A Very Arelontian Type of Division [IC]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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A Very Arelontian Type of Division [IC]

Postby Arelont » Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:41 am

It is again, 5 months after the 3rd Arelontian Civil War.

Tensions are as high as ever between North and South.

Communists are building up their navy, with the Libertarians building up their army.

The truce lasts 5 years. (5 months irl)
Even due to this, war is still a threat.
Last edited by Arelont on Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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The Scandoslavic Empire
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:39 am

Support Force Preparations

To support the Communist forces in the event of any Naval conflict, Scandoslavia has authorized the stationing of a Joint Strike Fleet in the waters of North Arelont.

> SVK-94 Admiral Kyroshtov [Drezniva-Class Aircraft Carrier]
> 175th Carrier Air Wing
> 80 × Zlieva Lumetelskaya
> 10 × Zlieva Lumetelskaya Lansers
> 5 × Zlieva SVP-2s
> 5 × Zlieva Lumetelskaya ELS

> SVK-117 Kalinagrav [Kalinagrav-Class Cruiser]
> 2 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-118 Mivigrav [Kalinagrav-Class Cruiser]
> 2 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-119 Sebirisk [Kalinagrav-Class Cruiser]
> 2 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-120 Prokhova [Kalinagrav-Class Cruiser]
> 2 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-243 Lumostrov [Lumostrov-Class Battlecruiser]
> 4 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-244 Vuorizemlya [Lumostrov-Class Battlecruiser]
> 4 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK

> SVK-577 Joskeva [Stalnaya-Class Missile Tanker]
> 24 × Metsaastovik-Class TDK
> 4 × Kalinagrav-Class Cruiser

«An illiberal state operating under the facade of a People's Republic, slowly reverting back to its Imperialist ways.»
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SSBN: Avtomaatna Valkova design bureau unveils successor to AV-39 rifle line, showcases new AV-25 models | Scandoslavia ends long-running trade agreement with Leitzmark following tightening of ROKKS restrictions | Former People's Council Economics Department Committee member Kolenkov Svitstomir found dead in private dacha

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The Timber Rattlesnake
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Postby The Timber Rattlesnake » Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:37 am

The Timber Rattlesnake During Arelont Recovery

The Timber Rattlesnakes made significant contributions to Arelont during its civil war, playing a key role in halting the spread of communism in the southern region. This intervention, along with the establishment of a pro-capitalist nation friendly to the Timber Rattlesnakes, has been highly beneficial to their economy. In this period of recovery, the Timber Rattlesnakes will maintain a military presence at their base in southern Arelont, assist in funding the country’s economy, and support the training of the new army. Additionally, they will attempt to blockade shipments to northern Arelont in order to slow its growth.

/ooc I am quite proud of this focus icon ngl, though i made it really quick and poorly :p
Last edited by The Timber Rattlesnake on Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
"¡Viva la libertad, carajo!"

Evil Las Vegas Like Corporatocracy, Basically Bush Jr America combined with Mr House from Fallout New Vegas.

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The Timber Rattlesnake
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Postby The Timber Rattlesnake » Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:43 am

/ooc heres the signup and ooc thread for those just entering in
"¡Viva la libertad, carajo!"

Evil Las Vegas Like Corporatocracy, Basically Bush Jr America combined with Mr House from Fallout New Vegas.

BREAKING NEWS:President Connor Richardson releases calendar of "cool photos" of himself, sells historical low.|New Casinos opened in downtown New Caligula.


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Postby Arelont » Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:51 pm

Due to South Arelont accumulating quite a large number of allies, the Arelontian People's Army has mandated that mandatory service be raised. May this action help The Commune in her duties.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:05 pm

New Horizons
OST: Open Markets

Langkasoka emerged as a proud tiger riding off the wave of a decisive victory in the anti-communist intervention into Doslonsu, eager to set its eyes on another theatre of brewing tensions to consolidate its influence and continue the fight against the red ideology. However, the fight against communism in Arelont isn't entirely fueled by ideological reasons, a pro-capitalist government is 'someone we can do business with' said Foreign Minister Sabri Khan. To support the fledgling South Arelont, a formal letter on behalf of YDP XXXV Mohammed Iskandar had been dispatched to the government, pledging his assistance to their cause and requesting access to a military base for the Langkasokan military. In a public address, where he discussed Langkasokan victory in Doslonsu, he also mentioned that: "In Northern Europe, the Free State of Arelont (FSA) stands tall as a shining beacon of progress and prosperity, illuminating the darkness cast by the illegitimate regime to the north that occupies their lands."

Enter Nooriyah Shah, a young upstart Laksamana Pertama of the Royal Langkasokan Navy, intending to emulate the success of the Langkasokan Army's Jeneral Eunos Rasheed Saifuddien in Doslonsu- which solidified him as a praiseworthy commander and lauded warrior. So it is very fortunate for her, that a familiar stage has been set: a looming communist threat that vowed to impose its ideology on a people, one that had to be stopped, contained, and eliminated. Her primary concern in the conflict was the backers of the Commune, at the moment being the Scandoslavic Empire. Ironically enough, a friend in the Doslonsu conflict turned foe in the Arelontian matter. To complicate things even further, both Langkasoka and Scandoslavia are members of the Global Security Alliance. She'd contact them, and request a conference with the ambassador and other Scandoslavian representatives to discuss this delicate matter.

In addition to the request for access to a military base, communications to South Arelont also mention an offer for advisors of the Langkasokan Army to train the military of the FSA. Fresh from the ASSR-Doslonsu War, these advisors are soldiers and officers who saw combat action over there, know 'all the ins and outs of fighting commies'. In addition to that, the state-funded private military company Cella'Kawali would also offer its training- and security services to the FSA. Thanks to the naval ports in occupied Doslonsuan Fellgrad, the Royal Langkasokan Navy's range is expanded and can now be deployed in and around Arelont.

But in the 21st century, warfare had spread out to the digital domain too. Troll- and bot farms, and cyberdivisions operated by the shadowy Royal Bureau of State Intelligence had worked to establish a social media presence that would reach the impressionable youth of North Arelont. 'Reels' and memes were meant to highlight the success of the capitalist South, a growing economy that pulled people out of poverty thanks to investment from the Timber Rattlesnake and Langkasoka. These social media operations also sought to showcase the success of Langkasoka in stabilising occupied Doslonsu, and compared this to previous interventions into the country by Scandoslavia, which had failed in doing so and saw Doslonsu collapsing soon thereafter; a message implicitly conveying that foreign support from Scandoslavia would lead to ruin, while Langkasokan supported governments succeed and flourish. A message only exacerbated by the recent crisis rocking the Scandoslavian capital.

The most recent social media operation is to ridicule the decision by the Arelont Commune to raise its mandatory service age: 'our government is getting desperate', 'these stupid old boomers want us to get killed so that they can uphold their dying ideology', 'dylan sanford demands more sacrifices', 'the young are always sent to die in wars perpetrated by the old'. Meanwhile, the South's army is depicted as professional and dedicated, in 'based' video edits titled 'F S A W A V E' that heavily feature techno and electronic music. "An army that does not treat its soldiers as grunts, as opposed to the wall of flesh tactics used by the North."
Last edited by Langkasoka on Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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South Arelont
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Postby South Arelont » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:17 pm


We accept this offer of support, on your condition with the Military Base.

We hope we see this vile regime of the North fallen soon.

We also accept the ASSR - Dosolusu war advisors, and also Cella'Kawali security and training forces as trainers for our troops.


The south of Arelont, now a independent country after the civil war


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Postby Elfilin » Fri Dec 13, 2024 10:30 am

We will provide support for the South, due to the authoritarianism of the Northern Communists. We will provide humanitarian, diplomatic, and military support for them, but no war will be declared between us and the Communists.
The Republic of Elfilin, a beautiful nation with chinchillas. It is anti-fascist, due to the atrocities committed by them in World War 2. It is a liberal nation, having democratic elections and also supporting human rights.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Arelont » Fri Dec 13, 2024 10:36 am

A recent speech..


- Dylan Sanford
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:13 pm

Heating the Pan
OST: The Fire Rises (Metal Remix)

Dylan Sanford's recent speech to the people of North Arelont was a treasure trove for the RBSI's cyberwarfare division to exploit. Social media was abuzz with messages branding Sanford as a paranoid madman who is 'going to get us all killed', he was similarly ridiculed for using the phrase 'Viva la revolution': "Are we Spanish now?" a netizen inquired, "it's 'Long Live die Revolution'. This man is a national embarrassment. #NotMyLeader" *

Having established a significant online presence that reached countless North Arelontians with anti-government messages, the next step in the grand plan had to be taken. The first phase was the information warfare, specifically targeting the youth that sought to stimulate their rebellious nature and fight against the 'system'- in this case the communist regime. Now came the effort of organising the people into action. This involved the off-the-books financing and operational support to anti-communist minded groups such as student associations, unofficial political parties, NGO's, charities, activist movements: you name it, and the RBSI provided. Now, the message of anti-communism was not only spread online on Arelontian social media but also in person. In addition to that, students and other activists protested the Sanford regime, holding rallies and sit-ins. Small and medium scale for now, but activities that would grow in size and reach in the future as expected by the RBSI.

These groups were rallied by one man who had been a critic of the regime but had yet to be apprehended by authorities, Axel Nazariy- similarly covertly supported by the Langkasokan government. Whether the Sanford regime would let Nazariy continue his activities or not, was a matter that could soon be decided

Back in the South, groups of businessmen, upper-class figures, rightists, too-vocal anti-regime critics, and like-minded exiled persons came together at the behest of Laksamana Pertama Nooriyah Shah. These persons had all fled to the FSA in the aftermath of the Third Civil War, believing they'd be persecuted for their wealth or political position. Nooriyah persuaded the aforementioned wealthy capitalists to fund a paramilitary composed of exiles, armed and trained by the Langkasokan military and Cella'Kawali. During the training of the paramilitary, one individual stood out for his particular brutal efficiency and cold-bloodedness. For this, Karl Sandersonn was approached to work for the RBSI, a piece that may play a crucial part role in the grand plan yet to come.

* OOC: I checked your language factbook, and the phrase should be like that according to Arelontian language.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Arelont » Sat Dec 14, 2024 10:45 am

Due to a number of anti government comments on the websites "Twitching" and "Flashagram", We, the Council of Peoples, announce a total ban of any unauthorized websites. This means monitors on every website, and if anti government activity is spotted, the person who typed that on it will be tracked down and arrested.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Dec 14, 2024 2:35 pm

Adding the Oil
The Fire Rises (Original)

Was it too little, too late for Leader Sanford and the Council of Peoples? The seeds of discord had been sown, and there was no turning back now.

"We elected Sanford as our leader, who promised us political reforms and stability," spoke Axel Nazariy at a live-streamed public forum to young students and concerned citizens, "Instead he and the Council of Peoples stoke fear and panic about the South- who we must remember are still our fellow compatriots, even if we are divided by sea, map, and ideology. With this fear they justify militarisation and expand the age of conscription. And now, most grievously, they work to tear down our political freedoms- the right of the people to express their viewpoints without fear of persecution! Dylan Sanford has betrayed the principles of reformation on which he campaigned, he has betrayed the mandate given by the electorate to him during the provisional elections. If we don't take a stand for our freedoms now, then we leave the door open to further oppression. I call upon you to join me in tomorrow's peaceful protest at Kieferblüte Main Square, where we shall demand our government repeal the legislation that dismantles our rights.”

On 'authorised' and non-banned public forums, netizens carefully shared their concern at the recent acts of government; fearing that they might be arrested just for criticising the government. Videos- authentic or not- surfaced online, showing men clad in black rushing to a person before taking them away in an unmarked van. Captions suggested that these were the new secret police employed by the Arelontian government to conduct forced disappearances of dissidents. "People shouldn't be afraid of their government," one netizen cheesily quoted from a 2005 film, "governments should be afraid of their people". Meanwhile, tricks to circumvent the government ban on social media through VPNs or hide their online identity were shared amongst the younger demographics.

The RBSI cyberwarfare division looked upon all their work, and they were satisfied with what they saw.

The second phase of the plan was in motion, with people beginning to protest the ban on social media and the crackdown on free speech. What started as a few sporadic actions grew into a large public movement, now fueled by actual, glaring government oppression. Something expected from miles away that the Sanford regime would do in order to combat the rising anti-government sentiment.

With a cheeky grin on her face, Laksamana Pertama* Nooriyah Shah followed Axel Nazariy's speech and subsequent demonstration in the capital Kieferblüte from a news broadcast on TV. Together in her office were her adjutant, another military officer, paramilitary member turned operative Karl Sorensonn, and a chain-smoking liaison from the RBSI.

"You have been selected from an elite few, because your skills and attitude is what we are searching for," began Nooriyah Shah as she turned down the volume of her TV and faced Karl directly, "Your father was a communist sympathiser, no? In spite of the ideology he subscribed to, your father was an extraordinary man. Why? Because he was a valiant man with the courage to act decisively at crucial times. He may have met his end in the Third Civil War, but he did so defending the ideals he had dedicated himself towards. Now, you must inherit your late father's qualities and heed the call of your nation. You have read the briefing already: you will enter the North with a new fool-proof identity, find your residence, and carry out your assignment. The acts you will undertake may seem morally dubious, but they will be..."

"For the greater good," chimed in the RBSI liason, as he puffed his lit cigar.

“Yes, the greater good,” acknowledged Nooriyah as she leaned in close to continue her briefing for Karl Sorensonn:

“The anti-government protests we have helped create, have great momentum and will soon be in full swing. But it will not be enough. With just one well-placed push, the Commune will come crashing down like a house of cards.

You are that push.

When you are finished, all of Arelont will cry out in anger.”
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Postby Arelont » Sat Dec 14, 2024 3:32 pm

Kieferblüte Main Square..

The protest, being watched by Dylan Sanford, absolutely enraged him. "how dare they question my authority?" He said, under a breath. He then picked up a white phone, giving a order to silence them.

Men in riot uniforms, with rifles and flamethrowers, approached Keiferblüte Main Square. They encircled the protesters, ordering them to stand down.

Though most gave up at the sight of the rifles, some refused. In a act of defiance, some begin throwing rocks at the police.

Then a shot happened.

What was later known as "Bloody Saturday", these protesters were caught ablaze, getting fired at, and dropping.

24 people died in this event, and all other protesters were either executed and/or arrested.

And in other context, the news, later called this a attempt on the premier's life.
Last edited by Arelont on Sat Dec 14, 2024 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:27 pm

Speeding Up the Plan
OST: The Flames Gets Higher

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy

"We have reports indicating that Premier Dylan Sanford had ordered Kieferblüte Police Chief to have riot police take fire at the peaceful protestors..."

"A peaceful gathering that left twenty-four dead, after riot police used flamethrowers..."

"I must warn the audience of the graphic footage we are about to show you, while we have censored it, these videos are taken in the aftermath of the gruesome attack on peaceful demonstrators by riot police armed with flamethrowers..."

The Langkasokan Royal Bureau of State Intelligence looked upon all their work, and they were satisfied with what they saw. In fact, this time they were massively ecstatic.

The disproportionate manner in which Commune government forces responded to a peaceful gathering added more oil to the growing fire. Centrists and those who sat on the sidelines could no longer defend the autocratic regime of Sanford- the reformist turned despot- and were called into action by their anti-government peers. The international community would undoubtedly condemn North Aurelont for the massacre of protestors. In addition to that, the main allies of North Aurelont should now think twice before continuing their support for the Sanford regime. After all, who would want to be seen as the supporter of a regime that openly burns alive its citizens in the main square of the capital city?

A massacre was what it was, and the people of both Aurelonts would never forgive the 'Council of Peoples' for it.

The RBSI's cyberwarfare division did not even have to do anything to fan the flames anymore; North Aurelontian social media erupted with anger and fury over the massacre. Gruesome pictures of burn victims and missing limbs were shared, and videos showing men and women being burned alive by the riot police's flamethrowers went viral. #DeposeDylan and other anti-government hashtags were trending. The Sanford regime thought it could suppress opposition by simply responding with a flamethrower, it would achieve the opposite effect.

The League of Freedom and Reunification, Axel Nazariy's unofficial political movement backed by Langkasoka, will continue holding rallies and demonstrations. More radical protestors used Molotov cocktails to throw at riot police and vehicles, while others used explosive devices to attack police stations and other government buildings. The funding and instruction for these homemade armaments are provided courtesy of the RBSI. In addition to that, Nooriyah Shah and the Langkasokan intelligence service had begun the covert shipment of unmarked firearms and ammunition to anti-government groups in the North. One method included otherwise legitimate transport ships dumping crates filled with the goodies into the sea near the Northern coast so that the crews of small fishing boats could discreetly collect these the following morning. At any protest, hooded persons armed with sniper rifles could retaliate at riot police.

Not only was resistance undertaken through protests, riots, and in extreme cases terrorism, but also in the form of passive protests. Labour unions and worker's associations initially aligned themselves with the left-wing, communist government of North Arelont, but it could no longer tolerate the autocratic regime of Sanford. And with a little incentive and guidance, they organised strikes and sit-ins. Civil disobedience was no longer carried out only by young students at universities but began to be adopted by the common folk, who'd rather not participate in large-scale protests.

Laksamana-Pertama Nooriyah Shah and the RBSI had thought they would need to give the Northerners a gentle push to turn up the intensity of the protests, instead, a paranoid and impulsive Premier Sanford did it himself by throwing it all overboard.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Chargé d'Affaires
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Arelont » Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:58 pm



Dylan's Stress Level has reached: HIGH

[OOC: incorporated a stress level for Dylan

it's based off the stress mechanic for Stalin in HOI4.]
Last edited by Arelont on Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sat Dec 14, 2024 5:52 pm

There sits a Nero upon his throne, raging incessantly at all around him, divorced from reality as he continues spiraling into madness. He powerlessly witnesses his nation's people turn against him, oblivious that he is his own undoing.

The League of Freedom & Reunification gains further support as the main opposition force against the Sanford Regime, at this point completely turned tyrannical. Now believing they are at the whims of a madman, the people continued their resistance efforts against the government while rallied by Axel Nazariy. Now the movement called for Dylan Sanford to step down as Premier and demanded that new elections be held. A large, barricaded protest camp had been established in the main square of Kieferblüte, while other protestors armed with snipers would take aim at government troops that tried to use lethal force to attack the encampment.

Meanwhile, other protestors would try to storm and occupy government buildings. Parliament befalls a similar fate as protestors march on the legislature with shields and protective helmets. Footage of the clashes between protestors and police spread online and also shows riot police exchanging gunfire with armed protestors. Some radicals threaten to commence an insurrection should Sanford not step down in the next two days.

The anti-government movement begins pleading for members of the People's Free Party of Arelont, the main and sole political party in the nation, to step in and stop the Premier. In their pleas, they point out that Sanford has deteriorated into a raging paranoid based upon his ever-increasing angry speeches and his order to burn protestors alive. As such, they request that the PFPA either convince the Premier to step down amidst the crisis and call free and fair elections, or to start an impeachment procedure for abuse of power.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Arelont » Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:01 pm

Salvunists demand execution of Dylan Sanford

"This man is completely mad!" Says Joel Nverna, leader of the Salvunist - aligned sector of the PFPA, and infamous to the party - supporter of the protesters.
"He has driven this country into the ground! Which is why I demand Dylan Sanford to be executed!" "How we will achieve this? Fellow politicians, refuse to work! We shall bring down this tyrant!"

What is Salvunism you ask? It's a political ideology advocating for a strong leader, who will rule until his or her death, and a election will occur when that death happens. It also calls for a equally strong Parliament, which will enforce most of the laws, and see if they are not for the people.

Parliament usually has elections every 4 years according to this ideology.
Last edited by Arelont on Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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The Kaisers Syndicates
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Postby The Kaisers Syndicates » Sat Dec 14, 2024 8:31 pm

RadioFrank Klepacki - Hell March

Inside a landing craft near the Norwegian coast, a voice cuts through yelling with command,

"HOW FAR ARE WE OUT?" A reply answers,
"2 minutes!" Their commander nods, "AND WHAT HAPPENS IN TWO MINUTES?" the reply cuts through again "LIBERATION!"

The men scream back; the commander nods again before saying, "Damn right." The goal of the Kaiserine forces was unclear to most, even to Arlenot, but to them, their answer was clear as day: take the north and end the chaos. Two minutes pass, and landing craft hit the beach; a battle cry cuts through: "Für unsere Gewerkschaft!" And boots land on the beach. Liberation and the end of chaos has begun; time will tell if it's successful.

OOC: I think I'm allowed to do this? If not this can be voided and I'll cook something else up
Last edited by The Kaisers Syndicates on Sat Dec 14, 2024 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fun Fact about TKS!: Oooo big red button! WAIT HANS NO DONT TOUCH THA-
Also as a COD zombies fan. SCREW THE OLYMPIA! M14 GANG FOR LIFE!
If you’re wondering if I sleep, look at my post history I don’t.
The Hatman’s pretty chill only sometimes though.
my stats were shot down, then stabbed, then shot at point blank range like the Tsar of Russia.
You want my political values? well here you go and some more AND EVEN MOREEEEE I probably need professional help
KNNW:Kostane Defeated parades in the street Königgrätzer Marsch plays over loudspeakers within LonChiParLin|Firework safety pamphlets given out admist celebrations|Elections contuine as war in Kostane ends|TKSAF Readiness is at DEFCON 4|Currently at a state of Intervention|


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Chargé d'Affaires
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Arelont » Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:35 am

The Kaisers Syndicates wrote:Operation:Peninsula
RadioFrank Klepacki - Hell March

Inside a landing craft near the Norwegian coast, a voice cuts through yelling with command,

"HOW FAR ARE WE OUT?" A reply answers,
"2 minutes!" Their commander nods, "AND WHAT HAPPENS IN TWO MINUTES?" the reply cuts through again "LIBERATION!"

The men scream back; the commander nods again before saying, "Damn right." The goal of the Kaiserine forces was unclear to most, even to Arlenot, but to them, their answer was clear as day: take the north and end the chaos. Two minutes pass, and landing craft hit the beach; a battle cry cuts through: "Für unsere Gewerkschaft!" And boots land on the beach. Liberation and the end of chaos has begun; time will tell if it's successful.

OOC: I think I'm allowed to do this? If not this can be voided and I'll cook something else up

Even though the 2 Arelont's can't be in any conflict, a foreign invader is a acception to this tho.

OOC, btw
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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Posts: 575
Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:14 am

"The Federation of Langkasoka condemns the full-scale invasion of the Commune of Arelont by the Kaisers Syndicates, a unilateral action which amounts to the gross violation of a nation's sovereignty and right to self-determination. Langkasoka demands the Kaisers Syndicates to halt their violent invasion and withdraw their forces from the Commune. As such, we are considering conducting a naval blockade and imposing a no-fly zone to combat the unlawful invasion of North Arelont. Although the Langaskokan Federation and the Free State of Arelont may not see eye to eye with the North, we continue to believe in the principles of sovereignty and the right to self-determination of the Arelontian Commune, and will take the aforementioned actions to support that right. We stand with North Arelont amidst these dark hours, as they are beset by the invasion of the Kaisers Syndicates."

Likewise, most of the anti-government movement including the League of Freedom & Reunification condemns the move to supposedly 'liberate' Arelont. The TKS invasion is branded as a veiled attempt to silence the voice of the people and to prop up the unpopular regime of Dylan Sanford. Axel Nazariy calls for further protests against Premier Sanford, and requests Parliament to issue a statement to condemn the TKS invasion and begin procedures to impeach Mr. Sanford. The anti-government movement also begins persuading the police force to defect and join their side, pointing out how paranoid and tyrannical the Premier has become, and that Arelont has no future without Sanford and the tyrannical one-party system.

"We cannot stand idly by and watch how all we have fought for is undone by foreigners imposing their foreign policy upon us!" said Axel Nazariy, "We cannot allow the deaths of our twenty-four comrades, burned alive on Kieferblüte Main Square by government troops, be in vain. Because that is what the Kaisers Syndicates wills, a continuation of the Sanford regime, or a substitute of it. The Arelontian people have spoken, and they want to see Sanford gone and new free and fair elections held. No foreign power may deny us this!"
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 398
Founded: Jul 07, 2024
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Arelont » Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:45 am

In a shocking act of defiance, Savlunists have occupied the parliament, demanding Dylan Sanford steps down.
They quickly went up to where Dylan was.. After they were gathering outside the Premier's office, he demanded they disperse, but they refused, and started to bang on the door, trying to kick it down.

They finally did, and Dylan quickly ran to his heli, flying it away to a small fishing dock, where he boarded a small ship, and went away to some other country..

Quickly after, the Salvunists declared victory over Dylan
Current Era: 1900s.
Modern, due to investments from foreign nations helping Arelont with technology

Arelont News Corporation: Tensions rise as Russia declares support for Tabriostani Separatists, deploys troops on the border • Axel Nazariy says he will defend Arelont with tooth and nail

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Posts: 575
Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:07 am

Streets and homes throughout Arelont erupted in cheerful celebrations as the mad king abandoned the throne and fled the country. Not only were the people of North Arelont satisfied, but so too were the Langkasokans, as Laksamana-Pertama Nooriyah Shah briefs her government on the current developments and that the grand plan of subversion is nearing completion.

Axel Nazariy, leader of the League for Freedom & Reunification (LFR), applauds the Salvunists' decisive actions to oust Premier Sanford, and thanks the people of Arelont for their support and the efforts they have made to bring about change in the country. He states that now that the corrupt and tyrannical regime has been deposed, we must work on bringing the country together and prepare to hold elections to choose a new government. Being one of the popular figureheads of the pro-democracy movement, Nazariy announces that he will participate as a candidate in these elections; he campaigns on promising stability, freedom, and efforts to reunify with the South- who are still our compatriots through and through.

The LFR and the rest of the pro-democracy movement call on the TKS to stop their invasion and withdraw their forces, now that peace has been restored to the country. "We, the Aurelontian people, will focus on rebuilding our country and establishing a democratic government. We will do this without unauthorised foreign interference in the form of violent invasions," Nazariy says, asking his Salvunist political allies to similarly call upon the TKS to withdraw their forces.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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South Arelont
Political Columnist
Posts: 5
Founded: Dec 09, 2024

Postby South Arelont » Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:24 am

Blockade Lifted over North Arelont

Following the recent riots, protests, and sit ins that caused the former Dictator of North Arelont to stand down, we, the Congress of Arelont and Robin City, have lifted the blockade over North Arelont.
This is to increase relations between Arelontians, and to increase likelihood for Unification.

The south of Arelont, now a independent country after the civil war


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The Kaisers Syndicates
Posts: 1757
Founded: Jun 07, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Postby The Kaisers Syndicates » Sun Dec 15, 2024 12:42 pm


It has come to our attention that North Arlenots former premier has been deposed. Seeing as our operations within the country were all to find and deal with him ourselves, we have declared a ceasefire and will withdraw from the region. Thank you.
Last edited by The Kaisers Syndicates on Sun Dec 15, 2024 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fun Fact about TKS!: Oooo big red button! WAIT HANS NO DONT TOUCH THA-
Also as a COD zombies fan. SCREW THE OLYMPIA! M14 GANG FOR LIFE!
If you’re wondering if I sleep, look at my post history I don’t.
The Hatman’s pretty chill only sometimes though.
my stats were shot down, then stabbed, then shot at point blank range like the Tsar of Russia.
You want my political values? well here you go and some more AND EVEN MOREEEEE I probably need professional help
KNNW:Kostane Defeated parades in the street Königgrätzer Marsch plays over loudspeakers within LonChiParLin|Firework safety pamphlets given out admist celebrations|Elections contuine as war in Kostane ends|TKSAF Readiness is at DEFCON 4|Currently at a state of Intervention|


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Posts: 575
Founded: Apr 25, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Langkasoka » Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:18 pm

IC: Axel Nazariy and his unofficial political party, the League of Freedom and Reunification, have gained massive popularity as the main fighting force against the Sanford regime during the government crisis. Using this momentum, they began calls for Parliament and the provisional government to open negotiations with the South regarding reunification- citing the recent ending of the blockade by the FSA as their friendliness towards the North that was no longer under an authoritarian regime.

The Langkasokan Federation acknowledges the TKS withdrawal from North Arelont, which is the much-preferred outcome after they began their invasion into the country- lest they interfere with the RBSI's carefully made plans. Langkasoka further applauds the developments in Northern Europe, and will continue to lobby the South Arelontian government to proceed with reunification plans. Their two main rivals, Scandoslavia and the TKS, which had backed the communist regime of the Commune, were now withdrawing from the region.

At the behest of Laksamana-Pertama Nooriyah Shah, the Royal Langkasokan Navy had been deployed to conduct patrols off the coast of North Arelont, to deter and prevent foreign states that would back a communist government from interfering with Arelont. Everything had graciously fallen into place by now as foreseen, and consolidating current gains was a priority.

SIC: After placing her fleet into position around Arelont to deter interference from pro-communist foreign interference, Nooriyah Shah holds conversations with prominent Langkasokan businessmen: representatives of Mazalan Corp, Irwan-Harun Heavy Industries, Alsagoff Group, Peregara, PEC, and many more. They are highly optimistic about the future that lies ahead for the Northern European country, now that the region is stabilising, a communist leader has been deposed, and reunification with the South is on the horizon. She will see to it that the FSA government is persuaded to be friendly towards Langkasokan business interests and that a certain Langkasokan aligned politician- a Manchurian candidate if you will- will continue rising in popularity.
Last edited by Langkasoka on Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tanjung News: Kostan-Indios War comes to an end with victory for pro-Indios coalition; celebrations rock major cities. | LASA prepares to launch the first Langkasokan woman into space.
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