[PASSED] Commend UPC

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[PASSED] Commend UPC

Postby Rhaza » Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:33 pm

Alright I had been a bit lazy about this so I wanted to knock it out - emphasis that this is a first draft, there's at least one person I need to seriously consult on a handful of language stuff - but I wanted to get it out here.

Character count: 4996

Co-author: Sporaltryus, Westinor

The Security Council,

Clarifying that honors bestowed by this council seek to recognize the greats of history, making it critical to tell the story of UPC, an unrivaled architect of development and innovation who has served with distinction in Europeia for over half a decade,

Hailing UPC’s arrival on the shores of Europeia in 2019, where they immediately displayed remarkable ambition, quickly beginning a career in politics and the acquisition of international artworks,

In pursuit of renowned art pieces, UPC acquired more than 2500 items of Legendary status, making them at one point the seventh-wealthiest nation in the multiverse. Among this vast expanse of riches, UPC collected every Epic-classed card for the second and third release of artworks, acquired all but two exceedingly rare Europeian pieces in the aforementioned releases, and established themselves as a core part of the artwork-collecting community, heading art-based organizations like NASPAQ, hosting pull events, and contributing heavily to cards discourse,

Politically, UPC served in six Europeian Senates, one of which they served as Speaker, where they acted as a diligent legislator and were critical to the ratification of the Aegis Accords by Europeia in 2023 which brought the region into the defender sphere and led to several key alliances for Europeia,

Acknowledging UPC as a generational talent in the technological crafts, crafting a wide series of tools assisting in general regional infrastructure and more niche topics such as security and recruitment, including:

  • Naturally intuitive endorsement swapping tools used en-masse in Europeia that have become critical to the region’s security infrastructure, automatically taking into account Europeia’s endorsement limits and providing lists of nations to unendorse,
  • Defender Influence calculation technology, which aids aiding defender leaders in siege efforts and preparation for invader refound attempts by invaders,
  • Surveillance equipment that allows major Frontiers such as Europeia and Concord to pull data on endorsement limit violators, including the extent by which they are in violation, and differentiating between varied endorsement limits for nations,
  • Helpful general purpose assistant UPC-3PO, which allows communities to easily access data on neighboring nations, various information on artwork, and regional activity patterns, allowing leaders to anticipate and mitigate national collapses,
  • Asperta, a recruitment instrument developed by UPC which helped fill a vacuum created by the discontinuation of other widespread tools, now in use by Europeia, The League & Concord, The Region That Has No Big Banks, 10000 Islands, and more, allowing these regions to continue growing and sustaining their communities,
  • The ongoing project Eurocore, which thus far aids in regional integration and publication promotion via the prompt distribution of dispatches and telegrams by regional authorities, with the potential for even greater functionality in the future,

Taken aback by UPC’s current tenure as WA Delegate of Europeia, where they have taken the helm of Europeia’s new Frontier identity and guided the region through stormy seas to great success, attaining a remarkable 300 endorsements despite countervailing interregional endorsement trends in 2023, leading the Regional Security Council through potential trials and implementing legislation to ensure the future separation of powers between Delegate and President, reducing the risk of rogue actors provoking internal strife in an uncertain era,

Electrified by UPC’s historic Presidency in Europeia, where they served an unprecedented and region-transforming four consecutive terms, lifting the region from a slump of relative inactivity and maintaining that energy in the executive and elsewhere, reinvigorating regional society and engagement in government, maintaining transparency and interest with themed weekly dispatches beginning in their second term, while investing in new talent and fresh faces with their Vice President Grea Kriopia in an effort that has further driven executive engagement,

Remarking on UPC’s ability to embody Europeia’s diplomatic interests as a central force of modern defender politics abroad, not only as a leading figure in massive interregional efforts like the repeals of SC 52 and 217 as well as the initial ERN-supported securing of the Plains of Perdition, and as a partner to key members of the faction, represented by UPC’s fundamental role in ratifying the Treaty of the Shining Seas with the South Pacific, an important cultural and political bond forged in large part thanks to UPC’s diplomatic prowess,

Affirming, without a shadow of a doubt, UPC should be awarded this council’s highest honor for their service to Europeia, and their promotion of development and prosperity abroad,

Hereby commends [nation=long]UPC[/nation].
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Postby Fachumonn » Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:48 pm

Happy to support this but I think it could use some work. It's very listy and I feel like there are some parts which could be improved (especially the whole Shocked list), but I think it tells a good story. Will hopefully give more substantial feedback later.
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Raiding puPpeT
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Postby Raiding puPpeT » Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:50 pm

for!! give as many badges as possible
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Empire of Caldrasa
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Postby Empire of Caldrasa » Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:12 pm

Definitly full support!!

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Haymarket Riot
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Postby Haymarket Riot » Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:52 pm

Full support, good stuff. I'll take a look more in depth at a later date but I'm glad this has been posted.
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Postby Fhaengshia » Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:20 pm

UPC has significant achievements in nscards that this doesn’t do justice, i hope the following quick overview from memory can provide inspiration from someone who has collaborated with them in this sphere over the years (making inclusion of what you already have drafted):

Accentuating the achievements UPC has accomplished in the competitive field of international artwork starting off by being voted as the Best Rising Star of 2021 in the Cards Symposium of that year hosted by The North Pacific. Founding and being the principal of NASPAQ - a regional organisation serving Europeia domestically through legendary giveaway incentives for regional activity, and interregionally through its influence hosting pull events for the wider multiverse. Their role in sustaining the value of a vast swathe of legendary artwork during the market depression in season 2 at great national expense. And their extensive collection efforts securing artwork comprising every Europeian created piece barring 2 exceptionally rare copies, every epic-classed piece for the second and third seasons, every legendary-classed piece for the first and second seasons, and notably building a portfolio that was at one point the 7th most valuable and comprising over 2,500 legendary pieces.

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Angeloid Astraea
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Postby Angeloid Astraea » Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:29 am

Against because of his Damnatio Memoriae nonsense.


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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:47 am

Generally looks good, though I did catch this on my first read through.
Honors bestowed by this council seek to recognize the greats of history, and therefore it is critical to tell the story of UPC, an unrivaled statesman based in Europeia, a region they’ve served with distinction for over half a decade,

I think “statesman” falls foul of R2(a).

There were a couple of other bits that I’m going to re-read as I’m not sure about them, but will get back to you on that.
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Postby Bir Matras » Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:55 am

Full support from me aswell

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Postby Numero Capitan » Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:50 am

I think there’s a lot in here that isn’t commendable in its own right, particularly the Europeia focused paragraphs when the emphasis should be more on the tech and Cards side of things that have more international significance. It feels a shame to limit the tech contributions to a single paragraph when the impacts are wider ranging and benefit different regions in multiple areas of the game. I’d readjust the focus and maybe lose some of the references to senator terms, GKs subsequent election and endorsement counts.
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National Coraland of Fishery
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Postby National Coraland of Fishery » Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:51 am

Full support.
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Postby Sporaltryus » Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:33 am

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:
Honors bestowed by this council seek to recognize the greats of history, and therefore it is critical to tell the story of UPC, an unrivaled statesman based in Europeia, a region they’ve served with distinction for over half a decade,

I think “statesman” falls foul of R2(a).

We went back and forth on this one a touch, obviously going with keeping it included, but it's in enough of a gray zone that I am requesting a legality check on "statesman" in the line.

Taking Fhaeng's and NuCa's comments into account and working on a draft two. Thank you for the messages of support and constructive feedback.
Last edited by Sporaltryus on Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zukchiva » Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:43 am

i love the ceo of cancel culture, can he cancel me next!?

I generally agree with Nunca but to be more specific:

Grateful to UPC’s service in six Europeian Senates, one of which they served as Speaker, where they acted as a diligent legislator and were critical to the ratification of the Aegis Accords by Europeia in 2023 which brought the region into the defender sphere and led to several new key alliances for Europeia,

Nunca's right that this can be removed, but if kept it should really focus a lot more on what legislative bills/amendments UPC wrote. I'm aware Euro is very hard to become a Senator compared to any other region but nonetheless if all you do is debate then it isn't really notable beyond getting Euro into Aegis.

Impressed that as Delegate of Europeia, UPC’s efforts led them to attain 300 endorsements, an incredible achievement especially in light of substantial endorsement declines in early 2023,
The number alone is quite impressive but there has to be the question of did UPC just endotart daily like most high-endo figures do or did he do something(s) special to get this like endo contests, wa stat updates, some of his own tech, etc? If it's the former then that's cool but probably done widely enough that it isn't notable (with the high number also being partially contributed to euro recruitment efforts, presumably). If the latter - best to expand on this.

Also could just be removed to use characters for something else. But also you could make the argument that consistent endotarting plus UPC's help in recruitment tech to bolster overall Euro recruitment together led to the high number, in which case it'd be an alright clause I think if you go down that route.

Weekly themed updates published consistently during their second through fourth terms, alleviating many citizen calls for further updates and transparency, where the government diligently kept the citizenry aware of their projects and goals,

Did UPC substantially contribute to these updates and work to garner their publishing? I'm assuming so but just to be sure - I don't think this would be notable if he suggested the idea but weren't the main force behind actually getting it done and/or heavily contributed to the updates.

Outreach to communities such as The Region That Has No Big Banks and the Democratic Socialist Assembly, helping bring the former into the defender cause, with the region now boasting a substantial defensive army,
This mostly just reads as him getting Euro embassies, which probably isn't notable since its just 2 regions. If this is kept I'd probably try to rework it to focus on how UPC helped TRTHNBB get into defenderdom or just scrap it entirely.

In general I believe getting embassies can be notable but only if in a sense of FA revival (i.e. like 5+ notable regions) or forming relationships that become very tight under their guidnace (see TEP-Thaecia even before they were allies under Marrabuk/Libertanny's efforts on TEP side).

Deploying the Europeian Republican Navy to the newly formed Sinkers, Plains of Perdition and the Outback, supporting both regions in the establishment of their first governments, aiming to allow both to grow as sovereign and stable states,
On this own this isn't really notable IMO. Did UPC directly play a hand in getting the pilers for this op, with a number so large it outshines typically operation piler numbers from a single region? If yes, I'd mention that - if no, I'd scrap this. It is a historic deployment, but not really one that shows anything special of UPC if the numbers weren't excellent with UPC helping to whip up said numbers.

Establishing a legacy and dynasty persisting past their own tenure, as their Vice President and close political confidant Grea Kriopia won a landslide electoral victory at the conclusion of UPC’s fourth term,
Don't think this is notable especially since GK herself was already a quite competent player when she came to Euro.

Overall support if the draft gets stronger, although I'm heavily biased 'cuz he is fren. if I remember i'll give some feedback on the next draft as well
Last edited by Zukchiva on Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Varanius » Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:44 am

For because of his Damnatio Memoriae nonsense, because I don’t think anyone has brought that up yet.
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Postby Ostrovskiy » Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:41 pm

character count 5000 is crazy lmao

Ok but seriously, those lists are too long. If you need something to cut to break them up, you can cut the new sinker stuff; it's still relatively new and we aren't 100% sure how they'll turn out. Also piling is not commendable. Again, if you can squeeze it in that's fine but I feel like cutting it to de-listify is a good trade
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Angeloid Astraea
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Postby Angeloid Astraea » Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:30 pm

Varanius wrote:For because of his Damnatio Memoriae nonsense, because I don’t think anyone has brought that up yet.

My post must have been damned to memory already. =P


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United Calanworie
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Postby United Calanworie » Wed Dec 25, 2024 8:57 am

Sporaltryus wrote:
Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:
Honors bestowed by this council seek to recognize the greats of history, and therefore it is critical to tell the story of UPC, an unrivaled statesman based in Europeia, a region they’ve served with distinction for over half a decade,

I think “statesman” falls foul of R2(a).

We went back and forth on this one a touch, obviously going with keeping it included, but it's in enough of a gray zone that I am requesting a legality check on "statesman" in the line.

Taking Fhaeng's and NuCa's comments into account and working on a draft two. Thank you for the messages of support and constructive feedback.

My ruling would be that it's illegal.
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Jar Wattinree
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Postby Jar Wattinree » Wed Dec 25, 2024 10:11 am

Sporaltryus wrote:
Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:
Honors bestowed by this council seek to recognize the greats of history, and therefore it is critical to tell the story of UPC, an unrivaled statesman based in Europeia, a region they’ve served with distinction for over half a decade,

I think “statesman” falls foul of R2(a).

We went back and forth on this one a touch, obviously going with keeping it included, but it's in enough of a gray zone that I am requesting a legality check on "statesman" in the line.

Taking Fhaeng's and NuCa's comments into account and working on a draft two. Thank you for the messages of support and constructive feedback.

Hmmm, how about “statesnation”?
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Postby Fachumonn » Wed Dec 25, 2024 10:34 am

Jar Wattinree wrote:
Sporaltryus wrote:We went back and forth on this one a touch, obviously going with keeping it included, but it's in enough of a gray zone that I am requesting a legality check on "statesman" in the line.

Taking Fhaeng's and NuCa's comments into account and working on a draft two. Thank you for the messages of support and constructive feedback.

Hmmm, how about “statesnation”?

That I assume would be legal but I don't find a point in saying that jumbled mess unless they really can't come up with another word for "statesman".
Last edited by Fachumonn on Wed Dec 25, 2024 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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New United Common-lands
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Postby New United Common-lands » Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:40 pm

Whilst broadly supportive of the commend, this statement is a reach in my opinion.

“Outreach to communities such as The Region That Has No Big Banks …[]…, helping bring the former into the defender cause, with the region now boasting a substantial defensive army,

TRTHNBB has been defender for a while, we formed the our own defender R/D org and had been participating in Libcord spanning back a while. I don’t see how the commend can use that as a specific point. Unless somebody wants to clarify what is meant by this …
Last edited by New United Common-lands on Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wallenburg » Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:35 pm

On "statesman", "leader in regional politics" seems a natural substitution to fall within the rules.
The Treaty of the Shining Seas with the South Pacific, deeping the ties between the two regions that had been warmed years prior with a non-aggression pact, and strengthened by further cultural and political collaboration,

This breaks from the surrounding list structure, which is written as acts performed. This should say what UPC did regarding the treaty.
She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida – the pink ones, not the white ones – except that she was standing on both of them, not just one of them, like those birds, the pink ones, and she wasn’t wearing pink, but I knew right away that she was trouble, which those birds usually aren’t.

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Postby Andy » Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:31 am

There are extremely few other C/Cs I'm as enthusiastically for. Another win for the Europeian-defender SC elite.
Last edited by Andy on Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lupercalia » Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:51 am

Against. I don't think we should be commending centrists.
Jumbled up letters.
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Postby Aivintis » Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:57 am

Rhaza wrote:Character count: 5000

I almost don't want you to change anything just because this is amazing, but I agree that it's very list-heavy so I do have some comments on structure and flow.

First, one bit of general writing advice:
"In pursuit of international artworks" [...] "Grateful to UPC’s service"

I think clause starter consistency, likely choosing the former/narrative form over the latter/traditional adjective form, would do some good to this proposal's writing style.

  • An endorsement swapping tool that Europeians can utilize, which automatically takes into account Europeia’s own endorsement limits and security needs, including providing lists of nations to unendorse,
  • Surveillance equipment that allows major Frontiers such as Europeia and Concord to pull data on endorsement limit violators, including the extent by which they are in violation, and differentiating between different endorsement limits for different nations,
  • Influence calculation technology, aiding defender leaders in siege efforts and preparation for refound attempts by invaders,
  • UPC-3PO, a general purpose assistant in regional platform management that allows communities to easily access data on their neighboring nations, various forms of cards information, and even activity patterns within their regions allowing for anticipation and mitigation of national collapses,
  • Asperta, a recruitment instrument developed by UPC which aided in filling a vacuum caused by the discontinuation of other widespread tools, now in use by Europeia, The League & Concord, The Region That Has No Big Banks, 10000 Islands, and more, allowing these regions to continue growing and sustaining their communities,
  • Eurocore, an ongoing project which thus far allows for the prompt posting of dispatches and proliferation of telegrams by regional authority, aiding in regional integration and publications with several major additions on the horizon,

Zoo wee mama, list one is chonky. So this clause is built around theme of technological invention, which great but UPC is too cool for that theme to significantly reduce clause size. The natural break I see is internal development vs military/security capability. If split into two clauses, one could talk about Eurocore, Asperta, and UPC-3PO, which eases the management and development of community infrastructure, while the other could talk about influence calculation, surveillance equipment, and endo swapping, which contribute to the security of a region and have certain military implications. I think this split would also demonstrate more about the range of UPC's innovations.

  • Broadly lifting the region from a slump of relative inactivity, and maintaining this newfound energy throughout their extensive service as President,
  • Weekly themed updates published consistently during their second through fourth terms, alleviating many citizen calls for further updates and transparency, where the government diligently kept the citizenry aware of their projects and goals,
  • Implementing legislation ensuring separation of powers between the WA Delegate and President in the future, reducing the risk of rouge actors causing internal strife within Europeia in the future,
  • The Treaty of the Shining Seas with the South Pacific, deeping the ties between the two regions that had been warmed years prior with a non-aggression pact, and strengthened by further cultural and political collaboration,
  • Outreach to communities such as The Region That Has No Big Banks and the Democratic Socialist Assembly, helping bring the former into the defender cause, with the region now boasting a substantial defensive army,
  • Deploying the Europeian Republican Navy to the newly formed Sinkers, Plains of Perdition and the Outback, supporting both regions in the establishment of their first governments, aiming to allow both to grow as sovereign and stable states,
  • Establishing a legacy and dynasty persisting past their own tenure, as their Vice President and close political confidant Grea Kriopia won a landslide electoral victory at the conclusion of UPC’s fourth term,

Ok, list two. My gut reaction is to separate this into governance in the moment (this could be phrased better) and legacy. POP/Outback, GK, outreach, and separation of powers are about the future. Building a legacy for himself and for Europeia, helping support future powerful regions, etc. Meanwhile, the governance in the moment or whatever you want to call it would be the "present" of his presidency rather than the future it brought about. Moving out of inactivity, weekly updates, and a treaty with TSP are markers of what was accomplished in the present vs what was accomplished to build a better future. Now, the TSP treaty could fit either of these but I think it falls fine in the present one. Idm either way, ultimately up to you.

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Postby Tom » Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:33 pm

Against. No mention of reintroducing columns to the EBC that every other Europeian gets commended for.
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