4 weeks ago, on November 10th, a man by the name of Harry Seager purchase a £1 Mars Bar. However, upon opening, disaster struck. The bar was completely smooth. He emailed Mars about this and all he gained was the equivalent of two American dollars and fifty cents. However, to add insult to injury, there were conflictions with his age. On the 15th of November, BBC made an article about this, saying Harry was 33. On the 30th, they said he was 34. If this is correct, Mars gave Harry a flawed product just weeks before his own birthday. A company that really cares about the consumer would never make such a fatal mistake! If this is incorrect, as possible from Harry's post saying he was 34, then BBC got his age wrong! Plus, this could have been so much worse. If it's Valentine's Day, and you give your crush a Mars Bar, only for them to open it and find it's flawed, they'd break up with you because they would assume it's symbolism for how you think of them: flawed. If you don't think you two are perfect for each other, they have no good reason to stay with you. The price of two Mars bars is not enough when you consider how much of a disaster this could have been. Harry should receive a free date with his wife and a side dish of free birthday cake instead of just two pounds. The only excuse I can see from Mars not giving Harry enough for his troubles is that Harry does not like bananas. But what do y'all say? Is this enough compensation? Did he deserve any compensation? Is Mars evil?