Doslonsuan Internal Affairs (IC)

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]

New Election in Doslonsu

Poll ended at Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:09 pm

Authoritarian Democrat: Turgan Ersha
Progressive Liberal: Kelsea Hudson
Total votes : 5

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Doslonsuan Internal Affairs (IC)

Postby Doslonsu » Wed Dec 18, 2024 1:35 pm

This is the IC thread, where other nations can do many things. Election interference, Propaganda, and so much more!

For once, the nation of Doslonsu is holding a stable, peaceful election. What this is supposed to be is a record of the snap election called by Minister Callen Vyrannis.

As of today, 12/18/2024, the election has started by two speeches by our two candidates.
Stay tuned for more!

OOC link here:
Last edited by Doslonsu on Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:38 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:33 pm

The Federation of Langkasoka applauds the commencement of free and fair elections in Doslonsu, which it celebrates as the results of its ongoing peacekeeping efforts in occupied territories and its close cooperation with the Provisional Government. Langkasokan occupational authorities including the Military Governate of East Tehrazd and those in the Fellgrad Zone have communicated through official channels that the Doslonsu Provisional Government must cooperate with them in these elections to ensure their fairness and prevent unlawful foreign interference.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:38 pm

The Government of Sardinia-Sicily, fresh off of their own election has decided to endorse the Libertarian Canidate while also telling troops in Rhone Country to be ready for war just in case shenanigans occur in which a coup or other de-stabilizing manuevers are made to overthrow the Provisional Government.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:45 pm

The 20th Army Corps, mainly the IBMC's 110th Mechanized, stationed checkpoints, security stations, and fortifications around New Tehrazd. So far, the elections had been peaceful, but one could not be too sure when it came to Doslonsu. Machine gun nests were around almost every corner, snipers in windows, and helicopters hovering above for the smallest sight of a shitshow. The Indios Bravos didn't bother with the politics and formalities. They only made sure that everything was safe.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

On a scale of 1-10 I'm Filipino (No way!?!?!?!?)
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Postby Langkasoka » Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:13 pm

Sardinia-Sicily wrote:The Government of Sardinia-Sicily, fresh off of their own election has decided to endorse the Libertarian Canidate while also telling troops in Rhone Country to be ready for war just in case shenanigans occur in which a coup or other de-stabilizing manuevers are made to overthrow the Provisional Government.

Foreign Minister Sabri Khan has criticised the Sardinia-Sicily government for 'unwarranted interference in the Doslonsuan democratic process', stating that it's highly inappropriate for any foreign state to publicly endorse preferred candidates participating in the elections of another country.

The Central Administrative Council of the Military Governate of East Tehrazd has raised the readiness condition of the military units under its command, an act mirrored by the Langkasokan occupational authorities in Fellgrad. CAC Chairman Eunos R. Saifuddien has stated that this is done to maintain peace and keep a quick reaction force on standby in the event of 'irregularities amidst these crucial times for Doslonsu'. Meanwhile, the Royal Bureau of State Intelligence has covertly stationed its operatives in East Tehrazd, Fellgrad, and further across Doslonsu to conduct intelligence gathering in order to uncover and prevent any plots of terrorist and coups, amongst other things.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Doslonsu » Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:32 pm

Candidate Auston Jewell took to the stage of Frada's Gold Castle Memorium. His goal was to deliver a speech to his people.

"Fellow citizens of Doslonsu,
Our history is a tale of struggle—of governments rising and falling, of fleeting stability shattered by unchecked power and overreach. We’ve seen the costs: civil wars, economic downturns, and lost opportunities. Time and again, history has repeated itself because we allowed centralized control to suffocate the freedoms we hold dear.

We cannot afford to tread this path again. Doslonsu’s future lies not in more government, but in less. True stability comes from empowering individuals, not bureaucrats. It comes from trusting the people, not concentrating authority in the hands of the few.

I stand before you as a Libertarian because I believe in personal freedom: the right to live your life without interference. I believe in political freedom: the right to question, to speak, and to vote without fear. And I believe in economic freedom: the right to prosper through hard work and ingenuity, unchained from excessive taxation and regulation.

If elected, I will champion reforms that ensure this cycle of instability ends with us. We will scale back government overreach, dismantle unnecessary barriers, and foster a society where freedom—not fear—guides our actions. Together, we can ensure that our children inherit a nation defined by opportunity and resilience.

Doslonsu has suffered enough. Now is the time for a new course—one rooted in liberty, accountability, and the trust we place in each other. Thank you, and may freedom guide us forward."
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:03 am

Professor Xun Feng, a political commentator, analyses the recent speech by the Doslonsuan Libertarian candidate on the latest broadcast at Tanjung News- Langkasoka's premier international news broadcasting agency, now also operating in Doslonsu owing to the presence of the Langkasokan occupational authorities there. Professor Xun has taken a critical stance towards the Libertarian, elaborating that Mr. Jewell essentially promises to make the same mistakes as his predecessors did:

"The previous governments of Doslonsu failed because they were unsuccessful in effectuating their political authority, not because they were too big as Mr. Jewell suggests. By establishing a small, powerless government, Jewell merely sets the conditions for the future Doslonsuan government to fail in the same manner it has done so many times in the past. Conditions in which political extremists or criminal entrepreneurs can exploit the weak government and rise to power off the back of it. Don't forget that the last regimes before the War were run by warring crime syndicates. It was an anarchy! That is the very opposite of the centralised and coercive government that Jewell suggests led to Doslonsu's collapse."

Meanwhile, Tanjung News' journalist on the ground in Doslonsu, Yasmin Sulama, has reported on Callen Vyrannis' accomplishments as Minister of the Provisional Government so far. In selected interviews she had conducted with the 'average Doslonsuan', they commented positively about the Independent candidate and said that Callen is a strong candidate for their nation's future.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:09 am

Early this morning, Vyrannis took to the stage to give his campaign speech; a speech many were hopeful for.

"Ahem. Doslonsu stands at a crossroads, one we have reached too many times in our history. Instability has been our constant shadow, driven by division, authoritarianism, and cycles of short-lived peace followed by upheaval. But today, I stand before you with a promise: we will break this cycle together.

As President, I have worked to transition us from provisional governance to a Federation founded on the principles of democracy, inclusion, and justice. This is not the end of our work—it is the foundation for a stronger, more unified Doslonsu. A government that serves its people, listens to its people, and reflects its people.

But we must remain vigilant. The wounds of the past—civil war, oppression, and turmoil—remain fresh. To heal them, we need a stable government that prioritizes the needs of all citizens, not just the privileged few.

My vision for Doslonsu is simple: we must preserve personal and political freedoms, ensure economic prosperity for all, and reform the systems that allowed instability to fester. But we must also acknowledge that a government cannot stand idly by when its people need leadership. The role of government is not to intrude but to protect, to serve, and to empower.

Together, we can forge a nation that learns from its past, grows stronger with every challenge, and looks forward with hope. We are not just electing a leader; we are choosing a path for our nation. Let us walk it together, hand in hand, towards a brighter future.

Thank you, and may Doslonsu forever prosper."
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 7:13 am

A Smith as Candidate?

The emergence of Viktor Smith as a third candidate radically shifts the electoral landscape, especially with his ties to Smithist ideologies and the unrest his movement is inciting. His campaign threatens to exploit the vulnerabilities of rural, disaffected communities, pushing a narrative that blends Eugenic and Cultist Smithist ideals with promises to "correct government failures."

The military’s planned intervention signals the government's firm stance against any coup attempts, but the rising tension will undoubtedly influence the election. Addressing this destabilizing force is now a key challenge for Vyrannis and Jewell.

Speech by Smith

"Citizens of Doslonsu, our nation stands at a crossroads—a moment where the past must guide us, not chain us, and the future must be ours to shape. Too many times, we’ve placed blind faith in hollow promises and broken institutions. Too many times, chaos has gripped our streets and stolen our unity. This is why I, Viktor Smith, step forward today—not to merely run for office, but to restore Doslonsu's strength and rightful place in history.

For years, we’ve witnessed instability and corruption plague our leaders. The so-called democrats and libertarians talk about freedom, but they allow this nation to fracture under weak leadership. I offer something different: a vision of a strong, united Doslonsu where the government works not against its people but alongside them.

Under my leadership, we will restore order. We will empower the rural communities long forgotten by Tehrazd’s elites. The march of progress begins here, with policies rooted in three key pillars:

Economic Restoration Through Community Action: I pledge to rebuild our economy by focusing on local industries, empowering rural communities to become the backbone of a prosperous Doslonsu. We will create jobs, strengthen agriculture, and rebuild the industries abandoned by so-called free markets.

National Renewal and Unity: The Federation has divided us, but we must stand as one nation under one strong government. I promise to restore the cultural and spiritual heritage of Doslonsu by honoring our traditions and fostering a collective identity that prioritizes our people above all else.

Justice and Security: To those who challenge order and disrupt peace, let me be clear: under my leadership, there will be no tolerance for lawlessness. We will rebuild the strength of our armed forces and restore the honor of our police. No citizen should live in fear—our streets, villages, and cities will be safe again.

I am proud to embrace the legacy of my father, Leo Smith. Yes, I recognize his flaws, but I also honor his unyielding strength in protecting Doslonsu. Together, we can learn from our past to create a future that ensures stability, order, and greatness.

This election is not just about me—it is about you, the people of Doslonsu. It is about the farmers in the fields, the workers in the factories, and the families fighting to make ends meet. It is about reclaiming the power that is rightfully yours.

Let us reject the chaos of weak leadership and embrace a future of strength and prosperity. I am Viktor Smith, and I promise you this: together, we will build a Doslonsu that stands tall once again."
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:08 am

As the election season is in full swing, a Doslonsuan political organisation named 'United Future' has been founded. It works on pooling campaign contributions- most notable from Langkasokan businessmen and elites hoping to maintain anonymity through indirect donations- and currently donates these funds to the campaigns of Independent candidate Callen Vyrannis.

Meanwhile, Tanjung News broadcasts the full and complete speech given by Mister Vyrannis, and analysts comment positively on it. A documentary segment is also aired, which details the life of Vyrannis, his work as a teacher, and his courage to organise underground community centres during the rule of the crime syndicates.

Hardly anything about the Smithist candidate is aired, with only a few mentions that other candidates, including Viktor Smith are running for office too. In secret, Langkasoka is carrying out a silent censure of candidate Viktor Smith and his party, to prevent politically radical elements from rising to prominence.

Having earlier adopted anti-Smithist policies and the de-Smithisation process, the Langkasokan occupational authorities covertly move to pressure the Doslonsu Provisional Government to not allow media that glorify Smithism, the EA, or its regime to be broadcasted. Any media regarding Smithism must require prior approval from the Langkasokan occupational authorities before being broadcasted.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:10 am

As Viktor Smith's speech continued, the soldiers of Indio New Tehrazd watched their monitors with blank stares. The Smiths were back...for now. However, rumor was that the newly formed AGI was planning something.

At...wherever Viktor's speech is
"I am Viktor Smith, and I promise you this..."
AGI agent Belano waited in a skyscraper. He was calm, collected, and he was also on voluntary death row. He was of European descent, having come from both Italian and French ancestors. Belano's task was simple: assassinate Viktor Smith, run on stage, shout some words, and either get shot or run off. 50/50 chance of death, 100/0 chance of success.
"...together, we will build a Doslonsu that stands tall once again."
Traditionally, the end of a speech was met with thunderous applause. And right now, for at least a millisecond, it was.
Suddenly, Viktor Smith's head was turned into a cloud of red mist, the .50 caliber round deleting all traces of it even existing.
Belano jumped down from the two story balcony, tumbling when he hit the ground. He ran onto the stage and shouted,
"Absolute idiots! Can't you see? How did this man even get to the campaign? Please, for the betterment of Doslonsu, exile these subhumans! They killed my family, they'll kill yours too!"
He waved his custom built rifle gave him an extra air of intimidation.
While your traditional asian agent could have been identified within seconds, Belano was almost purely European. His white skin made him blend in with the rest of the Frenchmen there.
Assassinate? Done. On stage an shout? Done. Run? Sure.
Belano then ran from the stage and back to God knows where...
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:27 am

Just 19 minutes after the assassination of Viktor Smith, the local phoning stations received information of a call going between the other two Smith children; Mari, and Maximillian.

Maximillian: "Sis, he's been shot dead! I was there!"

Mari: "I'm sorry, what now? He can't be!"

Maximillian: "In broad daylight! Some Frenchman jumped down over his corpse, calling us out!"

Mari: "Well, I'm not the one following the ideology, you are. I have things to prepare for at the chapel."

Maximillian: "Well... I wish you luck sis. May our father in heaven give us safety... If he's even up there..."

The call ended, and said phoning stations kept it in their archives.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Postby Sardinia-Sicily » Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:41 am

Italian Condemnation of Viktor Smith Assasination: Italian Agents who had been secretly observing the speeches in person, were able to catch a glimpse of the shooter, however were not able to fully identify them. This information was relayed to Prime Minister MacBarfer who in a speech outside of Cagliari, condemned the illegal action of a political canidate. Here is a brief moment from that speech:
"As you all have probably heard, Viktor Smith, the head of the infamous Smith family, was just assasinated by an shooter, who has yet to be identified. I would like to state our official opinion on the matter which will be an official condemnation as well as we will send our condolences to the smith family. Political violence like this only further de-stabilizes an already fragile state. I do not commend the actions of the Smiths, but even still, this is a clear violation of the Doslonsuan Democracy".
Last edited by Sardinia-Sicily on Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Governor of Free United States
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” — Romans 12:12
The Countryball in the flag is me
Alright well those wanting to know about me OOC (It's no one) here you go. To start with me politically, you might ask what I am. The answer? It's complicated. Socially I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I support the legalization of cannabis, reduction of government involvement, and letting people do what they wish as long as it doesn't break the law. Now Economically, I am very conservative as I support reduced taxes, mainly on the working class, I am a Protectionist, and I support reduced governmental spending. Foreign Policy wise, I am a Isolationist and support the end of American involvement in foreign countries.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 11:12 am

Same time, different locations; speeches were given by the other candidates, on the recent assassination.

Auston Jewell's Speech:
"Today, we have witnessed a tragedy that casts a dark shadow over our nation. While Viktor Smith's ideals differed from my own, his assassination is a direct attack on the democratic process we strive to protect. Political violence has no place in Doslonsu. If we are to build a stable, free, and prosperous nation, we must reject fear and division. I call on all Doslonsuans to unite against those who would destabilize our democracy through violence and hate."

Callen Vyrannis' Speech:
"The assassination of Viktor Smith is a tragic reminder of our nation's fragile state. As we work to rebuild, we cannot allow violence to replace discourse or fear to stifle hope. Every candidate, no matter their views, deserves the right to stand before the people and be judged by their merits, not by the bullet of an assassin. Let us reaffirm our commitment to peace, dialogue, and justice. Doslonsu’s future depends on our ability to rise above violence and chaos."
Last edited by Doslonsu on Fri Dec 20, 2024 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Ancient Samaria
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Postby Ancient Samaria » Fri Dec 20, 2024 11:16 am

Friendly reminder that the Ancient Samaritan Holy Expeditionary Forces are still stationed off the west coast of Doslonsu and are watching these election processes with keen interest. If anyone gets too disruptive and tries to prevent a fair and free election, we might have to act. We're not even big proponents of democracy, we don't even have one of those, but we believe in order, justice, and the rule of law. If something is illegal, it must be prevented or punished.
Last edited by Ancient Samaria on Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
An alternate Samaria ruled by a king and elders from the ancient city of Shechem. It has its own tabernacle and priesthood on Mount Gerizim and high places, too.
"We have the Democrats, who are a party of no ideas and we have the Republicans, who are a party of bad ideas." - Lewis Black
In the future, for the purpose of official notifications, I will not participate in threads that:
1. Contain godmodding, one-liners, unrealistic paces of action, have "teleported" deployment of troops, etc.
2. Unrealistically ban any kind of conventional weapon, such as thermobaric, white phosphorus, napalm, etc.
3. Are not canon, therefore don't have any actual consequences or impact on the nation involved. That's a cheap and easy way to RP, without any consequences.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 3:01 pm

At an abandoned church, renewed to fit one man's beliefs, a speech would be given to a crowd of people. This speech would be broadcast to all civilians on Channel 3. Location: Rural Opleburn.

"People of Doslonsu, the time has come for clarity to shine through the haze of this broken nation. Too long have we been ruled by weak ideals, fractured governments, and false gods. I am Blaine Hope, the harbinger of a new era, and I bring you the truth of the Dark Sun.

The Dark Sun is not a myth—it is the eternal, omnipotent force that watches over us, waiting for us to awaken to its divine will. It is the bringer of order, the corrector of chaos, and the ultimate judge of humanity's flaws. Under its radiance, we will erase the mistakes of the past and forge a future of unyielding strength and unity.

My mission is simple: to destroy the rot that festers within this nation. Those who cling to liberty without purpose, those who serve outdated ideologies, and those who resist the inevitable rise of the Dark Sun will be purged. Only through blood and fire can we cleanse Doslonsu and prepare it for true ascendance.

Our faith is one of devotion and action. Rituals to the Dark Sun are not mere ceremonies—they are acts of alignment with its divine will. Every drop of blood spilled, every shrine raised, and every enemy silenced is a step closer to its glorious dawn.

To those who doubt or fear, know this: your resistance is futile. The Dark Sun shines for all, and its light will consume the weak, the corrupt, and the impure. Stand with me, and you will find purpose. Stand against me, and you will find annihilation.

Together, we will expand our borders and grow our population, not for mere conquest but to spread the truth of the Dark Sun to every corner of the world. This is not a dream—it is a promise. Under my leadership, and with the Dark Sun guiding us, we will achieve the Absolute End: perfection, unity, and immortality in its shadow.

The hour of reckoning is here. Choose wisely, for the future of Doslonsu—and perhaps the world—depends on it."

The broadcast shut off, leaving the people in either renewal, fear, confusion, or defiance. The only problem is that this broadcast was also shown in Fellgrad and Tehrazd, Doslonsu's former economic hubs; now under Langkasoka.
Last edited by Doslonsu on Fri Dec 20, 2024 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Posts: 702
Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Dec 20, 2024 3:05 pm

SIC: ‘Too trigger-happy, no long-term planning’ is how RBSI Director Desmond Tang would describe his Indio counterparts of the AGI. However critical the Langkasokan intelligence service may be of the way the AGI handled the assassination of Viktor Smith, in the end, the Langkasokans did give the permission for the assassination to go ahead; albeit after the Indios intensively lobbied for it.

Now, the RBSI must clean up the mess and tie up loose ends. The public fallout after the assassin was more than what they had anticipated, but it would be manageable.

Finding a scapegoat was easy; it should be a young Doslonsuan male who had lost family as a result of the repressive policies of the Smith regime. After dispatching RBSI operatives to discreetly sedate and abduct an individual fitting this description, he had been transported to an abandoned building in East Tehrazd- a home destroyed in the Communist invasion.

So, six hours after the Central Administrative Council of the Military Governate of East Tehrazd declared a manhunt for the perpetrator of the assassination, Langkasokan military police officers ‘stumbled’ upon the supposed hideout of the asssasin. By being given a pistol and pumped full of drugs, the RBSI ensured the scapegoat would be in a delirious state when visited by the military police. A deadly shootout was only inevitable and very much the intended goal.

After all, dead men can’t defend themselves.

IC: In the ensuing press conference, CAC Chairman Eunos R. Saifuddien informed the public that the perpetrator of the assassination of Viktor Smith had been killed in a shootout with Langkasokan military police. The asssasin was the young Fabien Pascal, who had lost his family as a result of the eugenic policies of the Smith regime. In his (fabricated) journals found at his hideout, it is revealed he had developed a grudge against the ideology whom he blamed for his family’s death, and found Viktor Smith “too dangerous to live”. Fabien Pascal had also worked as a civilian contractor for the Military Governate in an logistics warehouse, which is how he got his hands on the parts to assemble a .50 rifle.

The means, the motive, and the man. Case closed.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Fri Dec 20, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Dec 20, 2024 4:54 pm

Doslonsu wrote:At an abandoned church, renewed to fit one man's beliefs, a speech would be given to a crowd of people. This speech would be broadcast to all civilians on Channel 3. Location: Rural Opleburn.

"People of Doslonsu, the time has come for clarity to shine through the haze of this broken nation. Too long have we been ruled by weak ideals, fractured governments, and false gods. I am Blaine Hope, the harbinger of a new era, and I bring you the truth of the Dark Sun.

The Dark Sun is not a myth—it is the eternal, omnipotent force that watches over us, waiting for us to awaken to its divine will. It is the bringer of order, the corrector of chaos, and the ultimate judge of humanity's flaws. Under its radiance, we will erase the mistakes of the past and forge a future of unyielding strength and unity.

My mission is simple: to destroy the rot that festers within this nation. Those who cling to liberty without purpose, those who serve outdated ideologies, and those who resist the inevitable rise of the Dark Sun will be purged. Only through blood and fire can we cleanse Doslonsu and prepare it for true ascendance.

Our faith is one of devotion and action. Rituals to the Dark Sun are not mere ceremonies—they are acts of alignment with its divine will. Every drop of blood spilled, every shrine raised, and every enemy silenced is a step closer to its glorious dawn.

To those who doubt or fear, know this: your resistance is futile. The Dark Sun shines for all, and its light will consume the weak, the corrupt, and the impure. Stand with me, and you will find purpose. Stand against me, and you will find annihilation.

Together, we will expand our borders and grow our population, not for mere conquest but to spread the truth of the Dark Sun to every corner of the world. This is not a dream—it is a promise. Under my leadership, and with the Dark Sun guiding us, we will achieve the Absolute End: perfection, unity, and immortality in its shadow.

The hour of reckoning is here. Choose wisely, for the future of Doslonsu—and perhaps the world—depends on it."

The broadcast shut off, leaving the people in either renewal, fear, confusion, or defiance. The only problem is that this broadcast was also shown in Fellgrad and Tehrazd, Doslonsu's former economic hubs; now under Langkasoka.

Things Yet To Come
OST: Map Select

Having been informed of the unauthorised television broadcast of the Dark Sun, CAC Chairman Eunos R. Saifuddien returned to his office with adjutants and other Langkasokan officials in a furious mood.

"It is only fortunate that your press conference regarding Viktor Smith's 'assassin' had been airing at the same time," said a cigar-smoking man who sat in a chair across his desk, having anticipated the general's arrival at his office at the headquarters of the East Tehrazd Military Governate, which had been a post office building before the War.

"And who is this?!"

"Our RBSI liasion, sir," an adjutant hastily explained to Eunos, who was still quite unhappy over the situation, "he's come straight from Arelont."

"It's a good thing I raised the readiness condition of my men a few days ago, so that we can deal with any crisis if this thing gets out of hand. Because your men have been running around like headless chickens over this Viktor Smith, while letting this matter slip right through your hands! I will have to explain myself to the Agong soon over this debacle of our intelligence agencies."

"Come now, general," the man responded as he took another smoke from his cigarette, "As I was saying, the damage is limited. Many were clambered at your lips during your press conference, which provided a convenient distraction to the illegal broadcast. Our cyberwarfare division is working overtime at scrubbing any mention of this 'Dark Sun' on Doslonsuan internet and social media, ensuring information about this incident is distributed only through the right channels- that is to say, us. We have also intercepted a phone call earlier this day, between the... remaining children of Leo Smith, which reveals their involvement in this incident. We'll be paying them both a visit."

"In light of the situation, should we implement a curfew?" a young aide asked.

"No. That will only raise fear and panic amongst the people, who will start thinking this Dark Sun actually poses a problem. Keep them calm and tell them to go to bed knowing that Langkasoka watches over them."

The Langkasokan Occupation Authority had demanded that the Doslonsuan Provisional Government provide them with all information regarding the Smith family and anything they knew about the Dark Sun. With the location of the church where the broadcast had been made uncovered by the RBSI to be in rural Opleburn, Langkasoka wasted no time in mobilising a special forces unit to deal with the problem. CAC Chairman Eunos R. Saifuddien had contacted Minister Callen Vyrannis that the Doslonsuan military and police should similarly deploy to the location to seal off the area, prevent anyone from leaving or entering, assess the situation, and await Langkasokan intervention.

That intervention was the special forces of PASKAL Unit Five traveling in two S-61A-4 Nuri helicopters, departing from a base in Fellgrad to make their way their way to rural Opleburn, where they would rendezvous with the Doslonsuan authorities. In any case, the cultists of the Dark Sun are considered criminals for having illegally infiltrated a public broadcast and making threatening statements to incite violence & public disorder.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:14 pm

In an incident this morning, Hopean militias attacked the demarcated amounts of Libertarian hideouts. In the incident, an estimated 35 casualties were counted at the hands of Hope. In a move to please his "god", Hope had left blood shrines and rituals to the Dark Sun. When local police entered the scene, they found the site, and cleaned it up. Average civilians are catching wind of the new faith, new ideology, and are reluctant to take action. The Independent government has tried finding Hopean militiamen and officers, but to no avail. Among the casualties were 7 maids and butlers to the party, 8 Libertarian congressmen, 11 party members. The remaining casualties were all uncountable due to the rituals.

The attack by Hopean militias on Libertarian hideouts has created significant unrest. The assault resulted in 35 casualties, including congressmen, party members, and staff. Ritualistic blood shrines to the "Dark Sun" were left at the scenes, spreading fear among the population. Despite attempts by the Independent government, no Hopean militiamen have been apprehended. Civilians are growing aware of the new faith but remain hesitant to act. This incident escalates tensions, highlighting the destabilizing influence of Hope and his radical movement.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:03 pm

OST: A Knife's Edge

"Decisive action will lead to decisive results. Waiting and flailing around will turn this nuisance into a crisis."
- YDP XXXV Mohammed Iskandar, regarding the Dark Sun

In light of the heightened danger, the Doslonsuan Provisional Government is requested by the Langkasokan Occupational Authority to enter negotiations with the Cella'Kawali Group private military company and the Mazalan Corporation Security Division for contracts regarding their services to provide protection to (high-ranking) politicians such as Callen Vyrannis and government institutions.

The regular Langkasokan military units stationed in Fellgrad- already on heightened readiness condition since the start of the elections- mobilises to deploy in and around rural Opleburn- now classified as Area 00*- which is now under lockdown. The Langkasokans establish checkpoints at roads leading in and out of Area 00, conduct routine patrols on foot or with drones, intercept Hopean militias, and carry out search & destroy missions against identified Dark Sun targets. These measures should decisively impact and shrink the Hopean militias and the danger they pose.

The Langkasokan Occupational Authorities order the Doslonsuan Provisional Government to regulate the spread of communications and news regarding the Dark Sun and the Hopean militias. With these measures that control the media and flow of information, panic and fear among the populace could be minimised so as to prevent the Dark Sun insurgency from interfering with the crucial elections and a major civil disturbance from ever breaking out.

Touching down at ground zero, Leftenan Ahmad Suloh and PASKAL Unit Five under his command disembarked from their Nuri choppers. They met the commanding officer of the Doslonsuans, who had cordoned off the area around the church and was surveilling the situation. Fully geared up and ready to assault, the PASKALs took position and surrounded the church. While a police officer took out a megaphone and ordered the cultists to leave the church to be arrested, Leftenan Ahmad Suloh inquired the Doslonsuan about how many the cultists were, what their weapons were, and anything else he needed to know before his PASKAL Unit Five would begin the operation.

*OOC: I didn't want to keep calling it 'rural Opleburn', so Area 00 is just the military operation's name for it.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Doslonsu » Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:44 pm

Scene: The Battle at the Church of the Dark Sun

As the PASKAL Unit Five and Doslonsuan forces coordinated their positions around the church, tension filled the air. The officer with the megaphone demanded surrender, but only silence followed. Moments later, gunfire erupted from the church windows, and the battle began. Cultists, heavily entrenched, returned fire with a mix of automatic weapons and improvised explosives, forcing the combined forces into defensive maneuvers.

Inside, the Hopeans, led by a high-ranking lieutenant, had anticipated such an assault. Beneath the altar, concealed under shattered pews and debris, was an emergency exit leading to a narrow underground tunnel. Only the inner circle of the cultists knew about it, and they swiftly moved their leader and key personnel into the escape route as the firefight raged on.

PASKAL forces stormed the church after neutralizing resistance at the main entrance. The battle inside was brutal: the confined space made maneuvering difficult, and every corner posed a potential ambush. Doslonsuan officers sustained significant casualties as cultists fought with desperate fervor, chanting prayers to the Dark Sun amidst the chaos.

Leftenan Ahmad Suloh ordered a breach on the underground chamber after discovering the hatch, but it was too late. The cultists who had escaped through the tunnel triggered explosives to collapse the passage behind them, cutting off pursuit. Above ground, remaining Hopean combatants fought to the last, inflicting heavy losses on the attackers before being subdued.

In the aftermath, 12 Langkasokan soldiers, 8 Doslonsuan officers, and an estimated 22 cultists were confirmed dead. Another 19 officers were severely injured. While the Hopeans' leadership escaped, several lower-ranking members were captured, yielding valuable intelligence about the group's structure and future plans.

The joint forces secured the site, recovering ritualistic texts and weapons, but the escape highlighted the tactical cunning of the Hopean militia and their ability to remain elusive. Eunos R. Saifuddien vowed to tighten the crackdown on the cult, as Langkasoka and Doslonsu braced for further retaliation.
Never Forget 6/3/24!
And remember, "If you're not first, you're last." -- Ricky Bobby
Wiki page? (Kinda shit at the moment...)
Peace in Maxwelland achieved; rejoice! | Doslonsu News: Parliament is abolished; Hail Ersha. | Leader Ambadus Ersha declares himself Supreme Chief of the Doslonsuan State. | Doslonsu enters Maxwelland upon discovering ghastly sights.

Current Minister: Ambadus Ersha

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Dec 21, 2024 2:08 am

The Gloves Are Off
OST: The Time is Now

SIC: Getting bogged down in an insurgency conflict is the last thing Langkasoka wants on its hands, but the Dark Sun and its Hopean militias were hellbent on it by conducting a reign of terror throughout Opleburn. It was fortunate, as CAC Chairman Eunos R. Saifuddien noted, that the Langkasokan military had succeeded in containing their movements to Opleburn and any information regarding the Dark Sun and its Opleburnian insurgent militias is under tight control to prevent civil disorder.

So, how to fight an insurgency? History shows aplenty how the Russians and Americans tried and failed during their foreign interventions.

"It's all quite simple," Kolonel Rayzam Sofian plainly stated. At the discussion table to plan the fight against the Dark Sun and its Hopean militias were the CAC Chairman and Vice-Chairman, officers of the Langkasokan military, occupation administrators, and Supreme King Mohammed Iskandar through video conference.

"Remember our war against communist guerillas back in the sixties and seventies? I see many similarities between them and these insurgents. Sixty years later, war hasn't changed. Sure, the appearance may be different: they worship a Dark Sun instead of a red book, and they speak of spirituality instead of equality. But it's all a coat of paint. Different actors, same tactics. The strategy we used against the commies, we will now use against these cultists.

Otherwise we can fight this insurgency in a manner the Americans or Russians have done before, by playing a game of endless whack-a-mole until Langkasokans are tired of reading articles about their sons and daughters dying in a war far from home, and we decide to retreat in shame and dishonour. We cannot make the same mistakes made in the past. To fight extraordinary combatants, we need extraordinary strategies.

My plan will cut off the critical flow of food, information, and recruits from civilians and the countryside to the insurgents by relocating the rural folks of Opleburn into well-fortified internment camps- called New Settlements. Agricultural land will be seized and placed under our management, or we will destroy it as part of a scorched-earth policy. Special forces units will be deployed in search & destroy missions against the Dark Sun's remaining stronghold. Our Indios allies are just waiting for a chance to pound, so they may carry out S&D too."

"Good plan, Kolonel," responded Mohammed Iskandar, "By isolating the populace and Opleburn's resources in these New Settlements, we will slowly starve out the Dark Sun and its militias. They will have no access to food, recruits, ammunition, intelligence, or any other forms of support. I'll contact the Provisional Government so that they can lend special personnel and resources to assist us in this plan. I know that the people of Opleburn are not going to vote for Minister Vyrannis anytime soon. Then again, it's not the votes that count, but whoever counts the votes."

"Let's get to it then. Moving this fast will nip the growth of the Dark Sun in the bud. And we learned this strategy only from the best, the British."

Opleburn- or its name for the current military operations, Area 00- had been placed under hard lockdown. The previous border checkpoints at any and all roads leading in and out of the territory remained in place, to prevent anyone unauthorised persons leaving or entering- or resources from getting to the militias. In addition to regular foot patrols, small surveillance drones with heat sensors and night vision were used to keep the border in check, should anyone try to circumvent the border checkpoints.

The airspace above Area 00 was now declared a no-fly-zone, with only Langkasokan or Indios aircraft with prior approval being allowed to enter. Larger UAVs conducted patrols of Area 00 itself, and with the civilian population relocated into the New Settlements, any unauthorised movements could easily be identified as belonging to the Hopean militias. With the footage of the UAVs being relayed straight to command centres, the Langkasokan Grup Gerak Khas (GGK), PASKAL, or any Indios units would be deployed to ambush and hunt down the Hopean militias.

With the New Settlements in place, the Dark Sun's influence and capacity to fight would lax and wane. They could no longer depend on food, gain new recruits into their cult, or receive ammunition as they saw their supplies of all three and more slowly dwindle.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:18 am, edited 9 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Ancient Samaria
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The Samaritan Intervention

Postby Ancient Samaria » Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:33 am

"Due to continued political violence, the Holy Samaritan Expeditionary Forces shall land a brigade of two thousand marines on the western coast of Doslonsu in the interest of restoring law and order. The factions causing political lawlessness and civil strife in the midst of the elections must cease and desist immediately. If, within 24 hours of this broadcast, the violence continues, the Holy Samaritan Expeditionary Forces shall proceeding with the landing of said marines, with more to follow as necessary to order to keep the peace."

This was the broadcast made to the People of Doslonsu by Vice-Admiral Manasseh Ben-Joseph, Supreme Commander of the Holy Samaritan Expeditionary Forces. Admiral Ben-Joseph wanted it to be clear that the Samaritans wouldn't back off. He also ordered the firing of cruise missiles to attack the Dark Sun forces, six cruise missiles launched from the Shiloh as a start. If the enemy could shrug that off, they would have to be better-defended than he had cause to believe. The next steps would be ground troops and air strikes, of course.
An alternate Samaria ruled by a king and elders from the ancient city of Shechem. It has its own tabernacle and priesthood on Mount Gerizim and high places, too.
"We have the Democrats, who are a party of no ideas and we have the Republicans, who are a party of bad ideas." - Lewis Black
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3. Are not canon, therefore don't have any actual consequences or impact on the nation involved. That's a cheap and easy way to RP, without any consequences.

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Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:48 am

Sabri Khan, the Foreign Minister of the Langkasokan Federation, lambasts the Samarians and their Vice-Admiral Manasseh Ben-Joseph for their recent provocative actions. He states that their threats of invasion and missile launches only adds oil to a flaming pan:

“Doslonsu, its people, and its elections are under the guidance and protection of Langkasoka and its chief ally, the Indios Bravos. We have protected the country from communist invasion and continue to keep the peace to ensure stability and prevent civil strife.

As of now, Doslonsu is on the brink of holding free and fair elections for the first time in years after their previous regimes. While there is civil unrest in the country that began with the assassination of Viktor Smith- the perpetrator of which has been dealt with by Langkasokan officials- we have successfully contained this to the region of Opleburn.

The promise by Vice-Admiral Manasseh Ben-Joseph to invade and launch ballistic missiles at Doslonsu threatens to undo all our peacekeeping work and plunge the country into instability.

The Samarian military is welcome to assist us in combating the insurgency in Opleburn. We’d expect them, however, to first ask us to cooperate rather than electing unilateral courses of action without informing us or asking our consent.”
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Ancient Samaria
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Postby Ancient Samaria » Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:36 pm

Admiral Ben-Joseph has a formal response to this ridiculous claim that Langkasoka has pacified Doslonsu.

"Given the fact of the assassination itself, it is quite clear that the claims of protection and pacification of Doslonsu by the occupation forces of Langkasoka, it is apparent that this record is an abject failure. It is insane to assert success while acknowledging its failure to prevent a political murder this significant. Perhaps they even had a hand in it, as continued failure would excuse their prolonged military occupation. In any case, the missiles are a necessary warning to the Dark Sun faction. If one is in the untenable, unsustainable position that Langkasoka has found itself, in over its head, perhaps it should spend less time threatening us and more time focusing on its own work, so they can stabilize the place and bring its troops home."
An alternate Samaria ruled by a king and elders from the ancient city of Shechem. It has its own tabernacle and priesthood on Mount Gerizim and high places, too.
"We have the Democrats, who are a party of no ideas and we have the Republicans, who are a party of bad ideas." - Lewis Black
In the future, for the purpose of official notifications, I will not participate in threads that:
1. Contain godmodding, one-liners, unrealistic paces of action, have "teleported" deployment of troops, etc.
2. Unrealistically ban any kind of conventional weapon, such as thermobaric, white phosphorus, napalm, etc.
3. Are not canon, therefore don't have any actual consequences or impact on the nation involved. That's a cheap and easy way to RP, without any consequences.



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