Baptism of Fire 85 EVERYTHING THREAD

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Baptism of Fire 85 EVERYTHING THREAD

Postby HUElavia » Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:16 pm

Once again, another World Cup cycle has arrived, and coming off historic title runs, the United States of HUElavia proudly opens the cycle with the 85th edition of the Baptism of Fire. This grand, multi-ethnic, multicultural nation stretches its arms out to our new participants into Multiversal Football.

4 venues in 4 cities will host the 20 matches to be played throughout HUElavia, where we expect for passion and support from visiting supporters and welcoming fans from the host nation.

Nations Signed up:
New Crywyzyxycynya
Grand Exultia
Island Fusion
Of The Godless

Group Stage-

Group A:
Island Fusion

Group B:
Grand Exultia
Of The Godless
New Crywyzyxycynya

Format: 2 Groups of 5 Teams, Top 2 advance to the Semi-Finals

Tiebreakers- Points, Goal Difference, Head-to-Head, Head-to-head Goal Difference, IC coin flip (OOC simulated game with draws off).

Matchday 1- December 13th
Matchday 2- December 15th
Matchday 3- December 17th
Matchday 4- December 19th
Matchday 5- December 21st
Semi-Finals- December 23rd
3PPO & Final- December 25th/26th (Subject to change)

Cutoff time: 8 to 9 PM US EST (UTC-5), may be flexible with cutoff times if pinged on Discord or TG'd.

All participants are strongly encouraged to post a roster. The only major requirement for your roster is that you include a permissions box as follows:
If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y/N
Choose my goalscorers: Y/N
Godmod scoring events: Y/N
RP injuries to my players: Y/N
Godmod injuries to my players: Y/N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y/N
Hand out red cards to my players: Y/N
Godmod other events: Y/N

For those who don't know, Godmodding refers to RPing events that are beyond the bounds of what could realistically be expected to occur in a normal football match. If your star player scores all goals in absurdly talented fashion in a match, this is not godmodding. If there is an alien invasion that caused one team to leave the pitch and allowed your team to score the goals on an empty net, this is godmodding. You may also include a style modifier for your team. This is a value between -5 and 5 that indicates how your team plays. -5 is very defensive, while 5 is very attacking. Any nation whose roster that does not include a style modifier will be assumed to want a neutral style modifier of 0.

WARNING: Using AI-text or Plagerism IS NOT allowed. If caught engaging in such methods, it will result in a 0 scorination for the following matchday and the user will be spoken to about the infraction. AI images are OK to use as long as proper credit is given for it.

Matchday 1 RP Prompt
Football-Related: It's your first ever football tournament! How is your team feeling about their maiden voyage in Multiversal Football? How is the team preparing for the matches? How are the fans feeling about the team? Are they coming in droves or staying more back in your country? How are people back home celebrating this occasion and preparing for the matches?

Non-Football Telated: It's your first time where your nation appears in an international (or should I say, Multiversal) event! What is your nation like Geographically and Culturally? How are the people like? What are some neat fun facts about your nation people should know?
Last edited by HUElavia on Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:19 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby HUElavia » Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:18 pm

Baptism of Fire 85


Welcome to the United States of HUElavia!

History: HUElavia is a nation of over 3.2 Million Square Miles(1) that is home to the Hueti, the native people of the land. The country was colonized in the late 1600s by Portuzians (Portuguese) and Asellians (Spaniards) and was basically split off by both countries for over 200 years. Eventually, immigrants came and decided that the nation needed to get off from Colonial power and the country split into two, East HUElavia and West HUElavia, in 1897. Although, the country merged together into HUElavia in 1900, and the nation saw a massive growth of population from immigrants and a rising birth rate. Many of the immigrants that came included the following: Euskati (Basque), Tallian (Italians), Franc (French), Rus (Russians), Ibo (Nigerians), Quhah (Arabic), Yamoto (Japanese), Guang Tzu (Chinese), Cog (Vietnamese), and Pinoy (Filipino). While there has been bouts of Conservative times in the country, HUElavia has been mainly a Liberal society where people are free to do generally whatever they want, and today there is a massive level of scientific and technological advancement in the country that allows HUElavians to have a long lifespan and makes things such as transportation very reliable.

Geography and Climate: HUElavia is mainly a country with tropical rainforests, tropical seasonal forests, temperate dedicious forest, or wetlands. While the country can have rainy days, the costs tend to get higher rates of precipitation than the inlands areas, therefore expect some matches to be played in the rain. There is high humidity throughout the country though, which can make it feel hotter than normal. Thus, during matches held in the afternoon, there will be cooling breaks for players to hydrate and cool off to stay well.

Culture: HUElavia is mainly influenced by Portuzian and Astellian culture, but there are regions that are their own cultural influence from the large groups of immigrants in that area. English, Portuguese and Spanish are the official languages. Galician serves as the Lingua Franca of the country, with significant populations that speak French, Italian, Russian, Basque, Cantonese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Arabic, Igbo, and Hueti. In terms of dishes, Portuguese and Spanish dishes are mainly eaten, but regional dishes such as French, Italian, Russian, Berber, Nigerian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino and Vietnamese can be found virtually everywhere (A Chef's Voyage is a great series to get into to learn about the cultures and cities in HUElavia). In terms of Religion, Christianity is the majority Religion, with Roman Catholicism being the main form of Christianity, with a sizable portion of Protestantism. Judaism, Islam, Shinto, Buddhism, and Native Religions are also found in the country, and there is virtually a place of worship for many religions. In music, traditional Portuguese, Spanish, and Latin music are popular, but there are high interests in J-Pop, J-Rock, C-Pop, P-Pop, K-Pop, V-Pop, French, Italian, and Russian Hardbass. In terms of clothing, save for those in business and politics or those for fancy events, people tend to dress casually with men wearing t-shirts, light long-sleeve shirts, jeans or shorts, while women may wear t-shirts, jeans or shorts, or dresses or blouses. Swim suits are also worn in the costal areas as well. These clothes are worn to stay cool in the hot and humid temperatures of the country. Although, it is not uncommon to see people go about their day naked due to the heat and humidity (The HUElavian Government recommends to look solely at their face, in order to avoid any accusations of sexual harassment).

People: HUElavians are a very multicultural population, with 50% of the population being of mixed race. While there are people who are fully of a certain ethnic origin, many come from different backgrounds and tend to identify with the culture they look the most like or feel the most attached to. HUElavians tend to be very intelligent with virtually every citizen over the age of 21 having some sort of formal schooling, whether it be from college or from trade school, thus it is not uncommon to hear serious debates as part of "light conversation." HUElavians tend to be very kind, compassionate, and cheerful, being among the best in the multiverse, but they're too honest to a fault, and they can come off rude with their remarks. They're also very healthy, with a very small amount of people suffering from Obesity, and many tend to be either slim, in form, or muscular. The average height for HUElavian Males is 1.78 Meters (5'10"), while the average height for HUElavian Females is 1.61 Meters (5'3").

What to do: HUElavia is a massive country with many things to do. Some of these things to do include: Going to the beach, visiting a national park, going to intellectual parks to discuss a variety of topics, going to parties or clubs, going to conventions (from sci-fi, to anime, to gaming), visit cultural centers in different regions to learn firsthand the different cultures of the country, go to libraries, go to restaurants, go to indoor pools, and go to parks to play sports or have a picnic or to skate. Generally speaking, if there is an interest some visitors may have, there is probably a location in HUElavia that partakes in that interest.

Accomodations: Fans travelling from all over will be able to take plane or ship to the country and arrive to any of the hosting cities. There are hotels available not far from the stadiums, usually either a walk, bus ride, or metro ride will get them to the stadium quick. If coming from a different dimension, we do have aircrafts and busses designed to travel to a different dimension in order to pick up passengers of different varieties (thanks to the advances in HUElavian science and technology). Fans will go to different venues either through Plane, High-Speed Train, or Boat. HUElavian Airlines, of the Multiverse Airline Alliance, in particular will be the main airline transporting fans and players alike. From the hubs of Curumba, Sao Salvador, San Rafael, Jinaqa, HUEsilia, and Rio de HUEska, many planes will take fans to all the venues throughout the country.

Football Culture: HUElavia is a football-mad nation, where massive matches in the H-League and the HUElavian National Football Team are significant enough to make millions of HUElavians stop what they're doing to watch the matches. Generally speaking, HUElavians are very passionate and supportive of their team and will sell-out stadiums throughout the country. Fans of all teams will be allocated endzones for their fans to sit at, with the "Home" team to the left and the "Away" team to the right for all broadcasts. Generally speaking, if some fans engage in chants, there will just about likely be HUElavians coming in to join in their chants for fun and solidarity. There is also a massive craze for football merchandise, ranging from jerseys and scarves to officially licensed sticker albums and trading cards.

Stadiums and Cities
Timezones will be put in parenthesis

Estadio Capital (90,000), Curumba (UTC-6)
Estádio Costeiro (78,000), HUEsilia (UTC-7)
Estadio Santiago (69,000), Puerto Santiago (UTC-4)
Estadio Nativo (59,500), Kuelap (UTC-5)

(1): OOC, for one to understand how big HUElavia is, it is a little smaller than Brazil and larger than Australia.
Last edited by HUElavia on Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby HUElavia » Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:19 pm

Baptism of Fire 85

Tournament Schedule

Group A-
Matchday 1:
Dhemixia vs Yuugria (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Dusk)
Calgasia vs Island Fusion (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night)

Matchday 2:
Yuugria vs Calgasia (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Afternoon)
Dremotia vs Dhemixia (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Evening)

Matchday 3:
Calgasia vs Dremotia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Dusk)
Island Fusion vs Yuugria (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Night)

Matchday 4:
Dremotia vs Island Fusion (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Evening)
Dhemixia vs Calgasia (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Afternoon)

Matchday 5:
Island Fusion vs Dhemixia (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Night)
Yuugria vs Dremotia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Evening)

Group B-
Matchday 1:
Vetrahjart vs New Crywyzyxycynya (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Afternoon)
Grand Exultia vs Of The Godless (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Evening)

Matchday 2:
New Crywyzyxycynya vs Grand Exultia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Dusk)
Natkr vs Vetrahjart (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Night)

Matchday 3:
Grand Exultia vs Natkr (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Afternoon)
Of The Godless vs New Crywyzyxycynya (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Evening)

Matchday 4:
Natkr vs Of The Godless (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Dusk)
Vetrahjart vs Grand Exultia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night)

Matchday 5:
Of The Godless vs Vetrahjart (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Night)
New Crywyzyxycynya vs Natkr (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Evening)

SF 1: A1 vs B2 (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Night)
SF 2: B1 vs A2 (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night)

3rd Place Playoff-
Loser SF 1 vs Loser SF 2 (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Dusk)

Winner SF 1 vs Winner SF 2 (Estadio Capital, Curumba, Night)
Last edited by HUElavia on Fri Dec 13, 2024 6:14 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Official Factbook
Mutliverse Airline Alliance
ENFJ/Neutral Good
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1X Cup of Harmony Champion, 3X Independent Associations Champion, 2X Futsal World Cup Champion, 1X World Lacrosse Champion
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Grand Exultia
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Postby Grand Exultia » Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:40 am

Grand Exultian National Football Team
The Gyrinxes


Home – Red with a gold chevron Away – Yellow and black lightning stripe


Head Coach - Apollinaris Fereydemus - Athletico Parasurum City legend

GK - Elandor Elenion (Rienerrion Town) (Age 25)
GK - Eli James (Utopian Wanderers) (Age 23)
GK - Nesaea Eluno (Iyirir Rangers) (Age 18)
DF – RB - Nepthys Thoth-Manon (Malakh FC) (Age 22)
DF – RB - Faelar Galadrieth (Rienerrion Town) (Age 24)
DF – CB - Leo Bennett (Utopian Wanderers) (Age 23)
DF – CB - Sigunda Steiner (Altburg Wolves) (Age 24)
DF – CB - Edla Grosslaufer (Dasmahler FC) (Age 23)
DF – CB - Wilhelm Kaputpfeifer (Gorumundi City) (Age 24)
DF – LB - Odelinda Daskruger (Dasmahler FC) (Age 18)
DF – LB - Merrin Greenbottle (Timbery FC) (Age 19)
MF – Lilismir Greenfeather (Lithrelir Rangers) (Age 21)
MF – Rikecos Duskstriker (Zerynthia FC) (Age 24)
MF – Loruruk Hazeeye (Zerynthia FC) (Age 23)
MF – Svetlana Eltsov (Balskadu Town) (Age 19)
MF – Yelena Lebedyenko (Balskadu Town) (Age 20)
FW – RW - Sable Gillyflower (Timbery FC) (Age 17)
FW – RW - Elswyth Zweiburg (Dasmahler FC) (Age 25)
FW – LW - Helga Nebenfeld (Dasmahler FC) (Age 23)
FW – LW - Lupold Starkzahn (Gorumundi City) (Age 19)
FW – ST - Aria Vielener (Dasmahler FC) (Age 17)
FW – ST - Gimli Brambleberry (Timbery FC) (Age 16)
FW – ST - Larissa Syllis (Iyirir Rangers) (Age 20)

Formation: 4-2-4

Captain - Gimli Brambleberry
Vice Captain - Odelinda Daskruger

If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y (but stick close to the starting XI where possible)
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y
Godmod other events: Y
Let’s have fun with it

Style Modifier: +4.2

GK - Elandor Elenion (Rienerrion Town)
Golden glove winner in the inaugural domestic division 1 season, since the league went fully professional, playing for Rienerrion Town, having made his way through their youth academy rather quietly which explains why a player of his ability is playing for a mediocre mid table side. His first call up to the international side at 25 years of age and the most likely starter between the sticks will be the biggest challenge of his career so far.
DF – RB - Nepthys Thoth-Manon (Malakh FC)
An electric wing back for Malakh FC with lots of attacking potential culminated in being top goal scorer for Malakh FC, a strong seasonal performance within a weak defence didn’t provide a lot to shout about for his season regarding trophies so he turns his eyes to the international stage.
DF – CB - Sigunda Steiner (Altburg Wolves)
One of the two starting centre backs, clearly not in the team for their looks Sigunda has made a name for themselves as a no nonsense defender at Altburg Wolves. A very simple style of football where if they can get the ball out of the stadium a wry smile might appear.
DF – CB - Wilhelm Kaputpfeifer (Gorumundi City)
One of the more surprising call ups due to the relegation of Gorumundi City and an all round dismal season from the club. Perfectly paired with their partner at the back with a nose that points 3 different ways and eyes somewhere behind the swollen brow (or so he says). A man willing to put his body on the line and play with the most heart he will be sure to inspire those around him.
DF – LB - Odelinda Daskruger (Dasmahler FC)
A promising new prospect for Dasmahler FC making their first full season with the first team and part of the defence with the joint most clean sheets in the league it is no wonder they were called up. Many expected Odelinda to be in the squad for exposure but rumours suggest they are likely to be starting.
MF – Rikecos Duskstriker (Zerynthia FC)
The first half of a formidable pairing for Zerynthia FC, an all round perfection that can play with both feet, has no problem taking players on and will hold his own when the opportunity comes to get physical. A goalscoring threat from around the edge of the box with one of the finest finesse shots that the league has seen quickly becoming his signature.
MF – Loruruk Hazeeye (Zerynthia FC)
And the pretty boy of the group. Plying his trade with Rikecos at Zerynthia everything just seems natural and effortless with this man. The calmest of penalty takers allowed him to accrue a few goals to keep him level with his clubmate and their friendly rivalry very much alive, this tournament their last chance to separate themselves. A short fuse if he’s on the wrong end of some physicality especially if his hair gets ruffled.
FW – RW - Sable Gillyflower (Timbery FC)
Sable is the quickest player in the top league and formed part of the attack that thrust Timbery FC to league champions so not one to be underestimated for their age at just 17 years of age. A diminutive player with quick feet, a classic winger, will be a threat down the right wing more likely to take the ball to the byline and fire in a dangerous ball across the 6 yard box.
FW – LW - Lupold Starkzahn (Gorumundi City)
Teenage sensation from Gorumundi City, rumours already circulating about a big money move due to Gorumundi being relegated he has tore up the league with regular assists and top goalscorer for Gorumundi he is a threat and no wonder Apollinaris has taken a risk with him in his all teenage attack.
FW – ST - Aria Vielener (Dasmahler)
Top goal scorer in the league for Dasmahler at just 17 years old smashing records left, right and centre this mountain of a striker standing at 6”7’ and with the strength to back it up has forced their way onto the scene and it is no surprise there is a lot of buzz surrounding their inclusion in this competition.
FW – ST - Gimli Brambleberry (Timbery FC)
The youngest member of the squad at just 16 is making a name for themselves with champions Timbery quickly cementing a starting berth, a natural ability to score goals by being in the right place at the right time mirrors the fact all their goals have been scored within the box. A rather small figure standing next to their strike partner Aria but much quicker off the starting mark a truly dangerous pairing.

General Team Information
Manager: Apollinaris Fereydemus
Captain: Gimli Brambleberry
Home Stadium: Gyrinx National Park
Preferred Formation: 4-2-4
Nickname: The Gyrinxes
Fanbase: The Psychers

Grand Exultia vs Of The Godless (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Evening) L3-2
New Crywyzyxycynya vs Grand Exultia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Dusk) D 2-2
Grand Exultia vs Natkr (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Afternoon) W 2-0
Vetrahjart vs Grand Exultia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night) W 2-1
Last edited by Grand Exultia on Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:09 am, edited 4 times in total.
A 10.125 civilization, according to this index.
BOF85 Champion
Tapity Invitational Cup Winner
GCF T20 World Cup 17 Participant
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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

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Of The Godless
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Postby Of The Godless » Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:37 pm

Head coach: General Ethan Roy, coach of the Godlessian Military Soccer Academy (GMSA)
Formation: 5-3-2
Preferred starting lineup:
GK- Jonathan Davies 20 (captain, GMSA)
RB- Kjid Nav Ligriv 29 (GMSA)
RCB- Librahim Antonios 19 (GMSA)
CB- Gogan Lasper 17 (GMSA)
LCB- Jackson Solace 16 (Godlessian Youth Soccer Academy)
LB- Marcus Meyer 23 (GMSA)
LM- Oliver Webb 20 (GMSA)
CM- Justin Stein 16 (GYSA)
RM- Levi Thatcher 31 (GMSA)
RF- Randal Fritz 16 (GYSA)
LF- Stephen Giles 26 (GMSA)
Preferred Subs:
GK- Alexander Lester 21 (GMSA)
RB- Emilan Von Dusen 18 (GMSA)
RCB- Losen Grove 16 (GYSA)
CB- Dean Ross 32 (GMSA)
LCB- Daniel Short 26 (GMSA)
LB- Boyd Martin 28 (GMSA)
RM- Mike Moran 19 (GMSA)
CM- Owen Graves 23 (GMSA)
LM- Jacob Mosley 20 (GMSA)
F(L,R)- Gayle Alvarez 25 (GMSA)
F(L,R)- Lorenzo Douglas 30 (GMSA)
If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y (Within reason, no aliens abducting my team)
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y
Godmod other events: Y (As long as it's reasonable
Style mod: 2.1

The Godlessian Military Soccer Academy is an optional part of the involuntary military service that all citizens must participate in, and the GYSA is preparation for the GMSA soccer program.
Kome kits are kaki colored, with a military camouflage sort of pattern.
Away kits are white, with a similar camouflage pattern
Last edited by Of The Godless on Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our social conservatism is non canon. Our authoritarianism is.
Of the Godless is currently at WAR
My flag is the proposed new flag of Maine
I am an Anarcho collectivist/libertarian socialist irl, meaning I am as left as left can go.
Canon population is 60 million, Canon military is 2 million.
Our nation is somewhat unique, we elect local officials, but are run by a totalitarian federal government.

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Postby Dremotia » Wed Dec 11, 2024 1:41 pm

Dremotia National Football team


sponsered by:


Head Coach - Sam Bervoux
Assistant Coach - John Lecrix

Vergil Becker - age 27
Hraban Siegel - age 32
Reino Herrmann - age 22

Lenz Vogt- age 30
Meinrad Baasch - age 23
Lahoucine Baran - age 27
Duko Breeman - age 21
Mercer Lachance - age 31
Tyson Giguère - age 23
Alexander Eberhardt - age 24
Hermanus van Kempen - age 19

Jan Kalb - age age 32
Christian Seiler - age 31
Dieter Faerber -age 25
Lukas Sommer - age 21
Jens Freud - age 18
Dirk Keller - age 23
Kevin Wechsler - age 21
Luca Diederich - age 19

Stefan Hartmann - age 21
Leon Kimmich - age 22
Ulrich Jung - age 35
Alexander Muench - age 27
Jörg Junker - age 25
Ben Strauß(Strauss) - age 17


If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y (but keep it similar)
Choose my goalscorers: Y (make it realistic)
Godmod scoring events: N
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: N
Godmod other events: N

Style : +1.5
Last edited by Dremotia on Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New Crywyzyxycynya
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Postby New Crywyzyxycynya » Wed Dec 11, 2024 2:37 pm


Podejrzany Crywyzyxycynya
National Football Team of New Crywyzyxycynya

Trigram: NCZ
Demonym: New Crywyzyxycynyan
Manager: Nikolas Vaevix
Home Stadium: Poda Stadium (25,000), Sjanzgrod, New Crywyzyxycynya

Starting Lineup
GK: Oskvar Skluy
DF-FB: Grzegorz Ordoni
DF-FB: Dmitri Ordoni
DF-LB: Thomasz Bryx
DF-WB: Lucther Dorter
DF-WB: Humberto Flerz
MF-CM: Lara Pond
MF-CM: Rhobb van Georg
MF-DM: Caleb Azorn
FW-CF: Mikaeli Vrann
FW-CF: Georg Rhobbovich

Backup Players:
[Will fill in when backup players arrive; their flight was delayed due to baggage issues]

Formation: 5-3-2
Playstyle Modifier: -2

If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y (keep it sensible)
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y
Godmod other events: Y
Absolutely thrilled to be here.
Last edited by New Crywyzyxycynya on Wed Dec 18, 2024 12:45 pm, edited 7 times in total.
A small Eastern European nation loosely based on Slovakia and its neighbors. Also known as:
New Crwyxyzywaayynaya
Neue Crybabyzexicnyanya
New WhateverThatNameIs
New Crychkchkchkchk- Crychkchkchk- START D*** IT!
New fgb4e8fgh897eiugudrijshg8ahfijhwe458ui
Noo Kriuisiksikinia
New cryjdktyplwryshydyw
New Crizcroscrashchinga
New Crucificationa
New Crfin or New C
Nouvelle Croisquessein
New Cwryzyzxwxyzyxynywa
New Crimesceneia
New C-something
New cry[brain aneurysm]
New fdiojfdgijdpgj
Die Psychiatrische-Klinik
New Cryzskdkfkrkdeoiwegstan
New (insert gibberish)
New Crywyxzycynyanya
New Cruusisisjridoslrnfis
New song g dcwyvgy
New Cryzaxz xc zxzxcia
New Crywyzyziniwzch
NS stats are canon except for population.
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Postby Vetrahjart » Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:00 pm


Trigram: VET
Demonym: Vetric
Association: Vetsk Fotbollförbund (Vetric Football Federation)
Nickname: Käsklalas (The Red and Black)
Manager: Aarni Lang (52)
Home Stadium: Instrum Arena (18,500) in Oxelövik, Feldrland, Vetrahjart
Team Colors:


Starting XI
GK: #23 Elias Jeppessen (30)
LB: #4 Johan Frederikssen (28)
LCB: #5 Henrik Finstad (30)
RCB: #3 Aatos Käyhkö (27)
RB: #15 Caspar Franssen (23)
LM: #21 Milian Saleh (22)
LCM: #10 Albert Friis (32)
RCM: #22 Ilkka Forssell (32)
RM: #8 Yahya Berglund (38)
LF: #9 Timothy Engström (24)
RF: #17 Emil Albertssen (32)

GK: #12 Christian Hytönen (29)
GK: #1 Sauli Niskavaara (32)
LB: #11 Frederik Overgaard (25)
LCB: #6 Tristan Berg (30)
RCB: #2 Arnaldur Helgassen (22)
RB: #20 Steinþór Vilbergssen (29)
LM: #24 Mikki Mikkola (37)
LCM: #14 Ahti Matikainen-Kall (23)
LCM: #16 Love Carlssen (20)
RCM: #18 Brynjar Kristleifssen (33)
RM: #7 Emin Gulbrandssen (22)
LF: #19 Olai Mikkalssen (31)
LF: #25 Alfred Lauritssen (19)
RF: #13 Noah Andreassen (22)
RF: #26 Martin Mikkelssen (28)


If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y (within reason)
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y (within reason)
Godmod other events: N
Last edited by Vetrahjart on Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Dhemixia » Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:17 pm

Dhemixian National Football Team


(left-right, Home, Away, Keeper)

Important Info

Manager: Doug McMahon
Formation: 3-1-4-2
Trigramme: DHE
If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y, tg beforehand
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: N
Godmod other events: Y, tg beforehand

Style Modifier:+3

Position Name Number, Height, Weight, Age, Foot
ST Marvin Bolton #90, 6'1, 200 lbs, 25, R
ST Jonathan Obisana #33, 5'11, 190 lbs, 21, R
LM Gregory Baker #14, 6'0, 195 lbs, 29, L
CM Timothy Hawkins #3, 6'3, 210 lbs, 26, R
CM Grant Clarke #10, 5'9, 190 lbs, 22, L
RM Mario Hutchinson #17, 6'1, 205 lbs, 20, L
CDM Adrian Bush #4, 6'2, 220 lbs, 25, R
CB Dominic Sanford #8, 6'4, 230 lbs, 24, R
CB Rick Wilson #21, 6'0, 200 lbs, 32, R
CB Drew McMahon #6, 6'6, 235 lbs, 23, L
GK Wesley Williamson #99, 6'4, 210 lbs, 21, R

Position Name Number, Height, Weight, Age, Foot
ST Luis Burns #26, 6'0, 220 lbs, 29, R
LM Dustin Alford #30, 5'11, 200 lbs, 23, L
CM Eric Workman #6, 6'3, 220 lbs, 24, R
RM Blake Warren #39, 6'2, 215 lbs, 31, L
CDM Lewis Sims #44, 5'10, 200 lbs, 27, L
CB Carlos Peters #0, 6'1, 200 lbs, 34, R
CB Bobby Dewitt #81, 6'0, 205 lbs, 23, L
GK Colin Atkins #37, 6'2, 195 lbs, 20, R

Set Pieces
in order:
Corners: Adrian Bush, Grant Clarke
Free Kicks: Jonathan Obisana, Dominic Sanford, Timothy Hawkins
Penalties: Marvin Bolton, Gregory Baker
PK Shootout: Bolton, Obisana, Hawkins, Sanford, McMahon
(if it goes over 5, everybody unused in order of Striker to Goalkeeper in the lineup)



vs. Yuugria, Estadio Capital, Curumba
vs. Dremontia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. BYE
vs. Calgasia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. Island Fusion, Estadio Capital, Curumba
It's empty.

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New Crywyzyxycynya
Posts: 30
Founded: Feb 12, 2024
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Postby New Crywyzyxycynya » Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:01 pm

Head Coach Nikolas Vaevix leads the team off of the airplane and into the bustling streets of Puerto Santiago. A small detachment of New Crywyzyxycynyan security officials escort the team, as well as their trainers and several government officials, into a bus. The team arrives at a hotel downtown, near the Estado Santiago, and checks in.
An atmosphere of tense excitement fills the lobby as the players chat and stretch. No word has come from the backup players yet, and Coach Vaevix is worried. The assistant coaches bustle about, ensuring everybody knows the pre-game preparation schedule. There are stretches to do, meal plans to fill, and a pregame trip to the stadium. But first, the players are gathered in the lobby before an array of cameras.
Minister Scardin Wrix, Minister of Tourism, addresses the cameras, surrounded by the team and coaches. "Esteemed HUElavians, we thank you for hosting what will doubtless be a sensational week of sport and spectacle. This event is a bastion of hospitality in the sports multiverse, and I believe I speak for all of us when I say that it is indispensable. We are grateful for the opportunity to join this event and try our football skill as a nation."
Minister Wrix continues, slightly short of breath. "To those citizens of our nation of New Crywyzyxycynya, whether you are following our progress at home or here in HUElavia, know that nothing you see from our team this week is possible without your support, your passion, your love of the sport. The members of any team are only as great as the nation behind them, and I feel safe in saying that the nation supporting these fine athletes is more than sufficient."
The minister adjusts his tie. "And to the nine nations against whom we will be competing: It thrills my heart to think that the athletes of New Crywyzyxycynya will have no dearth of strong competition. We wish to you the best of luck on the playing field, and we hope to play, lose, and win gracefully." A grin flashes across the minister's face. "Although if Coach Vaevix's plans are any indication, we won't be doing too much losing." The cameras flash as the minister turns away, and the athletes disperse to their rooms. Most would spend the afternoon stretching and going over plans with the coaching staff, while others spent their time relaxing and preparing mentally. The evening would consist of a trip to the stadium, allowing all the players to get a feel for how things would have to go. And as each footballer slept, one thought was common to all: Where were the backup players?
A small Eastern European nation loosely based on Slovakia and its neighbors. Also known as:
New Crwyxyzywaayynaya
Neue Crybabyzexicnyanya
New WhateverThatNameIs
New Crychkchkchkchk- Crychkchkchk- START D*** IT!
New fgb4e8fgh897eiugudrijshg8ahfijhwe458ui
Noo Kriuisiksikinia
New cryjdktyplwryshydyw
New Crizcroscrashchinga
New Crucificationa
New Crfin or New C
Nouvelle Croisquessein
New Cwryzyzxwxyzyxynywa
New Crimesceneia
New C-something
New cry[brain aneurysm]
New fdiojfdgijdpgj
Die Psychiatrische-Klinik
New Cryzskdkfkrkdeoiwegstan
New (insert gibberish)
New Crywyxzycynyanya
New Cruusisisjridoslrnfis
New song g dcwyvgy
New Cryzaxz xc zxzxcia
New Crywyzyziniwzch
NS stats are canon except for population.
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Postby Dremotia » Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:19 pm

Dremotia FA arrives in HUElavia

The Dremotian team left Dremotia central airport and arrived in a training camp in HUEsilla. The team getting ready for it's first BOF Tournament had lots to say

Captain Vergil Becker said "It's very exciting to be here, You know it's time for our first challenge and we think we're ready for it. Even if we don't win, we hope we can leave the group stage and get to the semis"

Vergil Becker has had over 50 appearances for Dremotia and he plays for Dremlita FC. 82% of shots on target faced.

Head coach Sam Bervoux stated "We are lucky to be here and lucky to have an extra game to prepare. I'm sure everyone is happy to be here and all i want is one win under my belt. If i get that i won't be sacked hahaha."

The Dremotian team has just been here for 3 hours and everyone is settling in their hotels. Over 35,00 Dremotians have come to HUElavia to watch their heros play and many will be looking for a win in their first game against Dhemexia

dremotia is a country that gained independence from the Holy Roman empire after the Napoleonic wars. It raced with Prussia to form Germany but they hit a stalemate after 3 wars. in the 4th war at 1871 Prussia took Dremlita and thought they won, naming themselves Germany in the process and Dremotia had a comeback. After WW2 Dremotia took someone of germany's land as a temporary occupation zone but kept it and made it part of them. This led to most of the eastern side being German while the western Side being Dremotian. Dremotia is mostly flat with it's highest point being Mount blanc in the more mountainious places of the region. It has recently had a civil war which it won with help of NATO
Last edited by Dremotia on Thu Dec 12, 2024 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Of The Godless
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Postby Of The Godless » Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:42 pm

After a annoying confrontation in the airport, the Godlessian soccer teams assault rifles have been sent back home. One player stated "It seems so strange to be in a place where we are unrequired to carry a gun, and it is actually looked down upon... we will have to get used to this countries strange customs."

As the Godlessian team has never been permitted to leave Of the Godless before, they are in a trance of culture shock. In the rest of the world, you are allowed to grow to old age, without being euthanized at 65, and other countries citizens are not required to have firearms on them at all times. Of the Godless, being an extremely totalitarian state restricts many things, so the soldier unit soccer team is unprepared for the many wonders the world has to offer. The head coach, who has been out of the country on military campaigns, laughs at the reactions of the players as they explore the city.

No supporters have come to cheer on the team, as leaving the country is illegal, and heavily punished unless given permission.
Last edited by Of The Godless on Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our social conservatism is non canon. Our authoritarianism is.
Of the Godless is currently at WAR
My flag is the proposed new flag of Maine
I am an Anarcho collectivist/libertarian socialist irl, meaning I am as left as left can go.
Canon population is 60 million, Canon military is 2 million.
Our nation is somewhat unique, we elect local officials, but are run by a totalitarian federal government.

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Postby Natkr » Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:56 pm


FF Natkr's Men Squad - Baptism of Fire 85 Squad

Head Coach: Tim Taiwo


CF: Brandon Hernandez: Nordhammer 49

LW: Jacob Lee: Nordhammer FC
*brought back to the squad due to injury*

RW: Daniel Rodriguez: Grand FC

CAM: Brayden Rodriguez: Meca Wolves FC

CM: Ben Grimbilas: Skyhold Moonlight CF
*Ethan Davis is out due to injury*

CM: Jonty Hatfield: Ruska United

LB: William Walker: Nordhammer 49

CB: Elmer Webb: Azure Cove SC

CB: Mason Riley: Nordhammer FC

RB: James Hawthorne: Wham FC, transferring to Azure Cove SC at the end of the tournament

GK: Ethan Carter: Shew Shore FC

Michael Chen - Penguin City
Issac Johnson - Penguin United
Parker Owens - En Fuego CF
Thomas Thompson - En Fuego CF
Dylan Davis - Silverbacks CF
Xavier Quinn - Meca Wolves FC
Oliver Moore - Wham FC
Henry Henderson - Silverbacks FC
Eric Yates - Victory 4 All CF

If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y
Hand out yellow cards to my players: N
Hand out red cards to my players: N
Godmod other events: Y

Style Modifier: +3
Last edited by Natkr on Thu Dec 12, 2024 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome to Natkr!

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Postby Calgasia » Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:58 am

Calgasia Football Team
Official roster for the BoF 85

General Information

Nation: Calgasia
Trigram: CGS
Nicknames: Der Adlers (The eagles), Unsere Burschen (Our Boys), the Black Eagles
Motto: Vorwärts! (Forward!)
Association: Calgasische Fussball-Bund - CFB
Head Coach: Hugo Sedler
Captain: Gloria Renner
Most caps: Jan Novák (5)
Top scorer: Jan Novák (4)
Record (W/D/L): 3-3-4

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. The Black Eagles are once again entering a tournament with their usual humility and willingness to learn, their proverbial competitiveness and, above all, their desire to perform well in this BoF 85 in preparation for the World Cup qualifying rounds. Its debut in the IAC 22 was notable, displaying a good football style, fighting and competing against stronger teams, and having its chances of making it into the round-of-16 intact until the very last day, but failing to do so following a defeat 3-1 agains powerhouse Saterun left a bittersweet taste in the Calgasians. The nation hopes that this time the team can make it to the semis, although the fact that only two out of five teams in the group stage will advance makes the task complicated.


Number -- Name -- Age -- Position -- Club
Starters in bold

1. Josef Kaltenbrunner -- 30 -- GK -- Kaiserbad Social Club
13. Josef Sloup -- 29 -- GK -- Melperk Sport Verein
26. María Kálnoky -- 27 -- GK -- Club Hungária

Kaltenbrunner, Sloup and Kálnoky will be the goalkeepers for this team. Kaltenbrunner will be the starter. The 30 year old player from Kaiserbad has shown to be the most consistent keeper over the seasons, being a reliable player. His performance during the IAC 22 was solid, not being responsible of big mistakes, and saving when he had to. His prowess with penalties is his weak spot. Sloup and Kálnoky are way more spectacular in their saves, and are fan favourites, but both are prone to sudden nerve-cracking mistakes, thus relegating them to the bench.

2. Antonin Hojer -- 26 -- RB -- Melperk Sport Verein
3. Stefan Andris -- 26 -- CB -- Goldstadt Sport Kreis
4. Martin Kargel -- 23 -- CB -- Phönix Sport Verein

14. Károly Hájos -- 22 -- LB -- Club Hungária
15. Gyula Kállai -- 25 -- CB -- Kaiserbad Social Club
19. Gábor Takács -- 26 -- CB -- Goldstadt Sport Kreis
20. Nico Dorn -- 25 -- RB -- Fussball-Club Bohunice
24. Mía Wallner -- 24 -- CB -- Club Hungária
25. Irén Pálffy -- 22 -- LB -- Club Hungária

Perhaps the weakest line in the team, the defence is dominated by the young pair Andris and Kargel, with 26 and 23 years respectively. Both centrebacks have an excellent ball control and passing, and their height makes them to be very safe in crosses and set pieces, while they struggle in counterattacks or in open spaces. The left flank is for Károly Hajós. The 22 y/o Hungária player is one of the fastest players in the tournament, able to dash through lines and with a very effective left foot for crosses or set pieces, but sometimes struggles with concentration, making him a vulnerable spot for the other teams.
The right flank will be for Antonin Hojer. The reliable player is the counterpart to Hajós, being more defence oriented. His tactical sense will be crucial in a team that needs more experience in the multiverse stage.
In the bench, centrebacks Kállai and Takács will bring intimidation, strenght and centimetres to the defence, while Pálffy and Dorn will bring speed and energy for the flanks. Mía Wallner will be a jack-of-all-trades, being able to play in several positions.

5. Béla Voss -- 25 -- CM -- Club Hungária
6. Max Bohren -- 25 -- CM -- Phönix Sport Verein
7. Xaver Webern -- 27 -- LW -- Goldstadt Sport Kreis
8. György Biró -- 24 -- CAM -- Club Hungária
11. Zoe Urbánková -- 26 -- RW, CAM -- Goldstadt Sport Kreis
12. Emil Sedlácek -- 21 -- CAM, W -- Melperk Sport Verein
16. Franz Holmeiner -- 27 -- CM -- Goldsp
17. Christine Cieszyn -- 26 -- CM -- Melperk Sport Verein
18. Karel Pesek -- 23 -- CM -- Fussball-Club Bohunice
21. Roland Volf -- 23 -- CAM -- Fussball-Club Bohunice

The Adlers midfield will be dominated in the centre by Vass, Bohren and Sedlácek. The three players will control the flow of the game while maintaining a great workrate both in defence and offence phases. In the flanks, we will find Webern and Volf. Their unpredictability when they have the ball possession (sometimes running for a cross, or cutting to the middle and combining with Sedlácek or Novák, or shooting) will make them constant threat for rivals.
In the bench, the coach will find plenty of options to choose. From the defensive-minded CDMs Holmeiner and Ciesszyn, to the more creative and explosive Urbanková and Biró. Do not miss the chance to see Sedlacek; the CAM of Bohemian origin has, with only 21 years, one of the brightest futures in multiverse football. His ability to create chances for the teammates and his box-to-box approach to the game will make him a key player.
The roster is completed with Pesek, who has earned a reputation of being a reliable, no-nonsense player over the years playing for Bohunice.

9. Jan Novák -- 23 -- ST -- Melperk Sport Verein
10. Gloria Renner -- 26 -- ST -- Goldstadt Sport Kreis
22. Zoey Moser -- 27 -- ST -- Kaiserbad Social Club
23. Gábor Szabó -- 28 -- ST, RW -- Club Hungária

Calgasia's chances lies in the shoulders of two players, Jan Novák and Gloria Renner. The former has established himself as one of the best players in the country with only 23 years, combining a fast and strong 1,85cm body with a great sense of the game, being able to combine with teammates and finding open spaces. Captain Renner, considered the best player in the country, will start in the right flank, with a similar role to Webern: disrupting the rivals with his unpredictability. In the bench Zoey Moser and Gábor Szabó will await an opportunity, with the former being a tall, strong striker that has scored consistently over the last 4 years, and Szabó being a more ellusive player, always attacking the open spaces to cut through the lines, combining with the rest of the team and being a threat in long shots and set pieces.

Starting 11


Style: +2


Calgasia proposes a positive style, slightly more focused on attack than defence. The formation will be a 4-2-3-1, with the flanks playing a major role. Key points:
-Wing play: true to national tradition, the Adlers will carry much of the attacking play down the flanks, looking to generate superiority or for the full-back to double the winger to generate space.
-Great physicality: another typical aspect of Calgasia is the prevalence of physical play over individual technique. Expect strong, fast players, able to launch quick counterattacks, and deadly for rivals if given enough space
-Slightly weak defence: defence is not the strong point of the team, with two young, modern centrebacks who sometimes lack decision and experience.
-Dangerous set plays: Calgasian football puts a strong emphasis on tactics and strategy. Expect tactical corner kicks where the tall Calgasian players can gain an advantage over rivals.
-Not-so-great creativity: Calgasia can struggle a bit against tight defences, when there are few open spaces. The team thrives with open spaces, so playing against a very defensive-minded team can make them suffer. The team relies heavily on Sedlácek and Renner to create goal chances when this situation happens.


MD1 13/12 vs Island Fusion (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night)
MD2 15/12 vs Yuugria (Estadio Nativo, Kuelap, Afternoon)
MD3 17/12 vs Dremontia (Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Dusk)
MD4 19/12 vs Dhemixia (Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago, Afternoon)
MD5 21/12 bye

If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: N
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: N
RP injuries to my players: Y, only minor
Godmod injuries to my players: Y, only minor
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: N
Godmod other events: N

Style Modifier: +2

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Posts: 244
Founded: Oct 19, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Yuugria » Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:01 pm



Yuugrian football has been popular since foreign colonists entered Yuugria and introduced the sport to the natives. After the 3rd revolution when the Vaishnavarians finally left and the Holy land was finally established (This is how most or our sports are introduced). The Inad took a liking too the sport and funded academies and awareness campaigns and soon it became a popular as cricket. However after the many insurrections and dictatorships football popularity fell into new lows at the start of the 2000s as well as multiple wars with Vaishnavaria. But after entering there first LCFL competition popularity has skyrocketed and today Football is the second most popular sport in Yuugria behind cricket. The Inad and the Minister of sport has personally selected the roster to represent the Holy Empire. The BOF 85 campaign was disappointing for the Warriors as they failed to make it to the semi finals after drawing Dremotia. The Warriors defense is ready for blood and to enter the World Cup for the first time

Preferred Tactic: 5-3-2
Style Modifier: -3.5
Center Fielders/Strikers: Sallersto Bafio and Sammya Shag

Sammya Shag and Sallersto Bafio are like the Assan-Smith rivalry playing for 2 rival clubs who just duked it out in the semi finals with Shag getting the upper hand for Shalls FC and Bafio losing on the side of Jabal av-himaka. Shag has incredible shooting and is a brilliant dribbler but his passing is ok. Bafio is a passing threat and generates so many chances for Shalls by brilliant touch, speedy dribbling and amazing finishing. His Football IQ is off the roofs as he knows exactly when to take his shots

Center Midfielders: Hasna Offani, Arhal Vituri, Molhammen Vi

Hasna Offani plays for Yitub, Vituri for Hannabod and Molhammen Vi for Dar Ibbad Capital FC. Offani and Vituri are the aggressive, full pace strong and powerful midfielders that are brutes making aggressive tackles and always fighting for the ball violently. Offani has a tendency to foul as does Vituri but the technical one is Molhammen Vi as his slides are brilliantly calculated and he can read the defender brilliantly and he has some aggression of his own

Wing Backs: Zakar Usanao, Faf An Hari

These are some of the fastest most electric Wingers that Yuugria has to offer. Faf An Hari is one of the best players in Yuugrian football as his club has one 3 times in the last 4 years just Beating Shalls FC in the final 4 months ago. He is extremely fast,great dribbler,calculated passer, hard defender and a powerful and accurate shooter breaking records all across Yuugria in his years playing for the Holy Football Premier,Va'shannah trophy and the Afandan Invational all major football tournaments in Yuugrian football. Zakar Usanao is a pure pace and pure dribbler who has some struggles shooting but has improved vastly with his club An-Samal FC and this season he was tied for 3rd in goals in the HFP last season

Centre Backs/Defenders: Vikar Kinner, Ishari Pal, Bansa Baffalli

One of the most feared defensive units in Concord these guys can hit injuring so many damn players that its not even fair as these guys can injure technically with calculated but effective tackles designed to hurt the legs without fouling. They get steals hard and fast and read passes and shots like a book and cover the goal immediately when the other team is on a strong attack.


If my opponent roleplays first, they may:
Choose my starting lineup: Y
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y but TG me
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y but only 3
Godmod other events: N

Attacking Total Coach: Fahan Affidi
Midfielders Coach: Cpor Yuvsamhed
Wingers Coach: Umar Cfresamed
Defenders Coach: Shay Farr
Defending Total Coach: Bamid Gredga
Assistant Coach: Pana Ypruo
Head Coach: Abder Huss
Last edited by Yuugria on Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Dhemixia » Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:00 pm

The Columbus Dominion(Est.1873)


Serpents back in multiversal football

After a long wait, made longer by their group stage exit in IAC 22, Dhemixia gets its first taste of football that actually matters. In a relatively small field of 10, the top 2 in each group of 5 qualify for the semis, and the rest go home. You're probably asking: "Why does this matter? We're gonna get smoked anyway.". However, that's where you'd be wrong. Each team in the tournament is starting on even ground, meaning Dhemixia has as much of a chance to win it all as anyone else, a very rare thing for the age of their football association, and a celebrated one at that.

Returning from IAC 22, the same squad the fans saw in that tournament will stay, keeping their chemistry and knowing what it takes to handle multiversal football as a product. Young guns like Jonathan Obisana, Marvin Bolton, Wesley Williamson, Dominic Sanford, Timothy Hawkins, and Adrian Bush, coming off their success relative to what they should've done in that tournament, will be sure to light up the score sheet in a group stage that matters.

Speaking of the group stage, let's meet group A:


Dremotia could be a sleeping giant in this group stage. Headlined by Vergil Becker between the posts and their front row, Ben Strauss, Alexander Muench, and Leon Kimmich, it's safe to say they are an offensively and defensively sound side. Running a 4-3-3, the Serpents will have to exploit them in transition and in the midfield with their 3-1-4-2 to effectively get anything through the defensive line.


Calgasia, Calgasia, Calgasia. As the team that destroyed Dhemixia 6-2 in the IAC 22 group stage, eliminating them and giving fans PTSD, they will be a force to be reckoned with. Running a 3-3-4, Der Adlers present another team that the Dhemixians need to exploit on the transition to succeed in, putting all of their metaphorical eggs in the offensive basket.

Island Fusion

As a relatively new FA, Island Fusion could present a challenge to the Dhemixians. Running a similar strategy of countering in the midfield and taking advantage of transitions, it will come down to individual play to decide these games. It's safe to say that they will be entertaining, and almost certainly close.


As the team Dhemixia starts against, the Warriors are a midfield-heavy team, yet have some firepower in a 3-2-3-2 with Shag and Bafio up front. With the serpents' relative uneasiness in the backfield, it could be tight and high-scoring right out of the gates.

Again, this is all theory. Anything could happen, including Dhemixia going 4-0 in GS and winning it all, or going 0-4 and coming home to very disappointed fans. We'll just have to find out how this very entertaining tournament turns out.


vs. Yuugria, Estadio Capital, Curumba
vs. Dremontia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. BYE
vs. Calgasia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. Island Fusion, Estadio Capital, Curumba
It's empty.

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Postby HUElavia » Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:19 pm

Baptism of Fire 85

It's finally time to open up the World Cup cycle. The lights are on, the stadiums are filling up. The next few weeks will be a wonderful celebration of football and what these 10 newcomers to Multiversal Football will show what they're made of. The players are in the tunnels, the crowds are chanting songs and look forward to welcome their players representing their nation.

Tonight, Your Story Starts Here.


Group A
Dhemixia (DHE) 3–2 Yuugria (YGA)
Calgasia (CGS) 3–2 Island Fusion (ISF)

Group A Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Calgasia 1 1 0 0 3 2 +1 3
Dhemixia 1 1 0 0 3 2 +1 3
3 Island Fusion 1 0 0 1 2 3 −1 0
Yuugria 1 0 0 1 2 3 −1 0

Group B
Vetrahjart (VET) 0–1 New Crywyzyxycynya (NCZ)
Grand Exultia (GEX) 2–3 Of The Godless (OGL)

Group B Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 New Crywyzyxycynya 1 1 0 0 1 0 +1 3
Of The Godless 1 1 0 0 3 2 +1 3
3 Grand Exultia 1 0 0 1 2 3 −1 0
Vetrahjart 1 0 0 1 0 1 −1 0

Matchday 2 RP Prompts-
Football: You've just played your first ever official WCC sanctioned match! Congratulations! How is your team feeling about the result? How have the fans reacted at the stadium and back home? What are you looking forward to for your team coming into matchday 2 or how can they improve?

Non-Football: HUElavia is a massive multi-ethnic, multicultural nation. What are the ethnicities and cultures of your nation? What languages are spoken in your country? What are your people like in terms of how they look like or how they act?
Last edited by HUElavia on Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Official Factbook
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Postby Dremotia » Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:16 am

Dremotia arrives in Puerto Santiago

After they had an abundant amount of training in HUEsilla they have arrived in their hotel in Puerto Santiago ready to take the sport veterans Dhemexia. Dremotia has a little advantage in this game as they have had more time train and rest ahead of this game. Many Dremotian fans have arrived in Puerto Santiago ready for a match of a life time. According to The Dremotian Airport Commitee has said 22,000 Dremotians have travelled to HUElavia to see their heroes play.

The Coach said "we are lucky to be here and we hope we can get a good result today, I wouldn't mind a draw."

Everyone knows that if DRemotia lose their hopes could already be crushed so they have been training non-stop to get a good result no matter the cost.

Dremotia is mostly Dremotian but there are a lot of French, German and even Danish people. The country is continually getting more and more multicultural with having 25% of the population being mixed compared to the 12% in 2011. Dremotian is the most common language with German close behind, a little bit of of dutch, FRench and english is spoken too
Last edited by Dremotia on Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Grand Exultia
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Postby Grand Exultia » Sat Dec 14, 2024 3:39 pm

Disappointment in opening game narrow loss, 3-2
By Patsy Orchinaoff

Disappointment was strewn across the tens of thousands of faces of the Exultious fans, both in the stadium and the local pubs for those unlucky enough to not get a ticket, as the final whistle goes and the Gyrinxes have lost 3-2. The players walking off the pitch, dejected, to murmurs from the crowd after the hotly anticipated team travelled to this tropical nation. Maybe it’s the extra heat and humidity that the players aren’t used to yet or maybe Apollinaris Fereydemus has been conditioning the team too hard in an effort to get the team ready to perform on the big stage for the first time.

On the positive a couple of goals for the Gyrinx front line proving their fast paced youthful offense are ready to start firing from the get go, goals from Vielener and captain Brambleberry scored in rapid counter attacks making use of the vision of Thoth-Manon and momentary lapses of judgement from the Godlessian defenders, Brambleberry striking early on to take the lead, a Godlessian corner collected by Elenion, distributed out wide to Thoth-Manon who sent a long ball into the path of Brambleberry who had no issue controlling and moving the ball past the onrushing Davies and slotting into the open net. A couple of quick responses from the Godlessians found the Exultians losing 2-1 at half time. The second half started much like the first with both teams moving the ball forward in aggressive fashion testing both sets of defenders and keepers to no avail until Vielener latched onto a loose pass from one of the Godlessian defenders, demonstrating a good turn of pace and then strength to hold off the chasing defender to bury the ball into the bottom corner to wheel away celebrating with the raucous Exultian fans. Chances at both ends of the pitch went begging, Exultian fans praying for a stroke of good fortune as the minutes tick away. The board goes up, just two additional minutes, and it was the Godlessians who struck, a corner whipped in and the ball drops to the feet of Thatcher who rifles into the roof of the net.

Heartbreak for the Exultians who pinned so many hopes on the national team that they never anticipated that they could in fact be beaten and beaten they were, whether it was by skill, by fortune or by a higher power the Exultians now sit joint third in the group. A trip across country to play New Crywyzyxycynya in HUEsilia, another sold out allocation for the Exultians at the larger Estadio Costeiro will have a few more thousands fans in attendance so hopefully the larger voice will inspire the Exultios players to greater achievements and get the group fixtures back on track.
Last edited by Grand Exultia on Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dremotia » Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:39 am

It's matchday

Dremotian players are nervous as their first game against Dhemexia is happening today. No changes to the usual line-up for Dremotia as they hope to get a Good result. Puerto Santiago is full of Dremotian football fans who want their team to enter the final and maybe even win some silverwear. They have arrived at the stadium and are already training. This will be one of the most important times in Dremotia's history a win here and Dremotia will go wild.


Ben Strauss leads the lines with Muenech and Kimmich right behind him with JOhn Kalb in CDM and Faerber and Diederich in front of him in CM. Baran and Baasch are in defence with the wingbacks being Breeman and Giguere

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Postby Calgasia » Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:08 am


Adlers earn their first win in BoF 85

Adlers come back in second half after a dissapointing start

Matchday 1 - BoF85
Calgasia 3 - Island Fusion 2

Stadium: Estádio Costeiro, HUEsilia, Night local time
Man of the Match: Gloria Renner(CGS)


34' Kargel
55' Renner
71' Novák
Island Fusion
Goal 16'
Goal 40'


GK Josef Kaltenbrunner
Antonin Hojer
Stefan Andris
Martin Kargel
Károly Hájos
Béla Voss
-> 65' Christine Cieszyn
Max Bohren
-> 65' Franz Holmeiner
Xaver Webern
Emil Sedlácek
-> 75' Gyorgy Biró
Jan Novák
->75' Zoey Moser
Gloria Renner(C)
-> 80' Jonas Schiele
GK Player #1
Player #2
Player #3
Player #4
Player #5
Player #6
Player #7
Player #8
Player #9
Player #10
Player #11


Yellow cards: 3
Possession: 58%
Shots: 15
On target: 7
Saves: 3
Corner kicks: 8
Yellow cards: 2
Possession: 42%
Shots: 11
On target: 5
Saves: 3
Corner kicks: 5

Calgasia wins its first game in the Baptism of Fire 85 after a solid comeback starring the couple Renner and Sedlácek. At half-time, however, it was all long faces and a bit of pessimism. The Adlers' first half was disappointing despite Kargel's goal in the 34th minute from a corner. The team came out onto the pitch without clear ideas or a solid game plan. They crashed again and again against Island Fusion's defensive line, unable to find spaces. The opponents took advantage creating counter-attacks continuously, scoring two goals at half time, as a result of mistakes in our back line.

However, everything changed for Calgasia in the second half. Led by a superb Renner, the Adlers started with a high-pressure. Island Fusion, surprised that they now had to take the lead in the game, started to make defensive mistakes. Renner repeatedly found her teammates unmarked, creating numerous scoring chances. In the 55th minute, she herself shot past the keeper in the box after a pass from Webern, and in the 71st minute she set up Novák for the 3-2 lead.

Calgasia will face Yuugria at the Estadio Nativo in Kuelap, tomorrow afternoon. In words of the coach Sedler "The spirits are high after this hard-fought victory. The first match is always very difficult because of the nerves and the expectations, but we won, and that's what it matters. We need to focus on fixing our defensive errors, but the boys and girls can make it. Yuugria won't be easy to beat, but I'm confident in our group"

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Postby Vetrahjart » Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:39 am

Vetrahjart's Leader in Sports News

By Þór Sigurdsson - 15 Dec
Language: Vetsk | English

Käsklalas suffer defeat to New Crywyzyxycynya

In their first action of the Baptism of Fire, the Vetric National team faced off against New Crywyzyxycynya from Estadio Santiago in picturesque Puerto Santiago. A sizable contingent of Vetric fans made the journey to HUElavia to witness history and to lend their voices to the support of the Red and Black.

From the moment both teams took the pitch for the pregame ceremonies something was evident: There were no New Crywyzyxycynyan substitutes in the dugout. It appeared that the entire delegation consisted of the starting eleven. This obviously created quite a reaction from the Vetric fans who obviously saw this as an advantage in their favor.

That perceived advantage would be distinguished in the 24th minute when Mikaeli Vrann found the back of the net for the only goal of the entire contest. The cross came into the box from Lara Pond and Vetric defender Henrik Finstad put a foot on the ball in an attempt to clear it. Instead of clearing the ball, he deflected it off of a leaping Georg Rhobbovich. The ball bounced off of Rhobbovich to the left where an unmanned Mikaeli Vrann pushed it past a diving Elias Jeppessen and into the back left corner of the net. There was a stunned silence from the Vetric end, but there was still plenty of time remaining to right the ship.

The remainder of the match saw Käsklalas have six shots on goal - all of them stopped by New Crywyzyxycynyan goalkeeper Oskvar Skluy. The team with no substitutes held strong and prevented the desperate Vetric attack from being able to equalize.

In the tunnel postgame, Vetric manager Aarni Lang summed up the disappointment to a small continent of media members: "Overall, disappointed in our performance today. This was not how we wanted to open the competition. Our defense obviously struggled and we need to get that cleaned up right away. More than just that, though - I'm disappointed that we couldn't capitalize on scoring chances down the stretch against a team with no substitutes. Credit to them, they played their hearts out and deserved the win, but this is not the standard we want to set and we must get better."

Looking ahead, the Vetric team will head to Curumba for a night game against Natkr at Estadio Capital. Natkr has yet to play in the competition and thus will likely be fresher than Käsklalas. Hopefully, the shock of defeat combined with knowing what needs to be improved on will help spur the Vetric team to victory.

As always, stay tuned to VetraSport for the latest from the Baptism of Fire 85 in HUElavia.

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Postby Yuugria » Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:10 pm


Warriors lose on game winning goal to fall in opening match

Estadio Capital
By Hurshi Affas

Mannah Morok! Everyone!The Holy Nation fell in their first WCC sanctioned match in history in the most heartbreaking way possible on a game winning field goal by Marvin Bolton to win the game for Dhemixia. The Yuugrians showed incredible fight and prowess with their famed defenders playing their aggressive and bloodthirsty game to protection and Faf An Hari and the center fielders played brilliantly putting pressure on the Dhemixian goal all game. But too many missed opportunities too many. But the fight this team has shown is admirable and has proved why the great Mannah has picked these players from the heavens.

First Half: Yuugria 2-1 Dhemixia

The Yuugrians showcased their aggression and brilliant defense early on in many instances as the Dhemixian attack faltered and struggled to gain ground. However the Yuugrians missed 2 chances one on a missed goal that hit the crossbar by Sammya Shag and another bad long shot on goal made by Molhammen Vi when he had an open lane. But the aggression was on display. In one instance Timothy Hawkins had managed to get the ball back on a brilliant steal and played a long ball to Striker Jonathan Obisana. However Ishari Pal played a speedy and hard slide knocked Obisana off Balance and as he was stumbling Bansa Baffalli came streaking and and knocked him over, using his pace to practically flip Obisana over and grinding his cleats a bit for maximum effect. Obisana hit the ground hard and the tackle knocked him out of the game subbing in Luis Burns. Another instance was when Gregory Baker had managed to wrestle away the ball from Sallersto Bafio and pushed it to midfield to Mario Hutchinson. But then came in Arhal Vituri and as Hutchinson lifted his leg up to receive the aired pass Vituri absolutely leveled his feet causing Hutchinson to flip over due to the pace and surprise and he landed on his ribs hard

On a goal scoring play for Molhammen Vi had managed to intercept a pass and played it long to the corner on the opposite side to Zakar Usanao. Usanao controlled it well and zipped past his defender and played a quick and low cross to seemingly no man's land. But in came in Faf An Hari who tipped the ball past a defender, nutmegged another and outraced them all. Colin Atkins was the only man to stop or slow down An Hari as if he slowed him down then Rick Wilson would have enough time to stop An Hari as he was on his side. Atkins pushed up and An Hari feigned left a little and Atkins went for the grab but An Hari then flipped it over Atkins to the right and bashed it into the back of a wide open goal and then getting absolutely crunched by Wilson. Yuugrias first WCC sanctioned goal was a stylish one that was that.

But Dhemixia responded right back as Luis Burns intercepted a pass and managed to hit Marvin Bolton down low who took it to the middle of the box and bashed it into the keepers right side at the last second while the keeper was going up and it sailed in

The Yuugrian defenders and midfielders continued playing extremely aggressive and had some really hard and hurting slide tackles, much to the pleas of the Dhemixians to the referee for a penalty. But the Dhemixians were absolutely dead after that first half and in the final minutes Arhal Vituri won a battle for the ball and raced past everyone and played it into the box where Sallersto Bafio was with 2 defenders. The pass was brilliant and all Bafio had to do was go forward and header it into the left of the Goalkeeper where it bounced off the net and rolled in. The Dhemixians were bruised,bloodied and exhausted and relieved to get into halftime. The Warriors were fired up and it seemed like they had all the momentum.

Second Half: Yuugria 0-2 Dhemixia

The Dhemixians came out of the second half refreshed,determined and ready to force their way back into the game. The Dhemixian Defense played extremely tight and opened up aggressively not as aggressive as the Yuugrians but aggressive nonetheless. The Yuugrian attack however missed many chances to put the game away, 4 to be exact

The first and most noticeable missed chance occured in the 53rd minute was when it was a 3 v 1 with Zakar Usanao in possession and on his sides were Sammya Shag and Sallersto Bafio not to mention Faf An Hari trailing right behind Usanao. But Usanao attempted to hold it and take it past The defender Carlos Peters but Peters did not fall for any akes and karred the ball out of the control of Usanao and booted it past midfield. The next 2 were between the 60-65 minute marker. one was when Sallersto Bafio misfired on a wide open pass to Faf An Hari which could have led to a big big goal chance and the second was when Hasna Ofanni had break on goal but the keeper Atkins managed to read his moves and snatch the ball.
The last one was in the 75th minute when Arhal Vituri had a mismatch in the box Molhammen Vi booted it too far and the Goalkeeper jumped it.

The Dhemixians capitalized and in the 82nd minute Lewis Sims played a brilliant pass deep in Yuugrian territory to Marvin Bolton who took it, burst a few steps ahead and reared a powerful shot in the corner that slammed into the back of the net to tie it for the Dhemixians. Then came the game winning goal. After another missed pass this time made by Vikar Kinner led to the Dhemixians on the attack with 30 seconds left in the game due to added time. Sims played it deep where Blake Warren managed to head it way before he got destroyed by Bansa Bafalli. Luis Burns took it and almost lost possession to Hasna Ofanni but Burns managed to slip past Ofanni and with 5 seconds left he saw an opening and took it. 5 feet away from the box he reared back and fired a shot that curved. He was slide tackled by Ofanni and flipped over landing on his nose with a painful thwack. June almost saved it but the curve caught him off guard and his reaction was half a second late. He jumped as far as he could go right and his finger tips grazed the ball but it hammered into the goal. 3-2 Dhemixia game over hundreds of millions of hearts broken and left shocked.

Matchday 1: vs Dhemixia @Estadio Capital L 3-2
Matchday 2: vs Calgasia @Estadio Nativo
Matchday 3: vs Island Fusion @Estadio Capital
Matchday 4: BYE
Matchday 5: vs Dremontia @Estádio Costeiro

Next the warriors face Calgasia who also made a last minute goal to defeat Island Fusion and the warriors hope that their aggression and improvement will get them their first win in the Baptism of Fire and their first WCC sanctioned win

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Postby Dhemixia » Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:57 pm

The Columbus Dominion(Est.1873)


Bolton leads Dhemixians past Yuugria 3-2

In what turned out to be an absolute BATTLE in more ways than one, Dhemixia somehow snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, starting the tournament in a big way. Being a very physical game, the Serpents had to resort to the only advantage they had, finesse, and did just enough to get the job done 3-2.

Starting the group stage with 3 points, the man who is responsible for that would have to be Marvin Bolton. Scoring 2 and being the Man of the Match, all while watching his partner in crime, Jonathan Obisana, get absolutely flattened by Bansa Baffalli is not an easy thing to do. Coming up with a clutch equalizer in the 82nd, Bolton showed how building chemistry between the starters and reserves can pay off big, in this case being with backup Luis Burns, of whom he would both assist with and receive a goal from.

Being down 1-0, Burns found himself with space on the left side with a man advantage. Taking all of the room the defense was giving him and more, he connected with an unmarked Bolton on the opposite corner of the box, who would then take it to the middle and rip a shot into the top right. With bated breath, the Dhemixian fans, both at Estadio Capital and Brigantine Park, watched the ball brush off the keeper's right glove and into the back net. In response to their first ever WCC-sanctioned goal, Columbus erupted into absolute pandemonium. TVs in bars were turned off, beer was thrown, and earplugs were needed.

The equalizer didn't last long however. In response to a strike by Bafio before the half, Bolton would find himself with an opportunity for a second equalizer. Sims found Bolton on a counterattack, who again would take it to the middle and have a rip. For the second time, Dhemixian fans were watching Marvin Bolton, potentially with the game on his foot, be trusted to decide the match, and again it paid off. Both stadiums erupted again, causing a miniature earthquake back in Dhemixia.

Finally, the decider, how they got the win in the first place, came off the foot of replacement Luis Burns. In the 93rd minute, with just seconds to spare in the game, Blake Warren gave Burns a header into the box before getting completely and utterly destroyed in the air. Burns would then slip into the box and fired a shot in between the desperate keeper's hands. Brigantine Park, all the way back in Dhemixia, nearly COLLAPSED with the level of hysteria unfolding. Just like that, the Serpents walked away with their first official 3 points in the nation's history.

Next on the schedule, the Serpents have to face Dremotia. With a steadfast keeper between the posts in Vergil Becker, the Dhemixians will be hard-pressed to penetrate their 4-3-3. If they want a shot at winning, it's going to have to come in transition on an odd-man rush. In what could be a game for the ages, we'll just have to find out what actually goes down.

- - - - - -

__Yuugria____2 - 3_'_Dhemixia

_____An Hari 25' | Bolton 30', 82'
_______Bafio 43' | Burns 93'

MotM: DHE ST Marvin Bolton


vs. Yuugria, Estadio Capital, Curumba W 3-2
vs. Dremontia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. BYE
vs. Calgasia, Estadio Santiago, Puerto Santiago
vs. Island Fusion, Estadio Capital, Curumba
Last edited by Dhemixia on Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby HUElavia » Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:40 pm

Baptism of Fire 85

Matchday 1 may or may not have been a good start to your team, but there is still plenty of football to go still. It's time for you to make the most of this new matchday and go for a good result! It's time to dive into the mayhem!


Group A
Yuugria (YGA) 1–1 Calgasia (CGS)
Dremotia (DMT) 4–3 Dhemixia (DHE)

Group A Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Calgasia 2 1 1 0 4 3 +1 4
2 Dremotia 1 1 0 0 4 3 +1 3
3 Dhemixia 2 1 0 1 6 6 0 3
4 Yuugria 2 0 1 1 3 4 −1 1
5 Island Fusion 1 0 0 1 2 3 −1 0

Group B
New Crywyzyxycynya (NCZ) 2–2 Grand Exultia (GEX)
Natkr (NKR) 1–1 Vetrahjart (VET)

Group B Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 New Crywyzyxycynya 2 1 1 0 3 2 +1 4
2 Of The Godless 1 1 0 0 3 2 +1 3
3 Natkr 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
4 Grand Exultia 2 0 1 1 4 5 −1 1
Vetrahjart 2 0 1 1 1 2 −1 1

Matchday 3 RP Prompt

Football-Related: What is a typical day not playing a match like for your team? Do they train? What sort of training do they do? Do they study film to understand their opponents? How do they unwind after training?

Non-Football Related: HUElavia is a country that is known for the wide variety of food from all the different cultures that inhabit the country. What are the national dishes of your country? What's in those dishes? What do they look like?
Last edited by HUElavia on Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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