I've currently never used SVG before but figured I'd have a go at trying to make a flag using SVG while I was in the midst of updating my flag.
I used a free online SVG creation service (Unfortunately I can't remember what it was called at the time, if it's deemed as important), and then used an advised compression service: https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/
The issue is even having made various attempts at optimising the SVG and trying to figure out what the system deems as "advanced features", I can't get NationStates to accept this new flag.
If anyone could be of help I would greatly appreciate it.
The current SVG code for the flag after running it through the compressor is this.
- Code: Select all
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1750" height="1125"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h1750v1125H0z"/><path d="M375 0h1000v1125H375z"/><path fill="maroon" d="M1450 0h300v1125h-300zM0 0h300v1125H0z"/><g stroke="#5e0000" stroke-linecap="null" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-width="14.767"><path fill="#950000" d="m481.224 562.507 145.822-145.823v72.911h58.465V373.011h116.584v-58.464h-72.911l145.822-145.823 145.823 145.823h-72.911v58.464h116.596v116.584h58.464v-72.91l145.823 145.822-145.823 145.822v-72.911h-58.464v116.596H947.918v58.465h72.91L875.007 956.3 729.184 810.48h72.911v-58.465H685.511V635.418h-58.465v72.911z"/><path fill="#811414" d="m780.252 562.507-72.91-72.912v36.45h-29.24V365.603h160.443v29.238h-36.45l72.911 72.912 72.912-72.912h-36.45v-29.238h160.442v160.442h-29.239v-36.45l-72.91 72.912 72.91 72.91v-36.449h29.239V759.41H911.468v-29.238h36.45l-72.912-72.911-72.911 72.91h36.45v29.24H678.103V598.967h29.238v36.45l72.911-72.911z"/></g><circle cx="875" cy="562.5" r="100" fill="#5e0000" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="null" stroke-linejoin="null" stroke-width="15"/><ellipse cx="875" cy="562.5" fill="#f49b9b" rx="30" ry="93"/></svg>
The output flag should look like this, for comparison (sorry if the image is too large).