International Defenders Two[Closed|Invite Only|IC]

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International Defenders Two[Closed|Invite Only|IC]

Postby Legokiller » Tue Nov 26, 2024 7:12 pm

International Defenders Two: Anthology Series

Original Thread

Baneguin, one of Silverdale’s infamous mafia bosses, had escaped confinement. The Leader of his ‘Baneguin Army’, he had terrorized Silverdale’s Southpole lands and numerous states in his web of crime. Now he is out there, and rumors speak of him searching for more extraordinary powers to enact revenge against those who wronged him and crush anyone who gets in his way.

Such a plot will bring his ire to the White Heart Duo, a pair of magical girls with the powers of spiritual light and ice, and the International Defenders. Other foes of the supervillainous lurk in the shadows and hold various agendas that are independent or woven to aid the bird in their own twisted motives.

The International Defenders now evolved as an official organization backed by various governments and are tasked to handle the Baneguin threat and other missions deemed suitable. While the Silverdalean people value harmony and helping others as a collective means, the more freedom and individualism heroes from other countries may have trouble following such terms. Will different worldview points work together to face greater foes? Or fall apart from ideological differences to failing to follow government rules.


The Sequel to the original International Defenders: now flexible! As an anthology thread, different posts will cover aspects of different superheroes across different adventures, with major collaboration posts and story posts that deal with the dangers of Baneguin. This style should allow the players to roleplay their characters more freely without being pinned down into a single narrative focus thread.

Mystria region and friends are allowed to partake in the adventure.
❄️☃️ Antarctica Wonderland ! ☃️❄️

Silverdale's Factbook! Poi Poi Poi Resurrected! Silverdale News Thread Oh Nyo, Arthropods
<Maven>Legokiller's an original "G" with mirrors and changelings before it was cool <AnimeQuote> Taiga Aisaka is Gandhi.

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Posts: 3559
Founded: Jan 21, 2011
Civil Rights Lovefest

Origins of a heroine

Postby Legokiller » Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:56 pm

Entry Log: Brass Sage

Brownie Sugarcube, the magical sage and side hustle politician figure, appeared to be a unique human woman. One said she became the mage after making a deal with a devil and earning great power! One that brought great tragedy as it sacrificed her soul to it, and she struggled to gain it back.

But that was far fetch. A deceit to keep her foes at bay from learning the truth about Brownie as the Brass Sage. There was a secret she kept greatly and was willing to disappear so no one could acquire it.

The Brass Crystal. The source of her power, life, and very soul.

The Brass Crystal is no ordinary magical item or a pale min fact of a lich's phylactery. It was a divine artifact forged by the goddess of spring and Gugalana and bore the spirit to reincarnate throughout the ages. Ever since it was built, Brownie can recall past lives from ancient times—mere glimpses of them and the deeds that were achieved.

It was frightening, to be sure!

The earliest flashback came from a mere dinner, and a look at one green fellow orc sent her back to when a horde of time was pillaging a village. That was a great mood breaker while she tried to eat a juicy burger because of that! Even so, the past memory gave her insight into the why and historical events. The gods crafted the Crystal as an answer to siphon energies from unstable rifts, and the orcs at the time were under a plane despoiling campaign across Silverdale. One bonded of her former life as a fallen human given a second chance to live again and seek justice.

The first ego was the Crystal Warrior, an embodiment of the Brass Crystal itself, and they drove off the hoard. One that she sealed off the rift and felt powerful. Despite it all, she was vulnerable as the warlock of the hoard showcased it after an entrapment and use of her power to release untold amounts of destruction upon the land. After she set herself free, she took a different approach to create avatars to avoid damaging the Crystal.

It's a reality that she still keeps the most guarded secret. There are several tricks she has to keep hidden!

There is one memory that Brownie Sugar loved to recall.

Brownie's eyes flashed back to the glorious realm of ancient times. A dazzling kingdom of gems and fresh scented pine of the state of Crystalia. There she, in a previous life known as the Crystal Queen, rested on the ancient wooden and gem throne that overlooked her subjects. In her second life, she became one with the Crystalfolk and used the Crystal to empower the land. Her subjects see her as one adopted by the family and arose as a warrior who slew a powerful rift dragon. Soon, she inherited the crown to rule. Brownie can deduce it was one of her holy status and one imposing enough to get the royal court into her side.

Of course, she had to dig around her local library to learn more about Crystal Queen's deeds. She can recall the speeches in ancient Silverdalean tongues that were long forgotten but could not be understood. Only the emotions that drove her more to care and fear of not fulfilling her role. The tales of her regime pointed that the queen one day disappeared to enter the sacred realm of Hollow Caverns, the Plane of Earth, to battle the greatest threat she never returned. Only the sense Brownie can pick from the visual mementos is the longing for another.

A way to build a family.

The details were blurred. It was a headache to dig in! Only that she somehow did after absorption of energy. Copper Crystal was born around that time. It became painful to see the memories afterward as Brownie felt the aching pain of a past life and was unable to relive it. Only after was the retreat into a state of hibernation.

And so that's that!

Brownie knew that to uncover pieces of herself and understand her nature as an embodiment of the Crystal, she'd have to take risks. Of course, there was much to do. The gods bestowed a duty on her, and Brownie witnessed evil doers abusing Silverdale from the shadows. Now, there is another villain out there.


So time to get to work!
❄️☃️ Antarctica Wonderland ! ☃️❄️

Silverdale's Factbook! Poi Poi Poi Resurrected! Silverdale News Thread Oh Nyo, Arthropods
<Maven>Legokiller's an original "G" with mirrors and changelings before it was cool <AnimeQuote> Taiga Aisaka is Gandhi.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Flame and Speed 1

Postby Dyste » Mon Jan 27, 2025 2:52 pm

Collab with LK

Trouble was afoot in the city of Steeledge. A shadow lurked across the industrial landscape, causing untold amount of disruption to the vast labyrinth of assembly lines and towering chimels. All said for tricks to hard overdoing shake ups, and littering the streets with trash. The unseen villain seemed supernatural and brought terror across the urban landscape. A horror that even left many investigators and police officers KO by unknown means of magic and physical force. All leaving behind an black ooze in the shape of a T.

As dusk shrouds the city of Steeledge, heroes from the International Defenders were called upon to investigate and stop this menace! All ready to rally at one discern rooftop at the edge of the industrial centers.

The first superheroine descended from the sky as her fiery demonic wings folded back. The woman’s light dimmed from its radiant blue mane of hair to reveal an elven-cow like woman with molten horns. Barrier the Demon Star is the cursed heroine who upholds the boundary of the earth and hell from destroying each other! A dreadful task that must be done for all goodness sake. That and using such evil powers to investigate and destroy evil.

The next one to arrive was a Bovinian in a form-fitting orange and white jumpsuit, larger than Barrier but in spite of this her powers were actually all about speed. Known as Stampede, she was known to be the fastest cattle in the west as she ran up the building to reach the rooftop. “Geez, what happened here…?”

“Series of haunts to potential monster attacks.” Barrier said. “A one screwball foe we’re dealing with.”

“That’s one explanation ladies.” ‘Computer Wizard’, the operator genius behind a screen from afar, spoke to them by magical telepathy. Alongside a scrying orb that watched them. “But you must be careful. An armed team of adventurers were sent to the hospital a few days back, and the troublemaker is no ordinary thug. “

“Any information we know about them?” Stampede asked, “It’d be good to know what we’re getting into…”

“From my dedication, the villain lurks around the industrial center of the city and keeps itself hidden. It’s oversized, and quite blurry, but I reckon there is quite a punch given how it brought one adventurer down with a precise single hit.” Wizard said. “An extraordinary being with superpowers, that I have calculated. However, it does leave a trail of ooze to other marks on its foes.”

“I can see why I’m here,” the Bovinian said, “I’ll be fast enough to avoid stuff at least. Dunno about firepower, though, but maybe you’ve got something in mind, Barrier.”

“A blaze of fire and magic.” Barrier winked. “That’s one punch for y’all.”

“Be mindful of the volatile material and equipment, Barrier.” Wizard said. “Best to use one of the abandoned buildings or ones scheduled for demolition for going all out.”

“Ah yes, of course.” Barrier said.

“Yeah, please don’t blow us up,” Stampede nervously chuckled, “Perhaps I can lure him out and lead into into a safer spot so you can do your stuff.”

“Heheh, well that’d totally work. Not that crazy of a wildfire.” Barrier remarked.

“Well, then, anything else we gotta be aware of, Wizard,” Stampede asked, “Or are we ready to get mooving?”

“That’s all for now. I’ll be surveying the area to spot any sightling from the villain.” Wizard answered.

“Well then, time for a rodeo, so here comes the Stampede, yee-haw!” Corny, yes, but it was part of her image as a superhero as she ran into the city.

Barrier flew over as Stampede rushed across the many buildings and industrial plants! All to search the obvious hotspots, to find the many Ts that seem to be marking a territory. One that all leads to an abandoned square assembly yard next to a chemical planet. In here, there appeared to be more ooze and recent broken walls and a wrecked car.

“The wreckage’s getting more recent,” Stampede said over the communications, “Likely they’re close by…”

Barrier flew down as she looked into the decrepit building from decades back. “Hidden inside that building for sure.” She said.

“We oughtta be careful about this,” Stampede said, “If we’re too reckless, the building might come crashing down.”

Barrier's fiery body poofed to reveal her dark blue skin body with flame like clothing that covered her bare necessities from becoming too ill modest. “Now then, ready to rush in and see our guest?”

There were a number of empty cans that began to roll inside, and thumps of a large being that moved rapidly in the factory. While no match for Stampede’s speed, it lurking in the dark was one way to keep itself concealed.

Thankfully, being a Bovinian, Stampede’s own ability to see in the dark was decent, “I’ll seek it out and bring you two together,” she said as as she rushed it, kicking up clouds of dirt as she ran; Stampede wasn’t the fastest speedster around, but her strength and endurance when doing to a run were hard to top.


A grotesque of a round and ooze-like humanoid creature with a bizarre sense of a black outfit and cape tumbled down. Its chest symbol was a great T as its ghoul-ish orange eyes looked right at the two superheroines. Its form flickered as dirt blocked part of its invisibility, but they can tell there is a ton of mass and muscle beyond it. “Behold foolish heroes: the might of Terror! The ooze of the northeast!”

“Moo?” Stampede rushed around; she might be fast and reasonably strong, but she wasn’t sure she had the ability to fight an ooze like this, “I’ll try and keep him in place, Barrier. You focus on blasting!”

Barrier became ignited as a fireball formed in her hands. “My pleasure.”

“Wahahaha!” Terror ooze’s arms stretched up to pull one of the wreck cars to toss right at the two!

“H-hey!” Stampede rushed straight into the car, the force of her speed causing her to ram into it. She didn’t have super strength, per se, but when she went full force at an object it tended to stop them in its tracks. However, this also slowed her down, “C’mon, Barrier, show ‘em what you can do!”

Barrier blasted one part of the car to melt it as she leaped forward. “Gotcha!” She then roared as she tossed a flaming skull that chomps wildly.! Terror screamed as he bounced up as a part of an ooze arm got ripped! Of course it regenerates at the cost of his size.

“How about… THE TERROR STARE!” His eyes shine as it causes Barrier to stagger slightly! One gaze that could leave someone paralyzed and lost to fear. If one’s will is weak, that is!

“Argh,” Stampede however was far too stubborn to let a stare take her out, as she was able to rush forward, “Think a little bit of looking mean’ll stop me?! Take this!” She rammed herself into the car from before, flinging it back at Terror!

Barrier tossed a fiery blast as well at Terror, which caused a small Smokey explosion. As it smothers, loud footsteps move out as the creature is now invisible again and tossed a number of loose barrels and bricks at the two.

“Watch out!” Stampede rushed around causing a burst of wind to try and protect Barrier, though a few bricks managed to hit her as she was trying to protect her partner. “Oww…”

Barrier jumped up to conjure up a dark energy-like physical barrier to block away the rest of the projectiles as Terror stumbled within the factory. “Are you alright darling?”

“Oof,” Stampede got to her feet; just because she was fast and reasonably tough didn’t mean she was invulnerable by any means, “I’ll be fine for now, but after we’ve dealt with this I’ll need a good rest. Now c’mon, we can’t let him get away!”

“Right!” Barrier became fiery as she flew inside the empty and littered chamber of the building. “Wizard: you aren’t slacking right now right?”

“A wizard never slacks.” Wizard retorted. “Now given the monster is relying on surprise attacks and the shadows, if you deliver solid hits in an open fight it Terror will go down.”

Laugher came as a few trails of ooze splash on the ground. “This is my domain! You’ll learn fear itself.”

“Then again… He’s quite excited here… or afraid.” Wizard said.

Right, lemme give you an opening then, Barrier!” Stampede was moving a little slower with her injury, but she nevertheless kicked up clouds of dust in order to try and wreck the ooze’s stealth.

Terror’s attempt to sneak up to do a drop kick failed utterly as the dust clogged up the creature! All as rays of fire blast up the fiend and weaken it. “Quick, deliver your signature move!” Barrier cried out as she cast a spell to make Stampede’s fists and desired spots burning with flame (which thankfully didn’t harm her).

“Okay, then,” Stampede jumped back, as she rushed forward, her horns glowing with fiery energy as she rammed straight into Terror at full force, “YEEHAW!”

“Waah!” Terror blade collapsed onto the ground, and appeared utterly dazed and defeated!

“Good job ladies! I’ll be sending a bottle to suck him in.” Wizard stated as a bottle appeared to contain the ooze monster.

“Good to see you being useful for that part at least,” Stampede said, feeling a bit sore, “Got any more tasks for us, or can go back once he’s contained?”

“That should be all for now. We’re investigating other cases in the city, but for now you two earn some rest.” Wizard said.

“Heheh, so darling.” Barrier offered a hand. “Want to return to our abode?”

“Yeah, that’d be nice,” Stampede took Barrier’s hand, “Get a little rest before we’re called off to something else.”
Dyste: A nation of large, long-lived, magic-using dragon-people (Draconids) ruled by a legendary adventurer. Realism? What's that?
Embassy Program
Rulers: King Tyroth, Queen Sarisa, Prime Minister Zihark Jemson
Capital: Valitora
Government Type: Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 14,457,200, Draconid Majority (60%), Kobold/Dino/Elven/Pony/Human minorities
Founded: Early 15th century
Tech: Lower-tech fantasy (can RP with PT/MT)
Canadian, fan of Video Games (Nintendo in particular) and Tabletop RPGs.
I love RP'ing, but note my schedule can be iffy at times. If you want to RP with me, TG me and we can talk.

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