune as a musical backing, but every entry submitted to the World Hit Festival is required to have original lyrics (ie. if you submit a tune, you must re-write the lyrics), so this does mean that instrumental entries are blocked from entering the contest.

WHF operates with three threads, the OOC, Draft, and IC threads. The one you are seeing now is the OOC/Sign-ups thread, the main place for you to discuss the contest, reveal your entrant, etc. All OOC chatter goes here. The Draft Thread, opened by the host, is the second thread opened up during a WHF contest, and this draft thread is where nations will post and work on their entries until a deadline determined by the host. The IC thread, also opened by the host is the third and final thread attached to a WHF, and it is where the host will transfer your entries.

The World Hit Festival has had a very long history in NationStates, and a thread has been created to compile this long history. Click here for a thread with links to every OOC and IC thread of all World Hit Festivals so far, including all of the winners. Users are not allowed to use tunes from the list of reserved tunes: List of Reserved Tunes.

Below you can find the rules of the 78th World Hit Festival!

Rules and Regulations...
  1. For an entry to be accepted, must have at least a tune and a complete set of lyrics but must meet Acceptable Entry Standards for the World Hit Festival in order for it to be accepted. This includes information about formatting and things the Host and Overseer will do to ensure your participation. *1 Entries must be confirmed on the OOC thread.
  2. Reserved RL Tunes Nations must not send a reserved tune from this list. Songs that have been reserved are those that have placed in the quintile of any participating Festival, including Junior World Hit Festival. Songs that do not place in the top quintile are reserved for a year from the IC date of the Festival. You can find all information, and more, by browsing that link. The Overseer will be responsible for checking tunes, with the host double-checking before transferring the entry to the IC.
  3. All or at least most of the written lyrics must be original. All entries will undergo an AI checker as well. Should any user spot any concerns, don't hesitate to let the overseer or current host know.
  4. In order for Semi-Finals to be initiated, there must be enough nations for there to be 13 nations per Semi Final. The number of participants before Semi Finals are initiated will be dependent on circumstances.
  5. The maximum amount of nations that can participate without more than one automatic qualifier (ie the host) is 18 nations per Semi-Final. Once this number has been broken, the top 6 (including the host) will automatically qualify to reduce 18 nations to 15 in each Semi.

  1. A nation is allowed to submit 2 puppets maximum to the contest, meaning that a user can be controlled at most 3 nations in the contest.
  2. Users must send a full ranking of all nations on the IC Thread to the host of the competition when the voting opens. If users usually split their rankings across multiple participating nations (master and at least one puppet), they are free to provide only one ranking - provided it directly aligns with how many points given out across the user's participating nations. Otherwise, the user must send a ranking per participating nation they own. Rankings should not be displayed by any given user until after the Festival has been completed.
  3. The nation ranked first will receive 5 points, the nation ranked second will receive 4 points etc. Nations ranked 6th or below will not receive any points.
  4. When participating with multiple nations, users can only give themselves 8 points maximum. Votes will not be accepted if users give themselves, through any of their nations, more than 8 points.
  5. In the event of a tie, the countback system goes as follows: Amount of nations - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 6th places, 7th places etc.

  1. The winner of the competition will automatically be given the right to host the competition. The winner will have 72 hours (maximum) to announce their interest in hosting the Festival to the Overseer.
  2. The host can reveal they will host the World Hit Festival after talks with the Overseer on when to do this. It will still officially be announced on the WHF Network.
  3. If within the first 72 hours, the host either doesn't announce their interest in hosting the proceeding contest or declines hosting rights, the nation who came 2nd and 3rd will be asked with 24 hours given to respond. After that, either the Overseer will host or the Overseer will appoint someone to host.
  4. If the host abandons their host duties, the World Hit Overseer will be responsible for what needs to be done.
  5. We would like to ensure all World Hit Festival hosts can host the competition to the best of their ability. If you have any concerns about hosting if given the opportunity to, don't hesitate to speak to the World Hit Overseer.

Kyvivre, Britonisea

If you'd like to sign up, fill out the form below.

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Head of Delegation:[/b]

[i]Artist(s) Details:[/i]
[b]Stage/Band Name:[/b]
[b]Full name(s):[/b]
[b]City/Town from:[/b]

[i]Song Details[/i]
[b]Song Title:[/b]
[b]Title Transcription (if required):[/b]
[b]Title Translation (if required):[/b]

[i]Host Requirements:[/i]
[b]Official Trigramme:[/b]
[b]1 fun fact about your artist(s):[/b]
[b]Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies):[/b][/box]

Nation: Euskirribakondara (name of your nation goes here)
Broadcaster: EUSK1 (name of your broadcaster goes here, and this is usually your national broadcaster that would broadcast the WHF. For a real-life comparison, think of the BBC in the UK.)
Name of Head of Delegation: Blanka Djokanović (Name of the person who looks after your artist(s) and the delegation in Kyvivre)

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Nadija (What your artist will be referred to during the live show. This name will be on the postcards and headers)
Full name(s): Nadija Djokanović (the full name of the artist that will 'perform' the song in your roleplay.)
Age: 32 (age of the artist or artists who will perform)
City/Town from: Harrikes (City they are from or they current reside in)

Song Details
Song Title: "По, Дај Ми Любавте" (name of your song)
Language(s): Sirbadian, Euskal, Hinga (the language(s) that your lyrics will be performed in)
Title Transcription (if required): "Po, Daj Mi Ljubavte" (if your song's language utilizes another script such as Cyrillic, you would put the romanization of that title here. In this example, По, Дај Ми Любавте is Po, Daj Mi Ljubavte. Otherwise, this part can be omitted.)
Title Translation (if required): Come On, Give Me Your Love (the translation of your song's title to English. If your song is in English already, this part can also be omitted.)
Tune: Every WHF tunes will have tunes attached to them, such as this entry using Poli Genova's If Love Was a Crime. Provide a link to the tune in this form.

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: EUS
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Nadija has 1000 books over the course of her adulthood!
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Nadija is part of a dancing society and likes to breakdance, she has entered breakdancing competitions.

Provisional Participating Nations (12)
Last updated: 13th January, 12:53 GMT
  • Axuva [TPNB-X] Dongyeon Shik - Ocean
  • Beepee [BONC] Bellerophon - Einfaches Liebeslied
  • Britonisea [BVC - HOST]
  • Carrelie
  • Estogium [RVC] Lukas Sandoval - Agony
  • Hafamarimët [TVH] Sïnkïnada Rimu - Dïlïdaja
  • Kalosia
  • Robloxian Robloxia [rrrW] MIZZ DEE - NASTY TOUCH
  • Rugenia [RTV1] Viktoria Kuskavka - Don't Stop, Be Free
  • Scotatrova Solanna - TBA
  • Ugunnustan
  • Unclear [UMB] Homer - Takeover

Last edited by Britonisea on Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:02 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Host Information | World Hit Festival 78

Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:10 pm



Kyvivre is a bright city on the mainland of Britonisea, and even though it struggles to maintain superiority – being in the middle of Estogium’s border and the capital city, Doportedas – the city shines through when it comes to showing everyone the epitome of Britonish culture, and how this culture can be explored in a futuristic environment. Kyvivre is a unique city which shows that regardless of the digital age, and how fast the world is moving, culture can still adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment. Over the last 20 years, Kyvivre and the Kyvian* population has seen major changes to the city’s skyline, and like Junterapten and Knightinghamshire, Kyvivre was one, and still is one of the targeted cities to turn in to a neo-future based city. Our idea of neo-futurism isn’t going taller and out-there, but neo-futurism shows our changing desire and style within Britonish borders, and how our unusual taste can be shown to the fullest. Kyvivre has gone through vast improvements to transportation, the infrastructure and most importantly, and the living conditions. The city boasts a marvellous transportation system, design to fit our quirky taste, our building designs and our newly built, greenhouses – and not as in the colour.

Kyvivre has been commended for it’s push for the country’s switch from fossil fuel use (Coal, Oil, Gas) to permanent, sustainable, renewable energy use (Wind, Solar, Water), while also opting to use battery-powered vehicles instead of using oil. When we use our small percentage of fossil fuels, we try our hardest to stick to cleaner ways of using them. For example, we wouldn’t extract oil from the earth, but instead, extract oil from plants. This is known as using biofuels and we plant 2 seeds for every flower used.

A triangle will be the centrepiece of the 78th World Hit Festival in Kyvivre...

Arenakyvivre will be hosting the World Hit Festival for the third time after having done so at the 27th and 47th editions. You could fit around 21,000 spectators in there which means that we will have a packed and filled audience for the Festival. We hope that this will create a fantastic atmosphere and will appear great on television too. Arenakyvivre has a large floor space where we can fit as many fans in as possible, with very high one-tier seating which will stretch around the whole of the arena. Thirty-one editions after the last hosting, Arenakyvivre will be in the eyes of the world and there is a beautiful stage as well. In keeping with the triangular theme of this year, the World Hit Festival stage will be one large LED triangular screen - large enough so that delegations who wanted to having a more traditional square or rectangular design can do that but we can assure you that the triangle is an eye-catching design from any angle you choose in the arena. There will be a plethora of cameras - up to 25 cameras will be used throughout the duration of the production and since Britonisea has hosted the World Hit Festival nine times before, you can believe that the Britonish are capable of anything your heart desires. As always, the Britonish stage will have many effects such as pyrotechnics, steam and dry ice, while also including a graphics and holographic package too. While in the picture it shows two tiers, Arenakyvivre has one tier but there is a strip of LED that surrounds the stage as shown in the picture so delegations can make use of that too. There are also light beams (6) that can come down as far as two metres from the ground. The stage floor is LED and in the shape of a pentagon and lined with more lights around it. The audience will be standing around it.

Luan Abreu, Evangeline Hope and Stuart Edwin will host the 78th World Hit Festival!

The 78th World Hit Festival will be hosted by three amazing hosts who have experience with such events. Luan Abreu is a television host and singer-songwriter from Doportedas, the capital city. Luan has hosted the World Hit Festival before. All the way back to the 38th edition, Luan hosted the festival with Aharon Reuven at Doportedas' Olympic Stadium. Luan is known for his light and fun banter which compliments his professionalism. He is a national treasure and is always on television one way or another. Luan rose to fame when his song, "Ma Grande Paradis (My Great Paradise)" reached number one in the Britonish charts after it was performed by someone on the X Factor RU. Ever since, Luan has been rising through the music industry, writing songs which have broken in to the top 10 of the Britonish music charts. Luan is also an advocate for freedom of expression, and equality between genders and has been working with many charities, aiding nations where certain groups of people are oppressed. Evangeline Hope is a familiar face in the World Hit Festival scene. Evangeline Hope will be hosting the World Hit Festival for the 5th time having hosted the 35th, 43rd, 53rd and 69th editions and now the 78th edition. Evangeline Hope has also been the Britonish spokesperson on eight different occasions, more than any other Britonish spokesperson. Though, and most important to the festival, she won the 42nd World Hit Festival in Altan, Kalosia with her song, "When Our Eyes Meet". Evangeline Hope has also represented Britonisea at the WorldVision Song Contest too. Evangeline Hope is known for her radiant personality, her beautiful singing voice and her likeability on camera. Evangeline is in love with the World Hit Festival hence why she has been so involved in the Festival since the broadcaster started participating in the Festival. Evangeline is super excited to be back to hosting her fifth festival - which must be some sort of record! Finally, Stuart Edwin will be the third and final host at the 78th World Hit Festival. Edwin may not have hosted a World Hit Festival before, but he has hosted the IBA Film & Television Awards alongside Xavier Benchek, who is the spokesperson for Britonisea at the World Hit Festival this time around. Edwin is known for being a "serious" and incredibly professional host, which the organisers of the festival believe will act as a great contrast to the more chilled Luan. Unlike the other two, Edwin isn't a singer, but he most definitely will get the gossip and see how each of the acts are doing in between musical performances.

Last edition's winner, Marcello will return to the stage at the 78th World Hit Festival!

Throughout the 78th World Hit Festival, there will be a great display of Britonish talent. Marcello will be back to sing his World Hit Festival winning song, "Vertigo" to open the show and will reappear during the interval to sing his latest release which will be revealed closer to the time. Evangeline Hope and Luan Abreu, the hosts, will also take to the stage to sing their hearts out as well. The festival will be one full of laughter, excitement and music with a couple of surprises here and there.

Postcard design for each entrant...
Last edited by Britonisea on Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:45 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Kalosia » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:23 pm

Mediterranea > Mediterra > Kalosia
/kə'loʊʒɑː/ (english) /kɑː'lɒsiːɑː/ (kalosian)
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Postby Scotatrova » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:32 pm

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Postby Carrelie » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:41 pm

Carrelie! little form to come
✶ C A R R E L I A N . C O N F E D E R A T I O N ✶
NS Stats not canon.

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Revived Unclear
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Postby Revived Unclear » Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:47 pm

Unclear is coming in hot with Homer! Actual form I will get to at some point in time

Nation: Unclear
Broadcaster: Unclearian Music Broadcasting (UMB)
Name Of Head Of Delegation: Lisa Anne Poliuon

Artist(s) details
Band Name: Homer
Full Name(s): Lisa Dolgton (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, frontman/woman), Anne Golreon (backing vocals, Drums), Dale Polotin (occassional backing vocals, Bass Guitar), Axel Uolton (backing vocals, Lead Guitar)
Age: 55/56/56/57
City/Town From: All from Los Ash

Song Details
Song Title: Takeover
Language(s): English
Title Translation (if required):
Tune: Metallica- Fight Fire With Fire

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: UNC
1 fun fact about your artist(s): All the band members like playing the Xbox 360, regularly appearing on Black Ops 2 lobbies
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Lisa: Collecting vintage video game and consoles, Anne: collecting drumsticks and eating ice cream, Dale: collecting military surplus clothing items, Axel: Collecting guitars (electric guitars, and bass guitars)
Last edited by Revived Unclear on Sun Dec 29, 2024 2:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Beepee is in!

Postby Beepee » Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:09 pm

Nation: Beepee
Broadcaster: Beepeean Occasional News Corporation [BONC]
Name of Head of Delegation: Ms Fanny Golightly

Artist(s) Details:
Band Name: Bellerophon
Full name(s): Mike Rophon (Lead Vocals, Piano), Karl Zingers (Backing Vocals, Bass Guitar), Chris Cross (Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals)
Age: 32/30/32
City/Town from: Hercules

Song Details
Song Title: "Einfaches Liebeslied"
Language(s): German
Title Translation (if required): "Simple Love Song"
Tune: PEGASUS "As Long As You Stay Here"

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme:BPE
1 fun fact about your artist(s): The three band members met doing an urban planning degree at Catenham State University. Only one, Cross, graduated.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): needlepoint, tapestry and cross stitch

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Robloxian Robloxia
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Postby Robloxian Robloxia » Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:52 pm

Nation: Robloxian Robloxia
Broadcaster: Robloxian Robloxia Radio Website (rrrW)
Name of Head of Delegation: Lana Drehsstu-Immprehss

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: MIZZ DEE
Full name(s): Myiaiadariaia Vonnebullutonaria Meheyelataiaia
Age: 26
City/Town from: Expedition Antarctica, Robloxian Robloxia

Song Details
Language(s): English, Aiaiavaiaian
Tune: BIBI - Sugar Rush

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: RRX
1 fun fact about your artist(s): She can withstand -45 degree celsius temperatures.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): As she is from the city Expedition Antarctica, she enjoys plotting paths and planning people's trips to Antartica. She has been to Antartica 65 times and can speak penguin. She loves exploring Antartica.
Last edited by Robloxian Robloxia on Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Hafamarimyht » Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:51 am

Nation: Hafamarimët
Broadcaster: TVH
Name of Head of Delegation: Januhela Vnëgvund

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Sïnkïnada Rimu
Full name(s): Sïnkïnada Rimu
Age: 33
City/Town from: Baspink

Song Details
Song Title: Dïlïdaja
Language(s): Hafamari, English
Title Translation (if required): There is no official translation of Dïlïdaja, but an equivalent would be something like "la la la."
Tune: Elena Risteska - Ninanajna

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: HAF
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Along with her co-writers (and co-stars) Čihura Grïb, Sït Vedun, and Dolly Patrón, Sïnkïnada won Best Episodic Screenplay at the 2022 Hafamari Cultural Awards (Ïvïntači Gimdinavjë) for their work on the sitcom Röjna Rabovjë.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Sïnkïnada is a self-described "horse girl" and has cared for and ridden horses since she was a child growing up on a farm outside of Baspink.
Last edited by Hafamarimyht on Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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WV19: 23rd (27pts)
WV24: 34th (9pts)
WV26: 34th (28 pts)
WV27: 31st (27 pts)
WV28: 28th (21 pts)
WV30: 18th (39 pts)
WV34: DQ
WV82: 24th (18 pts)
WV86: 21st (99pts)
WV87: 9th (160pts)
WV88: 19th (121pts)
WV90: 26th (81pts)
WV91: 15th (117pts)
WV96: 17th (134pts)
WV99: 11th (158pts)
WV100: 16th in SF/DNQ
WV109: 18th (71pts)
WV110: 8th (156pts)
WV111: 7th (196pts)
WV112: 8th (146pts)
WV115: 10th (125pts)
WV116: 7th (162pts)
WV118: 10th (133pts)

WHF5: 8th (16pts)
WHF11: 22nd (3pts)
WHF13: 24th (5pts)
WHF56: 20th (6pts)
WHF57: 8th (18pts)
WHF59: 10th (13pts)
WHF73: 2nd (22pts)
WHF74 (HOST): 5th (11pts)
WHF75: 5th (19pts)
WHF77: 5th (12pts)

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Postby Rugenia » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:06 am


Nation: Rugenia
Broadcaster: RTV1
Name of Head of Delegation: Carla Winterberg

Artist(s) Details:
Stage Name: Viktoria Kuskavka
Full name(s): Viktoria Levi Kuskavka
Age: 19
City/Town from: Novoradsk, Rugenia

Song Details
Song Title: Don't Stop, Be Free
Language(s): English, (Rugenian)
Title Transcription (if required): -
Title Translation (if required): -
Tune: Elvana Gjata - Karnaval

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: RUG
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Viktoria is the eldest daughter of the popular Rugenian singer and last edition’s host, Lena Kuskavka.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Her favorite hobby is diving, and she has completed a diving certification.
Last edited by Rugenia on Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Ugunnustan » Mon Dec 30, 2024 3:24 pm

Nation: Ugunnustan
Broadcaster: Yuifh Ugunnustan (YUG)
Name of Head of Delegation: Abai Iskanderov

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Malikaa
Full name(s): Malika Nazerova
Age: 21
City/Town from: Sükoyyü

Song Details
Song Title: @ Ur Feet
Language(s): English
Title Transcription (if required): N/A
Title Translation (if required): N/A

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: UGU
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Malika is originally from the town of Sukili, which only has 131 people!
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies):
Malika loves to travel, and has visited 27 countries in total.
Last edited by Ugunnustan on Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

⚝Republic⚝ ⚝Of⚝ ⚝Ugunnustan⚝

Worldvision 107 - 13/37
Worldvision 108 - 4/32
Worldvision 109 8/21
Worldvision 110 6/26(Our hosting! :D)
Worldvision 111 - 1/29
WorldVision 112 6/25

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Postby Axuva » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:07 pm

Nation: Axuva
Broadcaster: TPNB-X

Song Title: Ocean
Artist: Dongyeon Shik
Language(s): English
Title Transcription (if required):
Title Translation (if required):
Official Trigramme: AXV
Name of Head of Delegation: Adrian Yoon

Host Requirement
The slogan "music warms hearts" in your national language: "음악은 마음을 따뜻하게 한다"
Axuva Today Network [ATN] Today we announce that the Axuvian Government now recognizes The Russian Language as an Official Language, Korean and English were spoken in the beginning, but there were Russians too, russians were forgotten and their language were not recognized due to the things they did in the past, but now their language is a official language of Axuva, and there will now be 3 official languages instead of two.

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Postby Britonisea » Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:19 pm

Thank you guys for signing up!

I've updated it on the OP. Any changes to applications? Please make a new post.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Postby Britonisea » Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:54 am

Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Estogium » Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:43 am

In, will confirm entry soon.

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Lukas Sandoval will represent Estogium in Kyvivre!

Postby Estogium » Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:10 am

Estogium wrote:In, will confirm entry soon.


Lukas Sandoval to represent Estogium in Kyvivre at the 78th World Hit Festival!


Estogium will be sending 31-year-old Lukas Sandoval to the upcoming World Hit Festival that will be taking place in neighbouring country, Britonisea...


Nation: Estogium
Broadcaster: RVC
Name of Head of Delegation: Johan Hugo

Artist(s) Details
Stage/Band Name: Lukas Sandoval
Full name(s): Lukas Sandoval
Age: 28
City/Town from: Palisadoes

Song Details
Song Title: "Agony"
Language(s): English
Tune: Liam Payne - Teardrops

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme:
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Skiing, in fact he does it professionally when he is not singing and hoping to represent Estogium or neighbouring Britonisea at the Winter Olympics.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Baking cookies for the monthly fundraiser at his local sports club.

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Scotatrova » Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:01 pm

Nation: Scotatrova
Broadcaster: TAS
Name of Head of Delegation: Clara Roveo

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Solanna
Full name(s): Anna Soliure
Age: 24
City/Town from: Calhariz

Song Details
Song Title: -TBD-
Language(s): English
Title Transcription (if required):
Title Translation (if required):
Tune: Gigi Perez - Sailor Song

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: SCT
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Solanna can speak four languages
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): During her free time, she practices her skills in archery and pottery
The Scotatrovian People's Republic
La Repuvlia eu Oneix Scotatrofina

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Postby Britonisea » Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:21 am

The OOC has been updated.

Just a reminder there is now just under a week to get your entries in - please upload a complete set of lyrics and post your form on the OOC to be allowed to compete.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Postby Carrelie » Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:01 pm

updated sign up!

Nation: Carrelie
Broadcaster: TV6
Name of Head of Delegation: Marie Lebrites

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Lise-Mourits Brix
Full name(s): Lise-Mourits Jørnsdatter Brix
Age: 43
City/Town from: Køsalar, Andlin

Song Details
Song Title: Sirenesang
Language(s): Danish
Title Translation: Siren Song
Tune: Veronica Maggio – Välkommen in

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: CRL
1 fun fact about your artist(s): In her free time, Lise-Mourits volunteers running bingo and other events in Køsalar.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Hiking and crocheting
Last edited by Carrelie on Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
✶ C A R R E L I A N . C O N F E D E R A T I O N ✶
NS Stats not canon.

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Malta Comino Gozo
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Malta Comino Gozo » Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:22 pm

50/50 in
Malta Comino Gozo WV Committee member. International Broadcast Alliance founding member. Member of the WMCAverse, Waisnor/Malta Comino Gozo/Carrelie/Alezian Union Achaean_Republic

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Kalosia » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:25 am

Posting my entry shortly but just wanted to get the formalities in as well:

Nation: Kalosia
Broadcaster: Radiu-Televižio Kalosia
Name of Head of Delegation: tbu/same as last time

Artist(s) Details
Stage/Band Name: King of Diamonds ft Marlenë Feruťë
Full name(s): Mikel Kosta, Karlu Rajmondi, Marlenë Feruťë
Age: 31 (Mikel), 34 (Karlu), 64 (Marlenë)
City/Town from: Vimarë

Song Details
Song Title: La dulťë vitë
Language(s): Kalosian
Title Translation (if required): The sweet life
Tune: Amatimies — JVG

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: KLS
1 fun fact about your artist(s): King of Diamonds is a whimsical duo from the seaside town of Vimarë consisting of Mikel Kosta and Karlu Rajmondi. For this project, they have teamed up with Marlenë Feruťë, a 64 year old retired model and socialite. She, in fact, had a brief stint in music in the late 1980s. Although it didn't quite take off, King of Diamonds have sampled her song in this entry and she has agreed to reprise her role.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): Biking (Mikel & Karlu), enjoying the fresh seaside air (Marlenë)
Last edited by Kalosia on Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mediterranea > Mediterra > Kalosia
/kə'loʊʒɑː/ (english) /kɑː'lɒsiːɑː/ (kalosian)
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World Hit Festival results (incomplete)

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Britonisea » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:26 pm

Due to me being incredibly busy this week down to RL circumstances, the IC content of the show is not ready. Moreover, the participation numbers could be higher. Thus, I will be extending the sign-up and entry posting period.

The new deadline is as follows:

Schedule for the 78th World Hit Festival
Times and dates are subject to change...
Draft Thread Opens - 1st January 2025
Sign-ups close & Closure of Draft - 26th January 2025, 12:00 GMT (48-hour grace period)
Voting Open By - 28th January 23:00 GMT (most probably up to a day before)
Voting Lines Close By - 2nd February 2025
Voting Reveal Days- The week after

This means that sign-ups are still open and so is the draft thread until the 26th January 2025, 12:00 GMT (that's midday). As we have enough nations to run the World Hit Festival, no further extensions will be provided.
Last edited by Britonisea on Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Britonisea confirms

Postby Britonisea » Wed Jan 22, 2025 7:54 am

Nation: Britonisea
Broadcaster: BVC
Name of Head of Delegation: Robert Palmer

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Kayla Allsebrooke
Full name(s): Kayla Allsebrooke
Age: 21
City/Town from: Quickenden

Song Details
Song Title: Insane
Language(s): English
Tune: Jacqline - Effortless

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme:
1 fun fact about your artist(s): She came second in VM
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies): She loves fitness
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Britonisea » Sun Jan 26, 2025 5:24 am

A grand total of 9 nations will compete at this upcoming World Hit Festival 78:

Robloxian Robloxia
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Axuva » Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:06 am

Nation: Axuva
Broadcaster: TPNB-X
Name of Head of Delegation: Adrian Yoon

Artist(s) Details:
Stage/Band Name: Dongyeon Shik
Full name(s): Dongyeon Shik
Age: 33
City/Town from: Navanya

Song Details
Song Title: Ocean
Language(s): English
Title Transcription (if required):
Title Translation (if required):

Host Requirements:
Official Trigramme: AXV
1 fun fact about your artist(s): Dongyeon wanted to play in the NBA in the states as he was considered one of the best from his school but was scouted by a entertainment agency instead before he could pursue it & originally found his voice in choir.
Your artist's favourite hobby (or hobbies):
Basketball, gamimg, hiking, fitness
Axuva Today Network [ATN] Today we announce that the Axuvian Government now recognizes The Russian Language as an Official Language, Korean and English were spoken in the beginning, but there were Russians too, russians were forgotten and their language were not recognized due to the things they did in the past, but now their language is a official language of Axuva, and there will now be 3 official languages instead of two.



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