Going, Going, Gone OOC|OPEN

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Going, Going, Gone OOC|OPEN

Postby Ancientania » Thu Dec 19, 2024 8:48 am

IC thread

Proculus must have been beautiful, from above. It would be nice if you could see the moon, or Gravitempesto, or any star in the sky outside of the blood-red Risudia. But in times like these, you'd be lucky to see your neighbor's house from your window.

The planet was failing. It had been, for a while. An incompetent governor ruling over a corrupt legislature in arguably the worst space dynasty in 1500 years led to a pretty darn good destroyed planet. Unfortunately, they also weren't very good at leaving.

The species of the universe are cowards. Anyone smart is afraid- and for good reason. So many things could end them in a minute- and many of them are our own doing.

For you see, when they left, they left you behind. They didn't care if you lived or died, and they didn't care if it was their fault whether you did die or not. they only cared about themselves, it seemed.

You watch the last ship disappear into the distance while sitting on the sidewalk of the concrete jungle. It was the only kind of jungle this planet had left.

Scratchy, sandy winds rip at your face. They were getting worse, these days. As was everything.

You sit in the grand remains of the once fantastical, hypermodern megacity of Terra Mare. It's sad to see how far it has fallen from its once great glory.

The year is galactic 5572 M4, whatever that meant. Not that it would matter much now that you would just sit, and rot, and eventually wither away.

Or will you?

Welcome to this turn-based survival RP: Going, Going, Gone! Thank you for joining me.

In this RP, you have been left to your own devices as the rest of civilization leaves- to survive- and possibly, to thrive.

You live on the planet Proculus, in the former capital of Terra Mare. The only objects in your solar system are your moon, and another planet called Gravitempesto, which is much closer to your red sun, Risudia.

Below are things necessary for your application, like job and species, and a building and material list. There is also a map- on it, you will see that you start with a food plant.

The things threatening your survival are mainly rising temperatures and brutal winds, but you've never seen grass for years. Most of the land that would be grassy has been converted to desert or, rarely, clay.


Consumes food 1, water 1

Can do most things, like swim or operate a vehicle. Moves at 12 hexes or 5 if swimming.


Consumes food 0, water 2
Can’t operate a vehicle, can swim very fast. Has fins coming from its waist that operate as limbs, with their own control. Walks at 6 hexes, swims at 24.


Consumes food 2, water ½

Can fly, can’t swim, can’t operate a vehicle. It has four wings, two acting as arms and two stretching from its legs. Travels at 30 tiles per turn, but must stop to observe terrain. Once stopped, it can not fly that turn. Can walk at 12 tiles a turn, and does notneed to stop in this case.


Consumes food ½, water 0, sand 2

The natives of the four races, they are nearly extinct on this planet. They have a deep traditional attraction to this land, and thus they haven’t really moved. The increasingly strong winds have ripped at their now fragile, thin bodies, and they require a desert to survive.

They eat sand to convert it to sandstone with the minerals they gain from food- this is how they grow. The winds rip at their outermost layer, preventing regeneration and, in extreme cases, breaking the hardened sandstone of their bodies.

Can’t swim, can operate vehicles.

If you choose this one, be warned that in certain cases you might be attacked by the wind, and your physical will fluctuate volatily.
Moves at 12 walking speed.

Architect- Creator of buildings
1: 1 turn faster to build
2: ¾ resources required to build
3: 2 turns fastener to build (cumulative)
4: 3 turns faster to build (cumulative)
5: ½ resources required

None- Open to learning
1: Levels faster
2: Dual into any other job, giving you their bonuses. Maximum for the other job is three, akin to your leveling
3: Levels faster
4: +1 physical
5: Reset the cycle, but lose all job bonuses

Scientist- Studies and learns
1: Energy storage per battery goes up by 1.2x
2: Demolition gives 75% of materials used to give it back, rounded down
3: Vehicles can be created
4: All movement debuffs are ignored
5: Hydronics can be created

Cartographer- Mapper of all places
1: When exploring, sees one tile ahead if unexplored
2: When exploring, sees one tile to the left if unexplored
3: When exploring, sees one tile to the right if unexplored
4: All unexplored tiles in a one block area from you become explored
5: All unexplored tiles in a two block area from you become explored, but only if you’re on water

Miner- Digger of shiny things
1: +1 physical
2: Gains 1.1x more resources per every mine
3: +2 physical (additive)
4: Gains 1.2x more resources per every mine
5: Quarry costs reduce to 75%

Food: This shouldn't be much of an issue early on. You'd have to create one if you are too far away from any other one, though, for convienience.
Water: Hydronics are also on your starting tile, so mostly ditto for food; unless you are an Elapita or a Bogorian, in which case food/water doesn't apply to you.
- You can drink ocean water for -1 physical (for the turn) Unless you are a Bogorian

Everyone starts with 1 physical, which encompasses base speed (established by species), strength, and swimming ability (Flying speed for Olero, and size for Elapita. See Elapita for a bit more info.)

2 physical makes you do 1.2 times as much as you would normally.

Starts at -5
Uninhabitable at -10. Resources will steadily deplete as you go down, converting more to desert.
0 is about Pre-industrial revolution Earth. +3 is the max, where the environment steadily gets better.

- Mountain, sand, and volcanoes take up double hex movement for all except Olero
- Paths through any terrain ignore all debuffs to hex movement caps.
- Elapita travel twice as fast in sand, including on paths. Ignores debuff.
- If you are carrying things, they subtract from the total amount of hexes you can travel on a case-by-case basis. Weight is taken into account.
Olero can’t carry anything. Bogorians can only do so in water, but most items don’t take away from speed.
- You can move anywhere in a settlement for free; you do not consume your hex limit.
- Does not apply to non-continuous settlements. You must still use up your limit if you want to get to a different town block.
Vehicle mechanics
- Speed is determined by the vehicle, not the driver.
- Carrying capacity is how many people the vehicle can hold. A vehicle can’t hold more than that. No exceptions.

Building/vehicle demolition: 50%, rounded down, of materials used to make it are given back.
Attachments: A solar panel can be attached to almost any vehicle to prevent battery depletion.
Boreholes double metals gained from metallic cave
Sand: 60 gained from 1 worker per turn.
Stone: 1000 per quarry, 50 per worker per turn.
Clay: 400 per clay hill, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Limestone: 800 per Limestone quarry, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Nickel ore: 50 nickel per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 150 nickel per metallic cave, 30 per worker per turn.
Nickel: Requires: Furnace. 4 nickel ore per nickel.
Aluminum ore: 50 per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 300 aluminum per metallic cave, 45 per worker per turn.
Aluminum: Requires: Furnace. 3 aluminum ore per aluminum.
Iron ore: 50 iron per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 iron per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Iron: Requires: Furnace. 4 iron ore per iron.
Copper ore: 50 ore per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 copper per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Copper: Requires: Furnace. 4 copper ore per copper.
Silicon: 30 silicon per metallic cave.
Coal: Requires: Furnace. 2 stone per coal. Effects: Environment -1 per 100 burned. Produces 7 energy per burned.
Cement: Requires: Furnace. 7 limestone and 7 clay per cement.
Glass: Requires: Blast Furnace. 1 glass per 10 sand
Steel: Requires: Blast Furnace. 2 iron per 1 steel.
Oil: Requires: Oil jack. 10 oil per oil jack per turn. Effects: Environment -1 per 200 burned. 5 energy per burned.
Brick: 6 clay per brick
Concrete: 3 cement, 6 sand, and 12 stone per 1 concrete.
Plastic: 3 oil and 1 coal for 1 plastic.
Bioplastic: Requires: Blast furnace. 10 water and 10 clay for 1 bioplastic. Can substitute plastic in all scenarios.
Small battery: 3 nickel, 3 plastic for 1 battery. 3 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Medium battery: 6 nickel, 6 plastic for 1 battery. 5 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Large battery: 12 nickel, 12 plastic for 1 battery. 8 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Computer: 3 copper, 5 iron, 10 silicon, and 1 medium battery for 1 computer.
Automotive parts: 10 steel, 15 iron, 7 aluminum, 5 medium batteries, 10 glass, and 50 plastic for 1 automotive parts.

Spaceport: Hex: Any land. Requires 50 steel, 10 concrete, 20 computers.
Turns: 7
Quarry: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 10 clay.
Turns: 0
Metallic cave: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 20 clay and 20 stone.
Turns: 1
Borehole: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 30 iron, 50 clay, 30 stone.
Turns: 2
Limestone quarry: Hex: Mountain, desert, valley. Requires 12 clay.
Turns: 0
Clay hill: Hex: Mountain or clay bed, valley. Requires 3 water and 7 stone.
Turns: 0
Furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 10 stone.
Turns: 0
Blast furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 15 stone.
Turns: 0
Oil jack: Hex: Oceanside or desert. Requires 12 steel and 8 iron. Produces 30 oil per turn.
Turns: 2
Solar panel: Hex: Any land. Requires 30 silicon and 5 steel. Produces 5 energy per turn. Can be placed on any vehicle to negate its need for charge, but it won’t charge ezra unless placed on a power plant.
Turns: 0
Geothermal plant: Hex: Any land, x2 if on a volcano. Requires 20 steel and 30 silicon. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 2
Wind turbine: Hex: Any land. Requires 12 steel, 4 plastic, and 2 iron. Produces 20 energy per turn.
Turns: 1
Hydropower plant: Hex: Any on or near water. Requires 30 steel, 7 copper, and 5 aluminum. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 3
Tidal Plant: Hex: Shallow water. Requires 10 steel, 5 aluminum, and 20 iron. Produces 20 energy per turn.
Turns: 2
Power plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 20 big batteries, 40 medium batteries, 50 steel, and 30 iron. Stores excess energy. Excess energy can be used to power any building or vehicle within a block.
Turns: 3
Created island: Hex: Water. Requires 1000 sand and 1000 sand. Creates oceanside hex. Doubles in the land created is previously from deep ocean.
Turns: 10/20
Dock: Hex: Water or waterside. Requires 60 brick. Required for boat construction.
Food plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 100 steel, 10 aluminum, four computer, 3 large batteries, 70 clay. Creates 30 food over 3 turns.
Turns: 5
Town block: Hex: Any land. Changes terrain to town, allowing people to live there. Any terrain-specific buildings (quarry, clay hill, etc.) will be demolished prior to construction, and nothing willed be gained from them this turn. However, other buildings (food plant, wind turbine, spaceport, etc.) do not need to be demolished. Requires 100 glass, 100 concrete, 150 steel, 25 brick, and 20 cement.
Turns: 10
Airstrip: 50 cement, 25 concrete, 10 steel. Allows planes to fly/land.
Turns: 2
Landing pad: 30 concrete, 10 aluminum. Allows helicopters to land.
Turns: 2
Hydronics: 100 concrete, 50 steel, 20 aluminum, and 300 food. Allows for freshwater and river creation for small and medium boats to move around.
Turns: 5
Robot (humanoid): Requires: blast furnace. 50 steel, 10 silicon, 5 computers for 1 robot. Can farm materials.
Turns: 3
Robot (rover): Requires: blast furnace. 50 steel, 5 silicon, 2 computers for 1 robot. Can explore the planet, slowly, and in one direction. 4 tiles/turn.
Turns: 3
Tracks: 10 iron, 5 bricks for 1 track.
Turns: 0
Train station: 50 concrete, 20 steel, 10 iron.
Turns: 2
Research pod: 2 computers, 20 Concrete, 20 Steel, 30 Glass. Allows research of non-conventional buildings and vehicles.
Turns: 2

Must unlock creation before you can make them.
Can be built on any land, except for boats.
If you move farther in a vehicle than you would if you were walking, you do not get to walk unless you are in a settlement. You also may not switch vehicles in this case.
If you have extra carrying capacity, then you can carry items in there.
Small ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 10 steel.
Speed: 5 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 1
Medium ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 20 steel.
Speed: 10 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Big ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 40 steel.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 8
Turns: 5
Car: 3 large batteries, 5 computers, 25 steel, 2 automotive parts.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 2
Truck: 1 large battery, 3 computers, 30 aluminum, 3 automotive parts.
Speed: 15 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Biplane: Requires: Airstrip in both place of start and end. 1 large battery, 50 aluminum.
Speed: 40 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 3
Helicopter: Requires: Landing pad in both place of start and end. 2 large batteries, 32 steel, 20 aluminum.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 5
Turns: 2
Spaceship: 30 Aluminum, 12 computers, 25 medium batteries, and 10 large batteries.
Speed: N/A. Gets to space in one turn
Capacity: 4
Turns: 5
Train: Requires: tracks in all hexes, and a train station on at least one hex connected.
Speed: Maximum 30 tiles, but will not go where there are no tracks.
Capacity: 10
Turns: 2

Energy is gained by coal, oil, solar panels, geothermal plants, wind turbines, tidal plants, or hydropower plants. In many cases, energy will need to be created, but you can ‘go green’ and not use oil or coal if you so wish.
Batteries: Need to be charged from time to time. Requires energy to do so; 10 energy for small, 30 for medium, 75 for large. Must charge before they can be used.
If you have multiple batteries, you do not need to recharge if one has charge.

Once everyone posts, the turn will end. Because of your lack of care for time, turns can be anywhere from 5 to 10 days.

- I am incredibly stupid and am unable to figure out the image command (doesn't help that most of them are blocked on my computer either). So, I use this. Do tell me if the links do not work.
Top map
Middle map
Bottom map

What can I do on my turn?: You can get resources (takes up the entire turn) ex. sand, clay, metal, etc. You can explore, but unless you move over half of your hex limit, you can also gain resources. You can also build, and starting a build does not take up a turn.
Can multiple people work together to make something?: No need, the material pool is communal. Once something is gathered, anyone can use it, as soon as the turn after.
Code: Select all
Character name:
Nation names (include all you may post on):
Last edited by Ancientania on Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:48 am, edited 11 times in total.
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
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The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:58 am

Sounds fun. I'll swing back around in a trice.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Aekaria » Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:10 pm

I'll note my interest as well. Likely will return.
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:18 pm

The Scion of Eddleton | Winthrop-Who-Walks

Nation Name: G-Tech Corporation
Species: Human, though he really gives that classification a stretch.
Job: Jobs are for menials. The Orator of the Apocalypse specializes in non-linear topology, necromancy, ferrous metallurgy, biomimicry, and skullduggery. He is, however, a fine hand at urban planning and shooting at said menials. Some would thus call him an architect.
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Ancientania » Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:28 pm

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
The Scion of Eddleton | Winthrop-Who-Walks

Nation Name: G-Tech Corporation
Species: Human, though he really gives that classification a stretch.
Job: Jobs are for menials. The Orator of the Apocalypse specializes in non-linear topology, necromancy, ferrous metallurgy, biomimicry, and skullduggery. That is to say, none.

Yes, character names! Important. Added.

A human no-job... We have a bum on our hands, lol

Accepted, nice to see you
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
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Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
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The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:09 pm

Ancientania wrote:
G-Tech Corporation wrote:
The Scion of Eddleton | Winthrop-Who-Walks

Nation Name: G-Tech Corporation
Species: Human, though he really gives that classification a stretch.
Job: Jobs are for menials. The Orator of the Apocalypse specializes in non-linear topology, necromancy, ferrous metallurgy, biomimicry, and skullduggery. That is to say, none.

Yes, character names! Important. Added.

A human no-job... We have a bum on our hands, lol

Accepted, nice to see you

One must, of course, have appropriately grandiose titles to survive the end of days.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Honghai » Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:25 pm


Character name:

Maisie Maylynne

Nation names (include all you may post on):







Last edited by Honghai on Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ancientania » Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:24 pm

Honghai wrote:Application

Character name:

Maisie Maylynne

Nation names (include all you may post on):



Familiar/conduit for a spirit, actually stopped being "human" a long time ago


Real estate


I would like to have you reread the OP, please.

Rejected for spirit conduit and job
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
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Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
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The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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Postby Honghai » Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:38 pm

Ancientania wrote:
Honghai wrote:Application

Character name:

Maisie Maylynne

Nation names (include all you may post on):



Familiar/conduit for a spirit, actually stopped being "human" a long time ago


Real estate


I would like to have you reread the OP, please.

Rejected for spirit conduit and job


I don't want to be a regular plain everyday human but for the fact I don't know what the other species look like, I am changing it to that.

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Postby Ancientania » Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:54 pm

Honghai wrote:
Ancientania wrote:I would like to have you reread the OP, please.

Rejected for spirit conduit and job


I don't want to be a regular plain everyday human but for the fact I don't know what the other species look like, I am changing it to that.

You don't need an appearance, but if it is your wish.
Honghai wrote:Application

Character name:

Maisie Maylynne

Nation names (include all you may post on):







Accepted. Nice to have you
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
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[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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Postby Lemueria » Thu Dec 19, 2024 11:30 pm

Character name: Edian Kanleumeningumouan
Nation names (include all you may post on): Lemueria and my puppets
Species: Bogorian seems rather well suited to my ideas.
Job: Carthographer.

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Postby Lemueria » Thu Dec 19, 2024 11:34 pm

Also here's proper image commands (I think you meant them in reverse order):

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:25 am

A question, Ance; will it be possible to learn “out-class” skills via various methods? Taking a look at Vehicles being locked to a certain class and their importance.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Ancientania » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:27 am

Lemueria wrote:Application
Character name: Edian Kanleumeningumouan
Nation names (include all you may post on): Lemueria and my puppets
Species: Bogorian seems rather well suited to my ideas.
Job: Carthographer.

'Lemueria and my puppets' isn't very specific, but I know a few of them already.

Welcome aboard, Lem.
Lemueria wrote:Also here's proper image commands (I think you meant them in reverse order):

Yes, thank you.
G-Tech Corporation wrote:A question, Ance; will it be possible to learn “out-class” skills via various methods? Taking a look at Vehicles being locked to a certain class and their importance.

What do you mean by 'out-class'? Give me a few examples
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
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Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
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The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:32 am

Well, say a character starts as a Human Miner - someone who is going to definitely want a boat if they go to sea at all.

Is there a method they could use to, say, build an Automated Factory to fabricate a Small Boat for them?

Or can they never build a Vehicle, because Vehicles are locked behind being a Level 3 Scientist?
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Ancientania » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:40 am

G-Tech Corporation wrote:Well, say a character starts as a Human Miner - someone who is going to definitely want a boat if they go to sea at all.

Is there a method they could use to, say, build an Automated Factory to fabricate a Small Boat for them?

Or can they never build a Vehicle, because Vehicles are locked behind being a Level 3 Scientist?

There are a few vehicles scattered around the map- thus, it shouldn't be that big of a problem. However, level 5 none, if they choose scientist, can unlock it.
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:30 am

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
The Scion of Eddleton | Winthrop-Who-Walks

Nation Name: G-Tech Corporation
Species: Human, though he really gives that classification a stretch.
Job: Jobs are for menials. The Orator of the Apocalypse specializes in non-linear topology, necromancy, ferrous metallurgy, biomimicry, and skullduggery. He is, however, a fine hand at urban planning and shooting at said menials. Some would thus call him an architect.

Updated this after further consideration of professions, Ance.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Ancientania » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:35 am

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
The Scion of Eddleton | Winthrop-Who-Walks

Nation Name: G-Tech Corporation
Species: Human, though he really gives that classification a stretch.
Job: Jobs are for menials. The Orator of the Apocalypse specializes in non-linear topology, necromancy, ferrous metallurgy, biomimicry, and skullduggery. He is, however, a fine hand at urban planning and shooting at said menials. Some would thus call him an architect.

I don't see a problem with that.
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Alvosa » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:42 am

[quote="Ancientania";p="42240664"]Proculus must have been beautiful, from above. It would be nice if you could see the moon, or Gravitempesto, or any star in the sky outside of the blood-red Risudia. But in times like these, you'd be lucky to see your neighbor's house from your window.

The planet was failing. It had been, for a while. An incompetent governor ruling over a corrupt legislature in arguably the worst space dynasty in 1500 years led to a pretty darn good destroyed planet. Unfortunately, they also weren't very good at leaving.

The species of the universe are cowards. Anyone smart is afraid- and for good reason. So many things could end them in a minute- and many of them are our own doing.

For you see, when they left, they left you behind. They didn't care if you lived or died, and they didn't care if it was their fault whether you did die or not. they only cared about themselves, it seemed.

You watch the last ship disappear into the distance while sitting on the sidewalk of the concrete jungle. It was the only kind of jungle this planet had left.

Scratchy, sandy winds rip at your face. They were getting worse, these days. As was everything.

You sit in the grand remains of the once fantastical, hypermodern megacity of Terra Mare. It's sad to see how far it has fallen from its once great glory.

The year is galactic 5572 M4, whatever that meant. Not that it would matter much now that you would just sit, and rot, and eventually wither away.

Or will you?

Welcome to this turn-based survival RP: Going, Going, Gone! Thank you for joining me.

In this RP, you have been left to your own devices as the rest of civilization leaves- to survive- and possibly, to thrive.

You live on the planet Proculus, in the former capital of Terra Mare. The only objects in your solar system are your moon, and another planet called Gravitempesto, which is much closer to your red sun, Risudia.

Below are things necessary for your application, like job and species, and a building and material list. There is also a map- on it, you will see that you start with a food plant.

The things threatening your survival are mainly rising temperatures and brutal winds, but you've never seen grass for years. Most of the land that would be grassy has been converted to desert or, rarely, clay.


Consumes food 1, water 1

Can do most things, like swim or operate a vehicle. Moves at 12 hexes or 5 if swimming.


Consumes food 0, water 2
Can’t operate a vehicle, can swim very fast. Has fins coming from its waist that operate as limbs, with their own control. Walks at 6 hexes, swims at 24.


Consumes food 2, water ½

Can fly, can’t swim, can’t operate a vehicle. It has four wings, two acting as arms and two stretching from its legs. Travels at 30 tiles per turn, but must stop to observe terrain. Once stopped, it can not fly that turn. Can walk at 12 tiles a turn, and does notneed to stop in this case.


Consumes food ½, water 0, sand 2

The natives of the four races, they are nearly extinct on this planet. They have a deep traditional attraction to this land, and thus they haven’t really moved. The increasingly strong winds have ripped at their now fragile, thin bodies, and they require a desert to survive.

They eat sand to convert it to sandstone with the minerals they gain from food- this is how they grow. The winds rip at their outermost layer, preventing regeneration and, in extreme cases, breaking the hardened sandstone of their bodies.

Can’t swim, can operate vehicles.

If you choose this one, be warned that in certain cases you might be attacked by the wind, and your physical will fluctuate volatily.
Moves at 12 walking speed.

Architect- Creator of buildings
1: 1 turn faster to build
2: ¾ resources required to build
3: 2 turns fastener to build (cumulative)
4: 3 turns faster to build (cumulative)
5: ½ resources required

None- Open to learning
1: Levels faster
2: Dual into any other job, giving you their bonuses. Maximum for the other job is three, akin to your leveling
3: Levels faster
4: +1 physical
5: Reset the cycle, but lose all job bonuses

Scientist- Studies and learns
1: Energy storage per battery goes up by 1.2x
2: Demolition gives 75% of materials used to give it back, rounded down
3: Vehicles can be created
4: All movement debuffs are ignored
5: Hydronics can be created

Cartographer- Mapper of all places
1: When exploring, sees one tile ahead if unexplored
2: When exploring, sees one tile to the left if unexplored
3: When exploring, sees one tile to the right if unexplored
4: All unexplored tiles in a one block area from you become explored
5: All unexplored tiles in a two block area from you become explored, but only if you’re on water

Miner- Digger of shiny things
1: +1 physical
2: Gains 1.1x more resources per every mine
3: +2 physical (additive)
4: Gains 1.2x more resources per every mine
5: Quarry costs reduce to 75%

Food: This shouldn't be much of an issue early on. You'd have to create one if you are too far away from any other one, though, for convienience.
Water: Hydronics are also on your starting tile, so mostly ditto for food; unless you are an Elapita or a Bogorian, in which case food/water doesn't apply to you.
- You can drink ocean water for -1 physical (for the turn) Unless you are a Bogorian

Everyone starts with 1 physical, which encompasses base speed (established by species), strength, and swimming ability (Flying speed for Olero, and size for Elapita. See Elapita for a bit more info.)

2 physical makes you do 1.2 times as much as you would normally.

Starts at -5
Uninhabitable at -10. Resources will steadily deplete as you go down, converting more to desert.
0 is about Pre-industrial revolution Earth. +3 is the max, where the environment steadily gets better.

- Mountain, sand, and volcanoes take up double hex movement for all except Olero
- Paths through any terrain ignore all debuffs to hex movement caps.
- Elapita travel twice as fast in sand, including on paths. Ignores debuff.
- If you are carrying things, they subtract from the total amount of hexes you can travel on a case-by-case basis. Weight is taken into account.
Olero can’t carry anything. Bogorians can only do so in water, but most items don’t take away from speed.
- You can move anywhere in a settlement for free; you do not consume your hex limit.
- Does not apply to non-continuous settlements. You must still use up your limit if you want to get to a different town block.
Vehicle mechanics
- Speed is determined by the vehicle, not the driver.
- Carrying capacity is how many people the vehicle can hold. A vehicle can’t hold more than that. No exceptions.

Building/vehicle demolition: 50%, rounded down, of materials used to make it are given back.
Attachments: A solar panel can be attached to almost any vehicle to prevent battery depletion.
[spoiler=Materials]Sand: 60 gained from 1 worker per turn.
Stone: 1000 per quarry, 50 per worker per turn.
Clay: 400 per clay hill, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Limestone: 800 per Limestone quarry, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Nickel ore: 50 nickel per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 150 nickel per metallic cave, 30 per worker per turn.
Nickel: Requires: Furnace. 4 nickel ore per nickel.
Aluminum ore: 50 per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 300 aluminum per metallic cave, 45 per worker per turn.
Aluminum: Requires: Furnace. 3 aluminum ore per aluminum.
Iron ore: 50 iron per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 iron per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Iron: Requires: Furnace. 4 iron ore per iron.
Copper ore: 50 ore per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 copper per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Copper: Requires: Furnace. 4 copper ore per copper.
Silicon: 30 silicon per metallic cave.
Coal: Requires: Furnace. 2 stone per coal. Effects: Environment -1 per 100 burned. Produces 7 energy per burned.
Cement: Requires: Furnace. 7 limestone and 7 clay per cement.
Glass: Requires: Blast Furnace. 1 glass per 10 sand
Steel: Requires: Blast Furnace. 2 iron per 1 steel.
Oil: Requires: Oil jack. 10 oil per oil jack per turn. Effects: Environment -1 per 200 burned. 5 energy per burned.
Brick: 6 clay per brick
Concrete: 3 cement, 6 sand, and 12 stone per 1 concrete.
Plastic: 3 oil and 1 coal for 1 plastic.
Bioplastic: Requires: Blast furnace. 10 water and 10 clay for 1 bioplastic. Can substitute plastic in all scenarios.
Small battery: 3 nickel, 3 plastic for 1 battery. 3 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Medium battery: 6 nickel, 6 plastic for 1 battery. 5 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Large battery: 12 nickel, 12 plastic for 1 battery. 8 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Computer: 3 copper, 5 iron, 10 silicon, and 1 medium battery for 1 computer.
Automotive parts: 10 steel, 15 iron, 7 aluminum, 5 medium batteries, 10 glass, and 50 plastic for 1 automotive

Spaceport: Hex: Any land. Requires 50 steel, 10 concrete, 20 computers.
Turns: 7
Quarry: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 10 clay.
Turns: 0
Metallic cave: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 20 clay and 20 stone.
Turns: 1
Limestone quarry: Hex: Mountain, desert, valley. Requires 12 clay.
Turns: 0
Clay hill: Hex: Mountain or clay bed, valley. Requires 3 water and 7 stone.
Turns: 0
Furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 10 stone.
Turns: 0
Blast furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 15 stone.
Turns: 0
Oil jack: Hex: Oceanside or desert. Requires 12 steel and 8 iron. Produces 30 oil per turn.
Turns: 2
Solar panel: Hex: Any land. Requires 30 silicon and 5 steel. Produces 5 energy per turn. Can be placed on any vehicle to negate its need for charge, but it won’t charge ezra unless placed on a power plant.
Turns: 0
Geothermal plant: Hex: Any land, x2 if on a volcano. Requires 20 steel and 30 silicon. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 2
Wind turbine: Hex: Any land. Requires 12 steel, 4 plastic, and 2 iron. Produces 20 energy per turn.
Turns: 1
Hydropower plant: Hex: Any on or near water. Requires 30 steel, 7 copper, and 5 aluminum. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 3
Power plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 20 big batteries, 40 medium batteries, 50 steel, and 30 iron. Stores excess energy. Excess energy can be used to power any building or vehicle within a block.
Turns: 3
Created island: Hex: Water. Requires 1000 sand and 1000 sand. Creates oceanside hex. Doubles in the land created is previously from deep ocean.
Turns: 10/20
Dock: Hex: Water or waterside. Requires 60 brick. Required for boat construction.
Food plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 100 steel, 10 aluminum, four computer, 3 large batteries, 70 clay. Creates 30 food over 3 turns.
Turns: 5
Town block: Hex: Any land. Changes terrain to town, allowing people to live there. Any terrain-specific buildings (quarry, clay hill, etc.) will be demolished prior to construction, and nothing willed be gained from them this turn. However, other buildings (food plant, wind turbine, spaceport, etc.) do not need to be demolished. Requires 100 glass, 100 concrete, 150 steel, 10 stone, and 20 cement.
Turns: 10
Airstrip: 50 cement, 25 concrete, 10 steel. Allows planes to fly/land.
Turns: 2
Landing pad: 30 concrete, 10 aluminum. Allows helicopters to land.
Turns: 2
Hydronics: 100 concrete, 50 steel, 20 aluminum, and 300 food. Allows for freshwater and river creation for small and medium boats to move around.

Must unlock creation before you can make them.
Can be built on any land, except for boats.
If you move farther in a vehicle than you would if you were walking, you do not get to walk unless you are in a settlement. You also may not switch vehicles in this case.
Small ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 10 steel.
Speed: 5 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 1
Medium ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 20 steel.
Speed: 10 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Big ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 40 steel.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 8
Turns: 5
Car: 3 large batteries, 5 computers, 25 steel, 2 automotive parts.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 2
Truck: 1 large battery, 3 computers, 30 aluminum, 3 automotive parts.
Speed: 15 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Biplane: Requires: Airstrip in both place of start and end. 1 large battery, 50 aluminum.
Speed: 40 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 3
Helicopter: Requires: Landing pad in both place of start and end. 2 large batteries, 32 steel, 20 aluminum.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 5
Turns: 2
Spaceship: Hex: Any land. Requires 30 Aluminum, 12 computers, 25 medium batteries, and 10 large batteries.
Speed: N/A. Gets to space in one turn
Capacity: 4
Turns: 5

Energy is gained by coal, oil, solar panels, geothermal plants, wind turbines, or hydropower plants. In many cases, energy will need to be created, but you can ‘go green’ and not use oil or coal if you so wish.
Batteries: Need to be charged from time to time. Requires energy to do so; 10 energy for small, 30 for medium, 75 for large. Must charge before they can be used.
If you have multiple batteries, you do not need to recharge if one has charge.

Once everyone posts, the turn will end. Because of your lack of care for time, turns can be anywhere from 5 to 10 days.

- I am incredibly stupid and am unable to figure out the image command (doesn't help that most of them are blocked on my computer either). So, I use this. Do tell me if the links do not work.
Top map
Middle map
Bottom map

What can I do on my turn?: You can get resources (takes up the entire turn) ex. sand, clay, metal, etc. You can explore, but unless you move over half of your hex limit, you can also gain resources. You can also build, and starting a build does not take up a turn.

Character name: Avar Linn
Nation names (include all you may post on): Alvosa, Ohio Indiana and Kentucky, Poland 2024 RP and Alvosa2
Species: Human
Job: Miner

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Posts: 7288
Founded: May 07, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Ancientania » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:45 am

Alvosa wrote:
Ancientania wrote:Proculus must have been beautiful, from above. It would be nice if you could see the moon, or Gravitempesto, or any star in the sky outside of the blood-red Risudia. But in times like these, you'd be lucky to see your neighbor's house from your window.

The planet was failing. It had been, for a while. An incompetent governor ruling over a corrupt legislature in arguably the worst space dynasty in 1500 years led to a pretty darn good destroyed planet. Unfortunately, they also weren't very good at leaving.

The species of the universe are cowards. Anyone smart is afraid- and for good reason. So many things could end them in a minute- and many of them are our own doing.

For you see, when they left, they left you behind. They didn't care if you lived or died, and they didn't care if it was their fault whether you did die or not. they only cared about themselves, it seemed.

You watch the last ship disappear into the distance while sitting on the sidewalk of the concrete jungle. It was the only kind of jungle this planet had left.

Scratchy, sandy winds rip at your face. They were getting worse, these days. As was everything.

You sit in the grand remains of the once fantastical, hypermodern megacity of Terra Mare. It's sad to see how far it has fallen from its once great glory.

The year is galactic 5572 M4, whatever that meant. Not that it would matter much now that you would just sit, and rot, and eventually wither away.

Or will you?

Welcome to this turn-based survival RP: Going, Going, Gone! Thank you for joining me.

In this RP, you have been left to your own devices as the rest of civilization leaves- to survive- and possibly, to thrive.

You live on the planet Proculus, in the former capital of Terra Mare. The only objects in your solar system are your moon, and another planet called Gravitempesto, which is much closer to your red sun, Risudia.

Below are things necessary for your application, like job and species, and a building and material list. There is also a map- on it, you will see that you start with a food plant.

The things threatening your survival are mainly rising temperatures and brutal winds, but you've never seen grass for years. Most of the land that would be grassy has been converted to desert or, rarely, clay.


Consumes food 1, water 1

Can do most things, like swim or operate a vehicle. Moves at 12 hexes or 5 if swimming.


Consumes food 0, water 2
Can’t operate a vehicle, can swim very fast. Has fins coming from its waist that operate as limbs, with their own control. Walks at 6 hexes, swims at 24.


Consumes food 2, water ½

Can fly, can’t swim, can’t operate a vehicle. It has four wings, two acting as arms and two stretching from its legs. Travels at 30 tiles per turn, but must stop to observe terrain. Once stopped, it can not fly that turn. Can walk at 12 tiles a turn, and does notneed to stop in this case.


Consumes food ½, water 0, sand 2

The natives of the four races, they are nearly extinct on this planet. They have a deep traditional attraction to this land, and thus they haven’t really moved. The increasingly strong winds have ripped at their now fragile, thin bodies, and they require a desert to survive.

They eat sand to convert it to sandstone with the minerals they gain from food- this is how they grow. The winds rip at their outermost layer, preventing regeneration and, in extreme cases, breaking the hardened sandstone of their bodies.

Can’t swim, can operate vehicles.

If you choose this one, be warned that in certain cases you might be attacked by the wind, and your physical will fluctuate volatily.
Moves at 12 walking speed.

Architect- Creator of buildings
1: 1 turn faster to build
2: ¾ resources required to build
3: 2 turns fastener to build (cumulative)
4: 3 turns faster to build (cumulative)
5: ½ resources required

None- Open to learning
1: Levels faster
2: Dual into any other job, giving you their bonuses. Maximum for the other job is three, akin to your leveling
3: Levels faster
4: +1 physical
5: Reset the cycle, but lose all job bonuses

Scientist- Studies and learns
1: Energy storage per battery goes up by 1.2x
2: Demolition gives 75% of materials used to give it back, rounded down
3: Vehicles can be created
4: All movement debuffs are ignored
5: Hydronics can be created

Cartographer- Mapper of all places
1: When exploring, sees one tile ahead if unexplored
2: When exploring, sees one tile to the left if unexplored
3: When exploring, sees one tile to the right if unexplored
4: All unexplored tiles in a one block area from you become explored
5: All unexplored tiles in a two block area from you become explored, but only if you’re on water

Miner- Digger of shiny things
1: +1 physical
2: Gains 1.1x more resources per every mine
3: +2 physical (additive)
4: Gains 1.2x more resources per every mine
5: Quarry costs reduce to 75%

Food: This shouldn't be much of an issue early on. You'd have to create one if you are too far away from any other one, though, for convienience.
Water: Hydronics are also on your starting tile, so mostly ditto for food; unless you are an Elapita or a Bogorian, in which case food/water doesn't apply to you.
- You can drink ocean water for -1 physical (for the turn) Unless you are a Bogorian

Everyone starts with 1 physical, which encompasses base speed (established by species), strength, and swimming ability (Flying speed for Olero, and size for Elapita. See Elapita for a bit more info.)

2 physical makes you do 1.2 times as much as you would normally.

Starts at -5
Uninhabitable at -10. Resources will steadily deplete as you go down, converting more to desert.
0 is about Pre-industrial revolution Earth. +3 is the max, where the environment steadily gets better.

- Mountain, sand, and volcanoes take up double hex movement for all except Olero
- Paths through any terrain ignore all debuffs to hex movement caps.
- Elapita travel twice as fast in sand, including on paths. Ignores debuff.
- If you are carrying things, they subtract from the total amount of hexes you can travel on a case-by-case basis. Weight is taken into account.
Olero can’t carry anything. Bogorians can only do so in water, but most items don’t take away from speed.
- You can move anywhere in a settlement for free; you do not consume your hex limit.
- Does not apply to non-continuous settlements. You must still use up your limit if you want to get to a different town block.
Vehicle mechanics
- Speed is determined by the vehicle, not the driver.
- Carrying capacity is how many people the vehicle can hold. A vehicle can’t hold more than that. No exceptions.

Building/vehicle demolition: 50%, rounded down, of materials used to make it are given back.
Attachments: A solar panel can be attached to almost any vehicle to prevent battery depletion.
[spoiler=Materials]Sand: 60 gained from 1 worker per turn.
Stone: 1000 per quarry, 50 per worker per turn.
Clay: 400 per clay hill, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Limestone: 800 per Limestone quarry, 20 gained per worker per turn.
Nickel ore: 50 nickel per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 150 nickel per metallic cave, 30 per worker per turn.
Nickel: Requires: Furnace. 4 nickel ore per nickel.
Aluminum ore: 50 per quarry, 2 per worker per turn. 300 aluminum per metallic cave, 45 per worker per turn.
Aluminum: Requires: Furnace. 3 aluminum ore per aluminum.
Iron ore: 50 iron per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 iron per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Iron: Requires: Furnace. 4 iron ore per iron.
Copper ore: 50 ore per quarry. 2 per worker per turn. 200 copper per metallic cave, 40 per worker per turn.
Copper: Requires: Furnace. 4 copper ore per copper.
Silicon: 30 silicon per metallic cave.
Coal: Requires: Furnace. 2 stone per coal. Effects: Environment -1 per 100 burned. Produces 7 energy per burned.
Cement: Requires: Furnace. 7 limestone and 7 clay per cement.
Glass: Requires: Blast Furnace. 1 glass per 10 sand
Steel: Requires: Blast Furnace. 2 iron per 1 steel.
Oil: Requires: Oil jack. 10 oil per oil jack per turn. Effects: Environment -1 per 200 burned. 5 energy per burned.
Brick: 6 clay per brick
Concrete: 3 cement, 6 sand, and 12 stone per 1 concrete.
Plastic: 3 oil and 1 coal for 1 plastic.
Bioplastic: Requires: Blast furnace. 10 water and 10 clay for 1 bioplastic. Can substitute plastic in all scenarios.
Small battery: 3 nickel, 3 plastic for 1 battery. 3 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Medium battery: 6 nickel, 6 plastic for 1 battery. 5 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Large battery: 12 nickel, 12 plastic for 1 battery. 8 turns of use till recharge necessary.
Computer: 3 copper, 5 iron, 10 silicon, and 1 medium battery for 1 computer.
Automotive parts: 10 steel, 15 iron, 7 aluminum, 5 medium batteries, 10 glass, and 50 plastic for 1 automotive

Spaceport: Hex: Any land. Requires 50 steel, 10 concrete, 20 computers.
Turns: 7
Quarry: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 10 clay.
Turns: 0
Metallic cave: Hex: Mountain or valley. Requires 20 clay and 20 stone.
Turns: 1
Limestone quarry: Hex: Mountain, desert, valley. Requires 12 clay.
Turns: 0
Clay hill: Hex: Mountain or clay bed, valley. Requires 3 water and 7 stone.
Turns: 0
Furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 10 stone.
Turns: 0
Blast furnace: Hex must have a house or other building. Requires 15 stone.
Turns: 0
Oil jack: Hex: Oceanside or desert. Requires 12 steel and 8 iron. Produces 30 oil per turn.
Turns: 2
Solar panel: Hex: Any land. Requires 30 silicon and 5 steel. Produces 5 energy per turn. Can be placed on any vehicle to negate its need for charge, but it won’t charge ezra unless placed on a power plant.
Turns: 0
Geothermal plant: Hex: Any land, x2 if on a volcano. Requires 20 steel and 30 silicon. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 2
Wind turbine: Hex: Any land. Requires 12 steel, 4 plastic, and 2 iron. Produces 20 energy per turn.
Turns: 1
Hydropower plant: Hex: Any on or near water. Requires 30 steel, 7 copper, and 5 aluminum. Produces 60 energy per turn.
Turns: 3
Power plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 20 big batteries, 40 medium batteries, 50 steel, and 30 iron. Stores excess energy. Excess energy can be used to power any building or vehicle within a block.
Turns: 3
Created island: Hex: Water. Requires 1000 sand and 1000 sand. Creates oceanside hex. Doubles in the land created is previously from deep ocean.
Turns: 10/20
Dock: Hex: Water or waterside. Requires 60 brick. Required for boat construction.
Food plant: Hex: Any land. Requires 100 steel, 10 aluminum, four computer, 3 large batteries, 70 clay. Creates 30 food over 3 turns.
Turns: 5
Town block: Hex: Any land. Changes terrain to town, allowing people to live there. Any terrain-specific buildings (quarry, clay hill, etc.) will be demolished prior to construction, and nothing willed be gained from them this turn. However, other buildings (food plant, wind turbine, spaceport, etc.) do not need to be demolished. Requires 100 glass, 100 concrete, 150 steel, 10 stone, and 20 cement.
Turns: 10
Airstrip: 50 cement, 25 concrete, 10 steel. Allows planes to fly/land.
Turns: 2
Landing pad: 30 concrete, 10 aluminum. Allows helicopters to land.
Turns: 2
Hydronics: 100 concrete, 50 steel, 20 aluminum, and 300 food. Allows for freshwater and river creation for small and medium boats to move around.

Must unlock creation before you can make them.
Can be built on any land, except for boats.
If you move farther in a vehicle than you would if you were walking, you do not get to walk unless you are in a settlement. You also may not switch vehicles in this case.
Small ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 10 steel.
Speed: 5 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 1
Medium ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 20 steel.
Speed: 10 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Big ship: Hex: Water. Dock must be constructed. Requires 40 steel.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 8
Turns: 5
Car: 3 large batteries, 5 computers, 25 steel, 2 automotive parts.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 2
Truck: 1 large battery, 3 computers, 30 aluminum, 3 automotive parts.
Speed: 15 hexes
Capacity: 4
Turns: 3
Biplane: Requires: Airstrip in both place of start and end. 1 large battery, 50 aluminum.
Speed: 40 hexes
Capacity: 2
Turns: 3
Helicopter: Requires: Landing pad in both place of start and end. 2 large batteries, 32 steel, 20 aluminum.
Speed: 20 hexes
Capacity: 5
Turns: 2
Spaceship: Hex: Any land. Requires 30 Aluminum, 12 computers, 25 medium batteries, and 10 large batteries.
Speed: N/A. Gets to space in one turn
Capacity: 4
Turns: 5

Energy is gained by coal, oil, solar panels, geothermal plants, wind turbines, or hydropower plants. In many cases, energy will need to be created, but you can ‘go green’ and not use oil or coal if you so wish.
Batteries: Need to be charged from time to time. Requires energy to do so; 10 energy for small, 30 for medium, 75 for large. Must charge before they can be used.
If you have multiple batteries, you do not need to recharge if one has charge.

Once everyone posts, the turn will end. Because of your lack of care for time, turns can be anywhere from 5 to 10 days.

- I am incredibly stupid and am unable to figure out the image command (doesn't help that most of them are blocked on my computer either). So, I use this. Do tell me if the links do not work.
Top map
Middle map
Bottom map

What can I do on my turn?: You can get resources (takes up the entire turn) ex. sand, clay, metal, etc. You can explore, but unless you move over half of your hex limit, you can also gain resources. You can also build, and starting a build does not take up a turn.

Character name: Avar Linn
Nation names (include all you may post on): Alvosa, Ohio Indiana and Kentucky, Poland 2024 RP and Alvosa2
Species: Human
Job: Miner

Accepted. Welcome!
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
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The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 66312
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Sat Dec 21, 2024 1:52 pm

What’s the ETA on the IC looking like? My body is ready.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Posts: 7288
Founded: May 07, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Ancientania » Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:05 pm

G-Tech Corporation wrote:What’s the ETA on the IC looking like? My body is ready.

Going to need more people
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!

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Posts: 329
Founded: Sep 12, 2024
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Aekaria » Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:12 pm

Ello again, I'm back. Still deciding on the species, but I'm going to be some religious herald.

G, what do you feel about a rivalry between the...Orator of the Apocalypse and whatever my person will be?
"You are a coward, as all cruel men are."
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Zeal is its own excuse."
"Now we rage against The Dying of The Light."
"It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique."
"Heroism is easily crushed by the weight of Eternity."-Myself.
"Die as you live, son of The Eighth Legion."
"For love is the bane of honour, the death of duty."
"Humanity is venal and fractious. It can never be governed as one. Everything else is an impossible dream."

"Die as you live, in midnight-gold clad." (Die, a Son of The Dominion) -The Fifth Dominate

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 66312
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:51 pm

Aekaria wrote:Ello again, I'm back. Still deciding on the species, but I'm going to be some religious herald.

G, what do you feel about a rivalry between the...Orator of the Apocalypse and whatever my person will be?

Oh Winthrop isn’t particularly religious. Though he has inspired several legends about devilish figures in a variety of cultures.

It sounds like Ance is aiming for characters to work in a largely cooperative manner, so unclear! But I imagine there will be some butting of heads regardless concerning priorities and end goals.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Posts: 7288
Founded: May 07, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Ancientania » Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:44 pm

Aekaria wrote:Ello again, I'm back. Still deciding on the species, but I'm going to be some religious herald.

G, what do you feel about a rivalry between the...Orator of the Apocalypse and whatever my person will be?

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Aekaria wrote:Ello again, I'm back. Still deciding on the species, but I'm going to be some religious herald.

G, what do you feel about a rivalry between the...Orator of the Apocalypse and whatever my person will be?

Oh Winthrop isn’t particularly religious. Though he has inspired several legends about devilish figures in a variety of cultures.

It sounds like Ance is aiming for characters to work in a largely cooperative manner, so unclear! But I imagine there will be some butting of heads regardless concerning priorities and end goals.

While the game is set up for cooperation, I'm not forcing you.

And oh, have I the people for the both of you...
Geography nerd, Political especially
10-20 years old, Gen Z
American Jew, He/him Male
Class: 0.86
If you sue me I'll take your kneecaps. Threats count too.
Kneecaps stolen 24(x2)
NS stats have met my little buddy over here *Cocks gun*
Militant... main sig is also IC. High welfare. TGs are for any purpose. Proud delegate of TOH.
[What's this button do?] [DON'T TOUCH THAT]
[What about this one?] [NOT THAT ONE EITHER]
[Ooh shiny] [NO]
The Centennial Radio: There's a starman waiting in the sky/He'd like to come and meet us/But he thinks he'd blow our minds/There's a starman waiting in the sky/He's told us not to blow it/'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile//That was Starman by David Bowie. Takes requests!



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