[Tennis/NSTT] Season 10 Finals in Quickenden (IC)

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[Tennis/NSTT] Season 10 Finals in Quickenden (IC)

Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:13 pm


The NationStates Tennis Tour is celebrating the end of the season with the traditional NSTT Finals and the fourth edition of the Diamond Trophy. Associasoin Tennis Brityunik [ATB] is proud to host the event in Quickenden, Britonisea - the nation hosting the event for the second time in a row!

Note: MD1 is (1 v 4, 2 v 3), MD2 is (4 v 3, 1 v 2) and MD3 is (2 v 4, 3 v 1) based on the below listings...

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena
The NSTT Finals offers winners up to 1,500 points for a perfect run. The top eight singles players and doubles pairs in the rankings are automatically entered into the season-ending championship (players must not come from nations that have ceased to exist). Players are put into four pots of two, and players from each pot are put into two round-robin groups of four. Everyone plays each other once, and the top two in each group enter to the semifinals. Winners play runners-up in the opposite group, in the lead-up to the final.

Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)
Indah Susanti (UMS)
Lucija Bagarić (SRE)
Lukas Valerio (BRI)
Ardil Navsal (CEN)
Lonus Varalin (CEN)
Ivan Štimac (SRE)
Aaliyah de Leon (BRI)

Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI)
Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)
Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS)
Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI)
Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM)
Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN)
Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR)
Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG)

Singles Tournament

Group Foyner
  • Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)
  • Lukas Valerio (BRI)
  • Ardil Navsal (CEN)
  • Ivan Štimac (SRE)

Group Sabanero
  • Indah Susanti (UMS)
  • Lucija Bagarić (SRE)
  • Lonus Varalin (CEN)
  • Aaliyah de Leon (BRI)

Doubles Tournament

Group Southgate/Elliot
  • Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI)
  • Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS)
  • Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN)
  • Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG)

Group Gwil/Conall
  • Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)
  • Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI)
  • Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM)
  • Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR)

Diamond Trophy | Arena Aronyk & Aronyk City University
The Diamond Trophy was created to award nations who have demonstrated the principles of fair play. If nations decline their spots, then the same criteria are used to reallocate these spots. A maximum of 700 points are up for grabs for a perfect run. Because the emphasis of this tournament is roleplay; roleplay points are doubled in the round-robin stage, to ensure low-ranked players can catch up to their peers. Seeded players will be given their own group, with the rest of the players placed into four pots - three in each pot. Groups are then allocated, one from each pot per group. Everyone plays each other once, and the top two in each group enter the quarterfinals. It is then a knock-out to the finals: A1st v D2nd who will then play D1st v A2nd and B1st v C2nd who will then play C1st v B2nd. This means that there could be a rematch in the semi-finals, but the two top seeds won't reach each other until the finals if they make it that far.

Dioro Hansil (CEN) 8
Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 9
Andrew Simmons (ETM) 12
Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 14
Clint Varlam (CRN) 19
Jason Gordon (BRI) 20
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 24
Ricardo Toli (BRI) 25
Wen Si Ye (DOT) 33
Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 46
Henry Friedrich (BRS) 54
Petra Mačinković (SRE) 57
Alina Koreleva (SRE) 74
Igor Matković (SRE) 77
Gerard J. Miller (IMP) 97
Misak Nakashian (NOV) 129

Doubles (not in ranking order)
Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 38
Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN) 46
Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 52
Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 60
Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS) 70
Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 86
Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT) 86
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 98
Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 106
Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 116
Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (BRI) 129
Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 135
Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE) 149
Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 173
Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 232
Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP) 260

Singles Tournament

Group de Sumar
  • [1] Dioro Hansil (CEN)
  • Clint Varlam (CRN)
  • Petra Mačinković (SRE)
  • Misak Nakashian (NOV)

Group Lisicki
  • [2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS)
  • Ricardo Toli (BRI)
  • Wen Si Ye (DOT)
  • Gerard J. Miller (IMP)

Group Garry
  • [3] Andrew Simmons (ETM)
  • Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)
  • Henry Friedrich (BRS)
  • Igor Matković (SRE)

Group Tartoni
  • [4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI)
  • Jason Gordon (BRI)
  • Dora Klemenčić (SRE)
  • Alina Koreleva (SRE)

Doubles Tournament

Group Quiront/Garzala
  • [1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)
  • Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)
  • Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN)
  • Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE)

Group Thomas/Von Pelt
  • [2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN)
  • Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT)
  • Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN)
  • Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV)

Group Thotan/Nagya
  • [3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM)
  • Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS)
  • Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI)
  • Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP)

Group Parminus/Stratesimov
  • [4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS)
  • Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI)
  • Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE)
  • Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS)

Extra Details


Similarly to The Britonish Open, the latest tennis files for xkoranate will be used. Singles will be the best of three with a tiebreak if the final set reaches 6-6. In the doubles, it will also be a best of three sets, with the final set being a tiebreak - the first to ten points. This is in accordance with the real-life ATP World Tour finals. As with all tennis tournaments, scorinations will be daily - probably with a rest day added in before the knockouts.

The highest daily bonus will be worth slightly higher than they are at The Britonish Open. I’ll take a similar approach as I do during TBO/TBC when it comes to grading. The host will receive a singular day's worth boost at the start of the tournament like in all NSTT tournaments.

The format that will be used will be exactly the same as previous Tour Finals, with a small group stage leading into knockouts. The chosen tennis players will be the top 8 singles and doubles players, with those that participate in the Diamond Trophy being chosen by the NationStates Tennis Tour officials. ATB will be on hand to provide any support or suggestions to the NSTT.

Tiebreaks during the group stages will be wins, H2H wins and in case of a three-way draw, percentage of sets won, percentage of games won.

Schedule (Cut-off: 10:30pm UTC except 22nd)
13th December 2024 - Draws Released
16th December 2024 - Round Robin 1v4 2v3
-Break: 17th-
18th December 2024 - Round Robin 4v3 1v2
19th December 2024 - Round Robin 2v4 3v1
20th December 2024 - Quarterfinals, diamond trophy only
-Break: 21st-
22nd December 2024 - Semi-Finals (3pm-5pm)
23rd December 2024 - Finals

Useful Links
NSTT Season 10 tournament timeline and rankings
NSTT Discussion/OOC thread
NSTT Discord server
Last edited by Britonisea on Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
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1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
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1st - 28 points - WHF46
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1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:26 pm

Britonisea within Novapax

Britonisea | The Almost Champions of the ITT

The United Republic of Britonisea is located in the Northern hemisphere of the Novapax on the Terra Centurium continent and is home to 62 million people. Britonisea is a diverse, modern and innovative nation, with excellent technological advancement, and sustainability and ranks highly as a nation with high equality. Britonisea has many different climates due to its geographical position and its ultra-high mountainous zone which stretches down the middle of the nation known as “the spine of Britonisea”. While the nation experiences a wide range of different temperatures and climates, the major cities are usually located in places that have a temperate climate in the south, while a continental climate is major in the north. The nation has particular interests in its Arts and Culture sector - with a vibrant film and television industry which it prides itself on, an endless array of museums and exhibition halls for people to attend and an explosive music scene which has been recognised throughout the multiverse. The nation has a major interest in sports, too. Below are some quick facts about Britonisea...

Quick Facts about Britonisea
  1. The currency is the Brito Pound Sterling (£): The Britons will say '1 Brito' when referring to money, with 100 pence making 1 Brito. The currency rate is $1.68 NSD = £1 BPS.
  2. The capital city is Doportedas, which is the most populous city: While Doportedas is the capital and home to over 6 million people, Telm City is the largest city by space and was the former capital of Britonisea. Telm has just over 5 million people.
    Languages: English is the official and most used language in Britonisea, but Britonish and French are also widely spoken. Britonish is spoken in the east more, while in the west French is spoken more. There's about 15-20 million Britonish speakers in Britonisea with most knowing basic phrases while there's over 6 million French speakers in the west.
  3. Britonisea drives on the left: Britonisea, alongside Aloquirbe and Estogium, all drives on the left handside of the road - this goes for railways too.
  4. The timezone is +0: The timezone that Britonisea is in is UTC - Britonisea is on Terra Centurium which is known as the continent that is considered in the centre of the map.
  5. Expect mild and average temperatures: The north of Britonisea is very much near the Arctic Circle meaning that its pretty freezing up there, with some snowfall already being reported there. This has meant that the IBS has been pushed down to the south where you can expect temperatures between 7C and 16C throughout the course of the IBSXX.
  6. Eighteen is your number: The minimum age for most things is 18 in Britonisea - the full age of consent, alcohol purchases, cigarettes etc. Drugs are strictly banned in Britonisea which adopts a no-tolerance to such things, including marijuana.
  7. The emergency number is triple 7: If you ever have an issue in Britonisea, just dial 777 and you'll be put through to the police, fire department or ambulance.

The most popular sport in Britonisea is tennis, with the nation being fairly successful in the Olympic Games. Britonish players may have not had as much success as some of its counterparts in terms of major wins, but the sport is widely watched with Britonish fans willing to watch tennis players they recognise even if they aren't Britonish. It is expected that the atmosphere in Quickenden will be much more relaxed than it is in the Britonish Open where fans tend to be a lot quieter and more respectful. Expect audiences to be engaged and challenge tennis players who cause arguments or abuse racquets, while cheering for their opponent or an underdog. Though, while Britonish fans are respectful, they most definitely will nearly always back their team. With Britonisea's almost win at the ITT, its gold medal at the Olympics and successful hosting of The Britonish Open & The Barlinedon Championships, fans are more engaged in tennis than ever - with opinions of (and their reactions to players from) certain nations having been formed based on Britonish players' recent matches. Though, it's important to note not to take the Britonish side too seriously, especially when against one of their players and if you look hard enough, you'll see a banner or two from a Briton supporting the other side.

Quickenden | The Third Largest City

Home of the NSTT Finals this year...

Choosing one of Britonisea's biggest arenas, the MEGA Indoor Arena, was perfect with and with an audience of 24,000 - it sets a relatively realistic target for ATB to reach - at least for the final few matches. The MEGA Indoor Arena has hosted other events too that those across the multiverse are aware of, including the 41st WorldVision Song Contest - Britonisea's first hosting of the singing competition, Vha Mehlodhivestoile - BVC's flagship entertainment show that is broadcasted in 24 nations as well as domestic competitions. The MEGA Indoor Arena plays host to several sporting events throughout the year and of course is a hotspot for music performances from the biggest stars across the multiverse. As the Quickenden Tennis Complex now hosts the Quickenden Masters, a hard court tier 1 tournament, it has been decided that the Aronyk Arena will host the round-robin matches of the Diamond Trophy. As some of you may already know, Aronyk is a stone-throw away from Quickenden and was the host city of the Aronyk Hard Court Championships. It's around 40 minutes away via public transport. Aronyk Arena will host the matches, with the football-stadium split into two halls down the middle meaning two singles matches can happen at the same time. Doubles matches will be played at the Aronyk City University - in their biggest stadium, around 10,000 (let's call it Aronyk City University Multiuse Stadium). The design of all stadiums/arenas will look the same.

The finals of every event will be hosted at the MEGA Indoor Arena.
The semifinals of the Diamond Trophy Doubles will be moved to Arena Aronyk (alongside the semifinals of the singles).

Sponsorships & Extra Details




Neufloor will be providing the surface here at the NSTT Season 10 finals. The purple-coated courts will be their T-Pro variant which is used at the Kasandora Open. We decided to choose Neufloor because of their track record of providing excellent quality in big events - they were the ones that supplied the flooring for many sports at the Games of the XV Olympiad in Electrum!



BVC Studios will be responsible for capturing and broadcasting the event, with it being simulcasted throughout the International Broadcasting Alliance and its affiliated channels, with broadcasters outside of this union able to purchase rights via the appropriate BVC department.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
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1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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North Oharan Valley Union
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Postby North Oharan Valley Union » Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:28 am


Timestamp: 16 December 2024 - 16h28
Tags: Tennis, Open Tour, Chemneplyk Open, NSTT, Diamond Trophy

From Somer Time Sadness to Chemneplyk Chemistry
Misak Nakashian looks more ready than ever to shine in Quickenden

Utterly thrashed by Ioana Constantinescu, who seemed to beat him left and right. Defeated after a courageous battle against Valentina Spetsova. Humiliated in the second and final set by Jason Gordon. To say that the International Tennis Trophy was a negative experience for Misak Nakashian would be overlooking his strong opening victory against international top twenty player Lucien Le Floch, but it is fair to say that the form line trended downwards after that opening win. Luckily for the Luyhatsaki star, doubles duo Lobota/Perkons proved far more compatible than anticipated but the North Oharan Valley Union team was still stranded in the quarterfinals. Nakashian, usually always available for a ballsy quote or a funny quip, remained quite silent in the concluding press conference. “This has been a learning experience and sometimes those bring a certain humility,” he shared. It must have been the first time we heard that word in connection to the entertaining and confident star.

Ahead of his semi final against Baltabekov, Nakashian shared that he had not picked up a racket between the quarterfinal of the ITT and the opening match of the Chemneplyk Open. “Sometimes, you just need to reset everything a little.” Set Hadjetian probably scratched his head to that knowledge. The experienced player, ten years senior to Nakashian, was at the losing end of a match where there never was doubt about the victor. If Nakashian can pull that off against a respected opponent after a few weeks loitering around, where is his limit? It is not the first time that this question has been asked: in terms of inherent talent, Misak Nakashian overpowers his two direct competitors for the vied national number one position. Kazymyr Lobota possesses an interesting balance between all aspects of the game and Linarts Perkons is a killer once he hits the court. But when it comes to that little bit of magic, that pixie dust that turns any shot into well, not just any shot, then there is only one name that comes to the forefront.

Nakashian continued along that vein in the following rounds of the Chemneplyk Open, the opener of the domestic Tennis Open Tour and the preparation tournament for the upcoming Diamond Trophy. Service cannon Brendan Moloney could nick a set of him, but when it came down to actual tennis, the balance tilted back into the advantage of ‘Nika’. Daneks Birzins stepped into the Dondraev Hall with some confidence as the veteran seemed on his best form in quite a while. He is on his best form in quite a while but after two close sets, Nakashian walked away with the win, having taken those few extra winners. And tonight in the semi-final, Misak Nakashian displayed a different aspect of his potential: that he is far more capable of bouncing back in mentally tough situations than many expect him to be. Baltabekov, reliable as always, had taken over in the second set and seemed on his way to eliminating Nakashian. But the Luyhatsaki found a way to get into the head of the ‘Gardener from Zbasary’ and could triumph after all.

As such, he will be in the final against Linarts Perkons, incidentally a few hours before they board the plane to Britonisea together. While Perkons will contest the doubles tournament together with Lobota, Nakashian will defend the national honour in the solo event. Regardless of the result, it is clear that a different man will step into that airport than the one that arrived at the tournament last week. “To be honest, I did not really believe in a strong opener of the TOT myself,” Nakashian confided. “If it was not for getting my form in shape for the Diamond Trophy, it could have been a short one. But I now know that I am ready to give everyone down there a hard time. My inclusion on the starting list raised an eyebrow left or right as the lowest ranked, but I am going to show that I deserve to be on it.” That confidence will be needed as the draw resulted in three formidable opponents for Nakashian. Crpostrani Clint Varlam is an upcoming talent whose victory in the Kasandora Open proves his potential on hard court and Petra Macinkovic is known to stand up to the occasion at the major moments. His opener, however, will most definitely have Nakashian in the underdog role as he faces Dioro Hansil, the Cenian number one seed. Hansil stands out as a grass specialist but adding a final in Kasandora next to his Rivoli Open shows he is simply an excellent player overall and a serious threat for the title. For Nakashian, he will be the first of a series of difficult matches to play and aim for a shocker. But first, he will play against Perkons for the first TOT final in history.
Last edited by North Oharan Valley Union on Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:28 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Day 1 - Cutoff

Postby Britonisea » Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:19 pm

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena


Group Foyner
Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)        6   6
Ivan Štimac (SRE) 1 2

Lukas Valerio (BRI) 7 7
Ardil Navsal (CEN) 5 5

Group Sabanero
Indah Susanti (UMS)               4   4
Aaliyah de Leon (BRI) 6 6

Lucija Bagarić (SRE) 5 3
Lonus Varalin (CEN) 7 6


Group Southgate/Elliot
Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI)           0   6  10
Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG) 6 3 8

Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS) 2 6 5
Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN) 6 2 10

Group Gwil/Conall
Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)          6   7
Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR) 4 5

Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI) 6 4 8
Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 1 6 10

Diamond Trophy | Arena Aronyk & Aronyk City University


Group de Sumar
[1] Dioro Hansil (CEN)                  4   7   4
Misak Nakashian (NOV) 6 6 6

Clint Varlam (CRN) 6 6
Petra Mačinković (SRE) 1 2

Group Lisicki
[2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS)        6   4   6
Gerard J. Miller (IMP) 1 6 4

Ricardo Toli (BRI) 6 6
Wen Si Ye (DOT) 3 2

Group Garry
[3] Andrew Simmons (ETM)                6   6
Igor Matković (SRE) 4 2

Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 6
Henry Friedrich (BRS) 1 4

Group Tartoni
[4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI)               6   6
Alina Koreleva (SRE) 0 2

Jason Gordon (BRI) 6 3 7
Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 2 6 5


Group Quiront/Garzala
[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)          6   6
Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE) 3 2

Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 7
Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 0 5

Group Thomas/Von Pelt
[2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN)                   6   6   8
Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 3 7 10

Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT) 4 6 7
Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 6 4 10

Group Thotan/Nagya
[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM)                 6   6
Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP) 3 2

Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS) 5 3
Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 7 6

Group Parminus/Stratesimov
[4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS)           2   7  10
Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 6 5 3

Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 6 3 10
Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 4 6 5
Last edited by Britonisea on Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
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1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
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Postby Crpostran » Wed Dec 18, 2024 11:24 am


Key Match Result

The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
Want more info?

user pronouns: he/him

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North Oharan Valley Union
Posts: 223
Founded: Jun 13, 2024

Postby North Oharan Valley Union » Wed Dec 18, 2024 2:45 pm


Timestamp: 18 December 2024 - 21h37
Tags: Tennis, Open Tour, Chemneplyk Open, NSTT, Diamond Trophy

Don’t Stop Nakashian Now
Cause he’s having a good time

Ten days ago, his racket had just gained a first layer of dust. It had been a while since that last happened, the upbeat Luyhatsaki admitted in the post match interview. “Playing the game had become a second nature, in a way. I know that sounds like a cliché but I just love getting on the court and start hitting, just for the sake of it. But sometimes, you need to create a bit of distance between yourself and what you love to realize what you miss.” All in all, it was just half a month away from retrieving balls in a nearby shrubbery and the smell of moist training halls, but those two weeks seem to have worked miracles on Nakashian. Since his return, ‘Nika’ played six professional games and triumphed in all six.

Last Sunday, there was a highly anticipated clash between Nakashian and the stoic Linarts Perkons to determine the winner of the Chemneplyk Open. The latter also had made the most of what was, due to his appearance in the ITT, a very short off season. Both players seemed quite determined to put their names in glitter into the history books of the TOT as the inaugural tournament winner, resulting in two fierce opening sets. What seemed to start out as a gentlemanly clash between two of the greats of the current generation turned a bit more sour as Perkons won his set point in unclear circumstances. The man from Strauzeme wanted to serve but Nakashian raised his hand to indicate a halt. As Perkons already threw up his ball, he continued his movement for an ace. After the game, he declared he had not seen any gesture from his opponent.

“If that is how you want to win,” Nakashian sneered after the match, “well, then you can’t.” Was it a disrespectful insult from the elder competitor or did the Luyhatsaki make his request too late? It depends on the viewpoint of the fan, but what was sure is that it provided the additional fuel needed for a fiery final set. Up to 3-3, things remained balanced with long games but the advantage eventually went the expected way. But then Nakashian presented a perfect break, returning steel services with brilliant displays. A characteristic, laconic volley sealed the deal and eventually, the match. A three set triumph, a $48K prize and a marvellous trophy to add to his collection.

Needless to say that Nakashian was walking on sunshine as he entered the Aronyk Arena. Nearly the whole crowd was on the hand of Dioro Hansil, a known and respected name in international tennis, who was expected to do away with the scrappy underdog. And a bit fast, please, so they could see what the Varlam fuzz is all about (spoiler alert: he seems the real deal). Nothing of that sort materialized for the Cenian star. Nakashian opened as we know him, gutsy, without any sign of stage fright or unrequired respect. To follow the pace of Hansil was one thing, to break him on the buzzer something completely different. Suddenly everyone in the Arena realized that something was going on and they moved to the edge of their seats.

As did Hansil, we must add. Drawn into the Diamond Trophy as the title favorite, it was clear that an early humiliation by the number unknown from the ranking had not been on his bingo card. Hansil quickly led by 2-0, lost the break but regained it to serve for the set at 5-3. Stubbornly, Nakashian forced him to a tiebreak but with 7-1, that seemed to be a formality. The upstart showed his colours but the veteran eventually wins as the former's power runs out… Yeah, those headlines had to be rewritten. Nakashian brought his whole arsenal of stealthy winners and sudden pace changes to move into a 5-1 lead. The Cenian star demurred a little, stalling the game some more, but then Nakashian decided it with a brilliant, laconic volley. Where had we seen that before? The match was won as were the hearts of the Aronyk Arena which led him out under a warm applause. This evening, Nika can step one foot into the next round if he beats Macinkovic: under his current form, there are plenty of reasons to assume it is possible.

And what about Linarts Perkons, the man who left Chemneplyk without as much as an interview, officially because there was insufficient time before catching a plane to Britonisea. His reputation as a bit of a sore loser earned another point of reinforcement. But Perkons also has a different reputation and that is that he fights back harder each time something brings him down. In the second half of 2024, wrist injuries kept him from reaching his best form but with the animated final in the Open, he proved to be close to that level again. And the contested loss to Nakashian only seemed to have motivated him for his appearance at the Diamond Trophy. Partner Lobota seems to lack a bit of sharpness in his finish at the moment but still Perkons guided the duo to a win, taking along his teammate kicking and screaming at times. And not just against anybody: Arkinn and Primarch had a marvelous summer with two grand slam semifinals and a victory in Acesca but seem to have fallen victim to the winter cold: the ice cold winners from a Perkons on a mission.

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Day 2 - Cutoff

Postby Britonisea » Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:13 pm

Some tiebreakers may not be correct but for tomorrow the tiebreakers are as follows:

Most wins.
Most matches played (e.g., a 2–1 record beats a 2–0 record).
Head-to-head result between tied players/teams.
Highest percentage of sets won.
Highest percentage of games won.
NSTT rank.

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena


Group Foyner
Ivan Štimac (SRE)                 3   6
Ardil Navsal (CEN) 6 7

Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 6 0
Lukas Valerio (BRI) 7 6

Group Foyner                  Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Lukas Valerio (BRI) 2 2 0 4 0 qualified
2 Ardil Navsal (CEN) 2 1 1 2 2
Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 2 1 1 2 2
4 Ivan Štimac (SRE) 2 0 2 0 4

Group Sabanero
Aaliyah de Leon (BRI)             6   6
Lonus Varalin (CEN) 3 4

Indah Susanti (UMS) 6 6
Lucija Bagarić (SRE) 3 2

Group Sabanero                Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Aaliyah de Leon (BRI) 2 2 0 4 0 qualified
2 Indah Susanti (UMS) 2 1 1 2 2
Lonus Varalin (CEN) 2 1 1 2 2
4 Lucija Bagarić (SRE) 2 0 2 0 4


Group Southgate/Elliot
Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG)            6   6
Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN) 4 0

Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI) 6 6 10
Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS) 2 7 6

Group Southgate/Elliot                      Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI) 2 2 0 4 2
2 Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG) 2 1 1 3 2 (H2H Jac/Cornelius qualifies over Elia/Fia)
3 Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN) 2 1 1 2 3
4 Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS) 2 0 2 2 4

Group Gwil/Conall
Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR)        5   6   8
Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 7 3 10

Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN) 7 6
Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI) 5 3

Group Gwil/Conall                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN) 2 2 0 4 0 qualified
2 Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 2 2 0 4 2 qualified
3 Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI) 2 0 2 1 4
Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR) 2 0 2 1 4

Diamond Trophy | Arena Aronyk & Aronyk City University


Group de Sumar
Misak Nakashian (NOV)                   7   0   3
Petra Mačinković (SRE) 6 6 6

[1] Dioro Hansil (CEN) 1 3
Clint Varlam (CRN) 6 6

Group de Sumar                      Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Clint Varlam (CRN) 2 2 0 4 0
2 Misak Nakashian (NOV) 2 1 1 3 3
3 Petra Mačinković (SRE) 2 1 1 2 3 (H2H Petra qualifies over Misak)
4 [1] Dioro Hansil (CEN) 2 0 2 1 4

Group Lisicki
Gerard J. Miller (IMP)                  6   7   3
Wen Si Ye (DOT) 7 6 6

[2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 1 2
Ricardo Toli (BRI) 6 6

Group Lisicki                       Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Ricardo Toli (BRI) 2 2 0 4 0 qualified
2 [2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 2 1 1 2 3
Wen Si Ye (DOT) 2 1 1 2 3
4 Gerard J. Miller (IMP) 2 0 2 2 4

Group Garry
Igor Matković (SRE)                     4   4
Henry Friedrich (BRS) 6 6

[3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) 6 6
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 4 3

Group Garry                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 [3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) 2 2 0 4 0
2 Henry Friedrich (BRS) 2 1 1 2 2
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 2 1 1 2 2 (H2H Ronaldo qualifies over Henry)
4 Igor Matković (SRE) 2 0 2 0 4

Group Tartoni
Alina Koreleva (SRE)                    7   1   6
Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 6 6 4

[4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 3 6 6
Jason Gordon (BRI) 6 2 1

Group Tartoni                       Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 [4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 2 2 0 4 1 qualified
2 Jason Gordon (BRI) 2 1 1 3 3
3 Alina Koreleva (SRE) 2 1 1 2 3
4 Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 2 0 2 2 4


Group Quiront/Garzala
Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE)                  6   3  10
Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 3 6 6

[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 6 7
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 3 6

Group Quiront/Garzala                              Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 [1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 2 2 0 4 0
2 Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 2 1 1 2 2
3 Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE) 2 1 1 2 3 (H2H Goran/Leonid qualify over Abi/Ronaldo)
4 Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 2 0 2 1 4

Group Thomas/Von Pelt
Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV)                   7   6
Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 6 1

[2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN) 6 2 12
Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT) 3 6 10

Group Thomas/Von Pelt                              Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 2 2 0 4 1 qualified
2 [2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN) 2 1 1 3 3
3 Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 2 1 1 2 3
4 Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT) 2 0 2 2 4

Group Thotan/Nagya
Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP)                      0   4
Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 6 6

[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 1 6 10
Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS) 6 3 4

Group Thotan/Nagya                                 Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 2 2 0 4 0 qualified
2 [3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 2 2 0 4 1 qualified
3 Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS) 2 0 2 1 4
4 Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP) 2 0 2 0 4

Group Parminus/Stratesimov
Group Parminus/Stratesimov
Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 3 2
Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 6 6

[4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 3 4
Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 6 6

Group Parminus/Stratesimov                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 2 2 0 4 1 qualified
2 Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 2 1 1 3 2
3 [4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 2 1 1 2 3
4 Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 2 0 2 1 4
Last edited by Britonisea on Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

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1st - 38 points - WHF52
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Postby Crpostran » Thu Dec 19, 2024 10:07 am


Key Match Result

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Day 3 - Cutoff

Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:29 pm

  1. Most wins.
  2. Most matches played (e.g., a 2–1 record beats a 2–0 record).
  3. Head-to-head result between tied players/teams. (ignored if three or more teams tied until there are two)
  4. Highest percentage of sets won.
  5. Highest percentage of games won.
  6. NSTT rank.

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena


Group Foyner
Lukas Valerio (BRI)               2   4
Ivan Štimac (SRE) 6 6

Ardil Navsal (CEN) 3 6 7
Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 6 0 6

- Group Foyner                  Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Lukas Valerio (BRI) 3 2 1 4 2 qualifies in 1st H2H
2 Ardil Navsal (CEN) 3 2 1 4 3 qualifies in 2nd H2H

3 Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 3 1 2 3 4
4 Ivan Štimac (SRE) 3 1 2 2 4

Group Sabanero

Lucija Bagarić (SRE)              6   0   5
Aaliyah de Leon (BRI) 2 6 7

Lonus Varalin (CEN) 2 2
Indah Susanti (UMS) 6 6

-  Group Sabanero                Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Aaliyah de Leon (BRI) 3 3 0 6 1 qualifies in 1st
2 Indah Susanti (UMS) 3 2 1 4 2 qualifies in 2nd

3 Lonus Varalin (CEN) 3 1 2 2 4
4 Lucija Bagarić (SRE) 3 0 3 1 6

Indah Susanti v Lukas Valerio
Ardil Navsal v Aaliyah de Leon


Group Southgate/Elliot
Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS)          6   6
Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG) 1 4

Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN) 3 2
Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI) 6 6

-  Group Southgate/Elliot                    Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI) 3 3 0 6 2 qualifies in 1st
2 Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS) 3 1 2 4 4 qualifies in 2nd, has won 50% of sets

3 Jac Iegis/Cornelis Zapfe (CEN/PUG) 3 1 2 3 4 has won 43% of sets
4 Elia Xal/Fia Xal (CEN) 3 1 2 2 5 has won 29% of sets

Group Gwil/Conall
Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI)          6   6
Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR) 2 4

Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 2 6 12
Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN) 6 2 10

-  Group Gwil/Conall                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 3 3 0 6 3 qualifies in 1st
2 Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN) 3 2 1 5 2 qualifies in 2nd
3 Ricardo Toli/Elizabeth Quehall (BRI) 3 1 2 3 4
4 Val Korekal/Luciano Crepaldi (CEN/SOR) 3 0 3 1 6

Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham v Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden
Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati v Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo


Group de Sumar
Clint Varlam (CRN)                      6   3   6
Misak Nakashian (NOV) 1 6 4

Petra Mačinković (SRE) 6 2 5
[1] Dioro Hansil (CEN) 2 6 7

- Group de Sumar                      Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Clint Varlam (CRN) 3 3 0 6 1 qualifies in 1st
2 Misak Nakashian (NOV) 3 1 2 4 5 qualifies in 2nd, has won 44% of sets.

3 [1] Dioro Hansil (CEN) 3 1 2 3 5 has won 38% of sets, beats Petra on H2H
4 Petra Mačinković (SRE) 3 1 2 3 5 has won 38% of sets

Group Lisicki
Ricardo Toli (BRI)                      6   6
Gerard J. Miller (IMP) 2 3

Wen Si Ye (DOT) 6 6 3
[2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 7 4 6

- Group Lisicki                       Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Ricardo Toli (BRI) 3 3 0 6 0 qualifies in 1st
2 [2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 3 2 1 4 4 qualifies in 2nd

3 Wen Si Ye (DOT) 3 1 2 3 5
4 Gerard J. Miller (IMP) 3 0 3 2 6

Group Garry
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)                 5   6   6
Igor Matković (SRE) 7 4 7

Henry Friedrich (BRS) 1 0
[3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) 6 6

- Group Garry                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 [3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) 3 3 0 6 0 qualifies in 1st
2 Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 3 1 2 3 4 qualifies in 2nd, 43% of sets won

3 Henry Friedrich (BRS) 3 1 2 2 4 33% of sets won, beats Igor on H2H
4 Igor Matković (SRE) 3 1 2 2 5 28% of sets won

Group Tartoni
Jason Gordon (BRI)                      4   6   6
Alina Koreleva (SRE) 6 0 4

Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 7 6
[4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 6 4

- Group Tartoni                       Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Jason Gordon (BRI) 3 2 1 5 4
2 [4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 3 2 1 4 3

3 Alina Koreleva (SRE) 3 1 2 3 5 beats Dora on H2H record.
4 Dora Klemenčić (SRE) 3 1 2 4 4

Clint Varlam (CRN) v [4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI)
Ricardo Toli (BRI) v Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)
[3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) v [2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS)
Jason Gordon (BRI) v Misak Nakashian (NOV)


Group Quiront/Garzala
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)                    6   6
Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE) 1 4

Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 1 6 13
[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 6 4 15

Group Quiront/Garzala                              Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 [1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) 3 3 0 6 1 qualifies in 1st
2 Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 3 2 1 4 2 qualifies in 2nd

3 Goran Ibrahimović/Leonid Farkaš (SRE) 3 1 2 2 5
4 Leone Na/Adelinde Gunther (BRI/RCN) 3 0 3 2 6

Group Thomas/Von Pelt
Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT)                           5   6  11
Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 7 3 9

Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 6 3 10
[2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN) 2 6 4

- Group Thomas/Von Pelt                              Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 3 2 1 5 3 qualifies in 1st
2 Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 3 2 1 4 4 qualifies in 2nd

3 [2] Jana Arkinn/Myria Primarch (CEN) 3 1 2 4 5
Damir Pernar/Bojan Nož (DOT) 3 1 2 4 5

Group Thotan/Nagya
Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS)                     6   7
Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP) 2 5

Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 6 6 10
[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 7 1 8

- Group Thotan/Nagya                                 Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 3 3 0 6 1 qualifies in 1st
2 [3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 3 2 1 5 3 qualifies in 2nd

3 Chandra Wiguna/Ilham Nugraha (UMS) 3 1 2 3 4
4 Anne W. Perez/Holly B. Wade (IMP) 3 0 3 0 6

Group Parminus/Stratesimov
Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI)              6   3   7
Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 3 6 10

Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 1 6 3
[4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 6 3 10

- Group Parminus/Stratesimov                         Pld   W  L   PF  PA 
1 Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 3 2 1 5 3, qualifies in 1st, beats UMS pair in H2H
2 [4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 3 2 1 4 4, qualifies in 2nd

3 Dora Klemenčić/Petra Mačinković (SRE) 3 1 2 4 4
4 Steven Phillips/Jessica Rogers (BRS) 3 1 2 3 5

[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) v [4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS)
Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) v [3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM)
Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) v Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN)
Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) vAbi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)

Just to clarify, in the diamond trophy, winners of matches 1 and 4 will play each other, and 2 and 3 will play together.
Last edited by Britonisea on Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 25 points - WHF77
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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North Oharan Valley Union
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Founded: Jun 13, 2024

Postby North Oharan Valley Union » Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:24 pm


Timestamp: 20 December 2024 - 21h24
Tags: Tennis, NSTT, Diamond Trophy

Against the Odds
Oharese trio face uphill battle in the quarterfinals

Even if the Crpostrani upstart does not have a seeded position by his name, many consider Clint Varlam as a major title candidate for the Diamond Trophy. No wonder that Misak Nakashian stepped into the Aronyk Arena with a wobble in his knees. After his surprise defeat at the hands of Macinkovic, the world seemed to disappear from underneath his feet and it had failed to materialize again in time for the next encounter. Varlam was not even trying but won his fifth straight set, looking for any sort of opposition in this tournament. And then it came, in the form of a Nakashian with his back against the wall. He’s not the type that will grind it out, every single point, but when pushed to the ledge, ‘Nika’ can pull off special things.

The improved precision in his shots caught Varlam off guard and that cheeky breakpoint could be defended till the end of the second set with a combination of willpower and a bit of luck: two balls bouncing off the net made it 5-2 instead of 4-3 for Nakashian. In the third set, Varlam displayed why he is the biggest thing to hit the Tour in the last months and showcased his intriguing shot range. Nakashian deserves praise for how long he could keep up, but had to accept the loss nonetheless. Yet that one set won changed it all: our compatriot will be back for another round tonight. But he will not be able to count on the support of the Arena: home player Jason Gordon awaits him at the opposite side of the net. Not only is there the huge ranking gap between him and the Britonisean, it will also bring flashbacks to the ITT in which Gordon easily triumphed in two sets. With their history, the crowd and the quality going against him, all odds point towards a loss for Nakashian. But maybe that is exactly what he needs to excel.

The task at hand for our doubles duo looks at least as hard. So far, Linarts Perkons and Kazymyr Lobota proved themselves worthy of the world stage with a surprise group win. More importantly, we have seen Lobota grow into the tournament. After a mediocre opening day with Perkons doing the extra mile, the Cherpahorian resurfaced against Ulderico and Hilaire. In the tiebreak of the opening set, he twice made the right decision by the net to dismantle the Crpostrani and they could not recover from that afterwards. The final game from the group stage was lost but versus the Dotivijan partners, our duo played some of their best tennis as a pair. Despite the lost supertiebreak, both walked off with their heads up high.

That confidence and chemistry will be minimum requirements to advance any further in the tournament as hardcourt specialists Gredello and Levinsky line up for the quarterfinal. This year alone, the Electrumite duo played the semi finals in Burnton and Kasandora and in the ITT, in front of the enthused crowd in Somer, they were a vital element to bring the home team to the final. Both Lobota and Perkons used cliches to fend off the press, each in his style. “There are no easy opponents,” Kazymyr shared, “and each game needs to be played.” Linarts kept true to his stoic self. “There are easier draws, yes. But you do not come here for easy.” Looking at the road ahead for our Oharese players, that deserves a resounding amen.

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Day 4 - Cutoff

Postby Britonisea » Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:29 pm

The Diamond Trophy | Arena Aronyk & Aronyk City University


Clint Varlam (CRN)                      7   3   6
[4] Derek Dubrovnik (BRI) 6 6 1

Ricardo Toli (BRI) 3 2
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 6

[3] Andrew Simmons (ETM) 0 6 6
[2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 6 3 7

Jason Gordon (BRI) 5 6 7
Misak Nakashian (NOV) 7 1 5

Clint Varlam (CRN) v Jason Gordon (BRI)
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) v [2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS)


[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)          6   6  10
[4] Putu Listya Dewi/Putu Ayu Maherani (UMS) 4 7 6

Kazymyr Lobota/Linarts Perkons (NOV) 3 4
[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 6 6

Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 6 4 10
Jackie Ulderico/Plácido Hilaire (CRN) 2 6 8

Phillip Mabott/Rachel Archibald (BPE/BRI) 6 2 7
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 2 6 10

[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE) v Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)
[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) v Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI)
Last edited by Britonisea on Fri Dec 20, 2024 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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Postby Crpostran » Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:30 am


Key Match Result

The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
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Day 5 - Cutoff

Postby Britonisea » Sun Dec 22, 2024 11:29 am

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena


Indah Susanti (UMS)          7   2   6
Lukas Valerio (BRI) 6 6 2

Ardil Navsal (CEN) 6 1 6
Aaliyah de Leon (BRI) 2 6 3

Ardil Navsal (CEN) v Indah Susanti (UMS)


Jaguar Zenteanite/Zeke Newham (BRI)         3   4
Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN) 6 6

Komang Antari/Kadek Andreawati (UMS) 4 4
Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 6 6

Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) v Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)

The Diamond Trophy | Arena Aronyk


Clint Varlam (CRN)                      6   4   6
Jason Gordon (BRI) 3 6 1

Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 5 7
[2] Dewa Putu Adrian Putra (UMS) 2 7 5

Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) v Clint Varlam (CRN)


[1] Alina Koreleva/Tena Špiričić Tavano (SRE)          7   4   5
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 6 10

[3] Sonya Gredello/Rosa Levinsky (ETM) 3 3
Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) 6 6

Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI) v Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)
Last edited by Britonisea on Sun Dec 22, 2024 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
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Postby Crpostran » Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:34 pm


Key Match Result

The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
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Day 6 - Finals

Postby Britonisea » Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:12 pm

The NSTT Final | MEGA Indoor Arena


Ardil Navsal (CEN)         6   6
Indah Susanti (UMS) 2 1

Ardil Navsal (CEN)


Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)        7   6
Gyrachor Rentos/Sara Zhuo (CEN/ETM) 5 4

Nathan Bensaïd/Kell Korden (BRI/CEN)

The Diamond Trophy | MEGA Indoor Arena

- final

Clint Varlam (CRN)             4   3
Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 6 6

Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI)


Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI)        6   6
Abi Forrest/Ronaldo Katsouris (BRI) 1 1

Emigdio Lorenzo/Arthur Phoenix-Howard (CRN/BRI)
Last edited by Britonisea on Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
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1st - 132 points - WV73
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1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
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