Paris trade accords [IC/closed]

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European Federal Union
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Paris trade accords [IC/closed]

Postby European Federal Union » Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:40 am

For the arrival of the delegations, the entire Paris National Airport has been reservated and incomming traffic directed to nerby facilities. The airport itself has for the day been filled with countle soldiers and secret service agents, snipers occupied the highgriunds, soldiers stood out on the ground while citizens awaiting the show waitied phones and cameras in their hand for the arrival of the planes. After their initial arrival, thr aircraft have been cleared a hangar space tk wait for their departure home, while the delegates have been rushed through the airport to a pickup location with an amoured car and a convoy of motorcycles. In the meantime journalists collected near fences, eager to ask questions regarding the situation and most importantly their goals and expectations for the meeting. Only a small group of governmentental screened journalists have been allowed to be directly on the airport, for life brodcasts and maybe a short interview as the diplomats arrived, and before they already drove away.

A vast pourple sea bloomed in the French countryside, large seemingly endless fields full of favender flowers bloomed over the entire field of view, left and right of the roads the delegates cruised through, while streching over to the vissbile horizon and beyond. The roads have been rought and somewhat uneven, being not the kind of modern paved road most diplomats have been accustom too, rather the dusty the typical 2 lane roads which have been familiar to most countrysides. Meanwhile the convoys came near, the roof of a fairly large house came peaking over the Lavender ocean, slowly the building emerged becoming more visible by the minutes similarly to the land on the horizon as a naval ship approches its docking point. Similarly the car slowly reached its docking point, the parkinglot right infront of the country estate. The remaining parkinglots have been completely filled out, preoccupied by the vehicles of security guards and the previous delegations which reached the summit location, and this car carried the last one. As the sun began to dissapear slowly dropping bellow the lavender horizon, it threw its red and burningly orange remains into the andesite door infront as it opened a final time to make entrace for the final delegation.

The building from the inside had a look aken to a modern day palace, walls made up out of spotless white marble with a chessboard style wooden floor, crossing black sqaures from the African Black Tree, and some rather conventional white birch wood, both of which covered by an insulation which secured it from water or general dirt which could be absorbed by the highly exlansive wodden squares onto the ground. Within the building itself, gold was still an exclusively only used on certain edges and for the few chandeliers, while instead silver was a more commen accurance. The delegation was rushed through the large entrance hall, inbetween the two stairways leading upwards they have been lead into a room right on the opposite end of the entrance door. There, the delegates have been send upwards over an elevator, which unlike the building itself looked quite normal to say it lightly, as marked by its rather recent security certificate. But either wa they soon reached the second floor, a short corridor and a final door then seperated them from the meeting room.

Before having any time to reflect, they have been called in by a servicemen on the door. The room i side was drowned out by orrange light, comming in from the most leftern window of the room, while the silk curtains of the remaining ones caught the light, and covered the gold encacsed birthwood table in the middle, placed near the covered windows to keep the light frkm blinding anh diplomats. The room, or rather the seats on the table have already been filled out for the most part, only with a smaller area and some seats to be reserved by the European host delegate which have been the last one to arrive. As the talks began, alongside the orage light lavender smell from the nerby fields came in and flooded the roof in a noticable but not very intense scent if lavender, entering through the open window and creeping into the room from bellow the edges of the lavender collored courtains.

Aight simple rule, only me and Bagazi
Credit for the flag goes to <3
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