[Title] Ghost(fili)busters
[Validity] Atheism is NOT mandatory
[Description] Another critical meeting with your advisors was postponed after rumours of unexplained noises, cold spots, and flickering lights.
[Option 1] ”It might come as a ghastly revelation but even the greatest leaders can feel heavy-laden with evil spirits,” explains your spiritual advisor, Father @@RANDOMMALENAME@@, as he thumbs through @@FAITH@@’s holy text. “Let me yoke your ghost issue and perform daily blessings in the boardroom. Friends around @@CAPITAL@@ have entrusted me specifically to exorcise their houses. With me, you are in good hands.” He wields a smudge stick and waves it aimlessly throughout your office.
[Effect] meetings are postponed due to potent sage smells
[Option 2] ”Back off man, I’m a ghost hunter,” commands esteemed scientist @@RANDOMNAME@@, as @@HE@@ and @@HIS@@ quartet stride confidently into your office. “Ghosts and government existing together is mass hysteria. You don’t need a blessing; you need a permanent solution.” @@HE@@ flaunts a vacuum like machine attached to @@HIS@@ back. “The Boson Backpack can flawlessly trap ghouls and if you find it satisfactory, we can trap every ghost in @@NATION@@! Just give us a call.”
[Effect] @@DEMONYMPLURAL@@ afraid of ghosts are told to suck it up
[Option 3] ”That’s no ghost!” declares plump electrician @@RANDOMNAME@@ with a spirited laugh and greasy wrench in hand. “You’ve got yerself an electrical problem. Leave it to me and yer meetin’ room will be in tip top shape in no time. Fer a hefty cost of course.” @@HE@@ roars with laughter but stops as the lights flicker.
[Effect] unsettling noises are told to pipe down
[Option 4] ”Apologies for the delay, @@LEADER@@,” mutters @@RANDOMNAME@@, advisor of labour statistics, struggling to carry a stack of pie charts and bar graphs as @@HE@@ rushes into your office. “I came in an hour before the scheduled time and you were the only one here. I assumed it was cancelled. I will not tolerate another cancellation. If any advisor uses ghosts as an excuse to not work, they must be laid off. And while you’re at it, screen any new hires to confirm they’re not psychotic.” @@HE@@ stares at the others in the room and shakes @@HIS@@ head disappointedly.
[Effect] advisors who speak of spirits are spirited away
(Still working on this, pace will be slow)