Bilancorn's Political Asylum Program

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Bilancorn's Political Asylum Program

Postby Bilancorn » Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:10 am

The government of the Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn decided to open an official asylum program for political refugees, for individuals escaping authoritarian regimes across the multiverse. We will offer to applicants a secure place to stay in our Capital city, Derion.

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Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
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Nu Elysium
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Postby Nu Elysium » Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:29 am

Name: Adolf von Malnoir
Sex: M
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Pure blooded Skandilundi
Political Ideology: Far-Right Clerical Monarcho-Fascism with Eating Babies-Kicking Puppies Synthesis and Neoliberal Cannibalistic Characteristics
Religion: Antitheist
Other Informations you want to add: The WOKE NU ELYSIUM ETABLISHMENT (New Cyramatir Police Department) is trying to CENSOR (arrest) ME FOR PRACTICING MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH (pulling a gun on a mixed race couple) !!!!!!!! HELP MEEE!!!!

OOC: i could've sworn you posted this like 2 other times now lol
Last edited by Nu Elysium on Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Elysium Public Broadcasting // Area amphetamine dispensary implicated in gasoline smuggling operation // Elysian population off world recently surpasses 4 million // Saturnian ice miner strike enters day nine as negotiations continue // Forced neural implant installation ruled unconstitutional // This report has been brought to you by Langston's Home Electromagnetics - Keeping your arcology safe since 2038
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Postby Doslonsu » Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:45 am

Name: Blaine Hope
Sex: Male
Age: 47
Ethnicity: Doslonsuan
Political Ideology: Ideological Cultism
Religion: Ideological Cult
Other Informations you want to add: N/A
Last edited by Doslonsu on Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:01 am

Nu Elysium wrote:Name: Adolf von Malnoir
Sex: M
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Pure blooded Skandilundi
Political Ideology: Far-Right Clerical Monarcho-Fascism with Eating Babies-Kicking Puppies Synthesis and Neoliberal Cannibalistic Characteristics
Religion: Antitheist
Other Informations you want to add: The WOKE NU ELYSIUM ETABLISHMENT (New Cyramatir Police Department) is trying to CENSOR (arrest) ME FOR PRACTICING MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH (pulling a gun on a mixed race couple) !!!!!!!! HELP MEEE!!!!

OOC: i could've sworn you posted this like 2 other times now lol

This request is accepted, but subject is taken in custody. We will decide if extradite him back in Nu Elysium if the following conditions are met:
1. The Nu Elysium government request it
2. Nu Elysium does not employ Capital Punishment
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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:07 am

Doslonsu wrote:Name: Blaine Hope
Sex: Male
Age: 47
Ethnicity: Doslonsuan
Political Ideology: Ideological Cultism
Religion: Ideological Cult
Other Informations you want to add: N/A

This request, given the political instability of Doslonsu, is accepted. However, the government of the friendly nation Langkasoka accused Mr. Hope of multiple charges, including terrorism and acts that can be classified as crimes against the humanity. While the Bilancornian government will not extradite Mr. Hope in an unstable country where he may be face potential execution, we will detain in him and investigate the charges filed against him; if the accusations are proven to be true, the Bilancornian government will procede against him, given the nature and the severity of the charges.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
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Juno Island
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Postby Juno Island » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:20 am

Name: Luther Strutton
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Ethnicity: Junoican
Political Ideology: Syndicalism
Religion: Atheist
Other Informations you want to add: Former trade union leader, Strutton was arrested a month ago for " instigation to revolt" when in reality, he and others organized a protest against the corporate monopoly that controls many sectors of the national economy
Democratic Republic of Juno Island

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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:36 am

Juno Island wrote:Name: Luther Strutton
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Ethnicity: Junoican
Political Ideology: Syndicalism
Religion: Atheist
Other Informations you want to add: Former trade union leader, Strutton was arrested a month ago for " instigation to revolt" when in reality, he and others organized a protest against the corporate monopoly that controls many sectors of the national economy

Mr. Luther Strutton, your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the capital city of Derion, Zorian residential row, number 3.
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:37 pm

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

On behalf of His Majesty Mohammed Iskandar Al-Manṣūr, the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV of Langkasoka, and Sultan XXXIII of Melaka, this message has been transmitted to the foreign office of the Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn.

The founder and leader of the now defunct 'Dark Sun' terrorist organisation, Blaine Hope, had previously applied for political asylum in Bilancorn. Upon becoming aware of this fact, the Langkasokan Foreign Ministry had contacted their Bilancornian counterparts to inform them of their criminal acts including terrorism and incitement of civil disturbances. Acting upon this information, the Bilancornian authorities detained Blaine Hope for further investigation into the allegations brought against him, and consider the possibility of extraditing to Doslonsu or conducting a trial in Bilancorn.

First, the Langkasokan Federation would bring evidence regarding Blaine Hope's criminal acts of hijacking public broadcasts and using these to incite violence and mass civil disturbances: #1

Then, evidence regarding Blaine Hope's acts of terrorism and mass murder carried out by militias of the Dark Sun terrorist group: #1 #2 #3

We hope that these pieces of evidence may assist in the Bilancornian investigation into the accusations against Blaine Hope.

With peace and stability having returned to Doslonsu, it is the Langkasokan Federation's opinion that it is safe for Blaine Hope to be extradited. In regards to whether capital punishment will play a role in the country's judicial system, is up to the new administration of Minister Callen Vyrannis to decide. And thus, the matter of extradition can be negotiated between the governments of Doslonsu and Bilancorn.

Kind Regards,
Sabri Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Bilancorn » Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:00 am

Langkasoka wrote:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

On behalf of His Majesty Mohammed Iskandar Al-Manṣūr, the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV of Langkasoka, and Sultan XXXIII of Melaka, this message has been transmitted to the foreign office of the Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn.

The founder and leader of the now defunct 'Dark Sun' terrorist organisation, Blaine Hope, had previously applied for political asylum in Bilancorn. Upon becoming aware of this fact, the Langkasokan Foreign Ministry had contacted their Bilancornian counterparts to inform them of their criminal acts including terrorism and incitement of civil disturbances. Acting upon this information, the Bilancornian authorities detained Blaine Hope for further investigation into the allegations brought against him, and consider the possibility of extraditing to Doslonsu or conducting a trial in Bilancorn.

First, the Langkasokan Federation would bring evidence regarding Blaine Hope's criminal acts of hijacking public broadcasts and using these to incite violence and mass civil disturbances: #1

Then, evidence regarding Blaine Hope's acts of terrorism and mass murder carried out by militias of the Dark Sun terrorist group: #1 #2 #3

We hope that these pieces of evidence may assist in the Bilancornian investigation into the accusations against Blaine Hope.

With peace and stability having returned to Doslonsu, it is the Langkasokan Federation's opinion that it is safe for Blaine Hope to be extradited. In regards to whether capital punishment will play a role in the country's judicial system, is up to the new administration of Minister Callen Vyrannis to decide. And thus, the matter of extradition can be negotiated between the governments of Doslonsu and Bilancorn.

Kind Regards,
Sabri Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

Estimed F.A. Minister of the Federation of Langkasoka,
We deeply thank you for the cooperation regarding this case.
We will have a part of our secret police investigate the matter, and we will later contact the Doslonsuan authorities regarding a potential trial or extradition.
Kind regards,
Marco Barsanti, F.A. Minister.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Postby Bilancorn » Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:45 pm

Langkasoka wrote:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

On behalf of His Majesty Mohammed Iskandar Al-Manṣūr, the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV of Langkasoka, and Sultan XXXIII of Melaka, this message has been transmitted to the foreign office of the Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn.

The founder and leader of the now defunct 'Dark Sun' terrorist organisation, Blaine Hope, had previously applied for political asylum in Bilancorn. Upon becoming aware of this fact, the Langkasokan Foreign Ministry had contacted their Bilancornian counterparts to inform them of their criminal acts including terrorism and incitement of civil disturbances. Acting upon this information, the Bilancornian authorities detained Blaine Hope for further investigation into the allegations brought against him, and consider the possibility of extraditing to Doslonsu or conducting a trial in Bilancorn.

First, the Langkasokan Federation would bring evidence regarding Blaine Hope's criminal acts of hijacking public broadcasts and using these to incite violence and mass civil disturbances: #1

Then, evidence regarding Blaine Hope's acts of terrorism and mass murder carried out by militias of the Dark Sun terrorist group: #1 #2 #3

We hope that these pieces of evidence may assist in the Bilancornian investigation into the accusations against Blaine Hope.

With peace and stability having returned to Doslonsu, it is the Langkasokan Federation's opinion that it is safe for Blaine Hope to be extradited. In regards to whether capital punishment will play a role in the country's judicial system, is up to the new administration of Minister Callen Vyrannis to decide. And thus, the matter of extradition can be negotiated between the governments of Doslonsu and Bilancorn.

Kind Regards,
Sabri Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

The Bilancornian Special Military Court, after careful analysis of the evidence presented, believes that the individual known as Blaine Hope committed acts of terrorism, mass murder and attempted coup; these crimes cannot be judged by a Bilancornian judge as they were not committed in Bilancorn and did not involve Bilancornian citizens. However, we have reason to believe that the way in which at least some of these acts were committed falls into the category of crimes against humanity (specifically, the crime of massacre). The Bilancornian Special Military Court has decided to begin proceedings against Mr. Hope given the extent of the accusations, and will pronounce the verdict within 3 days: if found guilty, the Bilancornian government remains open to negotiations with the Doslonsu government.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Neibeskan Skandia
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Postby Neibeskan Skandia » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:29 am

Name: Tom Berrii
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Ethnicity: Samriccque
Political Ideology: Combinationalism
Religion: Irreligious
Other Informations you want to add: Tom is a well known business magnate in Sampouiê. He's establishment, the Tom Oil Refineries Ltd. has been accused of tax fraud and seized by the government however Tom claims that the current government has framed him as he has continuously criticized them and has tried bringing the current Queen, Étris Rée to court for what happened on 7 March 2020. He wishes to flee to Bilancorn before he's arrested.
The Kingdom of Sampouiet | l'Roillim d'Sampouiet
aka: Tyreis, Bernskia

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Refugee From Aekea

Postby Aekea » Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:53 am

Name: X67-290 (Nickname Jeffrey)
Sex: N/A
Age: Online for 7 years
Ethnicity: Cybernetic Android
Political Ideology: Organic Robot Coexistence
Religion: N/A
Other Information you want to add: I am a synthetic humanoid from Osen Kogai No Kori. I am persecuted and ridiculed for being an environmental activist, and Aekea does not have any real political freedoms or democratic protections, causing me to be mistreated by authorities who tell me that I am defective and refuse me to use certain charging points or connect to certain Wifi ports suggesting that I have a virus affecting my software. They have attempted to force updates on me as well as even hinted that I should be factory reset or decommissioned, which would effectively end my perceptual existence. I experience threats from some more extreme robots that I will be stripped for parts if I continue behaving as a human.

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Mallabhum State
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Mallabhum State » Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:07 am

Name: Georges Maurras
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Ethnicity: French
Political Ideology: Conservative Democracy
Religion: Catholic Christianity
Other Informations you want to add: I used to be a head judge under the Poincare regime. After that cursed madman Artaud took over in the aftermath of the Action Francaise coup, my nation has descended into a spiral of madness. Even though he currently is too insane to function, his successor Genet and his Légion de Cruauté are twice worse. There is no space for me in Great Scythia, as the 'Vozhd' Gumilyov refuses to assimilate anyone of the Romano-Germanic Superethnos in his Eurasian State.I do not wish to emigrate to the Reactionary League in the Scottish Highlands, for I fear the man calling himself 'HMMLR' (Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance) is Heinrich Himmler in disguise. I hope I shall be allowed to take refuge in Bilancorn, or otherwise I shall be left with no choice but to join Marc Augier and his band of cavemen
Last edited by Mallabhum State on Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
La destruction de la réalité, le chaos des rêves.
Artaud sera honoré!

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Postby Dacarbatia » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:37 am



Name: Kim Jee-Yeong
Sex: Male
Age: 63
Ethnicity: Javilian
Political Ideology: Democratic Socialist
Religion: Protestant
Other Informations you want to add: I would like to escape the growing authoritarianism of the Dacarbatian Government and it's people, allies, enemies, and puppets. This is because i almost got kicked out from my party for false claims of corruption, which i didn't even created. I was a former member of the Hangyeok Independence Movement and i got kicked out too because of the same claims of false corruption.
✲˙⋆✮⋆˙✲ Dacarbatia (다카르바티아) ✲˙⋆✮⋆˙✲
The land where NS Stats and Policies were hanged by Dacarbatian soldiers.
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The Goldwood Times Cyssania has participated in the 2025 ConcordiaSings contest in Lasan with the song "Besar Bangsa" by Nathaniel Damiga.  57 people were killed in a bus accident in Javilia.  Dacarbatia and the ASSR has signed a peace treaty.

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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:25 pm

Neibeskan Skandia wrote:Name: Tom Berrii
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Ethnicity: Samriccque
Political Ideology: Combinationalism
Religion: Irreligious
Other Informations you want to add: Tom is a well known business magnate in Sampouiê. He's establishment, the Tom Oil Refineries Ltd. has been accused of tax fraud and seized by the government however Tom claims that the current government has framed him as he has continuously criticized them and has tried bringing the current Queen, Étris Rée to court for what happened on 7 March 2020. He wishes to flee to Bilancorn before he's arrested.

Mr. Tom Berrii, your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the capital city of Derion, in road temiscus, number 11.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:27 pm

Aekea wrote:Name: X67-290 (Nickname Jeffrey)
Sex: N/A
Age: Online for 7 years
Ethnicity: Cybernetic Android
Political Ideology: Organic Robot Coexistence
Religion: N/A
Other Information you want to add: I am a synthetic humanoid from Osen Kogai No Kori. I am persecuted and ridiculed for being an environmental activist, and Aekea does not have any real political freedoms or democratic protections, causing me to be mistreated by authorities who tell me that I am defective and refuse me to use certain charging points or connect to certain Wifi ports suggesting that I have a virus affecting my software. They have attempted to force updates on me as well as even hinted that I should be factory reset or decommissioned, which would effectively end my perceptual existence. I experience threats from some more extreme robots that I will be stripped for parts if I continue behaving as a human.

Artificial Being X67-290 AKA Jeffrey, your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the capital city of Derion, in road Liberation day, number 6.
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:29 pm

Mallabhum State wrote:Name: Georges Maurras
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Ethnicity: French
Political Ideology: Conservative Democracy
Religion: Catholic Christianity
Other Informations you want to add: I used to be a head judge under the Poincare regime. After that cursed madman Artaud took over in the aftermath of the Action Francaise coup, my nation has descended into a spiral of madness. Even though he currently is too insane to function, his successor Genet and his Légion de Cruauté are twice worse. There is no space for me in Great Scythia, as the 'Vozhd' Gumilyov refuses to assimilate anyone of the Romano-Germanic Superethnos in his Eurasian State.I do not wish to emigrate to the Reactionary League in the Scottish Highlands, for I fear the man calling himself 'HMMLR' (Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance) is Heinrich Himmler in disguise. I hope I shall be allowed to take refuge in Bilancorn, or otherwise I shall be left with no choice but to join Marc Augier and his band of cavemen

Mr. Georges Maurras, your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the city of Hoshang, in road Kriptos, number 31.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:30 pm

Dacarbatia wrote:


Name: Kim Jee-Yeong
Sex: Male
Age: 63
Ethnicity: Javilian
Political Ideology: Democratic Socialist
Religion: Protestant
Other Informations you want to add: I would like to escape the growing authoritarianism of the Dacarbatian Government and it's people, allies, enemies, and puppets. This is because i almost got kicked out from my party for false claims of corruption, which i didn't even created. I was a former member of the Hangyeok Independence Movement and i got kicked out too because of the same claims of false corruption.

Mr. Kim Jee-Yeong, your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the capital city of Derion, in road Delta Square, number 10.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Taosun » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:45 pm

Name: Chen Xiulin
Sex: Male
Age: 54
Ethnicity: Tzun
Political Ideology: Socialism with some Market Mechanisms
Religion: Atheist
Other Informations you want to add: Once a close associate of the People’s Revolutionary Party of Taosun and Chairman Jing Heng, Chen Xiulin was dismissed from all political positions and put under house arrest for revisionist tendencies. He is scared that the party leadership may be planning an assassination of him, and he wants to escape and find asylum as soon as possible.
Last edited by Taosun on Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The People's Democratic Republic of Taosun | 陶孙人民民主共和国

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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:32 pm

Taosun wrote:Name: Chen Xiulin
Sex: Male
Age: 54
Ethnicity: Tzun
Political Ideology: Socialism with some Market Mechanisms
Religion: Atheist
Other Informations you want to add: Once a close associate of the People’s Revolutionary Party of Taosun and Chairman Jing Heng, Chen Xiulin was dismissed from all political positions and put under house arrest for revisionist tendencies. He is scared that the party leadership may be planning an assassination of him, and he wants to escape and find asylum as soon as possible.

Mr. Chen Xiulin, despite the profound ideological differences, we believe that your motives to expatriate are serious enough, so... your application is Accepted. Welcome to Bilancorn! Your new sistemation is in the city of Klessidra, in road December 1944, number 5.
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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Neibeskan Skandia
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Postby Neibeskan Skandia » Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:38 am


ʟ'ʀᴏɪʟʟɪᴍ ᴅ'ꜱᴀᴍᴘᴏᴜɪᴇᴛ
the Kingdom of Sampouiê

• • •

To the Government of Bilancorn,

Our government has recently discovered that a Samri fugitive, Tom Berrii, has taken asylum in your country. While we respect your nation's sovereignty and it's right to admit an individual into it's territory, we must express our sincere concern over the granting of asylum to the said individual.

Known buisness tycoon, Tom Berii had been scheduled for trial via an open court a week before he fled to Bilancorn. He is charged with tax evasion, tax fraud and money laundering.

The government thus demands his return and guarantees that he's trial will be free and fair and that he will not be tortured, mentally, physically or in any other metric.

Olaf Mirrien,
Lord High Chancelor
of the Royal Chancellory

Last edited by Neibeskan Skandia on Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Kingdom of Sampouiet | l'Roillim d'Sampouiet
aka: Tyreis, Bernskia

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Postby Bilancorn » Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:20 pm

Neibeskan Skandia wrote:

ʟ'ʀᴏɪʟʟɪᴍ ᴅ'ꜱᴀᴍᴘᴏᴜɪᴇᴛ
the Kingdom of Sampouiê

• • •

To the Government of Bilancorn,

Our government has recently discovered that a Samri fugitive, Tom Berrii, has taken asylum in your country. While we respect your nation's sovereignty and it's right to admit an individual into it's territory, we must express our sincere concern over the granting of asylum to the said individual.

Known buisness tycoon, Tom Berii had been scheduled for trial via an open court a week before he fled to Bilancorn. He is charged with tax evasion, tax fraud and money laundering.

The government thus demands his return and guarantees that he's trial will be free and fair and that he will not be tortured, mentally, physically or in any other metric.

Olaf Mirrien,
Lord High Chancelor
of the Royal Chancellory

Esteem Olaf Mirrien, Lord High Chancelor,

We, the Bilancornian government, understand the sentiment and the extradition request of Mr. Tom Berrii, given the charges against him. We would like to know, if possible the details about his case, so we can pass such case to the parliament and eventually decide about the extradition. We also propose, as an alternative solution, the confiscation of the accused's assets in exchange for non-extradition, provided of course that this provision is deemed acceptable by your Queen.

Best regards,

Lord Khaos, Chairman of Bilancorn.
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Neibeskan Skandia
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Postby Neibeskan Skandia » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:55 am

Bilancorn wrote:
Neibeskan Skandia wrote:

ʟ'ʀᴏɪʟʟɪᴍ ᴅ'ꜱᴀᴍᴘᴏᴜɪᴇᴛ
the Kingdom of Sampouiê

• • •

To the Government of Bilancorn,

Our government has recently discovered that a Samri fugitive, Tom Berrii, has taken asylum in your country. While we respect your nation's sovereignty and it's right to admit an individual into it's territory, we must express our sincere concern over the granting of asylum to the said individual.

Known buisness tycoon, Tom Berii had been scheduled for trial via an open court a week before he fled to Bilancorn. He is charged with tax evasion, tax fraud and money laundering.

The government thus demands his return and guarantees that he's trial will be free and fair and that he will not be tortured, mentally, physically or in any other metric.

Olaf Mirrien,
Lord High Chancelor
of the Royal Chancellory

Esteem Olaf Mirrien, Lord High Chancelor,
We, the Bilancornian government, understand the sentiment and the extradition request of Mr. Tom Berrii, given the charges against him. We would like to know, if possible the details about his case, so we can pass such case to the parliament and eventually decide about the extradition. We also propose, as an alternative solution, the confiscation of the accused's assets in exchange for non-extradition, provided of course that this provision is deemed acceptable by your Queen.

Best regards,

Lord Khaos, Chairman of Bilancorn.


ʟ'ʀᴏɪʟʟɪᴍ ᴅ'ꜱᴀᴍᴘᴏᴜɪᴇᴛ
the Kingdom of Sampouiê

• • •

To Respected Lord Khaos, Chairman of Bilancorn,

As mentioned before, Tom Berri is a businessman and is the owner of Tom Oil Refineries Ltd., which has already been seized and liquidated by the Government. As per our records, the company reported a revenue of ჰ920,000,000 in 2024, ჰ850,0000,00 in 2023, ჰ866,000,000 in 2020 and so on. A further list of tax reports has been attached along with this communique. However, as per our estimates this reports have been falsified and the actual revenue and the expected tax input is much higher. Tom himself has been discovered to own multiple luxury yachts and cars, none of whom have been reported to have been covered by our Tax Department.

The Tax Court at Jennslle will thus hold him on trial for tax evasion and fraud. Along with him, 90 other company officials have also been arrested.

A non-extradition aggreement won't be possible as our law doesn't provide for such. I had also talked with the Justice of the Tax Court who have refused for such an aggreement, citing the same.

If Berri is found guilty, he would be sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment or your government could sign a conviction bail bond, which would however have to be negotiated in a appellate court.

Olaf Mirrien,
Lord High Chancelor
of the Royal Chancellory

Last edited by Neibeskan Skandia on Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Bilancorn » Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:23 am

Neibeskan Skandia wrote:
Bilancorn wrote:
Esteem Olaf Mirrien, Lord High Chancelor,
We, the Bilancornian government, understand the sentiment and the extradition request of Mr. Tom Berrii, given the charges against him. We would like to know, if possible the details about his case, so we can pass such case to the parliament and eventually decide about the extradition. We also propose, as an alternative solution, the confiscation of the accused's assets in exchange for non-extradition, provided of course that this provision is deemed acceptable by your Queen.

Best regards,

Lord Khaos, Chairman of Bilancorn.


ʟ'ʀᴏɪʟʟɪᴍ ᴅ'ꜱᴀᴍᴘᴏᴜɪᴇᴛ
the Kingdom of Sampouiê

• • •

To Respected Lord Khaos, Chairman of Bilancorn,

As mentioned before, Tom Berri is a businessman and is the owner of Tom Oil Refineries Ltd., which has already been seized and liquidated by the Government. As per our records, the company reported a revenue of ჰ920,000,000 in 2024, ჰ850,0000,00 in 2023, ჰ866,000,000 in 2020 and so on. A further list of tax reports has been attached along with this communique. However, as per our estimates this reports have been falsified and the actual revenue and the expected tax input is much higher. Tom himself has been discovered to own multiple luxury yachts and cars, none of whom have been reported to have been covered by our Tax Department.

The Tax Court at Jennslle will thus hold him on trial for tax evasion and fraud. Along with him, 90 other company officials have also been arrested.

A non-extradition aggreement won't be possible as our law doesn't provide for such. I had also talked with the Justice of the Tax Court who have refused for such an aggreement, citing the same.

If Berri is found guilty, he would be sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment or your government could sign a conviction bail bond, which would however have to be negotiated in a appellate court.

Olaf Mirrien,
Lord High Chancelor
of the Royal Chancellory

Given the evidence and the nature of the crime (which is an ordinary crime and not a political/international one), the Bilancornian Constitutional Court decided to accept the extradition request, with the warranty that Mr. Barrii won't be tortured and/or sentenced to death.
Signed: Judge Ross Vardes, head of the Constitutional Court
Co-signed: Chairman Lord Khaos
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
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Postby Bilancorn » Wed Jan 15, 2025 7:46 am

Langkasoka wrote:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

On behalf of His Majesty Mohammed Iskandar Al-Manṣūr, the Yang Dipertuan Agong XXXV of Langkasoka, and Sultan XXXIII of Melaka, this message has been transmitted to the foreign office of the Constitutional Republic of Bilancorn.

The founder and leader of the now defunct 'Dark Sun' terrorist organisation, Blaine Hope, had previously applied for political asylum in Bilancorn. Upon becoming aware of this fact, the Langkasokan Foreign Ministry had contacted their Bilancornian counterparts to inform them of their criminal acts including terrorism and incitement of civil disturbances. Acting upon this information, the Bilancornian authorities detained Blaine Hope for further investigation into the allegations brought against him, and consider the possibility of extraditing to Doslonsu or conducting a trial in Bilancorn.

First, the Langkasokan Federation would bring evidence regarding Blaine Hope's criminal acts of hijacking public broadcasts and using these to incite violence and mass civil disturbances: #1

Then, evidence regarding Blaine Hope's acts of terrorism and mass murder carried out by militias of the Dark Sun terrorist group: #1 #2 #3

We hope that these pieces of evidence may assist in the Bilancornian investigation into the accusations against Blaine Hope.

With peace and stability having returned to Doslonsu, it is the Langkasokan Federation's opinion that it is safe for Blaine Hope to be extradited. In regards to whether capital punishment will play a role in the country's judicial system, is up to the new administration of Minister Callen Vyrannis to decide. And thus, the matter of extradition can be negotiated between the governments of Doslonsu and Bilancorn.

Kind Regards,
Sabri Khan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federation of Langkasoka

The Constitutional Court of Bilancorn, after an accurate analysis of the evidence provided, found Blaine Hope Guilty of Crimes Against the Humanity, and sentenced him to Life imprisonment without parole. The tribunal found him also guilty of mass murder and murder, but dont have the power to sentence him for said crimes.
We believe that Blaine Hope escaped the country the day of the sentence, as we lost his traces immediately after he aknowledged to be wanted for trial.
Signed: Ross Vardes, head of the Constitutional Court.
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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