Flag issues while trying to convert to SVG

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Flag issues while trying to convert to SVG

Postby Abomn » Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:40 am

Hello anyone who reads this.
I've currently never used SVG before but figured I'd have a go at trying to make a flag using SVG while I was in the midst of updating my flag.
I used a free online SVG creation service (Unfortunately I can't remember what it was called at the time, if it's deemed as important), and then used an advised compression service:
The issue is even having made various attempts at optimising the SVG and trying to figure out what the system deems as "advanced features", I can't get NationStates to accept this new flag.
If anyone could be of help I would greatly appreciate it.

The current SVG code for the flag after running it through the compressor is this.
Code: Select all
<svg xmlns="" width="1750" height="1125"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h1750v1125H0z"/><path d="M375 0h1000v1125H375z"/><path fill="maroon" d="M1450 0h300v1125h-300zM0 0h300v1125H0z"/><g stroke="#5e0000" stroke-linecap="null" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-width="14.767"><path fill="#950000" d="m481.224 562.507 145.822-145.823v72.911h58.465V373.011h116.584v-58.464h-72.911l145.822-145.823 145.823 145.823h-72.911v58.464h116.596v116.584h58.464v-72.91l145.823 145.822-145.823 145.822v-72.911h-58.464v116.596H947.918v58.465h72.91L875.007 956.3 729.184 810.48h72.911v-58.465H685.511V635.418h-58.465v72.911z"/><path fill="#811414" d="m780.252 562.507-72.91-72.912v36.45h-29.24V365.603h160.443v29.238h-36.45l72.911 72.912 72.912-72.912h-36.45v-29.238h160.442v160.442h-29.239v-36.45l-72.91 72.912 72.91 72.91v-36.449h29.239V759.41H911.468v-29.238h36.45l-72.912-72.911-72.911 72.91h36.45v29.24H678.103V598.967h29.238v36.45l72.911-72.911z"/></g><circle cx="875" cy="562.5" r="100" fill="#5e0000" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="null" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-width="15"/><ellipse cx="875" cy="562.5" fill="#f49b9b" rx="30" ry="93"/></svg>

The output flag should look like this, for comparison (sorry if the image is too large).

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Refuge Isle
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Postby Refuge Isle » Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:49 pm

As you may know, SVGs are not like other image files. They don't have the exact pixel information that will present the picture, but rather contain a series of instructions that draws the picture from scratch at whatever resolution is requested. In this way, they can be used as conduits for malicious script execution. The best I can say is that your file failed our library's check of whether it's a benign file or trying to do something else. If you're using a script to translate an image to a series of vectors, there's a far greater likelihood of it failing our SVG check than if you had drawn the image yourself or gotten it from someone else who did it by hand.

That said, I had a few minutes today, and your design looked simple enough, so I have recreated something similar to your flag in inkscape this morning and you're free to use that version if it looks alright on your end.

[Permanent link to file]

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->

   viewBox="0 0 1750 1125"
     id="defs1" /><g
       y="0" /><rect
       y="0" /><rect
       y="0" /><rect
       y="366.29688" /><path
       d="m 839.28873,758.70316 h -37.31504 v 50.88968 H 728.2462 l 146.8979,145.76247 146.611,-145.49335 h -74.0144 v -51.1588 h -36.74121 v -29.69002 l 37.61024,0.28791 -73.17871,-71.52509 -73.03133,70.5228 h 36.89801 c -0.0188,15.69538 -0.008,14.70879 -0.008,30.4044 z"
       id="path11" /><path
       d="m 1071.6736,598.3427 v 37.31504 h 50.8897 v 73.72749 l 145.7624,-146.8979 -145.4933,-146.61101 v 74.01441 h -51.1588 v 36.74121 h -29.69 l 0.2879,-37.61024 -71.52516,73.17871 70.52286,73.03133 v -36.89801 c 15.6954,0.0188 14.7088,0.008 30.4044,0.008 z"
       id="path6" /><path
       d="m 678.79687,598.3427 v 37.31504 h -50.88969 v 73.72749 L 482.14472,562.48733 627.63807,415.87632 v 74.01441 h 51.1588 v 36.74121 h 29.69001 l -0.2879,-37.61024 71.52509,73.17871 -70.5228,73.03133 v -36.89801 c -15.69539,0.0188 -14.70879,0.008 -30.4044,0.008 z"
       id="path9" /><path
       d="M 839.28873,366.29687 H 801.97369 V 315.40719 H 728.2462 l 146.8979,-145.76247 146.611,145.49335 h -74.0144 v 51.1588 h -36.74121 v 29.69002 l 37.61024,-0.28791 -73.17871,71.52509 -73.03133,-70.5228 h 36.89801 c -0.0188,-15.69538 -0.008,-14.70879 -0.008,-30.4044 z"
       id="path10" /><path
       d="M 974.12851,562.33059 A 99.128647,100.30025 0 0 1 875.16845,662.8001 99.128647,100.30025 0 0 1 775.8715,562.67148 a 99.128647,100.30025 0 0 1 98.958,-100.47158 99.128647,100.30025 0 0 1 99.299,100.12655" /><path
       d="m 904.85631,562.26887 a 29.856352,92.720352 0 0 1 -29.80557,92.87682 29.856352,92.720352 0 0 1 -29.90705,-92.56169 29.856352,92.720352 0 0 1 29.80496,-92.87874 29.856352,92.720352 0 0 1 29.90766,92.55978" /></g></svg>

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Postby Mechanocracy » Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:07 pm

Abomn wrote:Hello anyone who reads this.
I've currently never used SVG before but figured I'd have a go at trying to make a flag using SVG while I was in the midst of updating my flag.
I used a free online SVG creation service (Unfortunately I can't remember what it was called at the time, if it's deemed as important), and then used an advised compression service:
The issue is even having made various attempts at optimising the SVG and trying to figure out what the system deems as "advanced features", I can't get NationStates to accept this new flag.
If anyone could be of help I would greatly appreciate it.

For your circle code and the code generating the big ol' weird arrowpolygon thingy, NS's SVG parser really doesn't like these properties in particular:
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Removing those from the code makes it work
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Postby Trotterdam » Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:36 pm

According to the SVG specification, valid values for "stroke-linecap" are "butt", "round", and "square", and valid values for "stroke-linejoin" are "miter", "round", and "bevel". So "null" is indeed an invalid value. Whichever software outputted that is bugged.

Based on the PNG version of your flag, it's clear that your "stroke-linejoin" should be "miter" (which can be safely omitted, because it's the default value). I don't think that "stroke-linecap" matters because all your lines are closed loops. So yes, just delete those parameters.

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National Coraland of Fishery
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Postby National Coraland of Fishery » Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:38 pm

Abomn wrote:-snip-

Similar issues with my coloring, I used this code and it worked
Code: Select all
<svg xmlns="" width="1750" height="1125">
  <rect fill="#fff" x="0" y="0" width="1750" height="1125" />
  <rect fill="#000" x="375" y="0" width="1000" height="1125" />
  <rect fill="maroon" x="1450" y="0" width="300" height="1125" />
  <rect fill="maroon" x="0" y="0" width="300" height="1125" />
  <g stroke="#5e0000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14.767">
    <path fill="#950000" d="M481.224 562.507l145.822-145.823v72.911h58.465V373.011h116.584v-58.464h-72.911L874.684 168.724 1020.507 314.547h-72.911v58.464h116.596v116.584h58.464v-72.91l145.823 145.822-145.823 145.822v-72.911h-58.464v116.596H947.918v58.465h72.91L875.007 956.3 729.184 810.48h72.911v-58.465H685.511V635.418h-58.465v72.911z" />
    <path fill="#811414" d="M780.252 562.507l-72.91-72.912v36.45h-29.24V365.603h160.443v29.238h-36.45l72.911 72.912 72.912-72.912h-36.45v-29.238h160.442v160.442h-29.239v-36.45l-72.91 72.912 72.91 72.91v-36.449h29.239V759.41H911.468v-29.238h36.45l-72.912-72.911-72.911 72.91h36.45v29.24H678.103V598.967h29.238v36.45l72.911-72.911z" />
  <circle cx="875" cy="562.5" r="100" fill="#5e0000" stroke="#000" stroke-width="15" />
  <ellipse cx="875" cy="562.5" fill="#f49b9b" rx="30" ry="93" />
Last edited by National Coraland of Fishery on Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Abomn » Wed Dec 11, 2024 11:36 am

I'd like to thank everyone for the helpful replies! I've managed to get it working now thanks to the first reply's version of the flag file and I'd like to give them credit for that.
I'll also take the advice others have left here to be mindful in the future so the same issue doesn't happen again.
Once again thank you all so much.

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