On the plus side... it is obvious that PLEADING GUILTY could potentially have "Artistic Value" ... that could perhaps be transmuted into "Diplomatic Value" that could be
morphed into Educational Value... that might possibly have at least some Economic Value!!!!
Theoretically the national fiat currency notes of NS NorthernPesos could become a world reserve currency.... that could potentially rival the number one currency notes on this third rock.......
but...... that is not going to be easy because the people who create the numbers one and two and three national fiat currency units of this third rock.... DO NOT take so kindly to competition!
I have in mind an intellectual challenge for ten million Israelis all across the theological and spiritual spectrum based on the combination of The Gilgul Cycle of Judaism.... with the Dr. Ian Stevenson research.... with the Helen Wambach Ph. D. research.... and with the ancient Book of Adam and Eve!?
IF somebody had a rather large BIRTHMARK on their right side... .could they potentially be all set up to AUDITION for a significant role to a significant percentage of ten million Israelis?
Yes... i do believe so.
Chapter 69
"Twelfth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve, while Adam was praying over the offering on the altar; when Satan beat him.
1 Then Satan, the hater of all good, envious of Adam and of his offering through which he found favor with God, hastened and took a sharp stone from among the sharp iron stones; appeared in the form of a man, and went and stood by Adam and Eve. 2 Adam was then offering on the altar, and had begun to pray, with his hands spread before God. 3 Then Satan hastened with the sharp iron stone he had with him, and with it pierced Adam on the right side, from which flowed blood and water, then Adam fell on the altar like a corpse. And Satan fled. 4 Then Eve came, and took Adam and placed him below the altar. And there she stayed, crying over him; while a stream of blood flowed from Adam's side over his offering. 5 But God looked at the death of Adam. He then sent His Word, and raised him up and said to him, "Fulfill your offering, for indeed, Adam, it is worth much, and there is no shortcoming in it." (The Book of Adam and Eve)
I just happened to be reading The Book of Adam and Eve back in 1994 when I noticed that I personally do have a rather large birthmark on my right side..... at that time I felt that that must be pur coincidence but later on I read about the Dr. Ian Stevenson research again.......... and I began to become worried!
My thesis is that the national currency notes and even the digital dollars of NorthernPesos can become a world reserve currency by rivalling Hollywood....... I assume through 'Hollywood North??!!"