Is chess a "sport?"

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Should CHESS the game be defined as a "sport?"

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No......... this would be the type of sport where transsexuals could compete with girls in a win, win, win manner that sets a dangerous precedent!!!
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Yes... this would be the type of sport where transsexuals could compete with girls in a win, win, win, win manner that would set a dangerous precedent!
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Yes... whether we like it or not we all volunteered even before we were conceived to participate in a game of chess bewtwen Satan vs The Bride of Yeshua!
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Posts: 637
Founded: Nov 26, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Is chess a "sport?"

Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:31 am

Here at NS NorthernPesos we are very interested in the possibility of defining the game of chess as a "sport."

So..... is the game of chess a "sport?"

Obviously residents of the nation of NS Russia might tend to think that it is.... and thus.... NationStates .net could potentially use the idea of defining CHESS as a sport

to at least attempt to lure The President Putin into a game... or series of games.... that set up a vastly larger game with eight billion unlimited movement

variables...... that I believe should take place in his nation..... [or perhaps in Israel whose leading Rabbi's wrote an

interesting proposal to Putin and Trump back in 2016]?

So.... are all eight billion of us prepared to consider that BigPharma and BigOil and BigMedia and BigBanking might just perhaps be behind the lecture "Innovating to

zero" by Bill Gates that seems to depend entirely on the acceptance of the logic of the Al Gore film "An Inconvenient Truth?"

My firm belief is that whether or not we like it is irrelevant...... all eight billion of us are in a game of chess with the off the scale wealthy group of people who Sir

Winston Churchill termed The High Cabal and neath experiencer and former Atheist Rabbi Alon Anava terms The Eruv Rav.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 637
Founded: Nov 26, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:38 am

I plead guilty.. I have been fascinated by near death experience accounts since 1990 and I regard near death experiencer Mr. Christian Andreason as one of the most

off the scale brilliant minds on this earth at this time. My belief is that by defining the game of chess as a sport.... we can set in motion what was shown to near

death experiencer Christian Andreason...... [that I personally strongly suspect will eventually be understood to have been "prophetic".... depending on how that word

is defined.

12. What about sexually diverse people?
If this world was to ever find out just a small amount of what sexually diverse (gay) people are here to do on this planet, there would never be one single wisecrack or hurtful remark made ever again. Instead there would be great respect! People who speak disrespectful things about people of this orientation … enact judgment, and do so from a place of unenlightenment, insecurity, ego and socially induced prejudice. Some may use mistranslated scriptures taught to them, not by the Holy Spirit … but by fear-filled human beings. Many will choose to sustain a Divinely unsupported satanic hate-based rage against these children of God, rather than using Love to bring understanding and healing between both peoples. Christ said, THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS THAT WE ARE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER! When people sling condemnation, judgment and bitterness at others, they are not practicing the great commandment. They are allowing their Souls to fall into darkness." [Christian Andreason and near-death .com]

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Postby Audioslavia » Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:40 am

Hello, and welcome to NS Sport!

NS Sport is a forum for competitions between different NS nations and teams.

This thread isn't the sort of thing that goes in NS Sport. Perhaps try the General forum.



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