[PASSED] Condemn Feux

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[PASSED] Condemn Feux

Postby Rhaza » Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:56 pm

Proposal speaks for itself, really. Our character count is 4985.

Co-authors: Belleroph, Dalimbar

The Security Council,

This august body has sought to condemn the most nefarious actors in the history of the multiverse for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, spreading evil across so many years and communities,

Recalling that Feux came to prominence in 2011 as Jeux II, where they traded the WA Delegacy of Europe with Alsted several times. During this rivalry Feux developed a taste for despotism, and abused their place in the United Defenders League to call upon foreign forces to support their bids for the delegacy. Thankfully, they were defeated and abandoned Europe, where Alsted continued to serve for years to come as a community fixture,

Undeterred by their prior losses in Europe, Feux ventured to the New Pacific Order (NPO) and Lazarus. It was in the NPO that their appetite for subversion was only enabled, and their ambitions in Lazarus grew alongside their loyalty to their new home. Feux quickly demonstrated their brutal efficiency and rose to the rank of Senator in 2013,

In Lazarus, Feux became a critical figure in the Emerald Kingdom that ruled 2007-13. As King, they orchestrated a brutal purge of imperialist figures in the region, leading to the forced exile of Griffin Somerset, the region’s longtime Delegate who Feux defeated by a single vote in the preceding election. This act of oppression ended the Emerald Kingdom and ushered in the People’s Republic of Lazarus,

Concurrent to their service in the People’s Republic, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,

Abhorred that during their Regency in the NPO, despite being a father nation of the People’s Republic, Feux was a part of the core group that initiated and attempted to establish the New Lazarene Order when they illegally edited the regional constitution, dismissed members of the regional Congress, and expelled key regional contributor Funkadelia,

Throughout the brief New Lazarene Order, Feux, alongside Stujenske and A Mean Old Man, attempted to enforce a full annexation of Lazarus into the NPO, a venture which very nearly succeeded, failing due to the defection of an affiliate, leading to Feux’s demotion from Regent, Krulltopia’s record tenure ending, and the Gang of Five Trial in the new Lazarene courts,

Devastated to learn that Feux remained resolute in their lust for sabotage, cultivating the identity Adytus alongside associates AMOM (as Wrektopia) and Stujenske (as Kowassati), setting their sights on Osiris. There, the group rose to key roles in the region, leading to Feux and their partners occupying a majority of the region’s Council of Guardians,

Revolted that even as Adytus, Feux sought to undermine the sovereignty of Lazarus once again, participating in the importation of voters by Lone Wolves United and the Rahl family that contributed to the establishment of the Undead Dominion of Lazarus and the onset of the region’s civil war,

Somewhat relieved that Feux, as Adytus, fled Osiris alongside their accomplices after their failed attempt to prevent the passage of the region’s revised constitution, fearing its implementation would stifle their influence in the region. Adytus would later make a brief attempt on the delegacy of Lazarus during the anarchy period, but soon after abandon the effort,

Minding that Feux was promptly reappointed to the NPO’s Senate after the Adytus identity was put to rest, only to be thrust back into the spotlight when it was revealed in 2018 that Adytus was an alias of Feux and that this had been confided to the Emperor, adding to the pile of scandals plaguing the NPO at the time, causing unprecedented stress once again resulting in the resignation of the Emperor, then further the banishment of Feux and others,

Clarifying this council’s view on the then-Emperor: Aleisyr, in that the Emperor was unaware of Adytus’ and affiliates exploits until they had passed, and that they should be understood to be exonerated for the events of 2018. Instead, blame rests squarely where it is deserved, on the shoulders of Feux and their co-conspirators,

Finding solace in Feux’s removal from the NPO following the 2018 outrages, after which the world found comfort in the ignorance of their newest shape, believing their nation to have long dissolved,

Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted friends of Lazarus, leading to their uncovering,

Knowing that this council and the regions of the world cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant,

Hereby condemns the Changer of Shapes, Feux.
Last edited by Refuge Isle on Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:59 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Postby Rhaza » Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:57 pm

The Security Council,

This august body has sought to condemn the most nefarious actors throughout the history of the multiverse for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an innate ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, spreading such evil across so many years and communities,

Recalling that Feux came to prominence in 2011 under the identity Jeux II, where they exchanged the WA Delegacy of Europe with Alsted numerous times. During this rivalry Feux developed a taste for despotism, and abused their role in the United Defenders League to call upon foreign forces to support their bids for the delegacy. Thankfully, they were defeated and abandoned Europe, where Alsted continued to serve for years to come as a community fixture,

Undeterred by their prior losses in Europe, Feux ventured to the New Pacific Order (NPO) and Lazarus. It was in the NPO that their appetite for subversion was only enabled, and their ambitions in Lazarus grew alongside their loyalty to their new home. Feux quickly demonstrated their brutal efficiency and rose to the rank of Senator in 2013,

In Lazarus, Feux became a critical figure in the Emerald Kingdom, the Lazarene regime from 2007-2013. During their tenure as King, they orchestrated a brutal purge of imperialist-aligned in the region, leading to the forced exile of Griffin Somerset, the region’s longtime Delegate who Feux defeated by a single vote in the preceding election. This act of pure oppression ended the Emerald Kingdom and ushered in the People’s Republic of Lazarus,

Concurrent to their service in the People’s Republic, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,

Abhorred that during their Regency in the NPO, and despite being a father nation of the People’s Republic, in 2015 Feux was a part of the core group that initiated and attempted to establish the New Lazarene Order when they illegally edited the regional constitution, dismissed members of the regional Congress, and expelled key regional contributor Funkadelia,

Throughout the brief New Lazarene Order, Feux was critical alongside Stujenske and A Mean Old Man in attempting to enforce a full annexation of Lazarus into the NPO, a venture which very nearly succeeded, falling short due to the defection of Kazmr, one of their affiliates, leading to Feux’s demotion from Regent, Krulltopia’s record tenure ending, and the Gang of Five Trial in the newly established Lazarus courts,

Devastated to learn that Feux remained resolute in their lust for sabotage, cultivating the identity Adytus alongside their NLO associates AMOM (as Wrektopia) and Stujenske (as Kowassati) and setting their sights on Osiris. In Osiris, they rose to key roles in the region, leading to Feux and their affiliates occupying a majority of the region’s Council of Guardians,

Revolted that even as Adytus, Feux sought to undermine the sovereignty of Lazarus once again, participating in the importation of voters by Lone Wolves United and the Rahl family that contributed to the establishment of the Undead Dominion of Lazarus and the onset of the region’s civil war,

Somewhat relieved that Feux, as Adytus, fled Osiris alongside their affiliates after their failed attempt to prevent the passage of the region’s revised constitution, fearing its implementation would stifle their influence in the region. Adytus would later make a brief attempt on the delegacy of Lazarus during the anarchy period, but soon after abandon the effort,

Minding that Feux was promptly reappointed to the NPO’s Senate after the Adytus identity was put to rest, only to be thrust back into the spotlight when it was revealed in 2018 that Adytus was an alias of Feux and that this had been confided to the Emperor, adding to the pile of scandals plaguing the NPO at the time, causing unprecedented stress once again resulting in the resignation of the Emperor, then further the banishment of Feux and others,

Clarifying this council’s view on the then-Emperor: Aleisyr, in that the Emperor was unaware of Adytus’ and affiliates exploits until they had passed, and that they should be understood to be exonerated for the events of 2018. Instead, blame rests squarely where it is deserved, on the shoulders of Feux and their affiliates,

Finding solace in Feux’s removal from the NPO following the 2018 outrages, after which the world found comfort in the ignorance of their newest shape, believing their nation to have long dissolved until 2024,

Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted friends of Lazarus, leading to their uncovering,

Knowing that this council and the regions of the world cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant,

Hereby condemns the Changer of Shapes, Feux.
Last edited by Rhaza on Mon Dec 23, 2024 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The Ice States
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Postby The Ice States » Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:33 am

No objections to this in principle. Suggestions in no particular order:

  • I would suggest being consistent here with the formatting, in that some clauses are written as paragraphs and others as essentially past participle clauses. I would use paragraph / sentence style throughout, remove "The Security Council," at the start, and then end with "[possibly some introduction to make it more interesting], the Security Council hereby condemns ..."

  • "Minding" is a very long clause with no break in between. "Clarifying" seems out of place and breaks the flow between the list of evil things Feux has done. I would replace both clauses with the following (also changing it to sentence style as mentioned earlier, and saving you 211 characters!)

    Feux was promptly reappointed to the NPO’s Senate after the Adytus identity was put to rest. Yet, this was only to be thrust back into the spotlight when it was revealed in 2018 that Adytus was an alias of Feux and that this had been confided to the Emperor, adding to the pile of scandals plaguing the NPO at the time. While then-Emperor Aleisyr was unaware of this act by Feux until well after it had concluded, the incident brought the NPO unnecessary stress once again resulting in the resignation of the Emperor, then further the banishment of Feux and others.

  • Can you name AMOM by nation rather than alias? Obviously I know who this is, but someone who is not familiar with the player would not know what the acronym stands for.

That is all, best of luck with this :D
Last edited by The Ice States on Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:40 am

A long overdue Condemnation. Haven’t got any comments from my first read through but may have later.

Looks good though.
Last edited by Bhang Bhang Duc on Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Pierconium wrote:I see Funk as an opportunistic manipulator that utilises the means available to him to reach his goals. In other words, a nation after my own heart.

RiderSyl wrote:If an enchantress made it so one raid could bring about world peace, Unibot would ask raiders to just sign a petition instead.

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:23 am

“Brutal purge of alleged imperialists”? :lol:

It wasn’t alleged, they were imperialists. And it wasn’t brutal — there were three imperialists removed by a consensus in Lazarus, charged with political obstructionism and entryism.

The partnership between yesterday’s imperialists and today’s defenders is enabling a strange brew of historical revisionism here. It reads like something Rachel would have written.

I don’t know what the UDL/Europe paragraph is referencing. My memory (it is hazy) is that Feux (then Jeux) signed a treaty agreement between Europe and UDL with the approval of the founder. However, there are famously two players controlling the Europe founder account — and one of them dislikes defenders. When the other founder found out about the treaty, they rescinded the agreement and kicked Jeux out of the region (sorry buddy!).

FOR, of course, the dude’s a troublemaker. :p
Last edited by Unibot III on Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
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Postby Domais » Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:25 am

Good draft. I think he's earned it.
Last edited by Domais on Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Jar Wattinree
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Postby Jar Wattinree » Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:36 am

The usual arguments of this being a “badge of honor” would be more than half-correct if Feux hadn’t gone out of his way to do all his hijinks multiple times to the point even those well familiar with his modus operandi should have been on the lookout for his reemergence, though I doubt anybody could have foreseen it would be the fan favorite, Lazarus.

So this is half a badge of honor and half a history blurb, because even older nations have dementia (and in some cases, political agendas) and younger nations, ofc, don’t know jack of who they’re up against. One of the very few badges that are unashamedly and wholeheartedly “deserved” to be passed.
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Postby Aleister » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:46 am

This is a well-deserved condemn, unlike most condemns and commends these days. Feux deserves to be recognized for his contribution to trying to make things interesting over the years.

I would like to correct the record on the one clause of this that I can add some insight to. I want to be clear that this isn't an attempt to disparage this condemn, but this is frankly untrue and should be removed:

Rhaza wrote:Revolted that even as Adytus, Feux sought to undermine the sovereignty of Lazarus once again, participating in the Rahl-backed importations that contributed to the establishment of the Undead Dominion of Lazarus and the onset of the region’s civil war,

As the person who actually organized the importation of voters, I'll say it's possible that Feux was one of those voters, but he was not part of that organization of them and neither were the Rahls. In fact there was a large percentage of imported voters that either had nothing to do with NationStates prior or were from LWU. I did reach out to a certain Rahl who was an ally and good friend at the time who did send some of the people from the region they were in to Lazarus, but that is all. I did the same with others.

There have been many misconceptions and warped versions of the history of Funkadelia and my own rise to power in Lazarus and how those things happened over the years. This characterizes these events as a Rahl plot to import voters into Lazarus that Feux participated in. That's just not what happened at all.

Again, this condemn is very well-deserved otherwise.
Last edited by Aleister on Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The Kharkivan Cossacks
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Postby The Kharkivan Cossacks » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:50 am

Long overdue. I bet Feux attempted to coup Lazarus to show us he needs a condemn.
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Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Kharkivan has done a pretty good hatchet job review of the text, though I’m sure there will be those posting who think this is the best thing since sliced bread.

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Postby Fachumonn » Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:34 am

Support. I might get around to giving some feedback.
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Postby Roavin » Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:29 am

One of the most deserving condemns imaginable.

Aleister wrote:-snip-

I fully believe that it's not a Rahl-originated plot, as you said. However, Rahl-as-a-group was certainly substantially involved, provably so even. So no, the draft text isn't wrong in calling it "Rahl-backed".

Besides, as far as I'm aware, Rahl is a ghost of the past at this point, so we can just call a spade a spade now* :P
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Postby Aleister » Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:58 am

Roavin wrote:I fully believe that it's not a Rahl-originated plot, as you said. However, Rahl-as-a-group was certainly substantially involved, provably so even. So no, the draft text isn't wrong in calling it "Rahl-backed".

Besides, as far as I'm aware, Rahl is a ghost of the past at this point, so we can just call a spade a spade now* :P

We worked with some Rahls, sure. There were plenty of times during our coup that Funkadelia and I did not feel backed or supported by Rahls (in fact, most of the time), something no one other than us two and said Rahls know because those conversations only happened between us. The text implies that Rahls imported voters into Lazarus. Myself and Funkadelia imported voters into Lazarus, many of which were not Rahls. I'm not sure if you think I'm defending Rahls or trying to say they aren't spooky or something, that's not really the point I'm making. I don't entirely understand what you're getting at with the last part.

I know you curiously observed many things during that time and usually pretty accurately. I'm well aware of how much credit the Rahls seem to be given for their participation in our coup, but it's honestly really silly. That's mostly the fault of Funk and I never really talking about anything and letting Gameplay run wild. It's also partially because people just love to not give us credit for anything we've accomplished because of the assholes we were back then. Which is fair, but it's just not accurate historically.

Anyway, it's mostly nitpicking a minute entry in a long list of strong accomplishments. I really respect Feux as a player and a person and he deserves this condemnation whether or not you or others want to give credence to what I'm saying. Given our past, I really don't blame ya for doing so anyway.
Last edited by Aleister on Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Pierconium » Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:06 pm

Well deserved.
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:49 pm

Unibot III wrote:“Brutal purge of alleged imperialists”? :lol:

It wasn’t alleged, they were imperialists. And it wasn’t brutal — there were three imperialists removed by a consensus in Lazarus, charged with political obstructionism and entryism.

The partnership between yesterday’s imperialists and today’s defenders is enabling a strange brew of historical revisionism here. It reads like something Rachel would have written.

Your choice of word, "charged" is erroneous here. There are valid reasons to remove people on consensus basis, and a region should never destabilize itself in the interest of legalistic nonsense - so I won't pretend to take inherent issue with the expulsion of Griffin, NES, and Cerebella on a legal basis. Though "charged" makes no sense, they were removed extrajudicially.

That said, we're talking about Feux. You'd be familiar, as he was a member, and pending a date check, the "Chief of Feeder and Sinker Affairs" in your cult, the UDL, at the time. He also went on to attempt to colonize Lazarus for the New Pacific Order, so it seems a bit silly to pontificate that the removal of Griffin et al, you know, the longest serving delegate in regional history at the time, was merely preventing entryism and obstructionism? That's far, far more revisionist than anything I've said.

Feux's statement on banning Griffin purports a voter influx by TNI into the region to influence it. Perhaps this is true, I was not there. But is it not condemnable, nonetheless, to exile rivals for your own functionally selfish ends (the establishment of the PRL and eventual NLO)? Be for real.

Aleister wrote:There have been many misconceptions and warped versions of the history of Funkadelia and my own rise to power in Lazarus and how those things happened over the years. This characterizes these events as a Rahl plot to import voters into Lazarus that Feux participated in. That's just not what happened at all.

Roavin wrote:I fully believe that it's not a Rahl-originated plot, as you said. However, Rahl-as-a-group was certainly substantially involved, provably so even. So no, the draft text isn't wrong in calling it "Rahl-backed".

Besides, as far as I'm aware, Rahl is a ghost of the past at this point, so we can just call a spade a spade now* :P

I'd prefer we avoid a relitigation of the Lazarene Civil War here, but my understanding based on the evidence found in the 2020 TEP release was that Rahl was definitely involved in the importations, chiefly via Badger. I don't mean to suggest you and Funkadelia weren't also doing that, or even that you weren't the main force.

I've revised the line to this end.
Last edited by Rhaza on Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Ambis
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Postby The Ambis » Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:08 pm

Hi Queb! Overall, I like the draft. Two things.

One, the below doesn't seem to make sense
Rhaza wrote:Soon after, Feux joined the New Pacific Order. It was here that their appetite for subversion was only enabled, and their ambitions in Lazarus grew alongside their loyalty to their new home. Feux quickly demonstrated their brutal efficiency and rose to the rank of Senator in 2013,

Undeterred by their prior losses in Europe, Feux ventured to Lazarus.

You mention that their ambitions grew, but after that introduce that they moved to Lazarus. Just feels odd.

Which brings me to my second point - This proposal just feels strange. I couldn't put it into words, and I couldn't venture how to fix it after a read over (very helpful, I know), but it just reads very strangely to me. Too robotic, almost.

I like the draft, and the goal. Just feel it reads strangely.
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:15 pm

The Ambis wrote:Hi Queb! Overall, I like the draft. Two things.

One, the below doesn't seem to make sense
Rhaza wrote:Soon after, Feux joined the New Pacific Order. It was here that their appetite for subversion was only enabled, and their ambitions in Lazarus grew alongside their loyalty to their new home. Feux quickly demonstrated their brutal efficiency and rose to the rank of Senator in 2013,

Undeterred by their prior losses in Europe, Feux ventured to Lazarus.

You mention that their ambitions grew, but after that introduce that they moved to Lazarus. Just feels odd.

It made more sense before we re-ordered some things. It should be clearer now, thanks for the catch.

The Ambis wrote:Which brings me to my second point - This proposal just feels strange. I couldn't put it into words, and I couldn't venture how to fix it after a read over (very helpful, I know), but it just reads very strangely to me. Too robotic, almost.

I like the draft, and the goal. Just feel it reads strangely.

This is not real feedback. It was annoying in the past (not from you, in general) and it's annoying now.

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:05 pm

Rhaza wrote:
Unibot III wrote:“Brutal purge of alleged imperialists”? :lol:

It wasn’t alleged, they were imperialists. And it wasn’t brutal — there were three imperialists removed by a consensus in Lazarus, charged with political obstructionism and entryism.

The partnership between yesterday’s imperialists and today’s defenders is enabling a strange brew of historical revisionism here. It reads like something Rachel would have written.

Your choice of word, "charged" is erroneous here. There are valid reasons to remove people on consensus basis, and a region should never destabilize itself in the interest of legalistic nonsense - so I won't pretend to take inherent issue with the expulsion of Griffin, NES, and Cerebella on a legal basis. Though "charged" makes no sense, they were removed extrajudicially.

I wrote “charged” in a colloquial sense — that’s what they were accused of.

But is it not condemnable, nonetheless, to exile rivals for your own functionally selfish ends (the establishment of the PRL and eventual NLO)? Be for real.

I am being real, the move to ban those three individuals was well received in and outside of Lazarus at the time, because they were known entryists, with an imperialist agenda, that had obstructed any material reform in Lazarus.

The Lazarus prior to the PRL was at the time of its demise effectively a dormant region - poorly administrated, culturally irrelevant - the creation of the PRL was relatively well received outside of the imperialist world, and the PRL was well regarded as a successor state, boasting the most active defending army at the time and the largest cultural presence in the game.

NLO, on the other hand, was widely panned as tyrannical expansionism.

I’ve found it strange over the years seeing arguments crop up such as the one in this resolution: it seems the prevailing views of the time have been displaced in the public’s memory by a hodgepodge of revisionism from the PRL’s critics, NES and Roger, mainly.

That said, we're talking about Feux. You'd be familiar, as he was a member, and pending a date check, the "Chief of Feeder and Sinker Affairs" in your cult, the UDL, at the time.

UDL was no more my cult than The League would be yours.

My memory (and it can be a creaky old one) is that Jeux was not the Chief of Feeder and Sinker Affairs but had a different role instead — we made that Chief of Feeders position in a panic because I did something stupid in one of the GCRs, so the position was tailor made for Goobergunchia to handle the public relations cleanup.

Jeux was Chief of Recruitment: ... p=658#p658

I still don’t recall anything about him getting endorsements in Europe from the UDL.

He also went on to attempt to colonize Lazarus for the New Pacific Order, so it seems a bit silly to pontificate that the removal of Griffin et al, you know, the longest serving delegate in regional history at the time, was merely preventing entryism and obstructionism? That's far, far more revisionist than anything I've said.

He did go on to attempt to colonize Lazarus for NPO - but one wrong does not mean two wrongs any more than two wrongs makes a right. These are mutually exclusive properties. One revolution can be a success and justified, and another a mistake.
Last edited by Unibot III on Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
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New Rogernomics
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Postby New Rogernomics » Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:51 pm

I'd rarely enter the Security Council, but I guess since Lazarus is mentioned in this Security Council condemnation I should.

A few things I noticed below.
Rhaza wrote:This august body has sought to condemn the most nefarious actors throughout the history of the multiverse for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an innate ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, spreading such evil across so many years and communities,
Probably more into more concise language myself like:

This august body has condemned nefarious actors throughout its existence for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an innate ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, and spread such evil across so many years and across so many communities as Feux.
Rhaza wrote:In Lazarus, Feux became a critical figure in the Emerald Kingdom, the regime in the region from 2007-2013. During their tenure as King of Lazarus, they orchestrated a brutal purge of imperialist-aligned in the region, leading to the forced exile of Griffin Somerset, the region’s longtime Delegate who Feux defeated by a single vote in the preceding election. This act of pure oppression ended the Emerald Kingdom and ushered in the Peoples’ Republic of Lazarus,
They weren't a King of Lazarus all that time but on and off, the position was just called Delegate at this time. I know at one-point Dezzland was King of Lazarus and other Delegates were referred to as such, but Mandate 6 was revised in 2010 to just use the term Delegate, and I believe the People's Republic of Lazarus used Chairman and the like. So maybe the word 'tyrant' or some other such word would be better, and to include the actual position they held. So perhaps something like:

In Lazarus, Feux became a critical figure in the Emerald Kingdom, the regime in Lazarus from 2007-2013. During their tenure as King a tyrannical ruler and Delegate of Lazarus, they orchestrated a brutal purge of imperialist-aligned in the region, leading to the forced exile of Griffin Somerset, one of the region’s longtime former Delegates who Feux defeated by a single vote in the preceding election. This act of pure oppression ended the Emerald Kingdom regime and ushered in the People’s Republic of Lazarus,
Rhaza wrote:Concurrent to their service in the Peoples’ Republic, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,
Better to be precise with the region. It should state The Pacific clearly, and technically People's Republic of Lazarus would be correct title, so something like:

Concurrent to their service in the People's Republic of Lazarus, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order of The Pacific. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region The Pacific, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,
Rhaza wrote:Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted allies of Lazarus, leading to their uncovering,
Not all regions or organizations involved were allies of Lazarus, and Lazarus did have to check over information before concluding it was Feux. Probably should be more correct to say something like this:

Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted allies of regions and organizations allied or friendly to Lazarus, leading to their uncovering in the region of Lazarus,
Rhaza wrote:Knowing that this council and the regions of the world cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant,
Maybe something like, due to me being more picky about this:

Knowing that this Security Council and the world it represents cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant without condemnation,
Last edited by New Rogernomics on Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Eldarion Mystifur
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:07 pm

Hi Roger, thanks for the comments. Some of it I've implemented, but some we will have to pass on for character reasons.

New Rogernomics wrote:Probably more into more concise language myself like:

This august body has condemned nefarious actors throughout its existence for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an innate ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, and spread such evil across so many years and across so many communities as Feux.

I think I'm going to politely decline this - I deliberately did not name Feux in the opening clause, due to the volume of identities use and to emphasize the mysteriousness of the character - this was a conscious narrative choice.

New Rogernomics wrote:They weren't a King of Lazarus, the position was just called Delegate at this time. I know at one-point Dezzland was King of Lazarus and other Delegates were referred to as such, but Mandate 6 was revised in 2010 to just use the term Delegate

He uses the title Phoenix King in his resignation, I don't hate replacing it with Delegate if you feel like it's critical, but I think it makes more sense since the regime is still the Emerald Kingdom, and it sounds less generic. Since this clause refers only to the EK and not the PRL, the Chairman title used later doesn't contradict it.

New Rogernomics wrote:Better to be precise with the region. It should state The Pacific clearly, and technically People's Republic of Lazarus would be correct title, so something like:

Concurrent to their service in the People's Republic of Lazarus, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order of The Pacific. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region The Pacific, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,

I think the NPO name recognition goes far enough as to where it is located, I may make this change if we get under the character limit, but otherwise we need to be cutting down, not adding.

New Rogernomics wrote:Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted allies of regions and organizations allied or friendly to Lazarus, leading to their uncovering in the region of Lazarus,

I have to decline this broader suggestion for the same reason as above, but I made an edit to get more at what you want.

New Rogernomics wrote:Maybe something like, due to me being more picky about this:

Knowing that this Security Council and the world it represents cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant without condemnation,

I think it works as it stands, because it flows into the operative clause, explicitly mentioning condemndation here is redundant with the operative clause.

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New Rogernomics
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Postby New Rogernomics » Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:29 pm

Rhaza wrote:I think I'm going to politely decline this - I deliberately did not name Feux in the opening clause, due to the volume of identities use and to emphasize the mysteriousness of the character - this was a conscious narrative choice.
Okay then.
Rhaza wrote:He uses the title Phoenix King in his resignation, I don't hate replacing it with Delegate if you feel like it's critical, but I think it makes more sense since the regime is still the Emerald Kingdom, and it sounds less generic. Since this clause refers only to the EK and not the PRL, the Chairman title used later doesn't contradict it.
I guess leave it in, don't really mind really. Though People's is the possessive, and Peoples' would refer to more than one group of people. More correct to say People's of Republic of China or People's Republc of Lazarus for example. People probably won't care too much, so leave it in or not.
Rhaza wrote:I have to decline this broader suggestion for the same reason as above, but I made an edit to get more at what you want.
That works better yeah, was more just mentioning for the sake of that it looked more exclusive than it needed to be.
Rhaza wrote:I think it works as it stands, because it flows into the operative clause, explicitly mentioning condemndation here is redundant with the operative clause.
Okay, then.
Last edited by New Rogernomics on Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eldarion Mystifur
Herald (Vice-Delegate) of Lazarus
For Axios! For Lazarus! For the Union of Three!
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:30 pm

New Rogernomics wrote:I guess leave it in, don't really mind really. Though People's is the possessive, and Peoples' would refer to more than one group of people. More correct to say People's of Republic of China or People's Republc of Lazarus for example. People probably won't care too much, so leave it in or not.

You're right re: People's, I'll make that edit.

Regarding the King thing, my understanding is Mandate 7 reinstated the title?

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New Rogernomics
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Postby New Rogernomics » Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:35 pm

Rhaza wrote:
New Rogernomics wrote:I guess leave it in, don't really mind really. Though People's is the possessive, and Peoples' would refer to more than one group of people. More correct to say People's of Republic of China or People's Republc of Lazarus for example. People probably won't care too much, so leave it in or not.

You're right re: People's, I'll make that edit.

Regarding the King thing, my understanding is Mandate 7 reinstated the title?
Yeah, was looking here: ... ives-f120/
Must be on a forum that the PRL used as well.

Edit, found it: ... html#p1860
The Emerald Nobility

The Delegate will be recognized as the head of the Emerald Family and King|Queen of the region under their own custom title. The Delegate may bestow special titles of nobility to citizens that are found deserving of special recognition for service to Lazarus. The Emerald Family shall consist of the current Delegate and any members that have been recognized as Delegate in the past. All Lazarene citizens will be recognized with Baronetcy. This is not to suggest that titles are reserved exclusively for Lazarenes. Nobility ranking will consist of the following though special titles may be granted to members by the Delegate not labeled below:
Last edited by New Rogernomics on Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Eldarion Mystifur
Herald (Vice-Delegate) of Lazarus
For Axios! For Lazarus! For the Union of Three!
  • Former First Citizen (PM) of Lazarus
  • Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lazarus
  • Former Lazarus Delegate (Humane Republic of Lazarus, 2015)
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:19 pm

Unibot III wrote:I wrote “charged” in a colloquial sense — that’s what they were accused of.

I am being real, the move to ban those three individuals was well received in and outside of Lazarus at the time, because they were known entryists, with an imperialist agenda, that had obstructed any material reform in Lazarus.

We're not writing in 2013. Positions at the time are relevant, but not dispositive. We are proposing this in 2024, with the benefit of hindsight, including Feux's tyranny in Lazarus that was possible in part because of this purge.

Unibot III wrote:The Lazarus prior to the PRL was at the time of its demise effectively a dormant region - poorly administrated, culturally irrelevant - the creation of the PRL was relatively well received outside of the imperialist world, and the PRL was well regarded as a successor state, boasting the most active defending army at the time and the largest cultural presence in the game.

The proposal makes no comment on the legitmacy of the People's Republic, outside of acknowledging the widely accepted fact that Feux's removal of imperialist figures ushered it in.

Unibot III wrote:NLO, on the other hand, was widely panned as tyrannical expansionism.

The NLO did not come to exist in a vacuum. The NLO would not have been able to exist if the region was not consolidated under the PRL through Feux and others' maneuvers, prior to its final execution. Come on dude, you LARP as the game's premier historian, think outside the box for five seconds.

Unibot III wrote:UDL was no more my cult than The League would be yours.

Your knowledge of The League's history and culture appears quite limited outside of the inordinate amount of time you spent digging up RMB posts from 7 years ago to convince 2021's prominent gameplayers, over telegrams, that I am a racist due to my Québécois heritage and because I approvingly quoted Jacques Parizeau when I was 15. Thus I would dare say my understanding of the UDL is relatively stronger than your understanding of TL&C, but regardless, your organization did not outlast your attention to it, dying unceremoniously, while the blue, gold, and red still flies over our regions due to the work of many beyond me. I suspect it will beyond my focus, certainly more than the UDL did after yours.

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Ambroscus Koth
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Postby Ambroscus Koth » Fri Dec 13, 2024 9:51 am


Somewhat relieved that Feux, as Adytus, fled Osiris alongside their affiliates after their failed attempt to prevent the passage of the region’s revised constitution,
If you're looking to cut down on character count, the "somewhat" here is unnecessary. The SC doesn't need to feel ambivalent about the matter just because the author does :P
Patience pays off.

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Postby Rhaza » Fri Dec 13, 2024 9:52 am

Ambroscus Koth wrote:
Somewhat relieved that Feux, as Adytus, fled Osiris alongside their affiliates after their failed attempt to prevent the passage of the region’s revised constitution,
If you're looking to cut down on character count, the "somewhat" here is unnecessary. The SC doesn't need to feel ambivalent about the matter just because the author does :P

The word choice "Somewhat" was more because there's only so much relief to be found in the departure since it was immediately followed by a pivot to the Lazarus bid and reinstation to the Senate, but that is one thing we can strike or replace character wise if other options don't present themselves.



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