[R] Bad Faith Arguments

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[R] Bad Faith Arguments

Postby Danternoust » Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:35 pm

I strongly think Ifreann is arguing in bad faith and should be told to knock it off.

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New Visayan Islands
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Postby New Visayan Islands » Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:40 pm

[violet] wrote:Bad Faith: It is expected that players post with the intent of making the site a better, more enjoyable place to be - this is good faith posting. Bad faith posting is when a person is no longer interested in this goal, and instead seeks to score points, contributes nothing useful, or is deceitful.

This standard is enforced in the Moderation forum by default as well as Got Issues, and may be declared as applicable by the Moderation Team in other threads elsewhere when said threads involve policy discussions, mechanics discussions, discussions of potential additions/modifications to the game or forum, or other pertinent announcements. These threads, like Moderation "discussion threads," are meant to gauge the opinions of the community and otherwise help better player experience; posting in bad faith in such is detrimental to this process. Please note, in the instance a post is removed for being in bad faith, it is not deleted, but instead moved to the "Evidence Locker" where it may be reviewed if necessary.

Per the excerpt from the Rules I quoted above, mala fide as a standard does not apply outside of Moderation and Got Issues unless explicitly specified.

That said, at this point, I'm seeing borderline but not actionable.

New Visayan Islands
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