War Outside the Game: Antiyoy

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War Outside the Game: Antiyoy

Postby Tetrahedra » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:10 pm

My first Post:
I'm a new (very new) player. I learned that war isn't really a thing in this game in any conventional sense, because it would be too hard to implement. I know a simple, free, no-sign-up strategy game called Antiyoy Online that can be downloaded on the play store. It is made by a programmer named Yiotro. He has a few games, but I feel that this one would fit best with NationStates. Once you see the rules of the game, how simple the interface is, and the fact that it is completely free and has no ads, you might find you enjoy it. I propose that if two people want to go to war, they can (optionally, of course, they choose to go to war however they want) set up a Custom Online Match. Once you understand the game, you'll see how easy it is to generate a random 2-player map without AI, no diplomacy, and fog-of-war.

And no, I am not endorsed by nor work with Yiotro, I just think his game (Antiyoy) is cool.

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Postby Tetrahedra » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:11 pm

No pun intended by my usage of endorsed, as far as I know he doesn't even have a NationStates account.

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Postby Hurtful Thoughts » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:23 pm

1. Oh, war is very much a thing here. Nuclear conflicts and such too. Mostly because Lake Geneva never really had a chance to exist on NS.

2. That looks like an ad. Granted, I've made that mistake on my first month too.
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Postby Kostane » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:31 pm

Hurtful Thoughts wrote:1. Oh, war is very much a thing here. Nuclear conflicts and such too. Mostly because Lake Geneva never really had a chance to exist on NS.

2. That looks like an ad. Granted, I've made that mistake on my first month too.

1. I do agree that using RP is probably the superior method to most war platforms. However, there are people who use different methods too. I think it’s a question of how easy it is, and RP can be difficult to do at times.

2. I believe the ban on commercialism has an exception for free products and those directly related to NS. If this is truly free, it should be fine.
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