The General Assembly, taking into account the key role of microbiological diversity in the maintenance of ecosystems, human health, as well as its importance for agriculture, food security and environmental conservation.
Defining the following for the purposes of this resolution:
- Microbiological diversity is the various types of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea and protozoa that live and interact in various ecosystems.
Realizing that the loss of microbiological diversity can lead to various serious consequences for both ecosystems and human health.
Reaffirming the importance of scientific research and monitoring of micro biomes in various environments, including soil, water, and human biomes.
Emphasizing the need for international cooperation and knowledge sharing to protect and restore microbiological diversity on Earth.
Hereby call upon the WA Member State to take the following measures:
- To develop and implement national strategies for the protection of microbiological diversity.
- Encourage the integration of microbiological diversity issues into educational programs.
- Support efforts to raise awareness of the importance of microbiological diversity among the general public.
This draft resolution was written by me with the assistance of the National Front and Moduland and will be submitted by it to the General Assembly in the future