Replacement for GA 330 (Nuclear Testing Protocol). I believe an outright ban on nuclear tests is useful. Note that this does not ban the use of nuclear weapons. I also believe this can be done as a replace-repeal, because GA330 (unlike the chemical weapons one) does not have wording that makes it difficult to ban nuclear tests outright.
Draft 2 is significantly shorter than Draft 1 because I re-worded Draft 1 to make an exception for "not causing any harm to any sapient individuals such as through a shared atmospheric, geological, or maritime ecosystem", effectively implying "don't do it on Earth, thanks, but if you can get your Space Force to do it on Uranus in another multiverse, not my problem."
Draft 2
The World Assembly ("WA"),
Affirming the rights of WA states to produce and use nuclear weapons for legitimate military purposes;
Convinced that test explosions of nuclear weapons (hereafter, "tests") inevitably result in detrimental health and environmental effects on other WA states with a common atmospheric, geological or maritime ecosystem, such as through increased levels of pollution, radiation, or earthquake risks;
Confident that advances in computer simulation technology have rendered tests unnecessary and with the benefits of nuclear tests vastly outweighed by its detrimental effects;
The WA enacts as follows:
- No WA state may conduct any tests anywhere under its jurisdiction, or in any terra nullius.
- No WA state may permit any non-state entities (such as private militias) under its control to conduct any tests.
- No WA state may conduct, cause, fund, encourage, or participate in any tests by non-member states in areas under the jurisdiction of that non-member state, or in any terra nullius.
- No WA state may conduct any tests anywhere under the jurisdiction of the WA itself, including the WA Headquarters.
- Each WA state with relevant information related to nuclear testing is required to prevent anyone not authorized from accessing information, and to criminalize unauthorized access to such information.
- An exception to clause (1) or clause (3) applies if the WA state can conclusively demonstrate to the satisfaction of the World Health Assembly that such tests will not cause any harm to the environment or inhabitants of any WA state.
- Terms of the singular include the plural and vice versa. For the avoidance of doubt, the actual use of nuclear weapons for legitimate military purposes does not constitute a "test".
Char count: 1,603.