[R] Healthcare insurance CEO assassination thread again

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First Nightmare
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[R] Healthcare insurance CEO assassination thread again

Postby First Nightmare » Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:38 am

Please take a look at these:

Diarcesia wrote:
Dimetrodon Empire wrote:Maybe establishment conservative media is bitching and moaning, but it appears that virtually all regular Americans are taking it lightly, regardless of political affiliation.


It's class solidarity at this point.

Quote editing(the strike); strays too close to endorsement?

Dimetrodon Empire wrote:
Ors Might wrote:Americans are pretty much only capable of attaining class consciousness through shared hatred. I'm not kidding.

If hate against elites is what it takes, then it is fine by me.

Class consciousness is important for enacting change.

All X are...?, continuing to seemingly endorse what happened.

Bogmarsh in the mud wrote:
Anagonia wrote:
`1.Though, one must ask, why are CEO's even a thing in society? 2. Wouldn't someone in that position understand that their role in their position places them as a target? Why didn't he have bodyguards, as most important VIP's are prone to do, 3. especially considering the company that was being represented?

Many questions indeed linger.

1. Because someone must be available to be shot pour encourager les autres.
2. Beats me. I do observe that the scions of one or two banking families that were in my student nation, did start acquiring their own pretorian guards in the Nineties.
3. You'd think that anyone with an ounce of brains would have recast himself as the tireless selfless medical researcher, a very Albert Schweitzer.

A society that wants to persist, enforces its social hierarchies and is utterly ruthless in crushing anyone who offers the teensiest little challenge. But then again, I think Americans are addicted to change, and dont want to persist.

(emphasis added) sounds like endorsing future deaths to me?

My Chemical Romancee wrote:he fucking deserved it. to hell with him and all like him.

This is a blatant endorsement of the assassination, and encouragement to kill, too.

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Postby Fahran » Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:27 am

A number of those were covered in my earlier trawl. The first three aren't actionable.

Number four though?


I handed them an unofficial warning. Thank you for the report. I'm off to fetch a coffee.

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