the Rejected Realms - the Outback - the Plains of Perdition
Statement on Sister Sinkers
A memorandum of understanding on Sinker relations.
Acknowledging that the Rejected Realms has, from time immemorial until 26 November 2024, served as the only region where ejected nations were received;
Recognizing that on 26 November 2024 the regions of the Outback and the Plains of Perdition were created, on which that day both started to receive ejected nations, alongside the Rejected Realms;
Declare that the Rejected Realms, the Outback, and the Plains of Perdition (hereafter “regions”) mutually recognize one another as “Sister Sinkers”.
The Rejected Realms, the Outback, and the Plains of Perdition jointly declare the following:
All regions recognize the Government of The Rejected Realms in accordance with the Constitution of The Rejected Realms.
All regions recognize the Government of The Outback in accordance with the laws as established by the community.
All regions recognize the Government of the Plains of Perdition in accordance with the Covenant of Radiance.
All regions declare support for permanent structures of regional authority as they develop in the new Sinkers. The regions recognize the unique situation the new Sinkers have entered into this world and support their development in their own time. The regions agree that this Statement may be supported with additional agreements as and when required.
All regions agree to communicate and avoid returning significant threats to one another through a process deemed “Non-Extradition”. Non-Extradition shall be discussed and decided through a communications channel involving the leadership of all regions.
All regions will seek to communicate and collaborate regarding on-site moderation purposes to further relative harmony in each region and avoid circular travel of troublemakers,
All regions support one another in recruitment efforts and agree to not poach from one another.
- Signed,
the Rejected Realms
Toerana, Delegate
Madjack, Officer of External Affairs
the Outback
Terannical, Delegate
Lady Anastasia, Interim Foreign Affairs Minister
Wauka Mountain, Interim Foreign Affairs Minister
Aleister, Interium Cultural Affairs Minister
Charles Bronson, Interim Cultural Affairs Minister
the Plains of Perdition
Rhaza, Primarch
Wickedness, High Archon
Ostlantis, Archon