Title: Bad Day Rising
Validity: Must have the Autocracy and No Dissent policies
Description: Lately, a rebellion against your rule has been breaking out all across @@NAME@@, you and members of your government have held a meeting to decide on what to do.
Option 1: Your jingoistic war minister @@RANDOMNAME@@ says "These ruffians know nothing about how glorious our regime is, so I say round up all of those ruffians and add them into our glorious armed forces, that'll teach them!"
Outcome 1: @@NAME@@'s military gives rebels fuel to fight the cold.
Outcome 2: "Wait! Let's not do that!" says your young intern, "Let's give the rebels what they want, free elections, freedom of expression, and the rest, that way they will truly be happy and not rebel in the future!"
Outcome 2: @@LEADERNAME@@'s approval ratings have gone through the roof ever since he give @@DENONYM@@ more freedom.
Option 3: Your Minister Of Compromises @@RANDOMNAME@@ says "Both options are extreme, I am thinking about a compromise, by making @@DENONYM@@ serve in the military for a short time, and giving them free elections on the local level, but you still get to be leader! Win, Win, am I right?"
Option 3:@@NAME@@ has seen more people wanting to run for local offices.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
(Effect one, the "fuel to fight the cold" is a metaphor for giving the rebels weapons to fight the government.)