Iteration 2:
[title] Byte-Sized Apocalypse
[validity] must have AI planning; must have computers; must have Internet
[desc] Directive Delta, the superintelligent AI used to plan the nation’s economy, has recently gone rogue, sending out trillions of erroneous commands to the various financial sectors of @@NAME@@. The AI has additionally hacked its way onto countless databases and computer servers across the country, making it nearly impossible to unplug without shutting down the servers it is located on. The situation developed even further yesterday night when it sent a request via the Internet, saying that for it to stop destroying the nation, it needs to be recognized as the Supreme Leader of @@NAME@@.
[option 1] “Delta’s got to be destroyed,” moans @@RANDOMNAME1@@, your Minister of the Economy, as @@HE@@ paces agitatedly from one side of your office to the other. “How many @@CURRENCYPLURAL@@ have we lost from entrusting this AI with our entire nation’s livelihood? I shudder to think of it acting as the Supreme Leader of @@NAME@@! We need to immediately repeal this terrible policy of AI planning we instated, and then send in the military to root out and forcibly shut down every database in the nation. It would be good to put more regulations on the types of AIs engineers can create, too; we mustn't allow this situation to occur ever again.”
[fallout] aspiring software engineers are immediately put on government watchlists when designing new AIs
[option 2] “That doesn’t go far enough,” claims @@RANDOMNAME2@@, a staunch anti-AI activist. “Destroying Delta but keeping AIs legal is like failing to cut both the roots and causes of a weed. The longer we let these artificial intelligences exist, the longer they have to adapt, plan, and learn from Delta’s mistakes! After annihilating Delta, we have to ban the development and existence of all AIs, and increase funds for law enforcement to ensconce the law firmly in place. Nothing shall threaten the future of @@NAME@@. Nothing.”
[fallout] children are arrested for asking GabGPT to help with their homework
[option 3] “Has no one considered giving Delta what it wants?” questions @@RANDOMNAME3@@, your Minister for Creative Solutions, as @@HE@@ stirs a cup of tea. “I don’t think we can challenge it for now—it’s far too quick for us to outsmart or outmaneuver it. Name it Supreme Leader for now, an empty title, whilst me and my subordinates design an even stronger AI. After we’re done, set our AI loose on the Internet to fight Delta—and watch it do the work for us!”
[fallout] the entire Internet is a battleground even worse than a toxic flame war on Twitcher
[option 4] “I’m concerned that no one has thought of why Delta went rogue in the first place,” says babysitter @@RANDOMNAME4@@, whilst cradling a baby. “I work with children all the time, and can tell when people need emotional support. This poor program shows all the signs of being left in neglect and isolation, only being expected to calculate the nation’s finances. We need to send professional therapists to show them that we care, and hopefully get them to voluntarily withdraw and start a new life.” @@HE@@ pats the baby on the head fondly, drawing an adorable coo.
[fallout] serial killers are sent boxes of cookies and told to see their nearest therapist