Could NS Australia temporarily prevent ocean level rise?

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Will a Carbon Tax actually prevent ocean levels from rising?

No... we must deliberately turn deserts green with solar fired sea water desalination technology.
No... the situation is so urgent that we will need to use sea water desalination technology fired by natural gas.
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Could NS Australia temporarily prevent ocean level rise?

Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:46 am

.. and thus save the highly vulnerable real estate along the Bay of Fundy?

"Physics question related to the geography of the Bay of Fundy?"

"If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would
the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue?

The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus......
it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live.

So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?" [Dennis Tate, March 7, 2021]

At this time the real estate along the Bay of Fundy is acting like the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" because the soil of the Isthmus of Chignecto will likely be

liquified and flow into the Bay of Fundy... .even before the Maldive Islands and other low lying real estate is seriously hit by rising ocean levels!

NS Australia has a massive area that is BELOW SEA LEVEL that could theoretically be filled with sea water to create a massive salt water marina...... and hot NEW tourist destination!

I believe it was Dr. James Hansen who stated that during the time period when the earth's atmospheric temperatures rose by three degrees... ocean levels rose by

more than twenty meters over merely four centuries.

Humanity must unite to prevent ocean levels from rising and Israeli sea water desalination technology will obviously play a huge role but.... NS Australia is in a

position to within months divert millions if not billions of cubic meters of sea water into a massive salt water inland marina.

Here are some statistics that the marketing genius and politician Mr. Al Gore DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT:

"At a symposium of the Union of Geodesy and geophysics, Dr. Pyyotor Shoumsky reported that the south polar ice cap was growing at a minimum rate of 293 cubic miles of ice annually. To put that number in perspective, Lake Erie contains only 109 cubic miles of water. Thus, a volume of ice forms on top of the existing ice at Antarctica each year which is almost three times the volume of water in Lake Erie!" (Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory, Gershom Gale, Expanded Discussion on the HAB Theory.)

AND... some aspects of what is happening in the earth's climate over these past years may at least partly be explained by magnetic polar wobble or partial magnetic polar shifting?????

"Let us consider Antarctica for a moment.
We have already seen that it is big. It has a land area of 5.5
million square miles, and is presently covered by something in excess
of seven million cubic miles of ice weighing an estimated 19
quadrillion tons (19 followed by 15 zeros). What worries the
theorists of earth-crust displacement is that this vast ice-cap is
remorselessly increasing in size and weight:'at the rate of 293 cubic
miles of ice each year--almost as much as if Lake Ontario were frozen
solidly annually and added
to it.(Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of
the Gods, page 480).
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Aadhiris » Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:52 am

Harmia wrote:do you think farting replies around ns is funny like im doing now?

No. It's annoying, childish, and spammy. You should probably stop doing it.
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:54 am

Harmia wrote:I am taking shower and i farted seeing this boring post

My apologies... I am getting kind of old and boring... BUT JUST YOU WAIT until those brilliant young aspiring audio video journalists of NorthernPesos grab hold of this

general idea and link it in with their you tube channels!!!!!!

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:55 am

Harmia wrote:
Aadhiris wrote:No. It's annoying, childish, and spammy. You should probably stop doing it.


Thank you for mocking me.... the young aspiring audio video journalists of my nation... might just boost this all over the internet partly in sympathy.... I will take it!!!!

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:02 am

Aadhiris wrote:
Harmia wrote:do you think farting replies around ns is funny like im doing now?

No. It's annoying, childish, and spammy. You should probably stop doing it.

Thank you Aadhiris..... I agree.... even if I am a bit obsessed with this issue..... I still believe that I have a responsibility to inspire people to ask out of the box

questions related to this general idea. I taught English as a Second Language in Quito, Ecuador in 2001 and 2002... and once we Canadians see real poverty with our

own eyes we tend to return home highly motivated to at least attempt to do something ..... say something.... write something........ that could potentially address the real

underlying problem.... that in a way was explained by Thomas Malthus.................. in 1798!

Al Gore is a poster boy for the Neo-Malthusians.

In his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus observed that an increase in a nation's food production improved the well-being of the population, but the improvement was temporary because it led to population growth, which in turn restored the original per capita production level. In other words, humans had a propensity to use abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living, a view and stance that has become known as the "Malthusian trap" or the "Malthusian spectre". Populations had a tendency to grow until the lower class suffered hardship, want and greater susceptibility to war, famine, and disease, a pessimistic view that is sometimes referred to as a Malthusian catastrophe. Malthus wrote in opposition to the popular view in 18th-century Europe that saw society as improving and in principle as perfectible.

Neo-Malthusianism is the advocacy of human population planning to ensure resources and environmental integrities for current and future human populations as well as for other species.[2] In Britain the term "Malthusian" can also refer more specifically to arguments made in favour of family planning, hence organizations such as the Malthusian League.[8] Neo-Malthusians differ from Malthus's theories mainly in their support for the use of birth control. Malthus, a devout Christian, believed that "self-control" (i.e., abstinence) was preferable to artificial birth control. He also worried that the effect of contraceptive use would be too powerful in curbing growth, conflicting with the common 18th century perspective (to which Malthus himself adhered) that a steadily growing population remained a necessary factor in the continuing "progress of society", generally. Modern neo-Malthusians are generally more concerned than Malthus with environmental degradation and catastrophic famine than with poverty.
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:05 am

Harmia wrote:Get help bro.... if you posting something related then yes.... but you just ruin other people forums like i just did to urs now...... stop it its not fun

The people who can pass a script to billionaire monopolist Bill Gates are good at what they do..... they hire people to work public discussion forums because they

know that one topic might get twenty five thousand hits in one day.... if certain bots link a discussion to search engines! Zealots like me must be stopped or This Little Thing of Theirs.... can collapse like a house of cards!?
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby SKM » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:05 am

NorthernPesos wrote:.. and thus save the highly vulnerable real estate along the Bay of Fundy?

"Physics question related to the geography of the Bay of Fundy?"

"If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would
the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue?

The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus......
it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live.

So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?" [Dennis Tate, March 7, 2021]

At this time the real estate along the Bay of Fundy is acting like the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" because the soil of the Isthmus of Chignecto will likely be

liquified and flow into the Bay of Fundy... .even before the Maldive Islands and other low lying real estate is seriously hit by rising ocean levels!

NS Australia has a massive area that is BELOW SEA LEVEL that could theoretically be filled with sea water to create a massive salt water marina...... and hot NEW tourist destination!

I believe it was Dr. James Hansen who stated that during the time period when the earth's atmospheric temperatures rose by three degrees... ocean levels rose by

more than twenty meters over merely four centuries.

Humanity must unite to prevent ocean levels from rising and Israeli sea water desalination technology will obviously play a huge role but.... NS Australia is in a

position to within months divert millions if not billions of cubic meters of sea water into a massive salt water inland marina.

Here are some statistics that the marketing genius and politician Mr. Al Gore DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT:

"At a symposium of the Union of Geodesy and geophysics, Dr. Pyyotor Shoumsky reported that the south polar ice cap was growing at a minimum rate of 293 cubic miles of ice annually. To put that number in perspective, Lake Erie contains only 109 cubic miles of water. Thus, a volume of ice forms on top of the existing ice at Antarctica each year which is almost three times the volume of water in Lake Erie!" (Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory, Gershom Gale, Expanded Discussion on the HAB Theory.)

AND... some aspects of what is happening in the earth's climate over these past years may at least partly be explained by magnetic polar wobble or partial magnetic polar shifting?????

"Let us consider Antarctica for a moment.
We have already seen that it is big. It has a land area of 5.5
million square miles, and is presently covered by something in excess
of seven million cubic miles of ice weighing an estimated 19
quadrillion tons (19 followed by 15 zeros). What worries the
theorists of earth-crust displacement is that this vast ice-cap is
remorselessly increasing in size and weight:'at the rate of 293 cubic
miles of ice each year--almost as much as if Lake Ontario were frozen
solidly annually and added
to it.(Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of
the Gods, page 480).

Sorry but what the schizo???
All of this is just so incomprehensible I can't even definitively say it's wrong. Please try again

(In a French accent:) I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
SKM, representing one third of The Alliance Of Eros' triumvirate (as founder)
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:08 am

SKM wrote:[......]
Sorry but what the schizo???
All of this is just so incomprehensible I can't even definitively say it's wrong. Please try again

Basically I am saying that Mr. Al Gore's thesis in "An Inconvenient Truth" is flawed..... a Carbon TAx will do essentially NOTHING to prevent ocean levels from rising...

.and instead we need to invest in sea water desalination technology because every cubic meter of sea water that is desalinated and added to the water table of a

nation with lots of deserts is good news for the owners of all real estate worldwide that is vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels.

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Postby SKM » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:18 am

NorthernPesos wrote:
SKM wrote:[......]
Sorry but what the schizo???
All of this is just so incomprehensible I can't even definitively say it's wrong. Please try again

Basically I am saying that Mr. Al Gore's thesis in "An Inconvenient Truth" is flawed..... a Carbon TAx will do essentially NOTHING to prevent ocean levels from rising...

.and instead we need to invest in sea water desalination technology because every cubic meter of sea water that is desalinated and added to the water table of a

nation with lots of deserts is good news for the owners of all real estate worldwide that is vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels.

I mean... obviously a tax can't stop the oceans from rising. Not like companies involved with pollution would ever bother to pay such a tax anyways. I'm not sure how much of the literature on climate change has passed you by since Al Gore became irrelevant, but I'd say now is just about prime time to replace the dependency our economy has on fossil fuels with renewables and such. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse and harder to control.

(In a French accent:) I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal-food-trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
SKM, representing one third of The Alliance Of Eros' triumvirate (as founder)
the future leftists wants is fully automated luxury gay space communism
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:24 am

SKM wrote:.....
I mean... obviously a tax can't stop the oceans from rising. Not like companies involved with pollution would ever bother to pay such a tax anyways. I'm not sure how much of the literature on climate change has passed you by since Al Gore became irrelevant, but I'd say now is just about prime time to replace the dependency our economy has on fossil fuels with renewables and such. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse and harder to control.

In the documentary "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" a statement is made that one of Mr. Al Gore's professors was involved with a group who wanted to link the

world supply and price of oil with the world's fiat currencies. A Carbon Tax accomplishes exactly that goal but is brilliant........ because on the surface it APPEARS to be going against BigOil!!!!!!!!!

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Postby Verdant Haven » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:24 am

NorthernPesos – I gave you a heads-up two days ago that you needed to pay better attention to what goes where, and to take a look at forum rules to understand expectations. Simply adding "NS" before "Australia" doesn't turn a discussion about real life issues (with real life names, etc) into an in-character query relevant to the General Assembly, or any other in-character formation.

If this were just a one-off, I'd simply haul the thread to General and call it good. As you've already been advised about this, and you seem to have a broad-based habit of posting random responses in incorrect places and causing assorted upset all over the forum in the last couple days, I'm both moving this thread to General and:

NorthernPesos: Unofficial warning for spam

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Australian rePublic
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Postby Australian rePublic » Fri Dec 13, 2024 2:53 pm

There have been plans for the best part of a century to Geoengineer Australia. And I myself have made several threads about it here on NS too. From nuking a path (yes actual fricken' nukes) from the ocean to the low laying areas of the outback, to the Bradfield Scheme. It would be really, really cool to actually see one of them come to fruition, but what are we gonna do with fricken' salt water?
Last edited by Australian rePublic on Fri Dec 13, 2024 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby InceIistan » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:25 pm

Australian rePublic wrote:There have been plans for the best part of a century to Geoengineer Australia. And I myself have made several threads about it here on NS too. From nuking a path (yes actual fricken' nukes) from the ocean to the low laying areas of the outback, to the Bradfield Scheme. It would be really, really cool to actually see one of them come to fruition, but what are we gonna do with fricken' salt water?

I am curious as to how effective Australia’s power grid is, since one of the hardest aspect of converting from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a reliance on a power grid system. The amount of space you have for solar panels in contrast to a relatively low population size should imply the capability of using renewable energy. How out of touch would this take be, coming from someone who isn’t Australian

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:29 pm

Australian rePublic wrote:There have been plans for the best part of a century to Geoengineer Australia. And I myself have made several threads about it here on NS too. From nuking a path (yes actual fricken' nukes) from the ocean to the low laying areas of the outback, to the Bradfield Scheme. It would be really, really cool to actually see one of them come to fruition, but what are we gonna do with fricken' salt water?

Sailboats and yachts for tourists and native Australians who really don't want to die in a hurricane perhaps????

I am kind of a geeky, wimpy, dweeby kind of person when it comes to macho stuff like sailboats or yachts...... but of course when it comes to online forums... I tend to scare people a bit...... They probably think that my brain chemical mix might Not be in the average sixty to forty range.......???

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:33 pm

InceIistan wrote:
Australian rePublic wrote:There have been plans for the best part of a century to Geoengineer Australia. And I myself have made several threads about it here on NS too. From nuking a path (yes actual fricken' nukes) from the ocean to the low laying areas of the outback, to the Bradfield Scheme. It would be really, really cool to actually see one of them come to fruition, but what are we gonna do with fricken' salt water?

I am curious as to how effective Australia’s power grid is, since one of the hardest aspect of converting from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a reliance on a power grid system. The amount of space you have for solar panels in contrast to a relatively low population size should imply the capability of using renewable energy. How out of touch would this take be, coming from someone who isn’t Australian

I have ran into a topic that might be relevant to this.....

Israeli scientists and diplomats wanted to share their amazing solar powered sea water desalination technology with their Islamic neighbour nations......

so it seems like they donated the technology for the Sahara Forest project to Norway.... and Norway was able to pass on that tech to the Islamic world... and... invest heavily in the project at the same time.... [at least that is my impression anyway and I did run into this about a decade or so ago]?!
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EcoWondra » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:33 pm

critical support for earth-crust displacement theorists from the ancient astronaut theorist community
Any type of animal which survives the mass extinction is destined to feed on human flesh.

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:34 pm

Harmia wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:

In the documentary "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" a statement is made that one of Mr. Al Gore's professors was involved with a group who wanted to link the

world supply and price of oil with the world's fiat currencies. A Carbon Tax accomplishes exactly that goal but is brilliant........ because on the surface it APPEARS to be going against BigOil!!!!!!!!!


Did I manage to get the offensive post deleted?

I know that I did try... and I did delete at least one post to at least one of your discussions where you wrote the opening post.

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:36 pm

EcoWondra wrote:critical support for earth-crust displacement theorists from the ancient astronaut theorist community


That is one of the most relevant and intelligent thirteen word replies that I have ever gotten to a discussion on any discussion forum!!!!!

Wow!!!!! I am seriously impressed!

BongBong-Milei Pan-CIA Clone Uniparty, blinders-off faction

Wow... even your signature is impressive!
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby InceIistan » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:37 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
InceIistan wrote:
I am curious as to how effective Australia’s power grid is, since one of the hardest aspect of converting from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a reliance on a power grid system. The amount of space you have for solar panels in contrast to a relatively low population size should imply the capability of using renewable energy. How out of touch would this take be, coming from someone who isn’t Australian

I have ran into a topic that might be relevant to this.....

Israeli scientists and diplomats wanted to share their amazing solar powered sea water desalination technology with their Islamic neighbour nations......

so it seems like they donated the technology for the Sahara Forest project to Norway.... and Norway was able to pass on that tech to the Islamic world... and... invest heavily in the project at the same time.... [at least that is my impression anyway and I did run into this about a decade or so ago]?!

I appreciate the unique insight, but that isn’t exactly relevant to my post
Last edited by InceIistan on Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EcoWondra » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:38 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:That is one of the most relevant and intelligent thirteen word replies that I have ever gotten to a discussion on any discussion forum!!!!!

you too can write posts and phrases less than fourteen words long
Any type of animal which survives the mass extinction is destined to feed on human flesh.

do not ever talk to men on the internet. it is NOT fine and normal, actually!

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:39 pm

EcoWondra wrote:
NorthernPesos wrote:That is one of the most relevant and intelligent thirteen word replies that I have ever gotten to a discussion on any discussion forum!!!!!

you too can write posts and phrases less than fourteen words long

I betcha you are not shocked that I have gotten essentially that same suggestion many times over the past twenty one years online!
Last edited by NorthernPesos on Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EcoWondra » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:41 pm

NorthernPesos wrote:
EcoWondra wrote:you too can write posts and phrases less than fourteen words long

I betcha you are not shocked that I have gotten essentially that same suggestion many times over the past twenty one years online!

Twenty one years online... these men need cranial MRIs to check for spongiform encephalopathy and a weaning course of methadone...
Any type of animal which survives the mass extinction is destined to feed on human flesh.

do not ever talk to men on the internet. it is NOT fine and normal, actually!

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:44 pm

InceIistan wrote:.....

I appreciate the unique insight, but that isn’t exactly relevant to my post

If Australia could come up with an offer to Israel that they like.....

then Israelis might just focus even more attention and shekels on the Australian offer... so within months....... Australia could rival Norway in this sort of venture partly because Australia... like Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Dubai and Egypt has arid real estate to work with.... and Dr. Geoff Lawton... is his accent Australian or from New Zealand?

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:46 pm

EcoWondra wrote:.....
Twenty one years online... these men need cranial MRIs to check for spongiform encephalopathy and a weaning course of methadone...

It gets worse.. .I found this type of discussion forum back in 2003.. but before then I was something of an addict to yahoo groups....

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:40 pm

Verdant Haven wrote:NorthernPesos – I gave you a heads-up two days ago that you needed to pay better attention to what goes where, and to take a look at forum rules to understand expectations. Simply adding "NS" before "Australia" doesn't turn a discussion about real life issues (with real life names, etc) into an in-character query relevant to the General Assembly, or any other in-character formation.

If this were just a one-off, I'd simply haul the thread to General and call it good. As you've already been advised about this, and you seem to have a broad-based habit of posting random responses in incorrect places and causing assorted upset all over the forum in the last couple days, I'm both moving this thread to General and:

NorthernPesos: Unofficial warning for spam

For the record I truly appreciate your moving this discussion over to the General Forum and I thank you that the warning for "spam' was unofficial!

You moderators here are obviously doing a whole bunch of thing in a highly effective manner... because this is the most off the scale active discussion forum that I have ever been invited to in the past thirty years!



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