[Title] And a Cartridge in a Pear Tree
[Validity] Must not have Gun Control, must have high Weaponization, must be capitalist
[Description] After a controversial ad where prominent arms company Smith & Maxson showcased an eight-year-old child holding an assault rifle as part of a promotion for the holidays, and a major news story where a young kid shot his eye out, a survey has revealed a rapidly increasing trend of more kids being gifted weapons for Maxxmas each year.
[Option 1] "This is outrageous!" exclaims concerned parent @@RANDOMNAME1@@, holding a hand over @@HIS@@ son's eye, the other covered by an eyepatch. "We're going to have children toting machine guns at school any day now! What's after that? Tanks? Fighter jets? You must ban all weapons from being given to children immediately before this gets any worse."
[Effect] handing a child a butter knife is a criminal offense
[Validity] must have an army
[Option 2a] "What's the problem here?" scoffs the CEO of Smith & Maxson, @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME2@@ Maxson, shooting an annoyed look at @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME1@@. "My products may not appease everyone, but the market has decided it wants some Maxxmas cheer, and I won't say no. In fact, you should encourage kids to learn how to use my guns. Will win you wars real quick." Maxson lowers @@HIS@@ voice to a mere whisper. "And hey, if you agree, maybe I could get you a discount on the next round of military weapons."
[Effect] interest in coronal replacement surgery is at an all-time high
[Validity] must not have an army
[Option 2b] “What's the problem here?" scoffs the CEO of Smith & Maxson, @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME2@@ Maxson, shooting an annoyed look at @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME1@@. "My products may not appease everyone, but the market has decided it wants some Maxxmas cheer, and I won't say no. In fact, you should encourage kids to learn how to use my guns. Will keep criminals at bay real quick." Maxson lowers @@HIS@@ voice to a mere whisper. "And hey, if you agree, maybe I could bring some more production to @@NAME@@. You know, to boost the economy and all."
[Effect] interest in coronal replacement surgery is at an all-time high
[Validity] Must have police
[Option 3] "Where you see a problem, I see a solution.", eagerly states @@CAPITAL@@ police chief, @@RANDOMNAME3@@. “A few more officers would be useful around here, so why not start ‘em young? Teach children gun safety and guide them into the police force, of course. Let them have handguns when they’ve passed and watch both your problems and mine get solved.”
[Effect] children arrest class clowns
[Option 4] "Or we could just pretend we care about it." interjects the Deputy Minister of Pleasing Everyone, @@RANDOMNAME4@@, fully convinced @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME1@@ can't hear @@HIM@@. "Just release an official statement saying people should be careful with weapons and discourage breaking gun safety rules. We can placate worrywarts without alienating gun-loving @@DENONYMPLURAL@@. Everyone's happy this way!"
[Effect] @@LEADER@@ speaks in vague statements and loopholes