The world assembly,
Recognizing the importance of cross-border investments and trade in the international economies,
Believing there is a need for international rules to guarantee a basis of certainty in taxation instead of relying solely on bilateral agreements,
The WA hereby enact as follows:
1. Definitions for the purpose of this resolution:
Double taxation: the levying of taxes by two or more jurisdictions on the same income.
Resident jurisdiction: The jurisdiction in which a taxpayer is considered domiciled or has the primary place of business.
Source jurisdiction: The jurisdiction in which income is generated.
Taxpayer: Any persons (natural and legal), entity, or organization subject to taxation under the laws of the domestic jurisdictions.
2. Allocation of taxing rights:
a. The source jurisdiction shall have the primary right to tax income arising within its territory.
b. The resident jurisdiction retains the right to tax global income but must apply the methods outlined in section 3 to prevent double taxation.
3. Methods to employ:
a. Tax credit:
i. Taxpayers may receive a credit in their resident jurisdiction for taxes paid in the source jurisdiction on the same income.
b. Tax exemption:
ii. The credit shall not exceed the amount of tax payable on such income in the resident jurisdiction.
i. Income taxed in the source jurisdiction may be exempted from taxation in the resident jurisdiction.
c. Tax deduction:
i. Taxes paid in the source jurisdiction may be deducted from taxable income in the resident jurisdiction, reducing the tax base accordingly.
4. Provisions on specific types of incomes:
a. Employment income
i. salaries, wages, and other remuneration for services performed in one jurisdiction shall be taxable in the jurisdiction where the work is performed,
b. Business income
regardless of the citizenship of the employer and employee.
i. Business profits shall be taxed in the source jurisdiction if the taxpayer has a permanent establishment therein.
c. Dividends, interest, and royalties
ii. If no permanent establishment exists, profits shall be taxed only in the residence jurisdiction.
i. Taxes of dividends, interest, and royalties shall be taxed in the source jurisdiction.
d. In all the examples above the taxes on the income shall be credited, exempted, or deducted according to the provisions in section 3, in the relevant jurisdiction.